eggplant / 11287 posts
BTW, Willa is still no where near being able to fit into 0-3 months. The onesies are just so huge on her... the leg holes go down to her knees. Is anyone else still using NB size?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Tyler wears some NB size stuff still though he is just now able to fit into some 0-3 stuff. The NB onesies are starting to be too short in the crotch on him. I think he has a long torso. He's about 8 lb 3 oz and 20.5 inches. Willa is such a cutie!!!!
@bpcmarj: We love the rock n play! That's what Tyler has slept in since night 1....
@marriedandlovingit: Love his smiles!!!!
@cvbee: Glad he had a good Baptism!! Perhaps he didn't mind b/c he likes his baths so much!
@duckduckkristen: Wow, Liam has grown so much! Tyler will have gained 3 lbs in 7 weeks, which I think is a lot!
@Mrs.M57: Have you thought about thrush as a possibility for the nursing strike?
Things here are good - I am feeling much better about life now that I'm exlusively pumping. I'm up for an hour in the middle of the night because it takes Tyler 20 mins to take a bottle, then I change him and burp him and and put him back down - and that process is about 40 minutes, plus I have to pump which takes 15 mins. This process sucks and I miss breastfeeding him but it's what is best for now. I think the Zantac seems to be helping some - he is more relaxed after feedings (though I do think he's a little more fussy than most babies...) We had a nice weekend at DH's lakehouse and MIL took Tyler so that we could sleep in in the morning - amazing! Still no smiles from him yet, but he's pretty close! I can't wait for that moment.
The longest sleep stretch we've had is 4.5 hours and that was a week ago. Usually it's 4, then 3, then 2. Or, 3.5 then 3, then 2. Either way, I'm still pretty sleep deprived!
Here's an updated picture of little Tyler!
kiwi / 515 posts
@mrsdaredevil Willa is beautiful! Her hair is so cute! Lil is such a baldy bean!
kiwi / 515 posts
@winniebee I keep checking her mouth for thrush but I don't see anything... She's also been really more gassy than usual so I'm wondering if it's related to something I'm eating giving her a belly ache. She was a bit better today, but we will see
clementine / 959 posts
Everybody's babies are so cute! I'll post pictures soon.
@Mrs.M57: I've been having the same problem with Liam, but only in the evenings. I'm thinking it may just be that he's overtired because he doesn't nap much during the day. He'll cry and cry and if I try to feed him he cries more, but will eventually stop for a second to suck, then start crying even harder. It takes about 2 hours to get him to take a full feeding, and then he passes out for the night and doesn't wake up to eat again for 6-8 hours. The rest of the day he eats just fine.
Update on the power situation: still no power! After 3 days I decided I couldn't take it anymore, so I threw out all of our defrosted food in the fridge/freezer, packed bags, and took the baby to the inlaws' house. They've been watching him while I shower, do laundry, and eat. DH is going to meet us here after work and I think I'm going to stay here til the power comes back, which could be a few more days.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@bpcmarj: YAY! Sleeping through the night--I can't wait. What an awesome milestone!
@Mrs.M57 Happy anniversary! Did you get to celebrate?
Sorry about the nursing strike. Is it anything like this:
... today I ended up engorged, leaking, and spraying all over LO and it had only been 3 hours on that side since he nursed (and 1 on the other side). He was screaming and screaming. I had to pump an ounce and have DH hold the screaming little guy before he would drink anything. And we had company. Embarrassing! Lately,. I have to nurse briefly, comfort him, nurse again, comfort him again, and finally I can nurse for real. It blows.
Cute picture!
And... can you use a summer muslin blanket to swaddle? We use that and it's really light--sometimes he cried because he's cold.
@mrsdaredevil: We aren't doing anything for the 4th either, since he has to work--and looks like we're not doing anything special for our anniversary either. I wanted to get a nice cake, but that fell through. I'm actually really bummed about it.
Love that Willa is babbling. Gabriel is just bared starting to coo and make funny sounds at us. I love it, too. Gabriel is a 2-3 hour baby, too. The more I read your post, the more it looks like we have parallel lives.
She is so cute! Glad the wedding was fun.
@winniebee: Wow, Tyler right now is at Gabriel's birth size--and he was in NB clothes for at least 3 weeks--and a couple still fit at 6 weeks. I am so glad that pumping is working for you! What a relief! And... why do you change him all night? I skip at least the first one at night--it helps.
I hope you get some more sleep. He is so cute!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: I got your 'power out' news through here before I saw the news on TV. I'm glad you and Liam are okay.
@Mrsdaredevil: oh my goodness, Willa looks just like you!!! And I think it's cute that you are still using NB clothes. Nico is busting out of his 0-3 month stuff (side to side, due to his enormous baby budha belly) but I think I need some kind of intervention to put that size away. I've been putting him in some 3-6 or 6 month clothes and they are great, but I don't have the heart to pack away the 0-3s. I will try to talk myself into it today.
Oh! Hey American friends, maybe this won't happen to you, but don't forget to dress your baby in the 4th of July outfit on the 4th of July! Nico has a 'Canada' onesie that I had been looking forward to putting him in on July 1st, but then the day before I was all focused on the baptism outfits that when I was packing for the cottage the next day I totally forgot to pack the Canada onesie. And it's not like he can wear it next year. I put him in it on Monday, which was the day-off from work, and got a photo of that so that's good enough for me.
Okay, I don't know how to post photos still. All my photos are on facebook, not on flicker or anything like there a way I can link them in? I am LOVEing seeing all your LOs.
@duckduckkristen: particularly loving the converse shoes and polo onesie! and tongue out! bah! I love baby photos! I swear before I had a baby, all baby photos looked mostly the same to me, and now they all look so unique and I can't get enough of them. I spend much of my day 'like'ing my FB friends' baby photos.
@pastemoo: hmmm, sounds like you are having over-supply issues. I forget: do you nurse just one side at a feeding? Winnibee and I had some oversupply problems, and as you see she had more than that with her LO, but both of us found some what that nursing 'uphill' to start the session helped. Good luck!
@winniebee: Wow, what you have to do at night sounds like SUCH a process. You are one dedicated mama. Tyler is a lucky little guy! Your little bean will probably take longer to have long stretches of sleep because he's so tiny....they say it has something to do with weight,, if you pop out a 10 pound baby it might sleep 'through the night' almost right away. Now that I pretty much only have to wake up once in the middle of the night (usually around 3 or 4am) I can't believe that I used to wake up every 2 hours all night long. For those of you who are still waking up frequently: soon it will all be like a funny dream. Sometimes I still wake up randomly when Nico is just sleeping quietly in his crib and I STILL have a little bit of the delusions where I think he is in the bed and I am nursing him or I lost him in the covers or something.
@duckduckkristen: I had a few 'overtired baby' evenings this weekend. With us, he just starts to scream. Sunday night his screaming over-tiredness was the worst I've ever seen.....quite sure it's because he never got a really good nap at the cottage....every time he fell asleep he would get woken up by accident by someone. I didn't think we needed to bring the pack and play just for the day-trip, but I think it would have been worth it for his naps. Oh, and to whoever said that their little gal rolls around like crazy and gets stuck in the crib slats at night: wow! that's nuts! Nico must be one lazy dude. He's the oldest of all the May babies and he still can't even roll onto his side. I doesn't move not one inch in his sleep.
Baby waking! Finish later
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: so happy that bedsharing is working for you! I hope you tried out the side-laying and I actually can't believe you've never done it before, especially with the sleep issues. I do side-laying whenever I'm tired because I can almost (or actually!!!) sleep while doing it. For technique, I'd say you have to fiddle around to see what works for you. I lay with my one arm cradling my own head, me completely on my side. I pull Nico belly-to-belly with me and line his head up with my nipple. Depending on the size of your breasts and the softness of your mattress, you might need to adjust. (We do sooo many odd and improvised breastfeeding positions...I think Nico is pretty good at figuring things out no matter what). I don't think the latch is as good, as when I wake up, we are usually in a puddle of milk, but that might be because I fall asleep without burping him and maybe he spits up more. (Yes, I fall asleep....bad mama? I have no regrets. ) Sometimes I can cross-side laying feed, where I feed him the 'top' breast by me being partially leaning forward, like, almost on my belly.....but I have only done that one a couple times, as I have to stay awake and balance myself.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: last year for our first anniversary I didn't even have a baby to worry about and we didn't end up with 'proper' anniversary plans. But we still had a great day. We watched our 'wedding slideshow' together and I think that is one tradition we'll keep up. We ended up just going to the cottage with family, because we said that they were the ones who made our wedding special by celebrating with us. So it was just a 'regular' sort of weekend, but it was still special. I know you will have a special day, cake or no cake. This year our 2nd anniversary is coming up on Aug 13. We are not normally 'gift' people, but I know exactly the gift that DH will be getting: a duplicate of his wedding ring. Last weekend, he lost it in the lake at the cottage and he has been devastated about that. He spent hours and hours this weekend with a snorkel, diving down and searching the murky bottom for the ring. Poor guy.
So, looks like Nico is going to sleep again. He does this on cloudy days, even though this is the time he usually wakes up. I am so tempted to change his diaper, which he has been in for 12 hours, but then I know I'll want to give him a bath, and that will all wake him up and these days I am obsessed with honouring his sleep needs.
What happened to Goldi?! I have thought this a few times lately.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Honestly... as long as the doc isn't worried about it... then I wouldn't. My niece wore 6 months clothing unti she was about 14 months. Sienna is starting 3 months. But I have a chunky monkey.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Just want to pop in and say that willa slept three 4 hour stretches last night!
Usually she cries from about 7 to 9 at night. This is kind of her, "wind down because I am so overstimulated" time. Usually we start to get her ready for bed at 730, but she doesn't go down until 930 or so because she is so upset she can't go down. Well, last night we got her ready at 630 and had her in bed by 7, so she slept through what would have been her fussy time. Because she didn't fuss and cry I think she had a much more peaceful sleep (by not going to bed upset) and we got three four hour stretches! I am sooooo happy!!!! Darth baby is returning from the dark side! I am a Jedi mom!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@duckduckkristen: He is so cute!
@cvbee: LOL I made a flickr account so I could share with you mamas.
Yes I do one side at a time, And I only pump once every few days, I'll try more football-like holds.
@Mrsdaredevil: Woo hoo Jedi mom! And... my 6month old nephew is in 0-3 and healthy, and my 6 week old is in 0-3 and some 3-6.
kiwi / 515 posts
@pastemoo Gabriel is so cute! Love the sunglasses he looks like a hip little man! And the nursing and then calming routine sounds familiar! We are still have issues but, lily usually does that at night and I think it is because at night my letdown is slower. She nurses better in the morning, but lately almost all of her nursing sessions are unpredictable!
@duckduckkristen Liam is adorable! I love his stylish shoes and hat
@mrsdaredevil yay for sleep! So glad Willa had a good night!
We had our anniversary wedding cake last night for our 1st anniversary. Both hubby and I were surprised how good it was for being frozen for a year! Little lady did not allow us extra alone time as I had hoped. She was back to waking up every 2 hours last night, which was frustrating because she's been doing 4-6 at a time. I don't know what is going on with lily the last 3 days she has been extra fussy, extra pukey, gassy and pooping more than usual. I thought I had solved her belly issues by eliminating dairy from my diet a while back, but belly issues seem to be back. I feel so bad when I know she's uncomfortable and insult to injury my mom keeps telling me that she thinks Lily is allergic to my breast milk and if she were me she would just switch to formula, since you can control the ingredients in formula. Grrrr So much for support with a fussy baby! I don't know what direction to go in I may need to call the pediatrician
Oh well crossing my fingers that we can go out for anniversary dinner tonight!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Fantastic news! Crossing my fingers for you that she will sleep well again tonight!
@cvbee: I think Goldi is moving, right? She's probably busy with that. I hope she's doing well!
I love these pics that everyone is posting!! Your lo's are precious! I wonder if there is somewhere we could post pics so we can see them vs every random person seeing them? Ideas?
@Mrs.M57: Happy Anniversary! Did you get to go out for dinner tonight?
Going to the ped may be your best option at this point. Having someone say that your daughter is allergic to your breastmilk isn't what you need to be hearing!
persimmon / 1087 posts
My husband and I had a nice anniversary. It was like any other day, really. We went to BBB to get our son bath toys and a few more toys to 'play' with. Then we went to dinner. I had my first alcoholic beverage in a year. I decided to go for a frozen strawberry margarita. Needless to say, I will be pumping and dumping here in a few.
Speaking of which....I'm considering giving up on bf'ing and switching to half pumping and half formula. I am frustrated with bf'ing more than I am okay with it. It stresses me out everyday.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
We are about to get rolling for our fourth of July festivities, but I wanted to share a couple of things with you all! Penny was 8 weeks on Monday, and yesterday we took her to the beach for the first time. Two of my younger sisters are here for the week from San Fran, and my other 2 siblings and Mom and Step-Dad came up from Wilmington, NC. Everyone has been able to meet Penny and they just love her! My sister took some cute pics of her first beach trip that I thought I would share with you! One is of me and her, another has my little brother in it, too
Hope all you American's have a great holiday!! And to our Canadian friends, enjoy your day anyway!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Happy 4th to the Americans! I was away again for the long weekend (it was the Canada day weekend). We went to out hometown for the weekend to visit family and friends and head to the Zoo. Overall the weekend was good, Sawyer has his best sleep ever while we were there. I felt so good after a 6 hour and a 4 hour block of sleep I was like a new person. Unfortunately his sleep has regressed a bit since we have been home.
I have a little vent. DH's grandma was in town while we were there (we haven't seen her in 2 years), and after the family BBQ at the IL's we got a text from SIL that she overhead as she was leaving the Grandma had been sick with diarrhea and vomiting, and my MIL and FIL knew. No one gave us the heads up, or even took the basic precautions of hand washing prior to handling Sawyer. I am actually really mad about it. I feel like the purposely deceived me, and put Sawyer at risk. It will be addressed when the IL's call next. So far Sawyer seems healthy, but it is unacceptable to expose babies to illness like that.
Sawyer is turning into a little daredevil lately. He has been standing with support for a while, and now he tries to "jump", he will push up fast and he wants you to lift him up high in the air, and bring him down while making a "crashing" noise. He could do it about 100 times per day, which will be good for my arms I am sure. He also likes to be lifted above my head, then lowered for a kiss ... and repeat about 20 times!
I have officially packed away all the 0-3 month clothes. It is partially a cloth diaper thing, because in disposables his 0-3 month clothes still fit well (other than sleepers which are too short).
Speaking of disposables, I don't know how you guys who use them do it. We had a poop blowout every day in disposables, even though they fit well and were tight enough, it was SO ANNOYING. Also, my kid is like a whoopie cushion, he farts all the time, and the smell passes right through the disposable diapers, when usually in cloth it gets trapped.
I think with replies this is going to be an epically long post, so I will just get to the replies now!
@marriedandlovingit: Your little guy is so cute!
@pastemoo: I don't think using toys is a should or shouldn't at this point. I just like to experiment with what he likes all the time. Lots of times we show him things, then put them right back away in the toy box, but sometimes a toy really catches his interest. Ugh - blowouts are the worst!
@duckduckkristen: Sawyer was 7 lbs 12.8 ounces and 18 1/2 inches at birth. At 8 weeks he was 11 pounds 12 ounces, and 23 inches! The shoes in your pics are so cool! I should get on trying some of Sawyer's shoes!
@Mrsdaredevil: Your little girl has the most beautiful eyes!
@winniebee: Tyler is so cute! He looks so tiny still (especially compared to my big guy!)
@Mrs.M57: Sawyer does that from time to time, if I give him a soother for a minute he usually latched afterwards. I think he just gets too worked up, and occasionally he gets flooded from my strong let down so that doesn't help.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: Gabriel is a little rock star! I have to change the middle of the night diaper or he pees straight through a few hours later and soaks his outfit and swaddle and starts crying. Now that I bottle feed, once he starts getting lazy/drowsy at the bottle, I burp him, change his diaper, and feed him as much of the rest of the bottle as he wants. He's been going back down fine, it just adds more time to my night time routine.
@duckduckkristen: LOVE the chuck taylors!
@Mrs.M57: Hope you had a good anni and the feeding situation is improving!
@bpcmarj: Love those pics! Hope you had a great 4th! Did I tell you we are vacationing in Chatham next month w/ my family?
@MsMini: Oh man, I'd be pissed about it too. Some people have no sense when it comes to babies. What, just so she could hold him? Very selfish. Tyler LOVES to jump too! He stands on my lap or tummy and presses and flexes his little legs until I jump him. It's so cute.
@Mrsdaredevil: Way to go Jedi Mama!!!! Also, Tyler can wear only SOME 0-3 stuff. Gymboree runs small in my view so he wears their 0-3 stuff and some random other 0-3 but otherwise is still in newborns, even though the bodysuits are super tight on him....
@cvbee: I def. think sleeping has to do at least something with weight and also a lot to do w/ temperment. Tyler is very intense and "active" so has never been a great sleeper, though I think the more he develops the better he's getting at it. I had the baby in bed delusion yesterday and grabbed my husband thinking it was Tyler. Geez.
@marriedandlovingit: Happy anni! Sorry that the BF woes persist. I switched to pumping when I found that I dreaded feedings...and cried about it like every other day. I am happy to report that even though I think pumping is twice as hard as BF, I haven't cried once in the 10 days I've done it, I'm not stressed about it, and we (or at least me) are much happier.
Tyler is 7 weeks today....he's getting more and more curious and "active" by the day. I swore I got a few smiles the other day, but he hasn't done it since so now I'm not sure. We brought him to a BBQ yesterday and there were like 10 babies ranging from 9 mos to 2 years was crazy! Tyler got so much attention and it was a lot of fun. He was so good and didn't fuss at all the whole time. Though, I can tell that DH is a little tired of hearing "he's so small!!!!" only because DH was small growing up and I know he got so many of those comments growing up.
Tyler's sleep was a little wonky the past week, which I'm attributing to the infamous 6 week growth spurt. HOWEVER, after being out and about for festivities during the day yesterday, he slept all of 1 hour between 11 and 6 (I tried). Then, he slept from 6:00 to 10:30 and then again from 11-3 (fussed at 1:15 but I got up and put my hand on his tummy to sooth him) and then slept from 3:30 to 6:45! Best sleep stretch ever. I took advantage of the 6-10:30 stretch and slept from 6:30-8, too. I'm hoping this is a sign that the 6 week crazies are over : )
His tummy seems to be improved, though he sometimes is in distress when he is pooing. I cut way back on dairy products (have cream in my coffee and occasional cheese) but cut out milk and yogurt and ice cream which I love. The pumping situation is tiresome, but he seems to be much better with the bottle. I do lament about BF sometimes, wishing that it would have worked out and thinking about the fond memories I do have of it (thinking of that cute little face rooting and getting so excited the moment before latch). C'est la vie.
persimmon / 1087 posts
Cooper wasn't feeling so great yesterday. He was vomiting, inconsolable, and ran a fever of 101 (rectal). Not terribly high, but it warranted a call to his ped. Since Urgent Care was closed, she told us that ER was where we needed to go. They ran some tests and the Dr said that it was most likely a virus. He was a trooper dealing with being stuck everywhere. He was crying while looking at me when he was getting blood drawn. That broke my heart. He seems to be doing well today, just very tired. I have so much to get done today, but I just want to cuddle with him after what he had to go through last night. I'm sure he won't mind
clementine / 916 posts
I could ogle all your LO's pictures all day! Seriously, I keep scrolling back up just to see the cuteness! We have an adorable bunch of babies here!
@Mrsdaredevil: Willa is just beautiful!!! Our little one is in some NB sizes still, mostly onesies and dresses etc. Anything with footed legs we're in 0-3 though... she's stretching out like crazy.
@winniebee: Ohhhh my... Tyler is adorable and that onesie is absolutely too cute. That's so great his tummy troubles seem to be resolved. Poor little fella, he's too sweet to be in distress!
@Mrs.M57: Such a sweetie, I love her all dolled up for your 2 month picture! I almost went for the little stickers but forgot... so now I have to add them in with the computer, definitely not as cute!
@pastemoo: That picture of Gabriel is hilarious! Soo cute!
@duckduckkristen: Liam looks like he's grown so much, what a handsome little guy! Love the attitude with the tongue sticking out.
@cvbee: My SIL got my lo a 4th onesie which she wore yesterday but I felt totally guilty for not doing something for Canada Day. I'm just waiting for my family to call me out on that after I posted the 4th pictures to FB. I have a Canada onesie but its 6-9mos so there was no way that was happening.
@bpcmarj: Penny is such a little peanut! So sweet, I hope she enjoyed her first day at the beach!
@marriedandlovingit: I hope Cooper is doing better soon. I haven't dealt with a fever yet... it sounds like an awful day for you guys. Give that little man lots and lots of cuddles!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Thanks for the encouragement. How many times do you pump a day?
@LAGS: Thank you!
clementine / 916 posts
I'm way behind yet again, but this was so fun catching up! Its amazing to read all the different milestones everyone LOs are reaching. We're all entering such a fun stage!
We've had a really busy couple weeks with our trip home, (the drive was 10hrs there and 9.5 back and Addie did amazing!! I pumped and fed her as we drove, changed her at stops etc. It turned out to be no big deal at all!) work around our house and the holidays.
LO is 8 weeks today and has been a smiling machine since we went to visit my family. She especially hams it up after she's woken up or if she's on her change table. DH and I have been shamelessly whoring ourselves for smiles all the time now.
We also had some amazing milestones over the last couple days. We're two days in a row now sleeping through the night and she's been rolling from her tummy to back during tummy time. She's been loving her bumbo chair too... I think this little girl has an independent streak in her. She HAS to be upright and able to look around where SHE wants to.
LO is like a whole new baby. @MsMini: you were so right in passing the first 6 weeks. She's just amazing taking in the world, interacting with us and growing so fast. I feel like I've fallen in love with her all over again and now even think I didn't have that total bonding experience right from birth. I felt totally in love then, but its just different now.
@MsMini: I hope Sawyer is doing okay and avoided contracting any scary bugs and that your ILs are understanding of your point of view. Its pretty thoughtless to withhold something like that.
@cvbee: Your description of your side-laying over night is us exactly, including drifting off. But we sleep amazing and LO is literally only awake to feed and goes right back down in her bassinet after.
@winniebee: & @cvbee: I think weight has something to do with sleep for sure. My MIL (is a CNM) and she said often its hitting the 10lb mark that means baby can go longer between feeds and will start longer sleep stretches/sleeping through the night. It held true for us.
nectarine / 2039 posts
quick check-in to say I'm reading all of your posts but am having a technical internet issue....working on it with tech support every nap time!
clementine / 959 posts
Power came back on Tuesday night so we were still able to have our fourth of July party! Although most of the grocery stores didn't have any frozen or refridgerated food since they had to throw it all out and hadn't restocked yet. It was so weird seeing all the empty aisles!
Liam had his 2 month checkup today. He is 12 lbs 12 oz and 23 1/4 inches (up from 7 lbs and 20 in at birth). He did well with his shots too. Only cried for a minute then fell asleep. Poor thing. He's sleeping now.
Can't remember if i mentioned this, but I have tendonitis in both my wrists from picking up Liam so much! I had never heard if it, but apparently half of all new moms get it to some degree. I've been wearing wrist braces for a week and it has helped a lot. Before I got the braces I could barely lift a glass of water because it hurt so much.
clementine / 916 posts
@duckduckkristen: Owch, glad to hear your wrists are feeling better. That'd be so difficult caring for baby! I'm excited to see how my LO has grown in comparison, she was 7lbs and 20" at birth too! Sounds like Liam is doing great, you must be relieved to have his shots out of the way.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: thanks! The onesie was from etsy (a gift). I'm happy that you are having a good time with Addie these dys! I know what you mean about the bonding. At this point I'm so attached to Tyler and though I thought I bonded with him right away it was nothing like this.
@marriedandlovingit: poor Cooper! I hope things are better today - what a crappy 4th. At this point I pump every time he eats. So roughly every 3 hours during the day and then whenever he wakes up at night. I also try to pump one extra time during the day if he's taking a lot nap to stimulate further supply. I am currently producing about 8 extra oz of milk a day and freezing it (but he is only taking 3 oz still and as soon as he ups his intake to 4 oz I will break even).
&dyckduckkristen: wow that is great growth! I hoPe Liam does on tonight after the shots....
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@winniebee: You didn't tell me you were going to Chatham! Sounds like fun:) Just a warning to be VERY careful at the beach. DH and FIL are the guys who do all the tagging of the sharks off Chatham (you may have seen them on the news this week). Get in touch when you're going and I can give you a full report! Will you put Tyler in the water at all, sharks aside? I hope he loves it like Penny does!
@LAGS: She is a peanut, way smaller than we imagined....all limbs! So glad Addie seems like a new baby after 6 weeks. Penny is 8 weeks and we've been lucky with a few days of sleeping through the night, too!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Thank you!! That's great to hear you are getting so much milk. Have you been taking anything to up the supply? Cooper's ped recommended Fenugreek. I will wait and see how the supply increases in the coming days. I'm amazed how much you are pumping. I usually do 3 times a day, and I obviously will need to pick it up big time.
He's been super clingy to mommy today. Poor baby had his 8 week shots today (at 9 weeks issues made us wait a week longer). I felt so bad that he had to be stuck twice in his legs today, and yesterday he was given a catheter (OUCH!), and they had to stick him a few times to try to get enough blood as the first two times were unsuccessful. Mommy was crying right along with him. People were right when they said that you feel the pain your baby feels.
Do any of your lo's have a pathetic little pout? Our son has the epic pout that is pathetic and funny!
He is so happy these days (when he isn't pouting that is). The changing table is his favorite place to be. Once we set him down there, he starts cooing and squealing! He did it before I put him down for bed. I try so hard not to stimulate him at that time, but it was too cute not to interact with him.
I love how aware he is becoming of everything! Our lo's are changing daily and it is fun to see!
He had his '8 week' appt today (he's really 9 weeks) as stated earlier. He is 10 lbs, 13 oz which is only .5 oz up from where he was at 7 weeks. The Dr wasn't concerned though. She figured that it was due to him not being able to keep anything down yesterday.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@cvbee: WOW! You seem like such a pro nurser. I am having a hard time doing any other positions. As of now I just sit cross legged in bed and hold Willa the "traditional" way. She is just so messy when she eats and milk gets everywhere... I find it hard to do it any other way. Also, I am still using a nipple shield because my nipples refuse to "pop out" and that makes other positions difficult.
@MsMini: That would really upset me too. I feel like when it comes to babies, people "love them" so much, that they only really think about themselves, and not the baby's comfort or health. They just want to hold them. For example, on fourth of July we went to a party and all these people who were only acquaintances wanted to pass DD around. If I didn't intervene, they would have just kept passing her from person to person to person. They didn't even think to wash hands or seem to care if she was getting overstimulated and obviously unhappy. My mom was just in London for 10 days and on her way back, wrote me an email saying she got extremely sick with bronchitis while she was there. In the same e-mail, she asked if she could pop in and see DD on her way home. Uhhh... NO!!!!!
Speaking of which, my mom is driving me nuts. She demands to see Willa at least 4 times a week, and on the days she doesn't see her she calls her on the phone and "talks" to her. Obviously Willa has no idea what's going on but my mom says she wants her to know her voice. It is honestly horribly annoying. Anyone else dealing with troublesome family members?
@marriedandlovingit: I hope Cooper is doing better! I would be soooo sad seeing my LO go through that. On a side note, how was it taking the rectal temp? was it hard?
@LAGS: Can't believe your LO rolled over! YAY!!! Willa loves to be sitting up all the time too.... she wants to look at everything! I can't believe Addie slept through the night! LUCKY!!!
@duckduckkristen: Glad the shots went well. Babies are so amazingly strong!!I am really nervous for LO to get them.....have you noticed Liam being more fussy or sad/uncomfortable since getting them? How many times did he get stuck?
Anyway....Willa was doing really great with her three four-hour stretches, until last night. She basically refused to sleep and finally by 2 in the morning I just brought her in bed with us (usually her first two stretches are in the crib) and we bed shared until 8 a.m.
I took her swimming on the fourth--the family whose house we were at had a pool that was filtered with saline so there were no chemicals or chlorine. She absolutely LOVED IT!!!
She has been cooing up a storm lately... her favorite sounds to say (or only sounds she says) are "boy," "ga," and "ug." It makes me so happy when she "talks."
She has started fitting into size 0-3 months and so now she has a lot more clothes to choose from! I love putting her in cute little halter tops and tank dresses with this hot weather.
I think of all these things throughout the day that I want to share with you guys, but by the time I am able to get to ,my computer I forget everything! UGH!!!!
clementine / 959 posts
@MsMini: I feel the same way about disposables. Liam always has a poop leak when he wears them and I had him in them during the power outrage so he pooped on his clothes every day!
@marriedandlovingit: aww I hope Cooper is feeling better. It's so sad when LOs get stuck!
@LAGS: Yay for smiles and I'm glad your trip went well!
@marriedandlovingit: Ooohhh the pout! it makes me so sad when Liam does it but at the same time it's so cute!
Last night our friends came over to watch Liam while we got dressed up and went out for a fancy dinner in the city with some of DH's coworkers. It was nice to make myself look pretty for the first time in a loooong time and drink all the wine I wanted! I pumped like crazy for the last 2 days so I would have enough milk to get LO through the night, just in case I got drunk, but I only had 3 glasses of wine and tons of food, so I felt just slightly tipsy by the time we got home. Since I went 15 hours without feeding LO from one boob, it was absolutely rock hard when I woke up. I just pumped 9 oz from the one boob! Had to switch the bottle out on the pump! It was so incredibly nice to get out though!
@Mrsdaredevil: I forget everything I wan to tell you all too!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MsMini: that is so strange with the diapers....we use disposables and have only had two blowouts since she has been born!!! My favorite are the Huggies Natural and Pampers Swaddles.
It seems like everyone on here uses cloth though. Any of you using disposables?
Well Willa was a terror last night. Wouldn't sleep until two in the morning....I was so exhausted and upset by then. Took her into bed with me and even then she woke up every two hours to eat. It is so frustrating. I know every baby is different but I thought by 8 weeks she would be sleeping more. So many moms have their babies sleeping six or more hours by now!!!
On a personal note, I have been feeling great lately. I know I don't look great, but for some reason the extra wideness and stretch marks have not been bothering me. I have been wearing a swimsuit the past couple days and I feel confident!! I have no idea why, because I was very hard on myself pre pregnancy.
Have any of your babies eyes changed color? Willa was born with this gray color and they haven't really changed yet.. I have no idea what color she will end up with!! I have green, DH has brown, but we both have siblings and parents with blue!
clementine / 959 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: he got stuck once in each thigh and was slightly more fussy than usual for about 36 hours after. I had to be very careful about touching his thighs because they were very sensitive.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Thanks! Taking a rectal isn't difficult. It's harder for us than it is for him. He didn't seem phased by it. We used vaseline for the tip, but we are going to get some ky jelly for next time as a water soluble solution is better to use.
@duckduckkristen: That's so sweet of your friends to babysit!
I've been studying all weekend for a couple of classes I decided to take this summer. I'm normally a good student, mostly A's when I bust my ass, but I will be so lucky to get B's or C+'s this time around. School mixed with taking care of my son is difficult!
We took Cooper back to the Dr yesterday. He has been spitting up so much. More than I've ever seen him spit up. We weren't sure if his tummy was still hurting from Wednesday's virus or if it was solely the reflux. The Dr said that it is still the reflux, and she prescribed some Prevacid for him which is stronger than the Zantac he was taking. She wants to refer him to a gastro specialist just to see if there is anything else they can do. I can't wait until he grows out of this!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
So we decided to stay home this weekend (we are heading back to our hometown next weekend to go to the Calgary Stampede!). It has been a good weekend, really hot and sunny with thunderstorms at night (me and DH love storms, and Sawyer seems to as well). We took Sawyer to an outdoor swimming pool yesterday (our town does free family swim Saturday evenings). It was his first time swimming, he looked so cute in his little swim diaper, and he really liked it. We stayed for an hour, then he fell asleep and we headed home. I think we are going to go to the family swim time every weekend we are home, and in September I am going to start baby and mom aqua fit classes at the leisure centre.
Sawyer has been kind of fussy the past few days, lots of popping off and crying during feeds, and being extra clingy to me. I am a little afraid he might be teething or something. I can't see any teeth yet though, so I am not sure. He chews on his hands, but not on anything else. I might take him to see our doctor if the fussiness persists this week. It could be reflux, but he is missing a lot of the typical signs.
That's all that is really going on here! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
@winniebee: I hope that Tyler's sleep continues to improve!
@duckduckkristen: Ack! Tendonitis does not sound like fun, I don't know how you could even rest your wrists with having to take care of a baby!
@LAGS: Thanks! Sawyer managed to avoid getting sick, I don't know what the IL's thought of my view, DH spoke to them and they didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean they aren't bitching behind my back (LOL)!
@marriedandlovingit: Is it sad that I think Sawyers pout is the cutest thing on earth. It kind of makes me giggle, even though I feel so bad for him! I hope Cooper starts feeling better soon.
@duckduckkristen: Your night out sounds awesome! I kind of want to try it, but I am scared because Sawyer doesn't take full feeds when he bottles.
@Mrsdaredevil: We also are using pampers swaddles or huggies natural (I got both as baby shower gifts), I just don't know what the issue is, but it sure re-affirms my decision to go with cloth.
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