nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: yeah, I'm proud about the thank-you notes. However, I did not do thank you notes for anyone who randomly gave us baby presents in the hospital or the week after we got home. Feeling a little guilty about that. Sigh.
@pastemoo: I get covered in yucky rivers of milk all the time. Early this morning I had a brand new kind of over-flow: it was shooting out of my breast like a fire hydrant, first hitting Nico in the face, and then I turned it so it went on the bed instead. So crazy!
Whoa, I started this reply like hours ago and then I had Nico wake up and do his full-cycle of needs. Eat, poop, projectile spit-up, fuss, eat, sleep. Phew. I think that took almost 2 hours!
But now I have completely lost my train of thought and the things I wanted to say in replies. So, I'm just going to go and fold my laundry. (Thought I'd be doing a lot of cloth diaper laundry, but I didn't know I'd have to wash my sheets and my own clothes so much from all the milk accidents. )
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Things are just ticking along here, Sawyer is more and more awake during the day, and I think we have gotten through the worst of the 6 week growth spurt. We got our newborn pic previews and ordered our digital images, so once we get those we can get our birth announcements going.
I am considering having our first plane trip at the end of the month. DH is going out of province for work for a week (to Victoria BC), and I might come along with Sawyer just for a change of pace. We will have to decide pretty soon, but it would be fun (although I will have to fly separately from DH so will be tackling the flight solo).
@Goldilocks1107: Ugh! Migraines are the worst! I don't know what I would do if I got one since I am breastfeeding, my boobs would totally not hold out for an extended time without BFing, and BFing is faster than pumping for me ... fingers crossed mine stay away (I used to get several a month, but none since I became pregnant).
@blushink: What a cutie! Your photo shoot themes sound adorable! I should post our newborn pics soon!
@pastemoo: I wear the Cake lingerie bras I brought during the pregnancy (thankfully my boobs decided an H up was big enough for breastfeeding). I also have a glamour mom full bust tank *love it* and a hot milk bra (also very comfortable).
@krsmall: Adorable!
@cvbee: My let-down is always like that, sprays, but oddly they seem to go in all different directions, so "aiming" them anywhere is a useless proposition. I usually put my finger over my nipple to stop it until Sawyer is ready to latch back on, but feeding usually means we both wear a fair amount of breast milk every feed.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
So, I just got home from hospital and it was great day! First off, the doctor said Brennan will be released by wednesday at the latest. And i also breastfeed him for the first time. He did a great job and latched on right away an we did half the feeding by breast and second half by bottle. Breastfeeding is hard for preemies so he did an amazing job!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mrsdaredevil: Yes, this thread is so hard for me to keep up on these days...I usually can only get on when Tyler is sleeping and when that happens I need to be eating, showering, or sleeping. He doesn't have Willa's sleep genes! We stay busy (probably too busy) with visits with family and friends (in house and elsewhere), walks, my favorite TV shows (it rained all week), laundry, dishes, cooking dinner (occasionally), organizing photos, organizing baby crap.
@blushink: I will happily join that club. I feel like I could be the president and CEO lately. Ugh. Sienna is adorable!
@pastemoo: I've been really good about TY notes this time around - caught up on all gifts given post birth too. They are hard to do w/ a baby, but I snuck in a few a day.
@Goldilocks1107: That really sucks about your migrane - but sort of amazing you got a full night's sleep!
@msmini: Can't wait to see your pictures! Since you are a pro in the newborn dept., do you have any sleep tips? See below....
@krsmall: Way to go! Happy he will have a short stay : )
@cvbee: I'm jealous of your routine - not the routine itself, but that you have one! I do at least a load of baby laundry a day plus a load of adult laundry. And a lot of dishes too.
Last night was just TERRIBLE - I feel like I'm doing every single thing in the book wrong with regards to sleep. Result? Fussed from 11:30-12:30 then finally slept til 2:30 then wouldn't go back down til 4:00 (only went down after DH jumped in to burp, etc. He then slept from 4-6:30. But that's it. I am a walking zombie as yesterday I had no time for a nap. Today my mission is to read up/watch as much sleep stuff as possible. Tyler freaks out whenever we swaddle (even if sleepy he tries to bust out of it then starts crying when we put him down). Even if full, he still cries, etc. We use a white noise machine and last night I didn't change him (well, I did once when I know he pooped). I need some serious help here!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I'm very jealous of you ladies with little weight to lose. Though I look a lot different than a few weeks ago, I still have 15 lbs to lose (gained 30). I have been at this weight since 10 days post partum : ( Still wearing maternity jeans. Sigh.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Just read this quote "Remain in your bathrobe or lounge wear for the first week at home and rest whenever possible. New babies tend to be more awake at night than during the day for the first three weeks, so be prepared to rest when your baby sleeps."
Wish I read that before!
@winniebee: relax. We still have plenty of time to lose the weight! I have no change in weight since about 10 days pp. At least my maternity jeans fit again.
I hope you can get some rest today.
@krsmall: Welcome home! And congrats on the feeding--that is awesome.
@MsMini: OMG Plane trip? You are brave, lady!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@krsmall: Yay Brennan! Keep it up little buddy!
@winniebee: awe. I hope you read something that you try out and it works for you. Keep sleeping when baby sleeps so you don't join the zombie club.
I have been really lucky lately with longer stretches of sleep but: last night Nico woke up more times than usual lately and I could barely do it. (Although at least I didn't have engorgement like usual lately). Sometimes I'd bring him in bed and hope he'd just go back to sleep, but he never would, so then I'd nurse him in the laziest way possible (side laying, or baby-on-top), but then because I was so tired and not paying attention he'd end up off the nipple and crying and I should have just sat up and done cradle to make it more successful in the first place.
How are things going in the intimacy department with everyone? We're 7 weeks PP but my post- appointment isnt til 8 weeks, so we're not trying for intercourse, but doing 'other things', but I haven't been in the mood for that. My DH was getting pretty upset about the no-intimacy issue we were having. Then things got worse before they got better (trying, but me getting tired of trying before things were complete). After what seemed like a lot of fighting and even some crying, we decided to back off and just spend time together with nothing sexual. And as soon as that 'pressure' / expectation was gone, things got better and it was actually easier for us to be intimate. Phew.
I'm just getting used to my leaking breasts being a part of the intimacy deal; at first I really wanted to keep my bra on to keep things contained but DH didn't want that. So, I'm getting more comfortable with the dripping and puddles. Like I said, we're not even having intercourse....I imagine that is going to be a whole new challenge.
Related topic: what is everyone planning to do for contraception? I'm going for the progesterone only pill. Apparently you have to be REALLY good at taking it at exactly the same time every day and I think I can do that. I'll set an alarm on my phone, and the time will be sometime between noon and 7pm, which is the window of the day that I am definitely awake. In some ways I felt so free to get off the pill last year, but I really don't trust anything else. And I don't want to have number two yet. Want to savour this baby.....although there was a gal at Mom and baby group yesterday who said she was about to start trying for one and I was considering it for a moment! Then I decided that is crazy.
Dammit, there is someone knocking on my front door again. I'm laying here in bed with a baby on me in bed and there is no way I'm going to get it. I bet it was the cloth diapers I ordered. We have just moved over to the one-size pocket diapers, after starting with Grovia AIO Newborns. We have a lot of different brands but have decided to go with Bum Genius for the rest of the stash, and I just ordered 9 of them. (The others we have from least fave to fave are: Charlie Banana, Fuzzibunz, Happy Heinies, AMPs......I've been trying these out for a couple weeks now for night time diapering and the Bum Genius wins for its ability to never leak and to be easy to fit).
I think I'm getting better at being a SAHM, in that I do not have this insatiable urge to plan a trip to town to visit with other people every single day. Getting more at peace with the just-me-and-baby thing. Mom group Wednesdays is still my favourite day of the week though.
Alright. Nico is sleeping, so I should try to put him down (h is sleeping on me) sneek downstairs and get myself some breakfast. We got a new european baby bath, so I stopped bathing Nico in the kitchen sink with a bath sling, but that used to be when I could do my breakfast thing, since he loved soaking in the water. A mommy's got to eat.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: I just feel like I'm at my wits end with sleep. He doesn't even nap during the day unless he is on my chest, we are in the car, on a walk or he is in his swing. There is no such thing as "putting Tyler down" for a nap. I just tried to put him down (he's been up since 6:30) and he's screaming. I know he's overtired but no idea how to get him to sleep.
eggplant / 11287 posts
well, it is 6 am here and I have been up since 11 pm with the baby. She literally is refusing any sort of sleep.
I am exhausted to say the least. And I have strep throat. Ugh.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@cvbee: in the intimacy department, I am going nuts! I feel like 6 weeks is so long to wait. DH and I have been doing "other things" as well, but I can't wait for the real thing, and neither can he. He says I am way sexier post baby! (Lol, who woulda thought?) Last night we were sort of fooling around and I ended up accidentally yanking out my own stitches (which I had no idea were still there). Ouch. Guess we need to pump the breaks..
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: only 3 weeks post partym so no sexy time here - though I do plan on going on the prog only pill at 6 weeks.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: dear lord that sounds terrible. I thought my four hours of sleep was bad. Why don't newborns sleep?!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: has it always been like this? (One bit of mommy advice I just read in today's parent was that when things aren't working out, know that it will change soon, as babies are always changing).
Thought I'd pop back on to tell how my 'sneak away to gather some breakfast' worked out. Well, first he woke up and said he was hungry. Fed for only like 5 minutes. Then I put him on my bed where I had been sleeping and told him what I was doing. He started watching tv (bad Mom?) and I snuck down. I was half way through making my really fast breakfast (cereal and coffee) and he started screaming. I called back up to him and let him cry but he had stopped crying by the time I came back. He cried again when he saw me, nd I picked him up and put him on my chest. He did a burp with spit up on my bra. Then he said he was hungry again, he ate and cried and pooped his diaper (must have been why he was crying....still not comfortable with pooping) and then ate some more. Now he is laying on my lap, possibly going to sleep again. Not sure why he's been such a 'snacker' the last 12 hours.
Also, he had some green poop yesterday and with some googling I see it's either too much foremilk or an allergy....possibly milk. If I couldn't drink milk for the rest of my breastfeeding times I would be so sad.
Anyways, going to try to have my breakfast now. Wait, he's waking up for another snack. He's alternating eating and crying every 5 seconds. (And I'm not engorged...that's usually when he cries while feeding). Who knows what's wrong. Ah the life of a baby!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@winniebee: Penny is a month old yesterday and I FINALLY was able to put her down and have her keep napping. Before that, it was entirely in my arms. She likes to lay sort of on her side in her car seat. That's the only thing that has worked so far.
@cvbee: I am sort of terrified of the intimacy thing. DH and I had one night where she slept for a few hours not on me, and we made out a little bit and did some other things, but I just don't want to be touched. Granted I am a month PP and was probably 3 weeks at that point, but I have a baby hanging from my boob all day, I certainly don't feel like I want them touched in a sexual way! ugh. Hopefully, it will get better. Also, I have NO CLUE what I am going to do for BC. I bought taking charge of your fertility, and plan to read it but I'm not sure I can commit to all of the charting and stuff with a newborn. I am interested in my cycle, but want something reliable so we don't have another too soon!
@krsmall: I hope that Brennan joins you at home soon!! He sounds like he's doing great!
So, Penny had her one month appointment yesterday. She is now 9lbs 2.5oz and 23 inches long. She's in the 50th percentile for weight and the 95th for height!! I am not surprised seeing as how in high school I was 5'10" and a size 0! I didn't fill out until about 21. We went to Old Navy after our appointment and I got her a cute little romper to wear on Father's Day that says "Dad's Perfect Catch" which is perfect since DH is a commercial fisherman! She did really well out and about. When we got home, I fed her for a bit and then she fell asleep. I put her sideways in her carseat, expecting that to only last for a few minutes, but she slept for 2 hours!! I was able to make and eat lunch and fold some laundry. It was amazing. Since she did so well, I figured that I would try to put her carseat in her pack and play to see if she would sleep in it at night, too. After SEVERAL attempts where she would wake up because she was rooting on the car seat and nothing was there, she finally went down at 11pm. She slept until 3 am and it was glorious! Her pediatrician told me to drink red wine at night and that it might get her to sleep more. We"ll see. headed to target today to exchange a nursing friendly dress I bought for a different size. We have a couple weddings to go to in the next couple weeks, so it's worth it!
Here's a picture of her from this morning!
Happy Friday everyone!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: sort of. He has never been a good sleeper at night (always screams with swasdle and up for long oeruods at night) but now is not good during the days either and I never can just out him down to sleep. Example - he has been up since 630 fed him twice tried rocking and putting him down when very sleepy. Was just able to get him asleep in swi g (after 20 mins of shhhing and touching him failed turned on vacuum and now he is asleep).
persimmon / 1099 posts
Waiting in my OB office for my 6 week postpartum appt. Can't believe my girl will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I'm hoping to ask for a doctors note for another 2 weeks out of work. I'm recovering great from my section but I do have good and bad days with soreness still.
Still breastfeeding but we are supplementing with formula whenever she is starving or I just need a break. I hate pumping, and seem to barely get 3oz a session when I do it so I'm really on the fence! I have been considering going full pump throttle/nursing but also have been considering going formula. I love the bonding but really do miss my body and am worried about how distracting pumping will be when I return to work. I literally go back and forth daily with a good amount of angst.
For you ladies struggling with sleep have you tried a sleep sheep or white noise? And putting the baby on his side instead of back? We prop abbey up on her side in the crib because she prefers it. I tightly swaddle her and keep her in the pack and play for night sleep on her back still. We will transition full time to her crib soon. I've been working hard at putting her in her crib for all naps and letting her go down drowsy and fall asleep herself. It's hard sometimes and if she screams I'll pick her up and soothe and put her down or I'll pat her back/tummy without picking her up. Sometimes it's as simple as they want a position change I've found. So I'll flip her to her other side and she goes back out
As far as sexy time goes DH and I have already done the deed twice. I couldn't wait! He was gentle each time and it wasn't terrible, was amazing to have sex on my back lol!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: Tell me about what you think of the TCOYF. I was charting to conceive and I would wonder how that would work PP, tell me if there is a chapter about charting while having an infant. For me, if I didn't get a solid sleep it would throw off my temping. I think it works best if you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Plus I wonder how the breastfeeding hormones would affect temperatures. (I never did manage to figure out CM and checking my cervix: didn't even go there).
@bpcmarj: cute. I should start thinking about Father's day stuff.
@winniebee: yikes. For your sanity, have you tried babywearing? (although maybe since tyler doesn't like a swaddle he might not like being in a wrap on you either). Nico likes being in the wrap, and I can be hands-free when he's in there....might free you up a bit?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: woo hoo way to go with DTD already. That's nice to hear that it 'wasn't terrible'. ha. As far as getting out of breastfeeding, be proud of what you have done, as every bit of breastfeeding you do is great. You have done 6 weeks and that's awesome. Your babe has gotten lots of benefits from that, and whatever works for you going forward is right for you. Good luck at your appointment. Let us know how it went.
Time to get on with the day. All of you having trouble with sleep, I feel guilty saying this but I will have to wake Nico up so that we can get going with our dog walk, lunch visit out and groceries. Besides waking to eat, he sleeps almost all day and night. Don't hate me!
apricot / 384 posts
@cvbee: I'm pretty sure that we're done having kids, so I plan to get a IUD at my 6 week appointment and that will stay in for 5 years. I figure if we go 5 years without having another kid, then we're done for sure!
@mrsdaredevil: Yeah, 6 weeks is a LONG time! I don't remember minding so much with DD1 but I am pretty much ready to go now and I know DH is for sure! And OUCH! to your stitches
@mrsmini: good luck with the plane trip! We flew with Addy at 6 weeks and will fly with Reese at not quite 8 weeks. I think its actually not bad flying with an infant, all they do is sleep (hopefully)!
@krsmall: That's great news!
@winniebee: I hear you about weight loss, mine has stalled too and I'm walking at least 2 miles every day, half of it pushing a double stroller with a toddler & infant in it! I have to keep reminding myself that it hasn't even been 3 weeks yet, I shouldn't expect a miracle.
We had Reese's 2 week checkup and all is good. She's back to birth weight so the doctor was happy. I asked about the goopy eyes and her gassy/fussy-ness and he basically told me that we just have to wait both out which I thought was odd. He did give me an Rx for the eyes but said we didn't have to use it.
She hasn't been a good napper for the past 2 days, which is not normal for her (normal for the last 2.5 weeks anyway). I basically can't put her down or she wakes up so she's only getting 20 mins at a time, max. Yesterday we took an extra long walk and she got over an hour then, but after that she was up for 3-4 hours straight with little cat naps here & there. I did finally get out my moby and that seems to be working but even though I have my hands back I'd like to be able to put her down.
Last night was semi-rough too with an hour stretch of screaming. Fortunately, today is DH's last day of teaching for the year so it won't be so bad if she has bad nights from now on.
Thank you all for the comments on our newborn photos! I'm so excited to see the rest of them!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: Hard to believe it's been 6 weeks already!!! Yep, we have a sleep sheep and use it religiously at night. Maybe will try side sleeping. Will try naything at this point....
@cvbee: I will try the baby wearing. He loves to be held, so he probably will like it. Yesterday, he napped quite a bit because we were in the car visiting family - 1.5 hours then another 1.5 hours then 2 hours then 2 hours in his swing last evening. I think I need to start going to bed when he falls asleep in the evening, because clearly he is up for the day at 6:30 or so.
He's sleeping now (after running the vaccum for 20 mins) I should be sleeping but had to shower and eat because we have a doctor's appointment in 2 hours and I couldn't count on any time to do those things since who knows how long he will sleep. The appt is for his eyes...they seem fine, but I was born with glaucoma so we wanted to see a specialist to double check.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@volksgirl64: Wanna join the zombie mama group, too?? I'm hoping that the 2-3 week old timeframe is the worst for sleep. Awesome that your husband is off work soon!!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@winniebee: Can you cosleep during the day, and just put pillows around him so that he can't roll off the bed? I have had to do this a few times when Gabriel refused to sleep without company. Also I have slept on the couch with him on my chest almost every other day.
@Mrsdaredevil: DH was ready to DTD after 1week pp. Ugh. He will not be able to wait until 6weeks--he was sure that I was "cleared" at 2 weeks, even though I haven't had another doc appt. I'm terrified. But I'm also "ready" as we haven't done ANYTHING since about... 30 weeks pregnant? It's been a while!
I hope you get better from your strep throat ASAP!
We chose condoms for our contraception for now. I'll go on the pill again after a little while longer breastfeeding. Also I plan to try to chart.
@cvbee: Green poop is the sign of an allergy? Gabriel has green poop about once a day.
@bpcmarj: Red wine makes baby sleep? Love it! Let us knowif it works. Love the photo--she is adorable! That's the face Gabriel makes when I try to feed him and he says "no, mom, I'm not hungry, it's something else."
@Nskillet: Yay for sex! And not being stressed about it!
We put LO on his side, and roll a towel on each side of him so he won't roll over (the hospital showed us how to do this). He sleeps more on his side than his back.
@volksgirl64: Our little boy has the goopy eye, too. They said to just massage the tear duct and wipe the eye/goop with a wet warm washcloth. Did LO gain? At our 2 week appt, he went from 8lb 2oz to 8lb 10 oz.
I went to the lactaction consultant today (car didn't die this time--YAY!); and she saw me and said 1) OH! You're the one with the horrible labor, aren't you? and 2) He looks so much older than 2 weeks (he's 18 days). PS It hurts less/almost not at all to feed him now--at least on the left. I hope I can do this correctly, and improve latch on the right!
@winniebee: That sevenslings pouch sling that we got free with shipping? I finally figured it out and LO slept in it today! I decided to take advantage, and took him to the store. He slept for an hour! (First time I used it, I wasn't careful and didn't hug him enough and he just screamed and screamed. Wait till he sleeps before you go hands free).
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@pastemoo: I will let you know if I try the wine thing, and how it works!! We are going to a wedding reception on Sunday afternoon so maybe I will try it then (although, might want to try it at like 8 p.m. instead of 3 p.m....haha). Her pediatrician said "Have a glass of wine, let it cross over to her. I think a glass of wine is good for everyone".
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: this is really funny that the glass of wine thing is being talked about. A friend of mine said her doc mentioned that. I have a glass of wine every evening now, and because of that comment, I don't feel bad if it hasn't been the 2 hours and 15 minutes that I should wait after my wine before breastfeeding. (Like, I'll feed him if it's close to 2 hours, but I don't worry about it).
@pastemoo: green poop is usually too much foremilk, but I was scratching my head about this because I've been really really careful about not too much foremilk, as I'm just feeding one breast per feeding. The allergy is the only other thing I read about, but I don't think that's it.....I had an ah-ha moment shortly after writing here. I had let Nico drink his bath water. (Totally clean, no soap, cleaned his bum before the bath). See, I noticed that he had been really interested in drinking the water for the past few bath times, so I thought this time I'd make the water okay for him to give it a try (and maybe get rid of the curiosity). So, I think maybe that's why he had the green poop. And I'm not filling the water up as much any more, so he won't be tempted to dip down for a drinkie.
Well, everyone in my house is sleeping so I should too. Goodnight all.
clementine / 959 posts
@MsMini: good luck if you decide to fly! You'll have to let us know how it goes and any tips! I'd love to fly to visit my family more often but it seems so overwhelming.
@cvbee: I'm 5 weeks out and have been wanting to get intimate since about one week. BUT I'm still bleeding a little so that has kept me from doing anything. Luckily I don't have any of the leaking/spraying issues but my nipples are still sore and I can't imagine fooling around without DH touching them. He has been great about it though. I can tell he wants it (we've never gone more than two weeks until now) but he doesn't try anything so I think he's just waiting for me to let him know it's ok. Hopefully by my six week check up I'll be done bleeding and we can get it on after that! I'm also too tired by the time dh comes home.
We are just going to use condoms since in the past hormonal birth control has made me depressed/insane. Plus we plan on ttc again towards the end of the year. We hate condoms, but unfortunately it's our only option.
My ped said that any color poo is fine except red.
To those with babies who won't sleep, I keep hearing it gets better around 6 weeks.
Thing are still going well here. DH and I spent the day at the park in DC with Liam since the weather was perfect. It was nice to get out for a whole day. Tomorrow we are having a few friends over who haven't seen the baby yet. Our pool is finally open so I'll get to watch them all swim since the midwife said no swimming for 6 weeks. at least I can put my feet in. The pool is pretty cold anyways.
I gave in and bought a double electric pump. I have a manual but I was only getting 2 oz from the right and barely any from the left. Now with the electric I can get 5 oz total which is just enough for one feeding for Liam! DH even offered to give Liam a bottle tonight so I could get some extra sleep.
Since I've been spending so much time on my iPhone while I nurse, my eyes were getting strained from staring at tiny print so DH got me an iPad and I am currently typing on my new toy! My eyes have been saved and now I can do a little more while nursing. and reading Hello Bee is so much easier!
Good night ladies! Don't know how I'm still awake.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: I may try co-sleeping during the day at times - also definitely going to try my moby wrap this week! Glad you figured out your latch - - I think I need a consult on my right. He drinks really oddly from that side (he prefers the other side) and I'm not sure if it's because my nipple points weird or I hold him weird or what.
@bpcmarj: I have had a glass of wine or a beer several times since Tyler was born. I haven't waited til right after a feeding, either. My mom said the same thing as your nurse ; )
@duckduckkristen: So jealous of your pool! It's the most beautiful weather in Boston this weekend (finally) and while my parents have a pool in NH (an hour away) I just can't deal with the drive (I went up on Thursday). Also, can't swim yet either - my midwife said I could swim at 4 weeks if I'm not bleeding. At just over 3 weeks, I'm still bleeding a little.
I posted this on another thread, but today is a much, much better day due to last night's sleep. Last night was much, much better. I followed some of the sleep tips on Hellobee (and a few offered by friends) including: (1) swaddling- no exceptions, even if he fusses and tries to bust out (2) using white noise sleep sheep (which we use every night anyways) (3) not talking to him/making eye contact during night (4) feeding him in darkness (used just a night light) (5) making sure he was sleepy/eyes closed when put him down (6) not changing his diaper in the middle of the night (except once where he peed through his outfit (7) going to bed at 9 when I thought he was about to begin his best stretch of sleep and (8) if he fussed when I put him down, I placed my hand on him and rocked his basinett a little and sssshhhhhed until he seemed calm. The end result -- he slept from 9-11, 11:30-12:45, 1:15-3:30, 4:45-7 (with some fussing from 6-7 which I ignored). So, I got sort of 7 hours of sleep and feel so much more human and so much better able to tackle the day. He nursed twice this morning - once at 7 and once at 9 and I put him in his swing at about 9:20 and he's out. Thank goodness!!!!
clementine / 878 posts
@krsmall: My left boob is the all star. I wouldn't be too concerned about a clogged duct if nothing hurts and you don't have hard spots after emptying a boob.
Big milestone - I went to the gym for the first time in 3.5 weeks yesterday. I felt so awesome, and normal. And did a nice, low-impact workout (it was 90 outside yesterday - way too hot to take Audrey for a walk). I'll probably be doing the same thing today. AND the Kids Club at the gym allows babies of all ages to be dropped off. So I think I'll be taking advantage of that this week too!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: So sorry you aren't sleeping - I hope things turn soon. My pediatrician recommended "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" I've just started reading it and have already started using some of the tips (only allowing Audrey to be awake for 1-2 hours at a time before putting her down for a nap).
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@winniebee: Is sleep getting any better?
@goldilocks: Congrats on going to the gym! I can't wait to go back, too. And I want to swim!
I went for a "run" the day before yesterday--I think I was going slower than walking, but I did it. I made it almost a mile.
Also got food poisoning yesterday. That sucked. And now the little guy is all fussy. I guess I should have given him formula, but he also wasn't taking a bottle.
And the little guy has already outgrown his newborn diapers and several of his newborn onesies--so I cut the bottom off our favorite one, and hemmed it into a t-shirt (while he slept in my lap and we watched a loud movie).
If I have more time, I am going to convert more onesies to t-shirts. I love t-shirts for baby.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Success last night. Penny slept for almost 4 hours in her bassinet. I just put her in her side like I do in the carseat and she stayed! It was awesome:) Today, I'll be putting her in a dress and heading to an afternoon wedding reception. I'll also be trying out the nursing dress I got from target, I will let you all know if it's successful:)
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@bpcmarj: That's awesome! Have fun at the wedding. Do you have a link to the dress?
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@pastemoo: I bought this one in black. I liked the pink and orange, too but it showed every lump and bump. Black didn't.
I initially bought this one in blue, but it was too big so i returned it. i thought that the pattern would be less likely to show drool/spit up! I think I'll probably order the purple one online.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: Yay for the good night of sleep! A lot of those tips you used are from Happiest Baby on the Block...I have heard that method works wonders!
@duckduckkristen: I am thinking I might need to get an electric.... I just have a manual now and I don't see how I am going to have enough time to pump enough once I go back to work!
@Goldilocks1107: You went to the gym? Good for you! I can't wait to get back at it!!!!! I want to start doing P90x again and get my abs back! lol
Really struggling with nursing the past three days. LO will be very obviously hungry, latch on, and then start fussing. She will suck for a couple moments and then pop off and whine. Then, the more I try and get her to eat, the more she screams and wails. The other night it got to the point we were both crying and my DH just sent me to bed and fed LO a bottle. I have no idea what is wrong with her because BFing was going so well. I do have a pretty severe cold right now though... I wonder if that could be the problem? Let me know if you have any feedback!
LOs desire to be held constantly is getting worse! I feel like the older she becomes, the more aware she is of where she is at and whether or not she is being held. I have to pretty much wear her in the Moby constantly if I don't want to listen to her cry. I have tried to let her CIO for a couple minutes when we set her down, but it just gets to the point where she is shaking and choking and I have to pick her up. I wonder how long this will last? I feel like I have created a monster...
Sleep has been okay lately. The hardest part of the evening is getting her down, because I swear at 9pm she wakes up and is ready to party. Usually we can finally get her down by midnight. Last night she woke up at 1, 4, 7, and 10. The last sleep stretch we always bring her in bed with us (because I am so tired at that point that I don't have the patience to try and get her down in her crib).
Sorry for the novel! I am finally able to post more since I am just wearing baby in Moby now.
clementine / 959 posts
@pastemoo: not in DC, but in Montgomery county. Are you in DC?
@bpcmarj: Yay for 4 hours of sleep! Liam sleeps much better on his side too but I'm always scared to lay him on his side in case he rolls onto his belly. Have fun at the wedding!
@Mrsdaredevil: Liam has been doing the same thing nursing. He only does it during the day though and eats just fine at night. I've narrowed it down to one of three things: either his nose is stuffy (using the snot sucker works sometimes), he's getting too much milk at once (sometimes when he unlatches I squirt a little), or he's over tired (he hasn't been napping much). We had never had any issues until now either so I'm kind of confused. I just hope it doesn't last!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
My baby boy is home!! DH and baby are napping, so it's nice and quiet! Hopefully now that Brennan is home I can catch up on this thread.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@krsmall: Oh what WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! So glad to hear he's a champ! Hopefully the adjusting to the home routine will go well!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@duckduckkristen: virginia, but we go to DC sometimes. email me at if you want to do something in DC some time.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Estimated Due Date: July 12 2012
LO Birth Date: May 31 at 6:29 a.m.
Delivery via:Vaginal (3 pushes)
Birth stats: 4lbs 8 ozs, full head of brown hair
Breastfeeding or Formula (no judgement): Breastfeeding and pumping (with preemies you can't breastfeed all the time, too tiring for them)
Baby Name: Brennan Michael
@duckduckkristen: I live in Ashburn, VA so I'm near DC too
@blushink: Thank you! DH and I are so excited to finally be a family, going back and forth to the hospital every day was exhausting.
@pastemoo: Where in VA? I live in Northern VA too.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@krsmall: Near the outlet mall at Potomac Mills.
That is so AWESOME that you and Brennan are both home. Hooray!
@duckduckkristen: I also have that issue if LO is getting too much milk at once (sometimes he has puked right on my boob without finishing unlatching), or if he's overtired or overhungry.
Who knew feeding a baby would be so hard? I seriously thought diaper changes were going to suck because there is poop, but I would rather change the baby than figure out feeding him!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@krsmall: Congratulations! So glad that Brennan is home!
Penny and I had a great time at the wedding reception yesterday. Everyone just fawned over her. I think that's a fun part of having a new baby. Everyone tells you that the thing that you made is beautiful and tell you how great you look (even if it's not totally true!!). It's sort of an ego boost. Any one else ever feel that way?! It was a beautiful day yesterday, and the reception was in a lodge in a beautiful campground. We got to spend some time outside in the shade and it was wonderful.
Anywho, Ms. Penny is waking up again as I can tell by the spitting that she does when she wakes up (she purses her lips and cracks me up). I will leave you all with a picture of baby girl at 5 weeks from yesterday.
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