Hellobee Boards


June 2020 Mamas

  1. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @LAZB: weirdly mine was horrible and then got better too! My skin was so itchy and irritated that it was raw a few times earlier on but then the last 2-3 weeks were much better 🤷‍♀️

    @yellowbeach: Whoops! Soon enough, I hope!

  2. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Just had my first appointment. Apparently a few things have changed in the past year because they do standard dating ultrasounds now and I’ll also get the NT scan at 13 weeks. She said my uterus is right on track for size but I’m definitely looking forward to the scan later this week!

  3. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Becky: Great news!

    AFM, I finally threw up for the first time... seems like it's been building and building over the last 2 weeks. I have to take a critical 6 hour board exam next Wed which usually only allows 2 breaks and no food/water/meds at your test station. I just applied for an accommodation with my licensing board. Here's to hoping. Fortunately it was a woman who I spoke with and sent my request to.

  4. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @yellowbeach: those rules are terrible anyway! Crossing my fingers for you.

  5. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @becky Hooray!!
    @yellowbeach I really hope they grant that incredibly reasonable request.

    I told my assistant principal today because my level of exhaustion is definitely interfering with having grades done on time. Any one else still slightly afraid they’re jinxing something every time they say it out loud? Any way, she was lovely and was also super supportive at the time of my loss so yay for good bosses!

  6. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @msmilkshake: I definitely feel like I’m jinxing it. I’m only 6+5 though and we’ve basically told everyone because I find suffering in silence and having to pretend I don’t feel awful to be exhausting. I’m telling my boss tomorrow because we have an open door policy and I have had to keep mine closed to keep out the smell of people’s food being heated in the microwave so it’s obvious, plus I want to be able to work from home when I’m really bad.

  7. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Cheated and scanned myself today. I still can’t get a great view trans abdominally of the sac contents, but I can definitely appreciate my uterus getting bigger. I’m looking forward to when I can see the heartbeat. Maybe another week or two.

  8. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    Oh my gosh, how do you ladies make it through the day? My nausea is constant, and staring at a screen at work makes it worse. I tried Unisom and B6 last night and it helped until about 8:30 this morning. I feel like I will be so tired if I have to take more! I’m not vomiting (yet) but feel like it would be better if I just did. Wah!

  9. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @msmilkshake: it’s my busiest time of year at work and after working a full day and dealing with dd1 in the evening (mostly solo because dh works long hours) I just cannot do anything else! My house is a mess and I’m not doing extra work from home that I need to.

    @Becky: I’m counting down the days. I seem to have better and worse days but when it’s bad...it’s so hard! Yesterday was awful, I threw up twice in the am and then was basically nonstop nauseous until bed!

  10. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ultrasound went well this morning! 8w0d today and measuring 8w2d. HR in the 160s. 2 arms and 2 legs. 🥰

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: love it! So happy all is well

  12. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @yellowbeach: so, so happy for you

  13. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    I don’t see a July board so can I join here for now? This is my way back original screen name but I was posting here back in June with a pregnancy that I miscarried under dinosaurgiraffefox.

    Location: NH
    EDD: July 21st, 2020, our 13 year dating anniversary
    How far along: 3 weeks 2 days, and I tested positive yesterday
    First child? This would be #4
    First doctor appointment: Nothing scheduled yet. Had HCG and progesterone level drawn yesterday (I’ve had 4 miscarriages and always end up on progesterone supplementation). Beta was 8, low but I have to start somewhere and progesterone was 11 which she said is good for being so early. I’ve opted to wait a week to check again since I am so early and I had an early miscarriage in July.
    Any symptoms so far? Breast fullness and pain.
    Who have you told? Husband, Hellobee mom group from my first and one friend that lives across the country so I don’t have to worry about it getting out.

  14. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: Congrats!!!

    I had my dating US yesterday. They have me a due date of 6/24, and I’m measuring a little ahead at 7+3 and 7+4 (actually 7+0 based on their dates). Heart rate was 154. I started Unisom and B6 yesterday and it seems to help, although I can’t bring myself to take the Unisom during the day so we will see what the afternoon/evening brings. I’m eating my first real lunch in 2 weeks right now and it’s glorious!

  15. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    June 2020 Mamas

    Estimated Due Date:
    May 31: SkiierChck99 #2
    June 1: BunBun #2, MissLace #3
    June 16: BreakOuttheIceCream #1
    June 18: YellowBeach #2
    June 21: LazB #4
    June 23: MrsJBeeG #1
    June 24: MsMilkshake #2, Becky #3
    June 27: JCCOVI #3

    July 7: CodeitAll #3
    July 21: Cram88 #4


  16. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    Just had my first OB appointment! Heard baby’s heartbeat and did the blood draw for the cell-free dna! All good so far 🤞

  17. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @skiierchck99: Excellent news! 💕💕💕

  18. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @cram88: Welcome!
    @yellowbeach: What a great ultrasound!
    @Becky: I remember doing that last pregnancy. Did you need a prescription for either of those or were they over the counter?

  19. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @codeitall: They’re OTC. There’s a combination prescription drug version but it’s something like $300.

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @skiierchck99: yay!

  21. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    @cram88: Congratulations!!

  22. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    I feel so much less sick today and even yesterday which is awesome but also causes anxiety. I can’t wait for my us on the 26th.

  23. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @skiierchck99: My nausea and loss of appetite is now transitioning to just fatigue. Want to nap like a baby all afternoon.

  24. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @yellowbeach: Fatigue finally hit me hard yesterday. I went outside to do yard work today and only lasted 20 minutes. I haven’t been able to exercise because it makes me feel more nauseous which has been hard too—I feel like such a lump. With DD1 I didn’t do much from weeks 6-10 but then was back running, but with DD2 I ran straight through. It’s mostly tough mentally.

  25. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @Becky: totally agree - haven’t exercised in 10 weeks and now that I’m moving out of nausea it’s so daunting to get back in! Now I remember why I was so out of shape after dd1.

  26. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    Ugh, I wish my nausea was subsiding. 10 wks and I just got sick triggered by an allergy attack. And I got motion sick on the swings today, so there’s that!
    But, more seriously, I’ve been having some sharp pains on my lower right abdomen today - like ovulation type twinges or worse. It started while I was doing yard work and have continued tonight. Could this be round ligament pain? Should I be worried?

  27. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @BUNBUN: Sounds like round ligament pain. No bleeding I presume? That would be something different if yes.

  28. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @yellowbeach: thanks! That’s what it seemed like to me, but it feels too early?

  29. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    Have had bright red spotting for a week. 😬 Though the OB hasn't had time for a scan, the nurse said it could be an infection or a nonviable pregnancy; I'm on the cusp of 8 weeks and my last loss was at 8.5. I'd appreciate any optimism or good thoughts you can spare.

  30. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: Eeeek - what do you mean no time for a scan? Can you see a partner in the group? Maybe an NP in the interim... I'd want some reassurance too. Have you had any pain or discomfort? Sending only happy, positive thoughts your way.

  31. BUNBUN

    apricot / 430 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: that's so scary! I hope you get some reassurance soon! Sending good thoughts your way!

  32. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: Oh that's awful, I totally agree with @yellowbeach, I'd see if there's a partner or anyone else in that office/clinic who has time for a scan. Sending good thoughts your way

  33. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @breakouttheicecream I’m so sorry that sounds so stressful, I really hope that someone can see you soon and am sending all the good thoughts your way.

  34. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    @yellowbeach: Thank you. I like my OB, but it's making me wonder if this is the right office. They've seen me through a lot, but none of the partners could squeeze me in at the end of last week while she was out, and no one could take me today (though they did get me in for a rhoGAM shot Friday). I'll try back and ask for an NP--didn't think of that! Thank you. I'm not having major discomfort, just nauseous, tired, and worried.

    @bunbun, @codeitall, @msmilkshake: Thank you so much for the good thoughts.

  35. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: thinking of you and hoping you get to the bottom of this soon! Could be an SCH - they are all surprised I’ve had no bleeding with mine.

  36. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: just lurking on here for now, thinking good thoughts for you! I have heard blood with no cramps and cramps with no blood is better prognosis than both together 💕 but I’ve been there too and definitely would want reassurance! Can you call and beg?!

  37. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: sending you my positive thoughts! The unknown is so hard to deal with!

    Haven’t been on here too much lately - no energy coupled with near constant nausea and I just haven’t done much more than go to work and come home and try to rest. Sigh. This is the hardest few weeks I’ve had for any pregnancy.

    Hope all is well with everyone on here!!!

  38. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: I think I’d switch docs, that’s ridiculous! I hope everything is ok.
    @MrsJBeeG: me too, just so blah and nauseous (which is new for me)

  39. JCCovi

    kiwi / 705 posts

    @breakouttheicecream: Sorry to hear that! I’ve also been spotting for about a week and haven’t been to see my OB yet. Without cramps 50% of the time it should be totally ok... I went to the ER bleeding with a previous pregnancy and it was the worst experience of my life AND the pregnancy continued to be a totally healthy pregnancy. So I’m ok staying away from the OB for another week, just because there isn’t really anything they can do. 😔 It definitely sucks though because the worry colors everything else that’s happening.

    Another thing, have you had an ultrasound yet? I know with bleeding (no cramps) the odds jump from 50% to 90% of successful pregnancy if you’ve already seen a heartbeat via ultrasound. That’s what my doctor emailed me when my spotting happened. Unfortunately I don’t get my first ultrasound until next Monday...

  40. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    Going in for a scan later today! I'm a wreck, but you all are so wonderful. Thank you.

    @skiierchck99: Thank you! Hadn't thought of an SCH--will keep my fingers crossed. Hope it hasn't caused any complications for you--glad you're avoiding the symptoms so far.

    @fuzzypeaches, my hopes are so high for you this week. Thank you for lurking! It's nice to see you on here.

    @MrsJBeeG, @lazb: Hope you're both feeling okay. I don't know if it's any consolation that those are good signs? But they sound like good signs.

    @jccovi: Those are heartening odds! Thank you for sharing them. My first scan turned out to be too early for a heartbeat (five weeks, six days). Fingers crossed for the next scan. I'm so sorry about your ER trip--I've been there, though that pregnancy didn't continue; hope you can avoid it this time. Good luck with the appointment on Monday! How are you feeling??

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