nectarine / 2039 posts
Lies! He was just fussing in his sleep.
Speaking of sleep, last night I had a dream that my Mom took DH and I on a surprise cruise holiday vacation. But it was such a surprise that we didn't know until we were already on it, and then she said that she got a nanny for Nico to stay back in Toronto while we are gone. I got all upset because she never told me and I could have at least pumped enough breastmilk in preparation. I got all devastated about being separated from him, and started thinking about how he must be crying his little head off for me. For some reason in my dream there was no thought of me pumping, as one of the things I was crying about was the fact that I was going to 'dry up' and not be able to breastfeed him ever again. And since it was a cruise, I couldn't just leave!!! I woke up when I was in the middle of making arrangements to leave the next day when we went into port. I woke up and was so glad that it was all a dream.
@winniebee: ha! pee on your office desk! too funny
@LAGS: your Addie is such a cutie
@LAGS: when I bottle feed Nico, it's 6oz breastmilk and he drinks the whole thing, and will even breastfeed more shortly after, if given the wonder Nico spits up so much and no wonder he is so big despite the spitups!
nectarine / 2039 posts
One more post for updates:
Nico is 17 weeks old, and will be 4 months on Friday. He has his 4 month appointment next week, so we'll see how big he is. My estimate is close to 20 pounds, like, maybe 18? Is that crazy? I wish I knew how much he weighed every week so I could have recorded the 'double the birthweight' milestone.
He is doing mostly all the same things as your babies, but not rolling over, even though we practice. My friends say that big babies roll late. Sitting with assistance has changed his whole world. Now he sits in a high chair for short periods to 'join' us at dinner, and we can use the ERGO without an infant insert, and he just loves holding our hands to sit up and to stand up. He is a drool and spit-up factory. Oh, and for a couple days I tried elimination communication, but then he went back to pooping every time he feeds during the feed, so I stopped.
After waking up many many times through the night, on and off for 2 weeks, he seems to have settled back into his 1 middle-of-night feed. Phew. I thought I had to sleep train him, which I tried 2 days and it went horribly. I went back to walking around with him in a carrier to make him fall asleep for naps and breastfeeding him to sleep at night (pretty much the reverse of sleep training) and then he slept better again.
Here is a pic of him sitting in a high chair for the very first time, on our anniversary (the 13th) of all days:
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Holy crap Tyler went to bed at 9 and was up at 930, 1115 (fed again), 2 (fed again by Dh, I pumped), 520 (fed again) and 830. Mind you he takes 30 mins to drink a bottle. Like having a newborn all over again. When will it stop?
clementine / 916 posts
@cvbee: You pointing out the doubling the birth-weight milestone made me weigh Addie this morning, looking like 12+lbs so not quite there yet. Thank you for mentioning this. You have quite the crazy dreams, nothing is better than that feeling of relief when you wake up and realize its all been a dream! Even though I've only seen a few pictures of you, Nico is a spitting image! Such a bright-eyed boy!
@winniebee: I feel your pain, but last night Addie slept 8-3:30 and then 3:45-6:30, 6:45-9:30, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed its over for us. All in all it was about two weeks that her sleep was off like you'd described.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: Thanks for the articles!
@winniebee: Hah! Love that he peed on your desk. Too funny! This growth spurt is NUTS!
@LAGS: I wonder... with a big ole baby, maybe we'll double at 4 or 5 months? Is there a guideline for when a baby should double in weight?
eggplant / 11287 posts
Let's see baby is going through a weird sleep "thing" too, like the rest of you. Last night (her official three month birthday was yesterday) her sleep was 3-5-3-2 (the last two on top of me while I laid in bed). She was doing so well for so long (pretty consistently at 7 and then 3) and this is such a change.
It is crazy to watch her grow...I feel like she is so big now and it just happens so fast. She laughs many times a day now, and especially likes it when DH spits. I know it is gross, but she will spit and blow bubbles right back and belly laugh like crazy. She has found her thumb (her left thumb, at that) and now wants nothing to do with her pacifier. She can roll over from her tummy to her back now, too! She is just so big, and it makes me sad. Anyone else feel like time has gone sooooo fast?
I went back to work last week three days. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I still missed LO so much. I am having a really hard time being okay with other people watching her. Her dad can't even soothe her, so I know that our moms would have serious trouble if she had a meltdown. everything ended up being ok, but it is going to take a lot of getting used to.
@cvbee: he is your twin! Man, if he weighs 20 lbs (or close), that is almost double of willa! She isn't even 12 lbs yet. Your LO is a whole month older than her though. I love him in the high chair, so cute!! When do you think you will start some solids?
clementine / 916 posts
@pastemoo: I think a general rule of thumb is 6 mos... but as with everything babies goes... I'd give or take a couple months.
@Mrsdaredevil: Way too fast. I get so sad when I see new, newborns out in the store. I almost feel cheated out of those days they went by so quickly.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@LAGS: Oh, I just read about the update you asked for!
-Willa is three months, 1 day
-She weighs a little bit shy of 12 lbs, but still looks pretty chunky. She is just super short and has a tiny head (lol).
-She is still in 0-3 months and newborn. She has outgrown her newborn sleepers and onesies, but can wear NB dresses, pants, sweaters, etc. Everything else is 0-3 months, but some are still really huge on her.
-She wears size 1 diapers
-She talks, coos, and laughs like crazy, She is so social and coos and spits at anyone who talks to her! Weirdly enough, she likes to be scared. That's what always gets the giggles out of her!
-She can roll over from her tummy to her back, loves to stand up (with me holding her hands), and tries to sit up like crazy. She won't even lay her head back in her boppy, swing, or carseat because she just wants to sit up on her own.
-She usually does a 7 hour stretch and then a 3 hour stretch at night, but has been a little wonky lately due to a growth spurt. Her longest stretch ever has been 9 hours (only happened once) and has done 8 hours three or four times.
Man, pretty soon we are going to be posting on here about our LO's first words and their first steps! EEEEEEK!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@LAGS: I do, too! I see tiny babies and I think Gabriel was never that small! He is the size of a 6 month old, so every one wonders why he doesn't eat solid food or grab things on purpose...
@Mrsdaredevil: OMG words and steps. All I can say is I was SO looking forward to him being able to hold his head up--now that he can, I'm just taking it day by day.
clementine / 878 posts
@Nskillet: We're using the Enfamil formula and are just transitioning from Newborn to Infant. But there's a CostCo opening near us, so I might look into the Kirkland brand because I've heard it's the same as Enfamil, but a lot cheaper. Luckily, Audrey doesn't seem to have a sensitive tummy so I'm hoping she'll be okay with store brand food
She also likes to spit up periodically. The "fun" ones are when we're playing, she's smiling and BAM I see spit up coming out. My reaction is usually "what the heck?!?"
clementine / 916 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I was thinking of you the other day because I got some Similac coupons... darn I was hoping that's the brand you used.
Anyone want some Similac coupons? I think I have $15 worth or so.
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: Counseling was good - I go back on Monday. She gave me "homework" - keep taking my meds, be "in the moment" with Audrey for at least 5 minutes a day, have a "me night" once a week (or at least an hour or so of "me time). And that I might have generalized anxiety disorder that morphed into PPD because of all the stress from having a baby and moving to a new house.
@LAGS: Audrey eats about 4 oz at most feedings. Before bedtime, we "fill her up" with a 6 oz bottle, and give her 5.5 oz at the nighttime feedings. If there's been a big gap between feedings (like an extended nap) she'll often want more than the standard 4 oz bottle.
Audrey is:
- 13 weeks (on 8/19)
- wearing 6-9 month onesies and 3 month bloomers and dresses. She's a long one!
-Size 2 diapers
-Sleeping an average of 5 hours at night. Although we did get 7 hours once. It was glorious. Naps are a different beast altogether. Sometimes she'll go down and be out for 2 hours, but mostly she'll fight it and sleep for 5-30 minutes. Then be crabby.
-Still waiting for her to laugh and roll over
-Loves to "stand" and look around
-Drools all over her hands, shirt and mom
-Eats every 3 hours during the day (about 4 oz each time)
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: sounds like some very helpful suggestions! Um wow she IS a long one! What bottles do you use? We use play Tex drop ins and just deities to a medium flow nipple. Tyler Downed his bottle no problem I thought he was going to puke it right back up!
So maybe today is the part of the growth spurt where Tyker grows. He slept 5+4 last night unil 7 am then drank his bottle and passed out on me while I was burping him. I let him sleep on me for an hour until my boobs were going to pop from engorgement. Then he ate again an then slept off and pn for an hour and a half while I ran errands. Then ce home hugged a bottle and played for an hour and then was so crabby I thought he couldn't possibly be tired but put him down anyways. He has been sleeping for almost 3 hours!!!!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@winniebee: your phone autocorrects crack me up.
@Goldilocks1107: She sleeps like Gabriel, and spits up randomly like him, too! I like your "be in the moment with LO for 5 minutes"--that is a really nice homework assignment.
Well... last night he slept 3-2-1 1/4, and was awake. And now he's taken 2 2hour naps... and eating every 1-2 hours. *fun*
persimmon / 1087 posts
We are in our final location visiting hubby's family. Visiting my friends and family was great, just so tiring! We felt like we were constantly on the go and didn't have an opportunity to breathe! We had fun though! Cooper was overwhelmed by everyone and all that was going on, but all in all, he did well.
He seems happier here, now that things have calmed down. He has taken to screeching louder than he ever has during this trip!
Here is where he is at:
*He is 15 weeks, 4 days
*He weighed in at 12 lbs, 11 oz last week
*Wearing 3-6 month old clothes
*Size 2 diapers
*No longer swaddling him, and he prefers it that way it turns out
*Has taken to sucking on his fist
*He is rolling over from tummy to back
*He is rolling to his side from his back
*Sleeps 12 hours a night
*Has 3 naps a day. We are in the midst of nap training bc he's been waking up after 20 mins and 45 mins most of the time, but we don't get him up until at least an hour and a half has passed.
*Eats every 2.5-3 hours on an average day. 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each.
*He is still spitting up! Laundry has become an every day occurrence!
@LAGS: I will absolutely take the Similac coupons if you don't mind!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I am oh so behind yet again! Being gone caused havoc on our routines, so I have been spending a lot of time not only doing laundry like it is my job, but trying to get Sawyer back on track (I think I have things back under control now!) I think we *might* have been struggling with a bit of 4 month sleep regression on top of teething, being too hot, and lack of routine there.
We had unswaddled Sawyer's arms a long time ago, but I ordered some "hands up" swaddling blankets, because Sawyer keeps bugging his face and head in his sleep, but when I swaddle him he won't fall asleep because he is fighting it!
Tummy time is still a struggle, I still try every day, but he screams, or flips over within 2 minutes every time I put him on his belly. He loves the bumbo/exersaucer/jolly jumper though, so he spends a lot of his awake time in one of them.
I will join you all on the baby updates, Sawyer is:
- 16 weeks today!
- Weighed 13 pounds 6 ounces at 13 weeks (actually on his 3 month birthday).
- Wears nothing smaller than 3-6 months, and some 6-9 month clothes (he is really tall and skinny and wears cloth diapers, so most onesies are 6-9 months now)
- We swaddle his body but not his arms, but I ordered a "hands up" swaddling blanket to try because he keeps scratching his face.
- Rolls tummy to back (almost immediately after putting him on his tummy, he hates tummy time), also can roll from back to side, and side to front (but doesn't do side to front consistently)
- We do EASY schedule, and usually get three 1 1/2 hour naps, and 11 hours sleep with 1-2 wake ups
- Loves to stand holding our hands, sit in the bumbo or exersaucer, and bounce in the jolly jumper
- Smiles and chatters constantly when he is awake, now shrieks for attention, but still no laughs
- Grabs at toys when they are offered, and loves putting things in his mouth
@LAGS: Sawyer took no time at all to get used to the sunglasses, as soon as he realized he could see through them he loved them!
clementine / 916 posts
@marriedandlovingit: I'd be happy to send them your way. Do you want to e-mail me your address? linds dot mccabe at gmail dot com. P.S. Jealous of your 12hr stretches and nap to boot!
@MsMini: That's a lot to deal with at once... sounds like a handful! What's the hands up swaddle blanket? I googled and could only find a hands to heart one, is this similar? I'm really interested in these!
I'm joining you @winniebee: with my LO fiiinally getting into the sleepy part of a growth spurt. She slept good last night and today has been taking a pile of nap. She's been sleeping since 6pm though and its now 8 which has me worried... too close to bedtime but I'm terrified to wake her
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: oh man tough call. I say let her sleep. We were at my neices bday party and at 645 T went ballistic out of the blue since he had been up since 430. No warning. He wouldn't eat wouldn't get swaddled and wouldn't calm except to sit facing the crowd. Then my mom picked him up an he went ballistic again. My hubs finally got him down in his cousins swaddle and swing but we had to wake him up 45 mins later to go im wounding whats in store tonight...
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@LAGS: Here is a link
I bought it on Babysteals when they sold them a few days ago, I should have it soon-ish and I can review it for you guys.
kiwi / 515 posts
Lily is:
-15 weeks 5 days
- she weighed 13 lbs 12 oz when she was 13 weeks so my guess is that she is maybe 14 1/2
- wears size 2 diapers and 3-6 clothes but she is getting long for some of them, she's a pretty tall baby
- was sleeping 7-2-2 lately (last 4 days)she is completely unpredictable, so far tonight she has been in bed since her usual time of 6:30, and had woken up 4 x ugh! I think we may need to start sleep training!
- is rolling over from back to belly and belly to back
- drooly queen! Also loves putting toys, hands and her dresses in her mouth
- loves to talk and chatter and play in her jumperoo which is new for her
kiwi / 515 posts
@mrsdaredevil I was just looking back at pictures of Lily when she was newborn thinking omg where did time go? She was so tiny and cuddly and sleepy and now she's just doing so many things and growing like crazy! It is sad! I cant believe Lil will be 4 months less than 2 weeks!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@marriedandlovingit: shhh so jealous of your sleep!
For those who quit swaddling how did you know it was time? T seems to be unable to fall asleep without one...and on the offchance he does fall asleep without it he bonks himself and wakes up.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrs.M57: lol imjealous of even the 7 hr stretch!!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: thanks! This weekend we are going to the cottage, which is where he had his first bottle, so I thought it might be fun to give him his first solids there too. I was thinking of doing baby-led weaning first, and I bought him an avacado to offer him a bit to play with at the cottage. I don't expect him to actually eat it, but now that he is 17 weeks old I feel comfortable starting to let him explore some foods. I'm pretty excited about it!
@Goldilocks1107: I was just going through and deleting all the 'outtakes' on my camera. Half of them are because he is spitting up. There was one where I was kissing his cheek and there was spit up literally spraying out of his mouth at the same time!
@MsMini: I was thinking of you today. Can you already tell how your job will be different now that you have had a LO? I feel like as a teacher, taking care of other peoples' children is now going to mean something totally different to me.
@winniebee: I quit swaddling by swaddling loose for a while. That way he wouldn't have a startle reflex, but later in the night when he woke up he could get his hands to his face to soothe. I maybe did that for a few weeks, and now I swaddle arms out or just put him in a non-swaddle sleep sack.
So, in the last 24 hours I had yet another clogged milk duct. This time it was the other boob and a different position, but I didn't freak out because I knew what to do. I tried to clear it last night, but it took until today at noon to get it clear. I think it was because Nico suddenly went back to sleeping long through the night and I got backed up with milk. Maybe I didn't get them before because I used to leak way more?!
Tonight when I went to yoga and DH was with Nico, I got home to DH being unable to soothe Nico. Poor guy (.both of them). I breastfed Nico, which calmed him down and he went into the deepest sleep, but he is STILL sniffling in his sleep: it breaks my heart that he was so upset.
Had an old friend over today for a few hours....that, plus yoga night has made me feel like a million bucks. It's so easy to forget to connect with friends or do things for yourself.
Hope everyone is doing well. I absolutely love the way that we have continued to keep in touch. Cheers.
PS. According to Kellymom, "The average breastfed baby doubles birth weight by 3-4 months. " But all the other websites seem to say 4-6 months. Not sure if that is a breast vs formula difference or what.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
We finally have internet up and running again, so I can type things out without doing it on my phone (which is SUCH a pain).
Here is an update on Ms. Penny
-She is 14 1/2 weeks old
-She was 24 1/4 inches at her 2 month appointment, and she has grown like a weed since then...No telling how big she is now!
-She is wearing all sizes between 0-3 and 6-9 months depending on brand and what they are. She is the just right length for Carters 6m sleepers and wears some in 9m already! Some of her 3m pants are still too big around the waist though (and she wears them as capris at this point). She wears 3-6m dresses and onsies.
-Size 2 pampers
-She "talks" up a storm, and likes to "sing" with me when I put on music.
-Can roll from belly to back, and sometimes from back to belly (but mostly only when she's laying on my bed).
-She goes to bed around 9 and wakes up around 4:30, then back to sleep until about 7, and sometimes sleeps more until about 10.
-She is so strong, and loves to be standing or sitting up (with help). I get a feeling she is going to be an early walker.
-Still EBF, and has only had 3 bottles ever. I find pumping to be a pain, and I am always with her, so I have gotten good at nursing wherever I might be.
Last night was a weird one. I took her to a friend's house for dinner and she cried almost the whole time we were there. She never gets like that where she cries a lot. Usually, she will fuss a little if she wants to be held, but she was wailing. Even trying to nurse did not calm her down. I think that she is teething or something because it was very strange of her. I got her home and swaddled and fed and she went right to sleep and slept so good. Woke up at 4:30 and nursed and went right back to sleep, then woke up a 7 but just layed in bed smiling and cooing for another half hour. This was the first night in days that I didn't bring her into bed with me after her first feed.
All in all, I can't complain. I've been trying to get out of the house more. I have a friend down the road with a daughter who is just couple weeks older than Penny. We had a Mom night the other night where I brought Penny over and we had a glass of wine and watched a movie. It was nice!
Here's a recent picture of my sweet girl!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@cvbee: That's hard to say, I think I will connect more to the Moms and I have experiences of my own to bring to the table, which I think will help. I hope I am able to keep my professional distance like I have in the past though.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Sienna is 3 months old today!!!
She weighs 15 lbs (i think.. I need to weigh her)
She just finished a growth spurt so now her sleeping is going back on track. She's sleeping at 8:30 up at 3:30 and up again at 7:30-8.
She's wearing size 2 diapers, and shitting much less.
She's wearing 3-6 months
She started giggling which is cute.
She started holding on to stuff... she's actually pretty strong.
She holds her neck by herself (been doing so for a while now)
Not a fan of Tummy time, so she doesn't roll over yet. But it's very close, she loves being on her sides.
She can fall asleep on her own, as long as she has her pacifier and her lovey.
Still EBF and still going strong! I'm so happy because with Mavrick he was starting his nursing strike.
She loves to coo.. and smiles all the time. She loves being held by her brother and instantly smiles when he does. those two melt my heart.
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: We use the Playtex Ventaire bottles. I like that they have a little bend to them - makes it easier to give her every last drop! We are also exclusively using a sleep sack now - letting Audrey have her hands free. I knew it was time to make the switch when she kept pushing the swaddle blanket over her face. So, for one nap, I used the sleep sack instead and she slept fine so we've never had to go back to swaddling.
Last night, Audrey slept from 9:30 to 4:15 - crazy! And didn't eat from 7:30pm to 4:15am. Too bad I had a terrible night sleep. My sister-in-law managed to flip my bitch switch last night before I went to bed. So I was angry and frustrated and couldn't sleep.
And I have to say, there's one side benefit to daycare I never anticipated - Audrey does all her pooping there so I rarely have to change a poopy diaper! I think it will be especially nice when we start solids and the poop turns "fun" colors.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Psyche! Tyler's growth spurt or whatever the hell is going on is not over.....he went to sleep at 9 and was up at 12 and 3 and 7. According to my mom, growth spurts don't last a whole week. I told her I don't think my kid's crazy as all of the May mommies are talking about the same thing. Tonight I'm headed home to meet up with friends from high school for dinner and T is coming with. My mom is going to even watch him and get up with him overnight (though, maybe she will have a change of heart after hearing his new sleep schedule). I'm so looking forward to a night's rest....though I will have to get up to pump once I think. My husband claims he is going to miss us, but I know he's looking forward to a night off, too! We need to make progress over the next week because we will be spending a week at my husband's family's lakehouse and it is going to be a real bummer if Tyler is still wonky. I had hoped to have him crib trained by this vacation but with the crap sleep we are already getting I'm just too nervous...
@Goldilocks1107: That's awesome about the sleep sack. Tyler routinely busts out of the swaddle at night but my observations of him during naps is that he wakes himself up so I'm nervous to stop swaddling.
.@cvbee: I wonder if the difference is if when they break out of the swaddle they wake themselves up.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: I had an up at 1,3,5, and now 8:30 again too. I agree with your Mom that I don't think it is growth spurt, but rather the 'four month sleep regression', which often starts at 3 months, apparently. Good times. (I am so tired).
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: Oh dear. Your night was worse!! We all need to treat ourselves to massages or something. T is eating more from the bottle for sure over the past week he has upped his total amount by at least 5 oz so I was hoping that that would sustain him at night. I just need to give up trying to figure out what's up and just go with it. Thank god I'm not back at work yet!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
After posting about our sleep troubles last night, I should also mention a sleep success:
I am finally in the habit of putting him down drowsy, both for naps and night time. And it is working really well. The only time I don't do that is when we are those times I walk him in the carrier until he falls asleep. I'd have a hard time falling asleep in the middle of wherever, so I figure the extra help is helpful at those times.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the oldest 'May' baby just turned 4 months old today. Happy 4 months old birthday to my Nico!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: I had JUST had yoga last morning all that relaxingness was gonzo!
eggplant / 11287 posts
Someone pray for me or send good thoughts or good juju.....the past 72 hours have been hell. I don't know what is wrong with my baby. SHE WILL NOT SLEEP.
It is 11 am and she has been awake since 430, refusing sleep. The day before yesterday she was up for 13 hours straight with no sleep. I know she is exhausted, but NOTHING will get her down.
I was doing so well with her for so long. I would put her in her crib wide awake for naps and bedtime and she would put herself to sleep every time. I even had her on a schedule, what the trick happened?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: lol!
Yes I forgot happy 3 months to Tyler! He celebrated with another maniacal fit at my parents house today! I just went to our local jeweler and finally picked out my birthday/push gift - a small dimond and emerald stackable ring - can get another with future baby's birthstone!
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm sorry girl. I feel your pain. Tyler has been completely off going on one whole week. My mom is urgently trying to rock him to sleep.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: prayers!
my guy sleeps from a walk in the ergo or wrap.....I'm sure you have tried everything but i thought i would throw that out there
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I'll look into any Costco or similac coupons and send them your way. Still waiting for my Enfamil ones they e-mailed me were on their way in the mail.
I think we shall transition to sleep sack tonight....
Jealous that you haven't changed poopy diapers!
@winniebee: He now works his way out of any swaddle in his sleep--AND I found him on his tummy at nap time today. OMG! With the swaddling blanket under his face. OMG. So, I have decided it is sleep sack time. right. now.
Re sleeping... Gabriel was up every 1-2 hours last night. Horrible. I really hope this is a growth spurt and not sleep regression. 3 days of being "not himself."
I am hoping to start work again soon, so getting no sleep would be an awful way to start back.
Yay for the push present! I love that our babies are Emerald babies (with a few diamond babies)--best stone(s) in the group!
@Mrsdaredevil: Will she fall asleep in the stroller? I'm sure you tried it. Can you take a nap for a few hours while your husband watches her? Maybe right after she eats, so you have a little time?
Also... I have taken to napping on the couch with the baby "stuck" on my shoulder on the couch-back side. He can stare at the TV, but can't go anywhere. I am a light sleeper, so I can usually get a 15 minute nap. And sometimes he falls asleep when I am asleep, and then I might get an hour.
@Mrs. Sunglasses: She is just the cutest thing! AH! Cute outfit, too.
@bpcmarj: Yay internet and cute Penny pic.
So,... is it just Gabriel that hasn't rolled over (on purpose) yet?
@cvbee: Happy 4 months! And yay for going down drowsy. I was doing this, but now he doesn't yawn or lower his lids as much so I'm confused about it again. I can't wait to start it again.
@winniebee: Ugh, Fits. In front of family, too--the worst!
@Mrsdaredevil: Praying for you and LO to get some SLEEP
nectarine / 2217 posts
@Goldilocks1107: ohh... interesting about the enfamil/kirkland formula thing... let me know if you try it out and are happy with it! our guy's gut prefers enfamil over similac and it's getting EXPENSIVE
Hi May mommies! I just thought I'd introduce myself since I've been reading hellobee regularily since last October and have been following the May preg/baby threads forever... I was just too lazy to log in and contribute until now I hope my long time lurker status is not too weird/scary, and i wonder if there were others out there like me?
Asher is our first baby, and he is almost 3 months old now!
ETA: May 26th
Actual Birthday: May 22nd
At birth: 7lb 13oz / 21 inches
The pregnancy was uneventful and pretty easy as it goes, and labour was pretty quick -- mild contractions on the morning of the 21st that lasted all day but 45min apart, mild enough to attend a bbq that night... when we arrived home at 9pm they suddenly picked up and were 3-4 min apart and lasting 1 min and PAINFUL by midnight. By the time we got to the hospital at 1pm I was 7cm... and crying for and epi :D. They tried for over an hour, poking multiple times, but to no avail... the hardest part was sitting so still with my head down... my neck was sore for weeks afterwards. The poor guy gave up finally and called a more senior anesthesiologist who also had trouble but got it in by 4am. Then, blessed relief. While we were waiting for the senior anesthesiologist, the nurse checked me and i was a 10, but darn it i wanted my epi!!! I had to hold the baby in while getting it.. I suppose if i were more brave I probably should have tried pushing, instead. At any rate, pushing after the drugs was almost fun, compared to labour pains... Asher arrived after 25 min of pushing, while the doctors were still putting on their gloves, with their backs turned away. My lovely lovely nurse and husband caught him
This post is long enough for now, but suffice to say that breastfeeding was soooo hard and PAINFUL the first 2.5 months! We only got the hang of it in the last week or so :P.
Today he is:
almost 3 months
15lbs / 24 inches
size 2 pampers / bg 4.0
BF & formula (both at each feed)
finally sleeping 9hrs then 2 hrs / naps are great 50% of the time and horrible 50% of the time.
swaddled+paci for naps, and arms freeeee for nighttime.
hates tummy time.
right now our main goals are to increase milk supply (when i pump, i get only 1oz in total each time... boo) and stabilize those naps, esp when we go out with him! also, get him to like the beco gemini, because i want to babywear, and he's not into it
here's a recent-ish pic! and yes... he's wearing a pink bg4.0 ... i just bought one of each colour
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