Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    A friends sister in law delivered about 4 weeks early because her baby stopped growing. I don't know all the details just that he had stopped growing so they were concerned and scheduled a c-section. He was born just shy of 5lbs which is what they though he would weigh. Perfectly fine outside of being tiny, but the hospital wouldn't release him till he reached 5lbs.

  2. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I'm sorry you got scary news. Hang in there. Your doctors will do what is best for baby. Sending ❤️.

  3. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Hope everything turns out okay with your baby, keep us updated! Sending love and well wishes

  4. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    a non update update- I haven't heard back from the doctor yet-- so I'm starting to think it was a "we'll call you if we need you earlier but if not, sit in Limbo until Monday" was what they meant by "we'll call you once we hear from him"?

    I know that the worry probably made that less clear for me- but I'll let you guys know if anything changes before Monday-- and for sure what I hear on Monday

    I'm between 34w + 3 or 34+5 depending on which due date they go by

  5. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Don't you love how doctors leaving you hanging like that! Im sure everything will be fine! One the gals in my birthing class this weekend is getting induced this week due to baby not growing.

    I finally caved and order a bunch of maternity pants this last week.... I haven't had jeans to wear in a couple of months...and they arrived today so I'm running around jeans and it's so nice to not be in a skirt or tights!

  6. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @RKitty: no kidding- especially when it's not a minor thing like, can I take cough medicine? 😂

    I've been living in Lularoe leggings- since I'm short, the waist band goes plenty high enough to be like full panel maternity leggings 😂😂

    I've actually contemplated just ditching jeans and maybe only keeping my favorite one or two pairs haha

  7. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @RKitty: I'm impressed that you held out this long before buying maternity pants. I was wearing them by 12 weeks!

  8. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I'm trying get in touch with some Lularoe leggings but I need to try them before buying them. Im tall so many legged things don't fit me :c

    @Alba4: I wore mine till like week 16ish then belly band them for longer. I should have bought some weeks ago but it's impossible to find maternity pants that are tall and plus sized. I had to wait till I could get Capris or long shorts. And I'm to cheap too so waited for a sale lol!

    But I'm tall and my first kiddo so I donto have much of a bump and I can even disguise it away if I want to. I get a lot of comments about how little I'm showing

  9. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Hang in there! Maybe you can do something fun today to get your mind off it.

  10. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @runnerd: I just noticed that my phone must have autocorrect the other day to the babies being in a "TV" position, but I meant a "T" position...haha

    @runnerd: @Dr. Pepper: I would have worked up until the event if I was having a singleton, but decided that with twins I wouldn't be a hero...haha

    @Dr. Pepper: Your trip sounds like it was really nice!! Well deserved rest

    @Mrs. Pink: :HUGS:

    @rkitty: I am thoroughly impressed that you have survived in the belly band. I used it for like a *weekend* before I couldn't stand having two parts - haha.

    I planted some flowers with my husband yesterday to jazz up our front porch area. It will make it so much happier to sit out there over the summer with the babies or when my mom comes to visit. We have been slowly organizing our baby supplies - I feel sort of like my husband is nesting more than I am - haha. He washed a bunch of clothes today for the babies!

    I'm really excited for tomorrow's growth scan - I haven't seen the babies in about 4 weeks and after this appointment I switch over to weekly at the high risk OB.

    My stomach felt very heavy last night when I was sleeping - like it was pulling painfully and I couldn't find a comfy position Hoping tonight will be better! Also one of the babies keeps poking sort of out of my lower abdomen each morning and occasionally during the day ( like right above my panty line area.....) I'm hoping its a head not a butt....but we'll see tomorrow. It is very weird because except when the baby is centered - I wind up with this weird awkward bump on one side -hahaha.


  11. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! I was pretty productive and got a lot of the 0-3 month and blankets washed. Tons of soaking in Oxi clean to get the yucky yellow stains from DD out! I had to do it at my Inlaws since our dryer is broken and I didn't want to wait until next week when it's fixed, so My Saint of a MIL is finishing up the rest for me this week. Now to find a place to put it all since we don't have nursery furniture yet. We deep cleaned our downstairs and next weekend we will do the upstairs!

    On the downside, I def developed SPD yesterday and I am in so much pain I can barely walk. I have no idea how I'm going to go to work tomorrow, let alone for the next few weeks. I was already really upset that it's getting harder for me to carry DD, but now it's not an option. I guess I'll call my doc tomorrow but idk what if anything they will even be able to do for me. Anyone else dealing with this? Any ideas for relief?

  12. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @catomd00: Oh no! SPD does NOT sound fun!!! I don't have any advice - but sending positive thoughts your way!! Must feel great to have gotten all that laundry done!

  13. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @catomd00: Can you get a support belt to help?

  14. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @avivoca: I just saw these in my googling, I'll try anything at this point!

  15. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @starlitsky: Such a great U/S picture, so so precious!!
    @RKitty: I hope your cold/virus has gone away. I was fighting one last week too. I felt like I was going to cough this baby out. Luckily mine seems to have passed. Yay on maternity clothes. I've been in them some time now. Now that it's warm I am living in dresses. So so comfy.
    @Mrs.Pink: Hate you're having this extra worry. I hope you get some good news from your doctors today!
    @Meadow: Have fun seeing your little ones at your appointment today!
    @Catomdoo: Oh nooo, SPD sounds awful. I have heard too about the support bands. Hopefully it will help out some. We don't have too much longer, hang in there!

  16. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    AFM: I had a lovely baby shower this weekend, got lots of more goodies. I feel like all we are missing now is our Little Guy. I need to do some washing & organizing but besides that we are ready. I have been feeling very uncomfortable the past couple of days, it hurts to sit, hurts to stand, blah. My next appointment is next week, they are going to do the GBS Swab & check me. I'm a little nervous about the GBS swab. I wasn't aware they did a rectum swab too. Ehh. Besides me whining there is nothing new here. I cannot believe we are in May now. We are all getting so close! :))


  17. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @catomd00: oh no I'm sorry I hope you can find something to help you out for these next few weeks

    @MMcAlli: I freaked out when I heard about the rectal swab too! Didn't you say you were going to stop taking the medication that prevents labor soon?

  18. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @RKitty: how tall are you? I'm 5'7" with a long torso. My bump has been small up until now but I think I'm finally starting to show more!

    @meadow: yay for growth scan!! Report back on how the babies are doing!

    @catomd00: I think my recent aches and difficulty walking is SPD too! It's making it really hard to get anything done. I feel like I'm 90 years old. I'm going to talk to my doctor too.

    @MMcAlli: yay for baby shower! We just had ours yesterday too and it was so nice to celebrate with everyone! Now I need to sort through all the gifts and get the thank you notes out!


  19. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I spent most of yesterday sorting baby clothes and getting everything I could ready for "just in case" which actually took my mind off things a lot- my MIL stayed the weekend and kept the toddler from being too underfoot so I got to plug in headphones and just go for it lol

    Still a few things left (pack our hospital bag and install the car seat) but that's about it!

  20. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    So I called my doc this morning and she said it's likely SPD but to go to L&D to make sure. So here I am wasting a precious PTO day while I get Tylenol and a heat pack. I'm so annoyed. I really just wanted a PT consult and a note to WFH since laying down is much better than sitting. Instead, I get a check for dilation despite me saying I'm 100% not in labor and since I'm 1.5cm and 30% effaced (sounds normal at 36 weeks with #2 when my first came at 38w) I need to stay here for 2 hours so they can recheck. I could have done this shit at home and asked my boss to WFH. At least then I wouldn't have had to pay for parking. Ugh! This is why I never call my doctor unless it's an emergency!

  21. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @catomd00: Oh no! I'm so sorry! That's the worst I hope you get to go home soon, with a WFH note and a referral for a physio, and most importantly, I hope you start feeling better soon!
    @Mrs. Pink: Glad you're feeling on top of things and hope you hear back from your doctor today!
    @starlitsky: Such a sweet baby picture!! Glad you had a great shower yesterday!
    @MMcAlli: Yay for a great shower and having everything you need now for your little guy! I only had to have a GBS swab with my second, not my first for whatever reason, and the swab is just done around the area, not actually 'up' anything, or at least that was the way my practice did them! Still, not the most fun thing in the world!

    @meadow: can't wait to hear how today's growth scan goes and what position the babies are in! Well done for planting flowers this weekend! I've been trying to get out in my garden, as I love it, but bending over to plant things is so uncomfortable right now. Well done to you for doing it with two babies in your belly!
    @RKitty: I'm impressed you lasted this long without maternity pants! I'm so over mine and can't wait to never wear another pair of maternity pants again!

  22. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    AFM - all is going well, just feeling massive at the moment! I don't think I got this big, nor this uncomfortable, until the last couple of weeks with either of my DDs, but with 7.5 weeks to go, I am feeling like a whale. We had our babymoon in Paris this weekend, which was lovely, but in hindsight, a walking holiday at this stage of pregnancy was maybe not my most brilliant idea! I've been so sore and achy, and my belly feels like it weighs a million pounds, so I think I might need a holiday to recover from this one

    Just ordered my first things for this baby last week (a baby bath support) but still need the essentials, like a cot to go in our room (I'm not ready to evict our 2 yr old from her cot yet!), and decide for sure if we're going straight to a convertible car seat or buying an infant carrier. My mom and MIL have been buying things for the baby as well, so we're not totally unprepared, but definitely not ready for this baby to arrive any time soon! Really wish I hadn't gotten rid of ALL of our baby stuff, thinking we were done at two! Ha!

    Next midwife appt next Monday - hoping to hear our transverse baby is head down (I think it is but can't really tell...). Hope everyone else is doing alright!

    ~32w 5d

  23. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @meadow: I used the belly band a lot in place of the rubberband around the button trick. Some pants worked better then others though!

    @MMcAlli: Thanks, still fighting the cold but it's way better then it was. I think I finally see the end. I've been in nothing but dress and tights for several weeks now so pants were a nice relief!

    @starlitsky: I'm 5'12'' and plus sized so my bump gets passed over easily when I'm wearing loose clothes.

    @Ree723: I lasted this long in part because I was too cheap to get them before now, but I need more then five outfits to wear!

    @catomd00: I really hope you get some pain relief soon, I had a pulled muscle earlier that mimic SPD so I can only imagine the pain you're in. And I feel you about losing PTO days to being in doc.

  24. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @MrsKRB: Glad I'm not the only one who freaked out. Yes, I get to stop taking my Procardia now. My doctor said at this point it doesn't really prevent labor if it's actual labor. So we will see what happens.
    @starlitsky: Yes, it is fun to celebrate with everyone! I hope you got lots of goodies. After separating everything out we have WAY too many 0-3 onsies, so I plan on taking them back to trade in for bigger sizes. I don't blame everyone for buying the cute small stuff though. :)) Those little outfits are hard to resist!
    @Mrs. Pink: Glad to hear you had a good day of preparing for the "just in case".
    @catomd00: Ugh! I hate that. I get why they want to monitor you but it can be very frustrating waiting & waiting & waiting. Pretty cool to hear you're already making some progress though!
    @Ree723: Oh really? That is nice to hear! I hope that is how my practice does them. My OB definitely didn't tell me what would be swabbed just that I would be swabbed. Google informed me of what would be swabbed. Can't wait to hear how your appointment goes next week. Hoping for head down report!

  25. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @catomd00: ahh I feel you on "wasting" a PTO day! I had to take a sick day last week because I came down with a cold and needed to stay home from work and I was like nooo I need my sick days to use for maternity leave! haha. I sent my OB a note this morning about my possibly having SPD and haven't heard back yet.

    @Ree723: thank you! And I don't feel ready for baby either although we did get a lot of stuff at the shower... but I'm telling myself babies don't really NEED that much stuff, so once the car seat arrives this Thursday I'll feel like we're pretty much ready!

    @MMcAlli: I got a ton of tiny outfits and probably more newborn diapers than we need too! I think I'll wait to see how big the baby is before exchanging most of the stuff though... I'm thinking I can just send the hubby out to do the exchanging since I probably won't be very mobile postpartum!

    Ahhh can't believe we are in MAY now, ladies! June is so close!

  26. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MMcAlli: Yay for your baby shower - how fun! I'm not excited about the GBS swab either......Though I know I have been tested for GBS at a regular OB appointment a couple years ago when I mentioned I was TTC and I DO NOT remember there being any invasive rear-door swabbing action going on........so fingers crossed that Dr. Google was just freaking you out!

    @starlitsky: I'm working on the TY notes too! Somehow it feels like such a bigger undertaking than our wedding shower - but I think that's just because I'm "fatter" and slower these days

    @catomd00: Major UGHs for wasting a PTO day and sitting in the hospital...gah....hope you did get a letter allowing you to WFM here on out and I hope that you find a support brace that helps you to feel more comfortable!

    @Ree723: Haha - my planting antics were pretty funny. I was basically planting in a straight line across the front of our house. So I sat on my butt one leg bent in front of me (like cross legged) and the other just straight out to the side. Planted a few flowers....scooted my butt down a foot-ish....then planted a few more flowers...... repeat repeat....with a handful of times where I just turned sideways and let both legs lay straight to stretch out. There was no up and down or bending over ---- that would have put me over the edge!!! Also - My husband was a champ and did half of the planting along side me (we started at opposite ends of the edging and met in the middle).

    @RKitty: Glad to hear your cold is getting better!!

    AFM - my growth scan went great! Babies are growing right on schedule -- one measuring 4lbs2oz and the other 4lbs5oz. They each have good fluid levels and nice heartbeats They checked a bunch of other features..... but the babies weren't super cooperative so there was lots of banging and pushing on my tummy ....or asking me to roll to this side or that - which is unbelievably hard after lying on my back for 20+ minutes! haha.... As for the positions, the babies don't seem to have received the memo I sent them....instead they are both head up and sitting with their legs scrunched up by their butts. Their heads are nuzzled together still (which makes my heart melt!). Both babies are staring at my back/spine - so we didn't really get any good profile or 3D pics. So the weird protruding thing that has been coming out of my lower tummy especially in the morning is confirmed to be a butt. HAHA....

    So I still have hopes they will do a flip, but its getting less and less likely.....

  27. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Our growth scan was almost exactly the same- though I don't think it's have changed much in 4 days anyway?

    OB wasn't 100% happy with her heartbeat variations on the NST, although it was "good" it wasn't stellar so they are going to repeat on Weds, and it's looking like we'll have a baby on either Wednesday or Thursday this week- I'll be 35 + 2 or 35+3 depending on which day they choose

  28. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I'm procrastinating cleaning out my disaster of a car right now- I need to do that and run through the car wash (ok car wash is a want) before Weds so I'll probably do it tomorrow

  29. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: oh wow! Can't believe you might have a baby this week!! Keep us updated and hope everything goes smoothly!

  30. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Oh wow!!! How exciting that you will be meeting your little sweetheart so soon!

    Sending baby lots of positive thoughts and wishing you an uneventful delivery!

  31. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: yes, thinking of you! Keep us posted!

  32. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: oh goodness, thinking about you!!!

  33. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Thanks for the support and well wishes. They basically told me my pelvis is separating and there's nothing they can do. Will refer me to PT if it doesn't resolve after delivery. I contacted a PT on my own who recommended a support belt that should be here tomorrow. Thanks Amazon! Luckily my boss took pity on me and told me to WFH as much as I need to. I was hoping for a note from the doc to make me feel less guilty, but I need to just do what I need to do for myself at this point.

    I was 1.5cm and 30% effaced, which doesn't mean much but considering I had DD at 38 weeks after having no dilation at 36 weeks, I'm guessing I should plan on not going to 40w. I basically have everything I need done at this point, so I guess that's good! Just need to find a place to put all of baby's clothes now since we don't have a nursery yet. We are getting new flooring downstairs this week and then we will be as ready as we will ever be!

    @Mrs. Pink: look into mobile detailing. I just had my large SUV done inside and out for $45. Worth every penny, plus they will come to you at work or at home!

  34. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @meadow: I just got swabbed today so it's fresh in my mind - just around the outside! Not a big deal at all.

  35. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @catomd00: thx!!! Sry about your pelvis...yikes! Take it easy!!

  36. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: thinking of you!! I hope everything goes smoothly and your baby is healthy as can be!

    @catomd00: ugh I'm sorry glad you can wfh though!

  37. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @MMcAlli: at my OB you do the swab yourself!

    @Mrs. Pink: thinking of you!! You've made it pretty far so I'm sure she will be great! ❤

    I've been reading along but can't keep up with responding to everyone!

    Things are going fine here. Almost 32 weeks. I have an ultrasound next Tuesday to check growth again. Hoping she is still on her curve. We have picked a name I think! Middle name after my mom is the plan as well, so I'm excited about that!
    I got some amazing deals this weekend on stuff for baby... Cute clothes, snowsuit, shoes etc. Retail almost $400 and I paid $120!

    I've been trying to get ds to do more on his own because he loves when I carry him around and I won't be able to after my c section. My friend just had a c section and her recovery is going really well but she hasn't lifted her toddler once. I think that's going to be my goal at least for the first couple weeks!

    Is anyone having family come help after the baby is born? My mom is staying with ds while we are in the hospital and then as long as we need her! Thank god. DH will be sooo busy with work for about a month after the baby arrives so I'm glad she can come held with ds.

    Happy Tuesday ladies

  38. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: oh goodness! I couldn't imagine achieving weeks of not picking up my toddler!! He would be pretty pissed lol!

    DH will be home for 2 weeks, then I think MIL will come stay the next week to mostly manage my toddler for me.

  39. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: My mom wants to fly up right away, but I'm not sure I want her to? She would have to stay with us, and I kind of like the idea of it just being dh, me and the baby for a bit.

    Any second/third time moms have any advice? If you had someone stay with you was it helpful or stressful?

  40. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @MrsKRB: Before having DS I was super anxious about having people come and stay. But, it was a huge help to have my parents and in-laws clean up, make meals, do laundry, etc. Just be specific with your needs. My husband made a to-do list for his parents.

    @Mrs. Champagne: I haven't been able to pick up my 2.5 year old since January ! I promise it is not that bad, just a change of expectations. We have plenty of snuggle time, reading time, sitting on lap time (although space is limited these days)!

    Is anyone finding their older child to be super clingy lately? My son wakes up now and says he wants Mama. During meals he wants to sit on my lap. He has been asking for me to pick him up (even though I haven't in months). He is super focused on wanting Mama this past week. I wonder if he now senses everything is about to change.

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