persimmon / 1087 posts
Quick post. My son has been asleep for 9 hours. Yesterday was day 2 of him refusing to nap. He would cry and scream whenever we laid him down for one. He would calm down the second he saw us, but start up again when we left the room. This is strange.
Is anyone else's child excessively gassy? Ours has such horrible gas. He was screaming in pain last night. I'm going to call the Dr when they open. I want to know if this is something normal and he will eventually outgrow, or if it is something else.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Gabriel is 4 weeks.
@marriedandlovingit: my LO is extra gassy during growth spurts...
@bcpmarj: Weird. Gabriel was spitting out a lot of milk the other dayand not pooping much. Never figured out why though... He's back to "normal"
Can you get something for your DH to wear to stop snoring?
@mrsdaredevil: We also put him down different places each night nap, but always: crib first, bed second, chest 3rd, and if he sleeps again--crib.
I leave about every other day but never more than a couple hours.
And my MIL forced us to go on a date when he was 12 days old. She really wanted to babysit ans wasn t satisfied with just holding him. She convinced DH I needed a break. I was furious b/c it was already 8pm and i was tired and baby was sleeping. We saw a movie. I'm still a little pissed about it. At 5 days, I left LO with ... 6 family members while my SILs and I went to the baby store -that was fun, but it was also less than 2 hours.
@duckduckkristen: You already bought new clothes? I am hoping to fit into my old clothes--I hope it happens.
@married and lovingit: that sucks--when Gabriel pops offand screams it breaks my heart, and it kind of pisses me off, too.
@cvbee: we chose condoms/spermicide because we don't want LO getiing hormones either.
Kidney infection? How are you now? I hope you get well soon!
And... I need to try EASY. How do you get him to sleep?
@msmini: I love your newborn pics!
@bcpmarj:I was told you need a pap at your 6 week pp check up, and a breast exam. They probably check up on all your incisions, too.
Cute pics from the wedding!
clementine / 959 posts
@pastemoo: my midwife didn't want me swimming or taking a bath until my six week checkup. I guess the fear is that if your cervix hasn't closed up completely yet, then something could get in there and cause an infection? I've heard some people say its fine after four weeks.
@MsMini: adorable pictures!
@bpcmarj: I had my 6 week appt a few days ago and first she checked to see everything was all healed on the outside, then did an internal exam to make sure everything was back to normal. Since it was, she ok'd me to swim and DTD. I swam a couple days before my appt though. She didnt do a pap, but told me to come back for one in 4 months. Your LO is so cute!
@marriedandlovingit: 9 hours? I'm so jealous! I got 5 out of Liam last night, but that was after it took 3 hours to get him to bed. He used to be very gassy too. I was worried it was some kind of food sensitivity but the dr said babies have to learn to relax their sphincter to let out the gas and until they do, they have a really hard time getting it out and that's why they get so fussy. Liam's gas issue has gotten much better though, so I think they usually outgrow it. I wouldn't worry.
@pastemoo: I bought new clothes 2 weeks after Liam was born because I felt like crap going out in yoga pants all the time. I only bought a couple pairs of stretch denim capris and a couple tops. Just wanted to be able to look cute when I leave the house! Still have 10 lbs to lose and with my boobs being so huge, pretty much none of my pre-preg clothes fit and I don't think any of my tops will fit as long as I'm nursing!
I really need to change Liam's sleep schedule. For awhile now he's been going to bed around 11pm and sleeping until almost noon (he wakes up 2-3 times to eat)! It's nice that I can get a shower in and get some stuff done in the morning, but I'd rather he go to bed earlier so that I can too! I'm so tired by the end of the day and I have a hard time sleeping past 8am. DH has all of next week off so hopefully I'll get more sleep while he hangs out with the baby and we'll also get to spend lots of family time together.
Hope everybody has a great weekend! Stay cool!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@pastemoo: Interesting. He seems gassy alllll of the time. It really sucks!
@duckduckkristen: Believe me, 5 hours is excellent! I was very happy with the 5 hours he was getting last week.
I understand having to shift the sleep schedule. I am struggling with that as well. I hope you are able to catch up on some sleep as well! Have fun with your husband and son next week!
I took my baby boy to the pediatrician today. The Dr wanted to rule out a stomach condition, so I went to the children's hospital here for an ultrasound for my little man. It came back negative aka excellent news. I'm waiting for a call back from her so we can figure out a plan of action for him.
He's 12 lbs, 10 oz now. He's dropped a bit in percentile, but the dr isn't concerned.
Hope it isn't hot as hell where you are like it is here. It's 95 here and humid. These are the days I miss living in San Diego!
Here is a link to the latest Cooper album if you are interested:
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@marriedandlovingit: I'm really glad that Cooper's tests came back ok. I'm sorry that BF is so tough for you too lately. How do you cope? I'm having to do the top off thing too lately and it is difficult since I know I have plenty of milk in there for him, he just won't take it from me : ( Cooper is super cute!
@cvbee: OMG hope you feel better!!! What caused it?
@Mrsdaredevil: I leave Tyler at least once a week but not more than a few hours. Once for an OB appt, once to grocery shop, once for dentist, once for manicure. Etc. Tyler's sleep is inconsistent, but I'm trying to keep him consistent at least at night. Days he naps basically wherever.
@bcpmarj: Awesome pics! Thank god today is cooler around here! You are on the cape, right?
@msmini: I love your newborn pics!
@pastemoo: I have been trying EASY too, though Tyler hasn't been going 3 hours on feedings during the day lately. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Tyler fights naps too, pretty routinely. Lots of his daytime naps are spent on walks or in the car by chance. I just had to force him to swaddle and get in the swing because he has been so fussy the past hour. He just started screaming again but I think he zonked himself out.
My husband unexpectedly had some time off this week so we made the most of it and had a great week - went to NH for a few days to relax at our parents houses (and go swimming since it's been a heat wave in Boston).
Tyler is still fussy but has had good days and bad days. I don't think he has colic, but he does have bad tummy issues. We started using gas drops the other day but I'm not sure they have helped at all. When he is having a good day, he's so stinking good and cute : ) It all goes without saying that I love him dearly.
Sleep - he's back to 2/3 hour stretches at night. I think due to BF issues. It's more of the same on the BF front. Going on one week, he will only feed 5 minutes on one side, pushes himself off and then screams when I put him back on either breast. And sometimes acts hungry after and will take up to an ounce. DH is still very encouraging and doesn't want me to quit, but I dread breastfeeding at this point and feel like it is taking away from the mothering experience (and clearly DS is not happy, either). I'm going to pay to meet with a lactation consultant on Monday or Tuesday (LLL was very disappointing - never even returned my calls) and give it one final good old college try before moving towards pumping and giving him bottles. I'm really sad about it, but I'm not sure how much more of this I can endure.
I have a case of the poor me's re: BF. Tough time getting pregnant, difficult pregnancy, failing at breastfeeding. I know it's not about me anymore, but catching a break would be nice. I'm disappointed in myself for feeling this way - I just thought motherhood would be so natural for me and the BF issues plain suck.
persimmon / 1099 posts
@winniebee: Just wanted to let you know I feel your pain! Abbey is such a snacker. I dont know if its cause I have a low supply or what. Is your hospital very BF friendly? They sometimes have nursing lines you can call for help. My pediatrician also has a connection with a Lactation Consultant. I started supplementing with formula and it was what was best for me and what my daughter needed. I dont think its makes you wrong or a failure. You have given your baby so much love and care since conception including the most critical time for mothers nutrients/antibodies. Do what feels right for your family no judgement.
Also, I initially mistook my husbands enthusiasm for breastfeeding and his support for my decison as pressure or an expectation to continue. My husband told me he kept encouaging me because he knew how important it was to me to breastfeed for awhile. He said he always supports my decisions and wanted to keep me motivated. I am still going at 8 weeks with my baby and am proud to take it day by day.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@winniebee: It is so much cooler in our apartment today, although we haven't been outside. We live right by the sagamore bridge and it's a zoo on weekends:) I try to avoid going out unless I feel like I really have to!
Penny fell asleep on her own the other night. She was tired so I put her in her seat while we were watching tv in the living room. It was awesome that she fell asleep on her own. Next time I will try putting her in the pack and play/bassinet instead!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@winniebee: also, like pp said, we have lactation nurses at our pediatrician. Also, there is a place in Sandwich called the center for breastfeeding, and they have free drop ins with a lactation consultant. I know thats far for you but you could see if they have one up near you. One way or another, you are a great mom regardless of what happens!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Thanks for the sweet words!
As for the bf'ing, it is so frustrating. I keep trying to convince myself that I need to keep at it. I feel guilty whenever I give him a bottle of pumped milk or formula when I know that's ridiculous for feeling that way. I cope by venting to my husband. He understands my frustration. He thinks we are doing the right thing by supplementing.
@winniebee: Glad you had a fun week with your husband at your parents' houses! Swimming sounds so nice right now (minus the fact that my body isn't swimsuit ready!).
I've been able to get out more these days. Cooper loves getting out. He smiles so much when we get out of the house!
How is everyone doing with the weight loss? I haven't lost any weight for a few weeks. I haven't really been working out though. I am sick of living in yoga pants, so I need to implement something more than just walks!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@marriedandlovingit: as far as weight loss, ugh. I made the mistake of trying on some of my biggest summer clothes. At 7 weeks pp, the zipper on them would not even close a little bit. booooo. I, like you, am SO sick of wearing yoga pants and maternity jeans that now fall down. I plan to hit up some consignment shops this week to get some cheap regular clothes in a bigger size (or 2!). That way, I will at least feel like I look nice again even if I'm not the size I was before. I still haven't met with my midwife to get the ok for exercise, so I'm waiting on that, too.
What are you bf-ing Mom's doing for nursing clothes? I find myself looking for shirts and things that will work for nursing, but I really don't want to spend the money on nursing specific clothes.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@marriedandlovingit: I basically lost 20 pounds during week 2 pp and haven't lost anything since. My weight is going up and down 5 pounds from those 20. So... 14 to 19 to go...
My fat pants and my maternity pants (and my fat shorts and my elastic waist skirts) fit. My nicer tailored stuff don't fit and may never fit--I really need to lose the weight! I hear you can't really diet until 2 months pp if BFing. 4 weeks to go...
@bpcmarj: I had two convertible nursing/maternity shirts, and 2 dresses I bought late in pregnancy (empire waist, super stretchy) that can pull down, and then I have several button down shirts that I wear.
I don't understand the "lift up" nursing wear--it is way too hard to do that! I just mostly wear buttons downs, except my maternity pull down/pull to the side stuff.
@everyone: Breastfeeding is ridiculously hard! I hear you all on that. Every once in a while he gets a great latch and reminds me how cool it is, but usually it hurts or is frustrating and I feel like the snack machine. But it's worth it for that once in a while.... And it sounds like everyone is getting out more. cool.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: Thanks so much for your words! DH is definitely just encouraging/not pressuring - he knows how much I want to do this and also that I'm not the most patient person in the world ; ) I keep setting mini goals. Right now it's make it to an appt. with an LC next week...
@bpcmarj: Thanks : ) I'm going to call my pediatrician Mon, too to see if they have suggestions or if they will consult with me.
@marriedandlovingit: I'm in the same boat. I don't think I will ever "quit" BF - even if I go to pumping, I'll probably try to nurse some and just see how it goes. But, not giving up, yet. Oh, the bathing suit bod is scary! I just don't even care. I bought my first one piece and that's that.
Weight loss - eh. I gained 30 and have probably have 13-14 more lbs to go, though I look a lot better these days. I lost 15 right off the bat and though I have been doing daily power walks, haven't lost much more (I don't have a scale, but weighed myself at my mom's last week). I bought some more jersey dresses this week as I don't fit into any of my pre-preg clothing. I also took a few of my mom's shorts - I used to be a size 2 and my mom's are size 8 and barely button so I'm going to wear them with a bella band. I thought by now I'd have less to lose, but oh well.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@duckduckkristen: same thing here! Willa goes to bed super late, and so usually we don't end up starting our day until noon in the "morning."
I am fitting into some of my pre pregnancy clothes, but I don't think anything looks right. My body is just so much wider now....tight shirts do NOT look cute. I have like two pairs of pants that actually fit WELL and I am wearing them out! @winniebee, I am probably a size 8 now too. Boo! It is weird being the same size as my mom.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Well, this 6 week growth spurt has basically turned willa into a crazy person. She hasn't slept in two days and does nothing but cry, eat, and cry. I am going nuts, and I feel so bad for her!!! Her eyes are so red and I know she is exhausted. Our doctor said that because she is such a crazy active and alert baby, she gets overstimulated really easy and basically cries to unwind. hope this changes soon!
Has anyone's baby NOT had a long sleep stretch yet? The longest willa has ever had was four hours, only once! I don't know why....I have her on such a good eating schedule during the day!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: We haven't had a long sleep stretch either. for 3 days in a row, he did 4 hours, but that was about (more than?) a week ago--now it's 1-3 hours.
My LO goes to sleep between 7 and 9pm... and is WIDE AWAKE at 4am. Sometimes I can get a morning nap out of him. 4am to 6am is my least favorite time of day lately.
@winniebee: Yay for keeping up BFing. It's hard!
And.... I don't care about my bathing suit body, either. I've never been so comfortable in my bikini as I am now--because I feel like I earned my belly. I know it's there, and jiggly, but I earned it, darn it!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: poor Willa! Tyler slept 4.5 last week and also 4 but didn't sleep 4 again til last night. I think it would have been longer but at 9 he fell asleep on me and rather than putting him down I let him hang in bed. He woke up and I kept trying to feed him since he hadnt eaten sibce 7 but ge got very upset. Turns out he was just tired and I finally got him sleeping at 10 (and he was up around 215). However Tyler doesn't weigh as much as everyone else (shy of 8 lbs) so I don't think I can expect him to sleep longer yet.
We generally put him down around 930 but our real sleeping ends around 530. He is pretty wide eyed then and won't go right back down. He eats, I keep him up for awhile and when I noice sleepy cues I re swaddle him and put him in the swing. He will sometimes sleep another 2 hrs but sometimes only 1.
nectarine / 2039 posts
Hey All!
DH is doing the baby work this morning so I've got some time for this! Yay!
So yesterday we tried to DTD again, but with regular lube. TMI but I could get it half way in comfortably so I told DH that was as far in as we were going. You'd think after having a giant baby head come out that having a penis go in would be no problem hey?
Well that didn't last long. Nico is back with me. I am the one with the boobs.
@winniebee: not sure what caused the kidney infection, but since it was the same side that got hurt by the kidney stone I think it may be a weak spot now. I probably didnt drink enough water, and it was the hottest ever here, around the clock. And for a bacteria to get in there? Maybe it was from using hemorroid cream? Speaking of my roids, they went away maybe because of the kidney infection.......the pain from the kidney infection made me vomit up my breakfast and not be hungry for lunch, and it took a while to get my appetite back, so I think my colon was empty for a couple days. May have been just enough time to rest up and heal?
So, I've had bad luck in my body lately, but good luck with the baby. Nico is 9 weeks old and it was like a lightswitch this week where I figured out Nico's tired cues (fussing!...maybe similar to Willa?) and have been diligent about giving him naps, and I make sure he gets a good feeding each feed time, and now he wakes up only once in the night, sleeping 9pm to 6am or 8am. He often 'refuses' to nap though, and I didn't like the way he was starting to scream when I put him in his crib (whereas I had previously only used the crib for night-time sleeping and he was sooo good about sleeping and not screaming in there). So now I will just put him in the wrap-carrier and that puts him to sleep. Then I can usually slip him off me, keeping him wrapped up, and put him wherever I want for sleeping. I know when he gets older I'll want him napping in his crib but for now, so long as he is sleeping, I am okay with it.
Ha. Things change so quickly with babies. I feel like as soon as I write something here, it is no longer true. For example, Nico just got fussy so I swaddled him and put him in his crib. He is not screaming, so it might work. And I might be able to eat my breakfast in bed.
@pastemoo: I feel the same way: actually MORE comfortable with my bikini body now, since I have a 'reason' to not have a perfect tummy.
Okay gals, Nico is not taking the nap. Got to go.
nectarine / 2039 posts
bounced him for 5 min.....trying again
@bpcmarj: I used to be obsessed with trying to wear shirts best for nursing. Now I just wear any top and pull it up to nurse.
Nap success! Nico is sleeping.
Man, I'm so behind on replying to this thread...and yet I've been reading and have all these things I 'meant' to reply.
Okay, I can't find who said it, but someone said that babies need to learn to relax their sphincter so they can pass gas and I found that very interesting. It seems like my baby needs to learn to relax for so many things to work better: farting, burping, sleeping... When Nico was a newborn he was unaware of the world and always relaxed so everything was easy. Now I have to coach him through the things he used to do so easily (esp burping and falling asleep) because he was relaxed.
My current thoughts:
-it's time to pack up Nico's 0-3 month clothes soon but they are my favourite things so I keep squeezing him into them....maybe I'll give it one more week.
-I'm the first of my generation in my family to be having a baptism for my baby. I'm really unsure how much of a big deal to make of it. Thing is, almost everyone has 'fallen away' from the church, so I feel weird asking them to come all the way to visit us and go to mass. But at the same time I don't want to offend people by 'not' inviting. One generation ago, our baptisms were a huge deal and everyone attended and there was a big party.
It's a rainy Sunday and Nico is sleeping. I think I might just take a morning nap too. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
clementine / 959 posts
@marriedandlovingit: still have about 10 lbs to lose. I started working out again last week but need to be more consistent about it. I lost 15 lbs in the first week, then nothing for a month, then 5 lbs in a week, and now nothing lately.
@bpcmarj: I just bought some nursing tanks from target. They were having a buy more, save more sale so I stocked up. I also got some tops that are not specifically nursing, but have an elastic neckline I can pull down. I got some halter dresses from Victoria's Secret that were on sale too and I just untie them to nurse. I get so frustrated with clothes when it comes to nursing!
@Mrsdaredevil: The six week growth spurt was pretty bad for us too. Now that he is 7 weeks, he has been sooo much better though! He doesn't eat nearly as often and sleeps much better.
It seems like things have gotten a million times better in the last few days! Now that he is 7 weeks, Liam is going 3-4 hours between feeds during the day and is much more efficient at emptying my breasts, so nursing is only taking 10-15 minutes. AND last night he slept for 6 hours! I woke up and had leaked all over the bed and after he ate I was still engorged and pumped over 5 oz!
The other thing is, he only eats from one breast per feeding now, so each breast goes 6+ hours at a time without being emptied. I've had to pump a lot, but maybe I should stop to let my supply regulate.
Only thing that's getting worse is Liam's ability to get himself to sleep. He used to just pass out after nursing, but now we have to actually rock him to sleep, which can take awhile since he's so much more alert and just wants to play, especially when daddy gets home.
But overall things are much better, so for those of you having trouble, hang in there! You're doing great and I'm sure everything will work itself out... And that as soon as I'm done typing this something will go wrong again here.
eggplant / 11287 posts
WWhat is this EASY method I keep reading about?
And @cvbee, throw a bit party!!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: it is from the Baby Whisperer book. It is a type of scheduling where when the baby wakes up the first thing you do is feed it (E is for Eat), then you do stuff with the baby like change it, go for walks, tummy time, bath time, read books, whatever (A is for Activity), next you try to notice the baby's cues for sleepy and get it to sleep before it is overtired....well, overtired or not, the next thing is a nap (S is for sleep). The Y in EASY stands for you-time. That's where you as a Mommy do what you need to do for yourself. And you don't go based on a clock, you just keep cycling EASY EASY EASY all day long until it is night. Personally, I do an extra E before putting him down for the night so that he's tanked-up, and in the middle of the night I don't do activity time, just eat and sleep.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: I only feed one breast per feeding too. You can stop pumping but it will take some time of engorgement and leaking all over the place. (But my big regret when I thought I might have more than a kidney infection was not having a supply in the freezer, so I am jealous of all your pumped milk). This week (first week of 6 hour stretches of sleep overnight), I swear I had to change/wash my sheets every day. But the last 2 nights I've managed and they don't even hurt anymore.
@duckduckkristen: same here! Now I have to help Nico get to sleep and that was never the case before. Always a new challenge around the corner being a Mommy eh.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I do an extra E before bed too so that the last thing Tyler does before bed is eat. I try to keep him up for an hour after feeding during the day. Sometimes he naps 1 hour sometimes 2 (and sometimes hr is up for 2 hours before a nap...)
@duckduckkristen: I'd caution you on the pumping. Ty has always nursed from one side and I'd pump the other to relieve myself. I called in double what he was drinking and created an oversupply which led to a bunch of issues. It might not be a big deal since Liam is older though.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@cvbee: that sounds similar to baby wise, which was working wonderfully for us the first 5 weeks of her life. Now it is impossible to get her down for a nap....unless she is in the Moby.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@duckduckkristen: That's crazy how a bunch of us lost a bunch super quick postpartum, and now we have plateaued.
@cvbee: I love the EASY method! I guess I have been doing that without realizing. One of the baby's I nannied followed that routine and is the best sleeper! His parents say that they sleep better than before baby.
@cvbee: Have you found that feeding from one breast has been the most successful? I am struggling with my son not getting full from our sessions. I try to just do one breast, but sometimes I feel like I need to offer him the other one.
@cvbee: Are you sad about moving him to the next size up? I think it's bittersweet! I love that my son is growing and gaining weight, but it is happening so fast! Time flies with these little ones! I have a pile of the 3 month clothes waiting for me to wash. Perhaps I will do that this week!
As for the baptism, I would invite everyone! Throw a party regardless of how many people happen to show up. It is an important occasion! It should be celebrated!
@Mrsdaredevil: It will get better! I've noticed how much better my son's sleep got this past week (week 7). I'm sure now that I have mentioned it his sleep will suck, but I just wanted to throw that out there. There is hope!
My son is now 8 weeks old! I need to take a picture this week in his 12 month old outfit. His first month picture was horrible! We got him when he was pouting and super fussy! I don't know why we didn't try again the following day. Things were chaotic then, so that is probably why.
I decided to try on my size 8 shorts today. Most of them fit! They are a tad tight, but whatever! I couldn't button them last week, so this is progress! I was a size 6 (briefly) before I got pregnant, so that is my goal size. The funny thing is, my weight has not budged in what seems like forever! WTH?!! If I lose 10 pounds, I will be happy. If I lose 15 lbs, I will be ecstatic.
I think I have an ear infection. I got one last year while I was on our honeymoon and it feels exactly like it did then. Being a mom while you aren't feeling good is tough! Before baby, I would just stay in bed all day. Now I am not sure of how careful I should be around him. I have been breastfeeding a bunch today, which is progress from earlier. I know how important it is to nurse while sick so little one can build up the antibodies.
Time for bed!
nectarine / 2039 posts
quick post:
Like I said, just when I write one thing here, everything changes. Yesterday: constant sleeping and nursing, with comfort nursing; this morning, been 'working on' starting a nap for over an hour. EASY is over when baby needs something else.
@marriedandlovingit: Until things changed yesterday, Nico would feed from one breast, then I'd change him and get him to try and feed even more from that breast. It was going great like that. I tended to only offer the other one at night. There was a few days where I offered number 2 but he'd just end up throwing up, I think from eating too much, so re-offering the same one again worked better. (But like I said, then yesterday everything changed, with him falling asleep mid-feeding and wanting to comfort nurse instead of continuing the feeding. He was pretty much on my boob for all afternoon, evening, and the first half of the night. This morning he is continuing to not really empty the breast.)
@marriedandlovingit: I am so sad about moving to the next size. I'm not going to do it yet. To make myself feel better I think, "well, maybe I'll have another little boy one day and he can wear these". Silly how attatched I've gotten to some of his little outfits. Last night it was colder and I was even so happy to be able to use the warm sleep sack that he used for the first 2 months of sleeping. Sentimental for sure!
OKay, it looks like Nico is finally sleeping after 1.5 hours of starting and stopping the nap (with me bouncing him to sleep and putting him down every 15 minutes, it seemed). I nursed him to sleep, in a swaddle, put him down and then stroked the spot between his eyebrows and put a soft blanket over his chin touching his lips.
This is the latest it has ever been before I got my shower for the morning. Good thing no one came to the door: it's almost noon!!
Nico will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I feel like I am finally getting caught up with the thread! Sawyer is 2 months old today! Time flies by SO QUICKLY! We did his 2 month pictures yesterday, and it was so much more fun than the 1 month ones, he was smiling and happy, the pictures looked good, I hope DH has time to edit them soon!
Sawyer has his immunizations, I prepared by feeding him and giving him tylenol an hour before the appointment, then we played so he was a bit sleepy by the time I put him in the car seat, he was drowsy during the appointment so he didn't fight too much, but he was very upset/mad about the pokes. He settled pretty quickly and was back to smiling and chatting in about 5 minutes of soother/cuddling. DH came along and held him for the shots (me and DH both needed to update our immunizations, so we both for poked first). Sawyer got his shots about 4 hours ago, and seems fine so far.
Sawyer had been sleeping well prior to the 6 week growth spurt, and got totally thrown off sleep-wise then. He has always been a night owl (best awake time is 10pm to midnight!), but we finally are back on track, and last night he did a 5 hour and a 4 hour sleep stretch (YES!!) I hope the trend continues.
It is amazing how quickly these babies grow, he is starting to grow out of his 0-3 month clothes, I just pack them away as he grows out of them, and I have been able to pull out some of the smaller 3-6 month clothes. He had grown 4 1/2 inches and gained 4 pounds since birth already! He is starting to get chubby, and I am loving the new chubby belly that sticks up over his pants.
@bpcmarj: I ended up buying a few nursing shirts, like 6 of them, they are all tanks so I can wear them this summer then layer with cardis in the fall/winter. I got some cute ones, and I am happy for the wardrobe refresh as well.
@marriedandlovingit: I am below pre-preg weight, but have plateaued for a while. I am getting out and about (walking) more so I hope that will help keep it going.
@pastemoo: I don't like "lift up" for nursing either, I have a couple drapey pull to the side tops, they are my favourite, because the drapey piece covers excess boob, so it is more modest than "drop down" stuff.
@Mrsdaredevil: Sawyer has never gone beyond 5 hours of sleep, he did it consistently in week 5, but then the 6 week growth spurt happened, and he just finally did 5 hours again last night (he is almost 9 weeks now). I was getting discouraged.
@cvbee: I am packing up select 0-3 month things, basically setting them aside as they get too short and putting them away. I have also pulled out some of the smaller 3-6 month things for him to wear, so his wardrobe is expanded quite a bit!
@duckduckkristen: I only feed 1 side per feeding, unless Sawyer is ravenous! Usually he does 1 feed per day where he does both sides (what time that is varies - oddly). I only pump after his first feed of the day, and I have stashed enough to exclusively feed him for about a week if I needed to. I really need to give more bottles during the week (we usually do 1).
kiwi / 525 posts
Hi honey, I'm home;)
Many apologies ladies for my absence, it's been kinda chaotic round here.
Quick recap:
EDD: 17th may
Actual: 14th may, c section due to fetal distress at 2256 and 2258.
Twin one Evelyn Marin, 5lb12
Twin two Sive Rosa, 6lb5. *Sive rhymes with five*
I don't actually know how tall girls were, it's on chart somewhere obv but I never thought to ask. Lanky enough to be pushing out of 0-3month babygros nearly now, at 6 weeks.
It's mad catching up on this thread after so long, so many things we all talked about beforehand are realities now- breast feeding and all it's complications, intimacy issues, sleep deprivation... I'm obviously having all three, although the bf is the most troublesome. From thr start formula was used as well, and with two bf is so much harder- I tandem feed sometimes and it's v difficult to combat the falling asleep midfeed thing with no free hands. Of course when I decide to feed one on her own, her sister will wake for attention too. Bottles are just so much easier. We both do all feeds, pretty much and like so many of you have said every time you think there's a routine happening they up and change it on you.
By virtue of being twins, the girls are considered full term even though they arrived at 37/5. I'm beginning to think I should count their adjusted age- forty weeks for me would've been the 31st of may- and we are still waiting for proper smiles and more awake, interactive time. Although Sive is more alert and active than Evelyn. They are eating plenty, and packing on the weight- 8lb3 and 9lb1 last wednesday, respectively.
It's been hard being body slave to such ungrateful little tyrants the last six weeks! I got an infection in my wound so my recovery is a lot slower and more hassle than I expected - an unexpected week in hospital, massive doses of antibiotics, and now twice weekly visits to hospital still for wound review. Fun!
As the girls are lazy on the boob and I'm not pumping, I'm leaking like a tap by times and have recurring clogged ducts. I've been making slow progress with those, and will start taking lecithin this week to hopefully begin to prevent them coming back once I get on top of it.
We had a bad weekend here in that I sat and cried most of yesterday- my tear ducts were a surprise addition to the general leakiness going on round here the last while - I was so tired and feeling just miserable. My first week home from hosp was great, before the infection really got legs, and since then I've felt a lot more fragile and unwell generally. I've had some difficulty bonding with the girls and am really only getting beyond fondness recently. Dh too- when you're exhausted it's just hard, isn't it. But I feel a lot better today- I snatched a few hours sleep at random intervals whenever the girls allowed it, and my consultant was happy with wound progress at this mornings appt.
In good news tho, my blood pressure is back down to civilized levels after spiking around 34 weeks and I should be completely free of medication for that inside the next couple weeks.
The biggie is my weight. I don't own a scales of my own- too upsetting to see horrible numbers all the time- and we had so many us scans the midwives never bothered weighing me really during the pregnancy so I'm not sure of weight directly before and after delivery, for example. But I do know I was weighed by my own doctor on the 30th of sept when I first went in, and I hopped up on their scales again on the 30th of June during my "holy moly what's wrong with my scar?!" visit, and between one visit and the other, I lost 17 kg, or 38 pounds. I'm 38 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant, near enough. Don't ask me how, I have no idea. My appetite was shot in the first trimester but after that I honestly ate what I felt like eating, and I'm still doing that. I intend to take it fairly easy on myself until this infection nuisance is sorted, then I hope to begin to build on that weight loss- I could do with dropping another 40 pounds really, and I don't want to waste the head start the babies dropped in my lap!
So that's me up to date, generally speaking. Is it still awkward to post pics here? Have to show off my daughters:) Even if I still half expect someone to come collect them, as if they weren't ours!
I won't respond to anyone's post yet, we seem to be building another monster thread:)
eggplant / 11287 posts
Officially six weeks pp today and had a successful shot at DTD!!!! It was like the first time all over again....I cried after!!! How pathetic.
Baby still a mess today. No sleep in nine hours, and even then it was a thirty minute sleep.
clementine / 959 posts
Just popping in real quick to share that Liam slept for a whole 8 hours straight last night! Of course I didn't get any sleep though because I woke up almost every hour to make sure he was still alive since he had never slept that long. I finally started swaddling him with arms in (he had never liked it before and even escaped the swaddle in the hospital, so I just never swaddled his arms), and shh'ed him in the rocking chair, then put him down not quite asleep. Just did the same thing tonight and hopefully we'll get a repeat of last night!
kiwi / 525 posts
@duckduckkristen: Wow, that's fantastic! You're making me consider going back to swaddling! I did it the first fortnight until Sive started escaping and I've been putting them in sleep sacks since, and they really don't sleep as consistently as they used to.
@Mrsdaredevil: You poor thing, it sounds like you're having a really tough time of it. Is she colicky or anything? I can't remember what you've said in earlier posts, what does your paediatrician say? There must be some kind of solution for that.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I'm so behind on this thread...
Brennan is now up to 5 lbs 8 ozs (original birth weight 4lbs 8 ozs). The pediatrician is happy with his weight gain and he is strictly on breastmilk (breastfeeding and pumping) with an iron supplement. His feedings during the day go great but night is such a struggle. He is up like clockwork wanting to eat all night, and it's almost impossible to get any sleep. I don't know how DH can sleep through the crying. It sounds like everyone is in the same boat with the no sleep thing. The good thing is there is so much to watch on TV right now. I'm able to watch full Wimbeldon coverage. The breastfeeding is going well and he seems to be good at latching on, we are now breastfeeding every other feeding. We had our newborn pictures last weekend and Brennan did really well, he slept the entire session. As for weight loss, I still have about 15 pounds left to lose. I don't fit into any pre pregnancy pants yet, but I'm getting close. My boobs are so big that my shirts are tight and I only have 3 which don't make me feel like I'm all boobs. Do you guys put your baby on your chest to sleep? I heard babies love it but Brennan gets fussy after 10 minutes. We are still in preemie clothes, but I'm hoping to move to newborn in the next few weeks. Brennan is gaining weight like crazy, he gained 10 ozs in one week.
@duckduckkristen: Wow, 8 hours! That's awesome.
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm so sorry, that sounds rough. Hopefully your LO starts sleeping soon.
@MsMini: I didn't realize you get immunizations at 2 months, but that's a great suggestion about giving the tylenol before hand.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@marriedandlovingit: o.m.g. LO cried ALL night with gas--least sleep I've gotten since I was in labor.
@winniebee: I'm liking this EASY thing with the extra e before bed.
@cvbee: I know, I thought people complained about being loose after having a baby---not super tight!
I think you're right about why I'm ok with my new bikini body.
And I'm sad about getting rid of his outfits, too!
@MsMini: Sawyer is 2 months? WOW! Where did you get the tanks? Both the drapey kind and the drop down kind?
And our little guy is growing out of some 0-3 at 5 weeks. Sad!
@aunt pol: With two I'm surprised you have time to catch up! Welcome back. How hard was it to learn to tandem feed?
I hope your wound gets better soon! Are you really sore? Bonding is really tough, especially since you have so much more healing of your own to do!
Please post pics! And congrats on the weight loss.
@Mrsdaredevil: YAY!!! We've been joking that we get to lose our virginity again.
@duckduckkristen: 8 hours! Jealous!
@krsmall: I read your birth story--yay! And so glad he's gaining well. And yay for improving latch, too.
apricot / 288 posts
Hi Ladies - Just had a marathon catch-up session on the thread. I just have not had time to check in or even read for the past few weeks.
Lulu was 7 weeks (ack, almost 2 months!) on friday and overall, we are doing great. She has a few nights here and there were she sleeps for 5 or 6 hours, but not consistently yet. But still, when it happens I feel like a new person. She is generally pretty even tempered and easy. She does not cry that much, only when she is super hungry. She has been a lot more awake and alert the past two weeks and she does like to be held, so we've been walking around a lot with the moby wrap which she loves.
Our biggest challenge has been breastfeeding. I am happy to have made it to almost 2 months, but there have been times I really wanted to quit cold turkey. I had an LC over last week and it made a world of difference. I had no idea, but I was holding her incorrectly and she had a shallow latch resulting in bad nipple damage. I learned to use the cradle hold (had been doing football and cross cradle, but learned that babies do not like or need their heads held). So we have been getting into the swing of the new position and my nipples are a lot better and she seems a lot happier during feedings. I highly recommend a visit with a lactation consultant for anyone who is having breastfeeding concerns and needs a little help. It was expensive, but then again so is the price of formula so I figured it was worth it. My new goal is to breastfeed (and pump a few times a week) until 6 months, but we will see how it goes when I go back to work in a few weeks.
Speaking of work, I am absolutely dreading the thought of it, and it is coming up quickly. I can cry just thinking about it. I am hoping when I get back, they are flexible with letting me work from home for a few weeks and then maybe do a 4 day week for a few months after that to ease the transition.
Starting in a few weeks I am going to start building my milk supply so I have some stored when I go back to work. Has anyone else started pumping and storing? Any advice?
It was good to catch up with everyone's posts! It is at least nice to know we all share the same challenges, even if they come at different times. And everyone has some sort of challenge. But we love them anyway. Good thing they come out so cute!
Hopefully I can start checking in more frequently. I miss y'all!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: oh dear. I hope you get some sleep soon. Nico's not gassy anymore, but the week he was, I found doing 'bicycles' with his legs several times a day (like, really pushing his knee up to his belly) helps a lot.
@krsmall: So glad Brennan is gaining weight well. If you can get Brennan to sleep in his crib that's a better habit than on your chest. Last week I was like supermom with sleeping and nap training in his crib. This week I'm bad....nursing to sleep each nap, trying to transfer him to the crib, but then he only sleeps for a tiny nap, then i feed him again and he falls asleep on my chest.... Maybe I'll try being 'good' again tomorrow.
@duckduckkristen: It's all about the swaddle. Maybe tomorrow when I get back onto being a good EASY mom, I will swaddle him for naps: that seems to work best even for nap time.
@Mrsdaredevil: no sleep, but you are having sex! Well, it ain't all bad?
@aunt pol: I know how you lost so much weight: carrying twice the babies around that the rest of us did! That must have been exhausting. I bow down to you and how on earth you are doing the twin thing. Loved reading your update!
@MsMini: 4.5 inches? Holy moly! At Nico's 2 month he had also gained about 4 pounds, but only 2 inches. So, Nico isn't getting too long for his onesies yet: they are just really filled-out by his baby Buddha belly.
Thoughts for the day:
1) I've fallen off the EASY track and I want to get back. It hasn't messed up his night-time sleeping, but he is snacking throughout his naps, (eat-sleep-eat-sleep-eat-sleep) which I am finding a bit annoying.
2) I'm noticing Nico really working on manipulating his toys. He looks like he's just flailing his arms and legs, but I notice purposeful efforts at flailing in the right direction. I can tell he's trying to move his toys around when I lay him on his back and put his toys around him where his fingers can just reach. He seems to have a hard time reaching toys that I place on his belly. Last night he 'worked' on moving toys for 1.5 hours straight. I couldn't believe he had that kind of attention span to not fuss for all that time doing just one thing in one place.
3) Nico is 10 weeks old today! Double digits!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@duckduckkristen: Fantastic!! Here's to more 8+ hour nights of sleep!
@shortcake: BF'ing is difficult! I've been having issues, but am trying to work through it. It is best to take it day by day. Your goal of 6 months seems realistic! Happy to hear that the LC helped!
@pastemoo: Ugh that's horrible! Gassy babies is the saddest thing! I want to cry right along with my baby boy when he is feeling pain
@krsmall: Wimbledon coverage is getting me through the feedings!
@aunt pol: I can imagine the chaos you are going through! You are doing a great job juggling the twins! I have so much respect that you are nursing both of your baby girls!
persimmon / 1087 posts
I made a conscious effort yesterday to start bf'ing more. I have been so frustrated with it that I was only nursing twice a day and supplementing with bottles of breast milk and formula. He fell asleep this last time and went down without issue. His naps have sucked for the most part though. I don't mind all that much, but it is impossible to get anything done!
My lo has been averaging 10 hours a sleep at night. I guess I will take crappy naps for a good night's sleep. Ever since we moved him to his room, he has slept better. I was hesitant to move him over bc I thought it was too soon, but I was happy I did.
eggplant / 11287 posts
DH went back to work today!!!
Last night was my first night doing the night shift completely alone, and boy was it rough. I basically am entirely co sleeping now.....I might decide just to co sleep until she is older and old enough to sleep train and cry it out a little bit. I think that is better than what I am dealing with now. Anyway, she slept one stretch in her crib (2 hours) and then the rest of the stretches with me. I think she is coming out of the crazy spurt because she actually was just hard to get her there.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Wow he had a lot of time off! Do what you need to do to get some rest girl! How did you find time for sex with Willa being up so much!?!?
@shortcake: good to hear from you! I'm so glad the LC consult helped you. I learned today that the head holding thing is no bueno for baby! I can't even think of work yet either. Gah.
@MsMini: I'm glad Saqwyer is growing and doing so well. It makes me sad to think how fast the time is going!
@autpol: Great to hear from you! I was wondering how you are doing! Glad your girls are doing so well. You hit the nail on the head - sometimes I wait and wonder when someone is going to come and take Tyler away because he can't possibly be mine!?
@marriedandlovingit: I'm really glad that you seemed to have turned a corner in BF!! Way to stick with it!
@cvbee: My EASY routine has been a mess this week too. He was so sleepy the past few days and napping all the time and then today he's hardly napped. Ah well there's always tomorrow.
Yesterday had my 6 week checkup (Tyler is 5w, 5d) and all went well - healed well and cleared for all activity. Still have 14 pounds to lose - a little baffled because I do look a lot different but haven't lost anything in a month. Oh well.
As a result of Tyler only feeding for 5 minutes and then screaming (going on 2 weeks) I went for a lactation consult today (paid for one since LLL never called me back). Glad I went. Not that there was an easy fix to the breasteeeding (she thought it was perfect storm of him having reflux and me having forceful letdown) - she gave me some tips and was encouraging but even with her help we couldn't get him to drink for long enough. All he took from me during the feeding was an ounce and a half (he drinks at least 3 now). Thankfully, despite this (and because I had a feeling this was the case, w'd been supplementing with pumped milk) he still gained weight over the last week. The solution is to consult with doc about reflux (explains his burliness and gassiness) and continue to work on BF while supplementing each feeding with an ounce and half of milk....and pump on top of it to keep my supply up. While I haven't spoken with DH about it I think I just need to throw in the towel on drinking from the boob and just pump and give him bottles of pumped milk. The road ahead to getting him to stay on my breast for more than 5 minutes knowing all the while that (1) it may not work and (2) enduring Tyler screaming at the breast in the meantime.
I am sad about it and feel a little like a quitter but honestly I've been so stressed about bf and his gain etc etc that it has taken away from my mothering experience. So that's where I'm at. Before having Tyler I would say to someone encountering BF problems "Happy mommy happy baby" and I think I need to remind myself of that since BF is just too stressful for me at this point.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@winniebee: Maybe it's just me, but he's still getting breastmilk so I don't think you are quitting. Breastfeeding is difficult. I pump too and I think pumping is so time consuming, it really takes a lot of effort to stay on top of it. Honestly, pumping gives me a better piece of mind because I can confirm exactly how much breastmilk DS is getting.
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