Hellobee Boards


June 2020 Mamas

  1. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @yellowbeach: We haven’t finalized our lists yet but most of the people who have volunteered are parents at my kid’s school. Mostly full time working parents who’s kids will be in summer camp and/or with a nanny during the day. Mine will be too (unless we’re 10+ days early since we are taking the first 2 weeks of summer off to bond before the baby comes) so we’d just need someone to watch them in the evening/overnight. Summer is the big vacation time though so I probably won’t know for sure who will be in town until May-ish? I’m also planning to ask a couple of friends from church and try to line up a paid sitter option out of one of the college kids who’s home for the summer. My mom is coming 3 days before the due date so once she’s here she’ll be the plan.

  2. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    Im lucky I know in that I have plenty of family around that we could always drop the kids off or my husband could stay until someone arrived and worst comes to worst use a neighbor until family can make it. My MIL use to come stay at our house a few days before my due date and she was always pretty much there right at the right time. She never stayed longer than maybe one night before I went into labor so she was always there in the house with my others when I had to go which worked out so well. Im not sure if we will do that again or not but my mom is now retired and lives around the block and my SIL is no longer working so she can also come by in a pinch as well as our lovely neighbors too. I know not everyone has this much help locally though so I know we are lucky.

  3. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: Very jealous! Though I would probably kill my mother if she lived that close 😂

  4. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @skiierchck99: it's not ideal I won't lie. We have a very typical Asian parent relationship but the plus is she is terrified of animals and I have 5 pets (not coincidentally) so she can never just pop by unannounced either. She helps me out though when I need it and my kids enjoy going over and I like the break so it works even if at times we definitely still have issues.

  5. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    ☀🌊 June/July/Aug AKA Summer 2020 Mamas 🌊☀

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2

    June 1: BunBun #2 , MissLace #3
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
    June 24: MsMilkshake #2, Becky #3
    June 29: JCCOVI #3

    July 7: CodeitAll #3
    July 18: Mrs Chocolate #4
    July 21: Cram88 #4

    Aug 6: MountainBaby #2

    Marfi, BreakouttheIceCream

  6. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    I just had my last appointment at my current OBGYN office. I’m switching to a hospital-based midwifery practice. When I asked for a release of medical records and explained that I would be seeing a different practice for my prenatal care only, they brought the office manager up and informed me I would be released from the practice. I didn’t expect this at all, and I asked why, and what would have happened if I had chosen to have a home birth or work with a birth center without informing them. They were pretty crass and didn’t have any real answers: they said this was the policy the physicians had decided upon. I didn’t realize I was bothered by how rude and abrasive they were until I almost started crying while I was peeing in a cup. I unloaded on my midwife when she got in the room (and burst into tears) because she’s also leaving the practice and she explained everything to me so nicely and it all makes sense. Just so frustrated how uninformed the front desk staff were because they could have handled it so differently if they just knew WHY (and the fact that plenty of people actually do prenatal care elsewhere then come back).

    On another note, I found out my midwife is leaving because the practice is being acquired by a local hospital system that I do not like. I guess they’re probably letting moms choose where they want to deliver if they’re already pregnant, but in the future they’ll have to deliver at a different hospital. So I guess I may not go back to them after all because I’m not a fan of this particular hospital system. What a damper on my day though.

  7. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Becky: I’m sorry, that sucks that they made you feel like that. I wonder though if it will ultimately be a good thing in the long run - sounds like it wasn’t a good fit all around.

  8. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    In the last two days I think I’ve officially reached the “uncomfortable sleeping” stage. Looking back I think this is about when it happened last time, too. Tricks besides the wonky pillows on Amazon?

  9. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Wanted to add I asked my midwife about the hospital policy on having siblings at the delivery. She said it’s allowed and she loves when siblings attend! I’m going to have my girls do the siblings course at the hospital where they basically get to see the labor and delivery unit, learn a little about birth and babies, and decorate a hat for the baby.

  10. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @yellowbeach: beats me... I loved the snoogle last time but took it out this time and I’m still uncomfortable. Not sure if I just need a new one or what.

  11. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    Is anyone else’s baby moving a lot already? This little girl seems to move a lot. Of course as this is the farthest I’ve gotten with a pregnancy sometime so question if I’m imagining it. I know I’m not. It’s reassuring on some levels but also just weird (still getting used to the idea there is something moving in me that I have no control over) and then I get a bit worried I’m going to have this hyper kid to deal with. My DH is way more active and hyper than me and I keep hoping maybe this gal will be a bit more mellow than him. I know, she’ll be whatever she will be but I can hope.

  12. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: I've only just started feeling mine move a little but with my first 2 once I hit a bit past halfway they were so so active. I've never noticed any correlation between behavior in the womb and out of it though!

  13. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @JCCovi: I’ll take that as hope that she could still be a laid back baby. 🤞

  14. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: The craziest thing I remember is they were physically showing their little fists through my stomach. I remember sitting next to a coworker one time when my daughter kicked and my coworker saw it and completely panicked! She turned out to be a unicorn baby- so chill and happy. Although once she hit toddlerhood she became a handful and now she is 6 going on 16.

  15. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: my son was a lump in womb and can definitely be a homebody at times. My girls were both more active and are both more active as kids are than my son. Probably doesn't mean much but it's fun to speculate

  16. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    Anatomy scan complete, everything looks good and baby #2 is a boy!! Happy Birthday to me! I may be a tiny bit disappointed not to use a favorite girl name (I’m pretty sure this is it for us) but of course I’m mostly just thrilled to see him looking good in there!!

  17. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @msmilkshake: So exciting! My anatomy scan is in a couple of hours and I keep checking the clock every 2 minutes!

  18. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @msmilkshake: He is beautiful! Congratulations again!

  19. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @JCCovi: Oooh so exciting Will you find out the sex?

  20. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @msmilkshake: he’s a doll!!!!

  21. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    We’re having a girl ❤️ We officially get our results tomorrow but everything seemed fine. The ultrasound tech didn’t express any concerns!

  22. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    So glad to hear more great ultrasound results!!!

  23. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @JCCovi: beautiful baby! Congrats!

  24. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @JCCovi: yay congratulations!

  25. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Anyone starting to see kicks on the outside? If I lean back just the right way my little guy starts kicking and punching all over. I forgot how fun it is to see that from the outside!

  26. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    So we got our ultrasound results and it wasn’t as cut and dry as I was expecting. There is a small spot on the heart (Echogenic Intracardiac Focus) that is probably nothing but could be a sign of chromosomal defects like Downs. I can’t seem to find exact odds but it seems pretty unlikely but I’m still in a panicky place. I’m getting blood work done today which will be 99% accurate. I have to wait 2 weeks for the results though. 😔

  27. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @JCCovi: I’ve seen this happen on other blogs and it seems like in most cases it al works out if it’s the only potential marker. I know that isn’t comforting right now when you are waiting more information. I’ll be praying for you!!!

  28. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Thank you 🙏 Yes, all the articles I’ve looked at point to it being nothing when isolated but they always use words like ‘’usually’’ and ‘’but occasionally’’. Even my doctor was up beat and saying it’s almost definitely fine, especially since Asians are at a high risk for the spot, but she had to use doctor language and always add a disclaimer onto the end. It’s been an emotional day but I’m feeling better now that I’ve had the blood test. At least I know I’ve taken some action and just have to wait and pray.

  29. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @JCCovi: sorry for the stress, mama. I hope your bloodwork comes back more quickly so you can have some answers! Quick googling does make it seem quite likely that it’s unrelated but I know it’s hard not to jump to the what if’s. Hugs.

  30. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Becky: yes! I feel like I could see them on the outside super early this time. I’m 24 weeks now but I think I’ve been able to see them since like 20. So fun!

  31. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    ☀🌊 June/July/Aug AKA Summer 2020 Mamas 🌊☀

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
    June 1: BunBun #2 , MissLace #3
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
    June 24: MsMilkshake #2 , Becky #3
    June 29: JCCOVI #3

    July 7: CodeitAll #3
    July 18: Mrs Chocolate #4
    July 21: Cram88 #4

    Aug 6: MountainBaby #2

    Marfi, BreakouttheIceCream

  32. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @JCCovi: Agree with others - echogenic cardiac focus is commonly nothing, but just bc it can be one of the first things to point towards a problem, they look for it. I’ve been in your shoes having had an ultrasound finding if inclear significance on our anatomy scan with DD. We also just had to wait two weeks (for us it was another us instead of bloodwork) and that wait is terrible. Thinking of you.

  33. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @JCCovi: oof, hugs to you! I know that 2 week wait will be hard!

  34. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @JCCovi: I can't imagine how stressful this wait is but try to take heart that it's probably nothing and this is just a more through check to confirm. Hugs mama.

  35. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    Saw the MFM specialist today about the dilated urinary tract in baby girl. I was worried because the front desk lost the referral 4 times, but he was amazing, as were the ultrasound techs.
    It's big enough (>1cm) that he doesn't think it will necessarily resolve itself, but I'll go back in a month to check and get some more measurements on baby girl who would NOT move to let them see her heart.
    So essentially there's nothing for us to do but wait and follow up with a pediatric nephrologist up after she's born, but I'm so pleased with how he explained everything. He was a professor and researcher until recently, and it was quite obvious. One of those doctors you can't wait to talk to again!
    Otherwise, she's measuring right on track and everything looks good, which is always nice to hear!

    Oh, and my OB told me at my 24 wk appointment that she would induce me if I don't give birth before 40 weeks - possibly even 39, due to my age (40). I'm glad I asked, because that's definitely important for me to know for work!

  36. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    I got my blood test back today, a whole week early! Everything looks normal so it sounds like the little spot on the ultrasound is no big deal. My chances of chromosomal abnormalities is less then 1%. Feeling relieved and grateful that the test results came back before I had time to work myself up looking for them!

    They also confirmed that we are definitely having a girl ❤

    My nesting instinct also kicked in big time this week and I have lots of assembly/rearranging to do at home! We decided to convert our walk in closet to the nursery (we have another reach-in closet for our clothes) and the third bedroom (formerly the nursery for our foster babies) into a guest room. I’m moving our bed and mattress into the third bedroom and bought a king sized bed and mattress for our room. The crib was delivered today so I’m hoping to get that assembled and measure the little window in there for curtains this week.

  37. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @JCCovi: congrats! that's great news!

    I hear you on the nesting. I painted the baby/guest room on Sunday (wow, was I sore!) and was so excited to rearrange the furniture...until we remembered that this room would have to function as a guest room for at least 9 more months! We plan to keep baby in our room for the first 6 months, so all that's left is to hang curtains (which I've had since black Friday) and keep an eye out for artwork to fall in love with...
    Next project is to turn our office into a playroom for DS/baby, which involves a lot of paper purging!

  38. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @JCCovi: That’s wonderful news! What a relief.

    DH and I just got back from Florida, where we went with our 2 girls and his immediate family. The girls are staying until tomorrow night so we have a whole night to ourselves! We spent 2 days at Disney (kids are at Epcot today) and I realized I really need to prioritize exercising more. I felt SO much better after the hours of walking. My body is used to running every day pre pregnancy and I’ve only been walking like 30 minutes a day. So hopefully I can make myself get up early and hit the treadmill until spring comes because I feel so different.

    I also was offered and accepted a new position while on vacation that has been about 6 months in the making. I’m so relieved to at least know what my maternity leave plans will be now, since that was up in the air. I’ll get either 6 weeks short term disability (50% pay) and 6 weeks unpaid, or 12 weeks short term disability. I’m hoping to then take several weeks of NY State Paid Family Leave (67% pay for up to 12 weeks in the year following the birth of a child) in January and February when my parents and in-laws will be in Florida. I’d also be able to avoid daycare during peak flu season then.

  39. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @Becky: Congrats on the new job! I need to prioritize walking as well. I’ve been super sore the last couple of days and I think it would help if I were more active.

  40. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @JCCovi: so glad the results came back good - that sounds so reassuring. And congrats on the confirmation of a little girl

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