apricot / 451 posts
@erinbaderin: As someone who would be delighted with EITHER gender, I find that reasoning so so sad! Our LO has a hereditary seizure disorder (that she should fully outgrow around 2.5 years old) and we were told that we can't get genetic testing done on the new baby until after birth, because of the fear of abortions. I find that to be so awful because it is in no way anywhere close to being a deal breaker, and testing after birth means the poor baby is going to be subjected to needles and testing.
apricot / 451 posts
@sassymama34: It went great! HB was 163 and the tech had to push on my stomach a bit to wake the sleepy baby up! Lol I compared the photos to my DD's 12 week sono pics and I feel like they look exactly the same. So I'm officially and loudly predicting that I am having another girl. (Which probably means I'm wrong and it's actually a boy lol!). We will find out for sure on 10/29 when I have my anatomy scan - seems like SO FAR AWAY!
Here's the little nugget:
cherry / 164 posts
Awww such a good pic!! Glad all went well i can't wait for my elective scan this weekend!! I wanna know already lol did they say if they suspected girl?
apricot / 451 posts
@sassymama34: No, she wouldn't make a prediction. She also said that the umbilical cord was covering that area, so she couldn't make a guess even if she wanted to. womp womp
nectarine / 2458 posts
@erinbaderin: woke up with a slightly upset stomach and a wicked dehydration headache. Ate a plain breakfast and plain lunch and drank lots of water and I feel basically back to normal now!
We're actually at a 3 day "family enrichment retreat" in San Diego (put on through the Navy) so I was glad I was able to enjoy dinner, lol.
The retreat has been good. After four years of sea duty (deployable status for my husband, he's been gone more than he's been here technically) and getting ready to move across the country and add baby#3 it's good to refocus our family. Lots of talk of love languages and similar things.
pea / 14 posts
@lilbear: congrats on your pic! in hoping i get to see something like that tomorrow.
@navy_mommy: ive been struggling with headaches lately myself, and have tried so hard to weather them, but had to take tylenol once yesterday and today because it was unbearable. has anyone else here taken tylenol and your thoughts on struggling through headaches for too long without?
nectarine / 2458 posts
@sbbs3: today I knew my headache was from dehydration from my little 48 hour stomach bug I had so I wouldn't take Tylenol for it, just drink more water. I only use medicine as a last resort - like if i can't function otherwise - even when I'm not pregnant though.
persimmon / 1328 posts
Wow I am finally at a computer and DS is napping, time to catch up on this thread! Sorry if I have missed anyone, I am miles behind!
@Mrs D: Glad your nausea is better now - I think mine is improving although every time I have a moment where I think 'ooh, I haven't felt sick in a while', it pops back up again!
@sassymama34: wow you are good at scoring bargains! So exciting you will be finding out the sex of the twins soon!
@erinbaderin: @reverie: I also feel a little detached this time round, or perhaps distracted is a better word! With DS I always knew all the details even down to what fruit he was the same size as etc. - but this time I am too busy chasing him around!
@Alivoo01: Oh wow congrats on your NT scan going well! And a little girl how exciting! I am amazed that they can tell at 12 weeks!
@mrsrain: @MrsLilybugg: Hope your NT scans went well! @MrsLilybugg: I had more blood taken on the same day as the NT scan, and then they did the nuchal measurement during the US. They told me the measurement straight away but then it took about 2 weeks for me to get a letter combining the measurement with the blood results and confirming me as low risk, I think I was 1/14000. At my hospital if you are high risk they call you much quicker with the result. This is all in England though so not sure if even relevant!
@Lilbear: Congrats on your scan! I also thought this LO looks exactly like my DS did at 12 weeks!
@Navy_Mommy: Glad you are feeling better! Normally I am always a wait it out sort of person, but I think when pregnant I would have been more worried and ended up calling!
AFM - had my midwife apt this morning and got to hear the little one's heartbeat with the doppler! It was a different midwife to usual and she tried to tell me she couldn't listen for it as I was under 16 weeks (15+5... come on!) - but I managed to persuade her. Glad I got to hear it as I am finding it a bit disconcerting not to be feeling any movement yet - with LO1 I was definitely feeling some little pops by this point. So now apart from my anatomy scan in mid Oct (date TBC), my next midwife apt isn't until 4th December!
So jealous that people are finding out the sex already - excited for you all!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Lilbear: Congrats on a good scan!!! They had to push on my tummy a LOT too to get the little bugger moving around...our tech was awesome and wanted to try to make a prediction but just couldnt get a good angle!
@sassymama34: Where are you having your scan done? None of the places I called would see me until 16w! And even then its not a guaranteed scan...they dont guarantee until 18w double
@Navy_Mommy: that sounds like a nice retreat and way to reset yourselves!
@Bubbles: Glad you had a good appointment, thats crazy you dont go back in for so long! I have to go in every 4 weeks...then at 28 weeks I got every 2 weeks. It doesnt help that my Dr office is way inconvenient!!!
cherry / 164 posts
MrsD - its an elective place near me in ohio and they request you're at least 14 weeks. Ill be 14+4 so hoping.. If they cant be sure i can come back for a free rescan! Their prices range from 45-100. Im doin the 45 cuz i cant wait for 20 weeks at my dr lol
apricot / 371 posts
I have my 12 week check up today, hope they can hear heartbeat with the doppler!
nectarine / 2115 posts
NT scan went great! Little Cricket wouldn't uncross his/her legs, so the tech couldn't even guess at the sex, but baby was otherwise cooperative, active, and healthy.
nectarine / 2115 posts
@sbbs3: I've been having a lot of headaches, too. I do sometimes take Tylenol, but I don't really think it helps. This morning I'm trying some caffeine and that seems to be helping.
persimmon / 1328 posts
@Mrs D: They had to push on me really hard too - it hurt! I seem to remember LO1 was wiggling everywhere but this one was just sat there chilling out! I know it is AGES! They see you more often for the first baby but for subsequent ones they seem to just let you get on with it!
@mrsrain: Aw cute pic, how exciting!
@sbbs3: I'm not against taking paracetamol (I think the same as tylenol?) if needed, but all of my headaches so far have been definite sinus headaches, so steaming has got me by so far
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@sbbs3: That is a crazy/bizarre dream!! I had one last night that involved former colleagues that I haven't seen in months! The lovely pregnancy dreams... lol
@Lilbear: Yay for a great appointment and healthy heartbeat!!
@Navy_Mommy: Yay for enjoying a delicious dinner and for a fun 3-day weekend with your hubby and family!!
@sbbs3: I had a gnarly headache last Saturday. Normally, I'm like oh, I'll just tough it out, but with it's intensity and our long list of to do's (with DS), I took a 500mg Tylenol and took a brief nap. It helped, but a slight lingering headache hung on for a few hours afterwards.
@Bubbles: I'm so glad you were able to convince the midwife to listen to the heartbeat via doppler! I'd go bananas not being able to see OR hear my LO until my anatomy scan from my last appt! That's just too much time man! And that's wild your next midwife appt is until December! That's MONTHS from now!! Do you see someone in between or no?
@ksnow: Good luck!!
@mrsrain: Yay for a great NT scan and healthy results!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: Ugh...the place I found is $105 for 16-18w with no guarantee...at 18w its $85 and guaranteed so if they cant tell you can come back for free. Annoyed! Hoping I can scam the panorama test out of my Drs office Monday to know!
@ksnow: Fingers crossed, I bet at 12w its a good chance!
@mrsrain: these kids need to learn how to cooperate!!! Glad it went well!
@Bubbles: I mean our boring appts here are really silly...pee in a cup...listen to heartbeat...measure belly...take blood pressure and thats basically it! So I wouldnt mine it - but I'd probably buy a doppler to keep my sanity!
I am worried DD has pink eye, that or terrible allergies. I am so glad we made it through the work week without having to see the Dr (and me miss work) but I am thinking of taking her in this afternoon to get her checked out and be sure before the weekend! Fingers crossed I dont get whatever she has!
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Navy_Mommy: That sounds great, so glad you felt better for dinner! Being sick when you're away is the worst. I got food poisoning (I think) on an overnight camel trek in the Sahara on a trip to Morocco and it was brutal.
@sbbs3: Personally, if my doctor says a medicine is ok to take I'm going to take it if I need it - so if I had a bad headache I'm not going to try to tough it out because I feel like feeling awful is probably worse for the baby than tylenol. That being said, I feel like tylenol is kind of useless (Advil or nothing!) so usually I'll try something else first, ideally a nap.
@Lilbear: Wow, that's crazy that they won't let you get genetic testing done! Even if it was a deal breaker, shouldn't that be your choice?
@Bubbles: Wow, under 16 weeks! That's nuts. I've been finding the heartbeat myself with a doppler since 12 weeks and I felt like that was late, I'm surprised to hear your midwife says that! Although I guess they don't want to stress you out unnecessarily if for some reason they can't find it.
@mrsrain: Hooray, glad it went well!
cherry / 164 posts
Yay for good appts!!! I get headaches if i dont drink some caffeine daily. Usually one can of pop does the trick:) i also take one tylenol pm nightly to sleep...only way i can sleep n dr said was ok.. Pg is tough but so worth it
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: Eek on the pink eye! Hoping it isn't that, but sounds like a good idea to have it checked out before the weekend is here!
apricot / 371 posts
@sassymama34: that's great they can check so early at 14 weeks, hope babies are cooperative!
apricot / 371 posts
Had my 12 week appointment day, they found heartbeat with doppler 140-150. No weight gain yet (why do none of my pants fit then?? haha). We get our anatomy scan October 8th at 16.5 weeks, yay! Also, got a flu shot today, that hurt.
cherry / 164 posts
Ksnow- yay for good appt!!! I love hearing the hearts i laugh about the weight stuff too...im down 8 pds n yet belly feels huge lol cant wait till we all know the genders!!
apricot / 451 posts
@ksnow: I had the weight issue last time too! I didn't gain a pound until 5 months and I had a big belly, but didn't appear to get smaller anywhere else! Where does it go?!?! Maybe our necks are smaller now? Lol
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@ksnow: Hooray for a good appointment!!
@Lilbear: LMAO at your smaller neck comment!!!
pea / 9 posts
@sassymama34 you inspired me so I called to have an elective ultrasound to find out the gender as well!
I can't wait until the end of October - the anticipation is killing me! The earliest they can make a determination is
14 wks - I'll be 15 wks at the appt so fingers crossed!! My appt is 9/23 and I'm leaning toward having a gender reveal party that following weekend with friends and family
cherry / 164 posts
How exciting jazzy!!! Hope baby cooperates for you! Im def hoping i can update you guys sunday with genders
pear / 1650 posts
@sbbs3: oh wow - yea it sounds like they have been through a bit of a rough time But Disney will be fun! Let us know how you end up telling them!
@Lilbear:@mrsrain: yay for great ultrasounds! such cute little nuggets
@Navy_Mommy: I'm glad you are starting to feel better!
@Bubbles: thanks for the info! And yep - they just took my bloodwork today right after the actual scan. that's great that you were able to convince Midwife to let you hear the heartbeat!
@Mrs D: I hope your DD doesn't have pinkeye! Or at least that you're able to get treatment for her right away
@ksnow: you are so lucky you haven't had weight gain yet ha ha!
I had my NT scan today and the tech said the measurements looked great! It was so nice seeing our little Gumby on the screen! THis place was nice because the image was projected on alarge screen TV right above the table, so I didn't have to crane my neck and look over the tech's shoulder ha ha. The tech made this really big point about the measurements being great, but that the scan was not definitive in itself, that combined with the bloodwork they'll give me a final result in 10-14 days. I don't remember worrying with LO1, but I guess the way she said it made me kind of made me think twice about being happy about this result this time around. Like, I know it's scan and bloodwork combined, but they didn't reiterate that at the last screening.
I have my first OB appointment next week (even though I've had 4 ultrasounds already). I'm trying to decide if I should start announcing after the OB appointment, or sooner. I'm 12 weeks today! I feel like I want reassurance from OB that everything is good first? Hmmm not sure!
When has everyone announced / thinking of announcing?
cherry / 164 posts
Hi ladies had such a busy day and just now got time to post!!! Ultrasound was amazing! Lasted 40 min and got to see them both move around and great hearts and they are pretty sure its a boy and girl!!!! Im so happy
persimmon / 1328 posts
@sassymama34: Aww how lovely, such cute pics!
@MrsLilybugg: Congrats on a great scan! We announced to parents and siblings at 5 weeks and full family and close friends at 12 weeks (after scan). I would like to wait until after 20 weeks scan before it goes on Facebook, but we will see!
@Alivoo01: I know nearly 3 months from one apt to the next! I will have my anatomy scan sometime in mid Oct, but apart from that I will not be seen at all! Hopefully I'll start feeling movements soon for a little reassurance
We are leaving my DS (20 months) for the first time overnight this weekend! I've left him with DH before but we have never both been away from him overnight. Going to a family party and he will be staying over at the ILs. I am sure he will be absolutely fine but I still feel stupidly guilty that he will be missing out on the party (which he would only be awake for about 2 hours of!)
pomelo / 5573 posts
@sassymama34: Congratulations, that's great news! You must be thrilled!
@Bubbles: We're doing the same next week and I'm super stressed about it! It's not even overnight, technically - we'll wake him up in the morning and get him ready and then go to work and he'll spend the day with his grandparents, who will do dinner and put him to bed, because we won't be home until about midnight - but I have literally only not put him to bed twice in his life and the last time was a year ago, so I'm freaked out. I know logically he'll be fine and I'll have a harder time with it than he will probably, but...argh.
@MrsLilybugg: I also waited to tell people until I'd had one more ultrasound, just to make sure. I had an ultrasound just past 11 weeks so I started telling people then, but didn't put it on Facebook until just past 12, although I didn't have any real reason for doing it when I did. Will your OB tell you anything you don't already know from your ultrasound?
Made a visit to Ikea this weekend to look at some furniture for a toddler room, although all we ended up buying was a kid sized table and chairs for the basement. I'm pretty sure we're set on a toddler bed (as opposed to a single), so that's a step. Also B is a finger sucker - always has been - but this weekend I noticed that he has a giant blister on one of his fingers, and it's stressing me out. It looks painful but I keep reminding myself that if it hurt him, he'd stop sucking his fingers...right? I know we're going to have to do something about this finger sucking at some point but he's done it since he was about a year, it's his self-soothing technique, and I don't have it in me to even think about having that fight at this stage.
cherry / 164 posts
Aww hes adorable! That sounds painful so hopefully he'll stop soon! I couldnt resist buying some girl stuff lol and baby boy got an outfit too
apricot / 451 posts
@MrsLilybugg: I told my sister at 5.5 weeks, a few coworkers at 11.5 weeks, and my parents at 12 weeks. We will not be telling our friends or DH's family until 4 months. I don't think I'll post anything on Facebook until we know the gender after our anatomy scan at the end of October.
persimmon / 1328 posts
@erinbaderin: Aww he's so cute! I know what you mean, it makes me wish we'd done it when he was younger as I reckon it wouldn't feel so weird. I'm not too worried about bedtime as his grandparents have already put him to bed a few times at our house, and he's pretty chilled about going to bed. I feel like the toughest moment for him will be when he wakes in the morning and neither of us is there. But I'm sure he will be fine - he's Grandad obsessed! It just feels odd to be going to an event and not taking him, as he's always tagged along before. The grandparents are very excited though.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: CONGRATS- how wonderful! One of each!!! Nice loot!
@Bubbles: Sounds like a fun night out solo...everything will go fine and I am sure you guys will enjoy the mini break!
@erinbaderin: I remember how hard my first night away was - thank god my mom was amazing and sent me text/pictures all the time!! K is turning into a finger chewer...I hope its only bc her two year molars are coming in but it too stresses me out!!!
AFM...busy weekend. Made great progress in the basement workout room...which I desperately need because it is getting cool here and I need to get my ass in gear on controlling my weight gain!
Dr appt this AM was good and dull. My first tri results were good (1 in >10,000 - I think thats the best they can be) which is a relief. Also - scheduled my next appt and anatomy scan for Oct 8 - so we'll know the gender then...unless I cave before then!!! HB was good and fast at 159...hoping for a nice quiet day today!
nectarine / 2458 posts
Went to the gym today for the first time in almost two weeks I felt good (it was Zumba) but my abs struggled, lol. I'd really like to get back to at least 4-5 days a week instead of the 1-2 I've been don't, I'm just still so exhausted even at almost 16 weeks.
Third pregnancy is rough. I was never THIS exhausted with W or O.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@Bubbles: I've done ONE night away from W since he was born April 1, 2012! We had an amazing babysitter who came and slept at our house. It was really weird, honestly, haha. I wasn't nervous (we were only a half hour away) it was just strange.
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