cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I am allowed walking and fast walking right now. At 10w pp I can run again (and presumably everything else). I have been doing some water walking at the pool (LO loves the pool!)
P.S. Welcome back! Isn't getting that ring back on the most amazing thing? I love being able to wear my rings again! And... mine fit one at a time again, too.
RE The baby pooch: for some reason I am totally OK with mine. It's fairly big, and nice and jiggly and wrinkly, but it amuses me and reminds me I'm not pregnant and I DID IT! (I really hated pregnancy.)
@MsMini: That sucks about the bottle. Looks like @artbee had some good advice on that other thread you wrote about bottle feeding. I think when he's hungry enough he'll have to give in and take the bottle--that's how I get LO to take his vit D drops--once I day I have to wait until he is crying his head off with hunger for him to take them.
@Mrsdaredevil: Sorry Willa's sleeping so differently every night. Monday night Gabriel slept almost 7 hours... and then every night since then it's back to 3 hours then 1 or 2 at a time. Yuck! So, I know what you mean. I want a schedule, too!
@blushink: Yay for Sienna eating well and helping you lose weight!
@winniebee: I hope his sleep gets better, too. I complained to my mom and she said the it was the most exhausting after 6 weeks because then you thought you were used to the lack of sleep and then suddenly you get a night of relief and then your body says "wait, I simply CANNOT keep doing this!" Ugh.
@LAGS: Huh. my LO eats his hands and arms even (but I don't think he has "found" his hands yet) so he only rarely takes a pacifier. Does your LO suck a thumb or finger, or the whole fist?
@cvbee: EEEeek! Good luck! I'm way too scared to try tampons yet.
@marriedandlovingit: My scale is exactly like yours. 119. No 126. No 123. Ugh. But I've been at this scale range since 2 or 3 weeks pp. 11 to 18 pounds to go depending on the dumb scale.
I hope the prevacid keeps on working... I think it gets more effective over time, right?
And... baby smiles are the best!
@cvbee: I totally dream feed and it is soooo worth it.
I am going away for 9 days in the car with DH and the baby... I think it's a 5k mile trip, including crossing the Canadian border (twice, we are coming home). So... if I'm not posting, I'll be back next week.
Have a great week ladies--and I hope your babies sleep through the night.
persimmon / 1099 posts
Hello ladies! I have been MIA as I've transitioned back to work this week I did 4 1/2 days with the baby in daycare and honestly it was terrible. I cried and cried and cried on Monday night and then cried all morning Tuesday until I picked her up. It feels good to be back in the office but I miss my precious girl so so much. I also have decided to switch her daycare due to me not being pleased with some things. Her teacher smelt of smoke, the director used the word "aint" when speaking with me and a teacher said "if she don't call you" really? Double negative? It may be me being super judgmental but my mommy radar was going off as uncomfortable so she begins a new center on Monday which I like so much better. happy friendly teachers in an educational environment. It is crazy what you miss before the baby is actually here.
Abbey is officially 11 weeks tomorrow MAN where did the time goo? She is smiling, cooing, and 11lbs of adorable redheaded cuteness. I swear I will post a picture once I have time to figure t out. I nursed her for the first 9-10 weeks of life by my low supply and her constant snacking was very overwhelming for me. I feel such incredible guilt/sadness for weaning even though she is definitely eating more consistently now and is still as happy. Every time she cries and needs comfort I feel so guilty though and when she occasionally begins to nuzzle in my breasts I feel sad. I keep telling myself that I will stick it out longer with baby #2. I just hated pumping and wasn't producing enough (3oz both breasts max) I miss that bond though!
Sleep wise Abbey has given us a real gift this week as in 3 nights in a row with 6-7 hour stretches if sleep! It's been amazing but I have been waiting for the regression. Anyone else's baby having major mommy preference? Abbey cries when I leave her with Daddy even though he makes me smile in a different way than me.
So happy to see all your updates about your babies. I wish we were all close for a baby party playdate!
nectarine / 2039 posts
I'm here to distract myself while I try a cry-it-out for nap time.
@pastemoo: ooh! road trip! exciting! Nico eats his hands and arms too. He sometimes gives himself a hickie when he sucks his arm before sleep while leaning on it (in my arms).
Gals, cry it out is not going well. I'm going in for a rescue.
nectarine / 2039 posts
In my arms, sleeping within 30 seconds. I had previously been holding and rocking that almost-sleeping boy for 15 minutes, and he wasn't getting any more sleepy, only fussy. I'm convinced now that he needs a little cry on his own before getting put to bed.
Back to replies.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: awe! Sad about your Mommy-guilt. I am sure every Mom feels a little sad about the end of breastfeeding no matter when it happens. Congratulations on making the transition back to work and that is amazing that you were able to find a new daycare so quickly that you feel comfortable with. That's important. I totally wish we could all get together for a play-group too, but I do love this online 'get together', since we can do it whenever we are free (because what would be the chances that we'd all be free at the same time anyways?!) MrsDaredevil made a thread about major Mommy-preference too.
It is nap time and I am going to order my first diaper bag. SKIPHOP studio. My over-jammed purse is going to be so happy.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: Yes, the beach chair makes such a difference for not getting all sandy too. We actually use a 'toddler cot' (MyCot by Regalo) and it's great for the beach. I sit on one side and put Nico on the other side. I can also lay down on it, with my feet on the ground, or lay sideways nuzzled up to Nico.
@bpcmarj: Re DTD, my best recipe for the first time that worked. (I did a couple failed attempts). 1) I had just nursed the baby, put him down for a nap, and then had a glass of wine (the glass of wine was key, in my opinion). 2) I made DH think that we weren't going to do it, so I didn't feel like there were expectations. I just started kissing him and got him excited about doing 'other things'. That was my recipe for success. Believe it or not, that time we didn't even use lube, but I do highly recommend having some on hand, and make sure it is not warming lube or you will have a volcano va-j-j (like my DTD fail #1).
nectarine / 2039 posts
Question of the day:
What is everyone's general daily schedule?
Mine is:
1) feed, 'serious' bath, dress, tummy time while Mommy finishes getting dressed/does a few quick chores
2) stroller walk
3) nap, feed
4) outing (groceries, play group, meet for coffee, etc)---during the outing there is often a nap-feed cycle
5) another nap-feed cycle upon returning home
6) play-time while Mommy and Daddy make and eat dinner
7) stroller walk
8) relaxing bath
9) pajamas, feed, sleep (around 8pm)
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: welcome back! glad the move went well! Since about 2w PP I've done daily walks. At 4w I started really powerwalking with the stroller. At 6w I started jogging again, but only 3-4 times a week when someone else is here to watch Tyler. I started the 30 day shred today...not going to e able to walk tomorrow!
@pastemoo: yes, working out some (see my reply to Goldi!) Sorry that your recovery is going so slowly : ( It's weird though whereas before sometimes I dreaded running now I really look forward to working out! Good luck with your trip!! Yeah, re: sleep, I mean I just thought by 8 weeks he would be better! But he's a peanut and so what can I expect?
@msmini: so sorry about the bottle strike. I saw your other thread. I guess I would probably keep trying to give him bottles because I can't imagine not getting any alone time!
@cvbee: Your posts about cry it out crack me up! I have been letting Tyler cry a little more during the night now. He has been sleeping a 4 hour stretch then after that waking after 2 hours and I know he's not hungry and can sleep more! So I let him whine and yelp and he usually settles himself back to sleep for another hour or more. It's hard though!
@blushink: happy bday to mavrick and glad siena is doing so well!
@Nskillet: Aww! Congrats on returning to work - I seriously can't believe how big our babies are getting! I think you need to go w/ your gut re: daycare and good that you pulled the trigger on switching.
@bpcmarj: We haven't attempted to DTD yet, either. I have the mini pill in my drawer and haven't taken it yet. I'm scared it F with my supply etc. BUt then scared to DTD w/o protection b/c can't handle getting preggo!
@marriedandlovingit: poor little Cooper. I hope his tummy gets better on new meds. Scales suck which is why I don't even own one! I weigh myself at my parents or sisters....that's it. No idea what I weigh right now.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Tyler was 8w yesterday and we had a surprise visit to the ped b/c he had a small amount of blood in his poo yesterday (on the heels of almost a week of green poo). The ped thinks he could have dairy intolerance or even MSPI since b/c I pump we know he gets plenty of hindmilk. So, I'm cutting out dairy totally for a week until our 2 month visit next week to reassess. Coincidentally, Tyler has been a happy camper today - not sure if it's b/c of a day w/o any dairy or just that he's getting older an bigger. Speaking of which yesterday he was 8 lb, 10 oz....almost 4 lbs more than when we left the hospital (4 lb 13 oz!) He's clearly thriving so that's great. Still no real smiles yet...he coos like crazy and get's really excited and is really trying to smile, but hasn't yet. Boo.
I'm loving summer too. We are out and about all the time and have spent many weekends at the lake and at my parents pool. We go out to dinner (with Tyler) and friends and are enjoying Boston....I meet up with friends for lunch/my sister and her baby and overall things are great. Looking back, I think with all the stress over BF and Tyler's weight gain (and not, still not...much), I was teetering on the brink PPD. The moment I made the decision to pump things improved drastically and I've been happy ever since.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@cvbee: I simply took walks to get down to my wedding weight. I was on a 5 hour energy shot kick as well, which may or may not have played a role with the weight loss. I would kill to get back down to that. I was a skinny little bitch. I miss that.
Today is Friday the 13th, and it sucked. It started with a crying baby after his first bottle, and he continued to fuss all day. I was crying right along with him. If he's still like this tomorrow, my protective first time mom self will be calling the Dr.
He's sleeping now, and hope a good night's rest will result in a happy boy (and parents) tomorrow. I want my happy little boy back. For the time-being, I am having a much needed glass of wine.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Yaayyyy Tyker finally smiled for real this morning -twice- both DH and I saw!!
persimmon / 1099 posts
@winniebee: YAY!!! Isnt it incredible!!!
@marriedandlovingit: I know what that is like! Abbey literally screamed for what seemed like all day my last full day with her at home. I was a sobbing mess by the end of the day due to the stressful day and her going to daycare the next day
In other news I snatched up the last spot at a fantastic daycare! The staff there was so wonderful and doting on my precious baby and were so warm towards me. Im so happy I went with my guy and moved Abbey out of that first place. It wasnt terrible, it just wasnt a good fit for our needs.
clementine / 959 posts
@cvbee: unfortunately we have no routine whatsoever! I've been working on it the last few days though and we are starting to get into some sort of routine. I need a routine for my own sanity!
@Nskillet: So glad you found a daycare you like! Must feel so good knowing your LO will be well taken care of.
Last week was pretty rough. DH had to work more than usual and Liam was fussier than usual, so I wound up really stressed out and told DH I *need* somebody to come one day a week to watch the baby so I can get something done around the house for once. We don't have any family nearby to help out, which has been kind of difficult since I feel totally on my own.
The last few days have been better though. I've slowly been making bedtime earlier and earlier and he has gone from going to bed at the same time as us at midnight to going down at 9pm tonight! It is so magical having a few hours without him every night so I can get stuff done and spend time with DH. I don't know why I didn't do this earlier! I also got him to take two one hour naps in his pack 'n' play this weekend! He used to only nap in my arms or if I did put him down he'd wake up 30 minutes later or less. So my goal for this week is to really work on getting him to nap in the pack 'n' play for all of his naps and to get bedtime moved up to 8pm. He's been very fussy in the evenings and I think it's because he is overtired from not napping well and from going to bed so late. BUT he is still sleeping for one 6-8 hour stretch, then a couple 3-4 hour stretches, so his nighttime sleep is still pretty great IMO.
On a positive note, Liam has been smiling and cooing like crazy lately! When I read to him (most often I read hello bee out loud to him haha) he stares at me intently and then starts cooing like he wants to talk to me. Today my MIL was here and her and Liam just kept cooing back and forth at each other. It was adorable! And when he wakes up he just keeps smiling those big toothless grins over and over. That's what makes it all worth it!
Has anyone transitioned their LO to their own room yet? My sleep has been pretty awful lately so I'm thinking it might be time to make the switch. I just think I would be hard for me to not have him in our room at night though. I think I'd worry too much!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: lol to you reading hellobee out loud! And yay to your great sleeper....hope the napping continues on that track. This entire month has been all about me figuring out how to nap Nico. It is still a bit mysterious to me, but that keeps things interesting. I haven't transitioned Nico into his own room but if I actually had a room set up for him I think I'd do it soon because now I feel like sometimes we disturb his sleep, like last night DH sneezed and woke Nico up! But we live in a 2 bedroom house, and bedroom 2 is downstairs and is our guest room and at this point we want to keep it that way.
@winniebee: how is it going without dairy? That would be tough for me. So happy you got your smiles!!!
@marriedandlovingit: oh Friday the 13th!! I had bad luck with picking the worst shopping carts that day during our grocery trip. The first one I picked had a bumpy wheel, so I took it back out to switch to a new cart (quite a feat with an infant) and then the new cart had front wheels that kept jamming themselves was quite frustrating. But I did have some good luck, as even though the bumpy cart woke Nico up, he didn't fuss for the whole entire grocery trip: not even when I was bagging the groceries. Phew. Friday the 13th I usually say is my lucky day because that was our wedding day (august 2010).
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: I was thinking about starting the 30 day shred. I have the DVD. Today was Pilates with a little cardio. Tomorrow is spin class.
@marriedandlovingit: Formula feeding is going well, but holy cow it's expensive! I can't wait for the Costco by us to open. I'm definitely getting a membership!
@cvbee: Well, I have a pooch and an outie tummy. But in Pilates, it was mostly noticeable when gravity was intervening (hello plank position). Not sure how long it takes for the tummy skin to snap back to it's old shape, but meanwhile I'm working on getting the abs back into position.
Today I put on a pair of my fat khaki pants and they fit without incident!
And I got my wedding band off, and haven't attempted wearing it again. Maybe when it's not 90 anymore . . .
I hear chatter upstairs, time to grab the LO before she screams!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Do you get the Similac and Enfamil $5 coupons? It definitely helps!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
hey ladies .... im now a HB blogger so please try and associate my new name to the old me aka blushink.
As you probably saw from my recent thread, things have been hectic with my toddler... hospital stay for 2 nights. So I've fallen behind. Will read and update/reply shortly.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: cool.
Nico decided to go to bed an hour later last night (first time that the goodnight nursing didn't knock him out for the night). And then he slept for a longer stretch, so I've just officially had my first full night of sleep (10-5 for me, Nico slept 9-5).
Now I'm bored.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Awesome news! Sorry to see that Mavi has had some problems : (
@Nskillet: Good job re: the daycare. You just gotta trust your gut! I saw your post re: return to work. I'm already dreading it. I work long hours but am going back 4 days...wish I didn't have to go back at all!
@cvbee: No dairy stinks! I'm not sure if that's the issue yet, or not...hopefully will have some more insight after doc appt. on Wed! YAY Nico - that's awesome that you got so much sleep!!
@goldilocks1107: How do you find the time to work out? I go for a long walk with Ty every day but fitting in an extra workout is sometimes near impossible.
@duckduckkristen: We transitioned him to his bedroom (which is adjacent to ours and I don't even need a monitor I can hear everything...but use one anyhow) at 1 month. He was such a noisy sleeper I couldn't get any sleep. He still sleeps in his rock n play though so I don't have any worries about him rolling over.
Tyler is 2 months today - he slept 4.5 hours then 4 hours (9:15-6:15 with a 35 minute nighttime feed). That's his best ever! He's also smiling and cooing up a storm and it's so stinking cute. We have doctor's appts the next 2 days - today a follow up for glaucoma (family history including me as an infant) and tomorrow is his 2 month wellness + shots : (
persimmon / 1099 posts
Thanks Winnie! My husband does drop offs to day care. He wanted to have a role and handing the baby over is hard for me. I know we chose the right place because DD smiled at her teacher this AM! This center is just "us" and you know when it's a good fit. Going back to work is extremely bittersweet. I love using my brain but really miss my baby. I am starting to accept the working FT though and trying to make the best of it. I wish I was Canadian!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: I can't imagine how hard it is for you! Everyone I know who has returned to work says it gets easier with time and MOST ended up liking being at work again because it is time when someone other than YOU gets to worry about your child and you get to worry about you. I only got 2 months paid leave and then was granted 4 add'l months off unpaid (most women in my office do this). We are begging, borrowing and stealing so that I can stay out 4 months total and I am dying to stay out the full 6. Alas, I'm currently the breadwinner while DH finishes up his residency.
nectarine / 2039 posts
nap time
@winniebee: Whoa! How did I miss that your little peanut is exactly 1 month younger than mine? We have the same monthly birthday to celebrate! With Nico being 3 months old today, we're officially out of the 'fourth trimester'.
@Nskillet: I'm Canadian, but I didn't have a permanent job going into this, so I only get $400 a week (no top-ups) and I'm finding it hard to manage. I actually went into a little credit card debt the month before giving birth (hello irrational pregnancy spending spree) and I am falling behind every month. Today I'm going to see if I can get out of paying my student loan payments (a thing called interest relief).
I feel like I've been having a little bit of the 'now what' blues. I'm a planner and I love diving into things like wedding planning, and baby planning, and with my job I love planning for teaching too. But right now I feel like I don't have a big project to tackle and I'm feeling a little lost. Not knowing when I'll return to work makes things tricky too, as I can't even really plan for Nico's childcare, since I have pretty much a range of an entire year for when I might go back to work. Bah. (And all the ideas I think of to fill my 'now what' blues cost money, such as taking an online course, or, ahem, having another baby).
clementine / 878 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Yes - I get the coupons and they are a huge help! I even signed up my mom and DH so I'm hoping we start receiving even more coupons!
We have Audrey's 2-month appointment on Friday. I am not looking forward to the shots, but am definitely asking when we can start trying solids (and what order we should go in) so I can start making baby food.
@cvbee: Hey - if you aren't already, maybe you can temporarily solve your "now what" funk by making and freezing baby food for Nico. And then share your recipes with the rest of us
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Goldilocks1107: thanks lady. I have been making and freezing baby food, but not the kind you're thinking of: I finally started my freezer stash of breastmilk. I'm about 8 bags in.
Hey, let us know what your doc says about the food. I used to think you had to wait til 6 months, and then read an article recently that said you need to start in the 4-6 month window (so, before 6 months), and when I posted about this on facebook all my mommy friends said that we'll just know when it's right. I like rules.
I see that Mr.Bee is testing out photo attachments. I have so many photos of Nico: can't wait to show you gals at least one!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: My gym has a Kids Club that also watches babies. So I feed her, pack up an extra bottle and head out. And if she gets hungry while I'm getting my sweat on, they even feed her (but if she needs a diaper change, I get paged over the intercom).
They also have some evening classes (like last night's 6pm spin class) that work with our schedule. DH gets home by 5:30 so I can head out to my class without packing Audrey up to come along.
And . . . our new house has a ridiculous amount of stairs, so I'm constantly running up and down during the unpacking/organizing process!
@cvbee: I'm hoping my ped leans more toward the 4 month start window. Since it seems like you need to slowly introduce foods (to identify allergies) I'm hoping she'll give me a list of "good first foods" so I can buy the fruits/veggies while they're still in season. Then I can puree and freeze for later.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: I normally have those feelings (what next) but having a baby marks the first time in the last 10 years where I don't feel like that. Maybe it's exhaustion but I'm just not thinking in those terms right now. Between housework, outings, and taking care of Tyler, I don't have any spare minutes to myself during the day! The pictures sharing will be great! I just posted a few of Tyler ; ) Do you have instagram? That's how I've been sharing here.
@Goldilocks1107: That's awesome. My gym only takes babies at 3 months. I was doing so well w/ workouts but am in a lull. Monday was too tired, yesterday had long doc appt. then it was 100 in Boston and we had a visitor, today hoping to get one in, but had such crap sleep last night I'll probably just nap.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Tyler had 2 month wellness visit today. He's up to 9 lbs even from 5 lbs 5 ounces (4 lb 13 ounces when we left the hospital!) and has grown 2.75 inches (from 17.5 inches to 21.25!). He tolerated the shots really well! Cried right when administered but settled down in a matter of seconds once I got a bottle in his mouth. 2 hours later and he seems ok....he's trying to fall asleep in his swing at the moment.
In the not so good news, our ped agrees Tyler could have a dairy intolerance - we have only seen a few instances of a tiny amount of blood in his stool since I cut dairy. But there were a few times when I didn't know something had dairy in it and ate it. Sigh. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing if he has the intolerance (no blood test, skin test) it's just trial and error. One way to tell is to go back on it completely and see if his stools get worse - the other way is to continue to eliminate completely and if things are improved within a few weeks than dairy is likely the culprit. We could switch to special formula but it's very expensive and without knowing if he has the intolerance seems not worth it. I need to discuss options with my husband tonight.
Got a horrid night sleep last night - he was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Haven't done that since like week 1 of life. I'm hoping I can catch a nap because I feel completely terrible today.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@duckduckkristen: we put her in her own room at 2 weeks! But then that only lasted for a month, and then we started bed sharing. Now, we do 2 sleep stretches in her crib in her own room and the final sleep stretch in bed with me.
@winniebee: have you thought about cutting out all soy too? It is pretty much in everything (a lot of bread products) so the diet sucks, but I read that 60 percent of babies who are allergic to dairy are also allergic to soy. My girlfriend's lo has MSPI and she switched him to a soy free formula and he is a completely different baby!!!
LO has her two month check up on Monday. She weighs ten lbs and is 22 inches long!! She went from the 15th percentile at one month to the 50th at two months! Our pediatrician said that crossing percentiles is a lot of work for babies and that is why she is eating so much. I have yet to ever have her go more than three hours between feedings, although it is usually two.
She is fussing, write back in a few!
eggplant / 11287 posts
OOh, and I don't know if you guys saw my post on vaccinations, but I decided to forego her shots, at least for now until I do more research. I have an appointment with a naturalpath pediatrician in two weeks and I am anxious to hear what he has to say.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Goldilocks1107: You are so dedicated to working out! Not to be nosey and possibly a dumb/obvious question, but curious if you your baby weight is shedding quickly bc of the frequent gym trips? Keep up the good work
And re: the coupons...Great idea! I have my parents mailing me the coupons to me as well! It's a huge help! Have you been receiving more Similac coupons vs Enfamil? Also, which type of formula are you feeding her? We have been feeding Cooper the soy formulas. He is doing very well on it.
@winniebee: The dairy allergy stinks :(...Are they thinking of switching him to Alimentum, Nutramigen, or whatever equivalent? Cooper was on that for a couple of weeks, but the ped wanted us to try the soy. His tummy is so much better! I thought for sure he wouldn't handle it well bc I had a horrible soy allergy as an infant. I'm so happy that he is tolerating it.
How are you lo's doing with tummy time? Mine hates it after a mere few mins of it. It sucks that with his reflux I need to keep him upright for a half hour, so our playtime is shortened. I can't wait until he can stay up for longer stretches and esp when he outgrows the relux.
Speaking of the reflux, the ped switched him from zantac to prevacid. It seems to be working better. He's still spitting up, but it seems to not be as frequent. I say that now...
Little guy is waking up now. Hope you all are having a great week so far.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@marriedandlovingit: we are doing pretty good with tummy time. She likes it for about ten minutes. Also, I let her nap on her tummy (gasp). It is the only way she gets decent sleep, and I honestly think we would be doing a lot better with night sleep if I let her sleep on her tummy. I think she is just so much cozier that way!
grapefruit / 4278 posts
So I haven't been participating in this thread, but I've been checking it every now and then to see how everyone is doing with their May babies! Ethan was born on May 19th, two days after his due date, and is doing so well! He had some colic for a few weeks early on, but seems to have outgrown it quickly. I had to go back to work this week and I'm hating being away from him. He's adapting to daycare wonderfully though, and I'm pretty sure I've cried over it more than he has. He's EBF and I'm working through trying to pump enough for him while I'm at work, and really trying to figure out how much is enough. He seems like he'd eat forever from the bottle if I let him. For those of you that have introduced a bottle, how much does your LO eat/ how often. He's doing 4 oz every 3-4 hours, but I don't know how to know when he'll need more.
@duckduckkristen: we transitioned Ethan to his own room around 5 weeks. I was jumping up to tend to him almost every time he started stirring and we're both getting much better sleep now. We have a video monitor, so I feel ok about having him in his own room since I can still see him.
@cvbee: I'm super jealous of your 10-5 sleep. Ethan usually sleeps from 9-1, then up at 4, and 7. He's good about eating and going back down right away, but I'd love some uninterrupted hours.
@Goldilocks1107: I wish I had your workout motivation. We're headed up to WI to visit family for Thanksgiving and I'd like to be back in good shape by then. I really need to get cracking on that though.
@winniebee: I'm sorry to hear about Tyler's intolerances. It has to be difficult to watch everything you eat. @Mrsdaredevil: wow! 15 to 50%, what a jump. No wonder she's eating so often.
@marriedandlovingit: Ethan hates tummy time with a passion. I can get him to do a few minutes, but much longer than that and he'll start screaming and he won't stop even after I roll him back over. I'll lay on my back with my legs positioned like I'm sitting in a chair and lay him on my shins and bounce him a bit. He seems to really like that. At least he gets some practice lifting his head that way, but I know his arms need more of a work out.
clementine / 959 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Liam used to love tummy time, but now he fusses after about 5 minutes.
@kiddosc: welcome! When I give him a bottle he'll usually take 5 oz.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ugh. Update. Tyler woke up at 2:45 inconsolable. So upset. Finally got him calm (after some Tylenol) and to sleep around 5:30. He's not eaten much since the shots - only 15 oz. total today. No way am I waking him up today.
@marriedandlovingit: If he truly has MSPI, then we'll switch him to formula - one of the ones you mentioned. Does Cooper have an intolerance? Are you formula feeding now?
@mrsdaredevil: We have considered eliminating wheat soy etc. The ped just wants me to start with dairy and if not improved w/in a few weeks re-assess. I already know I cannot do a soy-free/wheat-free diet. Dairy I can try.
@kiddosc: Hi there! Welcome! My son is bottle fed pumped milk. He is 9w tomorrow but only 9 lb so only takes 3-3.5 oz every 2-3 hrs during the day (longer stretches at night).
clementine / 916 posts
@pastemoo: We've caught her sucking her thumb once, often find her sucking her two fingers and she always seems to be sucking her fist/arm. Just as we were doing well with her paci, it's intro'd a whole new issue with her little fingers always popping it out of her mouth.
@pastemoo: I hope your trip is going well! We just got back from trip #2 and for the past two nights have been paying for all her extra car sleeping... ugh.
@Nskillet: I think I would have had the same feeling about your day care. Great news you found a way better replacement!
@cvbee: I absolutely love my skiphop studio!
@winniebee: I'm so happy Tyler is smiling! Its just the most amazing feeling! Hope he continues to feel better with your new diet. If he keeps growing like that the "what a little baby" comments will be a thing of the past in no time!
@duckduckkristen: I hear you with having no family around to help. DH and I are on our own too. I was okay with it until this week... we've been traveling so much and have my SIL's wedding coming up (which is basically a two week affair with all the events/family around) and I'm just sooo behind on life. My house is a disaster, bills are disorganized, laundry is backed up and I feel like I'm about to explode. I hope your day of help is a good thing for you and helps restore some balance!
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Ohh a HB blogger, Congrats! I hope your LO is feeling better soon.
@Goldilocks1107: You're amazing to be so on top of your fitness. I just got back into running then traveled to see family so it kind of put a kink in my progress. Hope you're enjoying your new home!!
@marriedandlovingit: Tummy time is hit and miss. Some days she loves it, and has rolled from tummy to back a bunch (but still not consistently) but I seem to have a habit of picking the wrong time to put her down for it and she'll let me have it.
@kiddosc: My LO is 10 weeks and will take about 4oz when I'm feeding her pumped milk. I don't do this often though, so it may not be a really reliable amount... feeding her on car trips I feel there may have been a few times she's taken more than that. I'm sure you'll hear about it if that tummy isn't satisfied!
clementine / 916 posts
Well we're back from road trip #2 to our ILs. It was a great visit, Addie did great in the car again and even slept from roughly 10-5 each night we were away. (I'm paying for all the sleep now though... the last two nights have been reminiscent of her first week...)
I feel like the past week her development has been progressing like crazy! She coos and chatters away, has so many new facial expressions and is starting to squeal here and there. She has favorite toys now (anything that makes music is a quick favorite) and has been rolling from tummy to back and is starting to lift her torso into a sitting position when we have her propped in her boppy or against us/a pillow or something.
Its becoming such a fun stage!
To anyone who uses formula, I keep getting those coupon checks in the mail, mostly enfamil, but some Gerber and Similac. I just gave a bunch away to DH's coworker, but if anyone has a brand preference, let me know and the next time I receive some I'd be happy to pop them in the mail.
Oh and how many of you are giving your LOs vitamin D drops? Are you using over the counter or a prescription? At our 2 month my ped called in a prescription but we got an OTC because my MIL picked it up at cost at her hospital. Is there any difference? I haven't even started giving it to her yet, partially because I'm not sure if I should just get the 'script, and cause I kinda forgot all about it until I saw it mentioned here.
clementine / 878 posts
@marriedandlovingit: I have 5-10 lbs left to lose, but I think I'm regaining some muscle, because my tummy pudge is starting to get smaller. I even tried on one of my old bikinis today because we're heading to a friend's lake cabin in 2 weeks and I wanted to make sure I had a swimsuit to wear! And I was relieved that I didn't look terrible - more like I ate too much salt and drank too much beer the day before
Audrey is taking the Enfamil Newborn right now. It's what they had at the hospital and she did well so I didn't even try the Similac. I received 6 $5 off coupons for Similac that I wasn't going to use (plus their free samples) so I donated them to a domestic abuse shelter.
As for tummy time, she does okay, but definitely likes looking around better than actually trying to push herself up. So we do more "chest tummy time" where I sit slightly reclined with her on my chest. Then she pushes up to look around her. Maybe that will work with your little guy (and avoid reflux issues)?
@winniebee: Ugh - sorry your little guy is having a rough time with sleep and food. Hopefully today is going a bit better. As for workouts, I have ankle weights that I was thinking about wearing while I'm at home, to get a little extra bang for my buck when I'm putzing around the house. And I went to a Pilates class yesterday where they used a resistance circle. Since I already have one at home, I'm going to try adding that to my home routine (after I set up a home workout routine!).
@LAGS: When we were giving Audrey pumped milk, we used the Enfamil Vit-D-Sol or whatever it is. DH picked it up at Walgreens. It's what our pediatrician recommended. But, depending on your insurance, prescription might be cheaper. And if you get extra Enfamil coupons, I would love to claim "dibs" on some of them!
Last night, we met with my life insurance guy to figure out what we need now that we have a new house. I think DH and I are each going to get $250K or $500K 20 year term life policies. Now we just need to get a few more quotes and apply. And meet with an estate lawyer to draw up our will. We asked my parents to be Audrey's guardian to start with. If something happens to us when she's super young, we'd prefer she stays with family, instead of one of our close friends. And since my parents are fairly young (mid-50s), it wouldn't be too much of a hardship. When she gets a little older (and they get a little older), we'll probably change who would be guardian . . .
clementine / 878 posts
Oh, and I met with a new Family Medicine doc yesterday (since my old doc is 30-45 minutes from our new house). She was super nice, and she specializes in Obstetrics. So if DH convinces me to have another one, I can keep her as my main doc. Super awesome! And she went ahead and inserted Mirena yesterday (my other OB wanted to wait until I'd had my first period). Operation Prevent Baby #2 is go!
And tomorrow is Audrey's 2-month checkup. With shots. I'm making DH come to that one for emotional support.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: How is Tyler feeling today? Poor baby! Those 2 month shots really suck.
We aren't sure if he has an intolerance. He was screaming bloody hell when he was having the milk-based formula, but I'm not on a special diet and he now seems fine with the soy formula.
@Goldilocks1107: Thank you for the tip! I'm going to try the tummy time on me after this next feed.
Nice job on the weight loss!
My milk supply sucks. I pumped 1 oz this morning and 2 oz last pumping session. My thoughts are all over the map on what I should do (move to formula completely, do a few nursing sessions a day to increase supply, or pump more which is a pain in the ass to begin with).
clementine / 916 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I'll let you know next time some come in the mail!
Oh and you reminded me.... I officially have had my first period pp... I don't even know what to say about that. I was so looking forward to more time period free. If DH and I hadn't been practicing safe sex we totally would have been one of those pregnant with a two month old stories. Sigh.
@marriedandlovingit: I've read that after your supply regulates its totally normal to see a drop in ounces pumped. I have averaged about 1-1.5oz per breast lately and used to pump 5oz total no problem. Despite the drop, LO is still EBF and satisfied/gaining. I'm not saying this to sway you one way or the other, absolutely do what feels best for you, cause pumping is a pain for sure... I had just read that when I was freaking out about my supply and found it to be super reassuring. I think it was from kellymom, basically the amount pumped isn't a reliable indicator of your true supply.
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