Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @meadow: usually a lot on a row, for about a minute. They are really steady and rhythmic and last for a while. I've never actually timed them though.

  2. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @brownepiano: ok cool. Thx!!

  3. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I've been having wicked dizzy spells lately-- and of course the odd gallbladder pains if I eat the wrong thing, which varies-- but honestly, it's not too bad considering!

    I can't believe it's only about 8 weeks to go- since they'll likely do my csection at 39 weeks... hard to believe!

    still no name

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    No name is ok! We have time!

    Congrats on two more GD test passes!

    Still reading, just saying hi.

  5. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Nesting is in full effect, but I'm so exhausted from it! This weekend I sterilized bottles, washed all our baby gear and made 6 freezer meals! Wish I had a nursery to put together! Oh well, it's probably a better use of my time doing this other less fun stuff anyways. Hoping we get our new floors installed this week so I can do a deep clean downstairs before I get much bigger. The contractor doing our floors is also fixing our dryer, so once that is done I'm doing some major washing! I have all DDs 0-6 month clothes sorted by size and what needs an overnight soak for stain removal and what needs a regular wash. Trying to do as much prep work in advance while i have the urge!

    We are going on our babymoon this weekend and I can't wait! I'm exhausted and looking forward to some much needed relaxation, spa pampering and time away from DD.

  6. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @catomd00: good for you getting organized and ready. Better to get it done now than when you're bigger and more uncomfortable.

    I'm starting to see the slightest linea negra on the upper half portion of my belly! We'll see if it turns to a whole line like last pregnancy.

    I had a 24 hour stomach virus this weekend, but luckily it was all lower stomach issues (I really hate throwing up). I had a lot of Braxton Hicks too which was freaking me out. I even called my Dr to make sure I shouldn't be alarmed (he said to lie down, hydrate, and call back if the Braxton hicks were in regular 8 minute patterns, which they weren't). I am on the mend now, but am still on the BRAT diet and drinking a ton of water and Gatorade to stay hydrated.

    How is everyone feeling?

    Since being on modified bedrest, I've taught myself to crochet and am currently working on a blanket for baby. It's fun to make and kind of meditative!

  7. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Alba4: I was just telling DH I can't believe I don't have a line yet! I had it last time before I even got pregnant haha and nada now! Fine by me.

    Hope you feel better soon a stomach bugs are no fun, especially while pregnant!

    I've always wanted to learn to crochet so I can stop paying etsy to do it! Is it easy to learn?

  8. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @catomd00: so easy!! I found some tutorials on YouTube and bought a book. I only know basic stitches, and I'm making a super simple blanket. Do it!!

  9. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Yay for passing results on the GD Test!

    @catomd00: Nesting for the win.

    @Alba4: I started seeing my Linea Negra a couple weeks ago, but mine is below my belly button. Oh yuck on the stomach bug. Glad you are on the mend.

    So I have been having the urge to go ahead with packing my hospital bag & his bag. May just be a FTM thing, but I'm going to go with it. :)) Do any of you second/third time moms have any MUST HAVES recommendations for the hospital/labor bag? I'm also on the hunt for a going home outfit for Little Guy. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for though. I know I want something simple & that he will be comfy in. So we will see what I end up finding.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! We are all getting closer! :))


  10. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @catomd00: ugh I'm jealous! I feel so rundown from taking care of my toddler that I can't bring myself to do anything but nap and watch tv in my downtown. my to do list just keeps getting longer!

    @Alba4: I never got the linea negra last time, so I'll be surprised if it shows up this time!

    @MMcAlli: gosh, I can't even remember what I packed. I do wish I had packed better yoga pants, etc. I had shorts mostly, then LO ended up in NICU so I was prancing around the hospital showing way more skin than I would have liked.

  11. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    We had our baby moo this weekend, it was ok, I'm not really a fan of prenatal massages though! Also, everywhere we went I was getting comments on being due any day now, and are you sure there's not 2 in there? So I was pretty down all weekend.

    @catomd00: love getting everything done! Have fun on your baby moon!

    @MMcAlli: I will probably get started on my bag too. No harm in being over prepared!

  12. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @MMcAlli: I totally overpacked for the hospital last time!! Bring your phone, charger, lip balm, travel-size toiletries, flip-flops for the shower, and nipple cream if you plan to BF. I wore a hospital gown Until I changed to go home. Plus the hospital gives you soooo much to take home (mesh underwear and pads, care for down under, swaddles, sitz bath, etc) so you may need an extra bag.

  13. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @runnerd: what do you mean by better yoga pants? I just got a pair from Athleta that are fairly supportive/on the tight side in the belly area -- is that a bad idea? Should I get some that are looser?

    @MrsKRB: aww sorry to hear you were feeling down! People can be so insensitive!

  14. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @starlitsky: oh you are good I had a crappy target pair in gray, that barely fit by that point in pregnancy definitely wish I had gotten some bigger black ones

  15. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @runnerd: oops i just realized my phone autocorrected "tight" to "right" lol. updated it in my previous post. hmm maybe i'll bring two pairs of pants and see which ones feel comfier at that point. I have a feeling I'm going to over pack! haha

  16. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Alba4: I found crochet impossible to learn at first like 10 years ago. It turns out I hold my yarn tight and stitch really tight so the hook was driving me batty. About year later after that failure I learned to knit and did that for several years which taught me to relax. I went back to crochet about a year ago and it's way easier now that I can control my yarn better! I still don't do fancy things but I can do the basics of both. Best thing when learning either one is to use plain yarn and do just scarves, dish rags, or simple blankets till you've master the basic stitches.

  17. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @catomd00: Wow you were sure busy this weekend!!!!

    @Alba4: BOOOOO to the stomach virus....I can't begin to imagine how YUCK that is with being pregnant let alone worrying about contractions...yikes. Glad you are feeling better though
    I love that you are crocheting! I love to knit - most of the past few years have been baby blankets and hats for friends. I have one blanket done and am trying to get my butt moving on blanket number two for my own babies - but I'm getting nervous if I will actually finish! Both knitting and crocheting are such wonderful ways to relax and focus in on something! I also like doing it while watching TV - makes me feel more productive ;). I'm not so great at crochet - but I can do some basics. It's funny how many people are more into one vs the other!

    @MMcAlli: I've been having a similar packing urge - I TOTALLY know I'm going to overpack....So far I've made a list, but not actually put anything together (something I really want to do, but a fair amount is stuff that I can't really pack ahead - like I don't have travel sized toiletries at the moment - so I figure I'll just grab what's in the shower - so can't pack that. Clothes - are what I'm still wearing now, so can't pack those...etc. I have a pair of leggings and pair of yoga pants (looser legs) to bring with me for public (hallway walking/leaving/if we have to go to the NICU, etc) Then I'll probably grab some PJ bottoms if I want something other than the hospital gown in bed.

    @MrsKRB: Sorry you had a weekend. You are beautiful!!!

    Babies are kicking more today - which has been fun. Someone's got their foot close to my lower ribs again and keeps trying to sneak under them - hah. I might have made a batch of chocolate chip cookies to bring to work tomorrow.....and 6 cookies might not have made it into the plate for work. OOPS. haha.


  18. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Alba4: And Bleh about the virus you had. I'm so paranoid about getting sick right now!

    @meadow: I made cupcakes last night for work... and I might be the reason I ran out of frosting before getting them all frosted.....

    I haven't even thought about my bag for the hospital..... I just look around the house and see a giant list of stuff I need to get done!

  19. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @RKitty: hahaha....that makes me so happy that I'm not alone 😛

  20. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @MMcAlli: the one must have for me was my own bath towel! The hospital ones suck! You really don't need a lot though - a going home outfit for you and baby, toiletries if you want to use your own, phone and charger, flip flops. My hospital provided everything I needed during the stay and I did t change out of the gown until I went home . I was in too much pain to move unnecessarily after. I'll probably throw one other comfy outfit in my bag just in case.

  21. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @runnerd: I feel so run down too. I keep taking my toddler out to play so I can get a break, but I also don't get anything done that way.

    I made a long list of stuff to do before baby... It's a little scary!

    @meadow: I only have one baby in here and my muscles feel bruised from the inside. I can't believe how you must feel!

    @mmcalli: I think the only non-negitiable for me is a phone charger and maybe some toiletries. I wore the same clothes home and everything else was provided. Oh and clothes for the baby! I saw a snap up sleeper with no feet ( but matching socks instead) that I thought would be perfect but I didn't get it. I still need to pick something out and fill out my paperwork for the hospital.

    32 weeks and so ready to be done!

  22. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    Great to read what the non-FTM have to say about hospital bags! Thanks for all the advice

    I think I felt hiccups for the first time this morning. They were super low - so I'm hoping that means there is a head down there instead of a butt (which is what we saw on the most recent ultrasound last week!).

    Weather is starting to warm up here - I just spent an hour or so outside with my husband while he did yard work and I kept him company


  23. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @catomd00: good idea - I think I'll pack my own bath towel!

  24. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    Hi ladies. Wondering how long of maternity leaves you are all planning to take? I'm bummed out. I took 4.5 months with DS1, but just found out from HR that my only options are to go back to work in Sept or Jan since I've already used my FMLA for the calendar year for my medical leave (modified bedrest). I cannot afford to pay 6 months of COBRA on top of 6 months unpaid leave, so I have to go back in September. Now I'm hoping for a c-section just so I can have more time with my baby. I originally wanted to go back in October.

    NY just passed a paid maternity and sick leave bill, but of course it won't go into effect until Jan 2018. Times like these doesn't make me too proud to be an American. It's just crazy that we don't have paid leave. Wah😢.

  25. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Alba4: I'm taking 12 weeks, but planning to work 10hr/wk from home the last 3 weeks to help cash flow a little better. I get 4 weeks pay @ 60% from STD, plus I'll cash in about 2 weeks PTO, so I just can't afford longer than that. If money was no object, I'd love 16 weeks yea, US maternity leaves are depressing


  26. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Alba4: I'm sorry I'm taking 16 weeks (10 weeks paid with std and pto).

    I had my baby shower yesterday! It was wonderful and made everything feel real and SOON! Now it's just time to nest and wait (and wait).

  27. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Alba4: I'm aiming for 12 weeks (9 weeks paid between PTO and disability, the rest unpaid). So returning in October. I already told my work July 1st is 100% my last day work. I figured if I'm late at that point I'll be 41 weeks and not wanting to work anyways... and it gives a bit of a firm date to work off. But even if kiddo comes a week or two early I might still just wait till Oct to go back...

    Thankfully I live in Washington State so we have the National FMLA and a state FMLA but it stacks after regular FMLA expires and its another 8 or 12 weeks so even if I go a bit over 12 weeks the state leave act kicks in.

    It sucks that your bed rest forced you use up your FMLA early. Stuff like that is stuck in the back of head trying to figure this out. I wish we had better maternity and sick leave coverage but at least we do have the FMLA!

  28. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @meadow: Yay for feeling hiccups. I feel them down low too. I have noticed my little guy gets them when I drink something cold! Weather is warm here in Georgia too. Husband worked on his car yesterday & I sat outside soaking up some Vitamin D watching him. It was so nice. I'm ready for pool time. :))
    @Alba4: I am doing 8 weeks full pay & coming back part-time until I am ready to do full time. Fortunately I will be able to bring my little guy to work with me anytime I come in which I plan to do for a year or so. It sucks that you've had to use up some of your time for bedrest. However, a healthy full term baby will make it worth it.
    @MrsKRB: Ah Baby Showers are so much fun! After my shower I was so ready. Having all those goodies just makes you that much more anxious. I will have another shower on April 30th. I am so ready for it just so I know what all I have left to get. I also have a feeling May will drag by.

    So my weekend was uneventful. After my doctor's appointment last week I was put on Procardia twice a day to slow down my contractions because they are still coming but fortunately I am not dilating.. The medicine does seem to space them out but doesn't completely stop them. My OB wants me to take them till 34 weeks and then he said he will no longer try to stop labor. Which I guess means I could have this little guy in May?! Or he may still just wait around till June to come. I really wish we got a notice like "You will go into labor on this day at this time" just dreaming over here. HA :))

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! We are getting so close!


  29. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @MMcAlli: April has been so busy for me that I'm sure May will crawl! How exciting that you could have your baby in a few weeks, do you feel ready? I hear you on wanting to know the exact date, I'm such a planner the unknown drives me nuts!

  30. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @MMcAlli: I know I wish we could get a better time of arrival. I have family out of town wanting to plan to come visit and they're like when should we come! And I'm like I have no clue, ask the baby! And my work wanted my hours for the summer and I have no idea how to plan that!

    Is anybody else planning to do newborn photos? I've started looking photographers but having troubles narrowing down my choices.

  31. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Alba4: I'm taking 12 weeks which is the max we are allowed. 7 weeks will be paid between PTO and STD. I may work PT from home the last few weeks. I did with my first and it was a nice transition back. But, we will see. I'm at a different company now so everything is new. Hoping to only return 4 days a week, but that depends on DHs job situation at that time.

    @RKitty: we are doing newborn photos. We did the typical staged and prop heavy ones with DD1, and I'm hoping for something more natural and family focused this time. I want a lifestyle shoot just not in my home! I loved the photos from my first but she has doubled her prices in two years, so I found someone else to do them for a more reasonable price. I'm definitely happy to have the photos from DD1, though! So not doing something wasn't an option.

  32. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @MMcAlli: That sounds pretty miserable, but having the baby early could be nice. I'm so tired of being beat up on the inside I keep hoping the baby will come early even though it would mess up a lot of plans.

    @alba4: I'm pt self employed so I'm planning on going back right away in September since I don't get PTO. How much I resume is up to me a little bit so if life is feeling hectic I might try to ease in more slowly. My last week is right before Memorial Day. I really wanted to teach one more week, but Memorial Day throws off my schedule and anything after that is too close to due date.

    @rkitty: Last time we did photos around 4 months because of scheduling problems. I actually really liked it that way in the end so we might wait till fall. I know a family friend who has reasonable rates so we'll probably ask her again.

    32 w 6 d

  33. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @RKitty: I would like to but I'm trying to find someone with reasonable prices. My friend actual told me Target does a good job?

  34. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @MrsKRB: Our target doesn't have a studio, I didn't even know they did it actually! But I've seen some really good photos at places like JC Penny's, and used them for other photos to good success before. So if your photo-studio has good recommendations it be worth checking out. But I'm a bit of photography snob so it's not my list for newborn photos.

    @catomd00: Yah... all the places I like the photos are crazy expensive! I've spent some time searching today and my favorite photographer is $600 for a 3 hour session!

    @brownepiano: I love the little photos of the wee ones wrapped in fabric... its one of the few baby things I really like, so I know I want to do newborn ones! I've found a few places that do packages for newborn, 3, 6, 12 months so I'm considering that option too.

  35. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Sorry I've been so absent! Catching up a bit--

    We're using the same photographer that did #1's newborn photos- I snagged a 20% discount for being the first person to book a session for June so we're getting a good deal!

    I've been having gallbladder flare-ups left and right now- the one I just got over lasted for 3 days- I don't have any stones but apparently your gallbladder can just not function right even without stones-- so I'm basically on a BRAT diet right now and will be until the baby is born so they can do the HIDA scan and then probably do the surgery sometime after...

    I think we're looking at May 27th or so for the csection-- but we're not 100% until I see the main OB in the office since he'll do my csection and tubal and the tubal consent forms have to be done 4 weeks in advance

  36. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I'm catching up too! How's growth going?

    Things are good here. Baby room painted. C section booked for June 24. Baby in 56th percentile still.

    Newborn pics - we did them w my son with a local photographer. She is amazing, but they were the super posed/propped ones and I might do more of a lifestyle shoot this time. My friend is an amazing photographer and has an awesome style so I think we will go with her.

    I'm feeling pretty good lately. Lots of baby movement. Up about 13 pounds. Hoping to gain another 10 and no more! But who knows.

    We got our double stroller. City mini GT double. Ds only wants to use that now instead of the single; so we've tested it quite a bit. I love it!

    Hope everyone is feeling good!


  37. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: @Mrs. Champagne: fun that you now your c/s dates - must make it feel so real!!


  38. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @runnerd: yes it's so weird! Every Friday ticks down another week! This Friday will be 9 weeks left!

  39. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Alba4: I'm very lucky in that I'm going to go back to work at about Thanksgiving. Spending my sick days through the end of June and picking up with FMLA in September. It will be a long stretch, but I know it will be so hard to go back. I can't go back PT so I will be diving feet first into full time at that point! That really stinks about your bedrest eating up your FMLA time - but I agree - it is worth it for the healthy baby in the end!

    @MrsKRB: We had our baby shower this weekend too! How fun. It was fabulous and I am really grateful to the generosity of my friends/family! My husband was totally overwhelmed by all of the "stuff" and won't sit down to look at it with me (so we can organize and go through it). Hopefully before the end of the week we can do that so it isn't all sitting in our living room in a pile anymore

    @MMcAlli: Glad to hear you're not dilating! Keep that cervix shut! haha.

    @RKitty: I honestly hadn't really thought about newborn photos. A niece of my Great Aunt (I don't know what that makes us...3rd cousins????) went to school for photography and has been working as a photographer for weddings, etc for 2 years or so.....She has done some baby shoots - so maybe I could look into having her take them. But I don't see myself spending a boat load of money.

    @Mrs. Pink: Ugg on the flare ups - I hope things settle down soon!

    @Mrs. Champagne: Funny to see you mention 13lbs --- I'm up 30lbs at this point! Haha! Glad your DD loves her stroller. I can't wait to use ours

    Finished up our childbirth class tonight and starting a 2 part class on BFing tomorrow night - I'm looking forward to that! Knowledge is power!!!! haha.

    Babies are kicking a lot lately. This morning at work my belly did some alien stuff while I was sitting down (usually that kind of behavior is reserved for evenings :-p)

    My husband says I have become a snorer. I believe it since I certainly feel more congested lately. Oh well!


  40. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @MrsKRB: Ready for a newborn? Eh, I am a little nervous, I won't lie. Ready to not be pregnant? Heck Yes! lol

    @RKitty: I have been asked "Do you think it's ok for us to go out of town this weekend? Do you think he will come then?" Ugh, I have no idea people. It's funny your work wanted to know your summer hours. Like we are wondering just like the rest of you. As for Newborn Photography, my MIL does photography on the side so I think I will be just fine with whatever pictures she takes because HOLY COW at the price of Newborn Packages.

    @brownepiano: I agree with the whole being beat up from the inside. Whew, I feel like I'm growing a UFC Fighter or something. :))

    @Mrs. Pink: Boo on the flare ups.

    @meadow: My husband was overwhelmed with all our goodies too. I was so excited. :)) However, I can only imagine all the goodies for twins. Wow I don't blame him for being overwhelmed.. So how have you been feeling? I know with twins you're approaching "full term" sooner than the rest of us.

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