Hellobee Boards


March 2013 Mommas!

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Babies who have arrived:
    Dojo - February 20 - Liam Harrison (ODD: March 8)
    Mole - February 22 - Baby Boy (ODD: March 3)
    Adira - February 26 - Alexander Michael (ODD: March 4)
    NaturallyCathy - March 3 - Emma Rose (ODD: March 4)
    Shopaholic - March 6 - Kaitlyn Irene (ODD: March 9)
    Smurfette - March 11 - Reagan Claire (ODD: March 17)

    Babies we're waiting to meet:
    March 3 - MamaChamp - Team Pink
    March 4 - Mrs. Mousie - Team Pink
    March 12 - KeepCalmCarrie - Team Green
    March 18 - Katiew92081 - Team Pink
    March 18 - Sheskrafty - Team Green
    March 19 - Arden - Team Pink
    March 21 - Penguin917 - Team Blue
    March 25 - Cokiezombie - Team Blue
    March 25 - MrsLMA - Team Blue
    March 27 - Aprk - Team Blue
    March 27 - LegallyHeidi - Team Blue
    March 29 - BrooklynBee41 - Team Blue
    March 30 - BlackBird - Team Pink
    March 30 - Cheert16 - Team Blue

  2. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Congratulations @smurfette & @naturallycathy!!! So excited for all you new Mommas!!!

  3. mole

    apricot / 373 posts

    @shopaholic, @naturallycathy, @smurfette: CONGRATS, mamas, on your new babies!

  4. dojo

    persimmon / 1223 posts

    So much going on around here! Congrats @naturallycathy, @shopaholic, and @smurfette!!! So excited for you all!

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Haha! DH just went and got the car seat since the hospital has to see it. We are good to go home. Only car is dead. I have an 09 and the battery hasn't been replaced. Now to try and get a jump in the parking deck. Can't believe it!!

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: oh my gosh, thst's crazy!!! I can't believe that happened to you!!! I hope you are able to get it started!

  7. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Smurfette: Just think what a great story this will be...

    lol, I'm sorry. It must suck. But I'm sure it will be funny later.

  8. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    So I couldn't sleep last night, and ended up making like 75 black bean veggie burgers and 50 mini quiches for my husband to eat during postpartum.
    I have no space left in my freezer but I'm going to try to squeeze a few dozen quinoa burgers and some more enchiladas in there though.

    Downside to all that cooking? My feet are in so much pain, and the day has only just begun.

  9. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: @Arden: Security jumped the car. But the worse thing was the alarm kept going off on DH and the only way to reset it is to turn off the car and use the key to unlock the door. Everyone was staring at DH while he was in the loading are while waiting for us. Reagan slept through it all. We made it home ok at least. Will make a good story for the baby book. DH said we left an overhead light on when we wrote down what floor of the parking deck we were on. I think the car recharged itself least. so DH didnt have to go out and buy a new one.

    All she has done is eat and sleep, but she seems happy even though I am getting worried about when my milk is coming in. My nipples are killing me! She latched much better yesterday.

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Arden: Wow, you're crazy girl. Good for you with all the cooking, I'm impressed!!!

    @Smurfette: Glad you were able to finally make it home!!! I hope your first few days go better than mine - I was a total wreck being overwhelmed about EVERYTHING and I HATED breastfeeding. We're JUST now getting the latch down I think and my nipples are finally not killing me all the time. If you have Lansinoh Lanolin - use it! I've been using it non-stop and I think it's been helping.

  11. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @mole: @dojo: Thanks ladies!

    @Smurfette: Yikes! Aren't car issues timing always perfect?!

    @Arden: Wow! That is definitely the nesting part I never got into - prepping food. Good thing too because the first weekend, our parents flooded our fridge and freezer with so much food we couldn't even tell what was what! In fact, I don't even have space to freeze any pumped milk! I've been using the Lasinoh Lanolin too and went about bought nipple shields today (my first solo trip out of the house!) I think I might have a clogged duct on one side and going to see the doc to check it tomorrow. I just don't want it to become more problematic.

    @Smurfette: @Adira: Oh lord! The nipple pain is EXCRUCIATING! I remember Adira posting about it at 11 days, and although I don't think it's any sort of latching problem, my boobs are killing me!

    * Should we start a March Postpartum Thread and keep this one open for exciting baby news?

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @shopaholic: Yes, start a postpartum thread! I was itching to do it, but felt like it should be started by a REAL March Momma instead of this poser.

    And the nipple pain DOES get better! Xander still has problems latching on one side, but I have noticed it's not nearly as bad as it was a few days ago and I'm no longer sobbing when I have to feed him, so progress is being made!

  13. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Okie Doke! Here's the link for the postpartum chat!


    Let's keep the wonderful March Mommas board flowing with new baby news and end of pregnancy delights!

    Babies we're waiting to meet:
    March 3 - MamaChamp - Team Pink
    March 4 - Mrs. Mousie - Team Pink
    March 12 - KeepCalmCarrie - Team Green
    March 18 - Katiew92081 - Team Pink
    March 18 - Sheskrafty - Team Green
    March 19 - Arden - Team Pink
    March 21 - Penguin917 - Team Blue
    March 25 - Cokiezombie - Team Blue
    March 25 - MrsLMA - Team Blue
    March 27 - Aprk - Team Blue
    March 27 - LegallyHeidi - Team Blue
    March 29 - BrooklynBee41 - Team Blue
    March 30 - BlackBird - Team Pink
    March 30 - Cheert16 - Team Blue

  14. dojo

    persimmon / 1223 posts

    @shopaholic, @adira, & @smurfette: I'm with you ladies regarding the nipple pain! It is just now feeling much better - letting some extra breastmilk dry on the nipple along with putting nipple butter on after each feeding seemed to help a whole lot!

    @shopaholic: I also had my first solo trip to the store to grab a nipple shield the first week - we have been using one since the hospital since Liam isn't the best with his latch. If he's alert and in a good mood he seems to do well but otherwise it just gets frustrating without the shield. I couldn't find it one early morning and freaked out and had to run to the closest Target!

  15. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    I have my induction scheduled for Sunday night. However, on Monday my anminotic fluid levels were lower than normal a 7 versus normally 10 and if my fluid levels dip below 5 I'll be induced tonight. It felt very weird to have my hospital bag officially packed and ready to go this morning!!

    I'm only dialated to 0.5cm and they estimate the kid to almost be 8 pounds so I am REALLY hoping this induction works. The doc said after 16 hours max, they will probably go ahead with the C-section if the induction isn't working. Freaked out about potential C-section, but super excited to meet this baby!!!

  16. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @sheskrafty: good luck!! You're so close to meeting baby

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sheskrafty: Good Luck!!!! I hope your labor moves fast so you don't have to have the induction.

  18. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @sheskrafty: Hope that baby comes soon!

    Still here... just waiting. 16 more days till my due date. My midwife said the baby was in the launch position today- so hopefully that means he will be coming sooner rather than later!
    Been having cramps (like i am getting my period) for about 12 hours now- hoping that means baby is getting prepared to come soon!!

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @sheskrafty: Good luck!!! Won't be much longer now!! Hope everything goes smoothly for you.

  20. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @sheskrafty: Good Luck! I had low fluids also the weekend before baby came. Seriously though, being admitted for that and being ready to go made us ready for baby to come at any time! Good to have your bags packed and an end goal in sight!

    @cheert16: Cramps are a good sign! It was probably the only thing I could tell for sure that something was going on in there!

  21. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @cheert16: cramps here, just like you are having!! i hope it means good things for both of us

  22. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @cheert16: @aprk: cramps sound super promising!!!!

  23. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @Smurfette: I hope so! They've been getting more frequent and more intense over the past week or so ...

  24. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    I mentioned the cramps to my doc this week and she said braxton hicks can feel like menstrual cramps and that it's a "good sign" (eta i've been having them since Saturday on and off)

  25. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @blackbird: welcome to the BH club

  26. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    looks like I'll have to add my name to the "Induction" list. Just this week I developed a horrible, horrible case of PUPPS. The red itchy bumps are all over my hands, thighs, stomach and feet. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night scratching myself.

    Since I'm already at 38 weeks, my OB suggested that I get induced if I don't deliver by my due date, since the only "cure" for PUPPPs is when the baby is out. So the question is.. duke it out and see how long I can go with PUPPPs, or go ahead and schedule an induction? I always had a gut feeling my baby was going to be early too. Oh well.. 1.5 weeks more to go...

  27. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @cokiezombie: oh how frustrating to be so close and have a new thing pop up!! Hope it's not too uncomfortable for you either way, you're close!

    I think I had a contraction or two tonight - definitely felt different from the cramps/BH that I've been having the past week or so. Now I have butterflies and a nervous sort of tingling in my belly and back - getting excited and anxious! I know it might not mean anything for tonight, but man, the waiting is so tough! Such a mind game ...

  28. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Thanks all! My fluid level went back up to 9 so no induction last night. We now have the weekend before it's go-time on Sunday night!

    @cokiezombie: hang in there!! Hopefully you won't have to get induced.

    @aprk: Hope your contractions keep coming! It is funny to be excited about pain. Every little pull or twinge makes me so happy.

  29. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Hey ladies...

    I know most of you are gold, so already knew this information, but now that I've shared with friends and family on facebook, I thought I'd just update the rest of you ladies on what happened last week:

    We lost our baby girl.

    On Monday afternoon I finally went into labor and headed to the birth center. Things were going well, and I was dilated to 5. Baby's heartbeat at 3:00 pm was healthy and strong. At 4:00 pm I could feel her kicking after contractions...
    At 5:00 pm my midwife couldn't find a heartbeat. We rushed to the hospital and it was confirmed. We lost our baby girl.

    Labor then stalled, but I still had to get her out. So, I was induced. I spent over 24 hours on pitocin, with only the last 8 hours with an epidural. When it came time to push, it was realized that I had a VERY BIG baby. After an episiotomy and MUCH manipulation (and what is called a top-down anesthesia...I was numb from chest down), I birthed a 9 pound 15 ounce baby doll.

    So, I'm very sore, and Lee and I are pretty traumatized over leaving our girl with the hospital to never go back and get her. We don’t know why her heart stopped. We are waiting for an autopsy. We're having her cremated. The hospital did take some pictures of her for us, and gave us a little memory box with items of her. We saw her the morning after labor, and she's beautiful. She had my eyes and nose and Lee's mouth and beautiful dark brown hair.

    I stayed at my parents’ house until yesterday. Lee, my mom and Daniel were great at taking care of me for those days. My parents went ahead of me to my apartment to clear out the baby stuff, to put into storage. I'm just not ready to deal with it.

    I don't know how we feel. We’re grieving, but that's a very general word for what the emotions actually feel like. It's a concoction of many emotions that pop up randomly at any time.

    Physically, I have an injured tail bone, and after a 4th degree tear beyond my episiotomy, I have other soreness to deal with. But, I feel physically better every day, thanks to everyone taking good care of me. And pain killers.

    So, obviously, I won't be on the March postpartum board, but since I am postpartum and going through the same stuff other mothers are doing after labor, I'm still gonna be on Hellobee, but mostly stalking.

    We may ttc again, in the future, but right now, it's not on the schedule. Right now we're focused on healing, moving and trying to get back to "normal."

  30. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @katiew92081: you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers since your devastating loss. I'm still in shock for you. Know that we are thinking of you and I hope good days far outnumber the bad days.

  31. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @Jennimac: Thanks a lot. I'm gonna post an update in a few days. I'm still pretty numb from it all right now.

  32. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @katiew92081: I'm glad your family is taking care of you. It's going to be a journey but we're there with you as much as we can be.

  33. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @katiew92081: oh my god, I am so sorry. I am not gold- so I didn't know, but please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please let me know if I can do anything to help you and you family through this devastating time.

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @katiew92081: I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. Take all the time you need to heal, both physically and mentually. Please let me know if there anything I can do. Hugs!

  35. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @katiew92081: I didn't see the gold thread. I can't even begin to come up with words to say, I just spent the last half hour sobbing for you. I will be praying for your healing, physically and mentally.

  36. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @cheert16: @Smurfette: @Arden: Thanks for the nice words...even I don't ever have words to say. We go to the funeral home tomorrow to take care of the paperwork involved.

  37. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @katiew92081: you have been in my heart and thoughts everyday and hour since I read your post. If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to reach out to us. {{{hugs}}}

  38. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @katiew92081: I have telling my husband about you since I read your post and literally can't get you and your family out of my thoughts- know that we are all here for you for whatever you need- a shoulder to cry on- anything.

  39. mole

    apricot / 373 posts

    @katiew92081: I am so very sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  40. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @katiew92081: I can't stop thinking about you and your family and what you must be going through. It makes me cry for you. I am so devastated for you. Thank you for giving us an update. I know it is probably hard for you to be on Hellobee, but the March boards won't be the same without you. Please take all the time you need and know that we are all thinking about you and are here for you. Your baby girl will be missed.

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