Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @meadow: I've been snoring too! Good thing I can't hear anything

  2. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: So nice to have firm arrive by date! (or firmer one then normal I should say!)

    @MMcAlli: I usually tell them to ask the baby and if they get an answer to let me know. My work actually asked everyone in our department for our hours until October! We have a 10 year contract but hours are figured out on a 6 month time period.... they've never asked for a 6 month chunk before - usually just one or two months - But it was hard for me because not knowing when Maternity leave will start and when I would return...

    In regards to the photos it's awesome that a lot of you have family that does photography! I'm the local family photographer (if you could really call me that) and did several photography classes in high school which is why I've always been so picky when looking for photographers!

    I haven't been snoring but I noticed my clenched teeth are back again. But I'm pretty sure it's stress, as I know I'm stressing out about getting things done!

  3. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Rkitty: are you going to ask a friend to take some photos? i might do that. cute about your first crochet blanket! do you still crochet?
    i'm snoring, too.
    Catomd: nesting is fun! pics of projects? freezer meals is a big deal, hope you have (had?) a great trip! crochet is way easy to learn! I taught myself on youtube (i learned when i was 5, and hadn't tried for like 22 years and then picked it up)
    alba: what are you making? pics? after my exam ( 3 1/2 weeks) i want to knit a bonnet and crochet a lovey! i love knit/crochet stuff!
    for maternity leave, i'm in school. june 20, i have to go back for 1 week, then i negotiated 4 weeks after that, i return july 25. week of june 20, MIL is coming to help watch the baby AT SCHOOL while I am at school (and the dean said I can nurse during lectures).
    hosp bag: boppy pillow (literally sent DH home for it last time!) simple toiletries, outfit to go home in (REALLY BIG ONE!, preferably stretchy dress and no pants), baby outfit to go home in (or 2), footprint kit if you're doing one, snacks, money for snacks, car keys, phone charger, phone, camera (so you don't have texts when you just want to take pics), list of people to call/announce--with phone tree (I plan to make this after my test, it was SO HELPFUL last time!), snack money, ID/insurance card etc.
    chapstick. cord blood donation box. paperwork (i'm bringing hospital registration stuff, labor mantra cards, breathing pattern stuff, etc) that's it. it's a small bag. and alba is right--a bag for all the stuff from the hospital!

    runnerd: i'm drained, too! I'm hoping energy kicks in the next 3 1/2 weeks! I need it!

    mrskrb: hugs. it is so hard on self esteem. all 3rd tri is "you're so small for x months" followed by the immediate next person saying "you're huge! Due any minute? twins!?" i can't handle it.

    starlitsky, for hospital, i recommend no pants (i had a c section last time, couldn't wear pants at all.... and i was so swollen from fluids i didn't fit back in the clothes i wore there--didn't even fit my flip flops and had to borrow hospital socks to wear to the car!

    meadow: i love hearing how the two babies kick and how different it feels! i love the baby hiccups! so cute! glad to hear you get a decent maternity leave.

    brownepiano: sorry you're feeling run down, too! can you work in a nap on lunch break or anything?

    mrs pink; may 27! wow!! that is very exciting. i hope your gallbladder stops bugging you, ouch!

    mrs champagne, only 13? WOW!!! i'm up 27 already, bummed, but it is better than last time. yay, new stroller, and painting! june 24!! ahh!

    i did my own newborn pics last time, they were ok.

    heartburn game is fierce. stressed about my exam to the point where i am literally forgetting how slow these last weeks went by last time, this time is going too fast! I need more study time!! BH contractions daily, napping mid day as possible to reduce contractions. headaches, too. feeling pretty good though!

    34 weeks. 3 1/2 weeks till exam time, stay in there baby... and knowledge! hahah. someone give me three 1/2 weeks of energy and memory!

  4. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @pastemoo: when you say "really big one" for your outfit to go home in, do you mean a big outfit, or that it's really important?? lol. And thank you for the no pants advice! I've been having second thoughts about my yoga pants because they are the compression kind so they are fairly tight around the belly. maybe I'll bring those plus a really loose outfit and see which one I prefer post partum since I really don't know what to expect!

    Hit 33 weeks today... just 6-7 weeks (or less) to go!! my friend who was due May 1 just had her baby 2 weeks early!

  5. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MMcAlli: Feeling generally good - I can feel myself moving more slowly. My feet though - oh boy are they swollen! This week has been particularly bad. The past couple weeks it has been off and on - this week - daily big big swollen feet. Tonight I caved and wrapped them in ice packs while elevating.

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @starlitsky: lol, large size outfit.

  7. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @pastemoo: Good luck studying! I'm only working a little bit at this point so I mostly SAH with my energetic toddler. His nap time is always my down time, so I do get a break during the day.

    I'm starting to feel crunch time for getting house projects done, but I made a massive list and we've been slowly working away at it. 6 more weekends to get stuff done doesn't feel like a lot right now. Painting is ein the list for this weekend!

    33w 2d

  8. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @pastemoo: good luck on your exams!!

  9. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm glad your Dean is so flexible and that you can bring the baby to class! That's wonderful! I was making a baby blanket, but it is a big larger than originally intended, so it's more like a toddler blanket at this point. It's my first project. I might make a cute bear hat next.

    I totally am starting to feel like it's crunch time. We don't have much set up in the nursery yet, but then again we don't need much at first. My parents are giving us my father's and brother's beautiful solid wood bedroom set. They are getting it refinished and it won't be ready until mid May. So I figure we have the month to prep the room (move the desk into our bedroom and the full bed into our finished basement). Luckily since this is #2, we have everything else we basically need!

  10. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @meadow: yesterday was the first day I felt like I was actually starting to waddle lol - too early for that!! Ha!

    @brownepiano: I need to get my list on paper!! FX we finally finish painting nursery this weekend

    @Alba4: it feels so odd this time - we have barely bought anything for #2; seems like so much less fanfare as we prepare for him!!

    Ugh - my feet and hands were achy and swollen last night worse than any other times this pregnancy; it was also 85 degrees in the afternoon so may have been the culprit. Not ready to swell!

    -31 weeks today!!! Close yet so far far away

  11. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    So they had to push my appointment with the OB doing my csection out from Friday to a Monday... So I think based on the "four weeks" thing required for my tubal consent, I don't think the 27th will work- maybe looking more at that week of Memorial Day lol

    My growth scan is scheduled for Next Friday- so we'll see how she's maintained (or hopefully exceeded?) her growth pattern!

    Did I mention that she's transverse? I know it doesn't matter anyway but I've been wondering if anyone else has babies that are still all wonky? I can't remember when it was that #1 flipped

  12. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: As of 2.5 weeks ago, baby was transverse too! It most likely won't matter for me either! I've read it may be due to my inactivity and lack of Yoga. My DS1 was head down and stayed down...

  13. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: My baby is still breech here according to my Dr at my 32 week appt. I'm 33 weeks now and I'm pretty sure I still feel her head up by ribs.

  14. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @MrsKRB: could your doctor tell by feeling? I've wondered how they know without ultrasound.

    He was head down as of my 27 week u/s so hopefully he is staying that way. LO #1 was always head down.

    - 31 weeks

  15. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @runnerd: mine can tell by feeling-- and when they go to look for heart beat! I know because I can feel kicks on my left side but see the bump where her head/back seem to be on the right side!

    With the ultrasound for my gallbladder to check for stones, they could see her head in the scan, right by my right side of my ribcage

  16. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: yes he can tell by feeling, if she's still breech at 36 weeks then I will get another ultrasound.

  17. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Mine is transverse too - or it was at my last midwife appt three weeks ago (just based on feeling, no u/s). It feels much different than how I carried my last two, who were both head down and stayed that way from about 24 weeks on. The plus side is that I hardly have any reflux or heartburn, the downside is that it's harder to bend over as I have a short torso and I can literally feel myself crushing the baby between my rib cage and hip bones. I'm pretty sure it hasn't flipped yet but I really hope it does as I do not want a c-section!

    @Alba4: We haven't done anything to prepare for this baby yet either! I've half heartedly looked at a pack n play or bassinet style bed to have in our room for the first few months, but haven't even sorted that out yet. We have received a new playmat and a bouncer seat, and my mom has bought several newborn and 0-3 month outfits in both genders for this baby, but beyond that, we're totally unprepared.... Not feeling any energy or motivation to get sorted either, yikes!

    I'm feeling completely zapped of energy, which then means being completely zapped of patience to deal with my toddler and preschooler....just so tired all the time! We did just move back into our house after six weeks with the in laws whilst having major home renovations done. The plus side is that our new open plan kitchen/diner/sunroom is amazing, the bad news is that masonry dust got absolutely everywhere so it has been a monumental task getting everything clean and the house back in order!

    Can't believe we're almost into May and then our month is next! Anyone else still in a state of flux regarding names? We have a couple we like but aren't 100% certain on any of them.....

    On a different note, my two DDs are super excited about this baby - they constantly hug and kiss my belly, and my preschooler tells me all the time that she's going to give the baby the biggest hug when it comes out of my belly. They both also tell the baby all the time how much they love it - it is quite possibly the cutest thing ever and I can't wait to see them both with their new sibling!

    Hope everyone else is feeling well and not suffering from the major case of irritability that seems to have struck me!

    ~31w 2d

  18. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Ree723: this whole pregnancy I've been irratible! I never used my horn so much in my life!

    I ended up at urgent care this morning with what the doc says is Strep. and it looks like my hubby has it too... so I hope you all have a better weekend then I will be!

  19. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Ree723: so glad I'm not the only one who has done and plans to do next to nothing to prepare for this baby lol. Poor second child! Makes me feel like I'll be ok since you have already been there before with 2!

  20. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: At my appointment yesterday, the doctor said one of the babies is draped across the upper part of my belly and I personally think the other is head down -- I'll find out more on May 2nd when I have my next ultrasound. But that second baby feels like it has fingers touching my lower belly and last weekend I thought I felt it hiccuping! The transverse baby had a heartbeat on my left upper belly and I get kicks on my right upper belly - so the "draped across the top" description seems realistic

    @REE723: Glad that your renovations are complete and you love the house - boo to doing all that cleaning - ugg! I can't imagine tackling that at this point in pregnancy! Also - super cute about how your DDs are loving on the baby

    My doctor gave me the thumbs up to pick up compression stockings - as long as they were thigh highs - so I ordered some on Amazon last night - and surprise, they came midday! So I have been testing out one of the pairs today. They were pretty funny to put on - will definitely need my husband's help in the near future to wrangle them on....but they do feel good as far as holding my legs in and forcing my feet to not get super huge and painful! I wonder what will happen when I take them off in a couple hours - I kind of imagine my legs going POOF and swelling up instantaneously

    Good friends of ours gifted us their changing table with dresser drawers today. When they brought it over they also helped us with some furniture rearranging which was so helpful (since I'm not really helpful in that department at this point!). I think my husband's anxiety about getting things setup is starting to wane which is good! Next project to tackle is the "stuff" from our shower. Last night we went through everything - got rid of tissue paper and sorted things into categorical piles (clothing, toys, feeding, bedding, etc). Next up will be actually organizing it into the kids' closet or other parts of the house.

    I know most people were on the "outfit" train weeks ago, but I'm just starting to think about a "going home" from the hospital outfit for the kiddos. Do you think I should buy gender neutral outfits for each kid or should I buy something gendered (one set of girl clothes for each and one set of boy clothes for each) with the plan to return or re-gift the unused gender? At the advice of friends I figure that I will pack 2 outfits per kid for leaving the hospital for the inevitable diaper explosion that will happen as soon as I dress them :-p.

  21. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @meadow: yay for starting to get organized! We will be able to set up our changing table/dresser next weekend and I'm excited to nest!

    I'm with you and haven't got my coming home outfit figured! The practical, neutral loving, lazy side of me says to find some adorable coordinating gender neutral outfits old navy has had some cute ones lately

  22. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @meadow: like these!

  23. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Ree723: oh I've been super irritable lately!! I'm pretty good on the weekends, and with engaging my toddler if he is behaving, but not so much when he tantrums and says "no" to every question I ask, which seems like constantly lately!


  24. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @RKitty: Oh boo!! Strep is the worst, hope you and your DH are both feeling better now

    @catomd00: Lol, yeah, the second child always gets the shaft (says a second child all grown up now!). We set up a PnP in our room and a change table with the newborn essentials for DD2 when she was born, and that was it! And then just winged it from there, all good!

    @meadow: How fun to go through all your shower gifts and start getting things organised! I haven't sorted out coming home outfits either, but I know I'll have a couple of boy outfits and a couple of girl outfits so I'm prepared either way. Now if it were twins, like you're having, I'd probably do gender neutral outfits and have gender specific hats or other accessories to put on them once they were born. So exciting to have a TG twin mama in our group!

    @runnerd: Those outfits are ADORABLE!! I wish we had Old Navy here.... And yeah, the irritability blows, especially with toddlers who just seem to know that mama does not have the energy or patience to engage in a battle!

    We leave for our babymoon on Thursday and whilst I'm super excited about a long weekend in Paris, I'm seriously kicking myself for not planning it a bit earlier in pregnancy! I was fine until a couple of weeks ago but I've been dragging so much lately, and so utterly devoid of energy, that the thought of a 'get up and go' kind of holiday has me already feeling exhausted. Sorry, total first world problem here, I know, I just want to really enjoy this much needed time away with DH and not feel tired and irritable, ha!

  25. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @meadow: I would probably bring gender specific outfits, but only because I don't really like gender neutral outfits. If you can find cute ones though then that might be easier!

    @Ree723: Oooh Paris! Hopefully you will have a good mix of relaxation and fun, and you will be rejuvenated a bit

  26. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Is any one able to tell what body parts they feel? I think I can feel the head, but really I have no idea!


  27. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @runnerd: Thanks for the cute neutral ideas!

    @Ree723: Hope you find a burst of energy before your babymoon. I felt like I was dragging recently and realized I wasn't eating enough meat. The day after I had some I was back to myself.

    @MrsKRB: I don't have much of a clue - but when I feel something roundish and hard I figure its either a butt or head. Usually I decide butt. But that could just be because its funnier


  28. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @MrsKRB: I'm pretty sure lo is head down because of hiccups. I often feel his butt near my ribs or at my side. Other than that I'm not sure. I often get kicks in the ribs but I'm not sure if it is feet or knees.

    @ree723: That sounds great! If it gives you any hope, I've had zero energy or patience for a while. But my mil took DS for my birthday weekend and I found that a day without a toddler was much easier than a day with. I actually almost felt normal!

  29. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    What's more realistic to bring baby home in....... onsie with the neckline that stretches open ... or a one piece footie outfit with zipper/snaps?

  30. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @meadow: for the first month, I preferred zippers/snaps.

  31. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    re: coming home outfit

    I bought this newborn lot on ebay (I missed the deadline for the cute Etsy custom ones) I'm hoping it won't be too warm, but I feel weird not having her dressed when we leave you know? I figure I can use most of these pieces around the house too, which we keep pretty cool in the summer LOL

  32. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @meadow: I brought ds home in a onesie and pants and plan to do the same this time. Then back to sleepers the onesie had his name on it and was so cute. I plan to do the same for his sister and she can wear the same pants he wore it was a bit tricky getting a newborn into a onesie. Especially for my husband who had never held a baby before and was the one doing it 😬😂

  33. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @meadow: last time we had two zip up sleepers for DS. This time I am taking two snap sleepers because I discovered I like snaps better for the beginning. I picked out my two favorite from DS and I'm actually really excited to use them again so I don't feel too bad.

  34. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Alba4: @Mrs. Pink: @Mrs. Champagne: @brownepiano: Thanks ladies! I am finding very few kimono style.....and started thinking how the zipups (or snap ups) would be the same convenience as far as not going over their heads and we'd have more choices.

  35. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    I had a great appointment today! My placenta has moved even more and is no longer touching the cervix, but is still close to it. My Dr. seems confident it will continue to move, but I won't know for another 4 weeks! No c-section was scheduled😊! Baby also moved to head down position. He is still measuring ahead and is supposedly 4 1/2 lbs! It was a positive appointment!

    I hope everyone has a good week! I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. I'm now starting to feel the need to read more baby books or to at least refresh my memory on the newborn stage. We are all getting closer!

  36. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: so cute!

    @Alba4: great news!!

    Re: going home outfits - I'm bringing a romper and a sleeper (in case it's chilly).

    I've been waiting to feel hiccups and now I feel them several times a day! Do you think it's bad if she's hiccuping that much?

  37. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Alba4: great news!! I'm sure that's a relief!

    I tell DH at least once a week that I don't remember how to care for a newborn

  38. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    So wait a minute - is my math shoddy, or are some of us 35 weeks now? That's getting into the territory where it wouldn't completely be out of norm for someone to have an early baby!!

  39. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Love all the going home outfits & inspiration outfits. I haven't decided yet on what my little guy will be coming home in. I'm still on the hunt. :))

    @MrsKRB: I hope it isn't a bad thing, my little guy does it SEVERAL times a day, I would say at least 3 sometimes 5 times a day! They last anywhere between 5 to 45 minutes long. I did read that hiccupping was a sign of good lungs. I may mention it to my OB at my appointment Wednesday & let you know what he says. Never hurts to ask.

    ETA: Nothing new here. I go see my OB Wednesday.

    Hope everyone is doing good!


  40. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Alba4: awesome!!

    @MrsKRB: I feel them all the time too! They have them a lot as newborns too, if I recall correctly.

    @runnerd: I think I'm due last and I'm almost 31 weeks!! So probably some are 35!! Crazy

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