nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: maybe she has gas? Or you are having a strong let-down? Or not letting down fast enough for her? Nico does that fussing at the breast thing sometimes, and was actually doing it this morning. I think it was because he had a burp. He was half-asleep and crying; it was frustrating. He seems to get anxious about burping sometimes. Other times it's because I sometimes have too fast/strong of a let-down, so I 'feed uphill' or I let some out and put him back on when it is a more normal flow.
@pastemoo: what a smart idea to convert onesies to t-shirts! I am really tempted to cut the bottom of Nico's swaddle blanket sleep sack, as it is too short for him now, but I keep thinking that maybe our next baby would be mad about that. Plus, Nico usually has his legs tucked up anyways, but I just don't want him to be hindered, in case he does feel like stretching out. I ordered a larger one in cotton and tried that out, but it seems too big, and he gets out of the swaddle. hmmmm.
@winniebee: so glad that the sleep tips are working out for you !
This weekend was my first time in my swimwear. When I am conscious about holding in my belly they look great on me, but it's hard to constantly do that. Once I was at the beach, I was either sitting down or holding the baby, so I didn't really feel like my belly was much on display anyways. I've lost a couple more pounds, so now I'm only about 3 pounds over prepreg weight. I totally never thought the 'baby weight' would fall off this easily....I'm sure glad. Again, the belly is still something to be conscious of: saw a photo someone took of me this weekend where I saw muffin top over the front of my jeans. But I don't mind because everyone knows that a new mommy will have a tummy.
On a down-side: I am finally admitting that I think I have hemorroids. I have my 8 week PP appointment this week, so I will ask about it. I think it came on at about 6 weeks PP, which I think is a bit weird. I think that's when Nico had a growth spurt and was feeding all the time and I didn't drink enough water and got constipated for a couple days. (And one poop came out attatched to the stitches, which I pulled out, not knowing it was stitches......but by 6 weeks that should have been dissolved?! Sorry this is getting so gross but it's my reality!) I keep thinking the hemorroids or whatever are going away and it's not. I have blood on the toilet paper after any bowel movement, and even a big drop of blood into the toilet. And I have a sore butt hole almost all day long. Boo. Everything I read about says to resolve constipation to fix it, but I'm not constipated at all. I poop a couple times a day and I'm not straining at all (just anxious because I know it will hurt) and the poops would generally be approved by the 'Dr. Oz' test, but they still feel like razor blades coming out. Can't wait for my Thursday appointment.
Also in my news this weekend: I reorganized my baby stuff. because of all the new clothes we got last weekend at the shower. I now have the baby pants rolled up so I can access whichever ones match the onesie of the day best. My big problem now is that I feel bad for the clothes that might not get worn much. So I'm only putting him in the 3 month onesies even though the 6 month ones look fine on him too. ANd I have a new rotation system where after he wears one and I wash it, I fold it up tiny and put it in a different pile, so that I will access the ones that haven't been worn recently. And I have started packing away the things that don't fit. Yep, he's outgrown like 3 sleepers and all his newborn cloth diapers. I am using baby gift bags to store them for now and then I'll put the gift bags as I haven't pre-bought storage containers. Oh, and I was given a bunch of things that won't fit him until the fall or next summer, so I stored those at the 'back' of the top drawer, where I have the socks and bibs. And I put the baby shoes and hats in a little storage basket near our front door. I still haven't put any shoes on Nico, but they'll be ready if I feel like doing it. I also put Nico's soft toys and hard toys into 2 baskets and moved the zillions of blankets to a new storage spot to get them off the ground (had them in a basket on the ground but there were wayyyy too many for that and the tower of blankets growing out of the basket looked ridiculous). Phew.
I am totally avoiding 'getting up' today. My goal is to clean the house top to bottom, as we are having overnight guests tonight. Nico is still sleeping and I 'should' be doing it now. Hope everyone's week is off to a good start!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: ha. yep. I love the 'your baby is so cute and you look great' attention. I think it's why I plan an outing every day.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@winniebee: I wouldn't worry about the weight as much. I gained 30 lbs with Mavrick and it took a good 6 months to get down to only 5 lbs to lose. What's important is to drink lots of water and get some rest. Eventually once you get a "routine" you can concentrate on shedding the extra pounds.
As for sleep... no advice here, because Sienna is so unpredictable. I wish we had a magic wand or something.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@krsmall: So happy that Brennan is home with you now!!
@pastemoo: Good idea re: the onesies! Tyler now fits quite well into newborn onesies (guessing he is 6.5 pounds or so now) but still swims in some newborn outfits.
@blushink: Thanks re: weightloss. I guess it's hard not to be jealous of those who have lost a lot already. I'm not used to being this size, it's weird. Also I have 3 dresses that fit me -- I think if I get some "in between" clothing I will feel better about the way I look.
@Goldilocks1107: Thanks for the tip on that book. I should have read more about sleep when I was on bedrest....why didn't I? Good for you for getting to the gym. My midwife said no real workouts until I really haven't bled or spotted. I still occasionally spot, so I'm trying to hold off for another week or so, instead doing hour long walks.
@bcpmarj: Penny is adorable! I love getting those comments while out and about, too. It's fun to hear that your baby is "adorable" : )
@cvbee: Way to go re: bathing suit. Went to the beach yesterday, too. Though, no bathing suit for me, yet. We are going to my husband's lakehouse this weekend and I'm sure I'll wear one then. I have a lot of work to do on the body, though.
Sooooooo I watched Happiest Baby on the Block DVD yesterday and implemented religiously last night (well not the sucking part b/c Tyler doesn't really like the paci) - HE WENT DOWN WITHOUT FUSSING and slept for two 3 hour stretches....and then a 2 hour stretch where he made his dinosaur noises (you know what I'm talking about?) but didn't fuss or cry. I can't even believe it. My husband was in shock that the shhhing worked so well. Could have been a fluke, but I will be doing this again tonight. Also, Tyler has been a very nappy baby this morning, too. I read somewhere that sleep begets sleep and I'm hoping that it's true.
Anyone else freaked out at how fast this is all going? Tyler will be 4 weeks on Thursday and I'm already sad about it! We are thinking of moving Tyler to his room after 1 month - I don't feed him in bed and his room is right next door. And if he's not fussing, when he sleeps sometimes he is very noisy = not great night sleep for us.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@cvbee: haha! I should be cleaning the house too yet here I am on the computer. It's crazy how fast they grow and I think your "organizing" is smart! If you have things hung in a closet (I have pjs and dresses, but alas you don't have dresses) you can always put the hanger the other way for things that have been worn, so you know to put on something else.
@winniebee: Oooo this sounds great!!! I never read the book the first time around, but heard great things about it. Maybe if things don't as smoothly in a week or so, I might consider it. So dont mind if I follow along your progress
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@bpcmarj: Adorable! Did she wear that headband at the wedding? Glad you had such a good time!
@cvbee Get tucks wipes-no fun having razor poop!
Nice work with reorganization! I need to as well- he's already out of newborn diapers and some newborn clothes. We don't rotate clothes well...
@blushink Thanks. I still have 15 or19 pounds to go, too (3w pp).
@winniebee I am freaked about how fast it's going, too!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: The first part of my weight came off quickly, but the last 10 lbs are hanging on. I keep trying to remind myself that I'm barely 3 weeks postpartum, and that I'm still in recovery mode. But I'm tired of seeing the mommy pouch that used to be my flat tummy. I want it gone now!
I think Audrey has a cold - she was super fussy and seems congested. She was having a hard time sleeping, so now I have her on my chaise lounge chair that has a bit of elevation to it, and she's been asleep for almost 2 hours now. I think we might have to prop up one side of her crib tonight to see if that helps her evening sleep.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: I'm envious of others that have lost all or most of their weight as well. My weight keeps fluctuating five pounds, and I have stayed like this for a few weeks. It really sucks. I do need to start working out again though. I don't think that breastfeeding is going to shed my excess weight alone. Damn!
@Goldilocks1107: Hope your sweet Audrey feels better soon!
Our little guy has usually been a great sleeper, but yesterday and this morning he was cluster feeding and refusing naps. He is finally taking a good nap now though.
Here is a pic of little guy at 5 weeks (now 6 weeks)...
Now that I said he is taking a good nap, he is starting to wake up! He slept a couple of hours, so I will take it! Oh, a couple of days ago he started to social smile. When he sees daddy and I, he gets this huge grin on his face. I love it!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: I will pick up the tucks wipes tomorrow when I'm in town. I feel like it's an 'internal' issue though, but I will try anything. It's actually the worst when I'm sitting up and breastfeeding. I could do side-laying more often. Hopefully it will be a thing of the past soon.
Hey everyone with the weight loss issues who are still early-on: I didn't even start wearing my regular clothes until 3 weeks PP. I'm 8 weeks now: every week makes a difference with the return to the old body. I've never really had a flat tummy even though I'm a thin gal, so I'm pretty set-up with my clothes to not be tight or accentuating that area.
Got the house clean but not much else today. Nico has been a little extra-fussy. One fussy session I solved: turned out he had to toot! I gave the bicycle leg thing a try for a couple minutes and then held alternating legs for about 10 seconds each in bike pose and he started letting them rip. Then I held both legs in. It was unbelievable how much gas came out of that little body. K, so then I felt sooo good about figuring that out and he was all happy. But then he got hungry and I fed him and he was fussy AGAIN. I tried so many ways to burp him and he fought me the whole time. I got one mini-burp out and managed to trick him into sleeping a few times, but every time he woke up he was mad. Right now I've tricked him into sleeping again. Hope he gets over this gassy fussy thing because we are having overnight guests tonight who will be seeing him for probably the only time they will ever see him as an infant. Want to make a good impression. (And yet there is this voice in the back of my head saying that he's just a baby and if he's fussy he's fussy.....but I can't help but want him to be 'good'. This is probably the beginning of a long life of hoping for him to be good. !
@marriedandlovingit: Nico just recently started his social smile too (a bit late? wait, i must stop comparing my baby to standards!) and it is absolutely delightful.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Ack! This thread is starting to move along faster again, and I don't really have time to reply to everyone right now. Sawyer is doing the 6 week growth spurt thing, and eating every 1-1 1/2 hours during the day and 2-3 hours at night. It is a bummer, because he had been doing 3 hours during the day and 4-5 at night before this, but I know the growth spurt is temporary. The growth spurt is making him sleepy/grumpy as well, and I miss my smiley happy baby! He has short happy periods, but nothing like I was used to.
Me and my co-worker had our work shower over the weekend, it was so fun to see everyone and we got a ton of cute bigger sized clothes, and a really fun wagon as a group gift. Sawyer luckily was really sleepy and cuddly during the baby shower, the growth spurt grumpiness didn't start until we got home that evening. Unfortunately, he was grumpy for my Mom all evening, when she had driven the 3 hours to spend time with him.
Hopefully the growth spurt feeding doesn't last too much longer, so I can come and catch up with you guys some more! Gotta go, Sawyer is grumpy!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@cvbee: lol! Never compare your lo to others! It will drive you insane. Easier said than done though.
I'm envious that you cleaned your house. Mine is slowly becoming more cluttered and dusty by the day. I have enough time most days to just wash bottles, pump and do laundry when lo is asleep. Oh, and shower. That is a priority!
I was using a sleepsack on my son, but he kept getting into the most uncomfortable positions in the bassinet. It sits at an incline, and it doesn't work out that well. So I switched back to a swaddle last night. I may try him in his crib for naps this week.
persimmon / 1087 posts
So yeah....I'm 6 weeks pp and I think af has I'm just the slightest bit crampy and saw some faint pink blood. I guess this would explain my caffeine craving the last few days.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ugh, I spoke to soon. Tyler only had 3 sleep stretches last night - 1:45, 2 and 2 - I can't seem to get him down well after his 4:30ish feed and then can't get him back down at all after his 6:30ish feed. Also, I still feel like I have no read on any of Tyler's cries/cues except when he is hungry and I know he hates his diaper change so there is a specific cry there.
I feel like all I do is complain on here lately. I just thought that by 4 weeks we would be in a routine, etc. Don't get me wrong, we have great days and I love my son to pieces. It's just....harder than I thought it would be.
@cvbee: Thanks for the encouragement. I'm almost 4w PP and can't fit into anything non maternity except jersey dresses. I am going to get some in between clothing because I think it will help me feel better about myself.
@marriedandlovingit: Aw, social smiling can't wait for that! I'd be seriously pissed if AF returned at 6 weeks - I still haven't stopped spotting yet!
@MsMini: Your poor chest!!
clementine / 878 posts
Hey ladies, I'm in need of a little positive reinforcement today.
Yesterday was pretty rough with Audrey's cold. I definitely had a huge breakdown while trying to soothe her during one of her scream-fests while also trying to pump. Afterward, I decided that something needed to give because I'm super stressed out all week long (and really only look forward to 4pm when my parents get home from work and I won't be alone anymore). So, I've started cutting back on my pumping and plan to slowly scale back over the next few weeks so I can completely stop.
I know I should feel really good about even trying pumping and making it almost 4 full weeks, since I was initially only going to formula feed. And I have enough of a freezer supply built up to last a few weeks beyond that, so Audrey will have breastmilk at least until she's two months old. But . . . I still feel like a bad mommy for not being able to make it (emotionally) to the full 12 weeks, which was my goal.
Rationally, I know that stopping is best for my mental health, which will make me less testy with Audrey (and DH), but those feelings of inadequacy are still there . . . sigh.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: AF already?! whoa!!! I forget, are you EBF?
@Goldilocks1107: The best gift you can give Audrey is a happy Mommy. No guilt because you know yourself and what you need and that is what you must do.
Doh! When I was in town for the infant hearing screen (and yes, Nico can hear: not surprised) I forgot to get the tucks wipes for my poor bumbum.
@marriedandlovingit: Cleaning is not important. I just did all that cleaning yesterday, and yes, the house was so nice and clean for my overnight guests, but now it is dirty again. That's how housework goes. You might have heard this poem before, but I thought I'd share it. My grandma had cross stitched this and hung it on her wall and I remember reading it so many times as a little came back to my mind when Nico was a newborn, and my grandma gave me her cross-stitch as a present when I told her about relating to it. Here is the poem:
Cleaning and dusting can wait til tomorrow
for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@cvbee: well, my Dr said it isn't and bleeding again at 6 weeks after 2 weeks of not bleeding is common. Funny that I'm crampy though. I am breastfeeding along with supplementing with formula. I have heard of that poem!
@Goldilocks1107: I know how you feel. There is so much pressure on us mommies to breastfeed/pump. I cannot wait until I wean from it, but I know I will feel some guilt.
I had my 6 week pp today. All went good. I didn't know how much I weighed from most of second tri until I delivered. I'm so glad I decided to not know how much I gained. I gained 50 lbs. Wow. I've lost 35 of it. I have some work ahead of me though to lose that last bit. It won't budge.
clementine / 878 posts
@cvbee: &@marriedandlovingit: Thanks ladies! I mentioned to DH that I was feeling bad about it, and he told me not to (which is a nice change from when I mentioned I was considering stopping and he said he'd support me, but that he liked the fact Audrey was getting "natural" food and not using a lot of formula was saving us money - um, not supportive honey!).
Today's challenge: go to the gym with Audrey and get in a workout that doesn't include running from the cardio area to the Kids Club because I'm being called over the intercom. It will be my first experience with the Kids Club, and I'm a little nervous. Plan of attack: I'm dressed, pumped and waiting for Audrey to wake up. I'll then feed her, change her diaper and put her in the car seat and hit the road.
Maybe I should go put her diaper bag in the car now . . .
nectarine / 2039 posts
I wanted to sleep and nico wanted to party. The magic combination: Snuggabunny bounce chair on vibrate plus soother in mouth.
Now would I be a bad person to just fall asleep now and leave him in there?
persimmon / 1087 posts
We have Cooper sleeping in his crib/nursery for the first time tonight! It took him foreverrrrr to fall asleep, but he did. I had to take him out of the sleepsack and swaddled him up. My husband is so happy to have our room back. Me? I'm happy, but not sure how long the adjustment will take so I am nervous about it.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: oooh! congrats! that's exciting.
And as an update I don't think I can just leave Nico in the vibrating chair because he is pooping.... loudly. Diaper change time.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Ah! I think that the growth spurt is over, but Sawyer was super grumpy/cuddly today, so it was hard to get stuff done. I am hoping for more sleep tonight, I miss my 4-5 hour stretches, since he has been 3 hours max since the weekend. We are going to try to get to bed earlier than 11 (we have been "sleeping" 11-12 until 10 am).
@marriedandlovingit: I am not getting much house cleaning done either! I can tackle a couple things per day (dishes/laundry/vacuuming/dusting/making bed) but a whole house clean ... not a chance!
@winniebee: I don't think things with Tyler sound out of control or anything, I just think that you might have had somewhat unrealistic expectations, babies are too young to have a real routine at this age, there are so many other factors at play (fluctuations in milk supply, growth spurts etc) in the first weeks of life. From what I understand developmentally babies aren't able to support a routine until around the 3 month mark. Any routine people see before that are more "patterns" than a real routine. Hang in there, it will get there eventually!
@Goldilocks1107: I think you did awesome, especially considering you originally didn't intend to provide any breast milk. I think pumping is really hard (in so many ways harder than breastfeeding), and you just need to do what is best for you.
@cvbee: We had the sleep vs party issue the other night, it was midnight, and he was chattering away in the cradle. When I turned out the light to see what he was up to he looked over at me with the biggest grin, so I brought him into bed to visit until her fell asleep (at 2 am).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: You should be proud of yourself for making it so far esp. since you initially didn't want to BF at all! I'm really impressed about your gym regimen - I can't wait to get back into that, though the gym near my house doesn't have daycare and the gym that does (affiliate) I think the baby needs to be 3 mos.
@marriedandlovingit: My friend got AF back at 6 weeks and she was EBF : ( Losing 35 pounds is pretty awesome! Way to go. We put Tyler in his own room, too - which is about a foot from our bedroom and the monitor is not needed. He's still in the rock n play though. I wanted to get into some semblance of a sleep pattern before trying him in the crib.
@cvbee: I have definitely slept while Tyler is in his swing. As long as he is strapped in, no harm, no foul : )
@MsMini: Thx for the reassurance. I came to the same conclusion earlier this week that I am expecting too much from a newborn! His sleep has been much, much, better this week, which I'm thankful for, but know probably won't last. I hope Sawyer returns to his normal pattern, soon. The thought of longer stretches of sleep is glorious!
Tyler is four weeks today - I just can't believe it. I'm so sad that I'm basically 1/4 done my maternity leave - I thought of daycare yesterday and almost started crying! Sleep this week has been better. He has been sleeping for more 3 hour stretches and easier to console when we put him down. Ran into a BF snafu this week though. Since Monday, he has been spitting up more, more gassy, and seems like he is choking on milk while drinking. Also, he has been getting frustrated/fussy at the breast and not sleepy after feedings. My husband and I did a little research and think I have a forceful let down (or a let down that is just too fast for Tyler at this point). Last night, I tried reclining more while feeding him and even used one hold (Australian hold?) where basically baby is on top of you. And he proceeded to nurse nonstop for 2 hours basically. He didn't choke/get frustrated/snarf milk, so I think I need to do more of the reclined position for the time being. Also, since he usually only nurses one side, I think I have been pumping far too much and have inadvertently created an over supply. My breasts almost never feel super squisy/soft (only right after a feeding) and almost always feel bruised. I haven't pumped the other breast in between feedings since last night and the result is a rock-like boob - I hope my body gets the message re: supply soon. It's always something!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: I had the same issues with the forceful letdown (but it's not because of pumping because I rarely pump) and I do the recline with baby on top thing too, with much better results. I 'finish' with sitting up though because I read that if you don't you could get mastitis from the breast not draining fully. I have also found that a few times a day if I make Nico do bicycles with his legs (pushing the knee all the way to his tummy and the opposite leg stretched out to the ground, doing some fast ones for a while, and some where I hold him in that position for 10 seconds) then he gets out his extra gas down there and is much happier.
Now, winnibee, disregard what I'm about to write because I know how much you want a schedule, but you have a 4 week old and I have an 8 week old. So, I've decided today to stop feeding on-demand and put the baby on a schedule instead because he is 'old enough' in my opinion. He's been going sometimes 4-5 hours between feedings and when that happens at night, it is glorious, but it has been happening a lot in the day lately. So, I've decided that I am going to feed him every 3 hours all day.....this is what my friend with a 3 month old does (her 2nd baby) and I think it might work for us. I wrote out the schedule and it felt great to do, as I am used to writing out and following my day plan as a teacher. Today is day 1 on the schedule so I'll let you know how it goes maybe next week, but I am pretty excited about it.
3 hours til our doctor appointment! Can't wait to find out how much Nico weighs and to find out why I have razor blade poops. I decided not to give Nico tylenol before the appointment, but if he seems really upset after I will stop at the store and get some for after. I have a feeling that he'll be fine without: he's a tough little guy.
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: Happy 1 Month! I have the same issue with my letdown. I feel bad for LO. All of a sudden I hear her make these big gulps, then she'll either cough, grimace or just fuss. She's been spitting up and even throwing up so much the past couple days
@Goldilocks1107: I hope the gym went well! You're so lucky to have a place that will watch little one. I'm going to have to do what I can from home for now
@MsMini: LO gave us our first 5 hours stretch two nights ago, but of course last night was back to 3hours. I can't imagine the feeling of going back to 3s after your LO had been sleeping longer consistently, it'd be so hard to give that up!
We're 5 weeks today and things are going well. I'm recouping right now from a ridiculous weekend. Before LO arrived we bought a new kitchen which was delivered the day before LO was born. We'd been anxious to install it and thought we'd hang upper cabinets last weekend which evolved into gutting the whole thing and going for the entire install. I could have lived with the no kitchen thing until our dog sprained her paw and elbow and was totally down and out, not eating, could barely get up to pee etc. and of course no vet within an hour and a half drive had weekend hours. I was a mess and so stressed. I felt like LO was short changed for the whole weekend and early into the week with me having my attention divided between so many things But the good news is our kitchen will be finished tomorrow, the pup is on the mend and I finally can give my undivided attention to LO.
Is anyone else amazed by how noisy these little critters are? The grunts that come out of this little girl all day and even while dead asleep really surprised me. I've also totally fallen in love with the sound she makes when routing... its so sweet! I'll miss that once shes older!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@LAGS: About the noises, yes! My son wakes me up all of the time with his little noises. This morning when he woke up, he was squealing in his crib. It was adorable!
@winniebee: It turns out the bleeding wasn't AF. It was just bleeding from recovery that started back up again after a two week hiatus. My dr said it is normal.
I'm curious about that Australian hold. I will have to check it out.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. My throat has been hurting since I woke up this morning. Nothing serious. More a pain in the ass than anything.
While I was nursing my son this morning, I was looking up different ways of swaddling my son since he was breaking out of the swaddle that he wasn't supposed to be able to break out of. I googled the double swaddle that I keep hearing about and I came across this:
So far, so good! He fell asleep instantly both of the times I have used it today. I love that his legs still have free movement with this type of swaddle. I'm not sure if this is how everyone else double swaddles and I am just late to the game? It works though!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Well even though the bleeding is annoying,hopefully it goes away and doesn't return in the form of AF for quite awhile! The hold I was using is basically a cross cradle but you lie almost completely back and let the baby be on top of you tummy to tummy. It worked last nght, but I think he is too hungry today for it. More fussing at the boob today...
@cvbee: Thanks for the tips! Did the issue resolve as Nico got bigger? If so, when? I've been trying to alternate positions or start out lying down but then moving to a more seated position through the feeding. Today he is fussing again - it's like I know he does'nt want to be inundated but at the same time, he's used to getting more milk with one gulp so I think it willl take some getting used to for him.
@LAGS: Um, yes!! We had to move him to his room the other night because his noises are just too much. It's mostly when he's sleeping lightly (during a nap or before he wakes up) but it keeps us up!
persimmon / 1087 posts
If we think having one child is hard (or twins like @auntpol....), I just found out that one of my sister's friends is having another set of twin boys! She already has 4 year old twin boys. Can you imagine?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: wow: i like it! I'm a swaddle cheater, as I use the sleep sacks with velcro swaddlers by Halo. But I like to know how to swaddle well just in case.....and I did just get the muslin blankets for the summer. Thanks for sharing that. (Funny thing about the velcro swaddles is that in the morning he hears the sound of velcro when I am getting him out of bed, so today when the nurse undid my velcro blood pressure checker, Nico woke up. But later at the appointment I learned that water running makes Nico stop that new tip....doc said it's probably because he loves having a bath and it reminded him of that).
@winniebee: The issue comes and goes for me as my supply regulates now and then. (For example, when he started sleeping longer in the night, etc). Even though he's not choking anymore, I'm still working on the gas issue with him, so I find my issue this week is less about the fast let-down and more me figuring out how to burp him. (He gets really upset about having burps, and yet he fights them). So, feeding him more upright helps. I am doing like the australian and then I lay on my side, propped by a pillow so Nico is almost standing/kneeling in front of me and almost completely straight up for feeding. This way he often burps while feeding. It is also helpful for me to get off my ass because I have hemmoroids and it hurts to sit up for BFing.
@marriedandlovingit: 4 kids? whoa!!!
@LAGS: wow, I can't believe you have redone your kitchen and dealt with a sick dog at this time. For me, keeping the kitchen clean as the day goes on, and managing to walk the dog makes me feel like a champ. You are amazing. And your baby will be just find with the little bit of 'neglect'.
So I just got back from the doc. Nico was so good through his shots. Didn't hardly flinch with the first one, and although he turned red and had the kind of cry where he doesn't breathe for like 5 seconds, he did manage to stop crying within about 20 seconds. And then he's been totally peaceful ever since then. Oh, and he also got the oral vaccine for the rotovirus (diahrrea), and now for 10 days we have to wash our hands really well at diaper changes and keep Nico away from immune-compromised people.
And about my razor-blade poops, I just have to get serious about my fibre intake, water intake and try not to sit on my ass too much (lay down more ) and the hemmorroids should heal themselves.
Oh, and Nico was 12 pounds 1 ounce, and 23 inches. My doc said that was, for boys his age (8 weeks), 60th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. But he said don't get too fixated on the percentiles because even just one ounce difference can make a big difference for this age in the percent, and how much he ate recently vs how much he peed can change that a lot. HAving said that, I am about to go and plug in his 'numbers' into every height-weight chart I can find on the internet! (Hey, and I thought I had a REALLY big boy on my hands here.)
nectarine / 2039 posts
update: he is in pain i had to really spoil him to settle him and now he is sleeping again, poor thing
clementine / 878 posts
@cvbee: Gym trip was a success. Apparently she fell asleep in the Kids Club 5 minutes after I dropped her off, and slept my entire workout. Of course, then she didn't nap at home yesterday afternoon for some reason . . .
@winniebee: I was surprised my gym lets young babies in the Kids Club - most of the ones around here require the baby to be at least 6 weeks old. And I'm glad you found a BF hold that allowed Tyler to eat without incident!
I officially froze my last bag of milk today. And I'm easing down to 5 ounces at each pumping session (2.5 ounces on each side). Since it's mostly foremilk that I'm getting rid of, I told DH that we need to have all bottles with these last sessions include half formula so she's getting enough fat/vitamins. And man, my boobs hurt. But last night, I slept for 5 hours . . . in a row (!).
And we ran through several outfits today. We had a minor poopsplosion this morning (which took out my workout top, her onesie and nixed our morning walk from the schedule). Then she peed (and grandma didnt' have the diaper secured tightly enough) so that took out outfit #2, and the pack n play sheet. And after her bath tonight, she peed during tummy time and DH must not have had the diaper tight enough because it leaked again, taking out outfit #3. I pulled out the size 1 diapers to see if maybe the newborn size was getting too small, but size 1 is too big. I think we just aren't securing the diaper tightly enough. We'll see how tonight goes.
What's everyone's plans for Father's Day this weekend? I'm getting DH a photo frame and a picture of Audrey for him to take to work. And some white chocolate to enjoy.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Around 6 weeks Nico started to out-pee his newborn diapers...even though they are cloth I think it is a similar thing. I bet you might be okay with the size 1s. I used some size 1 disposables on Nico in the hospital, thinking they were newborns and they worked even though they were bigger. I remember that they held so much pee that at diaper change time I couldn't even tell if he had peed or not unless i compared the weight of the diaper to an empty one. (and I had to keep track of his pees because of his was sooo much easier with the NB disposables to tell if he peed). Anyways, maybe it is indeed time to move to size 1 because of the pee, not the fit.
Fed Nico and he did the pain cry at diaper change time, but I settled him again. Now I see why parents get all upset about the first immunizations: it's possibly the first time really seeing baby in pain. (On the up-side, now I know what his pain-cry looks and sounds like ).
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@Goldilocks1107: we switched to size one at about 3 weeks. She is still skinny enough for newborn, but they were too short in the back and causing a lot of leaks. I just overlap the tabs on the size 1s. I've never had a leak by the leg even though she has chicken legs. And since the back goes higher up, no poop accidents either! Good luck:)
Today, I took Penny to meet my coworkers. It was good to shoe my face and say hi
nectarine / 2039 posts
@LAGS: Tonight I wish he was louder, as I keep worrying that he's having a bad reaction to the shots and is not breathing. My Mom said that after having me, a loud sleeping baby, she kept thinking my brother stopped breathing because he made no noise in his sleep. She said she'd always have to put her face right up to his little nose to check. So, loud is helpful for knowing they are alive. I like the noises: I've got a total grunter.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: I am addicted to the stop-by-work thing. They keep encouraging me to come back, and so I do. I stop by at lunch when I know most will be hanging out so I can chit chat. Glad you enjoyed your visit.....maybe you'll get addicted like me.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Um, no I can't imagine twins!! Or even having an infant while also having a toddler!
@Goldilocks1107: Poopsplosion LOL. We have lots of pee through accidents (one every few days).
@cvbee: Thanks for the info on your letdown issues. The lactation consultant seems to think that Tyler will be able to better deal with it in another week or so when he's even a little bigger. Sorry Nico had a rough evening - I am so sad thinking about the shots already! Hope your bum gets better soon.
Tyler's sleep this week has been so.much.better. He's sleeping for multiple 3 hour stretches at night and for longer naps during the day, too. Though we resisted the swaddle at first (because he seemed so distressed by it) it's really helping and now I think he understands that sleep = swaddle.
After consulting with a lactation consultant yesterday re: oversupply and forceful letdown, she agrees that I should be feeding him on one side only to make sure he gets hindmilk and then NOT pumping the other side if possible (only pumping for comfort) and if he is in cluster feed mode, feed one side for up to 4 hours. Crazy how engorged I feel from not pumping the other side that he doesn't nurse on. Hopefully my supply regulates in a few days. Also to use the reclining positions to help with letdown. We'll see how it goes....
DH is off this weekend (after being on for two weekends in a row) and we are headed out of town to his family's lakehouse (though, no comforts are spared there). It's the place where DH and I fell in love (and the place where Tyler was conceived, ssh!) Pretty excited about getting away and having some extra hands around this weekend.
For father's day, I got DH some nice whiskey glasses and a framed picture of Tyler for him (he works in a hospital so can't take it to work but can leave it upstairs in our office to look at while he works : )
Hope you all have a great weekend!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Thanks! I will try that nursing position.
@Goldilocks1107: That is nice that you can drop your daughter off at the kids club at her age. It must feel good to be back at the gym!
Also, congrats on starting the weaning process for pumping. You are doing what is best for you, and that is nothing to feel bad about! To give your daughter 2 months of breastmilk is a great accomplishment! Pumping is one big pain in the ass, and I will admit that I am envious that you are wrapping it up!
Is my son the only one here in size 2 diapers? He's been in them since he was 4 weeks old. They are maybe a tad big on him, but they work well. The size 1's were getting tight on him and leaving red marks, so my mother, husband and I figured it was best to move up. I wish he would stop growing so fast! It's good he's growing, but when he moves up to a different size I can't help but to get a bit sad!
@winniebee: Yay! I'm happy to hear Tyler is getting more sleep! Enjoy the escape and extra help this weekend!
My son has been having a really hard time the past few nights with reflux and gas. My husband went to the store tonight to pick up some Similac Alimentum. I've been supplementing with formula along with breastfeeding, and everything we have tried is not working for him. We are crossing our fingers with this. Seeing him in so much pain breaks our hearts.
persimmon / 1099 posts
@marriedandlovingit: what does he do that indicates pain? My girl has been soooo fussy with her formula she acts like she is super hungry and then will cry 1/2 way through the bottle. She also will routinely let out farts and poop ALOT during a formula feeding. She also will only take 2oz max of formula. We switched to Gentlease by Enfamil and at first she seemed to love it. She then suddenly began refusing it! So we moved to Similac Advance and similar is happening now. I also noticed a prickly rash on her face can't tell if it's heat rash or from formula! Part of me is scared to go EBF I have been looking forward to weaning her to get my body back and prep her for daycare but she loves it soooo much! And even after eating formula will cry for breastmilk.
Anyone have luck increasing their supply with mothers milk? On Monday I may begin the quest to increase my supply and begin a freezer stash.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@marriedandlovingit: glad it's not AF, how curious that the bleeding can come back!
Sorry I dropped out for a bit. LO is either growing or a big fussy pants for no reason. Still healthy and doing fine--just the usual. And he keeps growing out of clothes! He's up a diaper size, too.
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