wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@MrsLilybugg: I announced to family after my 1st appointment so around 8 weeks? I'm started announcing to close friends after my NT scan at 12 weeks. I'll be telling work today at 13 weeks. I'll probably wait to publicly announce until after my appointment next week just for extra assurance.
@sassymama34: Congrats on your boy/girl twins!! That's awesome!!!
@erinbaderin: Your son is absolutely adorable - finger sucking or not!!
@Bubbles: Enjoy your time at the party and hoping your LO is on his best behavior while you're away. Since he's such a huge granddad fan, he'll have a blast and time will fly, I'm sure!
@Mrs D: DS chewed on his fingers when he was teething too! But he chewed on everything when he teethed, sippy cup mouth pieces, straws, etc.
How's K's eye btw?? What did the dr say?
pear / 1650 posts
@erinbaderin: omg he is TOO CUTE!!!!! I love his sweater!
And as for the OB appt, I felt like one more U/s for extra reassurance? I'm not even sure what my thinking is. It's funny, with LO1 I announced right at 12 weeks. I'm not sure why I'm more guarded this time around! Maybe it's because we didn't TTC for 2, and we did with LO1 for a year!
persimmon / 1328 posts
Thanks for the reassurance guys - I'm sure everyone will make it through unscathed! As long as he doesn't try what he pulled on me last night... left the room for 2 minutes and he had crayoned ALL over our living room wall! Then whilst I was (trying to clean that up*) he filled up the sink, almost flooded the bathroom and then got up on top of the toilet and started pulling everything out of the cabinets! Not my finest parenting moment!!
*scrubbing layers of paint off the wall whilst failing to remove the crayon at all
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Bubbles: Oh man!! He was keeping you buuuuuusssyyy!!! He wanted to go for a swim mommy! What's wrong with that?!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I still find myself sleeping either on my belly or flat on my back. Oops! I'm 13 weeks. I can't seem to get comfy on my side. Even if I start on my side, I end up rolling onto my back.
What positions are you lady sleeping in?
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Alivoo01: Yes, K is chewing on everything as well! Its ridiculous!! She did have pink eye - in both eyes. God bless antibiotics and she is totally fine now!
@Bubbles: ugh...what is with these kids these days? I swear if my daughter wasnt adorable I am not sure she (or I) would make it!!!
Ugh...K was up 4 times in the middle of the night last night...I never went in and just let her cry until she went back to sleep...but still...WTF happened to my awesome little sleeper...I hope it is teething and will be gone sooner or later!!!
Just ordered a pregnancy pillow and will be getting unisom at lunch...pray for my sleep tonight! I fell asleep at my desk yesterday!
persimmon / 1328 posts
@Alivoo01: He sure was - it was kinda funny in retrospect but I definitely wasn't amused at the time!
I have been belly sleeping a lot but it just started feeling a little weird and uncomfy in the last few days (16+2). I move from one side to the other, and then to my back throughout the night - I can't remember when you are supposed to start not sleeping on your back?
@Mrs D: Glad K is all better now and good luck with the pillow! I've never tried unisom, I'm not sure if we have it over here but it sounds like good stuff. I am up a lot in the night to pee, but always fall back asleep easily - I feel for you falling asleep at your desk!
I am pretty sure I just felt my first movements! I have felt a few pops here and there in the last few weeks but was never sure whether it was just wind. But this felt different and baby-like!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: Boo on pink-eye, and both eyes too! Poor girl. Glad she's clearing up nicely though!
As for sleep, we had a super rough night with C too!! He wasn't crying but just hella fussy and waking every 30 minutes. He wanted to be held/cuddled all night long. Poor DH is super exhausted today.
@Bubbles: Movements!! ahhh!! So exciting!! I've been feeling some pops, but I think it's just my uterus expanding. Can't wait to feel baby kicks!! But given how active this one has been at my u/s appointments, I might not so too much excitement before she bruises me from the inside out. lol
pomelo / 5573 posts
Thanks for the compliments on my sweet boy, ladies! It's funny how you're sure your kid is the cutest but it's still so gratifying when other people tell you.
@MrsLilybugg: It's funny, I did the same last time - 12 weeks on the dot! Mostly because we were at a wedding so most of our friends were in one room (I didn't make an announcement or anything, just took the opportunity to tell a few good friends in person.) But this time...at the beginning I couldn't wait to tell people and then as the time to tell people got closer I sort of lost interest.
@Alivoo01: I was always told that once sleeping in a certain position got uncomfortable it was time to stop doing it, even sleeping on your back - my midwife said it would affect me before it would affect the baby. I usually sleep on my side with a body pillow now.
@Mrs D: At your desk! You poor lady. I've had a couple of days where I had to book a boardroom and go in and put my head down for a half hour but lately it's been getting better - I even managed to get through the weekend without my afternoon nap!
@Bubbles: Eee, movement! I've felt a few things that had me thinking "Wait...was that?" but I'm pretty sure nothing real yet. With my first I didn't feel anything until 17 weeks and then it was another week or so after that before I felt anything else, and I have an anterior placenta again so I'm assuming it will take a while again.
@NavyMommy: You went to the gym! I'm so impressed! I used to be a pretty dedicated runner, and then I got pregnant with my first and it all fell apart. I was just starting to get back into it when I got pregnant again and have used that as an excuse to do nothing ever since. I'm going to at least find my fitbit and go back to trying to get 3 miles a day in.
pear / 1650 posts
@Alivoo01: I've been sleeping on my sides, but when I'm on my right side my leg hurts for some reason so I shift more towards the belly. I'll have to change the bed dynamics soon!
@Mrs D: I love my pregnancy pillow! Well, it's more like a body pillow but serves the same purpose. Oh and you will love the uNisom. Just start really "slow" (like maybe a quarter tablet, or half your first time) until you know how you deal with the morning grogginess. If this isn't your first time taking it, ignore - ha ha!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@erinbaderin: I have my pregnancy pillow from my last pregnancy, but we co-sleep with DS so between the 3 of us, there's no room for the body pillow (DS is a heavy roller also). I'll need to figure something out though. Can't keep sleeping on my back.
cherry / 164 posts
I still belly sleep somewhat too... At 15 weeks lol... I also toss n turn a lot.. Hips n low back getting more achy but i have a placenta in the back on my left side and one in the front on my right side.. Lot goin on in there ha
nectarine / 2458 posts
Well, that was the most uninformative appointment ever.
I was scheduled to just see a nurse. They screwed up when they got my abnormal test results and instead of rescheduling me with an actual OB they just filed the results in my folder. So she had no idea what was going on (she usually just sees low risk patients in their first and second trimester, she's a NP not a CNM) and all the OBs were over booked so someone will have to call me within the next 24 hours. I'm not pleased. I'm excited to be leaving this base, the hospital is WAY understaffed.
But baby's heartbeat sounded good on the doppler.
Anatomy scan is scheduled for October 9 then my next appointment (with an OB not a nurse) is October 15.
nectarine / 2458 posts
I'm still sleeping on my stomach or back and I'm 16 weeks, lol. I figure until it's uncomfortable it's fine. I got rid of my pregnancy pillow after it made it through two pregnancies; not sure if I'll get a new one. I prefer to just snuggle up with my dog, hahaha.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@MrsLilybugg: Thats for the tip - I have taken ambien before...is it anything like that? Also - any thoughts on how "drunk asleep" it makes you? Like will I be "out to the world" or still able to hear K if she wakes in the MOTN?
@erinbaderin: I may have gone into an empty conference room today and closed my eyes for a few moments...brilliant idea!!!
@Navy_Mommy: ugh - arent some of these pointless appts SO annoying? I hate driving 45 mins to pee in a cup, have my blood pressure taken and check the measured height. Although now I do love hearing the hb - but I remember towards the end when I could feel her moving and knew all was well being like "damn cant I just go to a minute clinic and pee in a cup...?" Sorry about your appt - hope the phonecall goes well!
@Navy_Mommy: @sassymama34: My Dr said yesterday that belly sleeping is totally ok and will not hurt the baby. She said do it until it is no longer comfortable!
pear / 1650 posts
@Mrs D: no problem! If I took the full
Capsule, I really think I would be "drunk asleep". I bed share with my toddler and personally wouldn't trust myself not to accidentally like roll on her if I took whole
Capsule. Buuuut it could be that I am more
Sensitive than most ! Cries are persistent and if your LO is nearby I bet you would hear her ! Good question - maybe start a poll! I'm curious now too ha ha
apricot / 371 posts
For those on your second (or third, etc), how was your first labor / anything you hope goes differently this time?
For me my water broke first and we waited probably 12 hours at home/hospital waiting for labor to kick off but eventually they gave me cervadil/pitocin to get things going. They freaked me out into getting an IV and continuous monitoring super early; I'd like to postpone that if possible this time to make it easier to move around. the contractions never got unbearable, but I got an epidural around 5 cm since I was scared of waiting until it was too late! I had some back pain post partum for several months, not sure if it was epi related or just regular post partum issue...I'll probably get an epi again. I pushed for less than 5 minutes, so I hope that stays the same!
cherry / 164 posts
MrsD - good to know! I love sleeping on my stomach lol
I also am thinkin of askin dr about unisom...ive been on tylenol pm but noy working so well lately
My first born was an awful birth but this time will be a scheduled csection
apricot / 451 posts
@ksnow: for my first LO, my labor was 37 hours long and I had a spinal headache from the epidural. I'm hoping to have a shorter labor and no spinal headache!
My biggest concern though, is what to do with DD when I go into labor. My parents live 1.5 hours away, which may be too far for me to wait around, depending on how fast my labor progresses. My MIL is 15-20 minutes away, but she doesn't drive at night, so if I go into labor at nighttime, we are screwed. I also don't want to hang out with either of our parents while in labor (I realize I may have to get over that)!!!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: fyi - I did some research and unisons is category A (sleep tabs not the gels) so there may be no harm in trying it!
@ksnow: I had a great birth w K. I was 3/4 cm for at least a week (3cm 2w before delivering) and scheduled an induction for 40w3d at my appt on 40w2d - I also had her do an aggressive membrane sweep that day. I went into labor 12 hours later (1am). Was admitted at 6am at 5cm and asked for morphine - then took an hour nap. Quickly hit 6cm...got my epi...at maybe 730/8am. I was 9cm at noon and they started turning off my epi - at 1 pm I knew it was time (mom and grandma who had been keeping me company left the room) I pushed 4 times and she was out. The stitching hurt like crazy (grade 2 tear) but honestly I didn't mind the pain of pushing.
I guess ideally it would be more comfortable to not be so dialated for so many weeks...but if it helped labor happen easy it was worth it! In a perfect world is prefer not to tear...but again not the end of the world!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Lilbear: I have been workin on our "plan" and right now I think our babysitter (Ks daycare teacher) will be our go to for after hours emergency care for K! She is honestly the second most reliable person - my mom is the first but I selfishly want her at the hospital with me!
olive / 64 posts
@ksnow: My first labor was 25 hours. I only made it about 6 hours before getting my epi. My water broke while they were doing it too. Even with the epi, my contractions were awful. DD was turned toward my left hip so after every contraction I could feel her shoulder or elbow or whatever it was run across my lower abdomen. I also had to push for 3 hours!
I'm hoping everything just goes smoother and faster this time. I also know that I won't have as much anxiety about birth this time because I know what to expect.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Lilbear: I'm having the same problem. My parents live 4 hours away, so I feel like once I go into labour I'll need to call them immediately to get on the road, but I don't want them hanging out at the house until I go to the hospital. Right now I have no idea how to handle it - they have friends who live nearby but if we make them come in the middle of the night they can't really let themselves into their friends' house to hang out until I want them to come over, right? I'm also sort of worried about B seeing me in labour and being upset. If it happens during the day he could maybe go to the neighbours (they have a son 9 days older than B and they're good friends) until my parents can get here....if anybody has a good plan please share!
apricot / 451 posts
@erinbaderin: I thought of one more possible plan of having one of my close (and local) friends come over to hang out with DD when we leave for the hospital, and have my parents hit the road then and relieve my friend of babysitting duty once my parents get to our place. For some reason I don't mind being in labor around friends or medical staff, but the idea of our parents (especially MIL) being there is a big problem for me. I also am tempted to have MIL be our babysitter so she stays the eff away from the hospital for a little while. (I will want to murder everyone if MIL barges in while we are first meeting this baby too!)
We also have friends that live near the hospital, so we could possibly drop dd off with them. Or worse case scenario dd will sit in her stroller inside the delivery room! Eeek!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Navy_Mommy: Boo on bad/poorly informed doctor visits. For some, taking time off work/out of their schedule is difficult so that's not cool at all! Hoping you get a great phone call soon!!
@Mrs D: All our conference rooms have large open windows/glass panes so I can't nap in there. However, that's a brilliant idea and must say, I have considered it a few times. Ha!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@ksnow: DS was an IUGR baby so I was induced at 37 weeks (I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced). My induction started off rocky and an emergency c-section was discussed, therefore, I received an epidural really early on. However, it was low dosage (since they just wanted to get the port going in case I did end up in the OR) and I could control when it was released. Had my water broken by the OB.
My labor was pretty easy and I napped on and off for the next 7 hours. I pushed DS out on my 3rd set of pushing (OB threatened to give me an episiotomy if I didn't push him out with the next contraction so I gave it my all). I did feel some discomfort when I was in transition, but it was tolerable.
I enjoyed my labor with DS and kind of hope this go round will be something similar. However, since I was induced, I'm nervous to see how it will go this time! Eek!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Lilbear: My family lives 3 hours away and in laws live 1.5 hours away, but they run their own business. Initially, we were planning on asking a close friend to watch him, but she's currently pregnant and is due a month before me so that won't be possible now. Guess we're just going to have to bring DS with us until we figure out something else like if I go into labor during the day and DS will already be at daycare.
persimmon / 1328 posts
@ksnow: My waters started leaking but I still hadn't had any contractions over 24 hours later, so I had to be induced with the cervical gel (didn't have pitocin). It took me from 0 contractions to having contractions every 30 seconds in about half an hour, which was terrifying. I had to have an antibiotic drip and be tied to the bed for continuous monitoring, and had to labour from 0 - 7 cm in a full antenatal ward with other women trying to sleep!
I did not want an epidural (the idea of possibly not feeling my legs terrifies me), so the pain was horrendous. Once I was finally allowed to push it was all much better, and that bit went very smoothly.
This time I would so love to go into labour spontaneously, and get to experience a normal progression of contraction intensity. I would also love to be able to go in the water during labour, even if it's just a shower at home! Beyond that anything goes and I will just be happy with a smooth delivery and healthy LO
I have no idea what we will do with DS when I am in labour, tbh the thought hadn't even occurred to me! Better get thinking!
apricot / 371 posts
@sassymama34: Do they know for sure it'll be a scheduled csection even if the twins line up right?
@Lilbear: maybe you could drop LO off at MIL's and have your mom pick her up in the AM? I know that might be kind of jarring for LO though. My mom/dad live out of state and so far they're planning to come a week before my due date so they can watch ours! I was over a week late last time so hopefully that's enough time!
@Mrs D: I've never heard of morphine in my circle of friends, that's interesting! Why didn't they just go straight to epi? And how come they turned your epi off when you got to 9cm? I'd have been like don't you touch that thing! They left my epi on so I didn't feel pain during pushing, placenta, or stitching (until later of course...)
@Loscato: I'm definitely grateful to know what to expect this time! I can really work myself up....when they told me it was time to push, they then had to leave and deliver another lady who was like running into hospital, and I got such nerves I had myself shaking...
apricot / 451 posts
@ksnow: Maybe if DH does all the driving without me being there and my labor is progressing slowly. We live in NYC and traffic can be crazy. She is also 20 minutes north of us (and over a bridge) where as our hospital is in the opposite direction (20 minutes from us and 40-45 from MIL). Not a bad idea though in terms of keeping her away lol!
cherry / 164 posts
Im a planned csection since my son was one.. I never even dialated at all last time! Had pitocin n cervadil n a folley and after 30 hrs i begged for a csection... Dr cut me open n remarked yea that was never going to happen.. Most women in my family have never progressed or only to a 3 then nothing they couldnt even break my water so it was most miserable 30 hrs of my life
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@sassymama34: That's so interesting that "not dilating" can be hereditary!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@ksnow: So, all along I had told DH that I was unsure if I wanted meds or not - but I was not opposed to them. I just asked him to make me ask twice (or question me once). I think its pretty ridiculous when first time moms go "I just know I am going to do this med free" - the reality (IMO) is you have no idea what labor is like so how can you just "know". Anyways...
I woke up at 1am (scheduled for an induction at 7am) in real labor...I woke DH up and said essentially "Honey, I'm in labor AND I want all the drugs"
By the time I got to the hospital (showered, got things together, made some food, drove the 45 mins) it was like 5:30am and the contractions were legit. I was asking everyone who would listen for drugs. My first L&D nurse suggested morphine (I think morphine anyways) to take the edge off until the anesthesiologist could place the epi. She also recommended it would be easier for him to place if I was more relaxed. It was the best.thing.ever. I basically went to the bathroom, then laid down on the bed and passed out. I got the epi about an hour after I got the morphine.
As for the epi being turned off - my Dr has a few reasons for it: 1) she thinks women are, generally speaking, better at pushing when they can feel what they are doing 2) it speeds up your recovery time rather than being numb until after delivery then waiting to get feeling again so you can stand (I think I stood like 3 hours after delivering her - maybe less) 3) She thinks it helps you read when its "time". She never checked me again after I was 9cm - I remember her just saying "if you think its time lets give it a try".
In hind sight...she had a resident do my stitches (I had requested to tear naturally as opposed to an episiotomy) and she took a long time. By the time I complained of the discomfort she apologized and said they could number me which would take 3 pokes OR they could finish the stitches which was maybe 4-5 more pokes. I opted to just get it done!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@sassymama34: this is my bestfriends situation. unfortunately she is stubborn as shit. Her mom had 3 kids and never went in to labor naturally or progressed well. Her sister has 3 kids - same story. My friend, was hell bent on delivering her babies. Her first - was awful 26 hours of laboring, 3.5 hrs of pushing...ended with emergency c section and daughter in the nicu for 10 days. When she was pregnant a second time she told me she was going to try a vbac...I was hysterical and told her I loved her but that emotionally I couldnt go through that with her. Thank god her son ended up as a planned c section because her vbac became too dangerous!
cherry / 164 posts
Yea it was an awful experience and i had tried to tell the drs the whole time but they'd say oh thats not hereditary and then when happened to me n she said that i was thinkin no sh*t lol but luckily this time planned
nectarine / 2458 posts
Both my labors were NOT what I wanted at all, but I was happy with both in the end.
W I got a bladder infection that kicked me into labor before he was really ready. I got the bladder infection because he cut off part of my bladder so it couldn't empty completely. Then every contraction I got he was pushed into MY INFECTED BLADDER and it was excruciating. Once I was in the hospital he actually pushed out my catheter without them deflating it! Because I was sick I wasn't progressing. My water had been broken (on its own) for 6 hours and I wasn't even 2cm. Got pit and an epidural and fell asleep. Woke up with a103 fever so they gave me two cold IVs and made me eat Italian ice to bring it down. They checked me and I was only at 6 (12 hours later) but the midwife wasn't concerned. About 20 minutes later I felt the need to push and low and behold - i was magically at 10! Pushed for 20 minutes, tore a little and Wes was born! 7lb8oz!
O was locked and loaded at 38 weeks. I was 2cm dilated. Midwife predicted she'd see me that weekend. Well, I felt him move out of position Ended up making it to 41w3d before they induced me. Tried to handle the pit with no epi and did it for like 5 hours before I gave in and got an epidural at like 6cm. 30 minutes later I was at 10 but didn't feel like pushing yet so the midwife let me "labor down" for a whIle about 30 minutes later I was like PUSH NOW! hahaha and i was actually crowning before my first push. Like 7 minutes later Oliver was born, 8lb6oz and ZERO tearing. My body did ALL the work. It was amazing.
I'll try to go without an epidural this time. They really fuck up my back (I couldn't lay down without a muscle relaxer for almost 6 months after I had Oliver), but obviously I'm not completely opposed to it. I'd really like to try to go without pitocin this time, but again, I didn't have *bad* experiences with it so I'm not completely opposed.
nectarine / 2458 posts
I basically did a happy dance because target got more shirred waist pallazo pants, hahaha. I don't love maternity pants but at 16w these and leggings are they only thing I find comfortable.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@ksnow: For my first "labour" I had all these plans about staying home as long as possible, trying to do it without drugs, etc. Then at 39 weeks my belly hadn't grown in a few weeks so my midwife sent me for an ultrasound and turned out he was breech, so they scheduled me for a C section 4 days later. It was SO WEIRD going through the weekend thinking "This is the last Saturday we won't have a baby - we'd better do something!" Mostly we just went to movies. My surgery was scheduled for 7am so I had to be at the hospital at 5:30, and my hospital is a half hour away under the best conditions and there was a snowstorm (Canada in January) so we had to leave the house at like 4:30am. It wasn't great. Ever since I've regretted that I didn't get to experience any sort of labour - I kept saying to my husband that I wanted to try it, I wanted to see what contractions were like, etc. Hopefully I'll get that experience this time! I also really hated the epidural but hopefully they did it stronger on me for surgery than they would on somebody who was delivering naturally, because I couldn't feel anything from like the chest down and it made it hard to breathe.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
I must have had a great epidural..I could still move my legs a little even when I could feel no pain? I am so hopeful I dont experience any of the negative side effects of an epidural this time.
Neither of my sisters got an epidural. They both progressed too quickly. Sister #1 - admitted at 1am, 6cm at 3am (started epidural discussions), delivered at 4am but did get a shot of morphine to the spine as they were worried about having to do an emergency c-section. Sister #2 - went to dinner at 6pm, took a walk at 7pm, 7:30 told her husband she felt something and to time them...first two were 3 mins apart. He loaded the car - they were at the hospital at 8pm...baby was born at 9:15pm. Crazy!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: Thankfully, I didn't have any side effects with my epidural either. Hoping not to this time either if I end up getting it. I had full use of my legs within an hour. One of my legs was more heavily drugged than the other since I laid on that side 95% of the time (DS had heart decels if I laid on the other side).
As for your sister #2, holy cow that's a fast labor!!!!
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