wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@keepsinging: Welcome and congratulations!! I'll add you to our list when I update it next week!
pea / 14 posts
@Alivoo01: Thanks excited to be here--i'm in a couple facebook groups but my stepsister raved about her experience here, so I thought I'd welcome myself in.
pea / 14 posts
@erinbaderin: I know. Such a sweet discovery and a crazy time to be pregnant--we are living in the future.
I got the Panorama test done at 10w for genetic abnormalities and gender--my understanding is it's basically the same as Maternit21 and Harmony. I'm not high risk, so insurance wouldn't cover it, but Panorama is trying to take a corner of the market in NYC so they have some deal where they won't charge moms who take the test, just to get word of mouth out (and here I am).
cherry / 164 posts
So awesome you know the gender already! Im dying to know lol I've got two guesses for girls now.. Im still hoping boy girl but hope to know on the 22nd and i have random flutters too! So awesome
pea / 9 posts
Hi! Just joined after reading a few posts and feeling relieved to know others are experiencing some things I'm dealing with. I'm not alone!!
Location: Sacramento, CA
EDD: March 16, 2016
How far along: 12 weeks
First child? Yes (very excited)
First doctor appointment: Was August 7
Any symptoms so far? Fatigue, nauseous, emotional,(insecure a little with body changes).
Who have you told? Everyone - family, friends and coworkers
pea / 14 posts
Moms, new and not new, any favorite baby name books or websites out there? I've been frustrated by how most sites are either too limited or too broad.
@jazzy: Yay another newcomer
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@erinbaderin: I go back and forth with the gender references...so I am not sure? As for a Babymoon...I am still trying to convince DH to go to Florida for Thanksgiving and have my ILs watch K (down there) while we sneak away for a night or two).
@keepsinging: Welcome and congrats!!!!
@keepsinging: I'm hoping I can get panorama done for $100 through my OB at our 14w appt....they were only supposed to offer it to high risk moms at that price but bc I asked about it and she told me she said they'd honor the price. I had the first tri screen last week - but am hoping since insurance is not involved in this at all they'll still allow it!
@jazzy: Congrats and welcome!!!
@sassymama34: I'm guessing girl/girl!
AFM...13w today...having good days and bad days with nausea! Hoping it tapers off for good over the next week. We have Ks 2nd birthday party Sunday and I have SO slacked!!! This week has been greek salad week - cant get enough!!!!!
pear / 1610 posts
@keepsinging: I like nameberry and nymbler for names!
I'm loving all the great updates!
Our appt went great! Heard the heartbeat strong at 156. DH, DS, and DD all came along and heard too. DS liked it and had lots of questions! My next appt is on 10/1 and then we will schedule my 20 wk ultrasound for the following week! I can't wait to find out!
apricot / 371 posts
My DD has been referring to the baby as a girl (and she's named her) so we've all been referring to baby as a girl mostly!
apricot / 371 posts
There was a post a while back about what new things we thought we'd get for the second baby. Well if it's a boy some new clothes. Either way:
Sound machine - DD still uses hers
Diaper caddy of some sort
Co-sleeper or bassinet that I can get baby out of without standing up
Nursing shawl - I had a cover last time Bebe but I was always self conscious about my stomach/side hanging out
A pumping bra!s
apricot / 288 posts
Hiiiiiii! I was on another thread that kind of dried up so I'm hoping to find a home here I look forward to getting to know you ladies!
Location: Phoenix AZ
EDD: Technically 4/4 but my doctor has let me know the babes will be here in March!
How far along: 10wks tomorrow
First child? Yes; we struggled with infertility and finally had success with Clomid + IUI
First doctor appointment: Was at 5.5wks with my OB. He immediately saw 2 sacs. I had one the following week with my RE who confirmed, and then another one the week after with my OB again. Next appt is the 18th
Any symptoms so far? Zofran was my savior for a couple weeks, lots of fatigue, food aversion, stretching pains, and sore boobs
Who have you told? Both of our parents and siblings, a handful of friends, and my Instagram bc it's private and I document our infertility with many other girls in similar situations.
Oh and fun note, we will not be finding out their genders until birth!
cherry / 164 posts
Welcome Kelli! I am also expecting twins end of February most likely... Mine are fraternal so im hoping a boy girl combo! I agree the nausea n food aversions suck lol we have a bump thread too!
apricot / 288 posts
@sassymama34: Yay a fellow twin mommy! Mine are fraternal as well; hoping for boy-girl as well but my gut tells me they'll be the same sex! My jaw about fell open when my OB told me 35wks is their full term. March seems so soon!
persimmon / 1328 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: hello and welcome, so exciting that you're having twins! I agree March seems terrifyingly close!
15 weeks yesterday and I am still nauseous - rubbish! Got a midwife apt on Friday and looking forward to hearing the HB
cherry / 164 posts
Sorry to hear still nauseous Bubbles i am too at 14 weeks... It sucks but worth it for healthy babies
Kelli- my edd is mar 9 but im sure will be February sometime since twins which seems really close lol... I hope to find out genders at my next appt!
apricot / 451 posts
Hi March Mamas!!! I have been kinda MIA lately and missed a bunch of stuff on this thread! Welcome to the new March Moms that joined the group!
I have a question for you ladies about sharing your pregnancy news. I will be 12 weeks this Thursday (9/10) and I also have my Nuchal U/S that day, so we will probably share with people after that. My question pertains to etiquette. Should we try to tell our friends in person, or is a Facebook announcement okay?
We will see friends a lot in the next month or two, but each occasion is someone else's special day (bridal shower, 3 different 1 year old birthday parties, and a wedding). I don't want to steal anyone's thunder by announcing at these events, but I also have noticed that our friends have all shared their pregnancy news in person, so I worry they may feel put off by a Facebook announcement. Any advice is welcome!
kiwi / 661 posts
I admittedly have a bit to catch up on (it's so hard to remember where I left off) but has anyone done blood test genetic screening? I"m waiting on my panorama results (first round inconclusive) and am going bonkers. I just want to hear that everything is baking OK! I'm 13 weeks tomorrow so if I had done traditional NT testing I would have gone last week at least then I'd have a vague idea of whats going on in there!
Are any second time moms feeling a bit detached? Like I KNOW I'm pregnant and sometimes feel very pregnant but it hasn't fully clicked yet? I can't believe the first trimester is over that is SO MUCH TO DO.
cherry / 164 posts
There are days i wonder if things are ok in there... I have my nausea and food aversions so that helps me think positive lol... Sorry your results are inconclusive
apricot / 288 posts
@reverie: Sorry to hear you're in limbo with the results; should you be getting them soon? I'm sure the holiday weekend delayed things. I will be getting blood work to test for Down's at my next appointment
apricot / 288 posts
@Bubbles: ugh the nausea is the worst part for me. It just makes me feel icky overall. Hopefully you get relief soon!
@Lilbear: How close of friends are they? I would say if they're close, text a picture before posting to everyone on fb. They can privately express their happiness or even call you before everyone is gushing over the news. I wouldn't announce at any of their events unless you were going to be in town/around a day or two before the event. Hope this helps!
cherry / 164 posts
The nausea and this 24/7 horrible taste in my mouth is kickin my butt... Goin on 14 weeks n doesnt seem to be ending yet
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: Congrats! So exciting to have another twin mama in the group!
@Bubbles: @sassymama34: really hoping I am finally over the nausea hurdle...its been off an on for some time now...but off since Sat...fingers crossed!
@Lilbear: I commented on your thread but I think facebook is perfectly fine though I would probably give close friends a more personal heads up!
@reverie: I dont know if detached is the right word for me but its definitely different this time around. I am forcing myself to live on lists so things dont "fall through the cracks". I had the nursery done by 5mos with K - I doubt I'll even have it figured out by then with this one.
AFM...crazy weekend with K's second birthday party. She had a great time though - it was a fun and exhausting weekend. Yesterday I got three hours of kid free time - tried to go to the country club and lay by the pool but that was a fail...so I ran errands instead. I picked up K's second convertible car seat we needed and some industrial rubber tiling for the basement floor so I can get back to work on the workout room before the weather outdoors changes!
I'm up 8lbs at 13w4d...I was not petit to start with so this bothers me. I gained 40+ with K and have struggled to get it off. Was hoping to keep this one to 25lbs. Starting today I am recommitting to my 10K a day steps and have two workout videos I will be doing 3-4 times a week. I am also hoping with the decreased nausea I may be able to eat healthier!
cherry / 164 posts
I am feelin super crampy today at 14 weeks so guessin im growing again lol still nauseous n bad taste in mouth tiredness is slightly better! This wknd i got a good deal on a pack n play for 35 and a carseat with winter cover for 40! Also bought two newborn sleepers sick of gender neutral tho lol
MrsD - glad you got some kid free time always nice to have a mini break sometimes lol
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@jazzy: Welcome and congrats!!
@ksnow: That's cute your DD has already named her potential lil sister!! Will it be a name you'll actually use or is it just a name your DD uses?
@Kelli_Deluxe: Welcome and congrats on your twins!
@Lilbear: I would announce personally with close friends (or people you talk to regularly) either via text/phone call/ skype/Facetime or email. Then announce publicly on social media.
@reverie: I'm doing the NT scan tomorrow but declined the cystic fibrosis testing since I'm in the group that it rarely occurs in. I know there's a few mommies on here that are doing the panorama so hopefully they can provide some insight for you!
Meanwhile, we've had previous losses so I'm always worried if things are progressing as they should and if the baby is healthy or not. However, I'm not as good at documenting this pregnancy as I was with my 1st. At least I'm taking weekly bump pics! lol
@Mrs D: Glad to hear K's party went so well! And look at you being all productive this past weekend! Go you! Especially with your workout goals!!
AFM: I'm still feeling pretty blah most days. I'll have one day a week where I'm like full of energy and don't feel pregnant, but the other 6 days, my body is reminding me I'm extra tired and queasy. I'm still also kinda blah about food which sucks. I don't really have aversions but somethings just don't sound as good as it normally does. Smelly stuff is still vomit worthy.
I have my NT scan today so I'm looking forward to seeing the baby and hoping to find out the gender (fingers crossed!). I'm hoping all is well and that s/he is growing like s/he should be!!
pomelo / 5573 posts
@reverie: I TOTALLY feel a bit detached, that's a good way to describe it. Last time I remember feeling "I'm pregnant!" all the time and this time it's more like "Oh, right." For me, I think part of it is because we spent so much time and money trying to get pregnant the first time that it was basically the fulfillment of all our dreams. This time it's a lot more stressful because I have to consider all the logistics, how it's going to affect our son, etc.
@Lilbear: I told close friends and family separately, but not necessarily in person, mostly by text. I think just something that shows you wanted to make sure they knew specifically and didn't just find out by reading your feed is fine.
@MrsD: I'm so jealous just at the thought of your 3 hours laying by the pool! I'm sorry it didn't work out! I was whining to my husband yesterday about how mad I was that we didn't have any friends with a pool. It was incredibly hot here this weekend so we made a backyard waterpark - set up my son's slide so it ended in a half filled wading pool and put a sprinkler on it. It was actually surprisingly fun and refreshing, but still not the same.
@Alivoo01: Yay, scan! Update us after!
cherry / 154 posts
@reverie: i definitely agree. i know i'm pregnant, i'm starting to pop, feeling kind of sick, but it STILL doesn't feel real!! hopefully when the baby starts kicking and moving it will click more
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Alivoo01: Yay for your NT scan today! Hope your lil one cooperates better than ours!
@erinbaderin: ugh...I was devastated...I just wanted to lay out and roast! Nice job on the backyard waterpark!
Forgot to mention - I made my first major purchase. PBK is having a good deal right now (FYI - up to 25% off and it includes furniture!) so I snagged the ottoman that matches my rocking chair. Its one of my regrets from Ks room, not having the matching ottoman so if need be I could sleep comfortably in there rocking her. The nursing stool I got was just not comfy enough!
cherry / 164 posts
MrsD - how much was the ottoman? I need to get one
Good luck at nt scan today and cant wait to see a pic fingers crossed on gender reveal too!!
pea / 9 posts
I'm thirteen weeks and thought I was out of the woods - I've been feeling great for a few days then this morning WHAM! Nausea woke me up out of my sleep at 4AM and I've been sick all morning. I just want to leave work and go back to bed. Ugh!! Come on second trimester...pleeeease take away this morning sickness!!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: My rocker was a bit of a splurge...so the ottoman was not cheap either unfortunately. I paid about $450 for it...but we intend to re-use the rocking chair in our office when we are done rocking babies!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
I have an obsession with my rocking chair...it is just SO damn comfy! I luuuuuuurve it!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: @sassymama34: Thanks ladies! Hoping 2.0 is cooperative too!
@jazzy: I'm with ya on the roller coaster of sickness/tiredness/and whatever other pregnancy symptoms there are. One minute I'm like man! I could run a marathon and the very next day, it's like holy moly, do I have the flu or something!? lol
@Mrs D: oh man! That rocker looks super comfy! I like!! We have a comfy glider, but I wish it was wider. Then again, the wider one was priced ridiculously. I was on bed rest for a few weeks with DS so I made DH move the glider out to the living room and I sat/lived in that chair the entire time. It was easier for me to get up and out of the glider than our couch.
cherry / 127 posts
@keepsinging: Welcome! I'm in Brooklyn (will deliver in Manhattan) so local as well. So interesting to hear about the Panorama test. I'm 4 months shy of being high risk but my doc said they weren't covered and didn't let me know about Panorama.
AFM, constipation has started for this pregnancy and my system is all messed up from DS. I had some bleeding on Sunday during a bowel movement and my OB was able to fit me in for an appointment this morning. All is well. The baby is doing great and growing right on track. I'll see the baby again in a week for my NT scan and a regular OB appointment in 4 weeks.
nectarine / 2458 posts
Sooooo I got a fever last night out of nowhere but then when I woke up I felt fine!
But apparently waking up feeling better was just some sort of weird tease. Fever is still gone, but I can't keep anything down plus my BM are both frequent and pure liquid.
How long do you go not being able to drink anything before you seek medical attention? Even sipping dilute juice makes me vomit.
DH is like, "DOCTOR NOW!" but I'm more of a wait it out kind of gal. Although the amount of fluid I'm losing makes me fear dehydration.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@Lilbear: I did a Facebook announcement because I have multiple friends who get butt hurt about finding out "first." That way I avoided that completely. But it's really a personal decision.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@Mrs D: so pretty! We have a grey upholstered glider that is currently in DS1's room that will go in baby's nursery. When we move we're putting the big boys in a room together so we can have a guest room/sewing room for me lol.
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