Hellobee Boards


June 2020 Mamas

  1. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: Oh wow, what a rough time. I hope you and your family stay healthy ❤

  2. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @yellowbeach Holy Overload is right!! Your work is so deeply appreciated and I hope you are able to find time for rest soon. This is such a wild time for anxiety management/pregnancy/life without the added pressures of your job.

  3. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    Anatomy scan tomorrow - but no visitors allowed at all My husband didn't get to attend for our first baby so I was really hoping he could this time. Just feeling sorry for myself.


    apricot / 430 posts

    @MountainBaby: I'm sorry. That is disappointing


    apricot / 430 posts

    I'm 29 weeks and it's going to hit 90 degrees here this week. It's officially boob sweat and chub rub time! Here are some products that are helping me wear dresses

    I got these ideas from this website:

  6. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @BUNBUN: Oooo I need to bookmark these.

  7. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @MountainBaby: I just wanted to say I’m sorry. That has to be disappointing for you both.

  8. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @yellowbeach: I saw your coronavirus posts on the other thread. Are you doing okay? Any word on results - beefing keeping my fingers crossed you didn’t get any symptoms and a negative result!

  9. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: still waiting on test results. Feeling ok, just a mild dry cough. Waiting sucks.

  10. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: Hoping your case is mild, if you do have it.

    My county has run out of tests, and the official number before they ran out was 96 positive cases. At this point they’re only testing those who really need to know if they have it (like health care workers), and asking others to quarantine for at least 14 days. My BIL is currently quarantined (he definitely has it—all those weird symptoms like not being able to taste or smell, plus typical fever and dry cough). I’ve seen a few moms post on our local moms Facebook group about having all those symptoms and being told the same. My SIL (his sister) who is due any day has isolated her family so we’re not even seeing her now. This is such a weird time.

    I will say that this is keeping my mind off of pregnancy and any antsiness that might come along with the third trimester (I’m 27 tomorrow so almost there). I talked to my OBs office yesterday and they are only seeing pregnant women now, no other patients.

    Is it the same everywhere as here: you can’t bring anyone into your appointments or into the office with you (and you get temped before entering), and at the birth only one person can be there, with no visitors permitted at the hospital? I’m fine with this—it’s my third time so I don’t have birth fears—but I know it’s stressful for a lot of people, especially first time moms and those with high risk pregnancies and C sections.

  11. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    I'm sorry I've been MIA. It's been a tremendously stressful couple of weeks for us. It's taken me some time to process and find the words even to share it all. It's currently on the blog now because it felt easier to just get it all out in one spot then trying to update it all over the place. A lot of other smaller things have also happened to add on the stress and then the world fell apart. Part of me wants to shut off completely and part of me wants to keep positive and hope for the best for us personally and for the world at large. I'll probably be in and out through the weeks but I'm reading your updates and wishing you all the best in this crazy time. I hope by the time our babies arrive some of this stuff does down so we can all have a little less stress in general

  12. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: I just read your post. I am so sorry you are going through this and I hope you have more answers soon.

  13. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Becky: thank you. The waiting is hard especially now with less ways to distract. Trying to see the bright light of being with my family more during this stressful time

  14. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    Quick update from the scan today. Healthy baby boy! Partial placenta previa, so pelvic rest for now and I’ll be back in 8 weeks to see if it’s resolved. It was sad to not have family along, but we celebrated at home together afterwards with blue frosted brownies so it was a nice day overall.

  15. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    ☀🌊 June/July/Aug AKA Summer 2020 Mamas 🌊☀

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2

    June 1: BunBun #2 , MissLace #3
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
    June 24: MsMilkshake #2 , Becky #3
    June 29: JCCOVI #3

    July 7: CodeitAll #3
    July 18: Mrs Chocolate #4
    July 21: Cram88 #4

    Aug 6: MountainBaby #2

    Marfi, BreakouttheIceCream

  16. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate I’m thinking of you and I’m so sorry we’re going through this with everything else. I hope the next few weeks can bring some answers.

    @mountainbaby hooray for baby boy! I’m glad you found a way to make the day special!

  17. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @yellowbeach: waiting does suck. Are you back at work or still off waiting for the results?

    @MountainBaby: so glad your scan went well and congrats on a little boy!!!! Your after event sounds so sweet, I’m so glad that the family still celebrated the news with you!!!!

  18. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Still off work until I get results. Really hope to hear something today.

  19. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: Sorry to hear this! All the best to your family as you await further results and wrap your head around this. ❤

  20. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: I read your beautifully written post. I just wanted to add that I am so sorry you are going through this, especially at this time. It sounds like you've found some supportive resources, which I hope is reassuring. I hope you have more answers soon!

  21. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @yellowbeach: Oh my goodness, the waiting! Virtual hugs to you!

  22. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @yellowbeach: I hope you hear today too!

  23. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsJBeeG: Called just now to ask about timeline for results from testing on Wed. They said they talked to the lab today and results calls definitely aren’t happening today - looking more like Thursday/Friday. 👎

  24. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @yellowbeach: sigh. That’s a long time for you to be in limbo. Wish they had better news for you.

  25. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @msmilkshake: @BUNBUN: thank you I appreciate it

  26. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    @yellowbeach said I should come back so here I am! I'm now due August 28 (but the latest I'll go is August 21). I had some scary bleeding over the weekend. After calling in to the OB emergency line, I went in to the ER to get checked out. Thankfully, everything was okay with baby but we found out that I have placenta previa with an anterior succenturiate lobe. Meaning I have blood vessels crossing over my cervix (not my picture but gives a fairly good example of what it's like). So it's something we'll have to keep an eye on. There's a chance it could correct itself but it's not super likely because of the fact that there are two separate lobes. If it doesn't correct itself (and move away from my cervix) I have to have a C-section which we're planning on anyway.

  27. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Marfi: wishing you the best with this! I have complete too, nothing moved, so I’m a scheduled c-section in May though they’re trying to hold me off till 38 weeks now instead of 36 as originally planned due to Covid-19. This is the best guide I’ve read on it and how it will be managed depending on your symptoms (lined up with everything my OB said too). https://www.uptodate.com/contents/placenta-previa-management/print

  28. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    28 weeks today. Passed my glucose test this morning. Phew. With the exception of ultrasounds, all appointments from here on out will be telehealth. Still no Covid test results. Hopefully tomorrow.

  29. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @yellowbeach Hooray for 3rd trimester and for passing your glucose test! I’m sure the waiting is torture, really hoping you hear something tomorrow.

  30. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @yellowbeach: are you monitoring yourself for hypertension/pre-e?

  31. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: Can you tell us more about what your telemedicine visits look like? I will be asking about doing this at my visit on Monday. I at least want to reduce to every 4 weeks rather than jumping to every 2 weeks, and an article from U of Michigan I believe highlighted reducing in person to 28 (because glucose tests but none of my testing is done on site), 36, and 39 weeks for low risk women to be just as effective and safe.

  32. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @skiierchck99: Yes - checking BPs at home. If I were you guys, as someone with a hx of high risk pregnancy and as an MD, I'd make sure you have at home (links to the models I own):
    - BP cuff https://smile.amazon.com/Omron-Upper-Blood-Pressure-Monitor/dp/B07S3LNS1L/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=omron+bp&qid=1585324109&sr=8-10
    - Pulse ox https://smile.amazon.com/Deluxe-SM-110-Display-Finger-Oximeter/dp/B003TJH3LI/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=finger+pulse&qid=1585324228&rnid=2470954011&sr=8-5
    - Urine test strips to monitor for any protein as needed https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B071XTRPPT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    - Thermometer

    While I'm personally not offering telemed to my patients, all of my colleagues have said they are recommending buying a pulse ox and BP cuff to their patients, as especially for OB, these are the vital signs they really care about in the current setting. I'd honestly buy them now because I think the availability will be scarce as hospitals start to formally recommend this to patients.

    @Becky: My first telehealth visit for OB will be 4/14. Will definitely keep you posted.

  33. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @yellowbeach: Curious, do you have a doppler too? Or will the not be monitoring baby's hb?

    My Partners-affiliated Boston-based OB has thus far shown no signs of moving remote (though they have changed a lot of procedures).

  34. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @skiierchck99: we don’t have a Doppler but only because we have a handheld ultrasound. Doppler is a good add to the list.

  35. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: We have BP and pulse ox. Can fetal heart rate be checked with a stethoscope? My parents are both retired ICU nurses (RNs) and my mom is a CCRN. She was an OB nurse for a number of years in the late 70s-early 80s so has delivered plenty of babies but hasn’t done HR with a stethoscope.

  36. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Becky: Best is to get a Doppler. There’s an iPhone app called Shell but I’ve yet to have much luck with it.

  37. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @yellowbeach: it also looks like amazon is not really selling any of this easily. Do you have a recommendation on a medical supply store?

    If I’m able to get these tools I may see if I can switch to every 3 weeks until I hit 36 weeks to lessen my exposure

  38. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    Hi All, joining in to be part of a support group. I'm due mid-May with my second child and frankly, pretty scared. I am most scared that by then, I won't have a safe place to deliver my baby. I would happily deliver my baby in a tent in the hospital parking lot if that meant I had medical professionals attending to the birth. Trying not to swirl with my thoughts!

    I had planned to deliver at the local hospital 25 minutes from my house, which has a Level 3 NICU. However, that hospital has been designated as a COVID location for the system. So, depending on the caseload in 7 weeks, I was told I may be delivering at a different hospital in the system, which is much smaller and 1-1/2 hours away. I have no idea how that would even work, I imagine I will be induced before 40 weeks?

    @yellowbeach: Thank you for the links. I appreciate them. I also appreciate you and your husband and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    @skiierchck99: I just had my 32 week appointment and will not be returning until I'm 36 weeks.

    Thinking of you all

  39. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @SweetCaroline: Welcome and hugs. I am also due mid-May and have no choice but to go to a hospital because I have a complete previa (placenta covering cervix) and thus need an early c-section. My OB practice is at one of the big Boston hospitals where like 45 healthcare providers have already tested positive, so...yeah. Super stressful but out of my control so I am trying to stay zen.

  40. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @SweetCaroline: Welcome! I am just starting to think about what labor and delivery will begin to look like. At the end of the most recent Evidence Based Birth podcast, she talks about the detriment of taking away a laboring woman’s support network in a time when hospital staff will already be limited, and how there is no research or basis to show that a laboring woman alone is any less of an infectious risk to hospital staff than a couple. I’m hopeful that hospital systems will strongly consider this. The system I am delivering with has a dedicated COVID-19 facility (we are seeing really sharp increases in cases here) so I’m additionally hopeful that this will make it less likely that birth partners are disallowed. I have heard from a few local moms on Facebook that they are getting people out of the hospital more quickly after birth. I’m really interested to see how this goes with C-sections (my SIL will deliver any day via C section and I’ll share an update then).

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