wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@aprk: Oh, I guess that makes sense then. I'm currently 12 weeks and will be 13 at my next appointment (Monday)! We're doing our first trimester screening, so I'm excited to have another ultrasound!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@aprk: Thank you!!! Assuming all goes well with our appointment next week, we'll be telling our parents the good news!
apricot / 286 posts
@Adira: i'm really liking the rubber band trick! Only thing is I have to wear shirts that are long enough to cover it, so I'm going through my entire closet to find those long shirts! haha
cherry / 141 posts
Oh my gosh I hadn't even thought of the flu shot, I never get one! I'll have to ask my midwife at my next appointment.
I'm going to buy some maternity clothes tomorrow. I have one pair of pants that fit and they're yoga-type pants, even my leggings were hurting my stomach on the weekend. I give in!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. Mousie: Don't feel bad! We all have to give in to the growing belly sooner or later! I already gave in, haha.
I never get a flu shot - is it something I should mention to my doctor? Or just wait and see if they say something?
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@Adira: even more exciting! I couldn't wait that long to spill the beans
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@aprk: It's been REALLY hard!!! Luckily, my two best girlfriends already know, so I can talk about it with them, and I actually don't see my parents all that often, so I haven't had the opportunity to spill the beans anyway!
The hardest part was Hub's Mom! We spent the weekend with her a few weeks ago (when I was 7 weeks) and she kept BUGGING us about having babies because Hubs sister JUST had her second. I kept being aloof about it, but then she started talking about baby poo, and I told her that sounded yucky and I think I could avoid dealing with it altogether by just not having kids! She's going to be SHOCKED when we tell her!!!
cherry / 167 posts
@Aidra: I would probably ask your doctor if they don't bring it up by October-ish (usually when the majority of people start getting the flu shot). My OB's office has a big sign in each room urging pregnant women to get the flu shot- and do it free for anyone who is pregnant!
EDIT: that sounded judgemental and I don't want to be- I'm the daughter of a nurse so I feel strongly about the flu shot!:) Obviously, you should always do what you feel most comfortable with after talking with your doctor. Sorry if I sounded bossy!:)
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@aprk: so glad that your ultrasound went great! It sucks having to wait so long between ultrasounds. I still have 2 1/2 weeks till my screening one. I will be almost 13 weeks then.
honeydew / 7589 posts
I had my first appointment yesterday. It was pretty simple, just lots of paperwork, I was weighed, urine sample, blood drawn, and about 45 minutes of Q&A with the midwife.
She said they would do my pelvic exam at the next appointment because they were really busy that day and had a woman in one of the birth rooms about ready to push.
My next appointment is on September 20.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@Smurfette: I think that seeing the heart beating today will hold me over just fine. Huge sigh of relief!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsLMA: You didn't sound bossy to me, so no worries! I'll ask my doctor about the flu shot at my next appointment (if I remember) because my work will give them out for free, but we have to sign up to do it, so I think I need to find out soon.
@Arden: Glad your appointment went well!! Also - why are the appointments so few and far between??? I want one every week, not have to wait four!!! How far along will you be at your next one?
grapefruit / 4669 posts
My doctor said definitely get a flu shot! He also said that eating soft serve would be fine, so I celebrated with a shake from In-n-Out! (and possibly a burger as well)
We heard the heart beat with a doppler for the first time and everything is going well! Based on the low position where he found the heartbeat (i.e. where my uterus currently is) I have determined that the small bump I have is 100% stuff I've been eating. Bummer!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Adira: I'll be 13 weeks. I think it goes:
- Once a month until 28 weeks
- Twice a month until 38 weeks
- Weekly until delivery
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: I'm glad your appointment went well and you were able to hear the heartbeat! I'm sooooooo jealous! How far along are you? Do you have your next appointment scheduled yet?
@Arden: Sounds like 13 weeks is the norm! You, me, @aprk, and @Smurfette all have our next appointments around 13 weeks! And I think you're right about the schedule - I kind of can't wait until they're more often!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: One of the best parts about the doppler was not having lube from an ultrasound dripping out of me afterward! I'll be exactly 13 weeks tomorrow, have another appt. in 3 weeks with a doppler, and an appt. 3 weeks after that where we can hopefully find out the gender!
P.S. I am technically due Feb. 28, I'm just trying to be realistic by sticking with the March thread. As much as I want the baby to get here in Feb, I know it's not super likely!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: Oooh, I hope that means that at my next appointment, we'll do the doppler! I'll be 13 weeks then and I'm soooooo anxious to hear the heartbeat! Although we also have an ultrasound that day, so either way, I'll find out if things seem good or not.
Oh wow, you have your anatomy scan scheduled already??? So jealous! Although maybe at my next appointment, I'll be scheduling that too, since I'm only a week behind you! Yay babies!!!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: I wonder if they'll do doppler and ultrasound both at your next appt? Also, did they say if the ultrasound would be the non-invasive kind? I'm really looking forward to that type, not that transvaginal was horrible, I just felt a little bare!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: I don't actually know if they'll do doppler or not, but I think this is when they do the "heartbeat check" so I was kind of assuming they would? They tried it at my last appointment, but I was only 9 weeks with a tilted uterus, so we couldn't hear anything. I'd LOVE to be able to hear something this time!
My ultrasound is for the first trimester screenings, so I don't know if it's transvaginal or not! I hope not, but I kind of suspect it is. I'll definitely let you know!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: Ahhh, I skipped the first trimester screening so I have no idea about what type of ultrasound either! Were they able to see/hear/measure the heartbeat on your early ultrasounds? Mine had audio on it and they measured the heartbeat pretty early, but I've noticed that that doesn't seem to be the norm! Maybe there are different kinds of machines or something.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: I had a viability ultrasound around 7 weeks because of spotting. It was a transvaginal ultrasound and they were able to see and measure the heartbeat, but I didn't get to hear it. Plus if I hadn't had any spotting, I wouldn't have had the ultrasound at all, so next week's appointment would've been my FIRST ultrasound!!! What a ridiculously long wait!!!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: That does seem like a long wait--12 weeks?! I've had 2 plus the doppler at 12 weeks, but I got a bonus US because they did one really early based on my LMP (even though I knew it was way early...) and then did another one at about 7 weeks when there was a little more to see (and to date). I'm thankful for the dating ultrasound, since if we went by my LMP this baby would be due in early Feb, which would then seem like a reeeeeeeeally long month for me! Also, that is the only cycle that I didn't chart, so it was a big mystery. I'm excited that you'll get to see an ultrasound that actually looks like a baby!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: Yeah, I guess at my practice, they normally just do ultrasounds if they think something is wrong (hence why I had a viability one at 7 weeks) or if they are looking for something specific (hence the first trimester screening). If I opted NOT to get the first trimester screening, I don't think I'd have an ultrasound at all until 18-20 weeks for the anatomy scan!
I'm so jealous you've had so many ultrasounds plus doppler!!! But I guess every place is different! It's good they did the dating ultrasound for you - are your cycles normally long? Mine were pretty regular and I knew when my LMP was, so they didn't do a dating ultrasound. I think maybe they do one at my practice if you don't know when your LMP is or if you have super irregular periods or something.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: Wow, I can't imagine not seeing the baby until the gender ultrasound! BUT I'm thinking that's been the case with several of my friends on second or later pregnancies, especially if using a midwife. Maybe we'll be more chill once we've been through it before (I'm assuming this is your first, too?).
My cycles are weird--they have always been a little long, but this last one was unusually so. We weren't TTC but just figured that since the cycle seemed so long, maybe I had already O'd and we missed it. So we chanced things and what do you know, BFP! I was kind of hoping to be pregnant, even though we weren't planning to try until spring. Now spring plans are looking a lot different!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: Yeah, I can't imagine it either, though maybe after this one, I'll feel more confident and less nervous in future pregnancies?? This is my first as well and I'm a nervous nelly! I can't wait for next week's ultrasound just to make sure everything is okay!
Oh wow, oops! I'm glad you were hopeful it would happen since you weren't really planning it! Sprint will definitely be different now, haha! Is your SO thrilled?
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: We're both super excited! We started using FAM last August, constantly saying that if something accidentally happened, we'd be happy! We are both excited, although the bank account is not quite as padded as we had hoped (I'm planning to stay home, or at least quit working full-time). Oh well, I'd rather be poor and happy than the opposite!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: Yay! I'm excited for you guys! My husband doesn't seem excited yet, but I'm assuming he'll catch on eventually. Over the weekend, he was telling our friends that knew we were pregnant that he thinks that I only THINK I want kids and really I don't and he only THINKS he doesn't want kids when really he does, haha. I'm definitely excited about having kids, but I was sooooooo anti-children for a long time, so I think Hubs thinks that when the baby arrives, I'll be all "WTF was I thinking??" During my anti-children phase, I convinced HIM that he didn't want kids, so now he's thinking they're going to be a pain, but he always wanted kids before that, so I think when they arrive, he'll love it! Guess I'll find out in March...
Being poor and happy is definitely the way to go! I hope you're able to stay home full time if that's what you really want to do! I'm currently planning on working part-time if it's possible at my job, although Hubs think I should continue working full-time to bring in the bacon. I think I'll try out part-time first though because I think it would be really hard to go back to full-time after my maternity leave.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Adira: I'm sure he'll get excited as time goes on. I've heard that it's harder for guys to get pumped about it since they're not the ones experiencing pregnancy, but maybe once he can feel the baby kick? Or once it really sinks in and you drop a bunch of $$$ at BabiesRUs? We are gonna be super broke, no joke, if I'm not working, but I guess we'll see how it works out! That's cool that you might be able to do part-time at your current job!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@tororojo: glad your ultrasound went great!
Am I the only one that had a tummy ultrasound for the viability ultrasound? I think I am lucky I don't have to go through the transvaginal.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Smurfette: You are VERY lucky! I guess it probably depends on the doctor or the ultrasound technician?
apricot / 286 posts
@Smurfette: You are very lucky indeed! I never even knew what a transvaginal US was until my doctor stuck it up in me and I was like "WHOAAAA!". Afterwards all the gel drips out and ugh, not fun. But if that means I can see my little bean, I don't mind.
honeydew / 7589 posts
Is there anyone who hasn't heard a heartbeat yet? I'm only having one ultrasound at 20 weeks, and I've asked to stick with a fetascope and not use the doppler, so we won't get to hear the heartbeat for another month or two.
I'm a little sad about that, but there are no reasons to worry, everything looks normal.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Arden: what is a fetascope? Any reason why you didn't want the doppler? I can't imagine waiting till 20 weeks for an ultrasound. Glad that everything is looking god for you!!!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Smurfette: A fetascope is like a stethoscope specifically for listening to a baby in the womb. It doesn't use any ultrasound technology like the doppler, so it's safer.
Did you read the blog post about not having ultrasounds that someone did, Mrs. Tricycle I think?
I have similar concerns after research, so I'm having only one ultrasound and no doppler. If there were twins or some complication than I would do it, but as long as there are no worrisome indications I'm doing things as naturally as possible.
pear / 1672 posts
@Smurfette: Nope! I had abdominal US too. Unfortunately, it wasn't for a great reason. I have very large fibroids. I was freaking out at first because I thought there was no baby. Turns out, he/she is fine. I'll have to be closely monitored (fun), and I got a little pic of him/her to take home.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Okay, this might be TMI, but I started eating those Fiber One bars and today I had a normal bowel movement! So excited!!!
I'm trying to eat daily the Fiber One Brownie (20% daily fiber) and the Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bar (35% daily fiber). I think it's working!
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