kiwi / 556 posts
@winniebee: oh man congrats!! I'm so happy for you and I wish you a speedy recovery!
@bookwormmama: I'm actually leaking far less with this one and my engorgement only lasted a few days. With my first daughter I was painfully engorged for two whole weeks and so I'm paranoid about this LO not getting enough milk! She's been having plenty of diapers though so I'm just waiting on our two week weight check for some reassurance. I'm sorry about the leaking, with my first I had to change clothes 2-3x per day because I'd just soak through pads like crazy.
olive / 55 posts
I need to go and catch up on all these posts!! Baby #3 arrived 4 days past her due date on June 15th. She is doing amazing and I'm actually sleeping better now than I did during the last 3 months of my pregnancy Her big brothers are totally in love
kiwi / 702 posts
@MissKriss19: congrats! So glad and shocked you're sleeping so we'll. I hope I have that same luck.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@newlypregnantlady: I had messed up and fed her on the wrong side the other day and both sides ended up really painful all day. I'm feeling much better and less full today, so I'm guessing the pain I had was related to confusing sides. I am still leaking a lot though...way more than I did with DS. I actually had very little leakage with him, despite having tons of milk! I am feeling my letdown as well, which is something I never felt with DS and it has been a bit uncomfortable. I've been having to use my hand pump for a minute before feeding her because she was super gassy the other night and none of us slept well. I think I have a pretty forceful let down and it was causing her to take a lot of air in. The hand pump is helping I think. She's been more comfortable and sleeping better since I started using it.
@MissKriss19: congratulations! I feel like I am sleeping better with a newborn than later pregnancy, too! And I felt that way with DS. I'm getting 3-4 hour stretches instead of having to wake up and pee every 1.5. And I don't have the hip pain and other uncomfortable things I was dealing with the last half of pregnancy.
@Mrs. Pajamas: I hope you get to meet your baby soon! Do you have an induction date planned if baby doesn't come on their own soon?
kiwi / 702 posts
@bookwormmama: at my 40 week appt on Tuesday my ob and I roughly agreed on next Friday for induction. That would be 41+ 5. I will for sure be ready by then! Yesterday I had a ton of braxton hicks so hoping maybe the end is near....
cherry / 146 posts
It took me a while to get back but he's here! Pascal Henry arrived at 1:17 Tuesday morning after a fairly eventful, labor weighing 9 lbs 2oz and 21 3/4 in. He is so fantastic. Because of some extra bleeding and a fever on my part we had to stay a little longer but we are currently in the midst of our first night at home and I think it's going alright. Trying to figure out this whole feeding thing, managing my anxiety etc, but I can't believe he's really here and so wonderful.
I'm excited to catch up on posts. Congratulations to the other new arrivals!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@winniebee: congrats!!! So happy for you! Hoping he grants you lots of sleep
honeydew / 7968 posts
@MissKriss19: congrats!!!!
@msmilkshake: congrats!!! What a big baby!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@MissKriss19: @msmilkshake: Congratulations to you both! Glad things are going well
@bookwormmama: I'm pretty sure that I never felt milk letdown with #1 and I definitely did with #2 and now #3. Funny how the body can change between kids!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Baby Charlie is 3 weeks old today Waking up every 2-3 hours throughout the day and night, although we had a couple of longer stretches in the first 10 days or so that got our hopes up for a bit... We're still nursing though I have a big bleeding crack on one side and have gotten close to calling it quits a couple of times. It just doesn't seem to be healing! I EBF DS for a year and would like to do the same this time. We'll see!
He's sort of moved out of that sleepy newborn phase where he'll sleep anywhere and just wants to be held all of the time. A little tricky with 3 kids! He does like the carrier so we use that a lot. I never thought I'd be able to get DS out of his crib, get him dressed and change his pull up while wearing a baby. Sunscreening both kids while wearing a baby is also sort of hilarious I'm still looking forward to the weeks going on - I'm just not a baby person! But we're doing well and taking it one day at a time.
Unfortunately the dog decided to eat a rubber toy yesterday and has been throwing up for 24 hours, so I'm envisioning a trip to the vet today Hopefully my parents can help out so that we don't ALL have to go.
kiwi / 702 posts
@msmilkshake: yay congratulations!! Love the name
Stillllll pregnant here. I think I'm officially the last of our group? Had a fun day with dd at the pool yesterday and my best friend from college is coming today to keep me company. I figure I may as well have fun while I can right? Drinking super concentrated red raspberry leaf tea. Any other tricks?
persimmon / 1198 posts
@MrsF: oh man, the dog thing is so stressful! Ours ate a half loaf of soda bread (aka a ton of raisins) on DS's birthday and we had to force him to throw up most of the morning. Luckily, he didn't need a vet visit, but it was really stressful and worrisome. I hope your dog gets better and you don't need to take all your kids to the vet!
The letdown thing is so weird. I feel it really strong on one side no matter what side I nurse on. It's pretty painful for about 30 seconds. I'm hoping the pain will go away soon. It even hurts when I start to get ready to nurse her!
The cracked nipple sounds really painful and stressful. I'm guessing it would be too much work and way more stressful to pump on that side instead of nursing? Do you have the Medela Nipple Shells or was it someone else? I also used the Earth Mama Angel Baby nipple butter with DS and I felt like it worked better than lanolin. A lactation consultant in the hospital this time highly recommended it as well. You can ignore this if you e already tried these things
persimmon / 1198 posts
@msmilkshake: congratulations! I hope your first night at home went ok!
kiwi / 556 posts
@MrsF: have you tried hydrogel pads? That's the only thing that's ever helped heal my bleeding nips. I only like the Ameda brand though, the others are too sticky. I hope you heal soon!
@bookwormmama: I have a pretty painful letdown as well. It's such a strange feeling!
@msmilkshake: congrats!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Omg complete new mom brain. Our new baby's middle name is not Thomas. It is Taylor. Hahahahha!!!!!
nectarine / 2994 posts
@winniebee: @MissKriss19: @msmilkshake:
Congrats ladies!
@bookwormmama: I never felt my letdown with baby #1 but did with #2 and definitely can this time too.
Baby is 8 days old today (WHAT?!) and at his one week check he was up to 8lbs 15oz (was born 8lbs 11oz) and dealing with some cluster feeding in the evenings but got a 6 hour stretch out of him last night! Of course I was lying awake at the 3 hour mark waiting for him to wake up so dh let me sleep in this morning while he organised the other kids.
Hubby goes back to work on Monday- he's been in charge of kindy drop off/pick up for my eldest all of last week so will be interesting getting back into a routine with the 3 kids and trying to keep up with breastfeeding.
Hope everyone is enjoying their newborn snuggles - and for those who are still waiting, I hope you're enjoying your last baby free days!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@winniebee: haha! DH and I were both so worried we would spell both kids' names wrong on their social media announcement and the birth certificate. We just got a letter about processing P's birth certificate and my DH spelled first and middle name to make sure it was still spelled correctly!
@MrsStar: so weird how it can feel so different with different babies!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@bookwormmama: The dog seems to be better without a vet visit - thank goodness! I was picturing them recommending surgery or something and I just wasn't too sure if we could handle one more thing. I'm using the medela shells which are annoying but definitely the most helpful thing right now. One LC had me using olive oil but I'm using the lanolin now and I think that's better. Maybe I'll try the nipple butter if I'm struggling in a few days. It's so tempting to go from one thing to another every day!
@newlypregnantlady: I used the gel pads (different brand) with DS1 and loved them but this time pulling them off felt painful and like maybe it was doing more damage so I stopped. It's good to know that the Ameda brand was better though.
@MrsStar: That's a great stretch of sleep!
@winniebee: That's hilarious Sleep deprivation is real! Yesterday I was trying to carry C's carseat to put it in the other room and I realized I was carrying J's anywhere chair. Oops!
cherry / 172 posts
She's here! 8lbs and 20 inches long. Took me a little longer to get on here. I was induced last Friday morning and she was born at 11:36pm that night! It was a fairly easy labor besides the fact of having been diagnosed with polyhydramnios a few days before delivery. That had us concerned especially not knowing the outcome..all the extra fluid increases the chance of the cord being wrapped around very easily. My water had broke on its own at 11:10pm and she was born just 25 min later after 2 pushes! The doctor barely made it in the room on time!! The next day I was feeling great but my blood pressure started to rise. I was monitored closely and around 2pm I was told that they believed I was developing postpartum pre eclampsia. I was put on a magnesium iv drip for 24 hours and stuck in bed with a cathetor for 26 hours. Lots of blood tests and continuous blood pressure checks, it was for sure I had pp pre eclampsia. We were in the hospital for 6 long days and left on blood pressure medicine with Dr follow-ups every 2 days now. Praying for a full recovery soon!! Congrats to all the other mama's and all the new babys!!
kiwi / 702 posts
@Mrs.Hawk71: congrats but what a wild ride for You! I hope the blood pressure comes back down've got enough going on with a newborn at home.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Mrs.Hawk71: congratulations! Wow, that sounds really scary and intense! But great that they caught it right away and got you on the meds you need to control it. Hopefully it goes down soon...I'm sure all those appointments are difficult to manage with everything else that comes with having a newborn!
kiwi / 556 posts
@Mrs.Hawk71: congrats! wow what a birth! I'm glad they caught the pre-e! And I hope you and baby have a good and speedy recovery. Six days is such a long hospital stay.
kiwi / 702 posts
@winniebee: just sent you a Facebook friend request since I have to add one friend before creating a private group and you gave us your real name. My real name is Kat
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Mrs.Hawk71: congratulations! What a crazy week! Glad you're both doing well now
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@msmilkshake: congrats! I love his name!
@Mrs.Hawk71: I'm so glad that she's here safe and sound! Congratulations!
@winniebee: what sweet relief that all went well! Welcome, baby Grant!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: how are you feeling? I have zero labor inducing success stories, but I felt like a total pregnancy cliche during my week of contractions. At 2am, I was bouncing on a ball while eating frozen pineapple and googling labor meditations on my phone I can't wait to see whether it's a little guy or gal in there!
kiwi / 702 posts
@rattles: so nice to hear from you! How are things for you? Finally a teeny bit of bloody mucous today so let's hope nature can beat induction (friday).
kiwi / 702 posts
OK all...I set up our FB group: June 2017 HB Babies. Please join soon, then I can change our status to private and delete this post as well.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: It's been busy but not bad overall! We've had family and friends in town. B has his first cold, which I hate. (I'm 99% sure he got it from his big sister loving up all over him with her toddler kisses - at least he's loved!) He's all congested and having trouble nursing. Otherwise he's doing well and growing too fast! He'll be a month on Wednesday!
pear / 1586 posts
@MissKriss19: @msmilkshake: @Mrs.Hawk71: congratulations on your new arrivals! hope you are all recovering well and enjoying those newborn snuggles.
@Mrs. Pajamas: just requested to join the group! thanks for setting it up. hope you are still feeling good despite being in the overdue club.
My induction is scheduled for 7/4 (41+1) if I don't go into labor before then, so I may turn out to be a July mom after all. I delivered my son at 41+1 so I'm fine with waiting, minus having to deal with all of the questions and annoying comments from neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.
olive / 55 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: thanks for setting this up! I can't seem to find the group though .. Is there another way I can join?
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: Just requested to join the FB group. I hope things are moving along for you!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@jape14: I hope you're feeling ok and that people aren't bothering you too much with the questions! That must be such a pain.
kiwi / 702 posts
@MrsStar: you were my inspiration when I was stressing about being so overdue and baby GIRL arrived this morning at 41+2. I had quite a bit of uterine bleeding but everything is all good now and baby is a great nurser so far. So relieved!
nectarine / 2994 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: just joined!
@Mrs. Pajamas: aww congrats! Glad baby finally decided to make an entrance! These 41+2 babies keep us on our toes huh I hope you had a good labor experience, enjoy the newborn snuggles
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