nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: awe! I hate having a cold and can only imagine how a poor baby must feel about it I get frantic and bossy when Nico is crying too; I think it's normal, but in my opinion we do need to also recognize that it's 'not okay' and give DH an apology. (I get extra freaky).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: Awww poor babe! I can't imagine how bad the first sickness is. I'm bossy when it comes to LO, too, lately. Mostly about his sleep - when he needs to sleep, when he is tired, when he shouldn't sleep. I need to chill out.
persimmon / 1099 posts
@cvbee: oh I give him an apology but get pretty pissed when he points out I'm "just like my mother" and generally treats me like a crazy person for wanting to soothe her as quick as I can. I love my husband he just has been pissing me off lately.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: I think it's natural for moms not to want to hear the baby cry and dads are ok with it....last night when T started crying in bed before falling asleep, I told DH he was "up" to go and soothe him. DH then told me that T is already becoming a "mama's boy" and I soothe him too much. Um, he's 11 weeks old? Men.
persimmon / 1099 posts
@winniebee: right?! It's one thing when they are 6 months old or older acting spoiled by our kids are wee babies and NEED us and don't understand things yet. My husband constantly likes to tell me I "freak" out. Yes, our typically happy baby girl screaming as if she is in pain? Upsets me. What is so wrong with that!
clementine / 959 posts
@pastemoo: Liam does bat at toys, but he won't grasp them. He doesn't roll over to his tummy either, just to his side occasionally during diaper changes. He also hates tummy time now and just wants us to hold him up so he can "stand" constantly!
@msmini: Liam loves his jumper too! I put his by the kitchen so he can jump while I cook. Such a lifesaver!
@shortcake: adorable! It is so amazing how they turn into little people with personalities and everything.
@msdaredevil: love the sunglasses and yay for sleep!
@nskillet: curdled puke is the worst! Hope she feels better soon! DH has no sense of urgency either. Must be a guy thing. He also thinks I worry too much about routine, but he's not the one home with the baby all day!
Liam has been sleeping great lately, except he is still not going to bed until 10 or 11pm. He wakes up between 5 and 7am to eat, then sleeps again until 10 or 11am. Still not a good napper though. Sometimes I can get one 1.5 hour nap out of him, but usually it's just a few 30-45 minute naps.
I went bra shopping yesterday since all of the bands on my bras we're too loose and I'm now a 36DD! Before pregnancy I was a 36C and very happy, then went up to 38C, then a 38D, and THEN a 38DD when my milk came in. I have so many bras I have bought along this process that I only wore for a couple months. Anyone else? As my husband said last night, my boobs are "magnificent"! Haha. I'd rather they be a bit smaller because my tops don't fit and the under boob sweat in this heat is pretty horrendous!
Tonight, I get a much needed haircut. So excited.
Here's Liam in his Red Sox outfit just before he started crying in tummy time hatred!
eggplant / 11287 posts
I see some of you are frustrated with your husbands....I could not relate more. I am getting sooooo frustrated with him and I just don't know how to handle it..I can't post it all from my phone, so I will tell the full story when I get to my laptop!
Happy Thursday!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@shortcake: Lulu is adorable!
Sorry your maternity leave was too short.
@mrsdaredevil: What a cutie! And Gabriel slept his first 3 consecutive 5 hour nights on vacation, too. Yay for vacation!
@winniebee: Yay sleep! That is awesome.
This morning I got 45 minutes more after his 5.5hour stretch. Yay!
And Gabriel borrowed a toy from the gym's nursery last night (we saw him holding it and the lady said, oh you must have one like this at home since he loves it. When we said no, she let us take it for the night). It's a ring with some rattling stuff inside and some rings around that are on the main ring. If we put it in his hand, he brings it to his mouth to chew it. He is chewing a lot lately.
@cvbee: Yikes. We didn't buy the pack n play and didn't take the stroller and it was still mostly baby stuff on our trip. What kind of pod are you getting for more space? And you took your dog on the trip too?
Oh, trees in the wind! Gabriel LOVES those, too. We used to have a tree, but the apartment building cut down our tree when half of it fell down in the last big storm a few weeks ago.
@nskillet: Sorry Abbey is having such a hard time with teething and her cold.
With DH--lately I will sometimes ignore the baby for a few minutes (let him cry) because DH swears he will stop crying. It really frustrates me and it is so difficult! But... I do it for a few minutes and it keeps me from being bossy (plus I get the silent "I told you so"). It is really tough though. We had a few of those same arguments.
@duckduckkristen: SO CUTE! And yes--standing is the new tummy time. Ugh boob sweat.
And I only bought 2 bras in pregnancy (should have bought more)---one at 2 months and 1 at 8. Then I got 4 total nursing bras that fit now.
We can't all have little teething babies yet! It is too soon!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: I had an issue with the need to soothe recently too. On our drive home from the roadtrip Nico was crying a big cry and DH said we should let him cry but I was driving and insisted on gettting off the highway to soothe. DH was mad about that. He said 'do you know how many times our parents let us cry? and we're fine'. (I held my tongue about the 'we're fine' comment). I said that I'm the driver and I get to choose and also that I've researched this and if the baby is crying too much the stress hormones are bad for his development. Even though DH was mad, the 'research' comment seems to have won him over since then.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: and @pastemoo: A gal from my Mom group suggested using the breastfeeding pillow for tummy time, and after a few times of that, Nico liked tummy time again. Since the pillow gives him a little perch, he can look around better and enjoy things more. I also change up where I put him for tummy time. Sometimes being somewhere strange like on a kitchen counter (with me RIGHT there) or on a table where people are playing a board game, for example, will be interesting enough to make him enjoy the tummy time more. Nico likes tummy time now most of the time, but he is nowhere near rolling over yet.
@duckduckkristen: I've only bought 3 bras, nursing bras all this time. At times they have been a little under-filled (pregnant), over-filled (month 1), and I have now moved to using the tightest setting on the band. I'm too cheap to buy new bras.
Doh. I won't be able to get to all the replies Nico just got a poop leak onto our white bed (Happy Heineys are just not as reliable of a diaper as Bum Genius) Time to go be a mom.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I am so behind! We "borrow" internet from our neighbor (who in 3 years has never had it password I don't feel as bad), but it hasn't been working this week so I can only post on my phone!
My sister, who is 14, came and stayed with us for 3 weeks. It was great to have her help during the day! She was able to keep Penny entertained while I cleaned, etc. She was sad to go back to NC. Other than that, things are good here! I also get snippy with DH, especially when he and Penny are both sleeping in our room. He makes so much damn noise! He rolls around a lot and snores loudly when on his back so I am listening on the moniter for him more than her! Penny nurses for close to an hour before bed, so if she gets woken up, I get pissed. Nothing I can do but go to bed when they do. Last night, she had been nursing for a while and was seriously tired, but just wouldn't sleep. Finally gave her a paci, which she usually hates, and put her in the rock and play. She went right to sleep! Success!
Here's a pic of the happy girl this morning (that some of you may have already seen on instagram, sorry!)
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@duckduckkristen: I totally need to buy bras, too. Where did you find 36DD? My target doesn't have that so I settled for 38. I am cheap, too so that's part of it:)
@cvbee: penny loves trees in the wind, too. She stares in awe!
She loves to stand and "jump", too. I need to get her some kind of jumping thing I guess. No good door frames though:(
clementine / 959 posts
@cvbee: just tried tummy time on the hoppy and he loved it! Thanks for the tip. Then he tried to eat it.
@bpcmarj: I got them from Victoria's secret. I know they are expensive, but I need my boobs to look good when I go out and I'm cheap with everything else! I have crappy sleep bras I wear at home to nurse, but I don't nurse when we are out so I don't need nice nursing bras.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@duckduckkristen: that makes sense. I am nursing full time (because pumping with my manual pump is a pain and I am not likely to go back to work soon so don't need a stash). I am still on the hunt for cheap nursing bras!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: yay!
My baby-find of the day is the ceiling fan. (Made a thread about it). Nico has never slept better. Now, hopefully all this daytime napping wont mess us up at night.
I'm also wondering about teething now, as a few of you have mentioned. He's always liked his hands in his mouth, but now he's really chomping on them and he is drooling like there's no tomorrow. My friend with a 6 month old just experienced the first tooth and she said it took a long time for it to come, so maybe it's a ways off yet. We'll see.
Yesterday I went and visited a mommy with a one month old and she's still in the trenches and wondering when things will get better. I think I must have either had it really lucky in that first month, or I'm blocking it out. I dare not go back and read my posts.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Tyler hates tummy time too and a friend even gifted us a special tummy time mat...he used to love it!
I'm on my phone so hard to reply - we are leaving tomorrow morning for a whole weeks vacation at Cape Cod with my family - 4 kids under 4 including T and his 6 week old cousin Henry. It will be fun but I hope my brothers brought their ear plugs!! The amount of crap we are bringing is just insane.
Have a good week!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@bpcmarj: she is so cute I love that outfit! An hour of nursing - ouchie boobs!
@cvbee: I agree driver gets to make the rules. Interesting info re the crying.....
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I have been readinf through your posts while nursing, but I am too busy to reply to everyone because I am packing like a mad woman!
Sawyer has enough clothes to wear 2 outfits per day, plus sleepers, swimwear, towels, accessories (socks, bibs, burp cloths). I think we are covered. We are also taking the play mat, travel swing, jolly jumper, and maybe the bumbo as well. I think I have enough clothes for myself. DH is going to pack his stuff after work tonight and we head out in the morning.
We are staying at my parents for the weekend and then in the cabin with a dozen or so other people (including Sawyer, a 6 month old and a 2 year old) for the week, then back to my parents next weekend. It is going to be busy! I am wishing we had our roof mounted cargo box already (we have ordered one), it is going to be a tight packed car on the way to my parents, we are dropping off the dog there, so out to the cabin and back to my parents won't be as tight.
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend (and week ahead, I know the cabin as WiFi, but I am not sure how busy we will be there).
eggplant / 11287 posts
@mrssunglasses, I thought you would appreciate this sweet little dress I picked up today.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Vacation went amazing. LO was such a trooper....can't believe it! One thing I have learned in this parenting journey is that you can't be afraid or apprehensive to go out and do things with your just have to do it and it always ends up working out! I was so worried about vacation but it went so smoothly, and she slept like a log. Today, my mom invited me out to go to this festival, but it was right during willas nap time. I was all freaked out of her schedule getting messed up or her freaking out because she was overtired, but I just went for it and it went great! She slept in the stroller like a champ. I have learned the more laid back I am, the better things work out!
Okay, that is my two cents for now. Be back later!
kiwi / 515 posts
So out of the loop! I just read through 2.5 pages, and it sounds like the May babies are doing great! Not to mention the oh so adorable pictures!
I'm going to try to reply a bit!
@mrsdaredevil love the dress! And amen to being a laid back momma! It sounds like you are really enjoying mommy hood
@msmini that's great that vacation will be with other babies hope you have lots of fun!
@ winniebee Lily is hating tummy time now too! Although I think her hate has helped her learn to roll off of her belly! I justbbought this cute water mat for tummy time and it seems to interest Lil a little more than her activity mat
@cvbee yay for the ceiling fan! lily loves to watch ceiling fans! But I'm sure that's fantastic white noise!
kiwi / 515 posts
@bpcmarj love the ladybug sleeper! Lily has that one in 9 months I can't wait to wear it on her seeing how cute it is on your little lady
So, recently hubby and i have officially decided I will not be returning to work. It makes me really happy, yet slightly nervous financially, but we'll see! We are selling one car, tightening the budget in hopes that it will help! Update on Lily, I think we've hit 4 month sleep regression early and it's killing me! It's a big part of the reason I haven't kept up on the thread! Lily was sleeping a 7 hour stretch followed by 2 shorter stretches totaling 10-12 hours per night. Now for the past almost 2 weeks lily wants tomgo to bed by 7 pm her long stretch is 3-4 hours followed by up every hour until 5 am when I finally bring her into my bed and she will sleep another 2-2 1/2 hours. She's also back to nursing up to 4 times per night! Blah I'm thinking it's a mix of growth spurt and wonder week, hoping it will end soon! Ill say this its tough going back to no sleep after being spoiled! In better news she is super cute with playing and using her hands to grab things, plus now rolling onto her belly and off yay Lily!
P.s. super jealous of everyone's vacations!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: OH MY!!!!!!!! adorable. Where did you get it? Looks vintage.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: It says by the sea, right? Haven't taken French since high school!
And yes, it is vintage. There is an adorable vintage baby store in our town. They had a huge sale today... this pretty little Parisian dress (size 9 mos) was only $3!
eggplant / 11287 posts
Oh, I forgot to mentioned Willa grabbed a toy for the first time on vacation. Like, totally on purpose! It was a rattle shaped like a diamond ring... now she LOVES this toy and shakes it all the time! I never thought I could be so happy about such a small milestone. I was FREAKING out when she did it! HAHA
@winniebee, have fun on your vacation! You deserve to relax.... hope you have a great time!
@MsMini: You have fun as well! Sounds like you are bringing a lot of stuff for Mr. Sawyer.... we did the same thing as well. It's crazy how much stuff such a tiny baby needs!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@Mrs.M57: oh my goodness, Lily is adorable. I can't get over how beautiful all our babies are! No odd looking ones in the whole bunch:) Penny's ladybug thing is 6 mos, but she has other carters sleepers in 9 mos that just about fit, especially lengthwise.
Penny was being such a pill today. I think she was just really uncomfortable with it being so hot and humid. I fed her and went to run to the store that's 2 miles away. When I got back, DH said she screamed the whole time I was gone! She was hungry (thirsty) again already. Poor baby. We have a/c in the bedroom, so I know where we'll be spending our day tomorrow! How do all your babies handle heat and/or.extreme humidity??
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: yes! By the sea. I need to find good vintage shops.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrs.M57: yay for you swinging not going back to work! I totally hear you on the sleep regression/ growth spurt. Nico used to sleep 8pm-4am straight for about a month, and now he's up at 1,3,5,7,8. But last night when he was up at 6am, I convinced him to go back to sleep without eating, so I don't think it is all growth spurt.
Here's my big bad news of the day:
I've got a clogged milk duct. It feels so gross, like a knot in the back. I have been giving that area a little mini-massage during feeding for the past couple days every now and then, but only last night around dinner time did I really feel it and realize it was super clogged and painful to palpate. I read all the 'how to unclog' advice on the internet, so I know what I need to do, but I wish it was an instant fix. I've been feeding Nico extra on that side, massaging it, doing the 'boob dangle' feeding position and right now I have a hot water bottle heating it up while Nico naps and I'm going to feed him that side for a bit when he wakes up even though it is time for the other side to have a turn. Oh, and so I was walking around my house with this 'sick boobie' out, and I went over to the kettle with my hot water bottle, and then I glanced up to the road and saw my two neighbours (my older friends) walking by on the road, and they totally saw me and my boobie-out. She turned her head the other way when she noticed....I think it was just a bit awkward. I have decided that I'll not talk about it and pretend that I didn't see them seeing me. But I will mention to her about my clogged-milk-duct issue and maybe she'll put 2 and 2 together and realize that I was walking around with my boob out for medical reasons. We live in the forest and there is hardly ever anyone walking by. Normally I'm cautious if I'm walking by the front of the house in any form of naked, but I'm all distracted by this yucky clogged milk duct. I really hope I can get it unclogged, as quite a large portion of my breast seems to be affected and the feeling of it is freaking me out. I don't want to get mastitis.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: I think Nico is pretty cooperative about the heat and humidity; he seems to take it better than me, but since DH and I dislike the extreme heat so much, Nico rarely has to deal with it.
@Mrsdaredevil: such a pretty dress! Baby vintage= sweet! Also, I love your 'just relax and do it' advice.
clementine / 959 posts
So, Liam has been asleep for 11 hours straight and is still sleeping! I am amazed. He turned 3 months yesterday!
I discovered last week that he looooves patty cake! He smiles the hugest smiles when I play it with him. Another new thing for him is he screams bloody murder when we take him out of the tub and won't stop for like 10 minutes. He must really love bath time?
And on Saturday I got drunk for the first time since my wedding over a year ago! The in-laws watched Liam while we went to a birthday party and I had plenty of pumped milk so I didn't nurse him until over 12 hours after I stopped drinking. I didn't plan on getting drunk, but after a couple glasses of wine somebody suggested shots of petron....and oh goodness. I had so much fun and luckily wasn't hung over, but I don't think I'll be doing that again for awhile. DH said it was fun to have the "old me" back for a night and said he hadn't seen me have that much fun since we first started dating. Haha.
Hope everybody else had a good weekend!
persimmon / 1099 posts
Anyone else's little critters teething? Abbey has been gnawing on everything and drooling up a storm! This past weekend I had to go to a bridal shower and had to leave her with DH. I came home, she smiled at me and then proceeded to scream bloody murder for 2.5 hours! I ended up rushing out for hylands teething tablets and thank god I did! They are life savers. Poor baby has been so grumpy!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Nskillet: Nico has definitely turned on the drool factory and he puts everything in his mouth (2 fists at the same time is his favourite) but I haven't noticed him in any pain. I hear it might take a long long time for the teeth to actually come in, so I'm guessing we'll be seeing these things for a while now.
@duckduckkristen: wow, that's a long sleep sleep stretch! I am having the opposite problem this week: he's suddenly sleeping shorter! And I also got drunk recently for my first time since my positive pregnancy test. It was just an evening at my Mom's drinking with her and DH while Nico slept upstairs. The next day I actually WAS hung over (headache and stomach ache), so I am back to max-1 drink per day and feeling good about that.
I changed my avitar, and now when I'm scrolling I see my new avatar and think 'who is that?'. The pic is from our newborn photoshoot from when Nico was 4 days old!
So, here I am with my 3.5 month old, and feeling like everything is changing, and not for the best. He's waking up more in the night. He's no longer predictable with nap time (used to be 2 hours of awake time and then he was a one hour napper). I can't even predict when he'll poop (used to be every feeding time). I'm hoping I can learn to figure things out again, and sure hoping this midnight waking business is going to pass. (Last night he even was wide awake after a 1am feed, chatting and complaining in his crib and took me what felt like an hour to get him to sleep). Boo.
On the organizational front, I have gone through his clothes again and pulled out the last of the 0-3 month things that were kicking around. I've been putting the too-small items into baby gift bags, and I now have 3 of them full to the brim. I have 2 boy bags and one gender neutral bag (including sleep swaddle sacks). And I've placed another bag out for me to start to collect 3-6 month things he will inevitably start to outgrow sometime soon. But we are not in a clothing crisis; I counted that he currently has 45 onesies or t-shirts that fit him (some more loose and some more tight).
Alright, he is complaining, so I should go and help him out. I think a tummy time is in order.
nectarine / 2039 posts
With so many of you on vacation this thread has come to a hault! Thought I'd pop in and say that Nico was back to normal sleeping last night, meaning only one wake-up in the night for me. Phew.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Popping in from family vacation to say hi! Tyler has been a champ so far! He's 12w Thurs! He officially found his hands Saturday and had since been sucking on his fists (2 at same time) constantly! He seems to like the beach and has been napping and sleeping well too. Sometime we her to ring him back to the beach house to get a good nap. Everyone keeps saying what an easy baby he is and how he barely cries -- I never thought that would be the case 6w ago.
clementine / 878 posts
It looks like Audrey was just finding her ears - no more issues so I'm not concerned about a possible ear infection. Our road trip went great - she slept for 4.5 of the 5.5 hours in the car each way - awake only to eat and have her diaper changed.
I go back to work on Monday and I'm so excited - I have her daycare bag almost ready to go, just need to add an extra outfit.
I bought the Columbia diaper backpack from Babies R Us and I'm loving it! We used her other diaper bag as her "luggage" for our trip.
Here's some photos from vacation and her assembled jumparoo (she doesn't weigh enough yet to touch the floor!).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
You know you are a mom when you pump in your golf cart covered with a hooter hider on holes 12 and 13....the things we do for our babies. Haha!!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Audrey is beautiful! You look great! It's cute to see how much growing she has yet to do before her legs reach the floor in the jumperoo!
Cooper has an ingrown toenail on his big toe! I noticed it yesterday and grew concerned so I took him to the ped today. She said it is an ingrown toenail and to try to file the sharp edge down. She's not concerned, but prescribed some antibiotic cream just in case.
His ped gave us the go ahead to start feeding him solids at 4 months. She said just to prop him up and start with stage 1 foods. I am so excited!! I hope that this helps his reflux.
clementine / 878 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Let us know how solids goes! I'm excited and we still have over a month to go before I can defrost some of the solids I'm storing.
Today's goal is to transition Audrey from swaddle to sleep sack. She consistently breaks out of her swaddle to suck her hands, and frequently I come into her room and find the blanket over her head. But, she tends to need the swaddle tightness to lull her to sleep.
I put her down for a nap about 10 minutes ago, and it sounds like she might have given up the struggle (at least, the monitor has gone quiet). Maybe this won't be such an awful transition? How are you guys weaning from the swaddle (I'm apparently trying the cold turkey approach).
Also - if you want the Summer Infant sleep sacks, BRU has them on clearance right now for $9.98. I picked one up in the store yesterday and if all goes well today, I'm going to order some online in small and medium (the small is for 7-18 lbs and is currently long enough for her, but I think she'll outgrow the length well before she packs on another 6.5 lbs).
clementine / 959 posts
@cvbee: we just put away the last of the 0-3 and 3 month clothes too. they grow so fast!
@Goldilocks1107: Liam started busting out of his swaddle a month ago so I just swaddled the rest of his body with his arms out. Now he manages to totally kick his blanket off of him! Since it's summer, I'm not worried about it, but I think once it gets colder I'll start putting him in a sleep sack.
My mom and all three of my siblings are coming to visit this weekend! I'm so excited since they haven't seen him since he was 3 weeks old!
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