Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Aww, that is hard.

  2. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @Alba4: I'm in the giant baby camp too. I had a growth ultrasound on Thursday at 34w2d because I'm measuring big. Baby was 2821 grams = 6.2 lbs = 6 lbs 3.3 oz!! Lord help me! My first was 8 lbs 10.9 oz born at 42 weeks.

    ETA- Two days before I had my first son we had an ultrasound and they estimated his weight at 8 lbs 10 oz- so they were right on that time.

  3. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Pregnancy has finally caught up to me! I had a huge burst of energy last week, but yesterday I took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, and then slept for 14 hours last night. Crazy unlike me! Here's to hoping that is a sign she is on her way

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @MrsKRB: Eeeee! Nesting and napping. My life.
    @Dr. Pepper: 8;bs 10 at 42 weeks isn't giant is it?

  5. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @pastemoo: I certainly didn't think so! Some of my doctors disagree, but my family makes big babies! I'm nervous though because my current baby is already over 6 lbs and only 34 weeks!!!

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: No use worrying now. Baby is either big or not big, nothing to be done.

    ETA my son was 8;bs 2oz at 40 weeks and "average" so... that's my frame of reference anyway

  7. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm just really hoping for a vbac and a cooperative baby that fits!!

  8. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I total forgot we live in the same town till I saw Z's blanket and I was like hey that's my hospital ... lol!

  9. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: Same! VBAC team love.

  10. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @RKitty: we do?!

    I don't think I realized we lived in the same town!

    I delivered at Trios- a friend gifted me premie clothes and the swaddle was in there!

  11. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: We do! Well maybe not the exact town.... but I'm registered at Kadlec. I've had to many people have bad experiences at Trios ER to go there, though I've heard great things about their labor/delivery department. I was also born at Kadlec so it seems fitting.

    We may have met at baby wearing evening meetings even... I've only made one so far but I looked and we're in the same groups on fb! If you'd like I'll send you a friend request.

    In regards to large babies and ultra sounds I've heard to that is pretty normal for them to be over 10-15% when judging weight.

    I'm expecting a large baby as my family grows them big and they've already commented that his legs are really long. ...

  12. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @pastemoo: @Dr. Pepper: DS #1 was 8lbs 3oz when he was born at 38 weeks 6 days. I'm just hoping I'll go on the early side. Heck they may still schedule a c-section early too.

  13. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @RKitty: yes please!
    I haven't been to any meetings in awhile- I stepped down as a volunteer because I wasn't sure how active/helpful if be with a newborn 😂

    My midwife/OB don't practice at Kadlec so I went with Trios, I had a good experience at both-- but I very strongly dislike the pediatrician that saw Z in the nursery... He was nice enough but it felt like he just wanted to "get her out of there" rather than give her time to be grown enough to be actually ready. Even the nurses said the Peds. like to push the babies too fast.

    Kadlec was less personal, but they took good care of us as well- C was born there! I felt like they more try to get moms to leave ASAP at Kadlec to free beds because they are so busy 😂😂

    But the NICU is amazing there- I'd have chosen to go to Kadlec if I could have foreseen that Z would need to be in after birth

  14. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    I took a bendaryl last night per doc suggestion for clogged ear - omg that is the first time I STTN in weeks!!!! Lately I've been having to change positions every 45min. It was glorious!!


  15. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: My doc can deliver at either hospital so it was personal choice. I was hesitant about Kadlec because I know they're busier and they have the construction going on this summer. But in the end I felt better about Kadlec then Trios.

    My friend who's nephew was born at Trios and must of been in the same Nursery as Z, but back in April, had the same experience with the Ped so I wonder if you guys had the same one!

    @runnerd: I was off my Zytrec for as long as I could, but about month ago I had to go back on it. I build up fluid behind my ears and it effects my balance so I figured Zytrec was better then a mom who couldn't walk straight... The first night I was on it was glorious - so much sleep!! I hadn't realized how much my allergies had been effect me and my sleep!

  16. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: that sounds wonderful! I always wake up feeling so hungover after Benadryl though!

  17. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @runnerd: Nice! That sounds amazing!@RKitty: Yeah, I've never had allergy issues but also had balance issues from so much water behind my ears, been taking flonase. Considering asking about benadryl at my appt tomorrow.

  18. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Also if you are on leave.... how do you fill your day? I am so bored! My boy is still in school, and I'm done. I don't know what to do with myself!

  19. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Birth story time!

    We got to the hospital for the induction at 8 am. Once I got settled in my room, the doctor came in and checked me. I was 3cm, 50% effaced and -2 station. It sounded like I was in for a long day! Around 9:30 they started the pitocin. At 11 the doc came in and checked again and I was 3-4cm, 50% and -1...a little progress. Contractions were manageable at this point but becoming more uncomfortable. Around noon I decided I'd get the epidural before things got worse! Anesthesia came in and placed the epidural. It took longer than my first to place and wasn't working. My husband couldn't be in the room for it, so he was outside wondering what was taking so long while they tried to push different meds and get it to take. Around 1:00 contractions were so painful and I was feeling pain between my legs. The nurse rushed to call the doc to check me and I was freaking out that my husband was going to miss the birth! Someone ran to find him. The doc checked me and it was go time -baby was right there! Anesthesia told me there was nothing they could do at that point, but my doc told them to give me a spinal. She did it super quick and it worked right away! They flipped me over, I did one set of 3 pushes and baby's head was out! A few more tiny pushes and she was born at 1:38 pm! She's 6lbs 7oz and 19inches. I had zero tearing and feel amazing! So much different than my first. Baby is doing great and nursing like a champ. She has a tongue tie that they'll evaluate today but I don't think it will give us any trouble. I'm still in disbelief how quickly it happened and that I almost had to go without meds ( my worst nightmare lol)

  20. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @catomd00: congratulations!!! So glad to hear your induction was quick and went smoothly.

  21. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @catomd00: wow that's crazy how fast you can progress! Congrats again!! Enjoy your new baby girl

  22. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @catomd00: that sounds amazing! I hope things continue to go well.

  23. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @runnerd: my doctor told me to take benedryl if I was really having a hard time sleeping. I usually avoid it although it does work. Last night I took some because I've been sleeping horribly and it did nothing! I was so frustrated!

  24. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm not on leave yet, but I'm worried about being bored out of my mind too! I plan on doing things that I won't be able to do when baby is here, like long trips to Target haha. Maybe get a pedicure? That will take all of an hour

  25. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @pastemoo: when I was WFH and had nothing left to do, I cleaned, did random projects ice been meaning to get to ,like hang DDs growth chart, Etc.), perused target solo, went to lunch with DH, watched TV lol. It was awesome!

  26. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @pastemoo: well, I've been home since Jan, so I have lots of suggestions. Read, nap, binge watch some shows (I have lots of suggestions), color, crochet/knit, organize the nursery, go for a walk. Most importantly sleep, since that is what you'll miss most once baby is here!

    @catomd00: So happy you had an easy birth.

  27. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @catomd00: sounds like everything went so well! Yay!!

    @pastemoo: oh man, my to do list is so long - I don't think I'd have any prob filling my days between that and napping but sadly I am still working lol

  28. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @brownepiano: it never helped me sleep with my first! I dunno, weird

  29. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Alba4: LOL. I can't sleep. I can knit like a half row of a bonnet at a time before my hands go numb. I am doing it, but it's slow.
    Recommend a show to binge watch?
    I could definitely read. Been doing a bunch of walking. Baby feels like she is falling out whenever I go so it's kind of anti-motivating to walk.

    @catomd00: Amazing birth story! Congratulations! So happy for you! I'm glad you're feeling so good and I hope your recovery continues to go this well. Yay!!

  30. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @pastemoo: I definitely haven't been bored while on leave! I think because I got started on the nursery late, I have plenty left to do. Also I run out of energy quickly so in between resting and napping (and walking/waddling super slowly lol) it takes me twice as long to do anything. Plus the weekly OB appointments and NSTs twice a week take up time too!

    We have our hospital tour today! Excited to check it out and find out exactly where I'll need to go.


  31. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @pastemoo: what kind of shows do you normally like? Scandal is one I enjoy binge watching, if you haven't seen it yet!

  32. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @catomd00: congrats!

    Ah no meds would have been my worst nightmare too!

    How'd you push with a spinal? I'm pretty sure a spinal is what I got for my csection and I was so numb i couldn't move my legs for a couple hours after! They felt like 1,000 lb weights haha

  33. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @RKitty: I'll have to pm you to find out if it's the same one 😂

    I've heard a few people say they didn't really like the one I had!

  34. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    @catomd00: So quick!! I'm glad that you had such a smooth induction and got your meds! Congrats again!!!!

  35. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    I scheduled my C section today for 6/6/16 Exactly one week before my due date. I was hoping for something closer to my due date but they didn't give me any other dates to choose from... 13 more days!! I am starting to get nervous!

  36. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Purpledaisy: Yay! Is is weird to choose your baby's birth date?

    I am hoping for an easy date to remember. DH wants 6-1 and I want 6-6. We'll see what the baby chooses.

  37. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @catomd00: Yay for a quick and easy birth! I'm glad your LO arrived safely!

    @pastemoo: I wish I had that problem! I end up baking all day. I've been wanting to bake so bad but by the time I'm done at work and my chores I just fall asleep. (I think my nesting is manifesting in the need to bake!)

    We've been watching Bones and Supernatual on Netflix lately. I recommend Orange is the New Black and the new season comes out in a couple weeks! I actually plan to get a HULU subscription once my little one comes and binge watch all the new Sailor Moon!

    @Purpledaisy: Eek! Exciting to have a date! And count down!

    If we could choose a date it be 6/14. It's one day and one month after my DH birthday, and one day and one month before mine, so it be easy to remember. But it's two weeks early so I doubt we'll get it. I just hoping he doesn't arrive on July 4th! Though the baby would have fireworks every year for his birthday!

  38. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Purpledaisy: yay for a date!

    If I got to choose, it would be 6/16/16, bc #1's bday is 14/14 so it would neat to have that in common (day = year)

  39. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @pastemoo: Do you have Netflix? If so: Portlandia, OITNB, House of Cards, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Chef's Table

    Amazon Prime: The Americans, Transparent, The Newsroom, Mozart in the Jungle

  40. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Purpledaisy: @brownepiano: I just scheduled my induction for 6/6! My OB said it can take 2-3 days for a 1st time mom so I'm not expecting him to actually arrive on the 6th, but we'll see!

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