Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Wow I so wish I watched this video before bed last night. LO used to be fine in a normal swaddle until we started using the sleep sack and woombie. Last night they were all in the wash so I had to go back to the normal swaddle blanket and she escaped every time! Thanks for posting!

    @cvbee: Poor Nico, hope he's feeling better now. It seems we'll always find something to worry about, right?

    @winniebee: Swaddling is a must. LO would fuss while doing it at first, but now she actually calms as we're doing it. They just have to learn we know what's best for them. Glad to hear you're getting better sleep and have a nice relaxing weekend at the lake house!

    @marriedandlovingit: We just switched to size ones a week or so ago and I felt totally sad to be leaving NBs behind. So sorry your little guy has been uncomfortable. I hope he's feeling better soon.

    @pastemoo: Our little one had a fuss marathon the other day too, and for seemingly no reason. Our little one is just about to grow out of her NB wardrobe... so sad! What size is your LO moving into?

    @Goldilocks1107: We thought 1's were too big for our little one too, but after running out of NBs we tried them anyways. (NB had been leaving red marks on her legs etc) we folded the fronts for a little bit and they're definitely big looking on her, but we've had waaay fewer blowouts, actually only one so far which was this morning and I think it was just because her diaper was already ballooned at full capacity!

    For father's day I bought DH a bottle of scotch I knew he wouldn't spring for on his own. Unfortunately he found it yesterday though... I hid it in the kitchen because normally he would never be poking around in there, but with the renos I should have known better. Whoops

    How often is everyone bathing their LOs? We hadn't been doing everyday yet but I'm starting to consider it. She loves it so much and I can't get enough of her hamming it up in there.

  2. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Wow, I haven't posted in a while! We been having some visitors and Liam had a couple nights where he didn't sleep much so I've been going to bed super early!

    Liam is six weeks today! He keeps smiling a ton as he falls asleep, but I'm still waiting for those awake smiles. His gas issue seems to be getting better - he farts constantly and sometimes it's louder than any adult I've ever heard! But it doesn't seem to make him fussy anymore so it's great he's finally able to get it out. DH keeps trying to blame the toots on me when I'm holding the baby.

    Since its been six weeks and I *finally* stopped bleeding, DH and I finally fooled around, but I want to wait until after my appt on Monday before we actually DTD. I thought it would be difficult for me to get into it, but it was great! Of course LO started crying in the middle though so I put him in his bouncy chair on vibrate.

    Six weeks also means I'm allowed to swim so as long as Liam takes a nap, DH and I are going to have a swim this afternoon and grill up some of the massive zucchinis we've been getting from the garden. It's the first weekend in awhile where we haven't had friends over so hopefully it will be a nice weekend of quality time with DH.

    Anyone else still getting crampy? I still do sometimes when I nurse (I also get nauseous) and the last few days I've just been crampy on and off. Hope AF isn't returning already!

    Now that I have an electric pump I've been able to pump more than enough for one feeding in one session. I can get 6 oz first thing in the morning and Liam eats 5 oz, so I've been able to leave Liam with DH while I get some much needed sleep. Strangely I get twice as much from the right breast as the left. Anyone else have that issue?

    @marriedandlovingit: we've mostly been using cloth diapers, but last time I put Liam in a disposable (size 1) two weeks ago it was getting too small, so it's probably time for size two. He already outgrew the infant cloth diapers which are supposed to fit up to 14 lbs. He's six weeks and about 11 lbs now.

    @LAGS: We only bath him every three days. His skin gets really dry when we do, but he looooves his bath time!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and father's day!

  3. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    LO is 3.5 weeks.
    @LAGS: LO loves his bath, too. The original plan was once a week, but so far it's been every other day, plus extra face/neck washings for the puke.
    @duckduckkristen: I'm still crampy, too. I stopped bleeding at 2.5 weeks, except for random drops.
    So.... DH and I have been wanting to DTD since we left the hospital. And we tried and it was horrendous. I guess we should have waiting until 6 weeks.

    LO had his first open air poop accident today. EWWwwww.

  4. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @LAGS: You are very welcome! I got so excited when I found a solution. So far it works! Have you tried it yet? Let me know how it is working for your lo!!

  5. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Congrats on being done with pumping! What a relief that must be!

    @winniebee: Hope you had a fun weekend at the lake house! That sounds like fun!

    Our son was a bottomless pit this morning! He woke up close to 6am for his feeding, so I nursed him. I was naive to think he was done as he fell asleep afterwards. The second I put him down in his crib, he started screaming bloody hell for more. I gave him 3 ounces of expressed milk. He was still hungry! By that point, I was frustrated and started to get the worst headache. So, my wonderful husband took over and he fed him 2 ounces of formula! This episode took 3 hours. My husband said that he slept well afterwards, and when he woke up he barely took a couple of ounces. I guess it all evened out in the end!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  6. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    I usually read all my emails, facebooks and this thread while breastfeeding, but I've lost my typing-while-breastfeeding touch. Right now I am waiting to feed Nico. I'm engorged but trying not to wake a sleeping baby and resisting the urge to pump because I know he is about to wake up, surely.

    @marriedandlovingit: Nico is like that: eating so frequently sometimes and then nothing for (what seems like) so long. 2 nights ago, we were dealing with him screaming, probably the longest and worst he has ever screamed. It was shortly after feeding him, so I thought it was gas. We tried every baby position (tummy time, on back, swaddled, in vibe chair, on our chests, rocking him, bouncing him, changing his diaper, and even putting him in the bath--well, the bath calmed him down only slightly). After all that I tried to breastfeed him again, and sure enough, that was what he wanted and then he slept like a dream. I must remember that sometimes he wants to eat twice in a row! What I don't understand is why he didn't make any of his usual hunger signs, like pecking and sucking on us. Oh well. lesson learned.

    I had a horrendous try at DTD tonight. Well, it didn't get very far. The lube we had was a 'warming' lube and made me feel like I had a vagina fire. So right away I left and used my peri bottle to put out the fire and then declared that we will not try again until we get some normal lube. I'm a big complainer when it comes to sex (everything has to be just right for me), so I'm not surprised that we are 8 weeks PP and still haven't DTD. We did have sex right up to the point of giving birth, but I do feel sorry for DH with the no-sex.

    @duckduckkristen: I never got the crampy feeling when BFing. And I only pump one breast at any given session so I am not sure if one breast gives more than the other or if it just based on the timing of the pumpings, but I've definitely heard of other women noticing different yields per breast. The awake smiles are just around the corner....Nico is 8 weeks now and he smiles all the time: it's the best feeling when he smiles AT us. I love your description of swimming and eating fresh veggies from your garden: sounds like a nice life!

    @LAGS: I bathe Nico at least once a day. He just LOVES it and it's easy enough for me to put some water into his little bath. We keep it right beside the change station, which happens to also be right beside our jacuzzi bathtub. So any time that I have time when I'm changing his diaper, I consider making him a quick bath too. I shampoo his hair about every 3 days. It's not 'dirty' but I LOVE the smell of his chamomile shampoo, so I do it just so I can enjoy the aromatherapy from his head all day long when I sniff him. And I wash his diaper area with baby soap. Other than that, I just use water to wash his face and give him a scrub everywhere else. If I'm giving him a 2nd or 3rd time in the tub in a day, then I definitely don't use any soap and I don't even scrub him: I just let him play. I have noticed that he likes to talk in there, I think because of the echo. And he moves around a lot, so it looks like a good activity for his development. I think of it as Nico going for a swim. (He is in a european-style baby bath).

    @LAGS: yes I'm sure there will be something to worry about for the rest of his life! Today my worry is about diaper rash. His bum has been 'perfect' so far, and we don't even use bum cream, but today I noticed it was a bit red. I have been leaving him in his diapers for a super duper long time between changes, so I vowed today to change him more often. I think it might also be that I have run out of the cloth diaper wipe spray that I have been using to wipe his bum. It has witchhazel in it and I think maybe that's why his bum was so happy. I will be able to get a new bottle in a couple weeks when the farmer's market is open here, or maybe I'll buy some witchazel from the pharmacy and add it to the soap-oil-water mix that I've made for in the meantime.

    Oh man, Nico is still sleeping away and my left breast is getting harder and harder. This is Nico's 2nd stretch of sleeping 4 hours in a row, and it's only 11pm.....yep, he's essentially been sleeping since 3pm, with a brief waking to eat. I've never had him be 'up all night' but maybe this will be my first night? Or maybe he's just having an extra-sleepy day? Time will tell.

  7. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Penny is 6 weeks old today. Time is sort of flying by! I am up with her (it's 4:15), and she's been asleep since 11! I'm not sure I did anything to get 5 hours in a row tonight, but i'll take it!

    Not much else new going on. I took her to the mall the other day. She did really well with the mix of stroller and moby wrap. I also got her a bunch of carters dresses on super sale. I love carters and want to dress her in it until she's 15...haha. I also got a bathing suit. Very mom-like but will be perfect for this year. It's a bandeau skirtini (so I can bf in it easily). I also found a pacifier that she will take! At the rec of a bunch of people here and in real life, I grabbed a couple mam's. Finally, something that works. It gives me a little relief from comfort nursing! I also found some headwraps at babies r us that are adorable and very soft and stretchy. They don't leave marks on her head like others do, and I can' wait for her to wear them.

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great day today!

  8. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @cvbee: I hope Nico is just sleepy and didn't keep you up all night!

  9. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @duckduckkristen: My left boob is definitely a better producer than my right. It always gives an extra ounce or so and is the first to feel full.

    @pastemoo: The neck washing is nuts. When I think I've really dug around in there and gotten all the creases cleaned, she moves her head a certain way and there's still lint or something stuck in there!

    @marriedandlovingit: We haven't used it for an overnighter yet, but have practiced it on her and used it during the day. It seems like it should work really well. We'll be prepared now for the next time the swaddleme's are in the wash!

    @cvbee: What bath do you have for Nico? We have a run of the mill FP one, and I've ditched using the sling because LO supports her head so well and she plays more just sitting in it, but one that gets her in the water even more, but supported would be great. I'm think I might do baths more often too, or just "swim" sessions like you do. Its just so amazing to see her moving around in there and so happy.
    @cvbee: I bet you're right about the witch hazel. I bought a bottle of it postpartum and its amazing. I hope his little toosh clears up! I let LO go through the night without a change most nights, with a last change being around 11pm or midnight, and some mornings when I see her diaper I feel so guilty.

    @bpcmarj: We just got a few MAMs too this weekend and she's finally taking her paci! We still have to work on keeping it in there but its world's better than others we've tried. Glad you're having luck with them too!

  10. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    We're getting ready for our first visit home to my family this weekend. @duckduckkristen: and others who've taken trips away from home, are there things you wish you had or hadn't brought? Luckily I have a friend back home who has offered to lend me all the big stuff if we don't wanna pack it, but i don't want to overlook the small stuff.

    LO had her first poop in the bathtub last night... not a very fun trick. Bath time turned into a mini marathon, but i don't think she minded. She was so gassy too you'd think we had her in a jacuzzi tub... bubbles everywhere!

    I also think I hurt, or at least scared LO for the first time. We were nursing yesterday evening and I was so tired I figured I'd switch to side-laying position... while I was swinging my arm around to tuck it under my pillow, I accidentally bopped her in the head. Her poor little lip curled out and omg did she scream... I felt HORRIBLE. There's no mark or anything so I think I mostly scared her, but I felt so, so bad! Hoping that doesn't happen again.

    This is was LO in the tub at 4 weeks, we'll be 6 weeks Thurs:
    tubby time

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: Tyler has been rather fussy the last week, too. The doctor suggested that it could be the onset of colic, but I'm in denial. The thought of it getting worse and lasting 2 more months is kind of depressing to me.

    @LAGS: We've been doing every 3rd day (mostly bc DH gets home too late for us both to do it and it's still hard for me to do on my own) but I'd like to start doing it every other day or even every day for routine. She's a cutie!

    @bpcmarj: I wore my "mom" bathing suit over teh weekend too - it's bizarre for me, but a must!!

    @marriedandlovingit: Holy cow that's a lot of milk! Tyler still only takes 3 oz at a bottle fed feeding!

    @cvbee: Oh no I hope you weren't up all night! I haven't even thought about sex yet - very brave woman. Try some of sugar free lube (I like liquid silk) without any bells and whistles though. Also, my midwife gave me some of the lube that is used during exams b/c it is so benign - maybe ask your doc for some?. I'm not cleared for sex yet though.

    We had Tyler's one month visit today and he's growing like a weed : ) 7 lb, 6 oz and 20 inches - which is up from 1st to 5th percentile - and probably smaller than most of your babies at birth! But, he's gained over 2 lbs in a month and is thriving, so that's what counts.

    Our weekend was good - it was hard on T (I think) to be out of the routine, but it was good that grandma took him at 6:30 a.m. every day and DH and I got 3 extra hours of sleep! Also it was really what DH needed -a few days away and out of the city. He has a light schedule this week too which we'll take advantage of.

    In breastfeeding news, in an effort to tame my oversupply/forceful letdown, I spent 48 hours totally engorged. As in boobs as hard as rocks and SO bruised feeling. My supply seems to be more in tune with what he needs, now, as I have been feeding him off of a semi-soft and only semi-bruised breast for the past day or so. I hope it helps with his hindmilk intake.

    As I mentioned, he's been sorta cranky the past week which at first I attributed to a growth spurt, and then to my oversupply/forceful letdown/not enough hindmilk. But now I'm worried he might just be a fussy baby (like his dad was)...any suggestions are appreciated!

  12. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @bpcmarj: thanks! He slept again until 3am after nursing at 11:30pm, but then he was awake. I wasn't too tired so I stayed awake with him and we watched some music awards on tv. By 4am he was yawning, so I put him to bed in a swaddle and got to sleep myself. He slept just fine again until his normal wake up time, but the big problem was that I was the one who was tired and thrown off. I've learned my lesson: Mommy needs to go to bed on-time! I coerced Nico into sleeping-in with me in the bed, and I forced myself to get up at 10am and I felt like a zombie until I finished our dog walk.

    Nico was awake 10am-2pm and is now napping like an angel. I think we're back on track!

    @bpcmarj: ha! I want to dress Nico forever too. My friend was just telling me about how her 4 year old boy is soooo particular about what he wears and that made me think about treasuring this time when I get to call the clothing shots.

    @LAGS: the bath we have is the Spa Baby bath. Here is a link to it at toysrus: http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=12010556 Going from the sling to this, my cleaning techniques had to change and at first I didn't like that aspect, but I'm figuring it out and it is well-worth it because Nico LOVES it in there soo much. I do a bit of sponge-bathing before I put him in to clean his bum/leg folds, which are hard to do in this tub. Despite that, it is my fave baby product.

    @LAGS: Thanks. I was really good about changing him for the last 24 hours and his bumbum is all back to normal. The overnight diaper is not too bad, even though he is in it for about 12 hours.....incredibly, he doesn't poop in his sleep! He poops a lot in the morning and then at every feeding all day long. I'm pretty lucky.

    @LAGS: On my 2nd trip I skipped the stored-breastmilk and just brought my boobs....less to worry about that way. I over-packed on blankets and clothes for Nico but they didn't take up much space so I dont mind...maybe less blankets. One thing that we forgot the first time was the pack and play's 'crib' sheet. But seriously, you don't really need much besides enough diapers. Oh, dont' forget to pack extra shirts for YOU in case LO gets your outfit messy. You won't need baby chairs, etc because your fam will want to hold the baby. Don't forget your MAM! Oh, and a nursing cover.
    @winniebee: awe that's great that Tyler is thriving but also cute that your LO is indeed still smaller than Nico was at birth. I love tiny babies!
    @winniebee: I had the engorgement issue when I went back to one-boob-at-a-feeding to deal with the over-supply. It will get better. It's probably too late, but I would go into a nice hot bath and the milk would flow out on its own, and I don't think that would contribute to extra production. The other thing I would do (and this one is probably a good idea) is to feed Nico more frequently than his cueing, especially if I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore boob because it would help me sleep to get some relief.
    @winniebee: I hope it's not colic too. Here are a few things that have helped Nico when he was fussy. Maybe you might find one to add to your "what-do-you-want-baby?" repetoire. 1) burping in a different position. Lately the over-the-shoulder burp has been working well for us. A few weeks ago he'd burp when I stood up and sat down a few times while holding him upright. Keep experimenting until you get the burping working. Gassy baby= fussy baby. 2) bicycle legs to get the toots out 3) time in the bath....not sure what need this met, but it has worked on a few fussy occasions 4) bouncy chair on vibrate with a blanket on him....meets his going to sleep needs sometimes 5) holding him on my front and bouncing on my yoga ball....again, meets his going to sleep needs 6) try feeding him again, even if you just fed him......oh, try the pacifier before the extra feeding....I used to try to 'resist' feeding him if I thought he 'shouldn't' be hungry.....baby knows best
    Good luck lady!

    Oh, Nico woke up! That was a short nap. Should have swaddled him. boo.

  13. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: oh! and tummy time....when he is fussy he uses tummy time to get out his gas or to eat his hand (soothe and sometimes soothe to sleep)

    ha! as luck would have it, here I am giving you, winniebee, all my fussy tips and then Nico woke up and was fussy (probably because he still needed more nap time). What worked this time was probably what I'd recommend if your LO is being fussy 'all the time': put him in the wrap! Nico settled right down and I went for a walk and prepped dinner and talked on the phone. He ended up falling asleep. Horray for baby-wearing!!

  14. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: OMG thank you so much for your suggestions. Tyler has been in the Moby wrap for an hour and is beyond content...sleeping and snoring and cuddling : )

  15. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: yay! I even posted about my baby-wearing-fuss-success on facebook with a photo and I had sooo many friends comment that it is the most amazing thing for their babes too.....especially for those with more than one child!

  16. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @LAGS: the only thing I wished I had done was keep extra clothes for me in the backseat with me instead of buried in my suitcase in the trunk. Nursing in the car at rest stops was awkward and I always managed to get milk all over me. The only big things we brought were the pack and play, stroller, and car seat. Left the bouncy seat a home since we figured everyone would want to hold LO and ditched the baby tub and just gave him sponge baths while we were away. Didn't worry about too many clothes or blankets for him and only brought one burp cloth since we were staying at my moms and could use her washer. I agree with @cvbee, you don't need much at is stage.
    Liam poos in the bathtub almost every time! I always have to wash the sling. Your LO is adorable!

    @winniebee: Yay for grandmas and extra sleep!

    @bpcmarj: I looove Carter's too!

    Had my six week checkup today and midwife said everything is back to normal and I'm cleared for all activities. So I finally hopped on my elliptical this evening and it was soo much easier than it was when I was pregnant! Time to work off those last 10 lbs!

  17. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Man, it is so hard to keep up with this with a newborn. I feel so behind... I am going to try and catch up with everyone!!

    @LAGS: We just switched to size 1s too... and they look HUGE on her, but we have also had fewer blowouts as well. The pack we are on right now is called Pampers Baby Dry and although they seem thin, they really keep her dry!
    Now after seeing how often everyone else bathes their LO I feel bad, but I only bathe mine 2-3 times a week.

    @duckduckkristen: Oh man, it's 6 weeks that you are supposed to weight to swim? For some reason I thought my Dr. said 2 weeks and I swam on 2 weeks on the dot... I wonder if that is why I am having problems with healing still at 5 weeks pp?

    @pastemoo: We had a bad DTD attempt too. We have been fooling around and everything "felt" okay, so we decided to go for it but it lasted 2 minutes and was hurting me a TON so we had to throw in the towel. I can't wait to feel normal again!

    @marriedandlovingit: Seems to me that a lot of people have problems with LOs waking up as soon as they are put down in the crib. I swear my LO can be fast asleep, but the moment I set her down she wakes!

    @cvbee: In the diaper rash department: My LO has had bouts of diaper rash here and there, and I think it depends on the kind of diaper we are using. However, we have a friend who is a pharmacist and he made us this homemade diaper cream in his blender at home... and the stuff works like magic!!! I swear we put it on her at night and when she wakes up in the morning her butt looks brand new... it's amazing!!

    @winniebee: Your Tyler is an inch longer than my Willa, but Willa weighs two pounds more than him! I guess she is a chunky butt! lol

    @cvbee: I checked out the link to the baby bath you have, and as soon as I saw the picture I started cracking up.... that baby looks so cute squished up in there! I would laugh every time I gave my LO a bath if I had one like that... haha

    Okay, since I haven't updated in a while I am going to post some updates on baby and me!

    First of all, I took Willa to the ped today because she has an eye infection. The doctor prescribed some drops so she should be okay in no time, but it was pretty sad seeing her with nasty yellow stuff coming out of her eyes!

    Willa is still only 19 inches long but she is 9 pounds, 10 ounces already (50th percentile for weight, yay!). She has been breastfeeding pretty well lately, although she goes through random phases where she refuses the breast. I think when she goes through growth spurts and is super hungry, the milk doesn't come out fast enough for her after my initial let down, and she gets frustrated and wants the bottle (it comes out way faster).

    She has become a much more efficient sucker... she only breastfeeds for about 15 minutes now and she is completely full. Before, she would do at least 20 minutes on each side!

    The past three nights in a row she has been sleeping pretty good. Her first stretch has been about 4 hours, and then she has a few 2 or 3 hour stretches after that. The other night, I took her in bed with me and she slept for 6 hours straight!!! if my husband was okay with it, I would just have her sleep in bed with us all the time.

    Does anyone still have their stitches? I STILL have my stitches from my tears... I can feel the knots and everything! My doctor said they would dissolve, but I don't know how long that is supposed to take!

    Willa has started smiling. On her 4 week birthday I was talking to her and she shot me a big, gummy grin. The more of a big deal I made out of it, the more she smiled! Now, she does it several times a day, especially right after she has finished eating. It's so fun!

    Willa is still in NB clothes, and swimming in some of them! She wears the same outfit at least twice a week because we have so little NB clothes... I can't wait for her to fit into 0-3 months! What size are your LOs wearing? Because Willa is so short, I think her arms/legs are short which makes the clothes all so big.

    Well, I think that is all for now. it is 10:45 here and she is still wide awake, her dad holding her. I don't think she is going down any time soon, silly girl.

    Oh ya, and I also wanted to add that I recently found out LO is OBSESSED with music! Whenever she is crying (even when she is screaming) she will stop the moment I put on Colbie Caillat. She also loves country, and likes to listen to DH and I sing. Maybe she will be musical like me!

  18. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @LAGS: She's adorable!

    @winniebee: I read your post about regarding throwing in the towel. I know exactly how you feel. The forceful letdown followed by a huge spit-up is super frustrating.

    @Mrsdaredevil: My stitches have healed, but then again I am 7 weeks. My dr said I was all healed up at my appt last week.

    Your poor baby! Feel better soon, Willa!

    Baby smiles are so sweet!

    I had a very frustrating day yesterday. I was so tired, and breastfeeding was not going well. I was to the point where I was too tired to nurse. All I kept thinking about is his puking episodes after the forceful letdowns, and how he never gets full when I nurse him. When I pumped while he was napping in the morning, my right side was letting out very little milk. I didn't realize until the end that the suction was not attached all the way. The rest of the times I pumped, I got at most 3 oz. My son was also spitting up at just about every feeding. It was soooooo frustrating! He was unfazed by it, but I can't help but to feel a bit down when it happens. When my husband came home from work and took over right away, and I took a nap.

    Our son went to sleep at midnight, and slept a record 7 and a half hours last night. He normally has been sleeping 5 hours a night. He woke up in a good mood, I nursed him, and I put him down for his morning nap without a peep. I could not believe that he went down without screaming bc he was still hungry after I bf him. This all has to be a fluke, so I am not going to get excited yet.

  19. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: 7 hours? wow! 5 hours is still my record for Nico's sleep at 9 weeks (9 weeks today!)

    @Mrsdaredevil: don't feel bad about bathing less frequently. Lots of people say it is bad for your newborn to bathe them almost at all. (I try and justify my frequent bathing because I don't use soap every time and my soap is super natural stuff). Do what feels right for you!

    @Mrsdaredevil: That homemade diaper cream sounds so cool. The balm that we use (and I only use it if his bum looks like its starting to get angry....otherwise with cloth diapering I don't need to use diaper cream at all) was developed by people who did that very thing: made something homemade for their sensitive LO and now they market it. I'm slightly obsessed with the stuff, but I hardly use it on Nico: it's for me! I have really sensitive skin, so I find a reason to use it at least once a week for myself.

    @Mrsdaredevil: yes the baby bath is quite funny. I posted a pic of Nico in it on facebook and everyone LOVED the pics.....calling him a little science experiment or a baby drink.....he looks so cute in there. And he's extra alert and interested while he's in there too, which makes it even more funny to watch.

    @Mrsdaredevil: when I was at your time I still had my stitches too, but I thought maybe they were gone. This is gross, but bear with me : then at 6 weeks, they somehow (mine were a running stitch, so all in one peice) got attatched to a poop and I got pulled out like that. Sooooo gross. And I've had on-and-off bleeding hemmorroids ever since, but my OB just seemed to think it is nothing to be too concerned about. boo. Anyways, I'm saying that stitches at this point for you are totally normal (and try to avoid disrupting them like I did!!!!!)

    @Mrsdaredevil: Nico is pretty tight in his 0-3 month clothes now that he is 12 pounds (and 9 weeks old today). But 6 month stuff is big. Last week when I brought Nico into one of the schools I visit the kids remarked "now his clothes fit!".

    @Mrsdaredevil: That's so great that you figured out that music makes Willa happy. I LOVE finding things that calm and please Nico.

    @duckduckkristen: yay for getting back to your eliptical. I think exercise is so important for feeling 'normal'. This week I'm thinking of going to my yoga class for the first time....I've been doing yoga at home, but this class I can go to is a REALLY good workout and plus it will be a social time for me. If I end up doing it, it will be my first time leaving Nico at home while I go out. (He'll be with Daddy).

    Nico is 9 weeks old today and my new big thing is schedule training. He used to be able to doze off and sleep through anything at any time of the day, but now that he is more aware of the world this is challenging. Last week I think I told you gals that I was going to try feeding him every 3 hours instead of on-demand. That didn't really work out and I started noticing Nico getting way more fussy than normal (and it wasn't because of gas or being hungry anymore) because he was overtired.

    Today I have officially started the E.A.S.Y. schedule that I read about so long ago in the Baby Whisperer (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You-time). His first 2 months, I found he was perfectly happy just doing his own thing and he didn't need any help going down for naps, napping anywhere and anytime. Today I've done a great job with EASY so far and we'll see how it really pans-out as the day turns to night and a few days into it, but so far it's good. He woke up, I fed him, and we did bath time and toy-time, then I saw him getting sleepy and I put him into his crib and he slept for an hour. (Oh, funny thing: when he was drifting off to sleep I thought he was almost gone so I tried to sneak downstairs to get my breakfast and he noticed right away and let out a few screams until I came back and layed down in my bed.....I'm amazed how aware he is now!) Next he woke up and I fed him and changed him and we did stroller time and tummy time and then I saw him getting fussy and knew he was getting sleepy (even though he wasn't yawning), so I took him to his crib area and held and bounced him to calm him down and then layed him in his crib. He started to fuss so I swaddled him and then I layed down on my bed (with my laptop) and it took him about 15 minutes but he didn't cry and he fell asleep. So, I'm only 2 cycles into EASY, but I am feeling like it is a good fit for us already. Hopefully this keeps up. As a teacher, I like making schedules, so this way I can make a plan for each "A" of the day. I think next we'll do reading books and Mommy-baby exercise time (using baby as a weight, doing squats and stuff like that).

  20. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    How does everyone approach their overnight feedings? I've tried to keep feedings low-stim... no eye contact, no talking, dim light and I burp little one as little as possible, well basically not at all. When I do this she's usually up, fed and back in her bassinet asleep within 20minutes. My dilemma is that lately I've been noticing come morning she's really gassy. I'm feeling guilty for not burping her more, but when she's burped she's up for 45mins to an hour with each feeding. She's not fussy in the morning, just extra grunty and farty and her noises make it impossible for me to sleep. Do you consistently burp your LO overnight?

    @cvbee: Oh those tubs are neat. I'm pretty sure that's what my brother and SIL are going with. Do you think your LO will fit in it much longer? I like that they're really submerged in them.

    @duckduckkristen: Good point with keeping extra clothes for me handy. LO is bad with spit up and I'm awful with keeping burp cloths handy (you'd think I'd learn) so that's a must for us! That's amazing that the eliptical felt easier! I'm terrified to run again for the first time

    @Mrsdaredevil: I don't think I have any stitches left, but I'm really paranoid I haven't healed properly... things just don't look right down there. I'm anxious to see what my Dr. will say. LO is still in NB. She's outgrowing her sleepers in length though so I'm going out today to buy some new ones. Everything 0-3 that we have right now is enormous so I'm going to have to find some smaller fitting brands.

    @marriedandlovingit: My LO has puking episodes and constant spit up too. The throwing up used to scare the crap out of me... now I'm just sad for her. I'm hoping with time it will resolve itself as her digestive system matures. 7 hours?! Nice! Keeping my fingers crossed he can make a habit of that for you!!

    @cvbee: Oh! Loving the idea of Mommy-baby exercise, good idea!! Glad to hear easy is going well for you. It sounds like a good, natural routine to follow.

  21. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: Thanks. EASY continues to go well for Nico, but it's making me feel like this is the longest day ever. (3rd nap is usually the end of the day....how is it only lunch time?!)

    @LAGS: I think he'll fit the tub for quite a while. I anticipate the next step will be once he can sit up on his own. I think I'll get the blow-up duckie tub because that can be used as an outdoor toy down at the beach as a floatie, and even on the ice as a sled (I've done that with my cousin).

    @LAGS: I do the same as you for overnight feedings, but the way I burp isn't too stimulating: I just rest him up over my shoulder (arms over, armpits resting on me) and his burp comes out quite naturally now.

    @LAGS: Mommy-baby exercise was fun. I liked having him on my tummy while I do crunches....seemed like a good stability exercise for him. I had him on the ground looking up at me while I did some stuff on my hands and knees over him. And I had him on a blanket on the kitchen table doing a tummy time while I did some other exercises on my own in front of him. I was not so successful at holding baby while exercising...might try it with a wrap, but I was just worried that he'd fall asleep in there and that would mess up our EASY.

    EASY continues to go really well for Nico. I almost feel like a bad person for keeping him up for such long periods normally, seeing how he is doing so well with the system of only being awake for 2 hours at most. But for me, so far, this feels like the longest day EVER because he's on his 3rd nap and usually 3rd nap is dinner time and now it is only lunch. I'm sure I'll get used to it. I was a bit worried that with all this napping he won't get enough awake time in during the day, but I just did some math and he is actually getting in about the usual amount of awake time so far, it's just for shorter periods.

  22. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: Such a cute bath shot! Audrey enjoys bath time . . . if we keep the water running. The moment we turn it off, she howls.

    We do baths every 3 days, but she has such bad baby acne, I'm considering moving it up to every other day to help keep her face clean (I'm also giving her face a gentle wipe with a warm water washcloth 2-3 times per day).

    And I have now gone over 24 hours without pumping. And my boobs are sore, but not nearly as bad as they were yesterday. I'm really enjoying not having to factor in pumping times to my schedule.

    Audrey is now 1 month old. And has put on her fussy pants to celebrate. The past few days, she's been an absolute wench during the day. I tried going to the grocery store this morning, stopped for gas on the way there and she started to spazz out when the car stopped. I only put in half a tank of gas because she was so worked up. Then I turned around and went home, where she immediately fell asleep. I think I'll give it another try this afternoon.

    And in other exciting news - the people who are staying in our new house officially move out tomorrow. Which means I can go there on Thursday and start prepping the nursery for painting! Super exciting! May the Home Depot trips commence!

  23. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Penny has been really weird today. She slept a lot more this morning than normal, but was REALLY hard to get to bed tonight. She's also been spitting up like crazy today, almost after every feeding. And, although she's had wet diapers, she hasn't pooped. I'm wondering if something I ate upset her stomach, but I can't think of anything out of the ordinary that I ate that I haven't already had.

    Other than me wondering if she's OK, she's been totally adorable. She smiles so much now, and it melts me every time. I was looking at her smiling at me today and thinking although I have seen some cute babies, I think she is the best. That's normal to think that about your kid, right?! ha. I put on some music today (The Police to be specific) and she loved it. Smiling and cooing the whole time. It was too funny.

    Anyway, wanted to update more and post a couple of cute pictures, but I can hear her in the other room. I think Daddy's snoring woke her up (I am going to kill him in his sleep one of these nights I think. He snores SO BAD when he's on his back, but just won't stay on his side unless I am next to him telling him to turn over a hundred times a night. Even then, he gets pissed at me in his sleep because he says it's not as comfortable. Or he will move around like he is turning on his side, then he just stays on his back. He finds this to be funny, I do not.).

  24. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: You haven't left Nico yet? Wow! I leave Willa almost every day with her dad, since he has 6 weeks off of work for paternity leave. I usually leave her to run to Target, go tanning, exercise, or have coffee with a girlfriend. I think I would go crazy without some me time (even though it is never more than 60 minutes at a time).

    DH and I left DD with my mom so we could go on a date when LO was 3 weeks, and I think we are going to do it again this weekend.

    Who has/has not left their babies?

  25. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cvbee: I burped her last night but tried to keep things a little more mellow. She went down almost as quickly just wasn't in as deep a sleep... she grunted a while and finally quieted down. She was still a little gassy and very spitup-y but hopefully after making a routine of it I'll see better results.

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm glad you're finding things better without the pumping. I think pumping alone would drive me crazy too! Every few days my LO has an entire day of fussiness too... she's absolutely miserable to be around but the good days make up for it! Have fun on Thursday!!!

    @bpcmarj: Poor you, snoring is the worst. Especially now that sleep is so precious!

    @Mrsdaredevil: I've left DD a couple times just to do a quick beer run or trip to the grocery store to pick up something we've forgotten, so nothing over 20 minutes really. I have no problem with the idea of leaving her with DH longer, but don't think I'm ready to leave her with anyone else yet.

  26. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I ran to the grocery store once, for like 20 minutes. That's all I've been away from her in 6 weeks. DH is a commercial fisherman so he works reallllly long hours (like up at 3am and home at 8pm). He is not around enough for me to leave her with him, and when he is home he's too tired to do anything and I don't want him to fall asleep while on duty.

  27. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @bpcmarj: maybe you will have one of those babies that only poops every few days? It's totally normal if you do. Nico still poops at almost every feeding.

    @Mrsdaredevil: yep, all this time and we've only been apart for maybe 30 minutes at most, when DH took him out for a dog walk/stroller ride. And to be honest, the first few times when he took him for that I even looked at photos of Nico while he was gone. But I'm definitely up for my first time leaving him tomorrow night for yoga. We'll see if my body is ready for yoga though. I'm most concerned that I (um, TMI alert) take-in air into my va-j-j way too easily now and then it makes a sound on the way out. So that would be really embarrassing. That used to only happen to me sometimes in yoga during shoulder stance, but I knew about it so I'd 'prevent'....I feel like this might happen in any/every pose. Maybe I should just make an announcement before class starts? (I won't)

    2 things to share today:
    1) Thanks to our EASY day, Nico slept for a record 6 hours last night, followed by another 4 hour stretch. I slept 5 hours and then 4. In my dream I had to go find my breast pump and pump while I was in public.....really funny because I woke up in the biggest puddle of milk ever!
    2) I feel like I'm getting my period. I hope not, because even though I got a prescription for the mini-pill, I decided not to take it and just got with breastfeeding for prevention until 6 months or my period, whichever comes first.

  28. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @cvbee: You're using bf'ing to prevent pregnancy or your period? Be careful using breastfeeeding as bc. My sil got pregnant again that way. She now has girls 10 months apart in age. Unless you are talking about bf'ing to prevent your period from coming, then disregard what I just typed lol.

  29. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I left LO with DH for the first time when he was 2 weeks old and it was for four hours while I went to the mall to buy clothes that fit. I was sad driving there, but after that it felt great to hav some time away. Since then we left him with my mom once while we went to dinner and I have left him a couple times to go to the store quickly. Thank goodness for my pump!

  30. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Going shopping must have been so nice. I remember you posting about that a while back. I left LO for 6 hours to get my hair done (I needed a mommy makeover) and although I missed her, it felt great and was so worth it!

    So I kind of feel like a bad mom, but we are not being consistent with Willa at night time. For her first sleep stretch we put her down in her crib, and usually for her second stretch too. But by the third time she wakes up we are so exhausted that she ends up sleeping on one of our chest's on the couch. She will sleep four 3-4 hours on us! By her fourth wakeup, we pull her into bed with us. She also sleeps much better in our bed. I kind of feel bad that she is sleeping all over the place, but it just takes so much effort to get her back down in her crib... and at 3 or 4 a.m. I want as little fussing as possible. Am I the only one who does this? Is it bad that we don't put her down in the same place every night?

    If my husband wasn't against it, I would just have her sleep in bed with us all the time. She just sleeps SO much better.

  31. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: we did exactly the same thing last week and the week before, but now he is sleeping ok in the pack n play so we haven't had to do it for a few days. I've also had to stop nursing him laying down during the night because I'd fall asleep nursing him and not wake up for an hour or so until he started making noise. DH always sleeps facing away from us so he wouldn't know Liam was in the bed and I was afraid he'd toss the blankets over him or something. Sometimes after DH goes to work I let Liam sleep in his space on the bed and he'll stay asleep when I get up to get dressed or while I sit next to him and read hello bee.
    If Liam falls asleep before we are ready for bed, we just let him sleep his first cycle in the bouncy seat in the family room with us while we watch tv. I don't think it's bad. Whatever works! They are so young now it's hard to not just do what they want.

    After not napping more than 20 minutes at a time for the last week, Liam has been sleeping all day today, just waking up to eat and for a few minutes of play time. He slept pretty well last night too. I'm hoping this continues because I've had so much time to get stuff done today. I even finally did my postnatal yoga DVD! It was so relaxing. Now I'm off to prep dinner before DH gets home, and then maybe take a short nap.

  32. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    My son had another 7.5 hour night of sleep. But, he is refusing to nap today! I need to tweak a few things and start to get him on somewhat of a schedule. Maybe that will do something? Who knows.

    I am having a hell of a time trying to get him satisfied after nursing. As much as I try to not give him a top-off bottle of a couple ounces at the end of a feed, I have no choice bc he is rooting and screaming for more. I envy all of you that can get your babies full after a mere 15-20 mins!

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: I was indeed thinking about using it to prevent pregnancy. I thought it was really effective until the baby goes 7 hours without feeding? hmmm. Well, so far we are technically using abstinence and it is working perfectly. (But not planning on continuing that.) I'm just suddenly feeling uncomfortable about giving Nico unnecessary hormones. Got some stuff to think about.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I used to always give up at 4am and sleep with Nico. It gets easier when they wake up less often, so I say, keep trying your best and don't beat yourself up about what happens at 4am.

    so ladies, it was not my period coming: it was a KIDNEY INFECTION FROM HELL! Felt like labour again: couldn't sit still, pain so bad I had to stop and put Nico down when breastfeeding so I could pace, and I tried every trick in the book: tylenol, lots of water, hot shower, ice on my kidney.....when I started throwing up from the pain I packed up Nico (which was so hard to do while in pain) and headed to the hospital. I did not hide my pain from them and I got served right away with some morphine and some kind of suppository something.....drugs are amazing. Oh, just before I got the drugs I was breastfeeding and throwing up into the toilet at the same time, which I thought was sortof impressive. Thought it was my kidney stones again, like at 33 weeks pregnant, but there was no blood, only white blood cells, so they declared it to be a kidney infection and I am on breastfeeding-compatable antibiotics. Phew! My regret on the way to the hospital was not having more breastmilk stored-up. I only had one bottle.

    K, got to go!

  34. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Sorry I've been out of the loop--Gabriel has been fussy. He's been so tired that he doesn't know he's tired. (He'll think he's hungry and yell at my nipple and take a few sips, but he isn't hungry.) He won't stay asleep. His fussy times of day have expanded to a whole lot more, but he still usually sleeps at 9am or 10am for an hour and a half (I should be napping... but I was hungry, and needed to start the laundry, and now he'll be up soon.

    I'll catch up when I can read the whole page at once.

    One question, what is "EASY?" Is that an acronym for some kind of system?

  35. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @pastemoo: Eat Activity Sleep You-time It is from the Baby Whisperer book. I have done it for 2 days now. Before this I just never realized that Nico was tired and didn't put him down for naps. Turns out I had an over-tired baby almost all the time....who knew? He didn't yawn or rub his eyes as described in the book. Now I know as soon as he gets slightly fussy that he's tired. It's working great and like magic he is also now sleeping 6-7 hours at a stretch at night.

  36. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @LAGS: You're right, swaddling is definitely a must--we need to buy some bigger blankets; he's growing out of the ones we have.
    LO is in 0-3 clothes now (but has already outgrown some of those!) He's only 4 weeks!
    He was 21 inches at birth and 21 1/4 at his 2 week check up. We measured him at home yesterday and he's at least 22 inches (he was squiggly, so we couldn't measure to the 1/2 or 1/4 inch).
    Love the photo!
    @winniebee: onset of colic? Please, no!!
    And, I m still swimming in a bikini, LO is usually in front of my weird belly and i don't want to shop.
    Hopefully the fussiness was just from oversupply--or he's tired like mine?
    erg... feeding time. catch up later.
    @duckduckkristen: Baby farts are HILARIOUS! So glad Liam is less fussy.
    I get crampy, too. Often. But also I had a c-section. I guess I've been overdoing it, because it hurts more now than before. Still less than being pregnant though...
    Were we supposed to wait 6 weeks to swim? I went last week with LO--he loved it. So cute! We only stayed in for a few minutes because I was afraid the water was too cold for him.
    I also pump different amounts from each side.
    @Goldilocks: You made it so far pumping, that's awesome. Congrats on being done.
    @cvbee: I can't do anything while breastfeeding anymore either!
    Sorry the sex was so painful. When we tried I swear it felt like sandpaper--even with tons of (non warming ) lube. We haven't done anything since 30 weeks or so, this was a huge bummer for me. Dont feel sorry for your husband, and I hope the regular lube helps.
    @bcpmarj: Yay for shopping! And our LO loves the mam paci, too.

  37. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Hey ladies! Here I am out of the loop again, it is so hard to catch up once you get behind! Sawyer is 8 weeks old now, and has been so much more awake lately, and really needs to be "entertained" while he is awake, so we spend hours of the day switching from play mat, to swing (he likes the swing mobile when he is awake), to chatting on the couch, to offering him toys on the couch, and then repeating. When he is napping I am usually trying to get some stuff done, so I only have a few minutes to pop online usually.

    We finally got his newborn pictures back, and I LOVE them, so today when he was napping I got our birth announcements ordered, so we can send them out (DH's grandma has been hounding us like 2-3 times per week about sending them out from about 1 week PP ... grrr). Here is the link if you would like to see the newborn pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/welchminchuk/sets/72157630229124248/

    @cvbee: Sorry about your kidney infection, they are so so painful! I hope you feel better soon. As for BF is BC, I have seen WAY too many babies from that 'method' to trust it, and I am in no way going to be ready to be pregnant again within the next year or so, so I got the mini-pill, and I am happy with it, although we are so paranoid we use condoms as well.

    @Mrsdaredevil: I have only left Sawyer with DH briefly to run to the grocery store, but this weekend I am leaving them for an afternoon to get my hair done, Sawyer is 8 weeks old now, so it is time! We are also thinking of leaving him with my parents for an evening so we can go for an anniversary dinner in a few weeks. We are a little inconstant with bedtime as well, he sleeps in the cradle until DH goes to work, then the feed around that time I nurse in bed and we sleep in our bed until it is time to start the day.

    @Goldilocks1107: Sawyer had bad baby acne as well, I would wash his face twice per day with just water and a wash cloth, and we bathe him 2x per week, his skin is so dry if we did more than that he would be a flake-fest.

  38. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @MsMini: so beautiful! when were the pics taken again? (age) I love his eyes; beautiful baby!

    @MsMini: thanks, I feel so much better. And Nico almost slept 7 hours last night, and I hear you need to nurse at least every 7 hours to be 'protected' so I think that won't work. With this UTI I'm even less in the mood, so I've got some time to figure it out. I do have a prescription for the mini-pill....not sure why I'm second-guessing it so much.

    @pastemoo: I swam in a bikini yesterday too. I just said to myself to be proud of my tummy because it did something wonderful and everyone who sees me with Nico knows that. Oh, and Nico had his first lake swim yesterday. We've dipped him in a few times, but this was the first time it was warm enough for him to hang out.

    So tired. Goodnight all.

  39. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @cvbee: Thank you! The pics were taken at 2 weeks old.

  40. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    I must say, this f-ing heat can go away any time now. I live literally 2 miles from the ocean, at the most. I could walk there if I wanted to. There was NO breeze coming from that way today and I thought Penny and I were going to die of heat and discomfort! It was close to 100 degrees yesterday, and about 95 here today. Miserable. We have a window a/c unit, but we haven't installed it yet, because it was a little more than 50 degrees last week. So cold that I closed the windows at night so Penny would be comfortable and not too cold. So, Penny and I spent the day driving around (which she HATES all of the sudden) and going to a bunch of stores. She seemed to be spitting up a lot more today, and I have to assume it's from the heat. I would think that if my diet consisted of only milk, I might feel a little sick in heat like this, too!

    Other than that, I was supposed to have my 6 week PP checkup today, but my midwife had a patient in labor, so my appointment was rescheduled. I am wondering what actually happens at this appointment. Is there an internal exam or does your midwife/ob just look on the outside? I just want to be prepared. I am anxious to get the all clear, especially for swimming. Since I am not bleeding anymore, I think I might just go for it anyway since my appointment is not until next week.

    Penny is asleep in her car seat in the living room, and she's been so cranky today and hardly slept due to heat and moving around from store to car whatever so I am just letting her sleep. I figure I will sleep on the couch until she wakes up for her first feeding. So much easier than trying to move her and then having her wake up!.

    @cvbee: UGH. I wouldn't wish a kidney infection on my worst enemy. I had one back in 2005 and suffered through if for days without knowing what it was. I wound up totally doubled over in pain before I finally went to the ER. I thought it was much more painful than labor, and there is no beautiful baby at the end of it! I hope you feel better soon!!

    @pastemoo: Penny gets like that, too. She will cry when I take her off, and then I put her back on, even though I know she's not hungry and then she just whimpers a little (the saddest noise ever) and falls asleep shortly after. Times like that make me reallllly wish she would consistently take a pacifier.

    @MsMini: Sawyer is a beautiful baby! The pictures came out great!

    Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding reception we went to last weekend. She is so expressive!! The bride thought they were so funny because she is clearly going for the boob in these pictures. She knows what she wants!


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