cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: thank you. And my mom isn't understanding my pain from the adoption stuff and thinks I only should feel excited right now. And I wasn't announcing fast enough for her. Oh well. I probably won't "announce" on my own Facebook til after the baby is born honestly.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Ok, how am I almost 17 weeks and still so sick? I dry heaved so hard this morning after my shirt touched my neck. Omg!!!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@anonysquire: I don't actually throw up, but I dry heave alllll day. Everything makes me heave. Everything. And, I'm a nurse, so the things that I see ... I have dilectin, but it's not nausea, it's just heaving. The dr said yesterday that just B6 might help, and keeping a full stomach. She said if it wasn't gone by 20 weeks, it probably wasn't going to stop :(:(:( Sorry you're still sick too.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@MrsB2012: I don't throw up either but it's dry heaving and the typical nausea if I don't eat every 2 minutes, all day. And then at nights I get a sour stomach and just feel gross. Hoping everyone's sickness lets up soon!!!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@MrsB2012: ah I didn't know you're a nurse tooo!
Wounds never ever bothered me before but my first trimester was sooo rough. I was trying not to heave in front of my patients.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I've literally had to call another nurse over one of my patients having a nose bleed. I tried to go in and see, but instantly started heaving. It was so embarrassing. Another time someone was throwing up and I had to grab a care aide and go and heave myself. Nothing usually bothers me ever, but now I can literally not look at anything. It's so bad.
apricot / 340 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @MrsB2012:
Sorry youguys are having a hard time at work, its awful. Im a nurse too but work inpatient mental health, so there are not too many nasty medical things I have to deal with. But the passive agressive farting as the patients pace back and forth by the nursing station all day kills me! I have thrown up in the garbage can at the nursing station so many times from the nasty fart smell! Its a locked unit to so there is no airflow at all. Its been making me rage lately, especially after they turn and look at me and laugh or smirk afterwards.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Coffee-lover: haha that's horrible. I work at a long term care facility, so there's lots and lots of horrible smells at times.
coffee bean / 33 posts
Hi ladies,
My due date is actually 3/30 ( just one day off) and we are definitely team green.
I just tried to schedule my 20 week ultrasound and they told me their calendars don't go out that far and to call back next week. I feel like November 10th is right around the corner!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
kiwi / 625 posts
@raspberries: Wow. you just wrote the email for me - thanks!!
That is a great way to put it, as I know if I don't say anything, I have no shot of receiving anything..
kiwi / 625 posts
Just catching up - ugh! hopefully you ladies all feel better soon. It has been a few weeks since my nausea has subsided, but I do get a few moments of it here and there, and remember how awful it was.
kiwi / 625 posts
@anonysquire: that sounds heartbreaking, I can totally understand having difficulty connecting with this pregnancy - if you are still mourning the loss of the baby you once had. Your feelings are your own, so forget what anyone else says - I have to remind myself that my mom is from a different generation, and had a bit of a broken childhood, and she totally disregards my feelings, (and even illness!!) all the time.
cherry / 157 posts
I guess I'm joining this board late, but this baby was kind of a surprise and I very irrationally felt like there was no way it was viable. I've finally shaken some of that and am allowing myself to be excited.
Location: Missouri
EDD: March 19th
How far along: 15+1
First child? No, I have a 16 month old daughter
First doctor appointment: Was so long ago I've forgotten the date, lol
Any symptoms so far? I had some morning sickness but it's started to fade, and now I'm just tired all the time
Who have you told? Family
I'm looking forward to posting here more in the future!
pear / 1955 posts
Oh wow, you ladies are making me thankful I have a desk job - I'm not a very queasy person in general, but being in the medical profession during the first tri sounds incredibly difficult. Way to pull through, ladies!
We have our next ultrasound a week from today - I'll be right past 18 weeks, so they should be able to confirm sex. I'm so excited to see that little bean again! We've got our name narrowed down to three real possibilities - I've been trying to call him by name for a day at a time to see any of them stick.
Also - heartburn is starting to kick in at night. Boooo.
pear / 1955 posts
-March 2017 Mamas-
March 4: JennEn
March 5: Raspberries , anonysquire
March 12: MrsB2012
March 13: OskarsMommy
March 15: Weswife
March 17: Pinkberry
March 19: sheskrafty ; kick641
March 21: Coffee-Lover , daniellemybelle
March 22: codeitall
March 26: lilyann , LoveHope, islarey
March 27: LovelyPlum ; Mrs. Pen
March 30: Aspen
March 31: beth24
April 2: mrsmacSLP
@kick641: This will be my second son - my oldest is 14 months now, and while this baby wasn't a complete surprise, we DID get pregnant the very first time we tried (it took nearly a year for LO1.) For the first month or two, I was totally convinced that something would go wrong since it happened so smoothly - but so far, so good! All that to say... welcome, and I know what you mean, haha.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@oskarsmommy: thank you!!! We must have the same mom haha. In June she told me there was no reason to go to the doctor when I was having shortness of breath and a fever along with other symptoms but I went anyways and had pneumonia. Maybe mothers intuition has an expiration date
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Being sick while pregnant is so much worse I think it's "just" a cold: sore throat, congestion, cough, pounding headache, and I think my voice is starting to go.
I still worked today and plan to work tomorrow I feel like I need to save every bit of PTO that I can and can't call in sick!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Mrs. Pen: how many hours a day do you work? So sorry you are sick!! Makes it worse that prego ladies can hardly take any meds anyways. Hope you feel better soon!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I'm so achy!! I'm seriously considering sleeping with all my heating packs because my hips, pubic bone and legs are done for! Not sure if it's normal pregnancy pains or due to my RA. Maybe it's time to break out my heating blanket!
apricot / 458 posts
@anonysquire: oh no! Hope that goes away and doesn't stay till the end that would be a bummer!
I had a scare today! I walked right into a metal hitch today straight into my belly hard! And the new frantic mommy I am I panicked! Went to see doc this afternoon baby is all good! And he is now right at my belly button! Hoping that means my bump will form a better roundness soon ha! Oh so glad baby is ok! Gosh pregnancy is scary. I don't know how you moms have done it more than once so far.
Also DH and I were talking about shots? He wants no cocktail shot individual... What's everyone's thoughts?
And what are the most important things I need on my registry? We are going in a few weeks and I feel so unprepared
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@anonysquire: I work salary full time, technically forty hours a week but it really comes out to 50+ because I bring work home with me. I didn't finish all my charting from yesterday so I'll have even more to do today.
And it's the last week of one of my classes in my BSN program and tonight I have something due and I feel soooo miserable.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Weswife: you mean shots as in vaccines? I'm not sure what you're asking regarding cocktail individual shots?
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I'm in the same boat - it's total crap. I feel so much pressure to clock 9 hours a day, which is so hard with school drop off and pick up - then I scramble to cook, bathe put my son down, then cleanup, then I should be sitting down and doing another hour of work. And my husband is worse! Usually he doesn't come home until 9 pm. I don't remember my parents working like this. I remember family dinners. I'm always saying what happened to the 40 hour work week?!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @oskarsmommy: working lots is so tough. I work 10 hour split shifts, 5 hours in the am, 5 hours in the pm. If it's during the week, i don't see my kids at all. My husband wants me to find a new job after the next Mat leave. It's not that easy though, you can't just walk into full time or even part time in nursing here. You usually start casual, and that just doesn't work for childcare.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@kick641: welcome!
So I showed up at my doctor's appointment today...except I was 48 hours too early. They were too booked to fit me in, so I have to go back on Thursday. What a bummer.
I'm starting to have some good days, but most are really a wash. By the end of the day, I for sure feel like I have the flu-shakes, headache, nausea, exhaustion-and it's starting to get on my nerves. I'm slowly starting to be able to eat, but only some really light things. Most things still make me crazy nauseous. This pregnancy still feels like a crappy 14 week-long illness as opposed to a baby. We're team green but contemplating finding out now so that it can feel more real to me. I haven't decided what we'll do yet. DH is pretty much on board for whatever I want.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@LovelyPlum: that sucks, baby brain at it's worst hey.
I was the same way with my first, but especially my second. I wanted to be team green, but specifically with my second, I felt so disconnected. My husband didn't really want to know the gender, but we found out and it definitely helped me feel more connected.
pear / 1955 posts
@Weswife: I'm not sure what you mean by cocktail shots either, but I could really go for either a cocktail or a shot right now myself. In regards to registering, I used Lucie's List the first time I registered - incredibly helpful! (
@LovelyPlum: Finding out the sex also really helped me connect - for some reason, this second pregnancy has been harder for me to think of as real. I'm also looking forward to baby movement so I'm reminded on a regular basis that there's actually a little person in there!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@oskarsmommy: @MrsB2012: people say nurses have great schedules. But I work regular days like most people, it's a tradeoff for not working in a hospital. I get the cushiness of days, but I work a lot of hours. Some days are better than others. Today I finished all my visits by1pm, but I'm still charting and will be for at least another hour and a half.
I also do a lot of care coordinator, I feel like I'm the role of five people in the hospital sometimes. So it's a lot more work than just visiting patients and doing their wound care or infusions or whatever.
@raspberries: hahaha I miss wine and mixed drinks so badly!!
@LovelyPlum: omg haha I've totally done that. Now I triple check dates. To make it worse, the birth center doesn't do appt confirmation calls!
@MrsB2012: that sounds so different than here. There's hardly any casual nursing positions- everything is FT or PT. Also, just FYI but my state is one of the highest paying states for nursing hint hint
apricot / 458 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @raspberries: so according to my husband haha a cocktail shot means more than one vaccine in a shot. His mom didn't do those she did each shot as one I guess? I don't know he may not know what he's talking about.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Weswife: oooh like MMRV is measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella? DTaP is three as well
Okay, so way back when, yes they were offered as separate shots. For the most part, the shots are not separate anymore. MMR is always three in one, MMRV is with varicella. But you can do varicella separately.
DTaP is always DTaP, until they do the booster then it's just two, but that's once the kids are middle school I believe.
So yeah he kind of knows what he's talking about but it's not so much an option anymore.
Plus, if you were able to do one as each shot- think of how many times your baby will need to be poked- and believe me, shots are so painful for us as mama's. You'll want it to be as few as possible.
pea / 23 posts
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA.
Just a quick update. I'm 14 weeks now and most of the first trimester symptoms have subsided. I am still tired and get daily headaches but far better than how I was feeling for most of first trimester.
We had our NIPT screening and the tests were negative. Thank goodness! And we are having a girl! Did anyone have the followup screening after 15 weeks for open neural tube defects?
My work does not offer any maternity leave but we can use accrued annual and sick leave. I have been planning this forever and lucky enough to have accumulated 5 months of leave for maternity. We are now looking for daycare options as they get booked really quickly here.
For those Grey's Anatomy fans, did you know Katherine Heigl is pregnant? She is about 26 weeks. I have fallen in love with her blog! She has a post about her pregnancy faves. I tried her natural remedy of apple cider vinegar for indigestion. Omg! It is awesome. Who knew apple cider vinegar has such good health benefits. Although I took it for indigestion (I was burping, it actually helped cure my headaches! It has a strong and tart taste so I just sip on it all day. But it is so refreshing and makes me feel so much more energized. Has anyone tried it? I want to learn how to make vinegar shrubs now.
Is anyone journaling their pregnancy so far? I bought a pregnancy journal early on but I've been too tired to write in it. Lol. Hopefully, I can start soon since I've been feeling a lot better.
Have a good week everyone!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@MrsB2012: @raspberries: I'm glad that finding out helped you to feel more connected. I guess we still have 4 weeks to decide (or I do). We will see how I feel at that point.
@islarey: a baby girl, how exciting! I've tried ACV but not while pregnant. Maybe I will have to try it again.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs. Pen: I'm in Canada
@Weswife: yes, they combine some of the shots like @Mrs. Pen explained. If you didn't have them
Combined, at some appointments, they baby would be getting like..10+ needles.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@MrsB2012: well I suppose your maternity leave outweighs the negatives of your nursing schedule hahaha
apricot / 458 posts
@islarey: I was give a bump book and am all caught up! DH just has a few pages to fill in and he's slow at things like that haha! And a girl yay!
@Mrs. Pen: @MrsB2012: I am fine with a mixture shot it's DH who wants individual but yes the poor little man so many shots. Maybe it's a good thing they don't offer individual anymore
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@islarey: first girl in this group- congrats!!! So excited for you
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Does anyone else in this group just not have a bump yet?? What I had posted in the bump thread was really just bloat andleftover belly from my first.
But the bloat has mostly subsided (at least in the morning), and this is what it looks like. I'm 14+2. I have no bump at all. Anything you see in this photo is leftover bump from my first that I was never able to get rid of.
I found this picture of me at 11+4 and I had a definite firm bump!
I think my anxiety is getting the best of me and telling me there's no baby in there which is obviously absurd. But I also haven't gained any weight whatsoever!
First pic is today. Second pic is my first pregnancy at 11+4
kiwi / 625 posts
@Mrs. Pen: so I had the same thing happen - bump was there, then right around 14 weeks it kinda went away, then now, at 17 weeks it is BACK. I don't know why, but it makes me think of that scene in titanic, where the ship is starting to go down, then it breaks in half, and kinda bobs there for a second (where you are now) , then tips back up and goes back down fast and furiously. My bump came back with a vengeance - I look like I did at 6 months.
At my 14 week appointment my dr lectured me because I had only gained 1lb, calm down lady, I'm 152lbs, I'm not wasting away or anything!
Anyway, I get the fears, but I had the same exact pattern. Enjoy the last moments of no bump!
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