coffee bean / 36 posts
So super excited to be able to join this board finally!!
EDD: March 29th
How far along?: 4wks 5d
How long TTC: 1 very long year (found out we were pregnant right before a scheduled doctor's appt to talk about infertility treatments)
First child?: yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: happy either way, hubby is from a family full of boys so a girl would be nice
First doctor's appointment: Aug 10th
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: tired, backaches...but super duper excited, it's all I can think about
Who have you told?: no one except the hubby, waiting until after doctor's appt to tell our mom's and then we'll decide when and how to tell the rest of our family, waiting until after 1st tri to make the news public to everyone else
olive / 66 posts
@JRenee: Welcome!
@Mrs. Mousie: Yes, they are! I usually have to lay down at the end of the day, my back hurts so bad! Hopefully the new bras will make it better, they should be here tomorrow! Do you know that it is impossible to find 34E at the department store?
cherry / 141 posts
@jrenee: Welcome and congrats!!!
@brownsquirrel: I had a hard enough time finding a 36D, I can't imagine trying to find an E cup I happened to see a segment on tv this afternoon about bras during pregnancy and they recommended Bravado bras saying they were really good for people who *ahem* grow a lot early on. Maybe look up a few reviews for further down the road?
olive / 66 posts
@Mrs. Mousie: Thanks! I will definitely check those out! I only bought 2, because it's so hard to tell if they will fit right or make your boobs look funny when you have to buy them on the internet....
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@jrenee: Welcome! Happy & healthy 9 months!!
@brownsquirrel: I can't even imagine!!
olive / 66 posts
@Smurfette: Yeah, it's an adventure.
Another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, hoping to hear baby's heart beat! Anyone else heard baby's HB with a doppler yet?
pomegranate / 3452 posts
Hey ladies!
EDD: March 28 (although that's just my guess ... Haven't had my appointment yet)
How far along?: 5 weeks
How long TTC: we got lucky on our first "real" month TTC
First child?: yep!
Any feeling about boy/girl: I go back and forth ...
First doctor's appointment: August 21
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: exhausted!!; some heartburn, loss of breath; extremely oily skin
Who have you told?: we told our parents, and one close friend
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@jrenee: @aprk: Congratulations on your pregnancies!!! Wishing you both a happy and healthy 9 months!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I'm skeptical about joining since I just got my BFP, and it's still so surreal.
EDD: Online calculators say March 26, 2013
How far along?: 5wks 3days
How long TTC: 3 months
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: Nope! Just hoping for a healthy, sticky baby!
First doctor's appointment: August 9th
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Constantly tired and a lil gassy
Who have you told?: the hubby only
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Alivoo01: Yay!!! I was wondering if you were going to join us in March or be April. So excited for you!!! We both got lucky on cycle #3
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Alivoo01: Yay!!! I was hoping to see you here, but wasn't sure if you'd end up in April or not. You may anyway, though! Wishing you a Happy & Healthy Nine!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Smurfette: @Adira: I haven't gone to the doctor's yet so I may very well end up on the April thread instead. I'm hoping to stay here in March though! Then again, who knows with delivery. Even if I get bumped to April, I may deliver early or stay in March, but deliver late. Ha!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Alivoo01: At least you only have a couple more weeks to wait until your first doctor's appointment. Do you know if you'll get an ultrasound then or not?
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Adira: I don't know if I'll get an ultrasound or not. Guess I should have asked.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Alivoo01: Do you just have the one appointment scheduled? When I called to schedule mine, they did two a week apart. The first one (which was on Tuesday) was all information based and family history and stuff. I think the second one MIGHT have an ultrasound, although I've gotten conflicting answers on whether it will or not.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Adira: Yea, the receptionist just scheduled me for that one.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Alivoo01: Well maybe since you're only having one, you will get an ultrasound! Here's hoping!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Alivoo01: I would suggest calling and asking too. If they are doing an ultrasound, then your husband will want to be there. How far will you be then? Mine first appointment was just a checkup for me, gave blood and urine. No need for my husband to come. Then we scheduled the ultrasound for two weeks later.
olive / 66 posts
Couldn't hear baby's heartbeat today first ultrasound is 8/7, so hoprfully we will then!
@Aliveooo1 @jprk: congratulations and welcome!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Adira: @Smurfette: I'll be 7 weeks and 3 days come appointment time. I also just called the doctor's office and they said I do get an ultrasound! Yay!! Thanks for the reminder that my husband would love to be there for that portion! I just thought it was a regular ole appt, oops! Love you ladies more and more!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: Was this your first appointment? Did they TRY to hear the heartbeat? My doctor said you can't hear the heartbeat until 12 weeks, though you can see it on an ultrasound before that.
@Alivoo01: Yay!!!! That's sooooooo exciting!!! It can't come soon enough!
olive / 66 posts
It wasn't my very first. And I'm only 9 weeks, so we knew it might be too early. But we tried anyway
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Alivoo01: yay!! That is awesome you get one so early!
@brownsquirrel: How far along are you? Did they do an ultrasound where you could see the heartbeat just not hear it?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: Too bad you couldn't get an ultrasound instead! Oh well! 8/7 is right around the corner!
cherry / 167 posts
@brownsquirrel: bummer on not being able to hear the heartbeat, but I've heard that can take a little longer too. How did everything else at the appointment go?
olive / 66 posts
@aprk @ mrslma : sorry about getting your names wrong! I was responding from my phone and clearly need to have my eyes checked!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@brownsquirrel: Yes, I'm only 6.2 and I swear I have a little bump - DH and my BFF both noticed. It's all right in front.
Morning sickness hit yesterday, hard. I bought some sea bands, I hope they help!
olive / 66 posts
@arden: I bought a few things at belks today because I'm completely uncomfortable in my regular jeans! The bump is definitely there!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Arden: I hope they help too. What are they exactly? I think that I have a little bump too. Especially at night. My pants are starting to get tight. Glad that it is summer and dresses are so much easier to wear.
cherry / 167 posts
@arden: I bought some this week because I always have a "difficult" stomach and am paranoid. I would say it helped, but not like WOW the minute I put it on.
@Smurfette: there is apparently a pressure point on your wrist that if you apply pressure to, it alleviates nausea. I think it has to do with balance/stability. So the sea band is like a wristband that has a little cone shaped plastic piece that puts pressure on that point.
kiwi / 659 posts
I feel like I have a bump, too... but I think it's really just bloat! I'm small, but my stomach isn't really completely flat anyway, so it's hard to tell.
We're going out with 2 couples we're close to tonight, and I just don't feel ready to tell yet, at only 6w5days. I know it will be a dead giveaway when I don't drink, so I don't really know what I'm going to do. I've thought of all of the 'tricks', but I'm sure they'll just know! Anyone else going through this?
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@MCD919: Can you order a glass of wine or something and just pretend to sip it slowly? And order water or something also so you have something to actually drink. I went to a dinner a couple of weeks in where they delivered drinks to the whole table and I just took a little tiny sip when we toasted and eventually gave the drink to a friend. If you sit next to/across from your husband and order the same thing, maybe he could drink from both glasses?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@MCD919: Yes, it is so hard!! I usually have a couple drinks with dinner. We went out with friends one night and while waiting for a table DH got me a vodka soda sans the vodka. So at least it looked like I was drinking. We are skipping going out tomorrow night for this reason, well and they are meeting at the bar at 10, which is my bedtime these days. I just don't feel like fake drinking all night. We are throwing a party for DH in a couple weeks, and that is going to be hard, everyone will be expecting me to drink. Going to buy dark cups so it will hopefully hide that I am drinking water all night.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: @MCD919: This is exactly what I did when I went out with a group of friends! I ordered a glass of wine and a water. I DID take a couple real sips of my wine, but nothing much, and I mostly drank the water. My husband finished the wine for me, haha. I HOPE no one really noticed.
You could also try to convince your husband to drink a lot and tell your friends you have to be the DD tonight.
cherry / 167 posts
@MCD: I hvae a bachlorette WEEKEND in a couple weekends and am worried about this too! I could get away with a dinner (saying I was a little hung over, saying I had a UTI, saying I'd had a glass or two before dinner) but a whole weekend?! At a bachlorette? How am I going to pull THAT off!?!
apricot / 286 posts
any March mommas not really experiencing symptoms? I know it's really silly of me..but aside from sore boobies, I don't feel anything!
I tested again last night, and yep, the 2nd line showed up immediately and even darker than the control I know the little bean is in there, but I just wish the bean will give me some signal that he/she is growing. I'm about 5-6 weeks ish,..
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@MrsLMA: all weekend that is going to be hard! Only thing I can think of is you are only a really strong antibiotic that you can't drink with. There are some that you can take that if you drink you will throw up.
@cokiezombie: My boobs are still sore but that is about all. I still get really hungry, but I haven't had any waves of nauseous in the last couple days. I am starting to freak myself out really bad. I know being sick would suck but I wish that I was cause then I would know something is going on in there.
apricot / 286 posts
@Smurfette: me too! I know that it sucks to be sick, but I wouldn't mind it at all because I'll know that the little bean is there.. sigh, aren't we crazy!?!
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