nectarine / 2039 posts
I typed this this morning, but the internet didn't let me send it. I'm in the middle of a failed-nap time right now, but my consolation prize is that the internet is working again, so I get to at least send this!
@duckduckkristen: okay, I should stop complaining about my internet being down....totally re-thinking that now that I'm considering that you have been without power. But while my internet is having a few good stretches of working this morning (not perfect though), I shall attempt a reply here.
@winniebee: so smart of you with your pumping schedule (to add the extra to stay ahead of things). I have JUST started my freezer supply. When I went to the hospital with insane kidney pain was when I realized that I should have been storing some milk. Then I had to wait for my 2 weeks of antibiotics to be done (as I don't want to store 'antibiotic milk', even though they said my antibiotics were 'breastfeeding compatable'). I have 4 bags in the freezer now and planning on adding one bag per day, most days til I fill my 50 bags.
@marriedandlovingit: I wish Nico would pout. When he is upset, he does straight into 'wambulance' mode, as we like to call it. Lately he's been crying before almost every nap time and I'd REALLY like to get over this stage. I 'won' a couple times yesterday by getting him to sleep without the cry, but it's definitely my goal this week.
Speaking of sleep: Nico slept 9 hours straight last night. (And looks like he's going to do another 2 or 3, for a total of 11 or 12).
@Mrsdaredevil: I've got a messy eater too. When I'm really on top of things I tuck a burp cloth into my bra to try to deal with all the messiness.....and I think things have been getting marginally better.
Ha. I am downstairs, DH is showering and the TV is on, but I could still hear Nico's toot upstairs just now. Oh baby toots and burps......sooooo funny.
@Mrsdaredevil: That's kindof sweet how much your Mom wants to see Willa (annoying for you, but sweet for an outsider to hear about!). My fam is all far away, so we don't get any pop-ins. I try to upload at least one Nico update (usually with a picture) every day onto facebook and that seem to keep the fam happy.
@duckduckkristen: 9oz from one boob?!!! insane!
@Mrsdaredevil: yay for you feeling great! So happy! As for sleeping longer 'by this age', I think since Willa is smaller, it might take her longer to sleep longer. Hang in there. I am so anxious to find out about Nico's eye colour. They seem to be staying blue, but dark blue. But everyone at my Mom and Baby group says it takes 6 months or even a year to see the final colour. Still, I check daily for changes.
Okay, I am going to save this reply before I hit send. I am really hoping my internet is back. I feel so lost without it.
eggplant / 11287 posts
I have amazing news....Willa slept for 7.5 hours last night!!! Granted it was in bed with us cuddled up in my arm pit (her favorite place) but at least we know she can do it! She really must be so comfortable with us in our bed, because she is out like a light within 60 seconds of lying down. In her crib, now that is another story!!!
Took Willa to the beach yesterday and she loved it. I wore her in the Moby wrap and took a long stroll up and down the was so relaxing!
She has been napping less and less throughout the days and it is such a battle putting her down. yesterday she napped for a total of 60 minutes. Anyone have tips on extending naps?? I just feel like I can't force her to sleep so I don't know what to do!!
clementine / 916 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Addie definitely has a pretty good pout. I can't help but laugh at it though, it's so cute. I hope you guys don't have to go through an experience like that again... heartbreaking hearing what your little guy had to go through!
@Mrsdaredevil: That's a rough situation with your Mom. I'm not even sure how I would handle that, save for screening phone calls. Hopefully with time she dials it back a little.
We're using disposables too. Mostly Swaddlers so far and we've had good luck with blowouts too. Not too many as of yet and the one's we've had were either because of size issues, or a lazy Daddy fastened diaper.
Awesome sleep stretch for Willa! She's making up for that rough night for you! I'm so jealous you're so close to the beach. We moved from the beach last year and I miss it so much especially with the thought of taking the baby there.
We just got back from our 2 month appointment. She's now 11lbs6oz and 23" long. We've been getting lots of stranger "omg she's huge" comments so I was reassured to see her ranging from only 50th-75% with her measurements... you'd think from some comments she was 100th or something.
Overall our appointment went well, she screamed like a banshee after her shots though, I felt so bad. It was hard to soothe her but eventually she calmed down and she's sleeping now. Has anyone had to use a cold compress after their LO's shots?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Naps are my big mystery right now. I don't know what makes them work or why or when. What works for one nap doesnt for the next. My main goal is to try to get him down for naps without tears. Nico fights his nap almost every time, no matter how I put him down. I have tried waiting longer, or shorter periods of time, and it seems to just be luck of the draw when I get him to sleep easily and I have absolutely no idea why sometimes he naps for 30 minutes, and other times for hours. No help here, but wanted to say 'me too!'.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@LAGS: oh man, I was totally expecting the '100th' percentile too. (Granted, we did make it to 75th). It's just crazy how fast they grow at first. Then it slows down. As for the cold compress, I didn't do anything for Nico's shots, but that's a great idea.
clementine / 959 posts
@LAGS: I was told to use a warm compress, not a cold one, give him a nice warm bath, and massage the injection sight. All I did though was give him a bath.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: Aww, I'm sure she's just perfect. The other side of the coin is that we get comments constantly - "he's so small, is he a brand new baby?"
@MrsDareDevil: Tyler wsa on a nap strike all weekend when we were at our lakehouse. Literally two 30 min naps on Sunday it was terrible. So the past 2 days I have been swaddling him and putting him in his swing for his naps and he's been doing great. We have the Fischer Price My Little Snugabunny Swing and it is fricking amazing.
We use disposables, too. Pampers Sensitive Swaddlers. Only one blow out incident (on MIL!) to date.
Ah, I'm so jealous of everyone's sleep. I don't think Tyler is anywhere near sleeping through the night yet. He hasn't been weighed in a few weeks, but I'm guessing he is just now 9 lbs. He pretty consistently sleeps in at least one 4 hour stretch (sometimes 2) and then 3 hour stretches. His napping during the day is pretty good. I still follow EASY (pretty loosely) and he'll usually take a 1 hour nap each block though at least once a day he'll sleep 2 hours. I'm still not sure where the time goes I always feel like I'm running around tidying up, showering, eating, etc.
Still pumping and in good news have figured out a way to feed him while pumping. It's awkward and he's not totally upright (which he should be) so I'm trying to not do it all the time, but at least I'll save some time during the night feedings. Not much else to report here!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: willas sleep would be like that too (probably worse) if we had her in her crib. She only sleeps well in our bed with me!!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: You gotta do what you gotta do! I'm too much of a nervous nilly to cosleep- I still have dreams of losing him in our bed or rolling over on him and we don't cosleep! I'm actually thinking of trying him in his crib to see if he'll sleep longer....doubt it!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: yay i'm still doing EASY too, and Nico doesn't sleep when we go to the cottage either. We have the Snuggabunny bouncer, but I wish we had the swing instead. I didn't register for a swing because I thought it would take up too much room, but I finally saw it in real life last week and it has the same footprint as the chair but it way more useful. (vibrating chair can only do so much, and then we have to manually bounce it)
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well, I have a bit of an issue with Sawyer, I have been giving him 1-2 bottles per week, and all of a sudden last week he began only taking 1-2 ounces to take the edge off and waiting to BF. Now he will suck a little but refuses to swallow any milk. We have tried 3 different bottles, and different flow rate nipples, with no luck. DH has tried feeding him, both when he was quite hungry, and not very hungry, in different places with no luck. I am getting a little worried about the situation, I am off for a year, so I guess we can just breastfeed until he is ready for a sippy cup, but I liked bottling him in public instead of breastfeeding. I guess it is time for me to get over my discomfort around public breastfeeding now. We are going to keep trying the bottles, and just hope for the best (I have 2 more different bottles on hand, but I am not buying any more).
Otherwise sleep hasn't progressed at all, he still does 2 4-5 hour stretches, and a 2-3 hour stretch at night. He naps great during the day (1 long nap ~3 hours, and 2 1 hour naps) His bedtime is still an issue, with refusing to go to sleep until about 1 am, despite all efforts to make it happen earlier. I am okay with it, because I am a night owl, but it will be an issue if it doesn't change before I go back to work in the spring.
@Mrsdaredevil: SO SO jealous of your sleep! Sawyer still only does 4-5 hour stretches on a regular basis, with a 6 hour stretch here and there to tease me!
@cvbee: Oh, so jealous of 9 hours! I think I am just designed for night waking for a while yet.
@LAGS: I just went straight for tylenol for 24 hours after Sawyer's shots. His legs didn't seem too bothered though.
@winniebee: Sawyer isn't the best sleeper either. He is still in the cradle in our room because of it, though at the end of the month we are going to try to transition to the nursery. I get 2 4-5 hour stretches and then a short 2-3 hour stretch from him.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
I honestly wish this thread was a chat (with popups). I can't keep up!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MsMini: I would give my right arm for a 5 hour stretch lol. Tonight Tyler decided that stretch 2 would only be 3.5 hours. Ugh! Stinks about the bottle feeding issue -- After about a week of almost exclusively pumping Tyler didn't want the boob and so I haven't tried in snot a week.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@MsMini: I totally thought Nico was going to reject bottles after he did so with the paci. Might still happen! It's amazing that babies at such a young age can already be making decisions of their own. Amazing and frustrating! For nursing in public, do you have a nursing cover? I just got one last week, and now I feel much more comfortable nursing in public. I got the kind that has a wire so you can see baby, and it has little pockets on the inside for your nursing pads (Bebe Au Lait). I can't believe I was making do without this item before. Just watch out for windy days (where you will want to tuck it in under baby!).
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: LOL Wambulance mode! Gabriel does that, too. He's all smiley and suddenly WAILING!
For nursing in public, I use a cover, but if it moves I don't care too much. How did you nurse in public before?
@blushink: A chat with popups would make it easier!
Gabriel had his first 6 hour 45 minute stretch of sleep... YAY!!! But it didn't happen again last night. Usually I get 4 hours, then 2 hours, then up for an hour, down for an hour, then up for many hours with some brief naps.
@MsMini: Gabriel always refuses a bottle from me, but will take one from DH if I am not in the room... Were you nearby when your DH was giving him the bottle? That sucks! Feeding a baby is seriously difficult and I thought it would be the fun and easy part.
@Mrsdaredevil: Yeah, Gabriel co-sleeps better than he sleeps alone. He's started waking up in his crib after 15 minutes--so sad! So... we sleep on the couch a lot.
@winniebee: Eek! That makes me nervous about LO's sleep on our upcoming trip. I really hope he travels well... we're leaving Friday for over a week to Ohio, Michigan, Ontario, and New York (driving).
marriedandlovingit: If you need to stop BFing, then do it!
I have such a horrible time on the left side--if both were like that, I would have given up long ago. But on the right side, it's what people said about it being a nice bonding experience--so I have the "best of both." And still I think about stopping. If it's causing you too much stress, the baby can sense it! Whatever you choose, it's the right decision.
How is little Cooper feeling now? I hope he's getting over the virus.
bpcmarj: Adorable photos!!
UGH.... Gabriel is now peeing out of EVERY diaper. I am waiting for my gDiapers size medium to come in the mail. He's almost 13 pounds (ish, we measured at the OB on the adult scale--with me, then with me + him. The pediatrician's area was too busy to weigh him without an appointment) at 7 weeks. What a chunker! I read on the gDiapers website that if his belly grows faster, I can use the medium covers with the small inserts until he grows a little more.
I guess it is good timing for our trip and using disposables (though if the gDiapers come in time, we'll just take those with the flushables).
I am so scatterbrained today!
LAGS: We really do have an adorable bunch of babies. It cracks me up seeing Mrs. Bee's post about uncute babies under 2 months old. She obviously hasn't seen the May babies!
So...;pumping and feeding as you drive? How do you burp LO in the carseat? Did you have to sit inthe back? Our drive is 9 hours, too. I think we'll just stop and nurse and change him every 2 hours. It'll be a long drive, but I am just not sure I can feed him in the car--or drive with DH in the back...
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Have you been able to cut down on your mom's visits? I'm lucky that my families are a day's travel away (Ohio and California), so I don't have to keep them away, but they do call to "talk" to LO a lot. I found texting a daily photo helps them call less.
And on a positive note, my LO loves swimming and the bath and the shower, too. My DH was surprised that he "knows to close his eyes."
And, I feel better about my new flabbier body than I did about my really nice body pre pregnancy. I earned all these stripes
And RE Eye color, DH has light, bright blue. I have dark dark brown but there are some bright blues, hazel, green, and brown in my family. Gabriel was born with dark blue/gray eyes and brown started coming in quickly, like 2 weeks. Now, depending on how dilated his pupils are, his eyes are still gray around the outside with yellow, green, or brown. He's only 7 weeks. I was hoping to get a year or 2 with blue eyes (mine were blue as a toddler).
duckduckkristen: yay for a night out! LOL, the night the Gabriel slept almost 7 hours my one boob was rock hard AND it wasn't even the next one up. I pumped just to "see how much was in it" and stopped after 14 oz. Holy cow, that's some milk!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Anyone working out yet? I'm still just walking and not approved to run till 10 weeks. Apparently I'm healing slowly (my check up was Monday)
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@pastemoo: Oh boo that you haven't gotten the okay. But then again, I haven't seen my doc yet. All his appointements are booked until september. ya you read that right. I will be 4 months PP at that point. Ill try and call today to see if they got any cancellations.
@Mrsdaredevil: Ooohh yay on the sleep. Sienna slept 2x 6 hour stretches and one time almost 7hrs. Now she's still around the 4-5 hours then up every 3. So depending at what time I go to bed I wake up 2x. Funny how Willa likes your pit... because Sienna does two. Come 5:30 in the morning, this child does not want to sleep in the bassinette. So if I grab her, and put her in my pit... she will sleep another 4. How the heck do they know?!
@LAGS: Sienna's 2 month appointement is on monday and just at her 1 month she was almost 11 lbs. 90 percentile. So ya, maybe you can just bring a picture of my daughter around and show people who say your baby is big. they have no clue! plus, big babies are healthy.... so just ignore everyone.
So Sienna is great. Still eating like a champ which results in me losing weight. yay! But we haven't progressed much in the sleep area. She will do a 5-6 hours stretch, then up every 3 hours. Sure it's better than some, but when you think about your first sleeping 8 hours stretches at 6 weeks... you wonder.
As for pumping, I don't do it often. Only when my breast hurt. But my friend bought me a milkie... and boy oh boy. I wrote a blog post about it and I strongly suggest you check it out. I was able to save so much more milk using it.
Friday my baby turns 2! I can't believe it's already here, so this week is all prepping for the party on Saturday. Cleaning, baking, shopping... the joys! I hope the weather is nice because we want to take advantage of the pool. I'll take pictures and blog them don't worry.
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: Addie had a sleep schedule just like Tyler's at one point. I bet has he keeps growing and packing on the weight he'll get there! If it makes you feel any better Addie slept through the night twice, but hasn't since. We have that swing too and I'm in LOVE with it! Especially the no battery thing!
@cvbee: I just wish they'd take the Snuggabunny swing and make it vibrate like the chair does.
@MsMini: Addie has a later bedtime too, usually 10-11pm. I was worrying whether letting her keep this up would come back to haunt me later, but recently said to hell with it. It works for us!
@pastemoo: To be honest I just didn't burp her. When we stopped for gas etc and I was changing her I'd give her a little burp session, but she did fine. I think with her eating so upright she wasn't too gassy. She spit up waaay less than she normally does when we nurse. I sat in the back off and on. I was dreading it at first bc I really love my drives with DH, but it really was no different. Plus it was fun to be able to play with her. I just made sure I went to the back if she'd been sleeping a while and we weren't planning to stop again for a while, or if I knew we were heading to an area with bad traffic (Mtl ughhh). Good luck on your trip!
@pastemoo: That's frustrating that you're healing slowly. You must be losing patience. I've started working out and boy am I regretting not keeping up with it during pregnancy... so I'd imagine even with your delay because you kept at it you'll be off to a better start!
@blushink: That's the way I see it! If they're chunkers at this point its a great thing! You're from the Montreal area right?
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@LAGS: Yup! well a suburb of Montreal, but I live about 30 mins from the city.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: I used to nurse in the wrap-sling (a bit squishy, but Nico didn't seem to mind) or with a light blanket draped over my shoulder (trickier than it looks).
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@cvbee: I'm not suppose to post links to my blog... but just look up my username dot com. it's my monday post.
eggplant / 11287 posts
I can't reply right now since I am on my phone....but Willa got up every two hours last night. Every time I start to think she has a pattern....she changed drastically. And let me tell you....every two hours means basically no sleep for me. Ugh!!!! I think I really need to learn to let go off my expectations. She is just a baby....this is not supposed to be "convenient" for me.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: same (on phone so can't reply) and same. Tyler down at 10 then up at 145, 4, 445, 515, 620 then finally 745 after I put him in his swing. Totally exhausted and wondering when this will get better!!!!!
clementine / 916 posts
@blushink: I thought so! Any insider tips on avoiding Mtl traffic? We have to pass through QC on our way to see my family and can't always plan to avoid rush-hour. DH had googled taking some side roads/smaller hwys south of the city last time we went but we ended up going through NYS instead, so still don't know if that's a good idea or not.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@cvbee: Yeah, I have a nursing cover, but Sawyer is so active while nursing that he is constantly pushing the cover aside, and my boobs are so huge that it is almost impossible to be discreet with the cover pushed aside.
@pastemoo: We have tried with me out of the house, me in another room, and me actually giving the bottle. The result is the same regardless. I have 2 more bottles to give a try, we will keep trying and hope eventually he takes it, but there goes our plan to leave him while we go to dinner to celebrate our anniversary this weekend
@blushink: I wish I had a milkie in the beginning! I leaked like mad, now my body has learned and I rarely ever leak anymore (which is so nice).
nectarine / 2039 posts
@MsMini: ha! He must be a busy boy. I guess it would be a bit much to swaddle him every time you want to nurse in public. Poor you. Hey, with the bottles, I know you said you didn't want to buy any more to try, but the one that ended up working for my friend was a dollar-store bottle, believe it or not. Yep, she tried every fancy bottle on the market and he refused every one until he got the cheap-o bottle. You never know? I do understand how babies can reject things though, as Nico still rejects the paci and I still try it now and then. He took it for the month and then rejected it forever since. I was worried he wouldn't take a bottle last week. He only gets a bottle about once a week, so it could still happen. He definitely isn't taking it as well as he used to when he liked the paci. I gave him a bottle last week after drinking in the evening and it took him sooo long to drink it. He kindof played with it in his mouth 60 percent of the time. It made me a bit more sympathetic to how DH feels when I leave him with Nico and that's the only tool he has for feeding him. Tonight I will rush back from yoga to make sure I'm home for the goodnight feeding just because of that.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@MsMini: If I'm anything like my mom, my breast will leak at the sound of a crying baby. She told me that even if she only breastfed me until 2 months, she leaked up until 1 year. Which is crazy.
Every morning I use the milkies... and in just 3 feedings I collect 3 oz. Which is INSANE! I'm so angry at myself for not using it sooner. I just started this week.
clementine / 916 posts
@blushink: We're coming from Maine, cross around Magog and head just South West of Ottawa.
@cvbee: Now that my LO has found her hands, she's started rejecting her paci too.
@blushink: Holy crap... I see why you love those milkies! After my supply figured itself out, I have a hard time getting even an ounce combined. So much for my freezer stash!
clementine / 878 posts
Hey ladies! Sorry for the long absence - I got sidetracked by moving, painting, and having no internet/TV at the new house for a week (yikes!).
Audrey is doing well - almost 8 weeks old. We've used up my freezer stash, so she's 100% formula fed. And man, the diaper poo is WAY different. I miss the breast milk poo (but not the pumping).
I've been upping my gym attendance and went to my first spin class since my first trimester. I was super excited and am really glad my butt isn't as sore as I was expecting.
Now, the big question: baby pooch. When does that go away? I've got a nice chunk of loose skin on my tummy and I hate it!
I also got my wedding band on for the first time in months yesterday. Too bad it won't come off now Glad I didn't try to go for the wedding band/engagement ring duo right away.
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: Boo on slow healing. I've been working out since 3 weeks (don't tell my OB!) and got the go ahead to start "ramping up to my old workout regimen" at 6 weeks. Can you ask about light weights to help tone your arms? I would hope your OB could give you SOMETHING to do while things finish healing . . .
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Welcome back! How is formula feeding going?
I'm envious that you are hitting up the gym and spinning! As for the pooch, I would imagine that everyone is different. Mine is pretty flat, but depending on the time of day, it can pooch out a bit. I'm not worried though. It's my dang muffin tops and saddle bags that are killing me!
Crappy to hear about your band not coming off! There has to be some tricks to get it off...
@blushink: I'm checked out your stuff! The milkies sound like a godsend!
@MsMini: Happy early anniversary to you and your hubs!! I'm with @cvbee....try the cheapo bottles. My friends tried the $1 Gerber bottles, and they worked for their lo.
nectarine / 2039 posts
well, it's time to find out if the tampon trick will work for yoga. I'm a bit nervous even about sticking it in.
nectarine / 2039 posts
IT's in and it works! (AT least it does now....we'll see if it holds up all class.)
persimmon / 1087 posts
Things here are alright. Cooper is now on Prevacid. Not sure if that will be our answer. I think it's one of those things we will have to wait for him to outgrow. His pediatrician wants him to see a gastro specialist just to get a second opinion though. We are putting 2 tsp for each ounce of formula or breastmilk, but he is still spitting up but not as much.
He has been so happy these days! He smiles and squeals all the time now. He's like a new baby from where he was a couple of weeks ago.
I haven't nursed at all this week...with the exception for a few mins this morning to top him off after a bottle. Pumping is a pain in the neck, but I am happier with supplementing with breastmilk and formula.
Oh, and my scale sucks. It's impossible to get an accurate reading. I weighed myself this morning at 156. I stepped on it a few minutes later out of curiosity...155. I stepped on it again...157. Screw you, scale! :P...My weight hasn't budged in over a month. BOO. I do need to workout though lol...maybe then I will see a difference? Perhaps...I want to get down to 145, ideally 140. If I get to 137 (wedding weight from last July), I will be doing backflips.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Well, even though the spit-up issue hasn't resolved it's great that Cooper is a happy boy! What did you do to get to your wedding weight? Now that I've taken a liking to a morning sit on the beach with Nico instead of our usual powerwalk I'm going to have to watch the scale to see if it starts creeping the wrong way. I'm sure that my daily 30 minute powerwalks (rain or snow or shine) with the dog throughout my pregnancy and then starting again almost as soon as I got home from the hospital is what has kept my weight in-check. I have a resolution to get back to powerwalking.
@Goldilocks1107: I do have a bit of a pooch still too, but mine is not loose skin, more like just a tummy that hangs out further, even when I pull it in. I especially noticed tonight when I put on one of my yoga tops that I hadn't worn since getting pregnant. I'm trying to both embrace the new 'curve' and hope that it will go away with more yoga (I do a pretty athletic yoga class) and some conscious pulling-it-in throughout the day. Luckily though, that was always my 'trouble' spot, so I've always dressed to minimize emphasis there. If you already got rid of your outie tummy, then I'm sure the skin will not be far least you'll have a nice silhouette in clothes, even if the skin isn't the way you like it.
nectarine / 2039 posts
I commented about this in the other thread, but wanted to report here too that after yoga, I got home and DH had put Nico to bed, but Nico had only taken maybe 2 ounces of a bottle. I would have expected him to devour the 6 ounces in that bottle I left, plus maybe need the other one in the fridge. Nope. DH said he just took the 2 ounces and went to sleep. (Um, there was a lot of crying in there too, apparently).
So then last night Nico woke me up an extra time (or was it two?!) in order to make up for my absence.
My plan for next week is to try a 'ghost feed' (is that the right term?) after I get back, before I go to bed. (If he only takes the wee bit again). So, I'll feed Nico at like 10pm and hopefully won't even wake him up. That will be good for both of us. (I got soooo engorged last night that when Nico did wake up to eat at 1am, my rock hard boobies wouldn't even cooperate to feed him!)
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I am feeling way out of the loop here! I have been reading on my phone while nursing but haven't been able to comment in a while!
My family was here for a really awesome visit last week. My youngest sister (14) is still staying with us for a little while longer! I loved having my sisters back around, but it made me realize again how much it sucks that they live on the other side of the country! DH and I consistently dropped hints that they should move back. Dropping them off at the airport was hard since we're not sure when we'll all see each other again. But, we had a wonderful visit and it was nice to not have to bring a stroller when we went out; someone always wanted to be holding her!
We had her 2 month appt yesterday. She is now 11lbs 5.5oz and 24.5 inches long! So, she's in the 97th percentile for height and the 50th for weight! I was able to actually notice her grow over the last week or so. She is moving into some of her 3-6 month clothes now (mostly for length since she is still under the weight). I need to go to H&M because they have a 2-4 month size that is fitting her really well (at least for sleepers).
She is still sleeping well in the rock and play, although hasn't slept through the night in a couple nights. But, I now know what I will be buying for every baby shower I attend from now on. It has seriously been a lifesaver in the sleep department. Also, she didn't like to be swaddled before, but now I put her in the swaddle me and the rock and play and it's like a dream combo. No complaints here!
DH and I still have not dtd, I am not sure I am ready. He is working like craaaaazy right now (he's a fisherman and is also involved in a media crazed shark project) so we don't really have the time to spend taking things slowly. I hope that we will be able to do it soon, though.
It's been a great summer so far. Penny loves the beach, so we went a few times with my sisters. I like it, too. The sun feels good after being cooped up in the house for most of her first 2 months. I do need to invest in a beach chair and an umbrella though. Nursing her while sitting on a towel is near impossible. I also did something weird to my right wrist. I can't put pressure on it (like using it to get out of bed or off the floor). The ped said I should probably get a brace to put on it so it doesn't get worse.
Alright, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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