grapefruit / 4770 posts
@lavender: So sorry about that. For one point I would definitely be in a funk. Did you fast? I didn't fast for my one hour with my first baby and failed. Tased three hours with flying colors. Then this pregnancy they told me to be sure to fast. I have my 1hr test on Thursday.
Interviewing at almost 7 months pregnant y'all. It is a whole new beast. I had my 6th and 7th interviews for jobs this past week. It's like every few weeks I have to buy a new dress that hides the bump. I don't want maternity dresses that emphasize the bump! The first five jobs I told them I was pregnant and due in March, had great interviews, and then they went with someone else. With these two this week I didn't mention my pregnancy at all because I'm there to talk about my qualifications- not the status of my uterus. Let's see how these play out. I have no job to go back to after the baby so it's really imperative I land something!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Aria: @lavender: not a march 2019 mom, but I saw your posts about the glucose tests. So sorry you failed! It's so not fun. I failed with a 138. My dr office said they wanted it below 130
I ultimately failed the 3 hour test as well. My numbers were all close but not good enough....My numbers were something like this (from what I can remember!!)
93 fasting(should be 60-90)
Abnormal blood values for a 3-hour 100-gram oral glucose tolerance test are:
•Fasting: greater than 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
•1 hour: greater than 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L)
•2 hour: greater than 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L)
•3 hour: greater than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)
pea / 7 posts
@dc yoga bee ... Oh how I do hope you find something as far as work goes. Pregnancy and child birth/life after birth are already so stressful in and of itself there is no need for adding to the equation.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Boy_mommy: I received a job offer last night!!!!! And it’s for one of the jobs I wanted. Thank you so much for the encouraging words!
grapefruit / 4554 posts
@dc yoga bee: congratulations! Did they know you are pregnant?
@Aria: have you scheduled your 3 hr yet?
I not surprisingly passed my 3 hr- and I didn’t fast before my 1 hour. Lesson learned don’t do the 1 hr the Monday after thanksgiving in the afternoon 🤷♀️
persimmon / 1121 posts
@lavender: Not yet. I don’ t have an appointment until after Christmas and no one has called me to discuss the results (I just saw them online). I technically passed, so I’m hoping that means I don’t have to it. I’m certainly not going to volunteer myself to take it. Haha
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@lavender: Thanks! Third trimester bump was clearly obvious!
So, I had my 28 weeks appointment today and my glucose test. They were really kind to me about it with me having hyperemesis. They offered to let me lie down in the back afterwards. But, i powered through. The midwife let my 3 year old DD do the doppler and find the heartbeat and she had a blast. Baby's head is now down so that's great news too.
We also discussed 39 week induction!! She said since this is not my first, they know I can have a vaginal delivery because I had one before with my induction due to pre-eclampsia, the research is favorable for an induction at 39 weeks to prevent pre-eclampsia again since I'm at a higher risk having had it with my DD. She also said it would be the kind thing to do with severe hyperemesis lol. So, that's something to consider for my next appointment if I want to schedule it.
grapefruit / 4554 posts
@dc yoga bee: great looking ultrasounds! I have one at MFM in 2 weeks at 30(!) weeks. Did you pass your gd test? And did you decide if you were inducing?
Hit 28 weeks and still trucking through. I think after the holidays we will finally start getting things ready for the baby. Biggest thing is a new car (argh).
persimmon / 1121 posts
@dc yoga bee: Love those 3D ultrasounds!
I am currently super stressed about childcare for my oldest when I go into labor. My SIL lives in the same city and was going to watch her while I was in the hospital, but she just scheduled surgery for a week before my due date and she won’t be able to walk for three weeks. If it was just that I could figure it out, but she is also having our MIL come out to help her which means she will be here immediately after the birth of the baby. When my daughter was born both sets of grandparents came out for like a week at a time and it was a giant disaster I swore I would not repeat, and now not only will my MIL be here, my parents will too because they’ll be flying down to watch our oldest. I am just really mourning the loss of that special time as a new family of four. And also trying to scramble and figure out who will watch our daughter until my parents can get here.
coffee bean / 28 posts
Hi! I’m a third time mom-to-be. I have two boys (3 and 5) and one more boy on the way. I’m over 35 with this baby; I just turned 36. And, honestly, I’m so annoyed by how that makes you instantly high risk! So I’ve done all the things the doctor has requested so far, and my pregnancy is progressing normally. Today she told me she wanted me to start doing non stress tests twice a week from 36 weeks until birth. Honestly, it seems like a giant waste of time and probably I’ll have to pay for each test. I’m planning to go once a week for my regular appointment and I’ll do the NST then, but I’m not seeing a reason to go an extra time. Has anyone just skipped these or told their doctor they’re not doing them??
Several over 35 mom friends have said they haven’t had to do them, so I feel like my doctor is being overly cautious...
pea / 7 posts
So apparently I didn't pass the second glucose test I had to take....I don't remember what my numbers were but they are posted online I just have to manage to get the info for that from my dr. I work night shift so scheduling my appt for 8:30am when I get off at 6am was probably not the best ideas and I too forgot to fast after midnight...I starting fasting probably about 1:30am...I am hoping with tracking my numbers until my next appointment (12/27) things will appear normal and I will at least get the chance to redo the test....yes I would much prefer to drink the nasty drink again as opposed to pricking my finger everyday 3 times a day (oh the joy that a fear of needles brings thee)...
pea / 21 posts
Hi Mama's!!! I'm late to the party but could I please join? Is there a fb group?
Location: Chicago Illinois
EDD: 3/8/2019
First child? No, 3rd
Symptoms? My back and hips are killing me from picking up my 3 and 2yr old all day
Thoughts/feelings/fears? Being outnumbered with the 3rd. So happy to add another bundle of joy
persimmon / 1121 posts
@sunstar: Welcome! Sorry no experience with the NST. Seems annoying to have so many extra tests without a clear reason.
@Boy_mommy: I’m sorry you didn’t pass. I didn’t know you could get the chance to retake it, I hope that works out for you. I hate needles too.
@daniellealys: Welcome! No FB group, but I’d be open to it if others were interested in joining too. We have a pretty small/quiet group.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@lavender: Yes! I had to call for my results because they were never uploaded and the MFM had me nervous because the baby seems big. I scored a 108 and needed to be under 135. They said you're baby is not big at 59th percentile! I have an appointment on Christmas Eve with my favorite midwife and we will decide then about whether to schedule the 39 week induction or not.
@Aria: I'm sorry momma. I would try to get as much help as you can. And you can still have those moments and sweet memories to make as a family of four.
@sunstar: Welcome to the group! I would personally go with the tests. If they're ordered by the doctor they should be covered by insurance. I'm 31 and "high risk" because I had pre-eclampsia with my first. They make me get ultrasounds every 2-4 weeks, fetal echocardiogram, and it feels excessive. I'm not AMA, I have not had a single high BP reading since my last pregnancy or during this one. But, insurance is covering it so why not get the medical care? They also work with you for scheduling.
@Boy_mommy: Awe, I'm sorry you didn't pass. Hopefully, you can just control it with diet for now?
@daniellealys: Welcome to the group! They told me early on to stop picking up my 3 year old!
Also, I start my new job next week! 30 weeks pregnant too lol.
pea / 21 posts
@Aria: thank you!
@dc yoga bee: thank you. Oh yes, they told me but I didn't realize there significance of it. Having 3 kids back to back, it's really hard not to. I'm finally at the place in my pregnancy where it's just too painful too
grapefruit / 4770 posts
How was everyone’s Christmas?
I started my job day after Christmas and commuting was brutal. I had to walk 3.5 miles to and from the bus stop and I think that’s the most I’ve walked all pregnancy with hyperemesis.
My colleagues handled the pregnancy well. I met my new clients and they said I look about due. That was rude!
At my appointment Christmas Eve we decided we would move forward with a 39 week induction. The midwife told us to pick a date and I think I’ll go for the 27th or 28th so it’s a weekend hospital stay. I also lost 3lbs so I’m up 9lbs total this pregnancy. They wanted me to gain at least 11lbs, and with this new added walking I don’t see that happening.
persimmon / 1121 posts
@dc yoga bee: We had a nice, low key Christmas at home with just the three of us. After every present my daughter opened she shouted, "It's exactly what I wanted!" so I was glad she seemed appreciative. How was yours?
That is a lot of walking, that's rough. I'm glad your colleagues were good about you being pregnant. And what is it about people making stupid rude comments to pregnant people? At rehearsal the other day someone asked me when I was due and when I told him he said "Oh. You look a lot farther along than that." I totally called him out on it though and he apologized. He seemed pretty embarrassed.
olive / 64 posts
@dc yoga bee: that walking commute sounds so rough!
@Aria: that’s an adorable response to presents! My daughter was excited about most presents but for some, immediately was like “what else can I open?”. Ugh, we’ll need to work on her appreciation.
I’m feeling great at 29 weeks but found out a few dats ago that I failed the 1 hr glucose test and have to go for the 3hr test on Monday. Hopefully all is well but I’m definitely not looking forward to the test!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: @LBarn: Yeah, I only had to do it the first day and then we plotted an alternate route taking the train two stops when I get off the bus. The office is by the metro so it’s an extra step but eliminates over two miles of walking.
@Aria: DD said the same thing after each present! She had so much fun. My parents and aunt came over and it was low key. My mom did all the cooking thankfully.
@LBarn: ugh sorry to hear that. Hoping for good results Monday!
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hi ladies! Happy New Year! We've circled around on names and are now starting to think about naming the baby boy after my dad Daniel. Do you all feel like this name is overused? I feel like it is less popular nowadays but it is still high up on the popularity list. I like that it has the versatility of Dan and Danny as names too. Thoughts?
persimmon / 1121 posts
@elm5066: I like it! I don’t actually know any little kids named Daniel, so I don’t think it’s that popular right now? I say if you love it and it has meaning for you then use it.
While we’re talking about names, anyone have any good suggestions for a middle name for Juliette? We cannot come up with one we really love. And it can’t end with a long “e” sound because then it rhymes with our last name and sounds weird.
olive / 64 posts
@elm5066: I like it too! I don’t think it’s very popular with little kids but do know a 3 year old Danny, which I think is such a cute name.
@Aria: hmm that’s tough. I tend to like one syllable middle names, like Rose?
coffee bean / 32 posts
@Aria: Juliette is such a beautiful name! I like the idea of Rose or Anne, something short and sweet. Juliette Marie, Mae, Kate...
persimmon / 1121 posts
@LBarn: @elm5066: We were tossing around Rose actually, but is it weird that the Juliet rose is an actual variety of rose? I usually lean toward one syllable middle names too, but I think since our last name is also one syllable, it can be a little longer.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Juliette Rose is the first thing that came to mind! It’s so beautiful. I had no idea Juliette is a form of Rose! I doubt anyone thinks of that when they hear that beautiful name
persimmon / 1121 posts
How's everyone doing? It's getting close now! Had my 35 week appointment a couple days ago and got the briefest of ultrasounds to make sure the baby is head down. I've been having a ton of braxton hicks every day which is annoying. Feeling very ready to be done with pregnancy, but I feel like I still have a million little things to take care of before she's here.
olive / 51 posts
Not too bad here, 32 weeks and just some minor sleep issues, heartburn, achey joints. Just soaking in all the crazy kicking and rolling she’s doing in there!
grape / 86 posts
@Aria: I'm doing well ! 33 weeks here. It's the middle of summer so I am feeling the heat. My first born arrived at 37 weeks so I am really hoping this one arrives early ish too . I cannot imagine being pregnant for almost another 2 whole months !!!
@MilPA: I love the kicking too and am also missing a normal nights sleep...
Shall we do a q&a to try and jump start the board ?
Due date?
Team pink / blue / green?
Do you have a name picked?
Maternity leave arrangements?
Where will you give birth?
Who will be at the birth?
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives ?
What's keeping you awake at night these days?
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby ?
grape / 86 posts
I'll start
Due date? 21 march
Team pink / blue / green? Green !!
Do you have a name picked? Yes we have a boy's name and a girl's name picked out
Maternity leave arrangements? I will take 6 months off work... After 3 months I will meet with my boss to.negotiate how I will return to work. I would like to do part-time , hopefully some from home. I'm currently full time with a mixture of early starts (0630) or late finishes (1900) which will just be too much to manage with 2 young kids and a husband with a demanding schedule.
Where will you give birth? At our local hospital.
Who will be at the birth? My husband , midwife and OBGYN. I would really like a female friend too who has had kids but I'm unsure who to ask.
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives ? Honestly , just knowing that the labour and birth are over and done with and that the baby is healthy. My last pregnancy ended in a still birth at 5 months along and that has really hung like a cloud over my current pregnancy I've tried to enjoy this pregnancy and walk in joy but honestly it's been tough and I've kept myself in denial about this baby for most of the pregnancy as a protective mechanism.
What's keeping you awake at night these days? Well....other than the discomfort , heat! And needing to go to the toilet... Haha... The above worries. That the baby will be healthy. Finances. That we will cope without my salary for 6 months. That my 3year old will adjust ok. That I do a good enough job brushing her teeth. That she gets enough iron and calcium. Lol. Just the usual.
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby ? I'm knitting a very sweet new born cardigan for the baby that I'm excited to see it wear. We've splashed out on some home furnishings over the past couple of months - much needed new arm chairs , bar stools and side tables. I'm going to be spending a lot more time at home over the next six months so it is such a treat to have it feeling fresh and tidy and comfortable.
Hope to hear from all you ladies how you are doing so we can support each other through these last week's of..pregnancy and early days of new born s !
olive / 51 posts
Ooh I’ll play! Reminds me of old social media “MySpace”!
Due date? 26 March
Team pink!
Do you have a name picked? It’s a secret IRL but her first name will be Lucy, can’t pick a middle name between Alice, Adelaide or Rebecca-help!
Maternity leave arrangements? 12 weeks then right back at it
Where will you give birth? Our local hospital
Who will be at the birth? My husband and OB
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives ? Not carrying around a bowling ball on my belly
What's keeping you awake at night these days? My cat haha then I have to potty then I’m hungry then there’s just random stuff rattling around in my brain
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby ? This little girl has a better wardrobe than me and I can’t wait to see her in all the adorable pink stuff!
persimmon / 1121 posts
I'll play...
Due date? March 4th
Team pink / blue / green? Team pink/green (I know, my husband doesn't and I can't believe I've managed to keep it a secret this whole time!)
Do you have a name picked? Although I LOVE Rose as a middle name, I think we've landed on Juliette Noelle
Maternity leave arrangements? I stay at home so maternity leave doesn't apply, but my husband gets 10 weeks paternity leave which will be sooooo nice.
Where will you give birth? At the local hospital/birth center
Who will be at the birth? Just my husband and midwife, I think the OB only comes if there's complications
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives ? Not being pregnant anymore!! I'm so uncomfortable and tired of smacking my belly into things. Although I'm also excited to see how my daughter will be with her new sister.
What's keeping you awake at night these days?
Other than back pain, the unpredictability of labor is stressing me out. Our childcare situation for our oldest will be a little hodgepodge and it's nothing that I can officially plan until it happens which makes me obsess over all the possibilities.
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby ? Since we're "team green" I haven't been able to do much purchasing yet, but we bought a coming home outfit, it's the Hanna Andersson winnie the pooh sleeper and then my mom made a little yellow hat with bear ears to match and it is so cute.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Due date? March 6, being induced 2/27 though
Team pink / blue / green? Blue
Do you have a name picked? Nope! Nothing I like so far.
Maternity leave arrangements? Just started this new job so 6 weeks advanced leave and then 2
weeks full-time telework. I took 8 weeks with my daughter and felt okay after 6.
Where will you give birth? Brand new hospital
Who will be at the birth? Midwife, DH, parents
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives ? No more hyperemesis
What's keeping you awake at night these days?
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby ? Can’t think of anything. We got him a new stroller?
I spent last Monday in labor and delivery because my blood pressure was sky high. I’m back in bed rest. Hopefully make it to 37 weeks without pre-eclampsia. I’m so done.
coffee bean / 32 posts
Due date? Feb 28th
Team pink / blue / green? Blue
Do you have a name picked? NO
Maternity leave arrangements? I'll be on leave for 16 weeks, can't wait!
Where will you give birth? Local hospital
Who will be at the birth? Just my husband and OB
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives? Seeing my daughter with her little brother. And drinking wine
What's keeping you awake at night these days? Just having to pee a lot!
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby? We bought a glider (used) and I love it so much. It is white with green stripes and soooo comfy. Can't wait to hold my baby in it!
olive / 51 posts
@dc yoga bee: I can only imagine how over all of this you are! I would be miserable with hyperemesis!
grapefruit / 4554 posts
Due date? March 12, but OB is talking about a possible induction a week or two early ( I’m not complaining...)
Team pink / blue / green? Blue
Do you have a name picked? Harrison
Maternity leave arrangements? I'll be on leave for 12- 16 weeks, (I work full time hrs split between 2 offices, heading back to one at 12, the other at 16)
Where will you give birth? Same hospital as my other 2
Who will be at the birth? Hubby and dr
What are you most looking forward to after the baby arrives? A bagel with cream cheese and lox! No seriously, it’s my first meal post birth. And not hobbling by the end of the night with back pain
What's keeping you awake at night these days? Trips to the bathroom, nightly cramps, moving baby
Annnnnnnd favourite thing you have bought / been given for the baby? Our friend knitted him the cutest going home hat. Other than that it’s all hand me downs/ stuff given to us.
olive / 64 posts
Due date: March 14
Team blue!
Do you have a name picked? Gavin Myles, although it’s still a secret IRL
Maternity leave arrangements? 12 weeks
Where will you give birth? Same hospital as #1
Who will be at the birth? Husband and dr
What are you most looking forward to after baby arrives? My daughter meeting her baby brother. And sleeping on my stomach again.
What’s keeping you awake at night these days? Occasional heartburn and like @Aria said, the unpredictability of labor... I’m worried about arrangements for my daughter, especially since my first labor was less than 6 hours from first contraction until she was born. Just hope we have enough time to figure it out and get to the hospital in time!
Favorite thing you’ve bought/been given? Haven’t bought much honestly! Did get a really soft swaddle blanket and matching robe for me, which I’m excited about!
grape / 86 posts
Thanks everyone for checking in !
@MilPA: I love Lucy Adelaide but all the options are lovely
@Aria: well done keeping the gender a secret and the name is lovely !! So awesome that your husband gets 10 weeks leave , that is really wonderful. I hear you about feeling anxious about childcare arrangements. I'm the same. I hope that the baby arrives when my 3 year old is at daycare so she is in her usual routine and feels safe !
@dc yoga bee: geez you've had a rough time with HG and a new job !! You will be so ready to have this baby arrive. Not long to go, hang in there.
@elm5066: oh me too can't wait for wine or maybe a margarita !!
@lavender: lovely name !! Are the two big siblings excited ? Why would your Dr induce early ? I'm just curious!
@LBarn: oh boy I hear you about stress around childcare arrangements. I didn't anticipate how much it would worry me. I also am looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again !
Keep updating ladies and please do share when these sweet babies arrive and how the labour /delivery goes !
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