cherry / 141 posts
DD: March 30, 2013
How far along?: 5 Weeks.
How long TTC: We were very lucky and got pregnant the first cycle
First child?: Yes!!
Any feeling about boy/girl: Boy. No, Girl. No, Boy. No idea! Healthy and happy boy or girl!
First doctor's appointment: Next Week. August 7
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: I've been pretty wiped out but a job interview., my husband going back to work, (he teaches and just went back from summer break), and a 5am alarm clock have attributed to that as well.
Who have you told?: Nobody yet! Hope to tell our parent in person (they both live a few hours away). My sister lives close by and will probably be the first we tell, but we wanted to keep it our little secret for a few days or weeks.
I was hesitant to post because it's so early but you gals are so wonderfully supportive and I'm DYING to talk to someone Looking forward to learning from and sharing with you all!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@savanarunner: Welcome and congratulations!!!! Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Nine Months!!! I'm impressed that you're able to go in for your first appointment so early! You'll only be 6 weeks at that, right? Do your know what your first appointment will entail? Will you get an ultrasound at all?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsLMA: Your first appointment is tomorrow, right?? Are you excited?? Do you know if you'll have an ultrasound?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@savanarunner: Welcome! Happy & healthy 9 months to you!!
cherry / 141 posts
Thanks for the welcome!
@adira first visit is just pregnancy confirmation, blood work and general questions. I was told this was a pretty quick appointment and the second one would be more extensive.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Just made my appointment for first trimester screening!! Luckily I was able to make it the same day as my routine exam, so I only need to miss the morning of work one day and not be out a couple days!
Both appointment are Monday, August 27th. Routine exam is at 8:00 and supposedly only 15 minutes. First Trimester Screening is at 8:30. Sooooooo excited to finally have another ultrasound!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@savanarunner: That makes sense! My first appointment was a bunch of labs and going over information. It was in a nice office and a comfy chair. No exam or anything. Do you have your second appointment scheduled already, or will you have to wait until after the first?
cherry / 141 posts
@adira very exciting!! How many weeks will you be at the appointment? I haven't scheduled the second appt yet, plan on doing that while I'm at the first!
apricot / 286 posts
welcome @savanarunner! i didn't post my stats yet because i dont really know exactly how far along i am yet. hopefully will find out at tomorrow's appointment. i'm sooo excited. i love all you ladies and can't to embark on this amazing adventure together!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@savanarunner: I'll be 13 weeks at my first trimester screening. Normally they schedule it for 12 weeks I think, but I already had an appointment scheduled for the following week and I didn't want to miss more work, so I had them schedule it for the same day. I'm soooooooo excited!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Oh my gosh ladies - I had my mid-year performance review today at work, and my boss asked me a couple times "So, anything new with you?" and I felt like I should tell him that I'm pregnant, but I REFUSE to tell before second trimester, so I just kept quiet! Now I feel guilty!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@MrsLMA: Good Luck today! Let us know how your ultrasound goes!!
@Adira: Don't feel guilty! You have to tell when you are ready. Even if everyone thinks something is up. Which I am convinced some people at my work think something is going on. I had to tell my boss I would be in late tomorrow cause I have to go back to the doctor's. She asked if everything was ok, I just said yeah, they need to run some more tests. I never go to the doctor, so I am sure she thinks something is up.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh my gosh, I know what you mean!!! I was late to work FIVE times in July! THREE times in one week, so I'm SURE they know something is up! I had an appointment with my hematologist, a dentist appointment, then I had that bleeding scare, so went to the doctor again. Then I had my official first and second appointments! I started being vague and just said "I have an appointment on Monday, so I will be late. I'll be in by 11:00." But I'm SURE they know something is going on! Luckily, I'll only be late ONE day in August since I got both my appointments scheduled the same day. And then I'll tell everyone in September, haha.
apricot / 286 posts
Hi my dear March 2013 mommas!! After my dr's appt just now and calling DH to give him the good news, I wanted to come here right away and update you guys! I'm measuring at 6 weeks 3 days and we saw the heartbeat!!! I have the silliest grin on my face right now.
DD: March 25, 2013 (5 days after our 2nd year wedding anniversary)
How far along?: 6 weeks 3 days
How long TTC: 8 cycles!!!
First child?: Yes!
Any feeling about boy/girl: Always felt my firstborn would be a boy. But boy or girl, as long as the baby is healthy, I couldn't ask for more.
First doctor's appointment: July 17 - internal u/s didnt see anything bc I was too early. 2nd appt - Aug 2 - saw the little bean and heartbeat!!! SOO HAPPY AND RELIEVED.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Nothing. Nada. Just sore boobs.
Who have you told?: Nobody yet! Enjoying this little secret between us for now.
pear / 1672 posts
Hey, everyone! I've posted from time to time but never really introduced myself on HB, so I thought I would start now. I just got a BFP last Saturday, and I still can't believe it.
DD: March 31, 2013 (I think. That's what one website says)
How far along?: 5 Weeks.
How long TTC: We got pregnant the first cycle, hence the shock.
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: No. Still in shock. Are you sensing a theme here?
First doctor's appointment: August 15, although I had scheduled a routine physical with my GP way beforehand and that was yesterday. I did a bunch of testing today and should get the results soon.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: I the time! It's like I'm on a baby's feeding schedule. I feel a little queasy sometimes but other than that, I feel fine.
Who have you told?: Nobody. We're waiting. We'll probably wait as long as possible. I'm super private, and we don't live near family, although one of my friends is going to kill me since she specifically asked me to tell her when we started TTC. Oops! We got pg the first try. I've been avoiding friends lately because I don't want to lie about not drinking. I'm hoping to use the antibiotics excuse for the first time depending on who it is.
Other than that, I'm just trying to relax and not worry about things going wrong since it's so early. I hope everyone is well.
P.S. Since I'm March 31, will you guys not mind if I cheat on you occasionally with the April 2013 ladies?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@cokiezombie: Yay!! So excited you saw the heartbeat. Congrats!!! Happy and healthy 9 months
@BKCaribBaby: Welcome! Happy & healthy 9 months. First month of trying and success, that is awesome.
pear / 1672 posts
@Smurfette - Thanks!! It feels weird but good as well. I'm also older (I'll be 35 next month), so I just was expecting the opposite. I just want everything to be okay.
@CokieZombie - Thanks!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@BKCaribBaby: I am with you! I am 33 so I was shocked we had luck on cycle 3. I was totally thinking that it was going to take up 6+ months.
cherry / 141 posts
@bkcaribaby Welcome and congrats! My estimated DD is March 30 and I was considering popping over to the April 2013 thread as well so no worries
Question for the group: What are you reading or planning to read in the next 9 months? I'm filling an amazon shopping cart but haven't bought anything yet and was wondering if you all have read anything already, recommend anything, or what you're planning to read. Would love to hear!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@cokiezombie: Yay!!! Congratulations!!! So happy your ultrasound went well!!
@BKCaribBaby: Welcome and congratulations!!! And no, feel free to cheat on us with April - you're likely to deliver in April anyway, haha.
@savanarunner: I bought the Mayo Clinic guide to a Healthy Pregnancy and love it so far. It goes through your whole pregnancy plus the first few months of baby's life. It's full of helpful information!
pear / 1672 posts
@Adira: Yay! I'm glad to see that there is an April thread now.
@savanarunner: I'm reading the Mayo Clinic book as well, and I really like it. Plus, it's got pretty pictures. I think it will be fun to get insights from two sets of ladies. As of now, that's all that I really have had a chance to pick up. I'd love to hear about your list. I'm trying not to be overwhelmed by all of the information.
Happy Friday, ladies!
cherry / 167 posts
Thanks for the positive thoughts everyone. The appointment yesterday went AWESOME! I'm measuring at 7 weeks, and we HEARD the nice strong heartbeat at 130bpm!!!
It was a huge relief and although I'm not TOTALLY un-nervous (if that's a word) it did make me a little more excited and feeling like it is more real now:)
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@savanarunner: I bought a book from my doctor's office today. It looks really good and it was only $10. I have What to Expect When Expecting that a friend gave me for when I needed it, but I am not a fan of it.
@MrsLMA: yay!! So glad that everything went well!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
My ultrasound went great this morning!!!! I feel so much better. Happy to report that we have a little baby that is measuring 7w5d, just like it should. The heart-rate was 170, which the ultrasound person was normal. I started crying as soon as I saw the little heart beating, then again when we heard it. We have three pictures of our little nugget! Makes it so real. Then we meet with the OB nurse, answered a ton of questions, and got bag full of information and samples. Next ultrasound is Sept 7, when I will be 12w 5ds. I don't know how I am going to wait 5 more weeks!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsLMA: @Smurfette: Yay!!!! Glad your appointments went well, ladies!!! Congratulations!!!!
pomegranate / 3452 posts
How's everybody feeling these days? I've had some killer headaches and stomachaches, and I am feeling lost without my trusty Advil and Pepto!
grapefruit / 4669 posts
@aprk: I'm just over 10 weeks and can't decide if the nausea has gotten any better or not. I threw up on Friday for the first time (maybe because of too much greasy pizza and not taking prenatal with food) but basically I just lay around feeling nauseous 2/3 of the time. Who wants to fast forward another month? ME!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@aprk: I am feeling good. Still super tired but having trouble sleeping. I am lucky I can pretty much eat whatever, still just have small waves of nauseous off and on all day long. Fingers crossed it stays that way. I have noticed my tummy doesn't like sweets as much as it use too. On the plus side, I love ice cream!
kiwi / 659 posts
Congrats to the mama's who had great appointments so far! I'm jealous... I met with the nurse for info gathering and blood work at 6.5 weeks, but I don't have an ultrasound with the Dr. until the 16th.... another week and a half til I can see our lo (and hopfefully be a little less anxious)!! Wishing the days away quickly...
honeydew / 7589 posts
I can really tell I'm pregnant now!
I've been SO nauseous (I threw up at the post office on Friday), and I have aversions and cravings already. I can't stand the idea or smell of any Asian food, anything greasy, pasta or lasagna, and anything rich.
Here we go...
pomegranate / 3452 posts
Just after I posted about feeling crummy this morning, I saw a bit of pink discharge and prompty assumed the worse. Hasn't happened since, so I'm gonna take it easy and hope everything stays calm and progresses well until my first appointment/ultrasound on the 21st.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@aprk: I am sure it was just a fluke since it was just that once. Did you just have sex? Cause that can cause spotting too. Just take it as a sign to be lazy and relax on the couch the rest of the night!
pomegranate / 3452 posts
@Smurfette: thanks. I had sort of a busy weekend, so I'm thinking it was just all the extra activity ...
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Arden: OMG, that is a lot of tacos! I am impressed you could eat that much, I can't eat as much as I used too. I was disappointed on Sat night we went out for Mexican, and all I wanted was cheese dip and tacos. I ate too much cheese dip that I only could eat one taco, but I just don't like the taste of ground beef anymore. The Mexican rice was the best thing ever though.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
DD: March 29, 2013
How far along?: ~6-6.5 Weeks based on my u/s last week.
How long TTC: 1+ year. Two pregnancies, a m/c at 12 weeks and another at 7 weeks. I have an MTHFR mutation and luteal phase defect, so, obv, very nervous. Supplementing with baby aspirin, progesterone, and Folgard right now.
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: Indifferent!
First doctor's appointment: Already had one but the next one is Aug 15...they told me i could have an u/s every week if i wanted one, though, due to my history. So i'll be going in every other week until trimester 2, just for peace of mind.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Sore boobs, that's it. I feel normal!
Who have you told?: My internet friends.
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