honeydew / 7968 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: the pain is already getting better. I think she just kept sucking hard to get something and it was just killing my nipples. I have to order some lanolin. Bf was one thing I wasn't worried about because except for some clogged ducts, I never had issues w bf. I do think knowing u were successful previously helps u trudge along. And exactly, know when to ask for help.
I do feel like the hospital didn't offer as much stuff - like Vaseline (we had it with our twins) that we put on w each diaper change). Pacifier. I'm just glad they offered formula - I heard some hospitals don't offer it. They did let us take the thermometer, who doesn't like free things hehe.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@bookwormmama: I always say, it's worth it just to get those few great shots... I'd be happy w just one great family pic that you can blow up.
Soooo great that p is already up and cyst appears to have resolved itself!!! Keeping her in my thoughts while u guys wait to hear!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@tequiero21: I love it! That was a name I considered before we decided on P's name! I definitely feel like P's nickname fits her a little better than her full name right now.
That's totally my thoughts on the photos...I usually have only a couple I love and display, so I'm sure we got something I like! Thanks for the positive thoughts...She was the second doctor to comment on not feeling it, so I think it's a good sign!
I think it's 3 hours to go back and "edit" the post. You can delete at any time, but you have a limited number of deletes!
cherry / 146 posts
@bookwormmama Yay good news on the cyst!
@tequiero21 That's a beautiful name. And she shares it with a couple of the best women I know!
Had another NST today, everything still looks good. On to induction Sunday!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@bookwormmama: Sounds like a great appointment! Glad she's doing well
@msmilkshake: Glad things look good! I'll be thinking about you and baby on Sunday! And what a nice Fathers' Day
kiwi / 556 posts
Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well, getting sleep and recovering if they've given birth, or resting and relaxing before baby comes!
I've been MIA because at five days old my LO got a fever and we ended up being admitted to the hospital. While treating her fever (which ended up being enterovirus) they discovered a heart condition (supraventricular tachycardia, or SVT). So we just got home from five days in the pediatric ICU trying to get her fever and heartbeat under control.
So we are just home and adjusting to being at home. After five days on an IV I'm now paranoid about her not nursing enough. I think being sick made her a lazy nurser. She only ever wants to nurse for five minutes at a time. I'm just hoping she's getting enough. I have copious amounts of milk so hopefully that will help.
I hope everyone is doing well!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@newlypregnantlady: omg that is so scary! I'm glad you guys are out of the icu and home now! Is there going to be follow up care for her heart condition now?
I have a lot of milk as well (we usually only nurse one side) and sometimes P only nurses for 5-8 minutes before she pops off. Her average is probably 10 minutes a session. I would just put your LO on as often as possible. P nurses every 1.5-2 hours during the day.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@newlypregnantlady: Oh my goodness how scary! I'm so glad to hear that you guys are home. That must have all been / be so stressful. Do they think the SVT was because of the illness or something totally unrelated?
@bookwormmama: C seems to be a pretty efficient nurser too and is only taking one side. I've been nervous thinking that I should be offering both sides, but my nipples are still so tender that it's tempting to stick to one! He's freaking enormous too, so it's nice not to be too worried about weight gain.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@newlypregnantlady: oh my goodness. That is so scary about the fever. I'm glad that they were able to diagnose the heat issue too. I hope you are all on the mend.
nectarine / 2994 posts
Hey ladies!
Baby arrived Friday 16th June at 41+2!
5 hour labor with no pain meds, no tearing and no stitches!
Baby boy is 8lbs 11oz and is doing amazing so far, he was a bit of a lazy feeder at first but is doing really well now and my milk is officially in at less then 48 hours!
Going home today from the birth center, a bit worried about the chaos with my older girls but really keen to get back to my own bed!
Hope everyone is doing well
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MrsStar: congratulations! Sounds like a great labor and glad you're headed home
kiwi / 702 posts
@newlypregnantlady: yikes lady that is really scary. I hope from here on its smooth sailing....
@MrsStar: congrats! That labor/delivery sounds dreamy...worth the wait for sure. Good luck settling in at home!
@msmilkshake: will be thinking of you tomorrow. How are you feeling?
kiwi / 556 posts
@bookwormmama: @MrsF: @winniebee: @Mrs. Pajamas: thanks for the kind words! Her heart issue is apparently very minor, most kids grow out of it. If she doesn't she will probably be able to get surgery to correct the issue after she's 5, if it's still causing issues. Right now it's just scary and stressful because she's so young she can't communicate when she's having a flair up, so I just have to take her pulse every so often. And I have to give her meds 4x per day so I'm stressed about putting her on a schedule so her feedings or nap aren't coming in the middle of when she needs to take meds! Her cardio said it was fortunate she got sick, in one way, because we discovered this heart issue and it is only a major problem if it's left unchecked and her heartbeat is high for a several hours or a day.
@MrsStar: congratulations! That sounds like an amazing delivery! I hope your recovery goes great and your older children adjust well.
I'm glad to hear others are only nursing from one side. My LO is a good weight and I'm having tons of trouble getting her to take both sides. I know by this time with my first I wasn't waking to feed at night, and our ped was fine with me offering only one side. But with this one I'm worried about her recovery from her virus making her too sleepy to eat.
cherry / 146 posts
@newlypregnantlady: How scary! I'm so glad you are home and that the heart issue is minor, but I can't imagine how stressful that is!
@MrsStar Congratulations! That sounds like a great delivery!
@Mrs. Pajamas: Thank you! I'm feeling....all the feelings haha, mostly just working out how to keep myself occupied until tonight when I go in. My parents got here yesterday so I'm happy that they will be around and glad to spend father's day with my dad.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@newlypregnantlady: sooo scary!!! Glad it was a blessing in disguise (finding the heart condition)... so they made an effort to find out what was causing the fever? I thought they automatically treat the baby like they have ms or something. Glad they were able to pinpoint.
@newlypregnantlady: @bookwormmama: my baby totally conks out after nursing one side - the problem is she wakes up screaming cuz she's still hungry. This monster eats a lot. Pacifier has definitely helped a lot. We are also topping her with formula at night so she did a five hour stretch the other night and a three hour one last night.
@MrsStar: congrats!!! What a big boy! How did he do w the girls? Or should I ask, how did the girls do w your Ds?
@msmilkshake: gooooood luck!!!!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@tequiero21: we do the paci a lot too because she loves sucking. She found her thumb like hours after birth...it took my thumb obsessed 3 year old 6 months to find his, haha! She will suck her hands or the paci right now, but the paci is easier to control than her wild newborn movements. I don't like to continuously feed her because my milk is totally in and she spits up if she gets too much. Then she gets the hiccups and it takes forever to get rid of them! Not fun at 3am when she would otherwise go right back to sleep.
@newlypregnantlady: wow that's a lot going on on top of everything else that happens when you bring home a new baby. I hope you are handling it all ok! I am also wondering if they knew what caused her fever? Was it related to the heart condition?
@MrsStar: congratulations! I hope your big girls adjusted well to the knee addition! I was super overwhelmed coming home to DS, but he was just overly excited and I couldn't move much and was hormonal.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@newlypregnantlady: timing the meds must be tricky! Hopefully you can get into a good routine soon.
@msmilkshake: Good luck tomorrow!
@bookwormmama: Ugh - brutal hiccups here too The past few nights have been tough with lots of soothing needed to go back to sleep after feeds and hiccups are definitely a part of that.
kiwi / 556 posts
@tequiero21: @bookwormmama: her fever was enterovirus (which is the virus that causes hand, foot and mouth disease). When we got to the hospital her only symptom was fever (no cough, congestion, etc.), so they took urine, spinal fluid, blood, and did a nasal swab. They also immediately put her on two antiobiotics because the cultures take 24-48 hours to grow and they wanted to get ahead of whatever was making her sick. They asked a lot about my history: I was GBS positive, and they asked about my history of herpes and other STDs, plus if anyone else was sick at home. I also was at a teaching hospital, so idk if that made a difference to their methods.
@bookwormmama: @tequiero21: my LO loves her paci too! My first LO hated all pacifiers, so it's so weird to me that this LO will actually hold it in her mouth (at least until she knocks it out!). We're finally getting some use out of the million different brands of paci I bought for my first daughter!
I hope everyone is having a good Fathers Day.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Stillllll pregnant! 38 weeks tomorrow. Have had nights of pretty bad contractions, but nothing more than every 10 mins and then they die out. I have another growth scan and OB visit tomorrow. I'm going to be pretty annoyed if I haven't made any progress in the last week.
nectarine / 2994 posts
Thanks ladies! I've been blessed with easy labor/births/deliveries with all three kids now. Hubby was a superstar getting me to the hospital in time since I was already starting to push in the car. First birth I've felt the ring of fire - ouch! I was certain I was going to have bad tears during that experience but thankfully not.
Coming home was a bit overwhelming, my girls were in full show off moods while being overtired and since they were out of their normal routine they were tough to handle. But, after a good night's sleep for them and back in their normal routine today (except the part where their dad is home) today is going alot smoother!
Was amazing being in my own bed, still didn't manage to get much sleep though because baby decided to cluster feed from 10.30pm-3am. So I'm going to be a mess when the adrenaline wears off and the sleep deprivation kicks in.
Woah long post sorry!
Good luck to those still waiting for their babies arrival!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: Good luck with your OB appointment! Fingers crossed...
@MrsStar: Glad things went a little better with your big kids. It's tough! I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.
honeydew / 7283 posts
Today is my first day here solo with all 3 kids. DH was home for 2 weeks which was amazing, but it's back to (our new) reality now. I've been super anxious about it, particularly because baby C has been much harder to soothe in the past few days and needing to be held most of the time. I'm also still feeling pretty frustrated with nursing. He's very efficient but I still have a large crack on one side that's just not healing I really thought it was getting better so I haven't been back to the LC, and now it's virtually impossible to go back this week with DH working and our sitter out of town. I think if I could focus on just nursing it wouldn't feel so overwhelming but with the big kids screaming and running around while I'm nursing through the pain it's taking a toll.
Sorry for the complaints - I know it won't be long before all of these early days are just memories, but they're not easy, as you all know
pear / 1586 posts
Catching up again over here --
@newlypregnantlady: that is so scary! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you at least found out about the heart condition early on. I hope the adjustment at home keeps getting better and things are even calmer for you soon.
@MrsStar: congrats on the great delivery! I hope the adjustment at home is going well.
@MrsF: good luck today on your first solo day! sorry about the nursing issues -- I know that must be stressful coupled with managing the older kids, too. complain away!
I'm 39 weeks and had an unexpected growth scan at my appt this morning bc I was measuring at only 36 weeks. Everything looked good and baby girl is decidedly not measuring small. Fluid was on the low end of normal so I have another scan scheduled for next week at 40w. I'm 1cm dilated and about 50% effaced so I expect to make it until then and bring up the rear of this board (like I did with my DS)
kiwi / 702 posts
@MrsF: hugs mama! vent as much as you need to. you are working so hard! Have you tried a nipple shield to get some relief while nursing?
@jape14: glad things are still looking good. @winniebee and I are still pregnant, maybe other are too? I have a regular OB appt and an NST tomorrow (I'll be 40+2) so maybe I'll have more info. I feel fine but definitely ready to get this show on the road!
@Mrs.Hawk71: and @MsMilkshake: anxious to hear how your inductions went and how you are feeling....
honeydew / 7968 posts
@bookwormmama: @MrsF: according to my mom, the baby gets hiccups when there is a drop in temperature. I can't say she's wrong...
@newlypregnantlady: I'm not familiar, but I believe they do all that to rule out ms. Do u know how she got enterovirus?! Must have gotten it from someone right? Hope lo is all better...
@MrsF: I feel ya! I'm pretty overwhelmed w having four kids... and I have my mother and mil helping me!!! Da heck am I gonna do when my mom leaves lol.... hope u guys get into a rhythm soon!
I have this nagging headache and I have a feeling it's dental related ugh. I hope I don't have a cavity.
Anyone else's dr saying to wake up baby so baby doesn't go over four hours without feeding? He's so traditional for a young guy... I don't like to wake a sleeping baby lol. Although she's only done 4+ stretch once.
@jape14: glad everything turned out well w the measurement - in sure it was scary waiting for answers...
@Mrs. Pajamas: getting close! Gl!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Had my 38 week visit. 2cm (but not quite 3...) and 80% effaced. Growth scan today said he's 6.11 so no concerns there. Reassuring bc I've lost weight since 36w. Feeling super emotional and anxious and just want to meet him already. Scheduled induction for 6/28 if needed.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@MrsF: I'm not looking forward to DH/extended family no longer being here to help. Mainly because I still won't be able to lift my DS and he's been majorly acting out, so I'm not sure how I'll be able to enforce anything/discipline him (won't be able to carry him to time outs). Thankfully things have been going smoothly with P, so hopefully that continues!
I had to go into the doctor today because DH and I discovered oozing from my incision and a couple spots that looked open late Saturday night. My mom (a nurse in L&D) was concerned it was happening so far from surgery, so she suggested I get it looked at. Thankfully, there is no infection. Apparently cutting through the scar tissue on RCS can cause the skin to not lay perfectly flat and that is happening in a couple places on my incision. The oozing is normal in this situation.
My boobs are still incredibly full and I'm leaking a ton. I never leaked this much with my son and I only had a couple days of engorgement. I'm not sure I'm still dealing with engorgement, but my boobs are so freaking full! Moms with 2+, did you deal with more milk the second time around?
persimmon / 1198 posts
@tequiero21: P had the hiccups ALL the time while I was pregnant. It's kinda funny to see it continue with her on the outside!
I'm not waking P, but she's not going more than 4 hours at night. My mom (who is also a certified lactation consultant...I'm lucky I know) told me that once baby is back to birthweight you don't need to wake them. But our doctor didn't say anything about waking her to eat.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@tequiero21: I wouldn't wake to eat at night if their weight is good.
@bookwormmama: You ARE lucky! Your mom sounds like a great resource (although I'm sure that's hard sometimes depending on your relationship). Glad everything seems ok with your incision.
honeydew / 7283 posts
Thanks for the support ladies! Made it through the day solo and just knowing that it was ok is big hurdle in terms of my anxiety level. I have to get slightly better at this each day (week?), right?
kiwi / 702 posts
@tequiero21: I would definitely not wake to eat unless weight is an issue.
@winniebee: glad everything looks good...you are on your way! I bet you won't make it to induction. I'm feeling emotional and anxious too for sure. Every morning when I drop dd at preschool I get all teary worried I won't see her later...
@bookwormmama: that's amazing your mom has all that professional knowledge! I definitely had an oversupply with my first and it sucked to wake up at 4am to pump the pain away. I kept a manual pump by my bed to take the edge off which was helpful. It also resulted in a massive freezer stash so that helped. I'll let you know how it goes with #2....whenever it decides to show up!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: I missed your update yesterday - maybe you'll see baby earlier than you think! At least being dilated and effaced should make the induction easier if you do get to that point. So exciting!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
He's here!!!!
Grant Thomas was born on 6/20 at 9:11 pm. He was 6lb even and 19 inches and totally healthy. I am so in love!!
Regular contractions started around 1:30 and started to get more painful around 3:30. We got to the hospital at 530 and by 6, I was only 3-4cm but contractions had gotten really bad! They had me labor in triage and rechecked me at 7 and by that time I was really miserable, screaming through contractions. I was admitted at 7 and given my epidural at 8 at 6cm. Started pushing at 9 and he was here 11 mins later!!
Nursing is going okay, he is a little sleepy though I guess he is only 9 hours old. I'll post some pics on my IG account today - if you want to friend me it's erindwolf.
It has been a long road to having this baby in my arms. But, really worth it in the end.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: oh my friend I'm so happy for you and all of your boys! What a hard road it's been for you - congratulations!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@winniebee: yay! Congratulations! Im sure it's a huge relief to finally have him here. And nice that you didn't have to wait until your induction date! Also, I love the name Grant! It's one of my favorite boy names!
kiwi / 702 posts
@winniebee: eeeeeeekk!!! This is the best news EVER!!!! So happy for you and your family. And JEALOUS.
Had my 40 week appt yesterday and NST. I'm only 1.5cm dilated but baby is super healthy and I feel good so I guess that's what's important. But ready to join you mamas with babies in your arms.
OK I'm going to work on the facebook group. I don't use instagram so will facebook work for everyone? I'm going to post to the boards for some help. But I may be the last one without a babe so I've got time on my hands (and 2 hands to type--at least while DD is in preschool today!).
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