watermelon / 14206 posts
@lemondrop: with ds I didn't have pp cramping. I didn't know what women were talking about until after S...ugghh. not looking forward to that again!
bananas / 9118 posts
@Dandelion: glad to know they weren't kidding and that I'm not being a weenie about it Hope it spares you this time!
They gave me a script for vicodin, which I laughed off while in the hospital since I felt really good, but if I have another night like last night I may consider filling it
pomegranate / 3580 posts
Oh! Totally didn't mean to forget @hazeleyes & @futuremama!! Pregnancy brain to the max over here.
@hazeleyes Congrats!! So excited to have some answers from those team greenies!
@Futuremama How are you feeling? Any signs of something happening yet?
@lemondrop: Glad you're doing well minus the cramping I'm not looking forward to that! How long did it last after your first?
clementine / 854 posts
@fussygal: so far just lots of cramping. I'm 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced, but it's been that way for two weeks now. I go to the dr tomorrow. I'm hoping for some more progress. I realize that it really doesn't matter and I can go from one to ten cm in no time, but it makes me feel like all of the cramps are actually worth it. Starting to think this might be an April baby!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@futuremama: Sounds a lot like what I'm having - some cramping but nothing too exciting. Hope she makes some progress for you soon!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@futuremama: @fussygal: thinking about you ladies! I'm just a few weeks behind you, but I don't think this baby can decide whether or not he/she wants to stay put until April. Hope you all can get some rest tonight and have babies very soon!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@LovelyPlum: thanks! Been thinking about you this weekend - anymore progress?
bananas / 9118 posts
@fussygal: Honestly, just like @Dandelion: I really don't remember much from #1 besides minor period-like cramps.
This time was so very different, while delivery and recovery have been easier for the most part, this cramping felt like electricity running through my abdomen. A hot shower really helped thankfully!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@fussygal: just hanging out-trying to figure out if these cramps are actually something. Oh, and losing my mind. You know, the usual
watermelon / 14206 posts
Ok...I've hit the wall. I'm exhausted and my legs hurt and even though LO is scheduled to come in 7 days, I wouldn't mind at all if he were ready sooner.
persimmon / 1198 posts
I haven’t been on my computer in a week!
So it's been a week since L was born and I really can't believe it! The week has flown by and gone slowly at the same time. My mom left yesterday and I had a bit of a meltdown. She lives 4.5 hours away, so she stayed with us all week and really helped so much. I started having some anxiety Friday night over his well being and I've had a good cry every night before going to bed. The anxiety is getting better, but I definitely cry at the drop of a hat. Just typing about my mom leaving and the anxiety made me cry! My mom said it definitely sounds like Baby Blues and they started about day 5, which is pretty standard. Luckily I don't feel sad or anxious most of the time, just occasionally.
L has been amazing this week. He rarely cries, only when we have to change his diaper. He poops ALL THE TIME. Seriously. Every time we change a diaper there's poop. He is nursing like a champ. My milk came in on day 3 (while we were still in the hospital) and he had no problems latching and getting milk from day one. I'm so thankful breastfeeding has worked so well. It was one of my biggest fears that it wouldn't work for us. He doesn't sleep much at night, but the nice thing is he doesn't really cry when he's awake. He just likes to hang out. We are making it work though. It felt like he was up all night eating last night because he ate every 2 hours but the feeding/changing/swaddling/getting back to sleep routine took an hour each time, so I was getting up every other hour to feed him. We had a big day yesterday with all my immediate family visiting so I'm hoping that was the reason for the cluster feeding.
I'm working on my birth story right now since L is happy to sit in his bouncer and I can actually use my computer!
Hope everyone is doing well! I'm excited to see more babies!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@debbiei8: Glad to hear that everything is going so well! Can't wait to read your birth story
clementine / 854 posts
Spoke too soon. Started having contractions around midnight Sunday night/ Monday morning. Our little girl was sunny side up so I had a lot of back labor. It was pretty rough at the beginning. After 14 hours, she decided to join us with a very uneventful delivery. She's beautiful and nursing like a champ! Good luck to the remaining March moms and congrats to those I've missed so far!
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Dandelion: I'm sorry. I felt like I hit a wall the last week before my water broke too! Hopefully it gets a little better for the last couple of days! Hang in there!
@futuremama: yay! Congrats!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@futuremama: congrats!!! Sorry for the back labor but glad it was uneventful other than that!
We're getting really anxious over here - especially DH. I think he's going crazy with the waiting. Might try a walk tonight and some pineapple
persimmon / 1339 posts
How is everyone doing!?!?
Aaron is nearly 2 weeks now and things are still going really well. If I time it right I sometimes get away with 2 wake ups in the night, but usually we're still on 3. He still sleeps a lot during the day but I'm trying my best to differentiate between day & night so he gets on longer stretches at night. I have to remind myself constantly that he's still too little for a routine and I have to just go by his cues. He had a doctors apt yesterday where he weighed in at 3.8kg, up almost 400g from his birthweight! He's a little piggy for sure. My husband goes back to work Monday & I'm worried about being on my own!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@futuremama: congrats!
@ScarletBegonia: do you know what that is in pounds?
clementine / 811 posts
Thanks everyone!
So we are home and had quite the night last night. J has been cluster/comfort feeding since 11 last night and will only sleep on me. As soon as I move him to swaddle or pass him to someone or try and put him in the RnP he wakes and loses his mind. He'll allow himself to be comforted for a few minutes then starts screaming and rooting to feed yet again.
Is anyone else having this, or (please tell me) had this for a few days and it passed?
clementine / 854 posts
@HazelEyes: DD did that on night #2 in the hospital. I was a train wreck. It only lasted one day for us, but we are only on night #3 total
clementine / 811 posts
@futuremama: ditto for us night number two. I had heard about second night syndrome, but this is extending from third night to all day. He passed four meconium diapers the first night and nothing but wet diapers since. Lost of gas, hoping that that is the rot of it and once my milk comes in more and he poops we can get to the other side of this. Pediatrician didn't seem concerned yesterday but I'm anxious for our appt tmw if this doesn't resolve itself! Poor little guy!
Hope you have a better night tonight w your precious dd
coconut / 8483 posts
Hi everyone. Just checking in.
Anyone else have a bit more bleeding around day 10? Mine was very light and then hive had some bright red tonight. I might have overdone it having a photog here for pics and being up and down all day.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: hmm strange! My bleeding disappeared super early and I expected it to come back but it hasn't. I haven't exactly been a great patient, I've been up and out of the house since day 1. Hope your bleeding goes away soon, rest up!!!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: I think that happened to me last year. It came back a bit for a few more days and then was gone again. Make sure its not from your incision.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
I had my 40 week appointment today and I'm still only about 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced (so not much change from last week). No exciting BH over here, in the past week I've only had very light cramping off and on (maaaybe 1-2 times/day). But this morning it felt like I'd done a gazillion sit-ups really low on my abdomen so maybe that's something? We'll see.
If she's not here on her own by Tuesday we have an appointment to get checked Tuesday morning and he's holding a spot to induce us on Wednesday. He said he'll try to break my water first and see what happens since I want to avoid Pit if possible. I'm hoping it doesn't come to induction, but I just want to meet her however it happens!
@ScarletBegonia: I can't believe it's already been two weeks! I'm sure all will be well when DH goes back to work
persimmon / 1198 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: yes! Well I'm 9 days PP today and my bleeding increased. Yesterday it was almost nonexistent and then today I've had a lot more bright red bleeding. It seems like it's worse after nursing.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@fussygal: maybe we'll be 31st buddies!
I have just some useless contractions throughout the day. Definitely no action happening here.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@HazelEyes: On our third night we had every hour on the hour feeding - it was BRUTAL on my nipples but I credit it with bringing in my milk full force on day 4, and he's been feeding like a champ ever since. My boy pooped a lot from the beginning so I don't know about that, but definitely the cluster/non-stop feeding was an experience.
@Bao: I think his birthweight in lbs was 7lbs10oz? I have a hard time with conversions. I would guess he's at about 8 1/4 lbs now - not sure how many oz that is.
@Mrs. Champagne: My bleeding has been on and off, but not ever really heavy. definitely worse after cluster feeds or lots of walking.
@fussygal &@Dandelion: hope things start to happen soon for you ladies!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Ok TMI over here but today I had EWCM. I was so tempted to try and seduce DH. I must be insane. 3 weeks pp and I am ready for another!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@Mrs. Champagne: mine is up and down for sure! Some days I have almost no bleeding and others are much heavier.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@anonysquire: I'm still not even close to in the mood lol I feel gross still.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
I was a 2013 mummy so sometimes I lurk - I'm sorry I can't help it
@debbiei8: It probably is since the hormones that trigger let down are the same that trigger contractions, so your uterus is contracting which is why the blood gets more - if that makes sense. Taken from Wikipedia:
Oxytocin plays an important role in the neuroanatomy of intimacy, specifically in sexual reproduction, in particular during and after childbirth. It is released in large amounts after distension of the cervix and uterus during labor, facilitating birth, maternal bonding, and, after stimulation of the nipples, lactation. Both childbirth and milk ejection result from positive feedback mechanisms.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Dandelion: well it's not my favorite, but I do miss it!!
@Bao: I'm not in the mood either, but I am in a baby mood.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@anonysquire: man I'm SO tired....are you getting good sleep at night then? I can't imagine another baby lol
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Bao: no I've been up all night haha. But I'm used to it from working graveyards. You have it harder than me though with 2 littles. One feels so easy!!!
pear / 1699 posts
@anonysquire: you're crazy!
I can't believe it's almost April! Leah's been a pretty great baby - we've only had a couple bad nights. Most she's up 2 or 3 times and settles back to sleep fast. I think the bad night were because I ate pizza - I guess pizza is hard on her tummy.
I have noticed DH is less involved this time. He's an amazing dad with J and still is but he doesn't have that connection with Leah yet. Anyone else notice this with their SO?
persimmon / 1198 posts
@anonysquire: you are insane lol! DH is traumatized after seeing part of my c section he wasn't supposed to (they told him to stand up too early then quickly told him to sit down). He told me "let's just say that 6 week rule is ok with me" lol!
@Pumuckl: haha thanks! I knew the info about oxytocin because my mom is a lactation consultant/RN in L&D. It's crazy how our bodies work like that huh?
@Mrs. Champagne: I double checked with my mom about the bleeding coming and going and she said it completely normal. It will also kinda change colors from bright red to yellowish to brown towards the end.
@Bao: I'm exhausted too, but I can't imagine having 2 littles right now! L was literally awake from 9p-2a. DH took him to the living room and stuck him in the RnP and he slept 2:30-7:30! I'm not sure what to do. A pediatrician (not ours) told us not to use the RnP at night but it seems like he hates the PnP! My mom said it could also be that he's smelling me in our room and wants me. I'm at a loss at what to do and I feel a lot if pressure to figure something out because DH goes back to work on Monday and needs some sleep!
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