grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well, me and DH have been invited, and decided to join some of his co-workers on a trip to a mountain resort for a week, leaving just a week and a half from now! DH just got a mountain bike, so it is primarily a mountain biking trip, but there are also lots of pools, hot tubs, shopping, spa etc for me to do. We are joining 2 other couples, 1 with a 2 year old and a 6 month old. Sawyer has made short trips several times, but this will be the longest yet (3 days in our hometown, then a week at the resort, then 1-2 days in our hometown, then home).
We are still working on napping, I think we are making progress, he does the 1st half of his nap in the crib, then when he wakes up I put him in the swing, or cuddle for the second half, I think with ore time he will be able to do the whole nap in there. We are going to buy a noise machine to help out with that. Night time sleeps are still maxing out at 6 hours first stretch, 4 hours second stretch despite unswaddling his arms ... sigh!
@Nskillet: My DH is bad for that too, just expecting that his mere presence should calm Sawyer, but sometimes you just need to be more active. I keep hoping he will watch and learn, but not so much! Your/your daughter's hair is such a nice colour! You guys are so lucky!
@Goldilocks1107: We use re-usable swim diapers (aka cloth ones) we use the a Monkey doodlez swim diaper and it works well, and I have just ordered an iPlay set of swim trunks with a built in swim diaper - they have the cutest girl swim diaper options, and they start at 10 pounds. Apparently even if they poop they can be hand washed (although Sawyer doesn't poop in them for some reason).
@cvbee: I don't think DH would ever actually go pro, because he doesn't want for taking pictures to become "work". He also gets nervous that people won't like his pictures of him. I love how much he documents our life though! I used to get baby jealousy when other people have Sawyer, now I have flipped and I so want everyone to bond with and love Sawyer as much as I do. It puts a different kind of pressure on me though, because I feel bad if Sawyer is less than 100% happy.
@winniebee: What a cutie! He looks sooo teeny in his bumbo chair, adorable! I am getting too jealous at all of your night sleeping babies, Sawyer is stalled at 6 hours still
@marriedandlovingit: It sounds like the change is better for you overall, which is great. I think it is expected to struggle with any of these types of decisions. Don't you love it when your LO is extra chatty?
@pastemoo: Wow! You have a big baby! I think Sawyer is just hitting 13 lbs at 3 months! Are your therapy appointments helping your feelings on your c-section?
@Mrsdaredevil: That isn't very nice that your Mom laid a guilt trip on you about not leaving baby! I am lucky that my Mom totally gets it (she was like me about leaving us when we were little). I often feel pulled both ways about it, I want to leave him, but I don't want to be away from him ... Yay for great napping, me and Sawyer are working on the naps, it already seems to be getting better after 1 week of changing my approach.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Oh, I am trying to find a picture of me and Sawyer, but all I can find from recently is this one:
I will have to get DH on that (LOL)
persimmon / 1087 posts
On my phone so quick post....
Cooper has spit up all day. I was taking video of him, and in two of them he spit up and it came out of his nose. Ick. He will have good days, then really bad days like today.
Since I stopped nursing, Cooper tries to go for the boob after feedings. It breaks my heart! I feel like I should suck it up and try it again.
In other news, my sister found out she's pregnant. I would be happy for her, but her boyfriend is a deadbeat. He talked her out of dropping out of school where she was getting her masters. He has an associates degree and feels like it is a waste of time and money to get a degree. He is in his late 30s and he makes around 20k a year. It's sad. I feel like she's a pregnant teen with the worries I have for her, and she's 37. I hope they both get their sh*t together. Okay, vent over!
eggplant / 11287 posts
OOh I also have to pop in to say that W seriously belly laughed about twenty minutes ago. I am talking huge chuckles! She was on her changing table and her dad was changing her, and I came up to him and put some raspberries in his mouth. Well, I put some of the raspberry juice in her mouth with my fingers, and she shot me this huge grin. DH and I started cracking up laughing because her gums and tongue were all red from the juice! Well, she started laughing right along with us and she just couldn't stop. It was sooooo cute!!!
Oh, and she has two teeth coming in!
Ok done boasting bye!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MsMini: your hair is sooooo cute and I love his sweater!!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: WHAT?! Two teeth? Laughing? How old is she? 2 months going on 6? haha. Nah, don't worry, I'm creative but that's also my job... so don't even start comparing apples to oranges. I'm sure what you do is amazing.
@MsMini: Ooo a trip. That sounds fun! I hope it goes well. Hang in there with the naps, it's bound to happen. Sienna slept horribly today so I'm hoping she will sleep 7+ hours tonight. But I'm not so sure. Love the pic. Reminds me that I too don't have ANY pictures with my kids. So sad.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Goldilocks1107: girl, I'm so sorry you are having it rough. Just know that we are here for you. Like many of the girls have said already, a crying baby doesn't hurt them so if you have to walk away just do. I cried for 6 months intensive when I was a baby. My mom literally left the house and went swimming. The doc told her, if she's crying, she's breathing. So hopefully that brings you comfort (that I don't remember being left there crying for hours) and that I came out okay.
As for swim diapers, we purchase eco-swim reusable cloth diapers. The small is actually too small for Sienna. Maybe check those out?
@Nskillet: Men don't get it. THey don't have that maternal instinct so it's only normal like you feel you are doing everything. I had the exact same sentiments the first time around, but when it comes down to your second (where your husband must take care of the first) those feelings dissipates.
@aunt pol: I'm glad no more hospital visits. Must be such a relief. Do you dress the twins the same? (sorry if you've talked about this, I can't keep up with this thread)
@winniebee: Tyler is soooooo cute!!!! And whoa, crazy stash you have there but who knows how much milk i'm actually producing. Sometimes I wish I knew, but i'm not a fan of pumping. I rarely do it. I think I might have a total of 15 oz in my freezer. ha.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
So keeping up with this thread is so hard but I love reading everyones progress and it's fun that we actually keep updating everyone. I wish our babies could all meet and have the best play date ever!!!
I've come to realize I barely have any pictures with my own kids. It's so sad. The only recent ones I have are here... and they aren't the best. Gotta work on that.
I'm still waiting for Sienna to sleep more than 6 hours consistently so that I can put her in her crib at night. Right now she's sleeping in the bassinette outside our room (in the basement) I just don't want to put her in the crib and then have to go up and down stairs everytime she wakes up. I can't really complain though because last night, regardless that she was sick with a cold, I only woke up at 3 and at 6. But I did go to bed at 11. (she was in bed at 9)
I've been shopping like crazy lately (deals obviously) because nothing fits me anymore (I know a good problem to have) I mean when your underware keeps falling off and you need to pull them up (yet you are wearing a maxi dress) isn't very lady like. Time to get smaller underware. I also purchased a pair of medium sized yoga pants today. MEDIUM... wow, I don't remember the last time I fit in that.
kiwi / 525 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: occasionally the girls are matchy matchy, when the outfits are a gift and pretty. I'm just not organised enough to even attempt it on a regular basis! Also most of the girls clothes is gifts / hand me downs, I'd imagine full matching wardrobes would be quite expensive! I've also heard one horror story of three yr olds having a melt down the day their socks didn't match. No thanks!
DH is not brilliant at settling the babies, but does ok when he has one to deal with rather than both. As the midwife said in our antenatal twin class, dads of multiples have no choice but to be super involved, you've only two hands so you can't do everything yourself. Of course it helps that we've really good babies- it's always hunger/dirty bum/ wind. And if the wind is in long enough to be colicky then you walk walk walk with her until she calms down.
It's 6.50 am and I'm wide awake... Girls slept 10-5 and we had both changed fed burped by six and now my head cold won't let me go back to sleep. Boo.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Everyone is really quiet around here today!
I just did Sawyer's 3 month measurements, he is now 25 inches (83%ile for height) and 13 pounds 6 ounces (so 33rd %ile for weight) according to my babyconnent app. This last growth spurt has made him really long and skinny! Just 1 month ago he was a lot closer to 50%ile for both height and weight.
This weekend we are just staying home and relaxing, since the next 2 weekends we will be away. I have a lot to do to get ready for our trip this week. Including stopping off at our hometown for a couple days on the way out and back to visit and pick up our dog, we will be gone for a week and a half. We will have access to a washer and dryer in the house we will be staying in, so that helps, but we need so much more stuff now with Sawyer to bring along!
@marriedandlovingit: It is so hard to watch your sibling get into a situation that you don't think is good for them. While babies are amazing, your sister is unfortunately now tied to someone that you don't think is good for her forever.
@Mrsdaredevil: Yay for laughing, and kind of for teeth (LOL). I personally have mixed feeling about the teeth, every milestone is great, but Sawyer still does this grab and pull on my nipples at the end of feeds, and with teeth I just see that turning into bleeding nipples! Thanks about the compliments, my friend made that sweater for Sawyer, and it was just so cute, unfortunately it doesn't really fit anymore.
@Mrs. Sunglasses: I love your pics with your kids, they are really real, which I like. I think thats why we don't have any straight on pics of me and Sawyer really, me and DH both tend to prefer unposed pictures. I had to go buy new pants and underwear as well, because my old stuff was too big, it is a great feeling, but tough when you are on a budget!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MsMini: totally agree on the mixed feelings about the teeth. teething really isn't pleasant so I was kind of hoping would do it later rather than sooner.
Does anyone else's LO HATE the car seat and HATE the stroller? I pretty much have no options when it comes to taking her places with the stroller... I either need to carry her or wear her. She screams! She also screams every single time she is in the car, so when I go places alone I am out of luck and just need to let her cry. It is better when someone is in the car with me and they can sit back with her and keep her occupied. ANyone else struggle with this?
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Penny has been doing the same thing. She will sometimes go in the stroller, but not often. With the car seat, I raised the straps and took out the infant thing. I also hung a toy on the handle. That helped a little bit. Earlier this week, I brought my sis to the airport an hour away and was SO dreading the ride. I found a way where she only cries for a few minutes. I feed and burp her right before I put her in. then I use a swaddleme to swaddle her into the carseat. So long as we weren't in traffic, she went to sleep and stayed asleep that way
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@MsMini: it has been quiet! Our internet (that we get from our neighbors) has been out today, so I can't HB on the computer. Plus, I think Penny might be in the midst of her 12 week growth spurt. I am feeding her constantly! Also, I know what you mean about the grab and pull while nursing, that's one of her moves, too. Just thinking about her doing that with teeth makes my nipples hurt!
clementine / 959 posts
Wow, it's been busy on here! I had a crazy week so that's why I haven't posted. I had a little mini breakdown earlier this week. Even though Liam is a really easy baby, for some reason I wound up super stressed out and exhausted. I realized I hadn't been away from him in 3 weeks, so DH was awesome and told me he'd take Liam as much as possible for the rest of the week, so now I'm feeling much better. I guess I just needed a break! But since I didn't spend any time away from him for so long, now he's not so happy about taking bottles. He'll take one, but only if he is really hungry and I am not around. He used to take a bottle no problem. Guess I'll just have to make sure he gets a bottle more regularly.
Anyways, Liam has been so smiley lately! And now he's batting at toys like crazy and loves kicking his legs, and hanging out in his jumper. He *almost* rolled over to his tummy this morning. It's so amazing how he went from just sleeping and eating and being super tiny to being so active and animated and adorable!
Here is a picture of him in a chicken hat a friend knitted for him (we have chickens so it's appropriate) and one of him in the pool for the first time today!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@duckduckkristen: Seriously dying over how cute your little boy is!
@Mrsdaredevil: My LO hates being buckled into the car seat. He will cry sometimes when the car comes to a stop or when he is hungry. Overall though, he loves that thing. Maybe it is the car seat? A baby I nannied hated his car seat, and when they switched it out, he loved being in the car.
@MsMini: He sounds right on track with his growth!
Are you nervous about traveling with lo? We are leaving town in a couple of weeks to see our families. I'm scared and overwhelmed at getting everything together. For once, I will have to make a list of things we need to bring. Long gone are the days where we fly by the seat of our pants and just pack whatever! It's a huge adjustment for us.
And about my sister, I am nervous for them. She sent friends and family an email yesterday telling us that they are getting married in November. She JUST found out earlier this week, and she is maybe 5 weeks. I am very unsettled about this entire thing.
Our air conditioner broke yesterday. It was hell. It's been in the 90s here, and it got up to 88 inside. It was repaired today and it feels so much better! There is still some catching up the ac needs to do, but it still feels nice in here. Of course this stuff happens when my husband is out of town. Why does crap like this always happen when he goes out of town?! It never fails! He came back late last night, and our wonderful neighbors let us and our pets crash at their place.
And to top off an awesome couple of days, I think aunt flo has come for reals this time. I was wondering why I was so achy, tired, and cranky. This would be why!
Cooper is taking a record long nap right now. His sleep schedule has been hectic the past couple of days. He got to the point of being overtired earlier this evening and he wouldn't stop screaming :(. I eventually got him to sleep in his Mamaroo (best purchase ever) and he is still asleep.
Hope everyone is having a fun weekend!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Yesterday was horrible. He slept 5 hours in a row that night (YAY!) and then couldn't go back to sleep at all and was pukey and grumpy and crying and slept less than an hour (over 3 separate "almost naps") .... I felt so sick, too, and he was congested. Eww! Anyway, last night we both slept a lot (I had to sleep on the couch twice, for two hours, so his head was propped up on my chest so he could breathe). Feeling almost human today, but he' s still pretty unhappy....
LOVING all the adorable new photos.
Aunt pol, I hope you get well soon (and yay for the girls sleeping!)
@MsMini: Gabriel grows like that, too.. He gets long and skinny, then he gets fatter, then he grows longer again and looks skinny again. It's funny to watch,
AAAAND... what happened to Volksgirl?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MsMini: Sounds like a fun trip!! Sawyer is just adorable. Tyler grows like that too...except he's never exactly been pudgy...though he does have a little more rollage lately : )
@pastemoo: So sorry you guys weren't feeling well...were you actually sick sick? Hope his sleeping continues to improve.
@marriedandlovingit: Going away with the baby is insane. We have done it 5 weekends in a row and I'm OVER IT. DH's family has a lakehouse so we've been going there which is great, but Tyler does not do well out of routine and it's a royal pain on Friday's to pack up and then Monday's to unpack. I feel like it's all i do. Good idea about the list - stay organized!!
@duckduckkristen: Glad you got a break - every mom needs one once in awhile. Liam is so cute I just want to pinch his cheeks!
@mrsdaredevil: woah to the teeth!!! That's crazy! Tyler used to love his carsleep and would sleep the second he was in it. Now, not so much, but he doesn't hate it.
@mrssunglasses: I love that pic of you and Mavi!
Tyler's been doing much better with sleep lately - the one crazy sleep through the night thing was a fluke, but usually he does a 5-6.5 hour stretch (from 10 or 11 to some early morning hour). He likes to sleep about 8.5 hours total overnight so breaks it up some way. Howeve,r yesterday we were at the lake and he did not nap....literally. He had one 1/2 hour catnap in the morning and a few other 15 minute cat naps but that's it! Even on the car ride home....which was 2 hours he only slept 30 minutes. And then wouldn't go to bed until almost 11! So, I decided to try him in his crib (he's been in the rock n play until now). That did not go well. He slept for only 2.5 hours and then was up. So I put him in his rock n play around 2 a.m. It's my bday so man, what a birthday gift for me! Today I'll be unpacking from the weekend, visiting with my mom who is babysitting my nephew closeby and then DH and I will try for dinner out tonight with Tyler. Fingers crossed he sleeps through it.....and here's a kinda crappy iphone pic of Tyler this morning!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Aw thanks!!! I'm sure your travel will go well. I went to Toronto (6 hr drive) with Mavrick when he was 3 months old and it went so smoothly. I definitely prefer going with an infant than one that moves a little more
We are thinking of going to the states with the kids. Time to get our passports done. (well my husbands and Sienna's) Luckily for kids under 3 it only costs 22$
@duckduckkristen: Talk about a sweetie! That hat is beyond adorable!
@pastemoo: I was thinking the same thing. I just hope she's too busy and can't stop by. Hope nothing is wrong.
@winniebee: I hope the sleeping thing gets better. It's a lifelong battle btw. ha. Not trying to discourage you, but even with Mavrick we've had sleep regressions at 18 months and 22 months.
olive / 60 posts
Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop by and say hi. I have been on hello bee since i was pregnant and find it so helpful
Lo was born on May 11 at 2:44am. She had a rough start to life. Born with meconium aspiration syndrome and found ourselves in the NICU for 2 weeks. LO is now 11.5 weeks and is home and doing great. She is such a happy baby and has been smiling aince week 2. Nurses told us they have never seen such a happy baby. We are so happy and lucky
Due to her situation, i pumped for 2 months only. She is now on Nutrimagen and is one happy baby. Sleeping great. Sleeps for 12 hours at night with 2 feedings in between so we are pretty well rested. Lots of day time naps too and she loves her walks so we are out and about a lot. We also have a lot of play dates as many of my friends have little babes too and we are from Toronto so loving having a year off!
eggplant / 11287 posts
How much "wake time" do your LOs have between naps?
Aka how often are they napping?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: lol I know...I just hope there is progress before regress!
@mom2b2agirl: Congrats and welcome to this thread!!
@Mrsdaredevil: In the morning it's usually only 1.5 hours. So for example T woke up at 8 and by 915 was giving tired signals so I swaddled him and gave him a little more milk and by 930 he was asleep in the swing. He will probably wake up around 11 and then have another nap around 1230. But hen he will be awake for more like 2 hours between naps in the afternoon. I think he has a total of like 10 awake hours in a 24 hour period and sleeps about 9 hours overnight. Im trying to move up his bedime bc I think 10 is too late for him but I'm really aiming to do that by 4 months.
clementine / 878 posts
@aunt pol: Audrey's enjoying watching the Olympics We've had a couple good days in a row.
I just bought the Johnson & Johnson baby sunscreen for this weekend. I figured since it's not waterproof, it probably doesn't have as many chemicals in it?!?
@Mrs. Sunglasses: Thanks for the support! And the diaper suggestion. I think I'll have to go to BRU this week to see if I can find something. Otherwise, we'll go with the regular diapers and she'll just have a giant bum!
Anyone have a backpack diaper bag? I've been looking at them and think they might work better for outings . . . and preventing the tension headaches I get from my shoulder bag.
@Mrsdaredevil: I try to not have more than 2 hrs between naps. And Audrey's always in a better mod when she sleeps more than an hour.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Here's a pic of me and T yesterday - he has basically lost all of his newborn hair and it's really blonde coming in!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: you guys are like twins, it is crazy!
On vacation. Willa slept STRAIGHT from 9 to 6 Last night. No wake ups. In her pack and play. I was amazed!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@winniebee: ohhhh so nice to see a picture of you. And I agree with @Mrsdaredevil he looks so much like you!
@Mrsdaredevil: Wow! Amazing. She's on vacation too Sleeping in.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: @Mrs. Sunglasses: Haha, everyone says he looks JUST like his dad. We have a 3 month pic of DH and he does look a lot like his dad. But then again DH and I looked a lot alike as babies.
@Mrsdaredevil: That's amazing! We're on vacation come Saturday...high hopes that T pulls off something simliar!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: You are gorgeous and your son is so cute! I love your hair!
I may need tips from you and Mrs. sunglasses for when we travel. I am so scared and dreading it!
@Mrsdaredevil: Your avatar is funny! It sounds like Willa is becoming a better night sleeper? Sure hope so!
@Goldilocks1107: A backpack diaper bag sounds like a smart idea. I like my diaper bag, but I am thinking about getting a regular backpack to store his stuff in while we are out of town.
We are having a good week after our hectic weekend. Cooper has been spitting up more than ever. I scheduled an appt with a gastro specialist for next week to see if there is something we can do that hasn't been thought of yet. Despite that, he has been so much fun and is constantly smiling and gurgling haha...
He's been doing well with rolling over from back to tummy when I assist him, so maybe that will be his next milestone perhaps?
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: Looking good! And Tyler too!
I've noticed Audrey tugging on her right ear today and she's been fussier than normal. The ear tugging is a sign of an ear infection, right? So, something I should keep track of and see if she does it again tomorrow?
nectarine / 2039 posts
Just got back from another leg of roadtrip/family visits. It was great times but so glad to be home. Being a mommy will be easier now compared to what we've been doing the last week or so. Phew.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Yes. Keep track and go to the doctor if it doesn't go away
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Yes, keep track of it and if she starts fever then definitely go to the hospital. It can also be that they are experimenting with new parts of their body... but if you aren't sure, just call the doc and ask.
@marriedandlovingit: Sienna has crazy spit up, Is Cooper gaining weight properly? The doc had told me, if she's gaining (and yes, shes 90 percentile for weight) not to worry about it and the spit up should decrease considerable once she starts eating solids. She doesn't stop drinking when she's full... so if she drinks more than she should, she spits it all out. A good 2 oz i think.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: She's 90th percentile? How much does she weigh?
@cvbee: LOL. I love coming home for exactly that reason!
@marriedandlovingit: Hope he feels better soon! And don't worry about the travel--babies are resilient!
Gabriel shows ZERO interest in rolling over.... but we have a glass coffee table, and a chess set on top. I set him under the table and periodically move chess pieces off the board (not see through) to the glass. He LOVES it and follows the pieces, waiting for them to appear or disappear.
He still likes swimming and now really hates tummy time but can pretty much hold up his head.
He is as big as the 6 month old next-door (but his head looks BIGGER)! Where did I, at 5' tall, get such a huge baby?
@winniebee: Enjoy the vacation! What a cute photo--he;s a doll and you look great!
@Goldilocks1107: I have a purse diaper bag, but it's quite light-- I starting taking out all the "extras" and just take wallet, keys, chapstick, cell phone, mini hand sanitizer for me, place mat (vinyl and thin, easier than a premade changing mat but still waterproof), wipes in a ziplock, diapers, two "wet bags" that are really just super light plastic bags and mini burpcloth for nursing.
I add my hooter hider if we're going somewhere really busy, and a spare set of clothes.
If you need a backpack.... someone on HB posted a really cute one that is a shoulder bag that converts to a backpack
and on sale: also cute
@Mrsdaredevil: Sometimes he hardly naps (maybe 1 hour total throughout the day). Max I get 6 hours, usually I get 4 in two or three naps. He now sleeps about 5.5 hours from midnight to 5:30 and then might take a 30 minute nap after that. The one day he didn't sleep again at all after that I almost puked from exhaustion. My LO does NOT sleep enough but he didn't, even as a brand new-at-the-hospital-newborn.
@mom2b2agirl: Welcome! Glad your LO is home safe, healthy and so happy. Cute! I love baby smiles.
@duckduckkristen: LOVE animal hats! What a cutie! And he bats at things? I hope that happens to Gabriel soon. At the gym this mornng (he goes to their nursery), they gave him a teething toy and he actually held onto it--so they let us borrow it until we buy one!
Well, we're still coming off our cold.... and I have pain by the right edge of my c-section incision and I don't know if I should call the OB clinic, or my regular doctor to ask about it. It still hurts sharply, but not often enough that I have actually called the clinic yet.
@Mrsdaredevil: PS. Pics of the teeth?
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Well, I have been keeping busy trying to get things ready for our trip (making lists, packing, cleaning the house etc!). Yesterday was a crap day, I had a migraine (first since I got pregnant) and Sawyer would nap and was cranky so we were both a hot mess by the time evening rolled around, and we got nothing done! Today migraine is gone, and Sawyer is doing much better!
I am looking forward to our trip, but I am still nervous as well. I think we will spend lots of time by/in the pool, so I ordered a second swimsuit/swim diaper and rash guard, so hopefully we will be good to go. Sawyer need so much stuff, I think 50% of what we load up will be his, and the rest split between me, and DH.
Sawyer has been loving his jolly jumper, and will bounce around in it for a 1/2 an hour the past few days, so I set him in the doorway where I need to get stuff done and clean/organize/fold laundry in that room while he bounces, it is revolutionizing my life!
@duckduckkristen: Love his little hat! What a cute baby!
@marriedandlovingit: Yikes! I hope things work out with your sister. We have been doing a weekend away each month with Sawyer, so I am getting used to the travelling, but this next trip with 2 other families, and over a week is making me a bit anxious!
@winniebee: I am glad to hear Tyler is getting better with his sleep. I find that I am coping so much better now that Sawyer does 11ish hours with just 1 wakeup. You and Tyler are so cute!
@mom2b2agirl: Welcome!
@Mrsdaredevil: That is an amazing sleep!
@pastemoo: Sawyer is the same, HATES tummy time, but is really strong, so I am not worried. I still make him do 1 session of tummy time per day (I pick him up when he gets mad, he only lasts 5 minutes or so)
apricot / 288 posts
Hi ladies. So great to see pictures of you and your cutie babies! I have been trying to follow along but have a really hard time posting.
I started back at work this week (12 weeks is really not enough). So far it is going well and I find myself enjoying the break. I am doing a nanny share with another couple in the neighborhood and we have a great nanny, so we are very happy with all of that, but it is still hard to leave her. I miss seeing her sweet face all day while I am gone.
We are still breastfeeding and I am pumping at work. Not so much fun, but I would like to try to keep it going for 6 months and then slowly ween her from there.
Otherwise, she is so cute and getting to be such a little person now. I don't want her to change because she is so tiny and cute, but I can't wait to see what she'll do next at the same time. Anyone else feel that way.
It has been great catching up with all the baby updates, but especially helpful reading about how all you moms are doing. It is so nice knowing that I am not alone when sometimes I want to leave her outside in a basket with a note and other times I want to give her 8,000 kisses.
Finally a picture of Lulu.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Willa has been a rockstar on vacation. Sleeping so well.....I don't know what it is about vacation but I swear she has slept better than she ever has in her life. My mom said I slept through the night for the first time when I was on vacation too!
Cant wait to post more when I am home!
Quick pic:
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Poor Cooper. I hope they figure out if something is the source of his spit ups. Like @Mrssunglasses said, do you think it's because he overeats?
@msmini: That's so awesome he's using the jolly jumper! I was wondering when I could use Tyler's jumper thing. He's still little, but he has such good head control that I think he'll be ready soon. I can't imagine waiting until he's 6 months to use it. We leave for a week on Saturday and I'll I've done is make lists....must get packing!
@pastemoo: Sorry that Gabriel doesn't want to sleep more....I'm sure you've tried it all. Tyler is in the same boat re: hating tummy time now. He screams. He used to love it and hated being on his back but now it's the opposite. Go figure.
@cvbee: welcome home! Isn't parenting so much easier from the comforts of your own home? I feel that way whenever we come home from the lakehouse.
@mrsdaredevil: that's awesome news about Willa's sleep. She is so adorable. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
@Goldilocks1107: Is she running a fever? She could just be exploring/feeling her recently discovered body parts.
@shortcake: Oh man Lulu is adorable! Thanks for checking in. I agree 12w is just not enough....US maternity leave policies suck! I only got 8w paid but am taking another few months unpaid. We will be poor but that's ok. I wish I could hit *like* on your comment about the basket/kisses. I couldn't have said it better. I also love how he's so little and cute but it's so fun to see him develop and learn things.
Things here are good - Tyler is 11w today. He's consistently doing a 5-6.5 hour stretch at night followed by a 3.5 or 2.5 (he hasn't repeated the crazy 8.5 hour stretch yet). He's growing and changing so much every day. Lately he loves licking everything - his car seat, his blankets, your thumb, etc. He also this past week showed interest in one toy - the Winkle - it's great! He can grab onto the little wires and tries to bring it to his mouth guessed it...lick it! He also just loves to sit up. He'll sit on my lap so straight and I just have to hold his torso and his head is so straight up it's crazy! I'm still exclusively pumping and it's fine but I am dying for some pizza (still on the no dairy thing). Tyler's bowels seem a lot better....of course I'll never know if it's maturity or dairy. I'm not sure how much longer I can do the dairy free thing. I said until 3 months (not 12w, 3 months...) so we have another few weeks before I reassess.
We leave for a week's vacation on Saturday and I need to get cracking on packing!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: adorable sunglass pic! That is so sweet that Willa loves to travel. Have you done a lot of travelling as an adult?
@winniebee: have you tried soy cheese to make pizza? All the 'dairy alternative' products are pretty expensive, but if you're craving pizza it could do the trick! It's cute that Tyler is licking everything. Nico is putting everything in his mouth but it is a suck/chew. Yesterday he managed to get his 'baby GUND' dog's tail in his mouth and he sucked and chewed on it for a super long time. But then I think he chewed on my nipple at the next nursing session. It's over 12 hours later and that nipple is still a little sore. Hopefully Nico will remember his breastfeeding manners from now on.
@shortcake: wow! Lulu looks so alert and mature; so much hair too!
@MsMini: yes, baby gear (especially because we bring stroller and pack and play and baby bath) takes up so much room. We were packed to the brim on our roadtrip so now we're already shopping for a 'roof pod' for our Ford Edge. (Dog takes up a lot of room too)
@pastemoo: Wow, I love the description of your 'chess game'. That WOULD be cool to look up and watch. Nico's favourite thing to look at is trees blowing in the wind. Anywhere we go, if we just lay him where he can see a tree from underneath, he is so calm and content.
@Goldilocks1107: could be teething?
Speaking of infections and fevers, yesterday at Mom Group, a gal was telling us about her emergency visit scare last week. Her baby got a SUDDEN high fever and almost went into a coma. Soooooo scary.
Nico is waking up; gotta go!
persimmon / 1099 posts
Welp, Abbey got her first cold! Stuffy nose, cough, and even puked all over herself and her crib on Monday night. It was all curdled formula and just terrible :(. I hated leaving her for work yesterday and was generally extremely bummed because of it. Today is better but Abbey may be teething. She is a drool factory, putting everything in her mouth, being peckish about eating and last night just screamed for an hour before finally going down. She woke up from a cat nap screaming terribly and just basically wouldn't stop. DH and I ended up arguing a bit too because he is like the slowest person on earth with no sense of urgency about soothing her sometimes and I will get a bit bossy telling him what to do. I can't help it! When she is crying I dont like it and try to figure it out and he says I get frantic. Is it so bad I'd like to stop her crying ASAP so she doesn't work herself up?
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