grapefruit / 4823 posts
@Goldilocks1107: i know how you feel about the whole pumping thing. i felt the EXACT same way. i tried and was pumping more out of awful as that sounds. i'm sure you'll be able to stick it out longer than i did. :o) congrats and good luck!!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: yyyaaaay! Congrats!! I haven't congraulted you yet : )
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: Our LO won't sleep on her back either. What have you tried doing and how does he sleep now?
Right now we kind of alternate between having her sleep swaddled on her side in the bassinet (doesn't last more than 2 hours), in a bouncy chair, and with us in bed.
We need to figure out one place for her to sleep and keep it that way... it's just so hard!
eggplant / 11287 posts
For about 12 hours Willa has been eating every 45 minutes and I am so exhausted. Out of frustration I finally gave her her first bottle today. It was 2.5 oz of freshly pumped breast milk and she sucked it right down and still wanted more! I had to offer her the breast anyway because the bottle just wasn't enough. Why is she eating so much?
She has finally settled down for a nap in her little bouncy seat and is giving me a break.
I have been feeling so unsure of myself lately and how I handle parenting. Are her sleep patterns normal? Am I feeding her enough? Am I "nighttime parenting" correctly?
I am struggling with finding a good place for her to sleep where she stays happy. So far, the only place that really "works" is in our bed, and I really don't think I want to co sleep. She will sleep on her side in the bassinet ONLY if she is fast asleep already when we put her in, and same goes for the bouncy seat.
How are you ladies handling nighttime sleep? Where does your baby sleep and how is it going?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: congratulations! I love her name : )
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: at first we tried the pack n play which he does not like and basically wake up every hour. We started having him sleep in the fisher price rock n play sleeper and he is doug much better in it. It has a slight incline but he still sleeps on his back. A number of our fiends used it a their bassinet for te first few months. I haven't cleared it with our pediatrician yet but plan to on Tuesday when we have a check up.
kiwi / 515 posts
@mrsdaredevil I definitely know exactly how you feel, we have struggled with sleep from the beginning. Lo was sleeping mostly in our bed, then she would sleep up to 3 hours in the swing. I felt bad that she was sleeping in a swing and didn't want to get into that habit, so one day last week which was the middle of week 3 I tried swaddling and putting her in her crib forma nap and she slept for 2 hours! We weren't quite ready to put her in her room separated from us yet, but it worked! She sleeps about 4.5-5 hours in the crib now at a time. I don't know if the separate space helped or just that she is a bit older now. The only advice i might have is to keep trying different options, in my experience with Lily she has made so many changes from week to week. Week 1 she would have never laid on her back by herself in the crib even swaddled. I have also heard good things about the rock n play like winniebee mentioned. One of my friends uses it and said it worked like a charm!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@winniebee: Congratulations! Try not to worry so much about the weight, as long as he is gaining it is all good!
@Mrsdaredevil: I hope Willa settled down with her feeding frequency soon. Sawyer does a run of hourly feeds for 6-7 hours at a time 1-2 times per week still at a month old, it is tiring, but so far at least he has always done it during the day. Just keep experimenting with the sleep, these little guys change so much from day to day, what doesn't work one day might work the next, you never know!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@bpcmarj: Oh course you are welcome in the May thread! I'm actually surprised you had a baby under 8lbs at 42 weeks! My girl was bigger and born at 39 4/7. haha!
nectarine / 2039 posts
Wow! Page 2 already! Now you don't have to do this but can I request that as people are posting that they try to mention casually how old their LO is every now and then so we remember and don't have to look back to see the birth date and do the math. I find that it really helps to put things into perspective when I can know how many weeks old the baby is. (I have a really bad number brain so I can't remember birthdays and stuff).
@bpcmarj: of course you fit in perfect here. Even though this is called May babies, lots of us went early and ended up in April. You're in the right place! And Penny is such a sweet nickname.
@winniebee: I agree with MsMini about not worrying about the weight. It seems that is something lots of us got all worried about. I feel like with all the research we all did there should have been more websites telling us to expect our babies to lose 10 percent of the birthweight. I also felt horrible about how small Nico got, but now that I've talked to so many Moms and even the ones without jaundice lost almost 10 percent too, had I known that I wouldn't have been so upset about it.
@Mrsdaredevil: She is probably cluster feeding because she is having a growth spurt. She will feed frequently to increase your milk because she's ready to grow! When Nico was eating like crazy it almost drove ME crazy, and I think it went on for about 5 days. The little gem on the other side is that after the cluster feeding days, he started sleeping much longer (which makes sense because I hear babies grow in their sleep). (Now by much longer I mean instead of waking up every 1-2 hours, he wakes up every 3 or 4). Now, I can't really tell the difference myself, but can you tell if Willa is actually drinking and swallowing all those times? Because babies can also apparently teach themselves how to suck in a way that doesn't really get milk so that they can just comfort nurse. (Now, comfort is a need too, so I guess I shouldn't say 'just'.) When you feel that she is old enough to take a pacifier, you might find that many of the times that she would want to breastfeed she will now take a pacifier instead because it was really a sucking need and not an eating need. (I'm still less than a week into the pacifier thing, but there are definitely times when Nico is fed and he still is fussy and the pacifier makes him so happy!)
@Mrsdaredevil: As for sleep, I swear I can tell you what we're doing and is working for sleep today, and tomorrow it will change. That's what I've noticed about baby sleep....not very consistent. I have a baby who has accepted sleeping on the back in the crib when swaddled. And it has to be a really good swaddle. And it also has to be this one polar fleece swaddle blanket, which is totally inappropriate for the summer, so I might be in big trouble soon. Last night was hella hot, but I accidentally co-slept (long story) so I didn't have to deal with the blanket issue in the end. I have been pretty lucky that even when I put him back down in the crib and he is awake, he just lays there until he falls asleep and I have no idea how long that is because I fall asleep first. The crib is 2 feet from our bed, and I can actually see him from where I sleep in bed (except that I wear glasses and have to take them off to sleep, but sometimes I have been sleeping with my glasses on so I can peek at him). I can tell you that usually Nico goes to night-time sleep at about 10pm and wakes up at about 8am (but of course wakes up X number of times throughout the night to feed). But this morning he slept in til noon, and the fact that he is sleeping now at 8pm makes me worried that he is going to be up all night for the first time. Time will tell. I know you don't want to co-sleep, but seriously sooooo many people do it and if that is what works for your LO, then it might not be such a bad thing til she gets older? Eventually you will have to figure out how to get her in her own bed, but maybe you'll be more comfortable with that training when she is older? I dunno, it's just a thought. Maybe one of those special sleep devices like the others are talking about will work. Oh! More on sleep: I started letting Nico sleep on his tummy during the day. This happened because I give him tummy time lots of times during the day and sometimes he falls asleep. And he looks so cute (he pulls his knees up, so for you yoga people, he is literally in 'child's pose') and he looks so comfortable that I leave him, and I'm supervising him anyways. Right? But then I was just talking to my friend who has a 4 month old and she said that she also did the tummy sleep for naps, but now her LO refuses to sleep on his back in the crib. So I think I have to cut him off from child's pose sleeping.
Okay, I am sorry for being such a blabber typer tonight. I should move along. Over and out. (Nico is 5 weeks old)
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
My boobs are in PAIN!!! I have too much milk and I constantly want to wake up Sienna so she can breastfeed. (and she ALREADY feeds often) I don't want to pump because then I'm creating even more demand.... ahhhhhhh I have much more milk this time around then with Mavrick it's crazy!!!
Maybe I should buy cabbage?
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@blushink: we were SHOCKED that she was so small!! I am 6ft tall and DH is 6'3" and a powerlifter, so we are both big people. My siblings were all thinking 9lbs, not even close!!! I am beyond thankful that she was so little.
@cvbee: thanks for the warm welcome!
I accidentally pinched Penny in the swing today. She screamed and I felt awful. Poor baby.
Having some trouble with DH feeling like he can't calm her down. She is almost 3 weeks old and EBF so she is attached to me most of the day. He feels like he can't really calm her when she needs it and I feel bad. Any thoughts on how to help him? Should I start pumping so he can feed her now and then? Anyone else have a similar story? He just loves her so mich and wants to feel that back.
coffee bean / 47 posts
Hi everybody! I am finally coming over from wedding bee, but have been following all of you may mommas. Congrats to everyone on their LOs. I am still pregnant but doing everything I can think of to get the little guy out! I am due on the 29th and am encouraged that almost all of you went early. I want to be a may momma!!!
apricot / 384 posts
@blushink: I was the SAME way on Wednesday - holy hell my boobs hurt! I tried pumping twice but nothing really came out and it didn't seem to help at all. Fortunately the pain only lasted about 36 hours - they're still crazy huge reminding me that I am never going to be a candidate for a boob job.
We're doing well, 5 days old today! She has actually been a good sleeper at night (knock on wood) sleeping in 2.5-3 hours stretches and waking only to eat. We got some good awake time during the day yesterday so I'm hopeful that the day/night confusion won't be too much of an issue. She does seem to have gas pains at night though, which makes me feel horrible but I'm not sure what I can do other than rock her a little. We have gas drops but I don't think she's old enough for them yet.
We're having people over to the house tomorrow for a "Meet Reese" BBQ. I'm hopeful that it won't be too stressful for us. It's easier to do it this way than have guests stopping in all the time.
DH goes back to work on Tuesday and DD will still go to daycare so it will just be me & Reese until school gets out for the summer!
apricot / 384 posts
@cvbee: re:episiomoty - This is a touchy subject for me. With my first, the doctor never even told me that it was happening, she just did it and then later was like, "Oh, I gave you an episiomoty... no big" OK, she didn't say no big but she acted like it. I never had a choice. I mean, I'm all for getting the baby out but I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was about it.
Anyway, with this one, since I'd had one already my doctor told me it was a weak spot and more likely to tear and that they wouldn't be able to control where the tear would occur or go. So, to make things easier, she just gave me another episiomoty.
And then, apparently that extra bit of room was all she needed!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well - Sawyer is still sick, which is causing some sleep problems. He usually does 2 - 4 hour sleep stretches at night, but he is so nasally congested he wakes up every 2 hours because he can't breathe, so I have to wake up and suck the mucous out of his nose. He is still afebrile with only the occasional cough, but he is extra needy/cuddly. Thank goodness for the wrap, I have worn it a lot between feeds.
Tonight we have a busy night, we are heading out for dinner with my co-workers followed by a birthday party for one of them. I pumped this morning, so I am going to bring the bottle, and feed him that while we are out, so I can have a drink. I don't want to sound bad, but I am so excited to have a drink after 10 months of having nothing more than a sip of wine or champagne!
I still can't believe that Sawyer is 1 month already. He is loving his play mat lately, he will lay on it and look around at the toys for 30-45 minutes at a time. Charlie (our Newfoundland dog) lays beside the mat and protects him from the cat the whole time he is on there, it just makes my heart melt that he wants to protect the baby. Charlie also hates it when Sawyer cries, and will come and nudge us if we don't get up immediately when he cries.
In the old thread, we were talking about nicknames, and I think Sawyer has one (that I call him at least). When he is done breastfeeding, he unlatches and stretches his neck up to look at me with his lips pursed, and he looks like Franklin the turtle, so I have started calling him Turtle.
@blushink: I am an overproducer, and when I was engorged I swore my boobs would explode, I ended up showering between feeds a lot, because most people will let-down in the shower, and that took the edge off the discomfort. Keep in mind that having Sienna nurse more will also increase supply! Ibuprofen can help reduce the extra supply and decrease the pain as well.
@bpcmarj: I sometimes let Sawyer cry a little more so DH can soothe him, it is hard to not take over when Sawyer is crying with DH but I find that stepping back or out of the room and letting DH experiment allows him to find non-boob ways to soothe him. I think that me stepping out of the room also helps because then Sawyer sees I am not there and allows himself to be soothed by DH. As long as I know Sawyer is fed, I just trust that the crying won't kill him, and it benefits Sawyer to have 2 of us that can soothe him reliably. We both find that wearing Sawyer in the wrap helps for the fussy times (I have to tie the wrap onto DH because he doesn't know how to work it).
@volksgirl64: Enjoy the BBQ! I think doing the meets in big groups is way better than people trickling in over days/weeks. We did a couple big family weekends, and I enjoyed them, as well as our alone time!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MsMini: what a bummer that your LO is sick. I think you're handling it well and being really level headed....I would be worried sick (worrying about napping and feeding and night shifts is enough for me!).
I am an overproduce too. I haven't noticed let down in the you have any other tips?
@volksgirl64: what do you feel like your recovery has been like with the episiotomy? I tore and at almost 2 weeks PP I am still really sore.
@Magilnyc: welcome!!!! Hope your baby comes soon. I had such a hard time waiting for my DD to come. I got induced a fay after my due date. Maybe I was one of the only people who wasn't early?
LO was up from 2 am to 7 am this morning. I didn't get a lick of sleep. And then of course she slept for almost 5 hours straight this afternoon. I couldn't even wake her up to eat! This girl is VERY confused.
DH is leaving to another state tomorrow for a trip, he will only be gone for 24 hours but it will be the first time I have had to do everything alone. I will be taking her to church and lunch with a girlfriend, and of course will do the night shift myself. I am sure you ladies have already been doing it yourself, but its my first time. Wish me luck!!!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@nskillet: Glad the thermometer trick worked for poor little Abbey--I'd actually never heard of that before!
@cvbee: Its so cool that you can exclusively breast feed Nico! It's just sooooo tough! That's cool that he's sleeping so well.
I read the projectile poop story to my DH. I was laughing so much my incision was hurting and I couldn't stop laughting--he had to know what I read. Good luck with yoga!
PS: I love my peri bottle, too.
@marriedandlovingit: Sorry you are getting so many sleepless nights with Cooper. Gabriel in only 5 days, so we're still adjusting and not sleeping well--also I think he's got his days and nights mixed up and we have company all day still, so I'm having trouble excusing myself for more than one little daytime nap.
@LAGS: Since little Addison refused to nap--how did your night go? Gabriel will nap in the day, but sometimes won't sleep all night. Makes the feeding part *really* rough.
@duckduckkristen: Glad you got some Liam-free time to shop. Very cool! Any only 15 pounds to go? Great job! And 1.5-3 hours IS a feeding schedule.
How was your 7 hour away weekend trip?
How soon did you start pumping? I still don't have enough to get anything into my pump (but I can manually express some drops).
@stiffaknee: Yikes! I had a friend that hemorrhaged, too--so scary! Glad you and little Caroline are doing well now!
@msmini: I wonder if my supply just isn't really in--and I can stop formula, too? Was it *really obvious* when your supply came in, or just gradual? Glad you and DH and Sawyer had a nice weekend away! I am so not ready for that yet. I need to shop for nursing clothes, too. Glad you're enjoying the new wardrobe!
I hope little Sawyer gets well, soon!
@Blushink: I still can't believe how fast Sienna was born, even if Mavrick paved the way. And I saw your photos of Mavrick and Sienna--adorable. Happy late birthday and congrats on the weight loss!
@shortcake: Did you do anything special to lose the weight so fast with Lucinda?
@mrsdaredevil: I don't have much time anymore, either, but I'm happier now than I was pregnant. That's so cool that you fit your prepregnancy clothes with little Willa only 2 weeks old.
@Volksgirl64: Theresa was born only 4 hours after Gabriel! But you got to see her before I got to see Theresa. We were neck and neck the whole way--it cracks me up! Glad neither were waiting weeks behind everyone else.
@MrsM57: That is so cool that they caught Lily's biotinidase deficiency with the routine screen, and that it's so easily treatable. Thanks for sharing--must have been scary at first!
@goldilocks1107: Huh--they totally put me on oxygen many many many times and I never even thought about why. Gabriel's heart rate was all over the place during my labor (I'm surprised they let me go so far to not deliver him vaginally, actually). I'm frustrated with breastfeeding, too. But I can't get anything with the pump yet, so I'm pretty impressed.
@bcpmarj: Of course-- you ARE a May Mama How do you keep up with breastfeeding Penny on demand?
@winniebee. Glad little Tyler is putting on some weight! I can only imagine how scary it is with such a tiny little one.
Re: Baby blues: I definitely have them, and the hospital is making me go in for a 2 week follow up with mental health. *yay.* Usually mom's first follow up is at 6 weeks--and with the OB.
Seems like everyone is doing really well with weight loss!
I came home from the hospital at my same weight as when I went in (thank you massive swelling from 5 days of IVs and fluids, with not enough food or drinking water). I've still got a loooong way to go.
We're still using formula sometimes, but much less since my sister in law recommended a nipple shield--it really helps him latch! He's 5 days old, and I'm pretty sure that I haven't really had my milk come in. I sort of have milk not colostrum, but I still haven't gotten engorged, can't pump anything, and can't seem to keep Gabriel full (he's about 50-75% breastfed, and 50-25% on formula, depending on the day).
**page 1 caught up, still haven't caught up page 2, I'll get back to you.**
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
I actually got something pumping tonight!!!!! YAAAAYYYY! Maybe no more formula for us (except the stuff we already bought can go in the travel bag for emergencies). SO HAPPY.
Not only did I get more than 1 drop... I got 2 oz. NO JOKE. From just drops yesterday to 2 oz. I'm so happy.
@sarbear: What do you mean by "pumping out of guilt?"
@winniebee: Thanks I can't believe we finally got here! It's surreal, still.
@mrsdaredevil: The hospital helped us sleep Gabriel on his side, ever so slightly angled toward his back--we just roll 2 blankets together on each side, and then set him on his side. He looks like a sardine in a can--it's really funny and cute!
Gabriel sometimes needs ridiculous amounts of milk--this is why we've been using formula even though originally we really did not want to use formula at all. He also went through periods where he'd drink for 25 minutes, lay down, and before I even had a chance to get in bed, he was hungry again--and that would be for 4-5 hours straight, usually starting at 4am. It's ROUGH. I have no advice on how to help Willa, but I have lots of sympathy.
We are unsure of our parenting, too. He sometimes sleeps on the floor with my husband, but mostly sleeps in the crib. When we have company, he sleeps on the couch in the living room (in a bassinet)--so company can see him. We can't cosleep in bed because our bed would overheat him, but it definitely crossed my mind (and obviously my DH's since he'll cosleep with him on the floor!
We don't have anywhere he could sleep, so we can't try anything else.
@mrsM57: Swaddling helps our LO sleep, too. We swaddle him with one arm out (otherwise he busts the whole entire swaddle open--feet and all) and put him down in the crib.
@msmini: They really do change so much from day to day!
@cvbee: Good call--I think we should mention how old baby is--at least for now. In a few months, we'll all be within 4 weeks of each other and those 4 weeks will make them "the same age."
@blushink: Did you use warm/hot washcloths? I got that tip from a breast feeding video--I haven't tried it. Sorry it hurts so much! What would cabbage do?
@bcpmarj: For your DH: has he tried the 5Ss and then skin-to-skin? It works great for my DH. I can't remember exactly what the s's are, but you pretty much swaddle her, "shout" SHHHHHHHHH as loud as possible with LO slung over your shoulder, sway side-to-side, and give her something to suck on.
@magilnyc: Yay! I knew we were missing part of the month. Welcome, welcome. How are you doing?
@volksgirl64: Hope your "meet Reese" BBQ goes well! We're having a party to "meet Gabriel" tomorrow. I am excited--and preemptively exhausted.
He gets bad gas, too--it's so sad to watch! We just burp him a LOT, even when he didn't just eat. And rub his tummy and his back a lot. I don't know if it helps, but it's something DH does to bond with him. (Also, a tip for your DH, @bcpmarj)
I can't believe the doc didn't give you warning about the episiotomy! Ack!
oops he woke up--trying one handed typing--side note, my carpal tunnel is starting to improve.
@msmini: sounds so difficult that he s so sick i hope he gets well soon. you re already doing so much--i can t imagine caring for a sick baby
@mrsdaredevil: my lo is the same, up all night, out all afternoon. it's pretty much a huge bummer. i haven't done anything myself yet, so-- good luck
coffee bean / 47 posts
@pastemoo: thanks! I am feeling swollen and tired and anxious. I have my next dr appt on Tuesday, which is my due date. Will discuss an induction date then. I am nervous because at my ultrasound 2 weeks ago they already said baby was over 8 lbs. yikes! Will keep you posted. Can't wait to really join the discussion!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Poor Sawyer's cold is still persisting. He still is just nasally congested, his chest sounds clear (I listen with my stethoscope every day), and he has no fever. I am thinking since it has been almost a week I will call our doctor and see if he wants to see him (we have a check-in in a week, so he might want to wait).
Last night I had my first drink since mid-august. I really enjoyed it, and Sawyer did well with his bottle while we were out. It was nice to feed him without stripping down in public. We had dinner at my favourite gastro-pub (which allows kids), and then went to celebrate a birthday with a co-worker, and we were out for about 5 hours, Sawyer did awesome and was really good despite his cold. He was fussy when we got home though.
Tomorrow is my final check-in with my OB, and I am super excited to get my restrictions lifted. I can't wait to get out of the house, meet up with friends, etc. I think me and DH will wait until next weekend to resume our normal "activities" (then we can take our time), but I am really looking forward to it. My sex drive has been through the roof the last couple weeks, so I have been counting down until we can get back to it!
@Mrsdaredevil: If I don't let down in the shower, I can get myself to let down by doing breast compression (just pressing down firmly on the hard areas of my breast, they will release milk without stimulating them to produce more milk). I usually just express that way into a breast pad or cloth until I am softened up enough to be comfortable. I still over-produce at a month out, but pumping off the excess in the morning really helps (I over-produce mostly overnight now). It also has the side effect that I have a good stash of milk already.
I think because I have seen so many really sick babies I don't get as worried, because I know it is just a cold (although I do things like listen to his chest with my stethoscope once a day to be sure it isn't turning into pneumonia or something). I think the best thing to remember when they get sick is, they all get sick, a cold won't kill them, and just be vigilant to make sure their airway is clear (lots of snot sucking), and that if they get a fever to get it under control right away. It does make me sad that he is sick, and it breaks my heart when he sobs while I use the nasal aspirator on him though.
I haven't done a full solo day yet! DH works during the day, but I have always had back-up in the evenings/nights. He might be going on a several day out of state trip soon though (EEEKK).
@pastemoo: For me, my milk came in all at once, so it was really obvious, all of a sudden it would spray out if he unlatched suddenly, and my breasts were huge and hard. I stopped the top-ups as soon as my milk came in, but you could also taper them off, that works better for some babies (reduce the amount by 1/4 - 1/2 of the usual volume per day, and taper it over 3-4 days). He will nurse more as you taper off, but that will help your milk volume increase enough to cover his needs. I used a nipple shield for the first couple weeks (I have flat nipples and breast shells didn't do a lot). Once Sawyer got bigger and stronger I weaned the shield, and we have been shield free for a couple weeks now.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@pastemoo: I am sorry about the baby blues. My emotions are all over the place and I cry constantly. Its crazy how our emotions can get so out of whack....I feel like I have no control over how I feel. I hope they go away for you. Re the milk coming in: my supply came in 48 hours after delivery. It was VERY obvious and not gradual for me at all. My boobs were so hard and painful.
I also am using a nipple shield. I keep reading that you shouldnt use them past 1 week, but I can't get her to latch without one. It really helps.
LO was cluster feeding again last night...eating every single hour throughout the night. Then of course she slept for 4 hours straight in the afternoon. She is so mixed up. Should I try and change this???
apricot / 384 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I think recovery has been pretty good, though I'm only 8 days out now. I've been trying to soak in the tub every night before bed and walk a lot so I think that helps.
@pastemoo: I just read your story and OMG, I'm SO sorry! What an awful experience! I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well and you're home and figuring it all out. Also glad to hear that your hands are getting better.
@msmini: glad to hear you enjoyed your night out! I *almost* opened a bottle of wine at our BBQ but not that many people would have drank and DH is still wary about it I think.
Today is DH's first day back to work so it's just me and Reese at home. She turned one week yesterday, crazy! We broke out the double stroller yesterday and walked up to the coffee shop then today I did 2 miles taking DD1 to daycare. I'm down 17lbs from pg weight so it's slowly coming off but NOTHING fits! So frustrating!
We're trying not to take her out in public too much yet but today I planned to head to the Social Security office to get that paperwork generated and then I was going to stop by the hospital to have the lactation nurse check my latch. I'm still sore but I'm just not sure if its normal sore from nursing or if I'm doing something wrong.
BTW - I had to go all the way to page 5 to find this thread!
clementine / 878 posts
@sarbear: It's gotten a little better, but I swear my boobs have become the size of watermelons!
I have myself on a 4-hour pumping schedule. It helps keep me a little more sane, and I'm producing like crazy (~4-5 ounces with every pumping session). So now Audrey is almost exclusively breast fed. I have started combining formula with breast milk to make sure she's getting all the essential vitamins and DHA, and I'm starting to build up a little freezer supply. Still hate pumping, but I think I'll be able to stick with it a little longer . . .
@pastemoo: Congrats on the pumping success!
Crisis of the week - the AC adaptor on my pump went out on Sunday night (just in time for my midnight pumping session). So I had to hang out in my car for 30 minutes at midnight, 4am and 8am until my dad could "fix" the adaptor. And when it's 85 degrees out, that just isn't comfortable when you combine it with the night sweats. We're going to buy a back-up today so that doesn't happen again.
Sleep is going better - Audrey is 10 days old and is starting to get the hang of crib = sleepy time. Last night, I fed her, changed her and swaddled her. And even though she was still wide-eyed, I put her in the crib with a pacifier and she managed to put herself to sleep (sweet relief!). Not all nights are that easy, but I think that since we had the newborn photo shoot and friends over to visit, she was really tired. And today, she fell asleep in my Baby K'Tan, so I carefully took her out, swaddled her and put her in the crib. For the first time, she shot her arms straight down by her sides, instead of trying to suck on her hands. Maybe she's getting accustomed to the swaddle? Or was just completely asleep so she didn't know what was going on.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I don't let Sawyer go more than 3 hours between start of feed to start of the next feed during the day, and I think that helps him to be more tired and sleep longer at night (although since he has been sick his sleep at night have been effected). The older he is the more I try to keep him awake and mentally stimulated during the day.
@volksgirl64: I kept Sawyer mostly home for the first few weeks trying to avoid him being exposed to much, unfortunately DH brought a cold home!
@Goldilocks1107: Yikes! Pumping in the car through the night doesn't sound like much fun at all! Sounds like otherwise, pumping is working out well for you, its great that you decided to give it a go!
coffee bean / 47 posts
Ok ladies, looks like I will be a May momma after all. Just checked into the hospital a few hours ago. They will start the cervical gel for the induction soon and the pitocin in the morning. fingers crossed for a relatively easy labor process!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Magilnyc: How did it go?
@MsMini: Sawyer is still sick? How awful!
I'm glad you got to enjoy a drink--I am going to have one soon, I think. So... for your stash, how do you decide if you should freeze or refrigerate?
@Mrsdaredevil: I have the exact same issue and it is EXHAUSTING at night, Sometimes he just won't latch. Thank goodness I have bottles and some milk (and formula if I run out). It's madness trying to keep up with the little guy at night.
And my family is driving me a little bit nuts.
8 days old today.
@volksgirl64: You can already do 2 miles? I am impressed!
@Goldilocks1107: Are you pumping and breastfeeding straight from the boob? Or pumping only for storage for later? I'm a little confused. And wow--every 4 hours? Thats awesome! I haven't decided how much to store/how often to pump yet. And, thanks
Glad the swaddling + sleep is going better. We're struggling with that, too.
I can't believe you pumped in the car at night!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well, today was a much better day. Sawyer seems to have turned the corner on this cold and is better today. He has been more awake, and smiling and "talking" to me again. I only had to suction his poor nose this morning. I am hoping this means our sleep will go back 4 hours between feeds tonight!
@Magilnyc: I will have my fingers crossed for you!
@pastemoo: Sawyer seems better today finally. It took a good week for him to kick the cold. As for my stash, I freeze everything, unless I know I will give him a bottle. I only pump the 1 time per day (and actually skip days here and there), if I know I will use the bottle I pour the milk into the bottle, otherwise everything goes into bags with 3-4 ounces per bag and frozen.
eggplant / 11287 posts
willa is two weeks old.
It has been a bad two days. I am so sleep deprived. This baby constantly wants to be held by me or on my boob. She doesn't give me a break, day or night. Nothing else will soothe her....not dad, not a bottle, not the swing or bouncy seat. I am so sad and
She doesn't have a sleep pattern. She doesn't have an eating pattern. I just feel like it is madness.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Sawyer is a month old, and while he has a bit of a "pattern" we have no schedule. I am also bad for letting Sawyer nap on me, either laying on the couch, or in the wrap. Don't feel bad. I was talking to some other Mom friends, and they all admit to their babies being very clingy, and constantly held for the first 6 weeks of life. Also keep in mind Willa is near a growth spurt, so that could be part of the issue (there is a growth spurt between 2-3 weeks of age).
nectarine / 2039 posts
Hey everyone! Although I haven't been posting, I've been reading. I think Nico is staying awake for longer periods and breastfeeding more efficiently, thus cutting into my key Hellobee times. I do read though and appreciate all the posts.
I have a breastfeeding update post:
Nico is 6 weeks old. You'd think by now that breastfeeding would be so easy, but I am always learning more and more. About a week ago I thought that maybe if I made him take 2 breasts per feeding that I could get a little bit more of a break between feedings, plus it seemed like that's what everyone else was doing. But it caused problems....though it took me a few days to figure out that we had problems....the change made him spit up way too much, and I think gave him too much foremilk, which may explain last week's projectile poop! It also made me have an over-production problem and Nico was choking and sputtering through the beginning of each feed as he couldn't keep up with what was coming out. So then I decided on Sunday to go back to only giving one breast per feeding, and i learned some tips for helping Nico to not have to deal with such a forceful letdown. (What did women do before google?!) This change resulted in me dealing with engorgement again and major leaking. I was soaking through breastpads, soaking the bed, having to change my outfits, and having to change Nico too from dripping on him! Well, half a week later, I'm finally back to 'normal', I think. The only thing is that I think from all the spitting-up, it's made Nico reluctant to burp, I'm thinking it's because he doesn't want to spit up (little does he know it's the key to NOT spitting up). He holds his breath now when he feels the burp coming. So now burping is tricky. It used to come so easily! Like I said, there is so much to keep learning with breastfeeding.
Last night Nico also tanked up with some cluster feeding and then slept for an almost-5-hour stretch, which is a record for us.
Oh, and speaking of records, I finally gave up recording all the feedings. I was like a mad scientist writing everything down and analyzing it all. It was making me a clock-watcher, and when Nico would stray from his 'pattern' I would get all flustered.
Now I'm taking a chill pill and just letting him lead the way. I am truly feeding on demand and I don't care when he sleeps.
Having said that, looks like we are doing schedule check-ins. Generally, he has 2 awake periods per day: 9am-noon and 5pm-9pm. He feeds every hour during his evening wake time. He goes for one long sleep stretch 4-5 hours from 10pm-2amish, and then he feeds at very irregular intervals for the rest of the night and the rest of the day....sometimes 30 minutes later, sometimes 3 hours.
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm so sorry for you being so tired. Can you sleep when baby sleeps? When I get tired and Nico is fussy I do co-sleeping/bed sharing, even though it's not my ideal sleep plan, I do get good sleep that way during those times. And like I just wrote, I think looking for the patterns can drive us crazy. Don't worry about finding a pattern and you might find more freedom for your poor brain. And here's a 'look on the bright side': better that she she does settle with you and your boob than to not settle at all / colic. Keep us posted; hoping you feel better soon.
@Magilnyc: go May mama!
@pastemoo: I was so impressed with your mega-reply the other! read your long version of birth story: you poor thing; and yet, in the end, no matter what happened, we have all ended up with babies! (So glad that we didn't have anyone lose a baby.
Oh! tiny boss needs me....ttfn
nectarine / 2039 posts
Follow-up: I beat Nico's burping strike by just keeping him upright for 30 minutes after the feeding......eventually a burp comes out, plus it fights reflux too. I'm not going to force burping anymore: he was getting so angry!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Sienna is 2 weeks old today!
@Mrsdaredevil: Last night was a rough one for me as well. Sienna drinks all kinds during the day and at night usually sleeps 3-3.5 hours. Well last night, she had her night and day mixed up and was up from 3-4:45!!! I wanted to kill myself. I was so exhausted. She didn't want to stay in the crib, so i had to hold her. I hope it's a phase and Willa gets over it soon too. WE NEED TO SLEEP!!!
@Magilnyc: Ooooo fingers crossed!!! May is an awesome months! Keep us posted!!!
@pastemoo: What a birth story you've had. I hope things are a little smoother!!!
I have a question for you ladies, do you put LO in the crib/bassinette when they are awake or do you put them only when they are sleeping! I'm so used to putting Mavrick to bed awake that I'm doing that with Sienna. It works 50% of the time, the rest of the time, I pick her up, and wait til she's asleep!
I need to write up my birth story!!! Will do it soon!
And I think I'm taking newborn pics with Sienna this week. I need to call my friend to set an appointment!!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@volksgirl64: that's so good that you are stopping by to get your latch checked...can make SUCH a difference.
@MsMini: I love that you can listen to Sawyer's breathing with your stethescope and know whether he is getting worse. The rest of us would be clueless and worried. Speaking of worrying, my friend just had her 4 month check-up with her LO and the doc's big message to her was 'don't worry so much! you're doing everything right. don't be too overprotective' and she even said 'don't be afraid to let your husband play rough with him'. I thought that was cute. Plus, the words helped me because I am worried that I'll be a worrier.
@pastemoo: Thanks. The yoga was SUCH a good idea for me. After my first session (and it's just a 30 minute tv show, minus the commercial breaks and intro, so probably only 20 minutes) I felt back to normal in my body. I'm keeping up with the yoga 'almost' every day and I'm feeling better than ever. I think it helped me to stretch out my back a little or something because my tummy is flatter too now. Loved all the stretching. I'm me again!! Keep in mind that I'm 6 weeks PP.
@MsMini: That's so sweet that your cat and dog protect Sawyer. My dog seems completely indifferent to the baby now. (She was so excited about him the first week but now she maybe sniffs him once a day, that's it.) Mostly she's just happy that I'm home so she doesn't have to live in her crate and she gets longer walks with the stroller.
@winniebee: read your birth story thread. I LOVE reading birth stories now and I think I will for the rest of my life. Hope things are going well. You've been quiet!
@bpcmarj: re pinching Penny by accident: Nico got a huge, deep scratch on his leg somehow. Worst part is that I don't even know how it happened. Everyone notices it and asks about it. I figure maybe it was my engagement ring? Not sure. Oh, and I have accidentally let Nico get 2 blackfly bites, plus one no-see-um bite on his eyelid! (We had no-see-ums (biting gnats) entering through the screen in the bedroom window 2 nights ago....I got like 50 bites before I understood what was going on....I've never even heard of these bugs before the window is staying closed and we're considering getting air conditioning installed.
Okay, it's dog walk time. Ciao for now.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ok, here is my attempt at a catch up!
@marriedandlovingit: I had my first quasi sleepless night last night. He only slept for 1 hour stretches and then was up for 1.5 hours. I was so upset/exhausted I almost cried and then feel so guilty today for getting so frustrated!
@cvbee: Thank you! It was just so busy with DH home and visitors I didn't have time to log on (and frankly just wanted the bonding time with him!) After getting home from the hospital, we did something every single day - walks out to lunch, visit to MIL, visit to my sister, walk around downtown was really fun but also exhausting/difficult to get any sense of a routine. The past few days I've been home alone and trying to figure out Tyler's patterns (which there apparently is no pattern, yet!) PS love your reference to "tiny boss"! My husband and I call Tyler "little monster" - how horrifying!
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm with you on the madness - Tyler has no pattern of anything either and I feel like a terrible mom! My mother keeps reminding me not to be so hard on myself. He feeds on demand (anywhere from 1-3 hours) won't sleep in a pack n play or crib, freaks out if swaddled, wants to be held and cuddled constantly, and refuses to drink from my right breast forcing me to pump it after every feeding to keep my supply up. So, you are not alone!!!
@blushink: I can't believe how fast 2 weeks have gone - we were desperate to have these babies 2 weeks ago, lol! I try to put Tyler down when he is sleeping - goes MUCH better. If we put him down awake he squawks and cries and we end up picking up him to sooth him. I fear we are spoiling him...
@MsMini: I feel so bad that little Sawyer is sick, but it sounds like he is on the mend - I hope he gives you some 4 hour stretches soon, too. I have no idea what to do with a sick baby! I can't believe how old Sawyer is already and that you are getting restrictions lifted - crazy how the time is flying...
@Magilnyc: Wow, another May mama! Excited to hear your birth story....and def. join this thread afterwards!!
@pastemoo: Awesome news about your milk - it is such a huge weight lifted, agree? Like you, we have no schedule and Tyler rules the roost re: sleep times, feeding, sleep location, swaddling, cuddling, etc. It's insane and I'm wondering if we are "spoiling" him already....
@Goldilocks1107: Holy hell, pumping in the car in the middle of the night? Last night when I was feeling strung out and not sleeping due to Tyler's 1 hour stretches I thought of you in the car and stopped feeling sorry for myself ; )
@volksgirl64: Impressive that you are managing with both girls at home! How does your older daughter like being a big sis??
@bpcmarj: Sorry your DH is feeling this way : ( Since we had to supplement initially, DH got into the routine of doing the supplementing and now Tyler seems to prefer getting the bottle from daddy (perhaps because dad is more patient than me). If you are comfortable giving some bottles, I think it's a great way for dad to be involved.
Had a weight check yesterday (12 days old then) and Tyler gained 10.5 ounces in 8 days! He gained all of his birth weight back plus 4.5 more ounces for a whopping 5 lbs, 9.5 ounces! He doesn't fit into most preemie clothes anymore, either. Definitely a relief...
I'm so impressed with all of you ladies who can fit into pre-preg clothes! At 10 days PP I weighed myself at my sister's (we don't own a scale...) and had dropped 15 of the 30 I gained. I have a 2 week appt. with my midwife tomorrow. I am still wearing maternity jeans and jersey dresses (not maternity) - my hips and thighs are still pretty wide - I don't dare try on pre-pregnancy clothes. Today I'm going to start with our daily walks - with DH home we were very active, but I'd like to do a one hour walk each day until I'm cleared to work out.
persimmon / 1099 posts
Hi All!
Abbey is already 1 month old. I cant get over how fast time flys. Breastfeeding has been kind of a challenge. My little peanut seems to be a snacker. She actively drinks while nursing the first maybe 2-3 minutes and then seems to want to nibble the rest of the feeding. She will routinely fall asleep and I have to wake her up. Do you think I have a small supply? I am almost never engorged except for the mornings and I have been topping her off/supplementing because Im paranoid she isnt gaining any weight. MY nephew was just born on Sunday and outweighs her! After nursing she seems content and isnt screaming for more. Is it true some babies dont cry for food? Its insane how much I question myself, just when I start to feel confident. I guess im just worried I have a small supply and she isnt nursing efficiently. Im working in a deeper latch becsuse my nips looked pinched when she done. Any tips?
Her poop problems have also suddenly ended. She is having routine poops daily and multiple times a day so I dont know if she just figured out HOW to poop if something I ate stopped her up ir if the gripe water I was giving for hiccups/occasional gas as causing her issues. She made 2 enormous poops and has been regular since!
We had our first sleepless night this past Saturday which was a real challenge. DH and I were SOOO tired. She has been good ever since though.
nectarine / 2039 posts
Nico decided to take a 10am nap, so I've got some time on my hands! Yay!
@Nskillet: Some babies are snackers, some are not. Your baby knows what's best for her and I wouldn't worry about it. If topping off with formula makes you feel good, that's great and don't take what I'm about to say as a criticism: I've been taught by my community nurses to trust that breastfeeding is a perfect supply-demand situation and that it's all a baby needs and your breasts will make the perfect amount and exactly what baby needs. If she needs more, she'll nurse more to increase the milk. The nurses here have been taught to teach us to support EBF and they are all about keeping it as natural as possible....just baby and breast (no pumping or bottles) for the first 4 weeks to establish breastfeeding. That's just the way it is here in my community and it seems to work out for most of us here.
@Nskillet: Now, for a deeper latch, you might want to go in to see the nurses/ lac consultant, or maybe google it and try the various thing that worked for me (which someone suggested on hellobee) was to squish by boob a bit like into a hamburger shape and that seemed to get the nipple in deeper. I'd keep holding it that way for the first few minutes of nursing....the gal who posted the tip suggested holding it that way the whole time. (I continue to have some latching problems every now and then, especially at night when I'm not paying I tend to have sore nipples in the mornings).
@Nskillet: And don't worry about the babies being different sizes. Some people have little babies. At my weekly Mom and baby group, there is a little girl who is 2 months older than Nico and another little girl who is 3 months older. At first, Nico was smaller than them, now (at 6 weeks) he is either the same size or possibly bigger than those tiny gals! Those 2 gals are both EBF too. They are just tinier. They started smaller (18 inchers instead of Nico's 21 inches at birth). They are staying smaller. Babies grow at different rates, and unless your baby's 'percentile' is dropping, it's not an issue. For example, if your baby is in the 10th percentile at 2 weeks, he/she should expect to be in the 10th percentile at 4 weeks and 2 months and 12 months and forever. Some people are smaller than others. My friend has the opposite worry, wondering if her 4 month old has been overfed (EBF) because he looks fat and is in 95th percentile. She just visited the doctor and the doc said that baby is perfect. I'm sure when you visit your doc and hear the same thing that you will feel better.
@Nskillet: glad sleeping and pooping is going well! You are doing great!
persimmon / 1099 posts
@cvbee: thanks for this reassurance. I tried giving her formula today during the day but she flat out refused it from me. So, to the boob it was. I just let her go until she popped off today which was good, with the deeper latch I can handle her chomping. Also, does your LO do this like weird tongue vibration thing almost? She does it on occasion and it is so weird!
I think I may rry mothers milk tea. I want to get into a pumping routine to build a stash for when I go back to work but feel like each time I pump she wakes up wanting to feed...ugh.
Getting into a groove is so hard!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: ha! I totally know what you mean about the tongue vibration thing! Super weird feeling but YES he does it too! Ooh, hey, I've heard that having oatmeal for breakfast increases the amount of milk you have. Getting into a groove is hard indeed....I'm at 6 weeks and because babies are always growing, my groove continues to change every week. It's like a constant science experiment figuring out babies!
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