GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@anonysquire: yes it's exhausting! @debbiei8: why shouldn't the RnP be used??? We use it....
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Bao: for similar reasons they shouldn't sleep in a car seat (their necks are too weak to support their heads on the incline or something like that?). I just wish the pediatrician hadn't said anything about it because now I'm freaked out about it. I know tons of people that used it no problem though. My mom told me she thinks it's fine for him to sleep in it (and she's seen him sleep in it so she must think he looks fine). I think we might try it tonight. I mean the ped said it was fine for naps and he's not really sleeping longer than naps anyways!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@debbiei8: we started using it because E spits up a lot so I keep her at an incline almost all day. Maybe I should ask about it.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Bao: well my mom told me they would have babies with reflux sleep in something exactly like the RnP. I'm not sure why it's ok for babies with reflux but not for those without it. So I'm wondering if this ped was just being overly cautious. She didn't seem to really know what a RnP was at first either. I'm guessing I'm being an neurotic FTM about it, but I had a ton of anxiety about him breathing at night when we first got home (like panic attacks before bedtime) and I'm just worried it's going to be in the back of my mind all night and I won't sleep. I shouldn't have said anything here...I don't want to freak anyone else out! But honestly I think the RnP is probably better for us than having him sleep in the swing or co-sleeping. And we have to sleep at some point right? He sleeps in the RnP all day and has never had issues.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Mrsjets: lol it's just baby fever!
@debbiei8: omg your poor dh lol. Dh was outside of the room when she came out and I made him leave when they stitched me so he hasn't seen the damage... Yikes!!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@debbiei8: I've read that about the RnP, too! We have one and I had planned to use it for her bassinet in our room, but after reading that a few months ago we got a PnP to use for nighttime. Like you said, I'm sure for most babies it's fine and naps are probably totally ok, but I'm a paranoid FTM!
bananas / 9118 posts
@Mrsjets: My husband is similar, he helps where he can with E, but gets discouraged easily with the cluster feeding. I'm hoping E starts to like cuddling with him I know that was a big disappointment for him with C. He has been a champ in taking over with C, they have bonded so much during this pregnancy, it has helped so much!
I start a little bit of work this week and more next week, so we're going into trial by fire, my poor husband, but we need the money since I didn't get paid maternity leave this time around and don't have much PTO left.
watermelon / 14206 posts
More useless contractions today. My bff was hoping for a birthday buddy today, but I guess LO doesn't want to share his birthday, lol.
My MIL came over today to clean my house. I was good and just let her do it, even though it goes against my need to be in control of my house. My house isn't even dirty, though...but she felt she needed to do SOMETHING before the baby comes. (eye roll) DH was good, though, and told her not to bother with any dishes (I did them ahead of time anyways), because he knows that I hate the way she randomly stashes things when she doesn't know where they go. I still have a cup to my magic bullet at the top of my cabinet from last time she did my dishes, and it's no where near the rest of the set, and I'm short, so I can't get it down and put it back. She did seem to rearrange every room she touched, but DH went behind her and fixed things before I was able to see it and get twitchy about it, lol. I just like things to BE where they go, lol.
I love that DH just lets me be crazy in that little way, lol.
I took DS to the planetarium this afternoon. I figured it was our last chance to get there for a while and they had new show going on. Pretty much our last day of fun and freedom for a while, since LO comes in 4 days.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@Dandelion: Haha, good for DH for fixing before you had to see it! I'm not a stickler about where things go so much (sometimes I still get surprises when DH does dishes) but I don't like other people cleaning my house so I can definitely feel you on the anxiety there. Planetarium sounds fun - so close!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@fussygal: I was cleaning a lot, too. I think I was mentally trying to race her before she could get to them lol.
She brought her own cleaning supplies! As if I don't have any
persimmon / 1339 posts
@Dandelion: Sorry about the fruitless contractions - how nice that your date is getting so close though! I'm so excited for you
Aaron had a bad night last night - well not exactly bad, he still slept his normal 2 1/2-3hr stretches, but he was so unsettled during his feeds - i had fajitas for dinner last night with lots of onion in them, and I think he might have had a bad reaction to that. He was acting as if he was trying to push out a poop or a fart and kept unlatching and crying (he barely cries - i think i heard him cry more last night than in his whole 2 week life!). He's still a bit unsettled this morning...i think he's still got some gas trapped in there. But, he slept okay, so I guess it can't be that bad? It sucks feeling helpless when he's upset though
watermelon / 14206 posts
@ScarletBegonia: yeah that sounds like gas. I wouldn't worry about the fajitas. It might have been a coincidence.
pear / 1699 posts
@lemondrop: yeah I hope Leah warms up to DH soon too, it's so weird because J seemed to be attached to him from the start. DH joked that our divide and conquer will forever be me with the baby, him with J.
@ScarletBegonia: poor guy. I find laying her on her back and doing the bicycle legs helps L with gas. I hope tonight is better
persimmon / 1198 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Lincoln was super fussy last night too. I'm wondering if he's going through a growth spurt. It sounds like one happens between 7-10 days.
L has been sleeping alllll day. He has had almost zero awake time. I'm a little afraid for what tonight holds. My boobs also feel huuuuge today. They were already big but they are almost falling out of my nursing tank! I'm thinking he might be going through a growth spurt between all the sleeping and the apparent increase in my boob size. Maybe that means ok things for our sleep tonight?!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I just wanted to pop in and say that I have been keeping up with this thread, things have just been pretty busy here.
Little E is waking every 3 hours to eat. We are still adjusting to his schedule a little. However I am wondering if he has acid reflux because we can not lay him down after he eats. Sometimes he even spits up. We have been using more gas drops and gripe water then I like but it seems to be the only thing that calms his tummy. E loves to snuggle with me pretty much always, and as much as I want to snuggle with him all the time I have a toddler who wants his mommy time too. Lucky for me I have a wonderful (<3) husband who takes E when he gets home so I can spend all kinds of time with N. I hope everyone is adjusting alright.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@futuremama: oh YAY!!! I'm so excited you have your baby!! Congratulations :heart
@fussygal: thinking of you! Looks like our babes can't decide if they want to be April or March babies. Hoping for some action for you this weekend
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@LovelyPlum: Thanks! I sure wish they'd make up their minds lol! Last night I had some contractions but they petered out around 3:00am. I was getting hopeful! How are you feeling lately?
eggplant / 11408 posts
@fussygal: aw, man, that's the worst feeling. My contractions have not been as regular, but I feel like they're getting stronger. I've just also felt really off the last few days-it's hard to describe, but it made me hopeful. And the dog has been clingy, which has really made me suspicious. But so far, baby hasn't taken the hint I will say, though, that I'm glad baby didn't come yesterday, because my mom wouldn't have been able to come. Soon, I hope!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
So I *think* I had my bloody show? Not 100% sure because it was a pretty small spot, maybe the size of a quarter or half dollar of thin pink-tinged mucus. Eeek! I'm hoping that was it, although I've been spotting from my Wednesday cervical check but it's been dying down (and brown) and I've never seen mucus with the spotting.
bananas / 9118 posts
@fussygal: @LovelyPlum: hope you ladies have some babies this weekend!
watermelon / 14206 posts
I know I've been complaining about my MIL a lot lately, but this baby is really bringing the crazy out on her.
She asked me last weekend if she could stay with the dogs at my house while I'm in the hospital. I said no, I don't want the dogs here when I get home, because I want to ease the baby home and not be bombarded by them. and then she asked what about the cats? I told her they're going to my parents, with DS, so there's nothing else here. Not only that, once all the animals and kid is gone, I'm vacuuming and getting my house just right and the way I want it for when I get home. PLUS, I know she would sleep in our bed, because she's always raving how comfortable it looks. So, I thought we (DH, too, he was saying no), cleared the air and she's staying at her place. (Which is 10 minutes from my house).
So, today, FIL is over, just chatting with us and casually mentions that MIL was talking this week about staying here while we're in the hospital! I gave DH a panicked look and he said we already told her NO. There's not going to be cats or a kid...just an empty clean house that I want to be untouched when I get home.
I'm gonna have to put my bitch face on and tell her she's not staying here. I'm not gonna worry about her feelings at this point.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@Dandelion: lots of contractions all night that had us ready to go to the hospital, but they seem to have died out in the past hour Waiting game again!
watermelon / 14206 posts
Ugh...tomorrow is my c section and I'm coming down with a cold! I feel it in my neck. They'll put antibiotics in my iv tomorrow anyways for the surgery so I'm hoping that they'll help. I just hope I don't give itto LO.
Is emergen-c ok for pregnancy?? Uggg
eggplant / 11408 posts
@fussygal: ugh, that's the worst. Thinking labor-y things for you!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
Baby Nora is here! She was born last night and weighed a whopping 10 lbs 9oz and was 23.5 in long! The doctor said tall women hide big babies well - I guess so! We knew she'd be big, but never expected her to be this big She's perfect and other than some second degree tearing we're doing great! DH and I are in love!
pear / 1699 posts
@Dandelion: ugh hope it passes fast! I'm sure baby will be fine
@fussygal: yay! Congrats! I can't believe that baby was in you! Glad you're both doing well, and I can't wait to see her Edit - I follow you on IG and just saw the pic! She's a beauty and has! Congrats again!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Dandelion: I bet emergen-c would be fine. It's basically just vitamin c right? Good luck with your c section tomorrow. It looks like we were the only two active March-ers with c sections? If it helps to hear at 2 weeks pp I'm feeling pretty good. I stopped taking pain meds several days ago and I feel almost back to normal! I'm feeling really sore in my core today, but I think it might be muscle soreness. The worst part has been the weight lifting restrictions. DH goes back to work tomorrow and technically I'm not allowed to carry L in his car seat. I want to go to a mom's group on Tuesday but I'm unsure how to go about that...
@fussygal: congrats!! I love her name! Can't wait to see a picture
watermelon / 14206 posts
@debbiei8: thanks for that update! I admit, I'm still a bit nervous about it but I know it'll all be fine.
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Dandelion: I was scared too. I had totally accepted that I needed it but I was terrified. I think that's pretty normal to feel! I still worry about my incision area mainly because I can't see it under my baby pooch right now. DH looks at it and tells me it is all healed but I'm totally paranoid about pulling it open. I didn't want to take my steri-strips off because I was so paranoid about it. They were really falling off though so I finally worked them off the rest of the way this weekend. Hopefully your recovery is easy to deal with!
clementine / 854 posts
@fussygal: Congrats on your big Nora! Our Nora surprised us and was much smaller than we expected...only 6lb 13oz and 20 in. So happy for you!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@fussygal:, great job, Mama! I'm super, super impressed. Congratulations!
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