blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Mrs. Lion: Um... nobody has said I need to... last time I had to stop working two weeks early and they just had to scramble and deal with it. I sort of have things planned out, but not detailed daily agendas or anything. I met with my long term sub today, at least.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. Rabbit: 3cm! Nice progress! 1 more cm and it's 'active labour' right? Group B is no big deal as long as they know you have it, they'll just give you the antibiotics during labour. Happy birthday tomorrow! It's mine next week. I was really hoping that she wouldn't come on my bday!
@loopedd: Happy late birthday! Glad you enjoyed that cake!
@Kbee: Mines the 29th, whens yours next week?
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: I had the entire rest of the YEAR prepared for my class when I went out 5 weeks early, and I still was declared incompetent and lazy for not coming in and grading papers on my leave. My principal left my class without a consistent teacher for the rest of the year. They had random subs that changed constantly. C was born March 1st...I told my principal I wouldn't be coming back after he was born in August...and yet somehow they couldn't hire a replacement? Several members of my team never spoke to me again after all of this....when I came to school to see the kids at graduation they intentionally walked right by me in the hallway. Super fun working with "mean girls". Let me tell you how much I don't miss that at all. I'm glad you have a sub lined up! That would have helped so much.
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Mrs. Lion: Ugh, how awful!! I am sort of just giving my sub whatever she needs. If she wants more detailed plans, I'll do it, but so far I've given her a basic outline with general pacing. Last time it was great because my classes went to English teachers already on campus who had open conference periods, so I didn't really have to give them anything. They just did what they wanted!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
Birthday talk - mine is March 6th and I have been saying that I either want the baby born in February or on my birthday, but not any other day in March, haha. I think it would be fun to share a birthday with my daughter, but Liam's birthday is at the end of March, so it would be preferable if she was born in February to sort of spread things out a little. My doctor will let me go to 41.5 weeks, which would be right after my birthday. I really hope that doesn't happen!
kiwi / 560 posts
@Mrs. Lion: So true, it's great that you've made it to 35! If this is longer than you've been pregnant before then it probably is starting to feel like forever! And hooray for no more bed rest! I'm doing good now, no more BP issues as far as I can tell. They'll just check it each week I go in, which they'd do anyways, of course. I'm hoping it stays normal when I go on Monday.
@loopedd: Oooh fun, a shower!
@Mrs. Rabbit: I'm intrigued by this EPO stuff too. Maybe I'll start taking that around 38 weeks...
@MrsB2012: How fun! Mine's the 31st!
persimmon / 1270 posts
I still can't believe these babies are starting to come out!
Happy Jan birthdays!
I am sitting at work watching my belly wiggle all around. This happened last night all through the show and it made it really hard for me to pay attention and take notes. It's like he already wants my attention.
Thinking about all you ladies often.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@maddyz: Adding that to the short list of things I really love about pregnancy So fun to watch the wiggles!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@maddyz: @Mrs. Lion: I love it, too! My husband thinks it's creepy...
We did our last essential purchases over the weekend. Got the auto rock n play (using it as a bassinet, though I know she will likely sleep with us for the first couple of months), diapers, wipes (we do cloth diapers and wipes, but need disposables at first until the baby chunks up a bit), and some breastfeeding/pumping supplies. We have a few more things to do for the nursery, but if the baby came today, we would be "ready," or as ready as we can be.
Because I like to-do lists, here's mine:
hang chandelier
finish and hang curtains
make pillow cover for rocker
make and hang art
hang shelves? (we already have picture ledges up for books, but I have other shelves I might hang for other stuff)
hang mirror (might paint the frame, still not sure)
buy: crib sheets, trash can, humidifier (my husband thinks we don't need a second one, but I think we do...), second monitor camera, stroller (might wait until after she's here for these last two)
clean cloth diapers and tighten elastic
install car seat
hang brightlab lights
order 2nd pump through insurance
I made lists for what goes in all of our bags for the hospital and Liam's bag for my mom's, but I think I will wait to pack them. If I go into labor early, at least we have the lists to quickly throw them together.
What is on everyone else's to do list? I was ready so much earlier the first time around...
kiwi / 536 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: I've been putting off packing the hospital bag, but I do have the list made, like you, so you made me feel better that it's halfway done, really
Other than that we just need to install the carseat… but our plans got thrown for a loop this weekend when the parking garage for our apartment building partially collapsed while it was being plowed on Saturday morning. Luckily no one was hurt but the whole structure has been condemned now and we have no clue how long it'll be before things are back to normal. So our cars are in a satellite lot that's a 5 min shuttle ride away…. needless to say DH is freaking out about our pending hospital trip...
And I'm home sick today after an absolutely brutal weekend in bed with a cough/fever that had me waking up every hour drenched in sweat Poor DH didn't sleep at all over the last couple of days either, worried about me, so I'm not that sad about the 2 feet of snow that's getting dumped on us tonight. We could both use a snow day tomorrow!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@loopedd: Oh wow! Were some cars stuck in there? That's super annoying.
kiwi / 536 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: It was so bizarre! Unbelievably, one car got totally smashed but no others were even scratched! We live on a strange little road between a hotel, an office building and a TV station, so the problem now is that between us residents, hotel guests, and office workers, no one knows what to do with their cars! I'm leaving mine in the satellite lot for now but it's just a mess. Not something you'd ever expect!
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@loopedd: Ugh! What a week! I can't believe the parking garage collapsed! So scary! I am glad everyone is okay...but that must be such a pain! I hope you're feeling better...being sick while pregnant is the worst.
@mrs. tictactoe: Those all sound like fun things! I am really wishing right now I had more left to do...I am going crazy and my to do list is completely done!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Mrs. Lion: haha, yeah, part of me is anxious to get it all done, but I know I'll be happy to have some projects if she doesn't come on time.
kiwi / 536 posts
@Mrs. Lion: It really does stink being sick and pregnant, I just get so sad!! Meanwhile I am happy to see that you haven't had a baby yet… how are you doing, besides going crazy?!
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@loopedd: Just crazy I was convinced last night that I was going into labor because I have been feeling cramping and lots of pelvic pressure and the contractions were starting to hurt. But it mostly went away overnight, so I guess nothing still. I know its for the best but the constant limbo is making me a crazy person. I need to step away from Google.
persimmon / 1121 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: There's not much left on our to-do list thankfully. I have to print the last picture for the nursery so we can hang it all, install the car seat, and the biggest one is that we still don't have someone who's available to watch our dogs when I go to the hospital. I am trying very hard not to panic about that!
@loopedd: That's crazy about the parking garage! So lucky no one got hurt. I hope you start to feel better soon, being sick at this stage of pregnancy really stinks!
blogger / clementine / 750 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: Our list is all completed over here and the bags are packed and waiting by the door. I have a feeling they could be there for another 2-3 weeks.
So, last time I had a decent amount of BH contractions and this time it's like crickets over here. Anyone else have that happen to them? I mean, I get them occasionally, but it's really, really rare. Maybe I'm just staying more hydrated or something?
Also, I'm exhausted. I'd be the happiest person in the world if I could take two naps a day (which I can't, but that would be AWESOME).
apricot / 390 posts
We have bags packed and *did* have the car seat installed, but we took it out over the weekend when friends visited, so that has to go back in now. As far as other to do list items, I'm content with doing nothing else until the baby gets here. There's still art to be framed and hung on the walls in the nursery, but I don't mind that it probably won't get done until later. We finally ordered our pack n play yesterday, so it will hopefully get here this week, and then he'll have somewhere to sleep in our room
I'm so excited for him to get here now! I am now feeling a lot of the pre-labor symptoms: back pain, menstrual-like cramps/BH, swollen everything, etc. The only thing that hasn't really happened yet is losing my mucus plug... I know all this doesn't mean much in terms of timing, though... it could still be another 5 weeks until he comes! But I really really really hope he comes in a week or 2. We are so ready for him now, and it's getting hard to concentrate on work since I'm paying such close attention to my body these days.
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Mrs. Rabbit: I didn't have any last time (that I knew of) and this time I have them very rarely. I had a few over the weekend, but definitely sporadic.
@Circusbee: it's so crazy to think that in 5.5 weeks, I will definitely have this baby. That's the longest it can go and that's such a short amount of time! I'm hoping she stays put for three more weeks so I can finish work at the time I planned, but I'll be ready for her to make her debut as soon as I'm done on the 13th!
persimmon / 1270 posts
Oooh lists. I feel like mine is still pretty big.
-buy a few left over things (bath tub being the biggest)
-take a bunch of stuff to good will
-buy black out curtains and a shelf for the bathroom and not 100 other things (IKEA trip)
-pick up diaper pail and nursing pillow from friend
-return/exchange some gifts (feel a little bad about this but we got SO many swaddles and no towels)
-pack hospital bag
-rent zip car to practice car seat install
-buy more sheets for our bed
I've been getting night swets, I think it's hormones. But otherwise feeling like this guy is going to stay in for a while. I need a week or two at least to relax and get things ready at work. I've been too crazy and need some quiet.
We just finished our birth class, it was amazing. I feel both more and less ready all at the same time.
kiwi / 536 posts
@Mrs. Lion: You are officially having the wackiest labor process in the history of babies!
@Aria: Thanks!! Are you guys settled in and ready for the snow?? I used to prep by stocking up on wine, I feel so lost now…
@maddyz: People LOVE buying swaddle blankets! We got a zillion. Return away!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@maddyz: don't feel bad about returning! We got sooooooo many clothes, both new and hand me down, that I returned a couple things. I think we have enough newborn onsies to never have to wash any before she grows out of them, lol. Liam had like 3 newborn things. So different with girls!
kiwi / 560 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: Hooray for head down! Such good news and a relief I'm sure
@loopedd: Oh my gosh! What a rough time for you. Any news on the parking situation? Are you snowed in? Feeling any better?
Sounds like everyone is making their final preparations! We are mostly ready. We ordered our last essentials from our Amazon registry yesterday, so those will be here tomorrow which is great! Our hospital bags are packed, pack n play is set up and ready to go, car seat is in, etc. We did get a decal from Etsy that we still need to put on the nursery wall - maybe tonight. I also have some more printables to print and hang, but that's about it!
I've definitely had an uptick in BH contractions, and crampy/low back pain, but other than that I feel pretty normal. Hoping he stays in at least another week or two - work has been so crazy lately, but it will calm down in the next few days. I'd like a week or two with a less crazy schedule so that I can relax a little before the baby makes his debut.
ETA: I can't wait to see who the next person will be to go into labor!! Anyone feel like they're it?
kiwi / 536 posts
@Kbee: Thanks for asking! No updates on the parking, since the snow yesterday precluded any work being done. Luckily our building staff has been amazing and very helpful to us in case I go into labor... so all we can do for now is wait and see, on all accounts! Physically I am still battling this cold but I came to work today since I was going insane/still freaking out about leaving for 12+ weeks. I totally understand the need for things to calm down at work pre-baby... I want to wrap things up in a little bow and leave them nicely for my coworkers! Wishful thinking I know
Every time it's quiet around here I think maybe a bunch of us are off having babies!
kiwi / 560 posts
@loopedd: Oh so glad to hear the building staff will help you out if you go into labor! Yeah this whole wrapping up at work thing is a major cause of stress at the end of pregnancy...but I bet once our babies come we won't think twice about it!
apricot / 390 posts
My doula just sent this to me and I thought you all would appreciate it:
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Kbee: @loopedd: Yes, once the babies are here, you won't care about work at all!! I am also hoping I can tie everything up in a bow before my leave, but last time I had to unexpectedly stop working two weeks earlier than I had planned, so you just never know!
blogger / clementine / 750 posts
I think I'm going to be pregnant forever. The lack of braxton hicks is just annoying me at this point. If I was feeling them, at least I could pretend and have that anticipation that I could go to into labor any day now. But not feeling them makes me think I'm going to go until 42 weeks.
I'm definitely going to get my membranes swept at my appointment on Friday (39 weeks), and pray that it'll kick start something.
kiwi / 560 posts
@Circusbee: What a great piece! Thanks for sharing.
@mrs. tictactoe: Indeed, you never know. Ah, the planner in me doesn't like that!
@Mrs. Rabbit: hopefully that will help! From what I hear though, even women with zero pre-labor symptoms can go from nothing to baby in just a matter of hours, so I'm sure your lack of BH contractions is no indication of how soon baby will come!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Kbee: I know, it's hard for me, too. But last time I just had to sort of leave it all behind and know that my school understood and let it go! (now I'm singing that song, lol)
kiwi / 536 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: I am sure that you're right... It's just the limbo right now that drives me crazy! Just like the article that @circusbee: linked (thanks!) says, I think I am trying to figure out my place right now. Waiting for my whole life to change!!
@Mrs. Rabbit: Hope the sweep helps... I am crossing my fingers for you!! Hoping to see you post on the L&D board asap!
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
Yall, I am I had my last progesterone shot today, and my OB doesn't think I will make it to my c-section date...but I just really want all of this wondering to be over. Ugh Had a cervical check today and im still not dilated, but now im having a lot of contractions again....and i have heard that sometimes a cervical check can cause that? Dr told me that if she was born today she wouldn't be worried at all. Everything in me wanted to be like LETS DO THIS THEN! But then I feel like such a jerk because I know baby girl would be better off if she takes her sweet time.
@Mrs. Rabbit: I am so sorry I hope it works for you!! @Circusbee: I needed that. Thank you
@loopedd: Limbo is the worst. THE WORST! Hang in there
@Kbee: ooh I want to see pictures of your nursery!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
@Mrs. Lion: The unknown is so hard. You try to get pregnant and want to plan it and just have to surrender and then go through it all again once you do get pregnant... it sucks. Hugs!
kiwi / 536 posts
@Mrs. Lion: You hang in there too, lady! Such a rough couple of weeks for everyone. You are super strong and your girl is lucky to have you
blogger / clementine / 750 posts
@mrs. tictactoe: Lol last time I had them/it(?) swept three times and nothing happened, so who knows!
@Kbee: Yeah, that's what I keep reminding myself. I know so many people who just start labor all of a sudden, or their water randomly breaks. So crazy how it can just happen!
@Mrs. Lion: Here I am not having any contractions and I'm already dilated, and then you have all the contractions and aren't dilated. Bodies are WEIRD!!! Hopefully it's comforting that your OB isn't too concerned if you were to have the baby now. I know I should know this, but how far along are you?
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Mrs. Rabbit: I will be 36 weeks on Friday. So close! Yet so so far.... haha
@mrs. tictactoe: @loopedd:
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