Hellobee Boards


June 2020 Mamas

  1. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Becky: DD came at 32w3d... but I think I started getting sick with her around 30 weeks. Fortunately I will be able to send her to daycare regularly as I need to get some rest and get caught up with nursery/nesting stuff. I have my plan all mapped out, but haven't started yet. Congrats on the new job!

  2. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @yellowbeach: So stressful! Glad you’re able to cut back at work and keep DD in daycare. Take care of yourself and that baby!

  3. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Hi all! Just checking in, I’ve been so crazy busy I haven’t had time to think! Everything looks good with the baby, I’m 24 weeks today and have appointments all the time, but so far so good. I just glanced at everyone’s updates and glad to hear you’re all doing well, even with some scares in there!

  4. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    ☀🌊 June/July/Aug AKA Summer 2020 Mamas 🌊☀

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2

    June 1: BunBun #2 , MissLace #3
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
    June 24: MsMilkshake #2 , Becky #3
    June 29: JCCOVI #3

    July 7: CodeitAll #3
    July 18: Mrs Chocolate #4
    July 21: Cram88 #4

    Aug 6: MountainBaby #2

    Marfi, BreakouttheIceCream

  5. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    Saw the midwife yesterday and everything is looking good! She talked about scheduling a hospital tour soon and urged me to go ahead and make our plans and back up plans. Made everything seem really close!

    Also, last night was the first night the big kids were patient enough and Baby was active enough for both kids to feel her kick. I lay down with each of them at bedtime and they both felt one good kick ❤

  6. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    I had my first appointment with my new midwifery practice yesterday and I loved them. It’s actually within a larger clinic type practice that mainly serves very low income populations and I was really impressed. They did a very thorough review of my record and explained there are often wait times for the midwives because they spend longer than the typical 15 minutes with all patients. So glad I switched!

  7. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Mrs Chocolate @Cram88 @MountainBaby: When do you ladies have your anatomy scans?

  8. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    @yellowbeach: mine is March 24. Waiting impatiently

  9. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MountainBaby: Ugh that feels so far away!

  10. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    I got to see our little girl at the 24 week check up this morning. She was wide awake, moving and even had her eyes open. Makes me wonder what these beautiful little babies are thinking of when in the womb.

    Glad to see everyone has good updates to share!

  11. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Lovely 💕

  12. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    So this has been on my mind for a few weeks. Sometimes I feel alone with this idea and wonder if anyone else feels this way????

    Nothing earth shattering but I really dislike being pregnant. Which seems awful to admit given how many struggles DH and I have had to be sitting here at 25 weeks with what appears to be our much desired rainbow girl. I don’t know if it’s my age or stage where I am in life (I’m transitioning into a new job if all goes well right after baby girl is born) but every stage of it - I don’t feel like me, I struggle with painful symptoms. Separately it’s not bad but together - sigh. Don’t get me wrong this little girl is sooooo wanted and loved already and I can’t wait to hold her and watch her grow. I just can’t wait to not be pregnant and hopefully start to feel like me again.

  13. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: I think that’s totally fair and normal. I don’t mind it overall but I’m a lot less Enamored with it this second time, probably because with a toddler it’s a lot more annoying to have my mobility hampered. I also like really really enjoyed the 6 months between when I stopped breastfeeding and when I got pregnant again to truly have my body be my own!

  14. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @skiierchck99: thank you for responding and sharing. It does already make me feel a bit better to know others may feel not themselves during pregnancy and that it’s okay. I just read some many things that make me think so many women love being pregnant and I just don’t.

  15. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    Sitting in the doctors office for 3 hours because I failed the 1-hour glucose screening on Friday 🤦‍♀️ Hoping like heck I pass. And - had an ultrasound last Friday that showed no placenta movement so I just officially scheduled my cesarean for May 5 - 36 weeks, 2 days. It’s getting real!

  16. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Nope, you are NOT alone! I don't love being pregnant, I don't even like being pregnant! The only time worse than pregnancy for me was TTC, because that has no end date...
    Please know you're not alone, but I think those of us who don't love being pregnant don't advertise it much because we appreciate how badly so many women want to be in our position. But I never lie and say "it's great" - for me it's nausea from acid reflux, motion sickness, sciatic and tailbone pain, shortness of breath as well as general discomfort. I bow down to those who love it enough to be surrogates!

  17. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @skiierchck99: Oh no, I'm so sorry about failing the 1 hr. Sending you good thoughts for today!
    Wow, May 5!
    I'm going in for my glucose screening next week. I'm torn between "being good" in case that helps me pass and eating all of the chocolate covered pretzels now, while I still can!

  18. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: I’m with you... it took us almost 5 years after my second to decide to go for a third and it was primarily because I just hated being pregnant so much. Third time around... it’s been even worse. I’m fortunately in a bit of a grace period in my 2nd trimester right now but it’s still not something I enjoy. Even the nice parts like little baby kicks are annoying when they wake me up. 😒

  19. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Popping in to say I am also for sure in the "I'm not a fan of being pregnant" camp... which like you, comes with a tinge of guilt knowing how hard DH and I struggled to get here. I selfishly hate the burden of having to monitor every single thing that goes into my body - food, drink, medicine... and as I get farther along, the increasing discomfort and mobility issues, also made worse by trying to chase a toddler. And during this whole Covid-19 thing, working in healthcare, knowing I am putting myself (my choice) and my baby (not his choice) at risk continuing to work because it's "what I signed up for (both the job and the pregnancy). I feel guilty and cautious all the time. Plus poor sleep, swollen sinuses and elephant feet. Yep, not my favorite. Trying to pay more attention to the kicks and the special moments as I know I'll never be pregnant again, but somedays it's just plain hard.

  20. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @skiierchck99: wow! May 5th seems so close - that is soooooo exciting!!!!

  21. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @BUNBUN: @JCCovi: @yellowbeach: thank you ladies so much for sharing that it’s okay not to love it. I do think I feel guilt even expressing how hard I’m finding it to enjoy pregnancy given that it’s taken us 3 years to get here and I have friends IRL who can’t afford IVF and have had to give up dreams of their own biological children. I think of them and know they would trade places with me in a heart beat. I don’t want anyone to think I don’t feel blessed to be sitting at my desk with my feet propped up because my legs are aching so badly today. I do feel blessed and eternally grateful about being pregnant in so many ways.

    I just know I was feeling a bit like me last week. But then having to fight terrible indigestion no matter what or how little I eat, poor sleep and serious aches and pains and also hating how I look pregnant ... I feel like I’m back to struggling with being pregnant.

    And yet, as we “speak” my little girl is moving and I’m smiling because it’s just an amazing experience even if a bit weird.

  22. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: I know so many people who hate being pregnant: people who are just so uncomfortable all the time, or who have high risk pregnancies so are always on alert, or who struggle with body image issues. Super common.

  23. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: ask your doctor about the indigestion. I got the ok time take Prilosec till I deliver and it has made a world of difference. I didn’t ask about it specifically - just asked what was ok to take. And if you’re taking Tums etc you want to be careful Because taking too much for too long can give you kidney stones!

  24. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @skiierchck99: I didn’t know that about tums! They are my lifeline!
    @skiierchck99: Holy moly that’s so soon!

  25. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @LAZB: I was taking a lot at the end last time and asked if the “daily max” was a real thing or one of those artificially low things and they said real and that was why.

  26. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @MrsJBeeG I also do not love being pregnant. I become very, very grumpy and low patience which I feel bad about, especially now that I have a kid at home. I also feel waaay more pregnant than I did at this point with my first, which is probably not helping.

    @skiierchck99 That seems so soon!!

    How’s life otherwise? Apart from the aforementioned grumpiness things here are pretty good. I’m a public school teacher in Baltimore and am thus mostly just telling kids to stop telling each other they have the coronavirus while also laughing at all our administrative emails about hand washing (we haven’t had soap in the building for months, but don’t worry we teachers bought some). Also my 2 year old has been talking a lot about how he wants to be an orangutan when he grows up, so there’s that lol.

  27. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    Just popping in with some good news! My mom had her follow up scan and everything is the same! Not the best possible news but pretty darn close. We will remain in wait and see mode until her next scan but I’m so relieved. This doesn’t really alleviate my anxiety about her (and my dad) being over 60, physicians, and her being down 1/3 of a lung after her last surgery.
    @yellowbeach and any other medical folk on here, how are you holding up? My ER people (dad and sister on her ER rotation) say things are madness

  28. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    At 23 weeks I am finally getting comments about looking pregnant! Considering how much my lower back pops at night in bed, it is about time...

    My doctor told me today that for third babies, I have the option of induction starting at 39 weeks. I've never made it to 40 weeks, so I'm not sure it is necessary, but anyone else considering it? Any idea about added costs to the regular hospital bill?

  29. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @codeitall: Ohhh I envy you just showing—I have to make excuses about why I look like I’m already 8 months! I may have missed it back in the thread, but do you have a medical indication for induction? It just seems weird that they’d just offer it up like that, especially seeing you went into labor naturally before. My midwives told me early on they wouldn’t discuss induction until after I tried all the natural induction methods and was at least 41 weeks.

  30. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @codeitall: This is also my third baby and no one has said anything about induction. I went into labor naturally at 39+6 and 38+6 so I don’t think it’s something I would go for. I will definitely be starting all the natural induction methods between 38-39 weeks though!

  31. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @Becky: No medical reason, just that it is an option in our hospital/doctor network for 3rd babies to be induced, you don't need medical reasons at that point. He did say he didn't want me going to 41 weeks given how small I am and how big this baby looks. My little research into it says it is more expensive and since mine are early anyway, I'll pass.

  32. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    I went in for my MFM follow up on baby's heart and kidney. They never got to check her heart last time, so the ultrasound tech did her best to move her around to get a profile and an echo. All checks out. Kidney issue persists, we will have to deal with it after birth. I'm grateful to know her heart look and sounds OK!!

    But the real news is how the practice chose to handle their safety precautions that went into effect that AM:
    I got a phone call that AM letting me know that NO GUESTS (spouses, children) were allowed (the week before, one adult guest was allowed, so long as they were healthy and hadn't traveled). Then a whole host of questions (fever, cough, runny nose, any contact with sick people) that included questions about *domestic* travel and allergy symptoms (the pollen counts are crazy right now).
    At the office, no patients were allowed in. We had to call the front desk from our cell phone, answer the same list of questions, and then a nurse came out to take our temperature she also confirmed what I would owe for that visit and took my credit card. Then the office manager came out so I could sign my credit card receipt. They had chairs spaced 6-12 ft apart in the halls and by the elevator and I think they were the only practice on the floor.
    I had to wait an extra 30+ minutes, which was not unexpected (it was an end of day visit). When the nurse brought me in, I was not allowed to touch any door handles, etc.

    This may sound extreme, but I am 100% in support of the doc's decision to be (as he put it) 3 steps ahead of where we are in our state (TX) and closer to what is going on in Seattle. He's part of 6 MFM practices and has a lot of staff to take care of in addition to his high-risk patients. I told him that if he needed to cancel my followup as it's "non-essential" I completely understand. He was so grateful that I understood! My heart went out to him for trying to protect his patients and his staff in the wake of at least one VERY ANGRY patient's spouse who shouted in the lobby that "this is just a flu! You people are making the problem by acting like this! I have a right to see my child before he is born!" ummm...

    I get that tensions are high and he and his wife are probably very stressed about the pregnancy, but DUDE! This is NOT just a flu! And even if it was, flu is not "just the flu" for high-risk pregnant women!

    Based on his precautions, I would not be surprised if hospitals are forced to move to NO VISITORS, including no support people during labor. It's far from ideal, it may not happen everywhere, but the newborn who contracted covid-19 was likely infected by someone at the hospital, not in utero.

    All this to say, medical personnel, I support you. In whatever measures you need to take to keep us, our babies, yourselves, and the rest of the population safe. This is uncharted territory for many of us, but my doc, who has practiced through many pandemics, is doing what he thinks is necessary to ensure that the medical staff we may need in an emergency are able to do their jobs and save lives

  33. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @BUNBUN: Our hospitals are no longer allowing visitors except for one at beginning or end of life. All elective surgeries are cancelled. For a labor/delivery, you can have one person present. My SIL will be delivering anytime now and I really feel for her (she is required to get a c section due to a significant bicornate uterus and it resulted in a vertical and horizontal incision last time).

    I’m getting concerned about my upcoming appointment (3/30). I think I mentioned I’m in a clinic type setting now. There are all sorts of adult, pediatric, and speciality care services and the waiting areas are all pretty open. I feel like I have had some reduced fetal movement so I really do want to go, just for peace of mind. But otherwise, I would likely just see if I could skip because I’m very low risk.

    I went and got my glucose test done yesterday at 5:30am. I would have skipped/refused (I’m a very healthy weight and diet), but because I’m at a new practice they wanted to run bloodwork.

    On the bright side I taught my oldest daughter how to ride a bike after working from home yesterday! I haven’t run that fast in a while and now I’m sore (but in a good way)!

  34. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @Becky: My regular OB practice just texted to let us know that we will be screened before we even enter the building and that only 1 guest over 18 is allowed. I have my 1hr glucose Thursday. I guess I will be getting there super early!

  35. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    @BUNBUN: Where in TX are you? My anatomy scan is next week and I really want my husband to be able to be there. He had to miss it for LO1 and I don't want him to have to miss again! That said, we will be following the rules and not yelling at medical professionals if they deem it necessary! I'll just be sad.

  36. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @MountainBaby: We are in Montgomery County, north of Houston.
    FYI: We have several cases of COVID-19, but our first confirmed case was one of community transmission, so I don't know if that's impacted how the medical community is assessing risk.

    Fingers crossed that he can be there!

  37. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    @BUNBUN: We're in Waco, no cases here yet, but they are following the big city recommendations of closing restaurants and things. No point in calling now since things may change a lot, but I'm going to call the day before and see what they say!

  38. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    So, checking in to disclose that I'm a bit of a mess. Just got word this morning that my patient I stabilized and admitted on Sat is Covid-19 positive. Pt #2 at our hospital.

    I'm out of work through Sunday, resting my legs and taking my vitals at home with requirements to report any abnormalities to the powers that be. DH is still working, and DD has a worsening cough. No one has fevers. Yet.

    Had a fetal growth scan today. They gave no pictures, but I was too distracted to ask for any. Baby looks good, and BIG (99th%tile for a few measurements). Glucose test is next week. Also breech with possible placenta previa.

    Ugh my anxiety and my brain are spinning.

  39. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @yellowbeach: Woah, holy overload, batman! Glad you've got some time to (literally) put your feet up.

    I hope you get some good news over the next week! Hugs to you!

    (So baby girl is measuring right on target with her due date, and I feel like something must be wrong because DS was measuing HUGE at this point - like scheduled C-section, on track to be >12lbs huge! He wasn't, his projected weight dropped with every scan and he was born was 8lbs 4oz...so, hopefully things change for you too)

  40. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @yellowbeach: you are in my thoughts and prayers - I cannot imagine how hard it is being 26weeks pregnant and seeing all of the coronavirus unfold at your work. But you’re not alone. I hope you get to rest this week.

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