wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@blackbird: Oh wow! First of all, congratulations, and I hope you have a happy and healthy nine months! I'm sorry about your previous miscarriages, but I'm glad your provider is being so supportive, letting you get an ultrasound for the peace of mind!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@blackbird: Welcome! I hope this is your sticky baby. That is great that your doctor is going to let you come in weekly for ultrasounds. That is such a good piece of mind.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Thanks! They are really fantastic about that sort of stuff. Hopefully, third time's a charm
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: How are you doing? Did your ultrasound go okay? Hoping everything is going well for you.
@savanarunner: How are you doing? You were supposed to have your first OB appointment recently, right? Hope everything is going okay.
@Mrs. Mousie: Good luck at your appointment today!
cherry / 141 posts
@adira Good! The first appointment they verified pregnancy with a urine sample, went over paperwork and asked some family history questions, and drew blood. I'm actually going back on Monday for an ultrasound (don't know why they didn't group those 2 into one appointment.) I'm very excited for an ultrasound to confirm that everything is going as it should! They said I'd have the ultrasound, a 10 week appointment, and then an appointment with 12 weeks with the doctor (previous appointments are with head nurse). That's a lot of appointments for work to not be suspicious...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@savanarunner: Yay!!! So glad your first appointment went well! Although I agree - why couldn't they just have lumped in the ultrasound?? Although maybe it's a different department? It's a different department at my practice, but they could have just scheduled it for after your OB appointment. Oh well! That's exciting you have one so soon! How far along will you be at that?
I know what you mean about a lot of appointments and work. In July, I had the following:
July 16 - Hematologist appointment
July 18 - Dentist appointment
July 17 - OB appointment (bleeding scare)
July 24 - First official OB appointment
July 30 - Second OB appointment
Which is why when it came to scheduling my 12 week exam and my first trimester screening, I scheduled them for the same day!!! I'm SURE my boss must be suspicious, but he hasn't said anything (and maybe because he's a guy, he's not thinking baby...). It'll be a relief when I finally tell him because currently I'm all "Uh... I'll be late on Monday..." and give no explanation, haha.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
So, I officially lurk here since my EDD is right at the beginning of April. I just have to say that the whole doctor's visits/not tellin work thing is so tricky!! I had to come to work with the cottonball and tape stuff around my arm because I was still bleeding a little and everyone kept asking me if I was okay. Plus, I'm going to have to take 2 afternoons in a row off during my 12 week. Yikes.
olive / 66 posts
@Adira: It didn't go so well, actually. I should be 10w5d, but there was no baby and no heartbeat. They did see a gestational sac which looked "really good and normal," but no baby. So, I'm doing quantitative HCG levels every 48 hours (to see if they are rising like they are supposed to) and going back for another ultrasound on 8/24. They think that there's a possibility my dates are off and I'm really only about 5 weeks, which would explain why we couldn't see the baby. I had a quantitative HCG 2 weeks ago that was around 29,000. We are trying to stay optimistic, but considering how many we've lost, we are having a very hard time... I appreciate you asking about me though
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@Mrs. Blue: My EDD is the last day of Feb; I, too, am a board straddler. By week 12 you'll be almost ready to tell (I assume), so even if some people start guessing at that point it probably won't be too bad. Can you be specific to avoid suspicion, like "I have a dermatologist appt. on Mon. and a dentist appt. on Wed?" You wouldn't want to lie to your boss, but that might keep co-workers from getting curious. Or just don't mention it in advance. I feel you on it being hard to keep a secret--I stayed home on Monday b/c I felt so sick, and right when I came on Tuesday the girl who shares my office said "so, what was wrong with you? we're all taking bets..." and I just deflected it. I don't know if people truly suspect or not.
cherry / 141 posts
@Adira: Thanks! The appointment was good! Everything from my U/S last week looks perfect. Heartbeat and measurements were fine. They pushed my due date a week which I was sort of expecting. I go for my nuchal test in the next few weeks, so another chance to see the LO
We told our parents over the weekend and everyone is over the moon excited for us. My MIL immediately said "I wish I had known, I saw the cutest onesie yesterday!!!" I have a feeling we're about to be inundated by baby paraphernalia no matter what we say, I better start cleaning out some closets, LOL! My sister's reply was "I KNEW IT!!!!", which I sort of suspected! She's very excited for us as well of course! It was a really fun weekend. My mom has apparently already told all the neighbours even though I asked everyone to stay mum for a couple more weeks, my family has a bad history of being able to contain secrets, lol!
I've developed a bit of a meat aversion in the past week. I can't eat dense meat like meatballs, hamburgers, etc. It grosses me out. Otherwise, still feeling pretty great! How's everyone else?
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@brownsquirrel: That sounds really hard and scary, I will be praying for you guys. (((((((hugs))))))))
cherry / 141 posts
@brownsquirrel: Oh sweetie I'm sending TONS of happy thoughts and positive energy your way!!! That's so distressing to say the least!!! (((((((hugs))))))))) I hope the doctors are right and that the U/S on the 24th goes well! Keep us updated and let us know if we can do anything okay?
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@tororojo: The only problem with that is I work in an office of 3: my boss, our assistant, and me.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@brownsquirrel: I am so sorry!! I really hope that your dates were wrong and you are only 5w. Keeping you in my thoughts. Hugs!!!
@Mrs. Mousie: Glad that your ultrasound went great!! And that your parents were so excited.
@savanarunner: Glad that your appointment went so good!
Hiding doctor's appointments is really hard. I already had my annual in Feb, which usually is the only time that I go to the doctor. So the fact that I went in July and then two weeks later, my boss asked if everything was ok. I think for my next ultrasound, I am going to make something else up, maybe dentist, then tell her after what it really was. Cause I do have to go to the dentist in October.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: I'm so so sorry to hear that your ultrasound didn't go as planned. Do you agree that it's possible you're really only 5 weeks? I hope that's the case for your sake! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. *hug*
@Mrs. Mousie: So glad your appointments went well!!! Yay!!!! And that's awesome about how excited your parents and in-laws were! I can't WAIT to tell ours too!!!
olive / 66 posts
@Adira: I suppose it's possible, but I don't really think so.
I just got my first HCG level back (I work in a clinic, so I do all my labs at work, mostly because I can't stand not to know right away, which is sometimes a bad thing) It's about 1000 points lower than it was 2 weeks ago. I suppose there is still a slight chance that it will double by tomorrow morning, but we are definitely not feeling optimistic now. At this point, I'm hoping that I can pass this one naturally and not have to go in for a D&C.
I'm so frustrated. I never thought it would be this hard to stay pregnant. Things were so easy 8 years ago when I had my daughter.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: I am so so sorry, that is terrible news! I can't imagine what you must be going through. I'm so sorry you've been having such a hard time getting a STICKY baby! It's so unfair!
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you though - hopefully everything works out, but I totally understand why you don't feel optimistic. I wouldn't either.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@brownsquirrel: Can you maybe take a half day and go home early?
olive / 66 posts
@Adira: I only work until 11 today, so I'm leaving in 45 minutes anyway. And I'm here by myself, so at least when I start crying, no one is looking at me funny...
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@brownsquirrel: I am so sorry! I can't imagine having to go through what you are. Life just isn't fair sometimes. I hope and pray that you get your sticky baby. Will keep you and your SO in my thoughts and prayers.
olive / 66 posts
@smurfette: Thanks. I think we are probably going to wait a little while before we start TTC again. This will be our 2nd miscarriage this year (the last one was in March and I was also 10w-ish). I guess it kinda depends on how long it takes for this one to finish or go away or whatever you call it.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
brownsquirrel, I'm so sorry. I've had two m/c in a row and it sucks so, so bad, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel. I hope your dates are off, too, and this is nothing but a big scare.
cherry / 141 posts
@brownsquirrel So very sorry to hear you're going through this. Big hugs.
@blackbird welcome!
I've started to have a little morning sickness out of the blue. It's been more of an all day ache but it's the worst when I first get up in the morning. Does a cracker or eating something really work when the idea of it is nauseating? yukkk I know I'm lucky to not be puking!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@savanarunner: For me, I have to eat every 3 hours or else I get nauseous (doesn't seem to matter how much I eat). I avoid foods that repulse me (like my white cheddar cheez-its that I know I love but can't fathom the thought of eating them), but eating something ALWAYS makes me feel better. I actually haven't tried crackers because they don't appeal to me at the moment, but so far yogurt, fruit, pretzels, cheese, doritos, bagel, etc. have all worked for me.
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Mrs. Mousie: I'm having weird aversions and food cravings too.
I'm hungry every day from midday to midnight, but can't eat at all in the mornings.
I drink tons and tons of sparkling juice (100% juice concentrate and sparkling water), but I'm struggling to drink any plain water.
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@savanarunner: I usually have a saltine before I fall asleep and right when I wake up. It helps, a bit. But like others, I need to eat something regularly; even if the sound of it is gross.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@savanarunner: I felt awful Monday morning, so the rest of this week I have eaten 3 crackers before I get out of bed and it has really helped. I also started taking B6 and half a unisom at night (although I don't take the unisom every night). I pretty much can eat whatever, although I am craving carbs. I made myself eat a salad for lunch even though I didn't want it at all.
nectarine / 2631 posts
Joining you ladies as my due date changed from April 1st to March 30th!!
EDD: March 30th
How far along?: 6 weeks 4 days
How long TTC: 19 cycles!!!
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: Gut feeling its a boy- but I will be happy either way!
First doctor's appointment: TODAY! Got a picture of my lil cashew and saw his/her heart beat! (129)
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Soo tired, sore "girls", food aversions (ugh meat)
Who have you told?: DH (of course), my parents, MIL and my 2 besties! everyone else will wait till 12 weeks!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@cheert16: Welcome! Isn't seeing/hearing the heartbeat the best thing!
cherry / 141 posts
@Arden: Have you tried any of those squeeze-in water flavourings? I forget what the brand is, but I think I've bought it at Walmart. It's not a powder like Crystal Light, it comes in a silver tear shaped little bottle, a couple inches tall. Maybe that could help you get more water without the sugar of a juice?
@savanarunner: I found eating a few crackers or a half slice of bread RIGHT before I turned off the light at night helped me for the morning, and then I'd have a few crackers when I got up.
@cheert16: Welcome!! I have a meat aversion too, but it seems pretty specific to really dense meats, like a home made hamburger or meatballs. Ugh. I made butter chicken tonight and I cut up the chicken really small, that went over okay. My doctor suggested eating almonds to help supplement my protein.
My back lower back/sciatic is killing me the past couple days! Has anyone else had this?! I've been icing it, but I'm still nearly limping by the time the evening hits. I'm going to have to book myself a prenatal massage tomorrow I think. Darn
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Mousie: @Arden: Mio! It is great for flavoring water, since you control how much flavor you want. I have 2 on my desk at work and we have like 4 at home.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@savanarunner: Saltines haven't appealed to me much, but I've had a lot of dry cheerios, toast and potato chips. Is there anything bland or salty that doesn't sound gross to you?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@cheert16: Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Glad your ultrasound went well today!!! Getting that first ultrasound picture is the BEST!
@jrenee: Good luck today!!!!! Hope your appointment goes well!!!!
cherry / 141 posts
@Cheert16 welcome!
Thanks for the recommendations ladies. It's strange, it feels like more of a constant ache than anything. I'll try something bland before bed and first thing am and see if it helps. I don't really feel hungry at all, I suppose I do feel more sick around meal times though. I'm glad I'm not puking and honestly relieved to feel a little something different. Hoping that means everything is going as it should in there
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