hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: We have been giving Tyler vitamin D drops - I just got the Enfamil ones (they smell like candy though!) So glad you got some good sleep! That really blows about your period...I thought I was getting mine a few weeks ago but turns out it was a false alarm, thankfully!
@Goldilocks1107: I'm really impressed with your working out. I also have roughly 10 lbs to lose. Thinking this no dairy thing is probably going to help in that dept (no butter, cream, ice cream....cheese). I'm trying to do the shred but some days I'm just so damn tired. I did it today as well as a walk. I usually jog on the weekends when I have an extra hand.
@marriedandlovingit: Interesting about his formula preference. As far as supply goes, there are def. ways to increase your supply. When I started pumping a little over 3 weeks ago, I only pumped 3 oz total. At first I pumped every time Tyler ate and tried to get an extra pump in. I saw a difference within a week - was pumping 4 oz a session. Now, I don't even pump every 3 hours (more like 5-5.5 overnight and 3-3.5 during the day) and I get 5 oz per pump and after long stretches I get 4-5 oz a boob. It's hard to know what's best, but trust your instincts - you can't make the wrong decision.
Tyler is SO much better today. He was better last night but I gave him another dose of Tylenol (I wish I had given to him right after the shots, frankly). He slept 4 then 4 again last night and I'm fine with that. Today he was back to himself - he is so much less fussy since he turned 8 weeks (9 weeks today). I would like to say it's the no dairy thing but I noticed a real change in him before I started that. He is pretty chill and happy for 1.5-2 hours after he wakes up. Then cranks a little until I put him down for a nap again (I'm still following EASY, roughly). He's cooing and smiling up a storm. He also LOVES sitting up and jumping and doing sit ups (where I hold his arms and pull him up from the laying position). I sound like a braggy mom, but his head control is so good. He sits in his bumbo all by himself (probably a no no, but seriously his head control is so good) He also really likes his play mat -- he used to like tummy time but he's not as much of a fan anymore so I usually do head control time by letting him sit in the bumbo or doing brief periods of tummy time.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Ack! I am so behind again, we went away for the weekend last weekend (we went back home to take Sawyer to his first Calgary Stampede - I have gone every year since I was conceived, and I am going to take him every year as well). We visited with family and got some shopping done while we were there, and then since I have been home I have been pretty busy.
Sawyer did really well with the Stampede, he was ogled by so many people while we were there, we did about 3/4 in the stroller, and 1/4 baby wearing. Sawyer gets so hot he doesn't love to be worn for long periods of time when it is hot out. We also took him to the fireworks in the evening and he really liked the bright colourful lights, he watched the whole time.
Sawyer is sleeping a lot better all of a sudden, I am getting 6-7 hours, then about 4 hours overnight, plus good 1 1/2 - 2 hour ups during the day, so now we are going to start transitioning Sawyer to his nursery/crib for naps and his first sleep of the night. So far he will sleep his first sleep cycle in the crib, then he wakes up and I think he realizes he is alone and fusses. I have only done naps so far, I might try the night sleep tonight.
I am so glad we got a video monitor, it is really helping me make the transition to having him not with me every minute of every day.
Sawyer is loving the bumbo lately, I know it is a no-no, but we sit him in it while we eat meals at the dining table (he is far away from the edges so he can't fall off, and one of us is always within arms reach of him when he is in the bumbo).
I really want to get Sawyer trying the jolly jumper, but DH is making me wait until he is "officially" 3 months old, so 1 week left to go. He is also getting way more active with his hands, grabbing and batting at toys all the time, and he has even had luck getting his soother back in his own mouth a few times.
He is still bottle striking though, but DH thinks that if he is hungry enough and I am not near he will eat, so he thinks I can still get out and get my hair done and stuff ... we shall see when the time comes I guess.
I find it difficult to do a bunch of replies once we are on a different page, but I will pop back on later tonight and tomorrow and try to catch up!
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: Brag away! I love hearing about everyone's milestones and LOs doing well! Even though some are experiencing tummy troubles, I'd say overall we're all so blessed to have some healthy, strong babies. We've been using the Bumbo for a while now too. Its amazing to see them perched in there. She loves being upright on her own.
@MsMini: The Stampede would be such a fun family tradition! I'm glad Sawyer was able to enjoy his first of many. I'm starting to wish we had a video monitor for Addie's transition to her own room. Its across the hall from us so I know when we do it I'll still hear everything and be out of bed a million times a night to check on her. Hope Sawyer does well with his first night sleep there!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: Great job getting exercise in at home. I'm finding that if I don't go to the gym, I'm a bit lazy about working out. The 90+ degree weather we've been having for most of July isn't helping. By the time Audrey and I are up and running and ready for a walk, it's already too hot outside to take her for a long trek.
I've been using to help track food/exercise. And today it made me a sad panda. I updated my profile based on my new weight and increased my exercise goals (from 30 minute workouts to 45 minute ones). And they took 90 calories AWAY from my daily allotment. This is why I hate monitoring what I eat . . . sigh. Hopefully only one more month to go before I fit back into all my clothes and don't need to care as much!
@MsMini: Great news on the sleep front! DH's mom picked up a "Jenny Jump up" for us - which I'm guessing is a pink version of the "Johnny Jump up" (and the American name for your Jolly Jumper?). I'm hoping we can start using our exersaucer soon, but I think Audrey's neck control needs to get a bit better before we're completely ready for that.
nectarine / 2039 posts
I've been getting a little behind here, but have been reading all your updates. Nico used to sleep through anything and now my typing fingers will wake him up, so if I'm on the internet in the same room as where he is napping I'm weary of typing up a storm!
Am I the only May due date mama who doesn't have a bumbo? I also don't have a jolly jumper nor an exersaucer. I tried not to register for a lot of 'stuff' as we have a really small house, but now hearing about all of your LOs in the stuff is making me want some! I do take Nico to the Early Years Centre for Mom and Baby group and could go there any time any day to use their toys, and that is something I plan on doing, but they don't have a jolly jumper.
@winniebee: yes, brag away! That's what Moms do. I hear 'smaller' babies are better at all the physical developmental stuff like holding up heads and rolling-over, I think because they aren't weighed-down as much. My brag lately are all of the variety of sounds Nico makes. He's been doing all the vowels sounds, plus 'w' (which you could say is a 'oo-a', and 'g' and 'r' and 'l'. And he rolls his 'r'. I can't even roll my r's. Someone at Mom and baby group said it's good to repeat back the sounds that the baby makes, and I've been doing that a lot, plus I really over-emphasize my lip and tongue motions when we are 'talking'. Maybe I'm a little obsessed with this because I am a reading-tutor and often have to re-train kids with how they form letter sounds with their mouths to help them with reading and writing. Anyways, that's my brag of the day.
This is DH's last day before 2 weeks of vacay, so you might hear from me less because of that, or maybe more?! Who knows!
Tomorrow we are going up to see the in-laws (5 hour drive to Sault Sainte Marie) and then next week we are going to see my side of the family (3 hour drive to the Waterloo area) but we'll stop at home in between to check on the cat. I am also REALLY excited to go to the Toronto Zoo. We were going to go there last year for our anniversary but changed our minds, and I'm glad we did because it is the PERFECT stroller-date place.
I have a couple of photos to load onto Facebook, so I should get to that. (THe baby fans--grandmas and grandpas especialy-- get sad if I don't post my photo-story often enough on there!) Today's photo story is going to be about how I want to read the 'No Cry Sleep Solution' for putting Nico down for naps but that I think I might be figuring it out ono my own. I have figured out his timing and then I do something that will likely put him to sleep in the half hour before I expect he will be sleeping. So for example, I knew he'd be napping around 9am, so I did a stroller walk at 8:30 and he fell asleep in the stroller at the very end of the walk. K, got to go!
grapefruit / 4278 posts
@MsMini: We love our video monitor too, it really helps with transitioning to thier own rooms. Have you tried different kinds of bottles? Ethan hated the Avent bottles we bought before he was born and wouldn't take anything with a more modern nipple shape. We finally had success with the cheap-o Gerber bottles. Once we found the right one he took to it with no problem.
@Goldilocks1107: I hated not being able to take Ethan out because of the heat. It's hard to load everything up and go to a store or mall just to walk around because it's sweltering outside. That won't get better until at least October around here though. We tried out the exersaucer this past weekend. Even though Ethan has pretty good head control he couldn't support his torso for very long and kept flopping over. He enjoyed it if you were there holding him up in the seat though. The instructions said they should be able to sit up on their own first.
@cvbee: We don't have bumbo either, they seemed unnecessary to me before. But Ethan loves sitting up and looking around now, so I've been considering getting one for the last week or so. Maybe I can find one on craigslist.
Ethan slept for 7.5 hours straight last night! Since he started daycare this week he's been a champion sleeper. He always gave me 3-4 hour stretches before, but this week his first stretch has been getting longer and longer. I think he's benefiting from all the stimulation during the day. DH is taking him to his 2 month check-up today. I'm kind of glad I couldn't be there for his shots, I don't know how I would have handled it.
clementine / 959 posts
@Goldilocks1107: we are looking into life insurance now too. Seems like term is the way to go and the other ones are a scam.
@LAGS: we aren't doing vit D drops since the pediatrician never mentioned it. We try to take him outside a lot though.
When I was pregnant all my dry skin issues went away and my hair didn't shed at all, and now all that is back. Boo. Maybe that means I'm starting to cycle again? Has this happened to anyone else?
@MsMini: I can't wait to put Liam in his jumper too. I just know he is going to love it!
@cvbee: I don't have a bumbo. Are they old enough for one yet? I thought they had to be able to sit up.
@Goldilocks1107: I have found that if I try to diet (or just forget to eat) my supply goes down, so unfortunately I have to just let my body do its thing and workout as much as I can instead. Hope it works for you!
@kiddosc: Yay for sleep!
Liam started breaking out of his swaddle pretty fast so I bought a couple of those swaddle me blankets aka baby straight jackets. Now he has decided he no longer likes his arms to be swaddled and cries until I free his arms. But since I stopped swaddling his arms he has been sleeping much better! He took a 2.5 hour nap today and slept great last night. He just can't seem to make up his mind about arms in or out of the swaddle since he keeps going back and forth about what he likes and what makes him sleep better!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: I think it is fine you use the bumbo, I started putting willa in hers 2 weeks ago and she sits there so happy and content! Her head control is great too. And you have every right to "Brag,"; isn't that part of being a mom?
@MsMini: the stampede!!! I went every year for the first 6 years of my life! How fun! I want to go again. Also, I put W In her bubo on the table too when I am eating breakfast.
I can't get her to take a bottle either for the past week. People keep telling me to try the dr. Brown's bottles. I don't want to try another bottle since I already have a big expensive stash of Tommee Tippee!!!
Well for the past two days I have been getting W to nap wonderfully. And what's the secret? Putting her down awake!!! Before,, when she was fussing I assumed she wanted to be held so I would hold her to she passed out and then put her down asleep. Well the other day when she was fussing I just put her down in her crib and she instantly curled up and went to sleep. I have been doing that at night time too, and last night she slept a 7 hour stretch and then two 2-hour stretches. I swear that good day sleep promotes good night sleep.
Willa flat out laughed last night! People keep saying they don't believe me because she is only ten weeks old, but it was a straight up laugh, and then she did it again this morning! She has always been such a social thing....she smiled at 4 weeks so it makes sense she would be laughing 6 weeks later??
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Am I the ONLY one whose baby has not slept for 7 hours???? 4.5 is his max. He is good day napper, too. I am so jealous!!!!!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
The 3 month growth spurt is kicking into gear, Sawyer only did 2 1/2 hour stretches of sleep last night, and has been eating like crazy (5 mins each side instead of 5-7 minutes total like he normally does). We are still only getting a short part of the nap in the crib, we were out of the house for his morning nap, but I am trying a nap in the crib right now, I am hoping he tolerates it better. DH didn't want to try the night sleep in the crib quite yet, he wants to keep Sawyer with us until he hits the 3 month mark in 5 days, which is cute.
@LAGS: Me and DH chickened out and kept Sawyer with us last night, DH wants to wait until Sawyer's 3 month birthday in 5 days to start the night sleeps in the nursery. Naps are still just going OK, he does 30-45 minutes in the nursery then wakes up and needs to be cuddled for the rest.
@Goldilocks1107: I just tried Sawyer in the exersaucer, but he is too short to reach the bottom with his feet, and can't reach any toys with his hands, so that will go away for a bit longer. I am excited about the jolly jumper, I will make DH take a video, because I think Sawyer will be so excited!
@cvbee: Sounds like you have some busy driving days ahead of you! It sounds like Nico is doing a lot of chatting! I find I run out of responses to him lately, so I end up just saying nonsense or telling him about celebrity gossip in our conversations lately (LOL).
@kiddosc: I have tried so many kinds of bottles, playtex drop-ins (both the silicone and latex nipples), Nuk, Avent, breast flow, and gerber. I might go pick up a MAM and a Tommy Tipee to try as well. I am not as persistent as I could be at this point, but I think this weekend we are going to try again. 7.5 hours is awesome! That sounds like a common benefit of daycare, their sleep gets better from the extra interaction with other little ones!
@duckduckkristen: My skin has been horrendous from about 6 weeks PP, way worse than it ever way even before I was pregnant, I think it is from the breastfeeding hormones or something.
@Mrsdaredevil: I am jealous that Willa is laughing, Sawyer wants to, you can tell, but he just can't quite get it out yet.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: I don't have a bumbo, an exersaucer or anything. The gear I have is
gDiapers, wipes
too much clothing and sleeping gowns
lots of blankets for swaddling and knit ones for tummy time
3 stuffed animals, a ball, and a sophie the giraffe
a swing
a baby tub, Finding Nemo themed (unnecessary, but nice!)
a boppy
a single electric pump and too many bottles
a crib with combo changing table
a baby bjorn and a pouch sling
a car sear with matching stroller
That is everything we have for baby. At my BIL and SIL's house last weekend they had everything--fancy tummy time set up with textures and bright colors and built in toys and an overhead arch; exersaucer; jumper; vibrating seat; tons of toys; mini high chair that looks kind of like the bumbo seat..... We don't really have all that and I don't think it is necessary.
@winniebee: I got almost 7 hours and it was over a week ago... And he's HUGE and eats ALL THE TIME. I got another 45 minutes of active nursing (swallowing sounds an all) today. Ugh. Eat up and then please get some sleep little guy!
Well... home from our trip, He slept great during the drive and we had to stop every 1hour 15 to 2.5 hours--not bad! We drove more than 1500 miles from last week to yesterday. We got some great photos, and I really enjoyed the trip. I am not even more tired than usual (but I am tired!).
I have some catching up to do!
kiwi / 525 posts
Yay for sleep is right, the girls are doing reasonably consistent six hour stretches now, thankfully. Sive has become a little bit colicky so we're experimenting with the tommee tippee anti colic bottles which seem ok, I bought the Aptamil Comfort formula but really don't like giving it to her as the texture just looks yucky. I'm hoping the bottles work, she's such a good humoured baby most of the time it's hard to see her in pain. And she hates the taste of calpol so I can't even get that into her to relieve the pain.
I bought a Medela pump in style advanced this week and am slowly getting to grips with that. The girls are really almost completely formula fed, so my supply is low enough- at the moment from three pumping sessions I'm getting 15 oz- but I'm hopeful that once I'm pumping regularly it will improve.
I'm curious about the price of formula in the States, I've seen a few posts mentioning it? It's €10.50 here for a two pound container of regular Aptamil, I'd imagine about $13 or so? We go through just under two of those per week so it doesn't seem terribly expensive.
Now that we can post pics (yay!) I'll pop up a couple of the ladies of the house:)
This one is about a week old and Evelyn is on the left, Sive on the right.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@aunt pol: eeeee! Your girls are so cuuuute!!
As for formula, we get the 1.45 lb/658 gram container for Similac Soy. It costs $22 before we use our $5/off coupon. It's not so bad.
I had a breakdown today about his reflux issues and pumping. I am so frustrated with both. I feel like he is being cheated out of playtime because we need to keep him upright for a while after we feed him. And sucks. I've mentioned both of these issues before, but it gets to me every single day. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I get. My husband told me to stop pumping, because it is causing me so much stress/worry. I dread every session.
Part of me thinks I should try bf'ing and supplementing with a bottle post-bf'ing like I did before, bc he never got full. My mind is all over the place!
Despite the reflux issues, Cooper is doing so good. He is a happy boy and smiles all of the time! He is oblivious to his spitting up, thank God. He just started to reach for objects and is turning on his side from his back. He is so sweet.
Hope everyone is having a fun weekend!
eggplant / 11287 posts
I have some catching up to do but I just wanted to upload some pics since I can now!
clementine / 878 posts
@duckduckkristen: My oily skin is back and my hair is shedding at its pre-pregnancy rate (aka: a LOT!).
@winniebee: We haven't hit the marvelous 7 hour sleep stretch yet. She did make it to 6 hours one night - but she also had all her afternoon naps interrupted so she was definitely over tired. And I don't recommend doing it that way - we had a fussy baby all day. It was miserable.
Recap of our 2 month appointment: Audrey is 11 lbs, 1 oz and 24 inches long. A skinny-mini for sure! She's almost in her 6 months clothes for length, but still doesn't have the standard 3 month girth. The shots went okay - by the time she finished her first scream, all three shots were done. Then we just had to calm her down.
And the ped says we can look to start purees at 4 months, and that it's okay for me to begin making my own baby food now and freezing it. So far, we have avocado and sweet potato in the freezer. I still need to make the peaches and zucchini I bought.
And here's a newer picture of Audrey, enjoying her play mat, and one of the two of us at Concerts on the Square (an outdoor performance by the Madison Chamber Orchestra at the Capitol).
kiwi / 525 posts
@marriedandlovingit: if you hate pumping, stop. I'd imagine the stress would affect your supply anyway, and there's no need for you to be miserable.
. @Mrsdaredevil: The second pic is great, but the first one is fantastic; such a dote!
@Goldilocks1107: Wow she is a leggy girl! I've found the same issue with babygros being more than generous in the belly but v restrictive in the leg. Mil said to just cut the feet off the gros! I've found little pyjamas great, no squashed feet.
This is brilliant, we can all admire/show off babies fairly easily now!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@winniebee: Nah, Sienna has slept MAX 6 hours stretches but not consistent. And usually at times that aren't so convenient (say 8-2) hopefully we will be showered with 7-8 hour stretches real soon. Yay for the awesome head control, Sienna is really great too (though I haven't tried sitting her in the bumbo yet)
@Goldilocks1107: Are we friends on myfitnesspals? Sorry if we are, I don't know everyone's username. Purees at four months? Is that because she's small? I find that interesting since everyone I speak to (medical) looked at me weird when I told them I started solids for Mavrick at that time.
@cvbee: We got a bumbo as a gift for Mavrick but he used it maybe 6x. I hope to use it more this time around with Sienna... but honestly... if I didn't have one it wouldn't of been a big deal.
@kiddosc: Wow awesome on the sleep!!! Way to go. Do you think daycare really affected his sleep patterns?
@Mrsdaredevil: I believe you, Sienna started smiling so early one... looking forward to the laughing Im sure she's adorable. (love the pics!)
@pastemoo: 45 minutes of active nursing? that's brutal. i hope he sleeps better soon!
@aunt pol: so stinking adorable! Hows life with twins?
Life is slowly getting back to normal (after the whole hospital incident) but as a result the whole household has a cold, including Sienna. We are coughing, sneezing, wiping our nose. etc. I hate being sick in the summer so hopefully we will get enough vitamin c and get back on our feet fast.
Sienna had her 2 months appointment last week. She weighs 13.5 lbs!!!! that makes her at 90 percentile. What a little porker. As for height she's 21.5 which puts her in the 70 percentile. I'd expect seeing she;s pretty plump, we'd get her to sleep more along the 7-8 hours stretches but the 6 hours aren't even happening often. It kinda sucks seeing her brother started sleeping 8 hours at 6 weeks old.
Here is a picture of Sienna at her 2 month shoot. aka in her crib.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: if you need formula coupons, I have like 12 for $5 off, some good through August, some through September, I can mail them to you. Also, sign up online.
Our gym has daycare, too--DH and I plan to sign up again tomorrow (our membership ran out June 1 and we were too busy to go back and I was not really allowed. DH has been going to the gym on base for free while I've been less active than usual)
PS Your daughter (and you!) are looking so cute!
@nskillet: So glad you found a good daycare!
@winniebee: Sounds like you're having a lot of fun at the lake and going out and everything. And I'm really glad to hear you are less stressed now that you are pumping. Do you have any "extra" now that you pump? Or do you pretty much feed him everything you just pumped?
@cvbee: I'm having trouble not planning, too. But we also have no schedule whatsoever--if he seems awake enough I'll do an activity, otherwise it's pretty much feed, change, babble, try to get him to sleep, realize he's still hungry, repeat. Occasionally he gets a real nap and I do dishes or laundry or vacuum. I don't know if it's worth it to go back to work at all... but I would love to work and have someone else take care of this little guy for a few days a week. The trip away was so nice! I loved watching family interact with him--and he was so happy with all the attention, Now I feel guilty that we live so far away from family. And... I feel like a bad mom because I loved handing him off to other people.
@duckduckkristen:He's been in the living room since 4 weeks when he was "talking" in his sleep ALL NIGHT LONG, every time he went down. DH got no sleep and the very next night we moved the crib to the living room.
Gabriel is 2 months and a day--still haven't gotten into taking the monthly photos.
@mrsdaredevil: 15% to 50% ?? THat is awesome! Good work mama.
@marriedandlovingit: Gabriel hates tummy time again, He still can't really hold up his head. AND people try to pick him up without head support all the time--I have to stop them (or help!) and make them support his head. I think he's about 13 pounds (but I have no clue. He was 9 pounds at 2 weeks).
Sorry the reflux is still going! We do our "tummy time" on my chest, so he can still lift his head and look around, but he is pretty much upright still. Do you do that at all?
@kiddosc: Welcome back! Going back to work is so tough!
@Lags: I think we paid last night for the car sleeping--but he did't even sleep that much in the car. I think he was beginning to discover his hands while in the car seat.
Our vit D drops are Rx, but I think they;'re the same ones from over the counter--the cherry flavored ones.
That's so cool that she is rolling over already!
Gabriel started smiling socially in time for our trip, so he was a real hit with the family.
And.... I didn't bring the pump on the trip; I had expressed a bottle twice on the trip. One was easy and the other took 2 separate times to get 2 oz. Ugh. Hurt less than regular pumping.
@MsMini: YAY sleep! What is the stampede?
@winniebee: He is progessing so well! That is AWESOME. Please brag, I love hearing it.
@cvbee: Gabriel is rolling his r's too. So cute! and he says UNH! or Ah-Goooooo after sneezing. I love that!
@kiddosc: Yay Sleep!
@aunt pol: They are soooo cute!
@Mrsdaredevil: Adorable! And so much hair!
Gabriel's hair all fell out and he was bald for a little while. Now he has short hair and some weird long patches in the back.
@MrsSunglasses: She is so cute! I bet she and Gabriel are the same size--his checkup is Wednesday I think. He's definitely at least 24 inches and I think 13+ pounds (born 21 inches, 8lb2oz)
nectarine / 2039 posts
Hey May ladies. Sad face
I have my first hole-in-my-heart mommy day. We are at the in-laws and today they had this big gathering so all the aunts and cousins and everyone in this town (5 hours from our home) could meet Nico. It was hot and an outdoor gathering for Nico to get passed around with all these people was really throwing him off. He was crying, and so I'd think he was tired and I'd try to put him down for a nap, but then he was all happy and awake so I'd bring him back outside. It was tough and he was just crying out there with everyone. Finally enough time passed that I knew he'd really go down and I got him to nap. He was napping inside, upstairs, and with no baby monitor. (We don't own one because we've never been somewhere that we couldn't hear him). So, his nap started and I checked back after 5 minutes to know that the nap 'took' and I checked again in another 10. Both times he was out. I saw people going in and out of the house at times so I figured if he was crying that someone would hear him and tell me. Well, time passed and finally when I went to check on him, he was screaming his little head off. He was so upset and it broke my heart. I breastfed him, hoping to cure all, and he stopped crying, but it kept breaking my heart because he still couldn't breathe normally....for the entire nursing session he kept having the cry-sniffle in the middle of his breathing. So sad! The rest of the afternoon went on much better, and he was happy, but when I nursed him to sleep tonight, the second he woke up (you know, the normal wake-up that happens before they actually go to sleep, as they fall in and out of sleep) he started crying his head off. Luckily my breast was still at his lips so I was able to save him immediately. And tonight I was watching the Bachelorette so I just held him the whole time instead of putting him into the pack and play, because I didn't want him to wake up and me not be RIGHT there. Well, he never woke up, but all his little baby dreams must have been about crying because he had the sniffly-breathing in his dreams. Sooooooo sad. I feel like I have traumatized my perfect little baby.
I've put him into the pack and play, and he's fine, but I'm so worried about how I can patch things up with him. I hope I haven't harmed his emotional life. Sad Mommy night.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@cvbee: aw, honestly he will forget by tomorrow and it's not like you purposely didn't go and check up on him. Hang in there.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
So behind again! Will catch up more tomorrow, but thought u would share a pic, too! Here's Penny!
clementine / 959 posts
All of your babies are adorable!!
Has anyone else noticed a correlation between how much they eat and their supply? A couple weeks ago I started eating less to lose weight (not a lot less) and then sometimes would go long periods without eating because I was busy, and my supply went way down. So, I started eating *a lot* and my supply went way up and I LOST weight. So weird.
Since we are all sharing photos, I'm going to attempt to add one from my iPad.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Goldilocks1107: She is so long!
@cvbee: I would be sad too :(, but he won't remember a thing! These things happen. He wasn't hurt and won't be emotionally scarred. You are a fantastic mommy!
Everyone has beautiful babies!
Soooo, I think I have officially given up pumping. I'm sad, but I am starting to feel like myself again knowing that those days are done. The stress took its toll. I feel bad knowing that I won't be giving him anymore milk, but I hope that saying is true in our instance...happy mom, happy baby.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@duckduckkristen: I definitely notice a huge correlation. I forget to eat ALL THE TIME because I am so busy during the day with LO, and sometimes when she goes to eat I feel like I have nothing in there and then realize I haven't eaten in 8 hours. Oops!
@pastemoo: OMG I LOVE that picture of you guys! How flipping cute!
I don't know if I updated that Willa is 10 lbs now? I feel that she is still a little petite thing even though the doctor said she is around the 50th percentile.
Oh, and here is one more picture I wanted to share of us at Willa's first Major League baseball game! Woo hoo!
She didn't nap all day AGAIN! Ugh. I swear we have progress and then take two steps back,. But her laughing and smiling make up for the lack of sleep I guess!
Anyone else feel that they are the happiest they have ever been? I know that mommyhood feels different for everyone at different times, but at this point I just couldn't be happier with life. I keep telling my DH he could sell my car and all my possessions and I would still be so happy since I am a mom now.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Goldilocks1107: So long and thin! How cute! LOVE the picture of you guys--you look GREAT!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Weekends are so busy lately, me and DH are always cramming things in while he is home! DH's work softball team had a tournament this weekend, so yesterday we were watching the games all day, and went to the company BBQ at night. Sawyer loved being outside all day, we set up a quilt in the shade under a tree, and hung out there all afternoon, and he nursed and napped better than he ever does at home, I am seriously thinking I am going to have to take up randomly hanging out in parks (LOL). He also loved cuddling all the ladies at the BBQ.
We have battled with sleep all weekend though. He has been only sleeping 2-2 1/2 hour stretches at night, and shorter naps during the day, and nursing longer than usual. I think it might be the 3 month growth spurt, so I am hoping it gets better soon. I am also wondering if we have some early teething going on, he loves when I rub his gums, and have started chewing his hands, raspberry teether, and toys. I know the teeth can "see-saw" up and down before they erupt through the gums, and I wonder if that is the issue, because he certainly is grumpy when he isn't distracted.
@aunt pol: Such cute little girls!
@Mrsdaredevil: Pretty girl, I love her eyes! I am with you, in that I feel like the missing pieces have fallen in place since Sawyer was born. I feel somehow more complete, if that makes any sense.
@Goldilocks1107: Wow! You can really tell in the pictures how long and skinny she is, lucky girl already has long legs!
@Mrs. Sunglasses: I love her chubby little arms! I don't get the long sleeps either, I am jealous of the 7-8+ hour stretches going on!
@pastemoo: The Stampede is like a State fair kind of thing, with rides, lots of bad-for-you-but-delicious food, trade show, plus rodeo events, grandstand show, nightly fireworks, charity raffles etc.
@cvbee: Aw, I am so sorry that happened to you guys! Luckily I think these guys have a short memory, and after a good sleep and extra cuddles he will be just fine!
@bpcmarj: Those big dark eyes are just gorgeous!
@duckduckkristen: Love the checkered onesie! Such a cute little man as well!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
And here are a couple pics, they are from his 2 month pictures, but I haven't shared them yet!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: @MsMini: You gals are right: he seems to have forgotten it and it is water under the bridge. He's not only back to his happy old self today, but he even laughed for the first time.
To all: I am LOVING the pics. Since I'm visiting I don't have time for big replies or to play at the pic-sharing game, but am really looking forward to a proper-check-in with everyone when we get back on Wednesday. Take care and horray for cute babies and beautiful, happy Mommies!!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@duckduckkristen: They say you burn anywhere between 450-750 calories a day breastfeeding. So I would imagine the more you breastfeed in a day the more milk your produce I would assume the more calories you burn.
@marriedandlovingit: You do what you got to do and don't feel bad about your decision. It's the best one for your family.
@Mrsdaredevil: You are both beautiful. Love your hair!
grapefruit / 4278 posts
@duckduckkristen: Haha, we call the swaddle devices straight jackets too. We're still pretty dependent on them. Ethan rubs his hands all over his face if his arms are free and keeps himself awake. I've definitely noticed my supply varies with how well I take care of myself. If I haven't eaten enough, or drank enough water, or gotten enough sleep I see a difference. I'm trying to be careful about this now that I've gone back to work, not being able to pump enough for him is my fear of the day.
@aunt pol: Your girls are adorable! Thank goodness it sounds like they're such good babies and sleeping reasonably well. Twins seem like such a challenge, but it sounds like you're handling it really well!
@marriedandlovingit: I'm sorry you were so conflicted about whether to stop breastfeeding, all the stress wasn't good for either one of you. Just focus on the fact that Cooper is a happy, healthy baby and you're doing great at meeting his needs.
@Mrsdaredevil: Willa is just too cute! The sleeping good will come with time. Our babies are just starting to get to an age where working on a schedule is even possible, they'll get it soon.
@Goldilocks1107: Oh my goodness, what a long baby! You both look so good!
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Glad to hear things are getting back to normal. I think Ethan is battling his first cold now too. His nose has been really snarfy in the mornings and he's been coughing more. He sure hates that little nose sucker. I hope he's not picking up germs at daycare already. The infants are in their own room and I thought he wouldn't be exposed to as much that way.
@pastemoo: What a fun family pic!
@cvbee: Aww, I'm sure he won't be traumatized. I brought the monitor into the bathroom with me to take a shower a few weeks ago, but forgot to turn it on. Ethan was screaming by the time I got out of the shower. I'm pretty sure he still loves me though. When you're there for them 99.999% of the time, they'll forgive you your little mishaps.
@MsMini: What a busy weekend. I'm so jealous of the time you can spend outside. It's over a 100 degrees here in Houston every day with lots of humidity. I just worry about Ethan dehydrating or overheating so we don't go outside for long. Sawyer's pictures are just too cute! i love his little owl hat.
Ethan had his two month appt. on Friday and is weighing in at 12.25lbs and 23.5 inches. He somehow still fits into some newborn clothes, but we're finally able to put him in all the adorable 3 month stuff we have. He ran a bit of a fever after his shots and was kind of cranky for the rest of the day. I felt so bad for him, he definitely got some extra cuddles. He seems like he's coming down with a little bit of a cold now though He's been stuffy in the morning and crying when we lays flat. I think he might have some sinus pain. I don't know if it's germs he picked up a daycare, or a side effect of his shots, or just reacting to the ever changing Houston weather. Has anyone tried that saline nasal spray? I wonder if it will help him.
This is my second week back at work and I didn't get to see him before I left this morning. I was doing good by the end of the week last week, but feel like I'm starting all over again today and am just so sad. I wish I could just win the lottery and stay with him all the time. I feel like I spend half of my day flipping through his pictures on my phone. DH sent me this new one to help cheer me up and there's one of my favorites from his newborn pics...
persimmon / 1099 posts
@kiddosc: I am in the same boat today. After a nice weekend with my baby girl I cried pulling out of the daycare parking lot. I absolutely feel like I'm back at square one even though the end of last week I was feeling pretty good. I know it gets easier but I wish it didn't have to be this way I handed her over to her teacher this morning and Abbey looked at me like "where are you going" and I just felt terrible walking out.
@marriedandlovingit: Girl, my heart was broken and I was as conflicted as you. Abbey is now fully formula fed and for the past couple weeks since starting work ive felt just terrible stopping because I miss the baby so much. I felt like every time she cried was because of my breasts not being in her life anymore. I ended up trying to nurse her the other day and she latched but didn't go for it like she was missing it tremendously or anything and it made me feel closure/relief. It's amazing you went as long as you did and sometimes you need to worry about yourself even though it feels wrong as a parent. If you're not happy the baby can sense it. We can be fearless formula feeders together
I'm trying to get a photo of her on here, can you do it from an iPhone?
clementine / 916 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: That's so exciting Willa laughed! I can tell Addie is getting close with the way she squeaks but we're not there yet. You and Willa are looking just beautiful. I think motherhood looks as good on you as it feels for you!
@MsMini: We recently tried some naps in the crib too and they were all short.. then surprisingly, the first night we put her down in there for her first sleep stretch she was down from 10-5... it was wild!
@aunt pol: Your girls are beautiful!
@Goldilocks1107: Lucky girl has quite the set of legs, she's so sweet and you're looking great!
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Sienna is so sweet! I absolutely love that little dress too. Hope your family gets over that cold quickly, no fun!
@pastemoo: Glad your trip went well and Gabriel was good for you! Love your family pic!
@cvbee: I had something similar happen to me when we were at our ILs. We didn't bring our monitor figuring so many people would be around but missed her crying once. I was standing downstairs trying to figure out what this weird noise was and realized... oh right, that'd be my daughter! Glad Nico is back to his happy little self.
@bpcmarj: Penny is so sweet, you could get lost in those beautiful eyes!
@duckduckkristen: I definitely notice a difference when I'm not drinking enough fluids. When traveling I was trying not to drink too much in the car and definitely felt like it made a difference. Liam's smile is so sweet! And I love that onesie too!
@marriedandlovingit: That's great you're feeling better about things. You've made it quite a while giving him some breastmilk and that's an accomplishment! You'll both probably appreciate a little less stress from here on out. Hope you keep feeling better about things!
@Mrsdaredevil: I definitely feel happier and more whole. It's amazing how these little babes can completely change your perspectives and priorities so fundamentally.
@MsMini: Sawyer is just perfect! Great pics!
@kiddosc: I haven't tried that spray but have heard great things about it. I hope work gets a little easier for you, I can imagine it has to be so hard. I send DH lots of pics while he's at work too, that's great that your husband does the same. I bet its a nice pick me up! Very sweet pictures of Ethan, neat to see the changes in him between the two!
clementine / 916 posts
@Nskillet: Oh I almost missed your Abbey pics. She's so cute, love her in her exersaucer, she looks like she's really taking it all in!
We tried Addie out in her crib this weekend. Her first night she slept from 10-5 in it which floored us. Last night she did okay and slept about 8:30 or 9 to 2:30. She's doing great with it but I haven't put her back in it after her first wakings... I think mostly because I miss having her there in the bassinet beside me. I should probably get over myself!
I have a bachelorette party to go to tomorrow night and have to put a half day of work in onsite with my employer beforehand which means it'll be the first time I'm leaving Addie alone. My MIL is in town and will watch her so I know everything will be just fine... but I'm already feeling guilty and missing her. Its going to be tough going from like 30mins max to most of a day/night apart. Also feeling like a jerk feeling sad about it when others have to sacrifice a lot more.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Can I just say that the May mamas made some ADORABLE babies!?
@replies later....but
Tyler slept so well this past weekend! He moved from a 4.5 hour stretch for his long stretch to a 5 hour stretch....then last night slept almost 6.5 hours! So happy!!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@LAGS: Good to hear that the move to her crib is going well! It's hard, but it gets easier quick when everyone is getting more sleep!
Aww, hugs to you! You are justified in feeling guilty about leaving your daughter! It's never easy! I have so much respect for the ladies that have put their kiddos in daycare while they work. As weird as it sounds, I am dreading it, but I am also looking forward to it when the time comes. I know it will be the best for everyone once I head back to work.
Your daughter is absolutely precious! I love the name too, btw
Thank you so much for the positive words!
@Nskillet: I just pumped! I had to. The guilt was getting to me. I got a whopping 2 ounces btw. Maybe I'm seeking a bit of closure as well? I never thought that breastfeeding would be such an emotional roller coaster! Thank you for the encouragement! It helps to have someone here that knows what I'm going through.
Your daughter is so cute! Her hair is stylin'! lol..I try to get Cooper's to spike up, but he sadly doesn't have enough hair to do so quite yet
@Mrsdaredevil: Cuuute! Willa is so precious. You are looking great! I love your hair. She looks so much like you.
@MsMini: Awww! Those pics of your son kill me!
@kiddosc: Your son is darling! Sorry to hear about the rough transition :(. The lottery would be awesome to win! We would ditch Georgia and move back to San Diego so fast if that were to happen!
I love looking at all of the baby pics you all are posting! Everyone has adorable kiddos!
I love singing to Cooper! He lights up and starts squealing when I do so. He's recently found his fists and he loves sucking on them. So cute!
His naps have been not the greatest today! He had a strangeevening of taking a nap from 6:30-9, then down for the night at 10'ish. He woke up at 5:45 screaming his poor little head off. He sounded scared :(. It broke my heart, but he seemed better after a bottle and a couple of good burps
My husband goes out of town for work tomorrow until Friday. Boo. He dislikes traveling for work more than ever now that Cooper is here. He doesn't travel that often, thank goodness, but when he does it sucks for everyone.
Do you all have friends that have kiddos you lo's age where you live? We have lived in Atlanta for two years, and barely know anyone. I joined a mommies group here, and have met the nicest ladies that have kids that are Cooper's age. I plan on enrolling him in some Gymboree classes and going to story time at the library when he's a tad older. It's hard to meet people nowadays! It will be great when Cooper has a nice set of friends his age, and my husband and I will be able to have friends in the same situation as us.
I'm looking for a drop-in daycare for our son when he gets a bit older so my husband and I can go out and have a life. I have a major trust issue with caregivers though. I am going to just have to get over it. This will be baby steps for when I put Cooper in daycare when I start working again.
Coops is waking up from his nap! More later! Keep posting the adorable pics of you lo's! I'll take some more pics today and this week of him to add to the collection
persimmon / 1087 posts
Holy crap...marathon post I just made...Sorry if it's hard to follow lol
btw, have you ever mixed up your dog's and baby's name? My son is Cooper and one of our dogs is named Scooter. We mix the names up all of the time!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: Aww, that is heart breaking. You know he is fine and he won't hold it against you. I can't believe no one told you he was crying!
@winniebee: YAY SLEEP!!! And yes, we do have adorable babies, all of us!
@bpcmarj: Penny is so cute and WIDE eyed. I love when Gabriel makes that face!
@duckduckkristen: CUTE! I don't know about eating and supply but I was SUPER hungry this week (during traveling), and he has been super hungry too. I actually gained a couple pounds on the trip though. Big bummer.
@marriedandlovingit: So true. Happy mom, happy baby! I am working on that, too. For me, I have to just give up on some other stuff around the house and projects and just get some SLEEP so I have a longer fuse with DH and the crying LO.
@Mrsdaredevil: AHHhhh! I can't wait to take Gabriel to a Nationals game, but it's too hot! I don't think he'd make it. Cute photo!
@MsMini: Nice. Maybe I should take Gabriel to a park for better nursing and napping.
And I am scared of a growth spurt and early teething, too. He nurses every 1-2.5 hours during the day, and sleeps about 3-4 hours then 2 hours then 1 at night, loves having his gums rubbed (and they feel kind of rough--his great grandparents are certain they are teeth), eats his hands, and drools a LOT. How do you find out? Or do you find out when the tooth pops out?
LOVE the photos. The ears hats are my new favorite thing. We have an owl one.
@kiddosc: Adorable! Love the ears hat. I hope he feels better soon--we have to do the shots this week, too. I am not looking forward to it.
@Nskillet: Cute!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
Still at the in-laws, but I decided to go to bed early rather than watch a movie with everyone. (Plus the movie is being watched in the basement, and Nico is sleeping on the 2nd floor, and I'm a bit terrified of not hearing him!)
So this means I have time to share a pic and to reply to everyone. This is Nico's 13 weeks old pic. I would never tell someone he is 13 weeks old, I go by months now, but I do take a photo of him just in a diaper on this same quilt every single week!
Sorry it's sideways.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: yeah, I wonder if anyone who went in heard. Mostly the ones I saw go in nearest to the time I figured it out were old men.....and to give them credit, I could even hardly hear him crying when I first got into the house. Now I TOTALLY understand the value of a baby monitor.
@pastemoo: whoa! Maybe you'll be the first of us to get a tooth!
@marriedandlovingit: We mix up dog and baby name and they aren't even alike! (Nico vs Akita)
@marriedandlovingit: So glad you found a Mommy group and that you are enjoying it! Mom and Baby group Wednesdays are my absolute favourite. We are on vacation now, and I am going to try to schedule our vacation so that we get back from the in-laws in time for my group on Wednesday.
@LAGS: good luck with your night out. Maybe you and your Mom-in-law can text so that you can feel connected and at-ease about how things are going? That is a big jump going from 30 mins to all night. Let us know how it goes. And by the way, how is it that Addie looks like a mini-adult? She is such a little lady!
@Nskillet: look at that hair! oooh you will be able to get a baby barette in there soon. (I get really ga-ga about girl stuff and so does my friend with a boy. When we get to Mom and Baby group on Wednesdays we spend the first 10 minutes just ooh-ing and awe-ing at all the cute girl stuff.)
@kiddosc: Ethan is a cute patutie! That expressive mouth! Thanks for your words, words I've told myself a bunch today and words to remember: "When you're there for them 99.999% of the time, they'll forgive you your little mishaps."
@MsMini: Wow Sawyer, those eyes! and what fabulous pictures...did you take them yourself? Maybe it will be YOU with the first tooth baby! Thanks for mentioning the 3 month growth spurt thing. I forgot that it is something that exists. So far, no signs of it from Nico, nor teeth. But he does bite my nipple by accident when he falls asleep sometimes. Gums hurt enough, so I am a bit worried about teeth!
@Mrsdaredevil: so nice to see you! I challenge everyone to post a pic of their LO WITH themselves. All pregnancy I got used to seeing everyone regularly from bump photos. @Mrsdaredevil: you are glowing. HEy, even though Willa didn't sleep that day, you did help inspire me to try putting Nico down when he fusses instead of rocking and bouncing. I tried like you said, putting him down and giving him a blanket to cuddle and twice today he was able to fall asleep for naps without bouncing. The other two times that did not work, but that's how naps seem to go for me: never the same thing working.
@duckduckkristen: love the napping photo; I just love the little pose his body is in and looking at all the little leg wrinkles and the belly bump. sigh.
@bpcmarj: hi Penny! It's hard to tell in the pic, but is she a baby with very little hair? I find it so interesting how some babies have almost no hair and some have tons of hair early on. There is a 6 month old at my Mom group who has an insane amount of hair: super thick and long, it's unbelievable. I keep thinking Nico is losing his hair, but I think maybe he just has a big forehead like me.
@pastemoo: Fun family pic!!! @pastemoo: Thanks for letting me know that you are living the less-baby-stuff life. I am going to stand strong with my dont'-get-more-stuff plan now. Yesterday at the in-laws they invited all the cousins over, who have older babies or older LOs and they were all convincing us how awesome the bumbo, jolly-jumper and exersaucers are. Even told us we should go across the river to the USA to get a walker, which is illegal here in Canada. Today I noticed how much I like to just do things with Nico rather than set him into contraptions, so I think I can keep going in a way like you, with less stuff. Minor comment: interesting that you use knitted blankets for tummy time, as I use non-knits for tummy because I feel like Nico is going to get his fingers stuck in the holes.
@Mrs. Sunglasses: holy pro photo! Love the lavender dress: makes me want to get a sister for Nico (so I can dress her up). Sienna does not at all look like she'd be high on the percentile scale at all. My doc said not to pay much attention to the percentiles, but I know we mamas are all about percentiles. @Mrs. Sunglasses: I've heard you mention a 'hospital incident' a few times, but have never found the story. Can I request a re-cap? By the way, I love the name Sienna. Is it bad that I'm already starting a name-list for baby number two?
@aunt pol: cute! do you always dress them as individuals or sometimes the same?
@marriedandlovingit: can't you give Cooper upright play-time? Nico has started REALLY spitting up a lot, but not at every meal. It happens even an hour after eating, so I don't think it has to do with playing too-early after a feeding for us, and I can't even figure out what triggers it. I'm just glad he's a fat baby, because otherwise I would worry about him and his losing-his-lunch ways.
@Goldilocks1107: she is so skinny and long, just like you! Sign her up for ballet! @Goldilocks1107: I'm really excited about starting baby foods too, but I'm not going to make-ahead (yet). I've also been reading a lot about baby-led weaning, with the non-puree philosophy. I'll keep reading and will be watching for signs for Nico to be ready for food starting at 4 months. I used to want to put it off until 6 months, but things I've read recently have changed my mind. I know it will depend on baby, but I'll be looking to introduce 'within the 4 to 6 month window'. PS. Missed seeing your smiling face with those signature curls!
Okay, I need to find a photo of me with Nico now. I have so many of him, but not me! I think I have one from baptism with Nico wearing the gown worn by my Dad, all his bros and sisters, me and my bro and all my 8 cousins and now Nico for baptism. Again with the sideways photo. I am so low-tech.
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