clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: Good to know - I'll have to try uploading some photos tomorrow so I can share pics of Audrey with you all! And I would love it if my boobs shrank! All I can say is thank goodness my well-endowed friend gifted me with some bras she had purchased for herself that became too small! I now have 2 "hand me down" 36DD bras and one 36DDD bra (I really hope I don't need to upgrade to that other one!).
Audrey's sleeping better now that we've upped her intake to 2.5oz at each feeding. She napped for 3.5 hours, then had 2 hours of awake time and wanted to feed right after that. Hopefully tonight goes better than last night. And if she's waking up a lot, we have a new trick to try (feed her until she succumbs to a milk coma!).
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well, we have been having a good week around here. Everyone was finally over their colds, and Sawyer has been getting super social, all smiles and trying to vocalize with us when he is awake. He has such a great full face crinkly eyed smile!
We have our 6 week doctor visit for him tomorrow, I am super excited to see how much he has grown. At the 1 month mark I measured and weighed him at home, and from birth he had gained 2 pounds and 4 inches already!
Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with severe left breast pain. There is no heat or redness, and no palpable duct, and it didn't resolve with a good feeding and pumping, so it isn't a plugged duct. I am hoping it resolves overnight, but if not I will ask our family doctor about it tomorrow. I am concerned it might be mastitis starting (though usually a plugged duct starts that so IDK).
@Goldilocks1107: Blech - growth spurts are brutal! I hope upping her bottles gets you some more sleep tonight. For showers, I just pop Sawyer in the bouncy chair outside the shower (right after a feed). Usually he takes a catnap, but if he fusses I can just reach an arm out and pop in his soother.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Glad the 2.5 oz is helping. Last night Gabriel just wouldn't stop eating. He ate from one side for 45 minutes, I burped him, he was still hungry, switched sides--still hungry, back to the first side, still hungry. At that point I put him to bed anyway.
Can't wait to see pictures!
@MsMini: I hope it feels better! Glad you're over the colds!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@pastemoo: that's exactly what Penny's like when she has a growth spurt. Last week I legit nursed her for like 3 hours strait with a couple of burp breaks and a diaper change. Happily, we are over that for now!
I was finally able to pass her to DH tonight and vacuum the living room. It's amazing what a clean room will do!
apricot / 384 posts
Just popping in quick to say that we had our photo shoot today and already got some sneak peeks! I don't know if these links will work for you, but I hope so:
clementine / 959 posts
@Magilnyc: Congrats!!
@krsmall: I bought one from Target and it's pretty supportive. I haven't worn it out of the house yet, but I would definitely wear something over it.
@pastemoo: I feel the same way! I need somebody to give him a bottle at night so I can sleep!
@Goldilocks1107: We had a rough night last night too. Liam would only eat from one breast each feeding (he usually takes both) so he would wake up every hour or so because he was hungry. He also had a poop explosion all over me when I was changing him on the bed. It shot out and covered my legs and even got in my hair! So gross. I really can't wait til all our babies can sleep through the night.
When I shower I put Liam in his bouncy seat and bring it in the bathroom. I put it close enough so that I can reach out and rock him if I need to. Usually I shower right after a feeding so I know I have plenty of time!
@MsMini: Glad everyone is feeling better!
For those of you who pump, how many oz does your LO take in one feeding? DH gave Liam a bottle yesterday and he took 5 oz and was still hungry so I had to feed him anyways. He's 4 weeks old and that seems like way too much!
clementine / 959 posts
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: @Pastemoo: I"m paranoid about my supply too! I have felt engorged before and if he doesn't feed for awhile, my boobs feel bruised...I rarely leak though - once in a while one boob will leak while I'm nursing him on the other. He usually only takes one boob a session, too, and prefers one side so I worry the other side will dry up and try to pump at least 2 oz from whatever boob he's not feeding from to keep my supply up.
@Goldilocks1107: I always wished for big boobs, but now I feel so weird having them. My boob is MUCH bigger than DS's head it's freaky. It's awesome that you get to measure exactly how much Audrey is getting in each of the benefits of the bottle!
@marriedandlovingit: I feel guilty whenever I do anything for myself lately - yesterday took a 30 minute walk (without Tyler) and felt so selfish. Right now he is propped in the boppy while I'm typing - feel guilty for not holding him. Never ends, I think it's normal for new moms but know we shouldn't feel this way.
@krsmall: Wow, congratulations - beautiful name and I hope you are all doing well!
@duckduckkristen: Oh dear...he is adorable!!! Tyler is only 2.5 weeks old, but when we feed him a bottle, he usually only takes 2 oz before he signals being done or falls asleep. He nurses pretty frequently though (only goes 3 hours at night).
@volksgirl64: She is gorgeous! What beautiful family pictures!
@MsMini: So exciting that Sawyer is at a fun age!! I hope your breast pain resolves - mastitis sounds so scary!
@pastemoo: Awww, Gabriel is so cute!!
@cvbee: Thank you so much for all of your tips - we are having some burping issues so I'll try that one.
@MrsDareDevil: I hope Willa's sleeping gets better - sounds like a great trick with the nursing tank!
Things here are going well - Tyler is 18 days old now. Another busy weekend of visitors, which was fun, but can be exhausting. Sleeping and nursing is going better - forcing the swaddle I have been able to get Tyler to sleep for 2 good stretches of 2.5 hours (sometimes 3) and then the third stretch is a crapshoot - he is much more awake so freaks out with the swaddle and then is hard to put down/cries and by the time he goes back to sleep usually only sleeps for 1.5-2 hours max. All in, I'm probably getting about 6 hours a night (in chunks, obviously). I take the occasional nap during the day, too. I need to start going to sleep earlier but then I would never see DH.
Nursing - during the days he has been cluster feeding lately - literally ate every hour yesterday. He still has a strong preference for left boob but I try to force the right at every other feeding (he usually feeds only off one side and I'm too paranoid to take him off the boob and try to give him the other). Nights, he does not eat nearly as much as during the day - he's a quick 10 minutes then done....but then I change him, burp him and try to feed him more....if he's done I need to sooth him, get him reswaddled and trick him to going back to sleep. All in, I'm up for 45-hour every time at night. How long are you guys up at night for? Oh also, one of my arms is SO sore at the crease of my elbow (not the elbow, the other side) from having my arm bent so much while nursing. Anyone else?
Moms of boys, does your LO have lots of open air accidents? Happens 1-2x a day and is getting old! He pees himself, not me, but we are going through outfits like crazy!
clementine / 878 posts
@volksgirl64: So cute! I need to follow up with our photographer to find out when we'll have our photos.
Audrey slept in 3 hour stretches last night (yay!) but when she woke up at 3:30am (and it was DH's turn to wake up) it she didn't want to go back to sleep. So I had to take over at 5am so he could get some more shut eye before going to work. And she didn't go down until 6am. We both slept until 8.
I went with the bouncy seat - but pushed my shower time a little too long. I had to jump out of the shower at the end, quick towel off so I could grab a Nuk and pick her up. Now I know that the leisurely showers need to happen when DH is home! That said, at 11am, we're both fed, dressed and I'm working on my second load of laundry (and she's sleeping in the sling).
And I have to take her to the pediatrician this afternoon, which will also be the first time I've driven with her (DH has been our chauffer up until this point). After that, I'm hoping to go for a walk.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: As for showering, I usually just jump in immediately after I put him down (he still does day naps in his swing....) and try to be very very quick. Usually when I get out he is still sleeping though yesterday he was crying when I got out : (
clementine / 878 posts
In the process of creating a Shutterfly site to share photos with family. Here's a sneak peek!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@volksgirl64: Gorgeous!
@duckduckkristen: He's so oute! And sleepy.
@winniebee: I force him to alternate sides each feeding.
I'm up 45 min to 2 hours at night--i'm better off napping daytimes.. He is only "sleeping" (lying down but sometimes eyeswide open) 1.5 to 2 hours/nap at night.
So far he only pees if we re putting vaseline on his circumcision--and we always have a washcloth right there. When we do put on vaseline he pees 100% of those disper changes.
@Goldilocks1107: Cuuuuuute!
clementine / 916 posts
@volksgirl64: Beautiful pictures and family!
@duckduckkristen: Your little man is a sweetheart! We've only given LO one bottle and she took around 3oz, she was 3 weeks at the time. I don't really know if thats what she would normally take.
@Goldilocks1107: Audrey is beautiful! I love seeing everyone's LO's. You're having such a good day... I'm sitting here not showered, smelling of spit up and my house is a disaster. The past few days LO has given us a run for our money.
@winniebee: I have a little girl and struggle with the open air accidents, both pees and poops. If she's not frantic I've started opening up her diaper and then just kind of tucking it back in place and waiting a little while before continuing with a change, its helping. Nursing at night I get lucky with at least one feeding and she dozes right back off, but when she actually wakes right up its usually 45-1hr for us too.
Since everyone is introducing their little ones, here's my little girlfriend. She's our sweetheart!
Addie getting ready to go home:
DH and I finally figured out that little one has been so miserable because she's been over tired lately. Once she hit 10 days she was up all the time, then a busy long weekend with family sent her over the edge. We're now working a lot harder to get her down for reasonable naps and she's been much more pleasant and is even sleeping longer for her first two stretches at night... thank goodness!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
We had our 6 week checkup today, our doctor is super happy with Sawyers growth and development, so no more Sawyer check-ups until the 6 month mark unless something comes up! He is 10 pounds 3.5 ounces now, and is following the 50%ile perfectly so far. Sawyer was nice and awake for the checkup, and was trying to chat a bit, which was cute.
My poor left boob is feeling better, but not 100% today, it did have a red patch last night, but this morning the red/warm spot is gone, although it is still quite tender to the touch. My doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics to hold on to just in case I need it, but I am going to continue to feed/pump that side quite a bit to try to remedy it without the antibiotics.
@duckduckkristen: Hm, well, we have only given Sawyer 1 bottle recently, and he took about 4 1/2 ounces. I don't think babies over-eat as a rule.
@volksgirl64: Cute pictures!
@winniebee: Sawyer did a lot of day-time cluster feeding at that ago, I didn't mind though because he slept longer at night! I hope Tyler gets over his boob preference soon!
@Goldilocks1107: I hope your first solo drive goes well! I was weirdly nervous the first time I went out with Sawyer myself (LOL). Your little girl is adorable!
@LAGS: What a cute little girl!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: She is adorable!
@LAGS: Beautiful photos! I need to try your trick. I used a washcloth last night and he still soaked himself. It's tricky right now b/c he had a little chaffing from his diaper so we have been using washcloths only and also let him airdry = soaking himself again!
@MsMini: Congrats on a great appointment for Sawyer! I'm sorry about your breast pain - just when you think you are in a groove/ have worked out kinks, something else pops up....
@pastemoo: I need to be better about daytime naps - just seems that Tyler only naps well in the morning right after I've gotten up, or right before my husband gets home!
Yesterday, Tyler was attached to my boobs from 12:30 - 4:30 - not exaggerating. He would feed for 20 minutes, I'd change him, burp him, try to put him down, and he'd be yelping for more milk an hour from the feeding. He doesn't do it at night, thank goodness. He seems to be sleeping better lately - last night slept for 3, then 2.5, then 2. Granted, he starts chirping/fussing before I pick him up, but usually if I try to ignore his first yelps, he can make it longer. Example, last night yelped an hour and 45 minutes after a feeding. Tried to let him soothe himself, and lo and behold he slept for 45 more minutes.
I've been bad about uploading pics, but here is a pic I posted to Instagram today!
Hope everyone is well!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
The past couple of days have been hell. Last night, I thought I was going to loose my mind.
Penny is 4 weeks as of yesterday and was in SERIOUS rare form. She woke up on Saturday night at about 1:30 like normal, but nursed almost nonstop until about 5 when we finally got out of bed. Neither of us were able to go back to sleep until about 7 on Sunday morning. Then, all day she was so out of whack and hardly slept that day either. Luckily she slept a little more Sunday night, but it was hard. She nursed and nursed and nursed and just would NOT go to sleep. I was getting really frustrated and I had to have DH just hold her for a bit while I walked away. Yesterday was a little bit better, but she still didn't really sleep well during the day. Then on top of that, all of the sudden my nipples are bright red and raw. So she wants to nurse more than ever, and I am in pain for the first time. Great.
Luckily, she slept really well last night. She wouldn't sleep at all in her pack and play though, so that breaks the two night streak we had going on. But this morning, she slept in our bed for a bit without me so that I could have DH listen for her while I showered. This morning we went to the babywearing session at the local center for breastfeeding. It was good because she showed me how to use the moby wrap and let me try her sling to see if I liked that better for nursing (I do). There was also a lactation consultant available, so I had her watch me feed Penny and she noticed that her latch got messed up somehow, which is likely why I am sore and red. So now I know to make sure her little bottom lip doesn't suck in and we should be good. She did warn me that it could be thrush if it doesn't heal with the latch fix so I am keeping my eye on it. In the meantime, I am air drying and using the EMAB nipple butter to sooth.
I feel much more in control today, which is good. I did not like feeling frustrated with a 4 week old who doesn't know what she is doing. I felt terrible about it.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Edited: trying to post pics, but can't get the sizing right. Will try again later as Penny is waking up and needs to be changed and fed!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@bpcmarj: you need to save your image less than 550 px. You can't resize using HTML coding. It doesn't work
persimmon / 1099 posts
@bpcmarj: This was me yesterday!! Abbey literally cried and stayed awake all day yesterday. DH came home and thought id lost my mind. Being anry with a helpless baby is the worst feeling ever.
is anyone else feeling stir crazy being home FT? I truly dont know if I could handle being a SAHM. Of course I look down at my girl nursing and cry at the thought of not being with her.
Im hitting a nursing snafu. I feel like I need to ween to prepare abbey for daycare. I hate pumping and produce next to nothing doing it. Im so sad about it. She took 4oz of formula today and then screamed bloody murder till I offered the breast. She is a major comfort nurser
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Nskillet: I am NOT SAHM material. I need to work for my sanity. It's the best for my family!
eggplant / 11287 posts
Man, I feel so out of the loop. I feel like it is so impossible to keep up with this thread while having a newborn. I can make other posts from my phone, but I need my laptop to follow this one!
I wish I had time to respond to everyone, but I don't since I need to wake LO up in two minutes to eat. I will do generalized responses, lol.
I am glad other people are struggling with nighttime sleep. Last night was the worst night we have had yet with LO. She was up LITERALLY the entire night crying. Now she is sleeping all afternoon, but I can't get her to eat for the life of me. She was on my left boob for about 5 minutes before refusing it, and then an hour later on the other one for about 5 minutes. Anyone know what could be causing this? I feel like she is starving!
In response to the bra/big boob thing, my boobs have gotten huge. I went up four sizes or more during pregnancy, and probably an additional three since I have been BFing. I went and bought a nursing bra at Target yesterday and I had to buy size XXL (the biggest size they make). The band is too loose for me, but it's the only one that would fit over all my breast tissue. I think XXL is like a 38DD or bigger! YIKES!
I don't have a flickr account (and probably couldn't figure out how to use it) so here is a link to my blog with some pics of Willa. My birth story is also on that post, but you can just skip past it because most of you already know it!
baby pics:
What sort of things do you guys do to stay busy during the day? Sometimes I just feel so cooped up and want to leave, but I have no where to go. The whole walk thing is getting sort of old... anyone have any suggestions?
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: Holy crap Tyler is handsome!! That face is TO DIE FOR.
I can't see anyone else's pics. Bummer!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Goldilocks1107: congrats on the super duper weight loss sister! and I feel you on the muffin top thing.... I don't have much 'poundage' to lose, but my body shape is so different, I have pudge spilling over everywhere! even though I have can button my pre-preg jeans, I have been wearing the bella band just to smooth things over.
clementine / 878 posts
@Nskillet: I'm with you on the stir crazy - I even told DH last night that I'd go to work for him if he'd stay home! I wish he could have taken me up on that offer because Audrey has been fussy today. 30 minute nap this morning, 45 minute nap around noon. And crabby the other times of the day. Thank goodness my mom came home on her lunch break - it allowed me to get in a shower. At 1:45, I took Audrey on a 15 minute walk, which thankfully knocked her out for 2 hours (and counting!).
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
It's nice reading what everyone's experience with a LO is like. I am sure I will be going through the same thing in a couple of weeks when our LO leaves the NICU. Here are some updates on my little peanut. He was on CPAP for less than a day. He is off all IVs with the exception of some fats he has to get until his feeds increase. He is still in a
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
An isolette but he's big enough to regulate his own temperature. So our only current hold up is getting his feedings increased and then he can come home!!! So my guess is he will be home at the latest 2 weeks.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
clementine / 959 posts
@Nskillet: I'm a SAHM and I definitely felt stir crazy the first few weeks. Now that LO is a month old and I feel much more comfortable taking him out of the house, we've started going on short trips out of the house. Today I took him to visit DH at work and showed him off to all his coworkers and tomorrow we're going to run errands. I'm actually totally a homebody, so I don't mind being home all the time, but I do need to get out of my yoga pants occasionally and dress up so I feel good about myself!!
@Mrsdaredevil: Willa is adorable! And so much hair - just like my Liam!
I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done! So, I don't really have any ideas for keeping busy. My days are full of laundry, cleaning, organizing, cooking, and sleeping. Since nursing takes up so much time, there isn't a whole lot of time for other things. Can you take the baby to a lake or park or something and hang out and read a book?
Since it's easier to have friends over here than go out, we've been inviting our friends over on the weekends and just grilling stuff and hanging out. After being alone with the baby all week that definitely helps. And it also lets our friends without kids know that we are ready to be social so they keep in touch more instead of being afraid they are bothering us.
@krsmall: So glad things are going well for your LO! Hope his progress continues!
nectarine / 2039 posts
bah! Just wanted to say that I've been stalking this thread but have told myself that I have to finish my thank you cards before I type to you girls. I JUST finished.
I am currently breastfeeding Nico but there is someone who keeps banging on my door downstairs. Sorry dude, Mommy is busy!
We're off to Mom and baby group next, but just wanted to say I'm still around and all is well and I've been following all of your replies.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Here is a picture of Brennan... hopefully it works¤t=IMG_1529.jpg
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@LAGS: Addie is so cute!
@MsMini: Hope your boob is getting better! Glad Sawyer is doing so well.
@winniebee: Tyler is adorable!
@bpcmarj: Ouch! I am stuck with Gabriel's worsening latch, too. I hope that what your lactation consultant showed you fixes everything for you. That cluster feeding is no fun! I hope you and your husband can get some sleep soon.
I was supposed to go to the lactation consultant at the hospital yesterday, but my car battery died, so I have to wait until tomorrow and go with my husband (other car).
@Nskillet: I am not full time mom material! But I knew that when I tried to be a housewife. I must say, being a housemom is way better than being a housewife, at least.
@Mrsdaredevil: I have the same issue with Gabriel trying to feed/sleep on a normal cycle. I'm just taking an afternoon nap with him daily, now.
Willa is so CUTE.
Well... my boobs finally got bigger, and now when he pops off after eating, I get a nice river of milk running down my side. Super gross. I also decided I need a "real" nursing bra. The "large" one I got is horrible and not big enough and leaves me saggy and ugly. Where are you all getting your nursing bras? I'm going to have to suck it up and order online because the only store around here that sells maternity bras (motherhood) doesn't carry 32 anything.
@krsmall: I'm so glad he's getting better and doing well and I hope you get to take him home soon! And how are you doing?
Brennan is adorable!
@duckduckkristen: we need to do excursions, too. Your BBQ weekends sound fun!
@cvbee: Yay for finishing thank you notes! I haven't even started.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@krsmall: Aw, he is adorable! How big is he? He looks similar to my son's size at birth - Tyler was 5 lb 5 oz at 38.5 wks!
@pastemoo: I got a bravado nursing bra - body silk seamless. it's super comfy. I need to get another - I have a sleep nursing bra (sort of pointless/no support but I do wear it at night) and I also have a Bravado nursing tank as well as a nursing tank from motherhood. I need another bra, but was hoping to just get by on one until my milk regulates/boobs get smaller.
Here's what I have been dealing with: Oh, and open air accidents, which I have posted about.
Tyler is finally sleeping and even though he fed 3 hours ago, not going to wake him up....bad mom?
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@winniebee: Don't wake him! Work on timing tomorrow. And get off hb and take a nap, mamma!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Oh my goodness, I can't keep up with this thread either... and I'm on the computer more than I thought I'd be!
I think we can have a general consensus that SLEEP is not a forte with newborns! @pastemoo: @Goldilocks1107: @Mrsdaredevil: @winniebee: soon we can start a zombie mom group... ha!
Sienna has caught our cold this weekend and though she just has a stuffy nose and is sneezing constantly, she's doing pretty good. She's been fussy and we have to hold her often, but who doesn't want to be held when they are sick. Heck I still call for my mom when I'm puking my brains out. Okay maybe not at that point, but it's comforting to have a mom around when you aren't feeling great.
She was super fussy and waking up every hour in her bassinet, because it was flat. I tried putting a towel underneath the mattress, it helped but not enough. So I decided to let her sleep in the newborn chair. (in the sleep position) I know it's not the best ... but it's allowed us to sleep at least 2x 3 hour stretches. I just hope switching her back to the bassinette won't be a hassel. :\
@krsmall: Glad to hear things are going well!!! I'll be thinking of you and your family and hope you can go home sooner than later. Keep us updated.
@Goldilocks1107: I love having the hubs home. He's actually not working (on a waiting list to get surgery) so it's nice that he can help out. Our rule is that he takes care of Mavrick and I of Sienna (seeing she's basically velcroed to my body) Well... he's exhausted. My husband that is... so it makes me happy that he realizes that it's lots of work. And that even though he wanted to take part of my paternal leave, that he's not really fit for it (full time) We are BOTH working parents, and we need to work for our sanity. So I get you when you want to switch places with DH. I wanted to do it multiple times with Mavrick (and he was an easy baby - as they call it)
Yesterday, Sienna turned 3 weeks old! Crazy how time flies.
Let's just say it was an amazing Wednesday. She turned 3 weeks, I fit in my pre-pregnancy jean shorts (and they were actually falling off) I weighed myself and i'm 1 lb shy of being under 180lbs, which I haven't been in what 4 years. (I think I was 175 lbs at my wedding 4 years ago) I got this wonderful gift in the mail from another bee (mrs. seabreeze)
and I got all the pictures from my maternity shoot!!! whoot whoot!
Tomorrow is Sienna's newborn shoot. Though we are a little late (she will be what 23 days old) the weekend of all being sick has delayed us. I'm planning on doing simple and 2 themed shoots. (1 bath related, 1 milk related) I need to go out and get a few props today (I have majority of them) but little cute soaps and stuff.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@winniebee: I don't wake up Sienna either! If they don't wake up it's because they are full. That's how I was able to have Mavrick sleep 7 hours straight at 6 weeks!
clementine / 878 posts
I managed to get 8 hours of sleep last night . . . because I got a migraine and told DH that I physically wasn't capable of getting up with Audrey. I did my pumping sessions and went back to bed. Feeling a little better, but definitely need to call my doc today to find out if my migraine medicine is okay to take when I'm breastfeeding.
Saw two preview photos from the newborn shoot yesterday - and I'm super pumped to see the rest, make my birth/we've moved announcements.
Today's goal: make it to the library to pick up a book I have on hold . . . if my headache completely goes away.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@winniebee: Thank you! He was born weighing 4 pds 8 ozs. He lost a little weight after birth but he's now back at 4 pds 8 ozs.
@Goldilocks1107: I'm pumping too. Have you noticed if one of your boobs is more productive than the other? My right boob is an all-star but the left struggles. I'm wondering if I possibly have a clogged milk duct on the left.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@krsmall: me too. yesterday i got 6 oz from left boob and 1 oz from right boob.... funny too, because left boob is the one that baby's latch hurts like crazy and hurts the whole feeding
i only pump 1x/day now. when i pumped more often, i got less each time.
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