Hellobee Boards


March 2018 moms!

  1. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: no BH but lots of cramping and just feeling tight/heavy in my uterus. And even a little tender. I sort of leaned on it the other day putting my son to bed and got a shot of pain.

    @pachamama: congrats on a great scan!

    @jhd: congrats and welcome! ANOTHER experienced mom. This is so weird!

    @LaughLines: I'm so sorry, I'm just seeing this now. Sending love your way.

  2. FelicityMerriman

    pea / 19 posts

    Hi y'all! Hope you don't mind a total newbie joining all you experienced mommas!

    Location: DC area

    EDD: March 24 (my best guess)

    First child? Yup!

    Any symptoms? A little bloated, and sore breasts.

    Who have you told? Just my husband. I'm a pretty private person (I'm surprised I'm joining an internet message board, but that's why it's anonymous, right?) so we probably won't tell many people until we're a little further along.

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Overwhelmed. We've been trying for almost a year, and this is our first pregnancy. I went to our RE (I have PCOS) for blood work today to confirm the pregnancy, and it was such a relief to hear that my numbers look good. The RE wants to put me on progesterone and so I've been spending all afternoon looking up what that is ans side effects and etc.

  3. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: welcome! You broke our streak, being a new mom Hope our experience is helpful to you!

  4. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @jhd: yay welcome! Anothe veteran mummy
    Yes! The cramping is weird. I don't know if it's gas or ligament pain or Braxton hicks

  5. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: yay our first first time mum! Congrats Hun! So happy you are here
    Here's to a happy and healthy nine months

  6. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: hey girl! I'm on progesterone! 200mg, one pill vaginally twice a day. I fully believe it was what got me and kept me pregnant. I was on it for 12 weeks with my son #1 and will do 22 weeks with this nugget. I don't think the side effects are too bad, certainly less severe than any nausea I had during pregnancies. Why does you Dr. Want you on it? My progesterone was suuuuppper low.

  7. FelicityMerriman

    pea / 19 posts

    @pachamama: the nurse told me that my progesterone levels were "a touch on the low side" - i think she said it was nothing to be alarmed about but was a little lower than th doctor would like. I always hesitate over medicine that is only possibly necessary when it's just me, but now that I'm trying to figure out what's best for this baby too, it gets more complicated.

  8. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: I'm on progesterone as a part of my IVF protocol. Oral 3x a day and vaginal suppository 2x a day. I'm 6.5 weeks and it's getting old really fast. But I don't think the side effects are much at all - if anything it's just enhanced pregnancy symptoms. Its something produced by our body in pregnancy anyway, it's not like Tylenol. Hence why it's a supplement (supplemental to what our body already makes). I wouldn't sweat using it at all.
    Good luck!

  9. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @SweetiePie: @StrawberryShortie: thanks, ladies!

    @FelicityMerriman: congrats!

  10. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jhd: Just now saw that you're pregnant - I am sooooo, soooo happy for you!!! Congrats!!!

  11. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @periwinklebee: thank you! I hope you are doing well!!

  12. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: Welcome! I know that it can be a little scary to start taking medications when you're pregnant; I've even stayed away from Tylenol for headaches so far. But I agree with @pachamama: and @SweetiePie: that it is just a supplement to get you on the same playing field as a typical pregnancy, in terms of hormones. I would not hesitate to take progesterone if my numbers come back low as I have PCOS and I know that my hormones are already off.

  13. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    March Due Dates

    3rd: PachaMama
    10th: StrawberryShortie
    15th: SweetiePie ( )
    16th: Reese
    20th: KnittyLady
    23rd: Mrs. Panda
    24th: FelicityMerriman
    25th: Mrs. Champagne
    26th: SerenaLMS
    28th: JHD

  14. FelicityMerriman

    pea / 19 posts

    @SweetiePie: @Mrs.Panda: @pachamama: Thanks ladies! So glad I'm on a board with moms who have gone through these things before! It really helps my peace of mind!

  15. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: in my other FB group, the new moms were always fretting and it was SO nice to have moms of 2+ there. We just didn't know what to expect!

    You guys, I am so sick today. My husband is on staycation home with us and I am such a stick in the mud. I kicked him out all day with the baby because I feel soooooo nauseous and just blah. A jog ALWAYS helped me in the past and this morning's run did nothing. Wahhhh.

  16. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @pachamama: I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope you can rest with the house to yourself for a bit!

  17. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Anyone else notice they are sweating more? It doesn't help that it is hot here, but still. I forgot how glamorous pregnancy is!

  18. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @pachamama: I'm sorry you're sick That is such an awful feeling. Glad your husband was able to take the baby out of the house!

    @jhd: I haven't been sweating more yet, but then again I'm indoors like 99% of the time in frigid temps. I have noticed while everyone else is freezing I'm actually comfortable now!

  19. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    Hello all, I think I will join in here because i'm fairly positive I will end up a March mom.

    Location: North Idaho

    EDD: April 1st as of now but i'll be getting an ultrasound on Thursday to get things figured out.

    First child? No, this will be #4

    Any symptoms? No not really, some light cramps but that is it so far!

    Who have you told? Family and a few friends

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Holy crap batman! I am super excited but terrified. We have been NTNP for at least the last year and this month my husband bought some condoms and of course that is when I get pregnant... lol

  20. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @cyndistar3: whoa! those are some nice lines!

  21. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Yea, that's why I think I might be a little further along! The test line showed up before the control lol.

  22. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @cyndistar3: It's beautiful to see. Congratulations!!

  23. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Thank you

  24. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @pachamama: that stinks! I lift weights on the regular but have had to taper down cause the nausea gets bad

    Yoga however has been great so far. Anyone else do yoga?

  25. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @cyndistar3: wow! Great test! Welcome!
    We weren't trying either. It was a big surprise!

    I can't wait until everyone has had their first scans, so exciting!

  26. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @cyndistar3: Welcome! If the rest of us are experienced, you are the guru! 😂

  27. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Just got out of another ultrasound. Measuring perfectly - I am 6w5d based on transfer, measuring 7w1d. HB 128 which he said was perfect.
    Here's a pic!

  28. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @SweetiePie: yay! So precious! Congrats.

    So I found this ginger lemon tea and it is the only thing taking away my nausea. I'm so grateful

  29. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: I broke down and did unisom/b6 last night. Holy moly, such relief! It was too good to be true. And I still feel pretty good this morning, though I usually start to feel bad around 1pm and onward. I'll totally take another and suffer through being tired if it makes me feel better. We are taking my son on a boat tonight and boat + morning sickness sounds like a bad idea without some assistance.

  30. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    Had my dating ultrasound this morning Lil'babe is measuring at 6 weeks 5 days and heart beat was 137 ❤️ Im glad I went for the dating ultrasound, it was the reassurance I needed since I haven't been feeling that sick/pregnant

  31. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    March Due Dates

    3rd: PachaMama
    10th: StrawberryShortie
    15th: SweetiePie ( )
    16th: Reese
    20th: KnittyLady
    23rd: Mrs. Panda
    24th: FelicityMerriman
    25th: Mrs. Champagne
    26th: SerenaLMS
    28th: JHD
    April 1st: CyndiStar3

    @cyndistar3: Yay! Glad we're on the same due date board again

  32. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @SweetiePie: hi sweet baby! Congrats on a great scan!

  33. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: Thank you!!
    @SweetiePie: haha idk about guru, I learn something new each time! And yay for your little bean ❤

    @Mrs.Panda: Me too! I'm super excited to be here ❤

  34. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Reese: glad you got to see baby this morning!

  35. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @SweetiePie: Sooooo adorable! Congrats!

  36. FelicityMerriman

    pea / 19 posts

    @cyndistar3: congrats!

    @SweetiePie: what a great scan! I'm so jealous! I just scheduled my first scan for next Friday (Aug 4)

    @Reese: so glad to hear I'm not the only one who almost doesn't feel pregnant because I'm not having symptoms the way pop culture would portray.

  37. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: Thank you!

    Holy tired Batman I just want to lay down and take a nap 😂 but alas with 3 kids I still have to adult, but they're getting boxed mac n cheese today (sorry kids), so much laundry to do and I am shooting some senior photos this evening.

  38. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @FelicityMerriman: my next scan is also friday the 4th!

  39. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @SweetiePie: congrats on that scam! 💙💙 what dosage did you take if I might ask?
    @FelicityMerriman: with both pregnancies I basically felt nothing til 7w. Pop culture does make it sound like right from the top you're barfing.
    @StrawberryShortie: I did yoga during "my infertile year" but.. Sigh... I just didn't enjoy it. If rather run, it gives me such endorphins. Also, what is the name of the tea? I'm desperate.

  40. pachamama

    nectarine / 2436 posts

    @SweetiePie: also, doesn't the unisom make you drowsy?

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