Hellobee Boards


March 2013 Mommas!

  1. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @cokiezombie: I'm starting to feel a little better ... No real nausea yet and the extreme exhaustion is not so bad anymore. Headaches and cramping mostly. I agree it's hard to really believe it since we can't see or feel!

  2. MCD919

    kiwi / 659 posts

    Thanks for the tips re: fake drinking, ladies! I ended up ordering a club soda with lime at first, but as the night went on I think it was pretty obvious when I turned down offers for drinks. The night ended with a friend ordering a bottle of champagne for our table of 4, and I'm sure it looked strange when I didn't even take a sip! Oh well, they'll know for sure in a few weeks:)

    @MrsLMA: A bachelorette weekend will be tough, for sure! Maybe let a close friend there in on the secret, and she can help you out by bringing you fake drinks, etc?? It's definitely tricky and I think everyone develops their suspicions anyway. I was lucky enough that no one put me on the spot by asking!

  3. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @MrsLMA: Could you say that you're on antibiotics/medication for something and that you're not allowed to drink? I had a friend who enjoys her wine use that excuse once and I bought it hook, line and sinker! LOL!

    @cokiezombie: I've been taking morning sickness pills (Diclectin), so thankfully those symptoms have been quashed for the most part. My boobs are HUGE (I had to go buy D cup bras the other day), and I've been having a bit of cramping every now and then from my uterus stretching (ugh). I'm still pretty exhausted by the end of the day, but I feel like I'm settling into my rhythms which is nice!

    We have our first ultra sound tomorrow, we're both SO excited!

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: Let us know how the ultrasound is! I am counting down the days till mine on Friday.

  5. MCD919

    kiwi / 659 posts

    @cokiezombie: I'm 7 weeks today, and sometimes it seems like I'm not experiencing a ton of symptoms... I feel like they're more subtle. I feel sick sometimes after I eat, and in the morning most days, but it comes and goes and is not severe at all. I'm more tired and my boobs are sore, but sometimes it's hard to tell if I really feel different. Of course that makes me nervous, but just trying to be patient until my ultrasound on 8/16! Oh and I've been more emotional than usual, and crying at all sorts of weird things, so that's different, too.

  6. MrsLMA

    cherry / 167 posts

    I used the medication excuse at the bridal shower, so not sure what I'll do at the bachlorette.... probably just "fake" drink

    @Mrs.Mousie: can't WAIT to hear how the appointment goes!

    @cookiezombie: I've HEARD that 6 weeks is about the time that symptoms really creep up on people- but maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that doesn't really feel bad! I know what you mean about wanting to feel SOMETHING! I've had one or two days where I feel just OK and I even get worried:)

  7. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @Smurfette: I definitely will!

    Pregnancy insomnia has been hitting me hard the past few days. It's making me miserable! I've also started calling around looking for a midwife, I didn't realize it would be so difficult! Wow! There are only 2 clinics in my city, and I've also applied at 2 others to see if they'd be willing to take me on. Fingers crossed someone will take us!

  8. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: Me too! I am going to bed early cause I am falling asleep on the couch and then I can't sleep. I was tossing and turning so much last night causing me to realize I needed to pee, I had to get up 5 times last night. That is ridiculous!

  9. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @Smurfette: Same here!!! I was falling asleep on the couch before 9:30, we went to bed, and as soon as I shut my eyes, I was WIDE awake. I eventually came back out to the couch and tried to watch something really boring and eventually resorted to a relaxation app on my iPhone which helped a bit. At some point I fell asleep and when I woke up to pee (again), I went back to bed. It's been 3 nights like that. Ugh.

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    So I had my second official appointment today! The nurse midwife that I met with was really nice. She did a pelvic exam and told me my uterus felt like it was 9 weeks, which is what I am today. She also attempted to hear the heartbeat with doppler, but I have a tilted uterus, so we couldn't hear anything. My next appointments are around 12-13 weeks for first trimester screening, but the genetic counselor is going to call us to set those up.

  11. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @Adira: Glad you had a good appointment. Sorry you didn't get to hear the heart beat though I'll keep my fingers crossed for your next one! Is the screening the nuchal test or something else? I'm trying to wrap my head around all these appointments, holy cow!! I feel like I'm 2 steps behind, but I'm happy to be learning so much from everyone else!

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: I believe the first trimester screening does an ultrasound to look for Down's Syndrome (trisomy-21) and they also do some blood work to test for trisomy-18. I was given some pamphlets during my first appointment about the various types of screening they can do and when they do it, but I don't have them on hand at the moment.

  13. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @Adira: I have my prenatal 2/pelvic exam next week (10 weeks), and my first dating U/S tonight. I'll have to ask my doctor next week about what further tests and U/S I'll be having for the genetic screenings. So much to remember!!

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: Ooooh, soooo exciting for your ultrasound tonight!!!! Seeing the baby for the first time is AWESOME!!! Enjoy it!!!

  15. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Glad that your appointment went well. Even though I know you are bummed you didn't get to hear the heartbeat. Glad that your uterus is right where it is suppose to be.

  16. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: hehe, thanks!

    Has anyone heard the heartbeat yet?

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I have an ultrasound on Friday. My friend goes to the same practice, and she said that all her's were on the belly, so I am hoping that means we get to hear it. I need to hear it to calm down my nerves.

  18. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    I have an appointment this Thursday and I can't wait! The dr did a vaginal ultrasound last time, but I was so early into the pregnancy that she couldnt see anything. But my blood test results were good and showed that I was only 4ish-5 weeks along at that time., which was 2 weeks ago..so I should be about 6ish- 7 weeks by this Thursday. I also have a flipped uterus so I'm not sure if we'll be able to hear the heartbeat at 7 weeks... so I'm anxious but worried at the same time..

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: How far along will you be? I was 9 weeks today and my doctor said that you can hear the heartbeat about half the time that early - it really depends on where your uterus is I think. Although a different nurse told me that you can never hear it before 12 weeks, so... who knows! If you have an ultrasound, you will probably at least SEE it, which should be reassuring!

    @cokiezombie: Yeah, I think they can't really see much until 6 or 7 weeks. My guess is that you probably won't be able to hear the heartbeat at 7 weeks, but if you have another ultrasound, you should be able to see it! If they just do a pelvic exam, they should be able to tell if your uterus is growing correctly, so that should be reassuring at least.

    I can't WAIT until 12 weeks to have another ultrasound and hopefully hear the heartbeat!!! I want to tell my parents sooooooooo badly that we're pregnant, but I'm scared of a miscarriage and I don't want to jinx myself by telling people!

  20. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I will be 7w5d on Friday. I will be bummed if we can't hear it but if we can see it at least I will be ok. We told my parents at 6 weeks, cause I would tell them if we have a miscarriage. Plus I couldn't keep it any more from my Mom. Those two weeks were hard enough. Now it is so hard keeping it from friends!!

    @cokiezombie: I hope you get to see the heartbeat. Let us know how your appointment goes.

  21. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Adira: I want to tell our parents soooooo bad too! There were many times this weekend that I wanted to just blurt it out, but I just kept it in. Here's to our 12 week appt with loud and strong heartbeats so we can finally tell our family!

    @Smurfette: Thanks!! I'll def keep you guys updated. Good luck with your appt on Friday!

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Well at your ultrasound, you'll definitely be able to see the heartbeat, regardless of whether you can hear it or not, so that should make you feel better! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @cokiezombie: Yes, seriously!!!! I'm soooooo excited to tell them, but I'm definitely going to wait! I just hope I can get an appointment around 12 weeks so I can tell them sooner! I hope I don't end up having to wait until 13 or 14 weeks to have my appointment!

  24. MrsLMA

    cherry / 167 posts

    @cookiezombie: we have our appointment on Thrusday too! Does it feel like an ETERNITY from now? I tried to convvince myself otherwise by telling the hubs that today is ALMOST over which means its ALMOST Tuesday which is PRETTY MUCH Thursday already.... he thinks I'm a nut:)

    @Aidra: do you know how early you should "definitley" be able to see the heartbeat? I'll be about 6weeks 3 days at ours and am worried that we won't see one and I'll be worried.

    @Smurfette: Yayyyy for Friday!

  25. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsLMA: Unfortunately, I do not know for sure when you can see the heartbeat. I would think if they are having you come in at 6 weeks, then they probably think they can see it. I suspect that you can at 6 weeks, but I was 7 weeks 4 days when I went in. Before they start your ultrasound, definitely ask about it. Tell them you're 6 weeks 3 days and you're wondering if you should be able to see the heartbeat now or not. The ultrasound tech is pretty knowledgeable so they'll let you know.

  26. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @MrsLMA: According to my baby center app, the baby's heart begin to form, divides into chambers, beat and pump blood in week 5. So depending on what kind of equipment your doctor has, I would think that you should be able to see or hear the heartbeat at 6 weeks.

  27. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    @MrsLMA: sending heartbeat vibes to you for Thursday's appt, but 6w3d might be a little early to detect it, so dont stress yourself over it (if it was only so easy to tell myself the same thing lol!)

  28. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsLMA: I think even if they can't detect the heartbeat, they'll be able to measure the fetus and see if it's measuring 6 weeks 3 days or not, which will be a good indication of how things are developing!

  29. MrsLMA

    cherry / 167 posts

    Thanks ladies... my doctor told me not to stress out if we didn't see it at 6weeks 3 days, but easier said than done like Cookie said:) Here's hoping!

  30. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    Everything went great today! I had to kind of pressure the technician into letting DH in at the end, but she was sweet and went and got him and showed him the heartbeat (although we didn't get to hear it), etc. We got a little print out too Next week I have my prenatal 2 appointment with my doctor next week, so she'll tell me then I guess if everything is measuring okay. The technician wasn't allowed to say anything.

    It was all very surreal, but I didn't cry which kind of surprised me, LOL! So, yay!! Baby! Safe and sound and in his/her little sac!

  31. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: Yay!!! So glad that you and your DH got to see the little heartbeat!

  32. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @Smurfette: Ya it was pretty cool! We looked into private clinics last night and there are a few near us that sound like they're set up for family-type visits, so we might do a couple of those together, and I'll go do the diagnostic ones alone.

  33. MrsLMA

    cherry / 167 posts

    @Mousie: YAY! Was it just surreal to see the heartbeat?? So excited for you! Is it normal not to let husband's in? My husband will throw an absolutely tantrum if he's not allowed in the room with me for the appointment (can you tell he's excited?)

    I'm hoping it's not an issue- when I miscarried he was allowed with me during the ultrasound but now I'm wondering if it was just because I was a total mess and the tech didn't want me losing it without some support in the room. Hmmmm....

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @MrsLMA: My doctor told me to bring DH so they better let him in on Friday.

  35. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    DD: March 18, 2013

    How far along?: 7 weeks, 2 days

    How long TTC: About a year. We had a missed miscarriage in April when I was 11.5 weeks. I got pregnant on my first cycle when we were allowed to try again so we are very excited!!

    First child?: Yes!!

    Any feeling about boy/girl: Just a healthy happy baby!

    First doctor's appointment: August 17th (I'll be 9.5 weeks - which seems like a torturous time to have to wait for your first prenatal appt). Since I recently miscarried, I had an earlier ultrasound yesterday at 7 weeks and the baby was measuring right on schedule with a 128bpm heartbeat! I didn't get to hear it but seeing the heartbeat was pretty incredible. I am finally allowing myself to get excited about the possibility of having a baby!!

    How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: My boobs have gotten a lot bigger, but without the pain/sensitivity that I experienced last time. Besides minimal cramping, acne, and being tired, I feel great! I had one major day of nausea last week.

    Who have you told?: A few friends that we we've gone out with. Now that we've had an ultrasound I think we'll tell our families in the next coming weeks.

    Looking forward to sharing this journey towards March with you all!!

  36. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @MrsLMA: Honestly, I think it was just the clinic I was at and their policies. I talked to a girlfriend about it (she's my pregnancy buddy, she's on her second, LOL!) and she said where she goes, they always ask her DH's name and go get him at the end. He's not allowed to be present for the diagnostic part, but he can come in after for a peek. The place I was at is not my favourite, I'm going to ask my doctor if she can send me somewhere else for my next one.

    It was really surreal to see the heartbeat! I wish we could have heard it! But it was so neat to see this little thing flickering, it was crazy to think that's inside me!!!! I'm REALLY surprised I didn't cry, but I think if we had heard the heartbeat I would have. It was also a tiny room and DH had to stand near my feet, so he was just stroking my leg where I wish he had been able to be next to me and hold my hand instead. That probably would have made me cry too

  37. Mrs. Mousie

    cherry / 141 posts

    @sheskrafty: Yay! Welcome!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months sweetie!!!

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sheskrafty: Welcome!! Happy & healthy 9 months to you! My DD is one day ahead of you. Glad that you already had one ultrasound with a healthy heartbeat!!

  39. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Mousie: Yay!!!! Glad your ultrasound went well!!!

    @sheskrafty: Yay! Welcome and congratulations!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!

  40. sheskrafty

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    Thanks all!!

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