GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@ScarletBegonia: Yay for going over the birth weight!! The crash comes... I want to say it was about two weeks in, and I was in tears. I battled it with taking lots of power naps during the day, but after I crashed, things seemed to get better.
coconut / 8483 posts
Doing ok over here.
Baby is the cutest thing ever and eating well and so far bfing has been going really well
Recovery on me has been brutal. I have a third degree tear and then a few smaller ones I think so I'm so sore and cannot sit down. I'm hoping everything gets better soon because at this point I'm in soooo much pain.
We are super in love with our little man though, I will try to post a pic today! Hope everyone is doing well!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: I had a third degree tear last time and it was so bad, I feel you!
coconut / 8483 posts
@Bao: any tips? Mine is almost to my butt I think. I didn't want to ask and I don't want to look!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@prettylizy: I just commented on your other thread, but wanted to say congrats again! Can't believe how quickly you got home - awesome!!
@Mrs. Champagne: sorry about the tear but glad to hear everything else is going well.
@BabyBoecksMom: a software upgrade?!?! That seems so lame, I'm sorry good news that they think she'll be here soon though!!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: did they give you dermaplast? Use that as much as you can and the peri bottle after the bathroom. Do you have a boppy? Try sitting on that. Going to the bathroom was the worst for me it hurt so bad.
coconut / 8483 posts
@Bao: ok thanks. No dermaplast but I have another one that is helping. Perri bottle helps for peeing for sure. Haven't pooped yet and I'm afraid to!!! How long did it take until you were feeling ok?
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: I had a 4th degree last year. It does gradually get better, although, I still have a hard time sitting upright for a long period of time. I'm sure LO isn't making it any better. Just baby it and do lots of "lean sitting" instead of trying to be upright too much. Also, don't look!
dermaplast is good...also epifoam...did they give you some in the hospital?
I also felt it was reliving to use tucks pads when wiping and take a lot of colace to make it softer. It took me about a week and a half to start feeling functional. At my check up at 5 weeks, I was pretty well mended.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: yes like @Dandelion: said the Tucks pads. If you can I would get some dermaplast in addition to what you are using. I also took a stool softener a few times a day. How many days has it been since you went to the bathroom? It was 4/5 days for me and it sucked but using counter pressure on the stitches with a tucks pad helped. It took a good 3 weeks to feel decent last time. I have a second degree tear this time plus hemorrhoids but I didn't tear through muscles so it's much better. I hope you get relief soon, keep up on those stool softeners and don't be afraid to go or else it will make it worse. Hang in there momma!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: @Bao: the dermaplast with added antibacterial stuff in it STINGS when you first spray it on. Make sure to get the regular blue can...not the red!
coconut / 8483 posts
@Dandelion: @Bao: thanks for the tips ladies! hoping i feel better soon. thank the lord my mom is here for a few days and DH has been awesome. Haven't changed a diaper yet!! lol.
Baby sleeps sooo much. I hope thats normal! I think my milk is in or about to come in.. boobs are rock hard and huge!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
Is everyone on Instagram? I know I follow some of you already but I want to see more baby pics!!
I'm emh*germ*n if you replace the * with 'a'.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Today I had my last appointment at the diabetes clinic. Ultrasound tomorrow!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@Dandelion: woo Hoo! When is your induction date again?
ETA: I meant c-section!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
I noticed my first stretch marks today. They LITERALLY popped up overnight. I almost made it! Is it selfish that this has made me totally ready for baby to come?
watermelon / 14206 posts
@fussygal: the 31st...unless LO gives them a reason to move it up tomorrow!
bananas / 9118 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: I LOVE that you guys are going with Cora, that is just the prettiest name!! It goes so well with W!
I'm SO sorry to hear about your induction, I can 100% commiserate- that is the exact reason why mine got put on hold too Basically they had me at the top of the list to be induced when they had a slow time, but a slow time never came. I cried ALL DAY on Friday thinking he would never come, my blood pressure was a wreck from the stress and PIH, I had the worst headache, was throwing up, then E stopped moving late in the day no matter what I did and I FREAKED and went in to L&D.
My BP at that point was 148/103, so they admitted me- JUSSAYIN.... sometimes there can be a reason to keep you. At that point I just happened to go into labor anyway
@Dandelion: sooo excited for you, wishing you an excellent u/s tomorrow!
@Mrs. Champagne: I agree to everything recommended above- Dermaplast, Tucks pads, stool softener, peri bottle, and epi foam. I was a hurtin' cowpoke for about 2-3 weeks with my last one. I'm sore, but it was way easier the second time on me. Also- my bathroom bff: the detachable shower head. Use that bad boy for irrigation a few times a day, it was much better than the sitz bath for me. I took a photo of those products since I'm spending a lot of time with them right now:
pomegranate / 3580 posts
Loving all the PP care tips from you STMs! I have a feeling it will all come in handy!
Had my 39 week appt today and my first check. 1cm and 50% effaced, -2. Not the 2-3cm I was hoping for but I'll take it! Also, how long did ya'll bleed after checks? He said if spot a bit and so far it's been heavier than spotting. Nothing I'm worried about but want to know how long I should expect it to last.
Oh also, fun fact: I thought I had an ingrown hair down there, turns out it's a vericose vein popping up. Wtf.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@fussygal: I didn't get regular checks, just two stretch & sweeps at 40w2d & 40w5d (2nd I believe put me into labour). I bled A LOT after those. Not sure how they compare to a regular check. But for me it was like full on first day of your period bleeding, for probably 6-10hrs? I also lost my mucous plug with the first stretch & sweep which was lovely.
As for me, things continue to go well here, Aaron is a week old tomorrow!! We had our best night last night, I gave him his last feed later than normal (1030ish) and he didn't wake up until almost 2, then not again til almost 530! I felt like a new woman this morning. Unfortunately, he had a lot of broken sleep today because of outings, and is now fighting sleep at 11pm. Might be a long night
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
Ahhhhhh! I couldn't be happier right now My doctor's office just called and said they got me in for the 27th. I'm still going to drink the crap out of the RRLT, but I'm so excited to know that she's almost here!!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: Yay! That's my bff's birthday, so I declare it a good day. She's still hoping I go into labor on my own that day, lol.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Had my NST, ultrasound and prenatal appointment today. It was as long as it sounds, lol.
Baby is sideways, lol. that solved the mystery of which Dr was right...neither! His head is on my right and bottom is on the left, with his feet and hands down, tickling my bladder.
He's measuring really well, estimating at 7 lbs, 3 oz, so they're predicting a 7.5 pound baby. Not too bad!
My cervix is still at 1, and I'm having some regular contractions, per the NST, but they're not doing anything...proven by my non-moving cervix.
So, next week is the end of my prenatal appointments! One NST on Tuesday, and then a final Dr appointment on Friday, just 3 days before LO has his birthday.
I still keep whispering to LO that he can come before, though. Not today or tomorrow, though...we close on our new house tomorrow evening, lol. After that, he's welcome. (he's welcome today or would just make things a little more difficult than we like, lol.)
11 more days!
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@Dandelion: I'm so excited for you! Sounds like everything is looking great. I love that you keep telling him that he can come early - he has to be uncomfortable in that position, right??
watermelon / 14206 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: Well, I think I'd be uncomfortable at 37, almost 38 weeks anyways, but it's more of a mental thing. We just want it all over with and have our healthy baby with us in our arms. Waiting until the very end to know if we have a live baby is tough.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
On our way to the hospital! Been having contractions 2 min apart for and hour now. I think my water broke, too, but just a trickle. Let's see if they'll admit me.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Wow...seems like all the March mamas are having nice quick labors! I had a bout of diarrhea (sorry TMI!) Earlier today that was reminiscent of right before I went into labor with S but nothing else has come of it. Doesn't matter...8 more days seems even shorter when I type it out lol.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@Dandelion: They really are so quick! is it just you and I left?? Crazy! My due date is Thursday but I have a suspicion she'll go into next week. We'll see...
persimmon / 1339 posts
Is it really just the two of you left?? Wow that went quickly!! So many march babies arriving early & on time. Good luck to you both!!
Things around here are still really good, Aaron is still sleeping a lot but starting to be a bit more alert during the day & will sometimes go 3 1/2 hrs at night. Whoop! We took him out to a birthday party for some friends yesterday (many of whom have toddlers) and he was such a hit, I think there will be some new babies in our group in 9 months time! Tomorrow I'm going to try my first solo outing with him in the car - I want to do it before my husband goes back to work, to gain a bit of confidence!
bananas / 9118 posts
What about @HazelEyes: ? I'm always excited to hear what the Team Greens have! I can't believe we are getting to the end of March, it's felt like we would never get here!
Everitt is great so far, probably helps that we are way more relaxed this time around and not learning everything for the first time. Nursing has been so much better this time around, he's eating like a champ and only had 2 oz to get back to birthweight at his 1 week pediatrician appt on Friday.
I'm curious from the second time moms here- how was your postpartum cramping? I was doing great until last night (8 days pp) they were absolutely excruciating before I went to bed last night. After some Ibuprofen and a hot shower I could finally sleep, but they were worse than some of my labor contractions! The nurses said that they would be worse with #2, and they were way worse than #1 last night. I was just surprised since then ones I had right after labor weren't too bad at all.
clementine / 811 posts
@lemondrop: speaking of.....
It's a boy!!!!
bananas / 9118 posts
@HazelEyes: EEEEEEE!! Congrats! Welcome to Team Blue! Sounds about perfect
clementine / 854 posts
@fussygal: @Dandelion: I'm still here too! I haven't been on the boards much. Things have been crazy. Due date is Friday, but I'm getting antsy!
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