nectarine / 2648 posts
@Becky: Ditto! I had the realization that new baby and I get another shot at breastfeeding. It never worked out for DD and I - I just did triple feeds for 4 months until I couldn't take it any more and switched to formula. This could totally change the dynamic of those first few months...
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ok, trying to decide on some nursery bedding... I've been looking for weeks and finally found something I like - 3 options on the same site in fact. Thoughts?
cherry / 146 posts
@yellowbeach They’re adorable! I especially like the solar system one
kiwi / 705 posts
@yellowbeach: Eee love them all! The solar system probably speaks to me the most though!
kiwi / 705 posts
@yellowbeach: Also, I haven’t been buying anything because it just doesn’t feel pressing and we won’t know the gender for another month. Within 5 minutes of seeing your bedding sets I was ordering crib sheets.
persimmon / 1390 posts
@yellowbeach: I had a horrible time breastfeeding DD2 and ultimately switched to formula (thank god that’s an option). I’m hoping to be more proactive about setting myself up for success with a better diet and actually seeing the lactation consultant at the hospital.
kiwi / 518 posts
I’ve been kind of MIA over the holidays so hi again all! I’ll be 19 weeks tomorrow and just started feeling identifiable movement this week. Had my anatomy scan yesterday and all is well with baby...but it looks like I have a pretty complete previa (placenta over the cervix for those who may not know). This is a bummer - if it doesn’t move, it increases my risk of all kinds of complications and means I’ll have a cesarean at 36-37 weeks, meaning early May and foiling my hopes for a VBAC. In the grand scheme of things I know this isn’t the worst but...I also had an aunt with some pretty serious complications from placenta previa so I’ve seen close to the worst case scenario. So now I’m suddenly in do-everything-now mode to make sure home and work are set up if I end up delivering super early!
persimmon / 1390 posts
@skiierchck99: Ugh what a bummer! Crossing my fingers it moves for you.
clementine / 787 posts
@yellowbeach: i like them all. The solar system one is my favorite though - could be because I wanted to be an astronaut most of my childhood.
clementine / 787 posts
@skiierchck99: that sounds like a bummer. I’ll keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
kiwi / 518 posts
@MrsJBeeG: @Becky: thanks - keeping my expectations low and planning for the likely reality but it would be nice to be surprised!
persimmon / 1390 posts
@skiierchck99: My closest friend had hers resolve itself and she has a regular delivery planned for a few weeks from now!
kiwi / 518 posts
@Becky: that’s the dream! Although weirdly it would also be kind of great to take off May-August - trickier to take the 4th month if it’s September for me.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Thanks for helping me make my decision. Bought the solar system set and it should arrive in a week or so.
Anyone else in a crazy nesting mode? DH and I spend the morning assembling IKEA shelves.
apricot / 430 posts
Hi ladies! Sorry I’ve been MIA. First day back at work after visiting family for the holidays. The Christmas lead up this year was fast and intense at home and at work, but I’m happy to report that my nausea is almost completely absent (except when in an airplane or car), as evidenced by the 10lbs I gained over Xmas! 18w2d today!
apricot / 430 posts
@yellowbeach: Nice! I love the solar system one!
Nesting is also kicking in big-time for me. I can't wait to paint the guest room a lighter shade of greige and hang the curtains I bought during Thanksgiving sales. The rest of the nursery stuff will be reused from DS - hooray for my gender-neutral tastes. I already pulled out the gender neutral clothes from DS in NB and 3mo sizes. I'll oxyclean them all in a few months.
DH's Xmas gift to me is to help me convert our former office into a playroom for DS. I'm itching to organize DS's toys, but I have to clean the room and paint first!
I'm currently researching light-weight infant seats because the one we used last time is expired and weighed a ton! I'm leaning towards either the Safety 1st Onboard Air365 or the Graco Snugride 35 with a super-light stroller frame. I'm just a bit nervous that the Safety 1st will be too long to fit behind the driver seat in MIL's car.
Anyone have either of those? I'm also trying to be mindful of my MIL's arthritis, so I want to be sure these are both easy to unbuckle and use with the stroller frame.
I'm also looking into Freemies and Haakkaa breast pumps this time around. I have the Spectra, and it was pretty good, but I hated being so restrained when I was pumping to increase supply during maternity leave. (It didn't matter as much when I was back at work, as I was sitting at a desk, but it was still annoying to accidentally hit the flanges)
What's on your shopping lists? Are veteran moms doing a registry this time around? I think I'll do a small one for the completion discounts!
apricot / 430 posts
@skiierchck99: Yay for movement, I can't wait to feel her!
I'm so sorry about the previa. I have a very good friend who went through that, it can be super stressful. I hope yours resolves itself!
kiwi / 705 posts
@BUNBUN: I'm also looking at the Freemie, Willow, or Elvie breast pump. There aren't so many reviews out there so it makes it hard to decide! Leaning towards the Elvie but very interested in what others are choosing!
For those with older kids, what are you planning for them this summer? Summer camp commitments start being due next week for us! So now I'm in full-time planning mode and it's so hard! On my due date, I'll have a 5 and 6-year-old so I need to balance getting them entertained while minimizing drop-offs and costs!
The good news is my mom just told me she can come 3-4 days before my due date and stay 2 weeks so hopefully that will cover us for childcare when the baby is born! We obviously have to have backups since my son was 8 days early, but it's better then I was hoping for!
apricot / 430 posts
@JCCovi: The Willow looks awesome, but at $500, I doubt my health insurance will cover it! I tried calling today to find out, but the wait time was too long.
At 3, DS's camp options are pretty limited, so we will be relying on my MIL and signing him up through his preschool so that at least he's got something going on. I WOH, so it's pretty much business as usual with childcare for us.
kiwi / 705 posts
@BUNBUN: We have an HSA and I *think* we can use all funds from that. So not covered but tax exempt. If you have a FSA I think that can be used too.
persimmon / 1390 posts
My almost 16 week, post-taco, baby #3 bump. I’ve never used a support band during pregnancy but am going to get one soon as my mild umbilical hernia is getting worse. My doctors said not to get it repaired until after I was done having babies so I just have to deal with looking like there’s a grape in my shirt.
As for pumps I’m going to get the Spectra again (I only need to pay like $25 out of pocket). I’m going to try the Hakka for the first time and am hoping it’s as great as everyone says!
DD1 will do a few little camps this summer but nothing formal. She and I planned out weekly activities to do (she loves to plan).
nectarine / 2648 posts
@BUNBUN: I have some boy clothes on my shopping list - not a formal registry, but my mom asked me to compile one so she could get a sense of the styles I like. There are no boys anywhere in our family, so dressing a little boy is brand new for everyone.
As far as a pump, last time I got a Medela Freestyle for free through my insurance. It turned out to be too weak for my low supply, so I ended up renting a hospital grade Medela Symphony for home. I work at a hospital, so our lactation rooms all have a hospital Medela Symphony in them as well, so I didn't miss the portability. Who knows how breast feeding and pumping will go this time around. I think the pump will be one thing I wait on to see what works best. Don't want to get a new one and then end up needing to rent the hospital grade one anyway.
@Bunbun: We are also working on repurposing the different spaces in our house. Yesterday I mapped out how to make our current guestroom/office into DD's bedroom/office shared space. Diagram below. I think it will work. It has to work.
The futon will be our extra sleeping space for when my mom or MIL come to visit (they both live 2 hrs away). I found a low loft twin that has some nice storage for DD.
cherry / 232 posts
Hi! I joined a while back but then disappeared because I felt so far behind everyone being due in July. It doesn’t seem like there really any other July or even August due dates on HB right now.
I’m 12 weeks today and finally a little more comfortable after a couple of ultrasounds and hearing the heartbeat on Friday (loss history). I’m doing my genetic testing next week so we should know what baby is soon. I currently have 3 boys so naturally everyone makes the comment about hoping it’s a girl when they find out. It drives me crazy and honestly think it’s pretty rude. I’m hoping for a boy, kind of scared of having a girl at this point.
I have a clotting disorder and had a clot in 2013 so I did lovenox shots 6 weeks postpartum with my last 2 pregnancies. I recently had another clot in October so that changes the game and I’m starting lovenox tonight, I’m really dreading it and now wondering what the end of my pregnancy will look like. I’m also still on prometrium and it’s the longest they’ve had me stay on it, they did cut my dose last night though and I will retest in a month.
Other than all that I already have my anatomy scan scheduled for the end of February with maternal fetal medicine and will be scheduling a fetal echo for a couple of weeks after. It feels like things are starting to move along. I’m anxious to know what baby is so we can start getting stuff, we got rid of absolutely everything.
Hope everyone’s pregnancies are doing well, I’m going to take some time to read through and see what I’ve missed
kiwi / 705 posts
@cram88: Welcome! I hear you on wanting another boy but I was a girl with 3 brothers and loved it! No bad options
clementine / 874 posts
@cram88: Fellow July due date here! Yeah, hellobee doesn't have any due date board for us, but June is so full, I figure they can handle a couple more Totally agree about boys, I was pretty worried about having a girl because I had so many younger brothers, but my DD has survived so far!
I'm just getting into the 'I ate too many Christmas cookies' stage. My bump is basically only a bump to me haha!
Had an appt and got some ultrasound pics of baby. Kids loved seeing it and guessing whether it was a boy/girl. My toddler switches every day, but my 5yo is sure it is a boy.
Anyone have good belly band recommendations? We got the Ring Fit Switch game for Christmas and while it is awesome, the up/down motion is going to kill my stomach muscles.
persimmon / 1390 posts
@yellowbeach: You look great! Isn’t it crazy how much bigger you get more quickly in subsequent pregnancies? I will say that with my second pregnancy I looked way ahead of where I was until around 27 weeks and then I evened out and ended up smaller than during my first pregnancy. I get HUGE though and am so happy I won’t have to be wearing winter clothes during the end of my pregnancy!
nectarine / 2648 posts
June/July 2020 Mamas
Estimated Due Date:
May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
June 1: BunBun #2 , MissLace #3
June 18: YellowBeach #2
June 21: LazB #4
June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
June 24: MsMilkshake #2, Becky #3
June 29: JCCOVI #3
July 7: CodeitAll #3
July 21: Cram88 #4
Marfi, BreakouttheIceCream
kiwi / 518 posts
@Becky: I actually feel like I look less bumpy but I never did weekly photos so I can’t compare. But I think it’s because I’m “fluffier” to begin with this time and it hides it better.
I’m still exhausted all the time despite being almost 20 weeks - where is my second trimester energy?! . Anyone else, or are my thyroid meds out of calibration? I’ve gone to bed early every night this week.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I’m definitely bigger faster with each baby that wasn’t my first. My fundal height is measuring 3-3.5 weeks ahead, I joked with the doc that I have an “experienced “ uterus lol.
Welcome to the July mamas, the more the merrier I’ll be delivering in May even though I’m due late June, but it’s all close enough!
kiwi / 705 posts
Are most people feeling movement by now? Sometimes I think I am but it’s usually only in the quiet moments. And it’s still the kind that could maybe be gas. I’m 16 weeks and my third pregnancy so I expected to be able to feel more by now. My symptoms are starting to calm down and I’m really looking for the reassurance that comes with little baby kicks.
persimmon / 1390 posts
@JCCovi: I’m in the same place as you: 16 weeks, 3rd pregnancy, and not feeling a whole lot. Since last Monday I’ve felt him move at least once per day (I am right now!) but it’s so minor. My midwife said he’s very low down and I can definitely tell that, so I’m thinking that’s why I’m feeling less than with DD1 (I don’t remember DD2 but I had an anterior placenta with her). Do you have your anatomy scan soon? Mine is 1/28 and it feels sooo far away.
apricot / 430 posts
@skiierchck99: I'm starting to feel a little more energized some nights, and other nights I'm falling asleep at 7:30 with DS! I never got any burst of energy with my first pregnancy, so I'll take what I can get.
ETA: have you had your vitamin D checked? I was low at my last GP checkup, and supplements made a big difference
I did manage to start washing crib and pack n play sheets this weekend and moved all of the floor toys into baby's closet (so that I could repurpose those storage bins for Xmas decor, ha!).
@JCCovi: @Becky: I'm 20 weeks and I'm still not feeling anything I can definitively call movement. But I do know that I have an anterior placenta.
@LAZB and others: Does everyone's practice measure fundal height? My practice does not and I think my doc would laugh at me if I asked (she's very research-based).
kiwi / 518 posts
@JCCovi: I wasn’t feeling anything until week 18 and this is second and posterior placenta so I expected it sooner! But once I was feeling it I could tell that for sure this was it. I’m sure it will happen soon!
kiwi / 518 posts
@BUNBUN: good idea to check vitamin D - will ask at my next appointment! I’m also on levithyroxine for thyroid so I need to see how my levels are - last time they did it would wait till next time unless I was having how would I even know what those were that was distinct from pregnancy lol
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@JCCovi: I’m 17+1 and not really feeling anything. I actually felt movement several weeks ago, but I think because I have an anterior placenta and the placenta is getting bigger, the movements are now blocked. I have an ultrasound tomorrow, thank goodness because I’m getting anxious
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@BUNBUN: I thought it was standard to measure fundal height? I’ve always gone to the same doctor, so I don’t know anything different
kiwi / 518 posts
@LAZB: @BUNBUN: I think they only checked fundal height once or twice last time and they haven’t done it yet this time at 20 weeks.
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