Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Baby Thread!!

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @winniebee: I had no caffeine during pregnancy so I think M's system is really sensitive to it. The few times I had real coffee she barely napped or slept. So it might have been a growth spurt coincidence...but I'm not chancing it! Last few weeks I've slowly started doing decaf.

    @duckduckkristen: FOUR months. I've been dealing with 3 months and I guess this week is also a wonder week. Vonderful.

    @pastemoo: I'm not a fan of thumb sucking or pacifiers. So we do not encourage thumb sucking even though I know it's a great self soothing method. We only do pacis in the car because we can't do anything else and in daycare because we'll rather she suck on a paci than drive her teachers bonkers. Although they know how strongly we feel about using a paci only when it's absolutely necessary. But who knows if they respect our wishes or stick it in her mouth at the first signs of fussiniess.

    @Goldilocks1107: Nope, we'll hopefully be at the new house by the time she's mobile!

  2. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @pastemoo no different thanks for asking @msmini and @ regberadaisy we too have resorted to letting Lily come into bed with us and can at least get 2-3 hour stretches when she's with us. Last night before coming to bed with me Lily had 8 wake-ups (between 7:00-9:30) I have just started reading " the no cry sleep solution" By Elizabeth Pantley, her first step is creating really detailed sleep logs, so I'm doing that until tomorrow. So far she has some good ideas, and I trying to keep a better daytime nap schedule so we will see how that works! Pantley puts a lot of focus on good daytime sleeping so baby isn't over tired at night. Supposedly 4-5 hours of napping split between 3 naps is what our little ones should get and Lily def never gets that much! She also talks a lot about breaking sleep associations, and lily definitely has one with nursing to sleep so I'm slowly trying to work on that today!
    @mrsdaredevil hope the anni party went well!
    @goldilocks1107 Penny is so sweet

  3. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @patemoo poor Gabriel hope the drs appt goes well!
    @winniebee I feel you on letting Tyler sleep in the rock n play. I put Lily in her bouncer seat in a moment of desperation last night and she slept for 3 hours! I sat awake by her the whole time, because I know the bouncer isn't safe for her to sleep in, and sure enough put her in the crib, and she woke 15 minutes later! Bah! Haha I think sleep deprivation is making me crazy!

    Anyone elses little one still having teething symptoms? I think for sure now Lily is teething. I tried to feel around on her gums and she wailed! She's been drooling enough to soak her shirts and constantly putting her hands in her mouth! She also grabs my hand and shoves it in her mouth haha i'm thinking now this could be contributing to the poor sleep.

  4. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs.M57: we have the same issues - I Nurse to sleep and know I need to break that. I'm interested in that book too. Might be time to pick up a used copy off eBay. She's not a great napper but she's never been even when she was giving me 7-8 hour stretches.

    @Mrs.M57: Yup - M has been a drooling fool for weeks now. I'm convinced she's teething even though we see no whites yet. My husband said he can see little bumps in her gums.

  5. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @MsMini: Those swaddlers are so neat! Really looking forward to seeing how they work for you. Thanks for sharing the link.

    @ Winniebee: My LO just isn't ready to ditch the swaddle either. If she happens to fall asleep on her own without one, she's ok but forget trying to put her down without one. Its disastrous.

    @Tjsonya: Welcome, Asher is such a handsome little man! Good luck with your supply!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Has Willa settled back into some better sleep after her non-sleeping marathon? Hope your part went well!

    @duckduckkristen: Liam looks so cute in his walker! Good luck with the renos, we just gutted and installed a new kitchen when A was 1 month and survived to tell the tale! It can be done

    @mediagirl: I need to suck it up and get working out too. I was doing well and getting back into running just to have a busy month of travel derailed that... its so hard to get started.

    @msmini: How long would you say you've been dealing with sleep regression issues? I'm thinking its what has to be going on with A. She'll tease me with the odd decent night, but generally her sleep as been awful for about 3 weeks.

    @regberadaisy: That stinks about you and your coffee I totally couldn't cut myself off.

    @pastemoo: Hope G is feeling better soon. Little baby coughs are heartbreaking!

    Like everyone else's LO A is still not sleeping well. She'll have a decent first stretch, but come 3 or 4 am she's up almost every hour. I've caved and had her in bed with me a bit just because its easier to pop her on the boob than having to run to the crib or get her out of her bassinet again and again.

    If it weren't for everyone else sharing a similar experience, I think I'd be losing my mind.

  6. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Mrs.M57: My LO is the same with the drool and chomping on her hands, but I haven't noticed anything while I've been nosing around her gums.

  7. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Audrey loves sucking on her fingers and munching on my knuckle when she get's a grip on my finger. And she's a drooling machine, but I haven't noticed any actual teething going on. I figured she just doesn't know that keeping her mouth closed will keep the drool in!

  8. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    I have to admit despite all of the crazy sleep problems I'm sitting here with Lily realizing how much fun she is right now, she babbles and cooes and talks to me all day! It's the sweetest thing! We were out shopping yesterday while I was trying clothes on in the fitting room, dh said that Lily was stopping everyone that walked by trying to babble and talk to them, such a sweet social little girl!

  9. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs.M57: hahaha - you are absolutely right! Despite the sleeping problems she really is not fussy at all. They are at such a fun age right now. I love the gummy smiles!
    Yesterday we were at dinner and she was just all laughs and smiles.

  10. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Please keep telling us about that book. I have been thinking about reading it for a month, but all I do is get little bits of it from google all the time. I have been keeping sleep logs for 2 weeks now, and have been quite successful at getting him to nap 3 times a day, but almost all of those naps were 'bounce/hold' to sleep. I tried to switch to putting him down drowsy, with mixed success. Now that you say nursing to sleep is a no-no in that book too, I think I need a new plan. You see:

    I have been having no problem with Nico being attentive to nurse (a la the fabulous article that someone posted earlier today....can't remember who). But that article did get me thinking that maybe he is indeed hungry in the night because he spits up so much during the day. I think now that he does so much exercising with his interest in sitting up, somehow his stomach didn't get the message and he spits-up insane amounts of milk all day long. I know it is an abnormal amount because all the Moms at my Mom and Baby group comment about it, and my family said it was excessive this weekend at a big family get-together.
    I notice that overnight because he just goes to sleep, he doesn't spit up. Soooooo just this afternoon I decided to quit EASY (yes, @winniebee, after saying that you should go back to it) and start feeding him BEFORE naps. But now I hear you gals like @REGBERADAISY saying that you are trying to quit nursing to sleep, and wondering if I'm just getting myself in trouble with this new idea. Hmmmmm. Being a Mommy is a lot like being a scientist. I have to do my research to know what the other scientists have reported, but also follow my own inquiry. I think I am going to go for this one still. I used to babysit for a nurse-to-sleep family and the kids all slept really well. The toddlers went down for sleep with a 'warmed up milk in a sippie cup' and they all seemed very happy to go to sleep. (Now, I know the dentist would say it's a no-no, and maybe it's not so good for bed wetting, but hey, what can you do?!).

    Nico is sleeping. I'm going to try to get in a few more replies: this thread is on fire with all of us and our night-time sleep issues!!!

    PS. I did cry-it-out for Nico's first nap. I don't do CIO if he is actually crying, but if he is just complaining loudly, I feel comfortable about it. It took him 15 minutes to complain it out. This nap was a nurse-to-sleep nape, under my new eat-before-sleep experiment.

  11. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @LAGS: it does ease my mind that pretty much everyone is going through a sleep change. For me, I have to be much more diligent about myself going to sleep earlier, so I can feel a bit more normal the next day, despite the number of wake-ups in the night. I've also started side-laying feeding at night as a treat to myself so that the feeding is at least more comfortable. Nico sleeps better in the crib than with me, so I do manage to transfer him back after each midnight feed.

    @Mrs.M57: Nico is a drool machine too, but I've been focused more on the copious amounts of spit-ups lately. He did get a little drool-rash last week on his chin from all the drooling and I decided to be more diligent about wiping the chin so that doesn't happen again. I've felt in his mouth but no teeth seem to be there and my friends say that he might drool and eat his hands for months before a tooth actually surfaces, so I'm not really expecting anything.

    Bah, it's hard to reply to things from the last page. Hmm.

  12. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Wow, you are always thinking ahead: first with the baby food and now with the baby-proofing. We have a baby gate from when we first got our dog and we were training her not to go upstairs. (It's a pretty neat one that we got from the pet store, as it has a little tiny door for the cat to go through....I will have to test at that time to see if Nico can fit through that door....might be trouble!) Other than that, I am only going to baby-proof on a need-to-do basis. So, since Nico can't even roll over yet, I'm miles away from having to baby proof.

    TYSONJA: welcome! It is fun to have a lurker join....like a long-lost sister or something. I love that you are comfortable putting your boy in a pink BG. I have found being a parent really making me think about gender stuff, and I decided to only get gender-neutral diapers. We have one Happy Heiney 'swirls', which has purple and green and blue and white, and even that one makes me feel a little 'iffy' when putting it on my boy. I really thought I would be more progressive than this! I do put him in legwarmers, if that is any progress.

    PASTEMOO: YEah, Canada thinks walkers are too dangerous, but I'm sure there is lots of other dangerous gear. We have no money right now, so we don't have any new gear, but if I had money kicking around, I would totally buy Nico something he could stand in, like a jolly jumper or one of those non-walking activity things....I forget what they are called....my friend called her's the 'Orb of Neglect' because her boy loved it so much that she would put him in and get on with her day!

    Ooops. Nico is complaining and I am not coming to his rescue.....looks like I'm already neglectful without the orb! oops. Nap time is over. Ciao for now.

  13. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @cvbee Re: nursing to sleep Pantley suggests nursing til drowsy and until you can feel your baby flutter sucking, then break the latch and give gentle pressure under her chin to close her mouth. If the baby fusses, roots around again let her latch back on and try again. She says that it could take a while, but to just keep persistent at it. I tried today during L's nap and it actually did work once for me! So I'm excited to keep trying! One of her other big suggestions is to comfort your baby until she is drowsy then put her down in the crib keeping your arms around her and rocking them a bit to provide movement until baby calms. Haven't tried this or figured it out how you even do it, but I will try tonight I think. And again if baby fusses and doesn't respond well to it, start the process over. Again supposedly could take a lot of tries. In our case I'm think a ton like weeks worth of tries! But, I guess what are a few weeks of sleepless nights compared to years, if these sleep patterns keep up! I definitely suggest the book if you want to sleep train sans CIO. I tried CIO for up to 6 minutes with L and it absolutely broke my heart, she got sooo upset! I ordered the book on iBooks that same night!

  14. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrs.M57: What happens if baby can actually proper-suck in his sleep? I nurse him to sleep at night, and he doesn't seem to switch to a flutter-suck. He stops sucking, and then when I go to break his latch, he sucks again, enough to get enough to swallow. Eventually (maybe after 10 minutes of checking and him continuing to suck when I check) I figure enough is enough and I just break his latch. He never opens his eyes, and then he sucks the air/his own mouth, and then I put him to sleep in the crib. I think that's called nursing to sleep. If I only nursed him til drowsy I don't think he'd get a full meal...he falls asleep pretty quick and just eats in his sleep, I think.

    Okay, so my very first eat-before-nap experiment has happened. I think I confused him? He woke up after an hour, like a normal nap duration, but since I have been feeding him upon waking for 2 months straight, he demanded a feeding. I fed him on the same boob he had before sleep (since I was a bit concerned that maybe he didn't get the hindmilk before napping, since he fell asleep so fast) and then guess what: he fell asleep again. So now he is working on his 2nd hour of napping. Hmmmmmmmm. Oh, and he did spit-up when he woke up, but just a little. The experiment continues. I will refrain from commenting on my experiment every single nap time, but will submit my 'final report' at the end of the week.

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    WOW this thread is active today. T just down for a nap and I need a shower (and hope this is not a 15 minute nap!) but question of the day:

    For those that EBF, what is your LO's poop like at this point? Consistency and amount? T still has seedy poop (greenish yellow mostly...) but his poops are still pretty explosive and happen usually at the end of a feeding. He has probably 5 stools a day, though honestly I have not counted in ages. His poop seems more normal since I've been dairy free (for almost 6 weeks) though, frankly dairy is in everything so I know he still gets some dairy. Thanks!

  16. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: um, usually it's gooey like snot, with little curds in it. Colour ranging from mustard-yellow, to caramel/butterscotch, to the odd green guy. The green ones tend to be drier, which I hate, because they are therefore sticky and tricky to get off the bum (and balls, oh how I hate when the sticky poop gets on the baby balls...worst combo ever!) My guy has always pooped every feed (on EASY), and now that he is more active, his baby sit-ups make him poop even between feedings. My friend's baby poops only every 4 days. He usually doesn't poop overnight (but...how I cringe when I hear a poop at the end of a 2am feed: then I debate whether to change the bum and risk waking him up or not change the bum and risk diaper rash)....so he usually does lots of pooping upon waking. That's when his diaper is the fullest. That is my poop story. Thanks for asking.

  17. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @Mrs.M57: I know! This is such a fun age. Even though his sleep is crap, how can I be upset with that big gummy smile and those coos and laughter? Lily is adorable!

    @winniebee: it's same as it has always been. Seedy mustard colored mess. He was just having one giant poo a day, but since this sleep issue started, it's been 2-3 smaller poos. Speaking of poo, I hear quite the poopsplosion happening down on the play mat. Better go change him!

  18. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: @duckduckkristen: Thanks for sharing. Oh how I never thought I would care about poop. T poops at MOST feedings but sometimes not overnight. And now that you say curds, yes sometimes it looks curdy. Never anything close to solid. He used to strain and almost cry when he poops now he just purses his lips and out it goes. I have him in an overnight diaper and now only change it if I hear or smell poop. Sorry, not worth stimulating him for a pee diaper!

  19. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs.M57: see that's exactly my problem though. M can do that for hours if I let her! So at some point I just have to unlatch her and put her down.

    @winniebee: M's poop hasn't been yellow mustardy since she was a few weeks old. Her poop is very runny and more like a dark green. Granted she's not EBF, we do supplement with probably 1 bottle of formula a day during the week. But I have read that runny poop is common in BF babies.

  20. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @regberadaisy: My firend who didn't drink caffeine during preg said the same thing (her son was sensitive to it). So that was, in part, my selfish justification for continuing coffee during pregnancy....and if it affects him, I wouldn't know since I've had it every day ; )

    @cvbee/@Mrs.M57: maybe this is a dumb question but why is it bad to nurse to sleep? I always leave a little of T's bottle for him for when he goes down for his nap. (like maybe 1/2 ounce) and the sucking makes him more sleepy...he eats til he is drowsy and doing the cute little sucking thing when you take the bottle out (like you described) and I put him down drowsy. So I guess that's not nursing *to sleep* it's nursing *to droswy?*

    @pastemoo: YAY for awesome sleep for you!!! I hope his cough gets better, poor bugger. Last night's sleep was fine, not remarkable. 6 hours then I put him in his crib and he woke up after 1.5 so I put him back in his rock n play and he slept 3 more. I think I'm going to try a crib wedge under his legs so his legs are slightly elevated. Or is that rading one problem for another? Maybe I'll jsut do it to get him used to the crib. Hmm.

    @Goldilocks1107: Wow, babyproofing! Haven't even thought about it yet!

    @LAGS: I feel like I have 3 habits that need to be broken: crib training, then swing naps, then swaddle, in that order. I agree with you - if it wasn't for this thread, I would have lost my mind over the last week

    @cvbee: We're trying to get back on EASY this week! But, like I said I do keep a little milk for right before his nap. I agree re: being a scientist. My husband constantly tells me I overthink things wayyy too much.

    @Mrs.M57: Lilly is really, really cute!!

    I have to say reading ahead to the 4 month sleep issues has me totally petrified now for next month....

    And here is a pic of T from yesterday...wearing the onesie I got for daddy when I found out I was pregnant : ) (And seeing the pic on the bigscreen makes his hands and arms look huge in comparison to his head...I swear his head isn't that small!)

  21. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @winniebee: because now she's dependent on the boob to sleep at night. Or when she wakes up in the middle of the night she needs the boob to fall back asleep. Sigh.
    So I have to be there for bedtime and I wake up every single time at night.

  22. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I figured I should get started with some easy babyproofing since we're still in organization mode at the new house. And this way, when Audrey does start to crawl, we won't be making a mad dash to Target and BRU to get all the necessary supplies!

  23. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @regberadaisy: Oh, I had no idea. Sorry if I sounded mean about it. I just didn't know.
    @Mrs.M57: Bummer. I hate all the puking, too. Thanks for the book recommendation. I totally rock him in his crib.. I didn't know it was a thing.
    And yeah, Gabriel still acts like he's teething... but no white caps.

    @cvbee: I think that article was from kellymom.com. @orb of neglect. hahahahhah! sounds awesome.
    And eww ball poop--when that happens, I put the dirty diaper back on, take him to the tub, and wash him off in water. No sense trying to wipe it off. Eww.

    @LAGS: I hope she sleeps better tonight!

    @winniebee: Gabriel is still EBF (and I finally love it!) and poops sometimes once around 8pm, sometimes one more in the morning--and any others catch me off guard. They are really super big now and .... have drool in the but are still yellow green, or dark yellow. Not much "seed" in it, sometimes the occasional green "leaf" but generally it's pretty smooth. And it stinks more than it used to, but so do his farts. Eww poop.
    Yay for 6 hours! That's still pretty awesome! And adorable pic (love the onesie)

    At the doctor's: it's probably just a cold (yay!) but if it doesn't go away in 2 days (really. 2?) they want him to come back. They gave me some saline to better suction out his nose because his Eustachian tubes are blocked up. They want me to suction him out a whole bunch of times a day. And... he weighs 16 pounds (and some, but he had clothes on). Seems like too much! He's still sneezing and coughing and crying... hope the drops help. It's so sad using them--I feel like I'm waterboarding my own son.

  24. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @pastemoo: wait - what? You didn't seem mean about anything? If anything, I was afraid I came off strong about the anti-thumb sucking! It's just one of those parenting things I feel strongly about. So I always worry I come off judgy.
    Hope your LO feels better! M was sick a few weeks ago, it was the worst! she had a runny nose and a cough. We elevated her mattress, NF, couple times sat her in a hot steamy bathroom then NF'd again. Also used a cool mist humidifier at night.

  25. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    We had our 4 month shots today, and Sawyer took them quite well! He was smiling and babbling at the nurse before the injections. He cried for maybe a minute, then just snuggled into me and gave the nurse the evil eye! He is 14 pounds 10 ounces now, and still 25 inches (no growth in length this month ... weird!).

    Sawyer is still struggling with going to sleep. I still follow EASY, with occasionally an extra feed right before bed. When we put him to bed we swaddle him (usually arms out, but last night and this afternoon he needed arms in), give him his soother, and then stroke his head until he falls asleep. That usually takes 5-10 minutes once he is in the crib. Now, he used to stay asleep, but lately he wakes up after 10 minutes or so and needs the soother replaced, and some more head stroking for anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. Then he is asleep. I am holding onto hope he will get back to staying asleep once he falls asleep soon! I really think that putting him to sleep with just the soother and some head stroking works best, it is just his new social self doesn't want to miss anything!

    I think Sawyer has grown out of the play mat now. He doesn't seem to like it at all anymore, so I am so thankful I have the exersaucer, he LOVES it and it keeps him occupied on his own for a half hour at a time! He also has a new-found love for crinkly things!

    @Mrs.M57: The teething symptoms barely seem to go away around here. I feel so bad for poor Sawyer!

    @LAGS: I am anxiously waiting for the swaddlers to arrive, I had to swaddle his arms down last night, even though he prefers them up because he kept on waking himself up with his hands. We ended up getting a 5 hour stretch of sleep though, which is the best I have gotten in almost 2 weeks.

    @winniebee: Sawyer is a once per day pooper. His is slightly seedy, but is getting thicker, the consistency is kind of like a thin pudding at this point. He usually poops in the afternoon or evening, usually after a good run in the jolly jumper, or after he spends a good amount of time bouncing around on my lap.

    @cvbee: I agree on the poop on baby balls hate! It is the worst to get off!

  26. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I have been following this thread on my phone while I breastfeed but I just don't have time to respond to everyone! Hopefully sometime today I can do some replies.

    Want to just say that W seems more normal today. She has taken two normal naps, although last night was somewhat shotty. She is much happier today and started cooing and talking again, something she stopped on her crazy spree.

    Here are some pics of the happy girl ten minutes ago:

  27. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: She looks like you! Cutie!

  28. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: A totally coo'd and chatted less during her crazy days too. Yesterday and today she's been back at it and did I ever miss that sweet little voice! She's so sweet, love her expression in pic #1!

    @cvbee: I really should get to sleep earlier too. I used to love when A went down so late, because my bedtime followed soon after... but now that she goes down between 7:30-8:30, I'm missing out on her best sleep, I need to smarten up! Also, I've fed A after active time consistently from day one, well kind of smack in the middle between waking and going back down but she's just not interested in eating right when she gets up, and I feel the more recently she's been fed, the longer she'll sleep.

    @winniebee: A's poop looks like honey mustard most of the time. Its not very seedy anymore... now I'm wondering if this is normal... hah but anyways, she has days where she'll poop once a day, but then the next day makes up for it and has a few doozies. T is just such a little cutie!

    @pastemoo: Poor little guy, and poor Mama too. Sorry you have to see your little guy upset. How does he react to the suction? My LO haaaates it... I might sound evil but her reaction is almost funny. She's just genuinely pissed.

    Anyone else have a LO who consistently takes 20-30 min naps? Addie has been doing this for at least a month now. Hour+ naps happen, but are very rare for us. I'm so jealous when I hear of others' LO's taking nice long naps!

  29. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Cooper is a teething machine. He's also been sucking on his fingers and drooling a bunch. We had to give him teething tablets for the first time today bc he was inconsolable. It was so sad!

    @winniebee: Tyler is so cute!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Beautiful baby girl!

    I apologize for being so behind on the updates! We are on our road trip visiting family, and are on our 22 hr voyage back home! Cooper was doing excellent in the car up until today. He cried the majority of the way from my husband's parents place to Minneapolis which is a two hr drive. We stopped to see a friend in MSP, and he was still so fussy. She gave him a teething tablet and he immediately passed out. I can't believe I didn't think of it, but thank goodness my friend did. She gave us her teething tablets and he has done so well on them. We just fed him a bottle and he is passed out in his car seat now.

    He started to roll from back to tummy a few days ago and now that is all he wants to do when we change his diaper.

    His spitting up is still awful, esp now that he's teething. Don't even get me started on his poops. Ick.

    This drive is so boring so I can imagine I will be checking in more the next couple days!

  30. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @marriedandlovingit this may sound silly but where can you get teething tablets? I guess I don't really know what they are, but Lily was super fussy all day I think because of teething so I need some of those!

  31. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @LAGS: Liam is the same way with his naps! He used to take 45 minute naps, but now he's down to 30 min.

  32. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Not silly at all! They are Hyland's teething tablets and I've seen them at Target and the all of the baby stores. Hope Lily feels better soon! Poor baby!

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Woke up the most times ever last night (well, since the newborn crazy times). Got up at 5am just to get away from Nico, and what did he do? Wake up! I coaxed him back to sleep now (6am) and honestly, the only thing that kept me from going absolutely bonkers was knowing that I am not alone. Thanks ladies. Also, I did go to bed fairly early, which helped. My nipples are so sore from so much overnight breastfeeding (where I always seem to get the technique a little wrong due to being tired and my nipples pay the price). Just had to vent a little there. Good morning.

    PS. Willa's cute little smile just made my morning, thanks @Mrsdaredevil, she's adorable.

  34. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: she is sooo adorable!
    @LAGS: M has been a 20-30 minute napper since 7 weeks? Seem to be all she needs, crazy child.
    @cvbee: ugh - so sorry on the sleep.

    Well last night despite M waking up every 2hours I actually got decent sleep because she let me put her in the crib! WOOHOO! Hopefully this is the beginning of the end *knockonwood*

  35. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @cvbee that's tough, we are here for you though, with all of our silly baby's crazy sleep lately!
    @regeberadaisy yay for crib sleeping!
    @marriedandlovingit 22hr drive wow! That's impressive that Cooper did well for the majority!

    We had a much better night of sleep last night, Lily slept a 4 hour 45 minute stretch in her crib! I kept waking up expecting her to be awake, so I still didn't sleep! After the long stretch, she was up every 1-2 hours, but I'll take it! Anything is better than the every 15 minutes!

  36. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Good news! After a week of horrendous sleep and being super fussy all day yesterday, Liam slept an 8 hour stretch last night! He fell asleep at 9pm, then when DH and I went to bed at midnight, I changed him and woke him up enough to feed him. He ate a lot, then didn't wake up until 8am, at which point I woke up, looked at the clock, freaked out and thought he must be dead since he didn't wake up at all, and looked over to find him smiling in his pack n play. What a sweet boy. I'm hoping he's back to normal. I'm wondering if maybe the dream feed was all he needed to get him through the night.

    So I feel rested and DH has today off so it's only 9:30 and I've already gotten my shower in AND tweezed my eyebrows! And I get to go to trader joes later *without the baby*!

  37. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: yay!!! Glad someone got the luck last night. Interesting that you do the dream feed. I've been tempted to do it, but then just opted to put myself to bed earlier.

  38. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Did some reading and thinking this morning. My new plan for night time is to not get-up when Nico wakes up; I'll give him 5 minutes or so to see if he goes back to sleep. I think I might be over-rescuing. I'll have to either get DH on the plan too or ask him to sleep in the guest room.

  39. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    everyone: Thanks for the advice. The drops are harder for me to give than sitting with him for shots! It is SO SAD. He's still coughing today, but I think he's sleeping it off.
    @duckduckkristen: WOO HOO!!
    @LAGS: Usually he only takes brief naps, but today (I think because of the cold) he's taking a long one (45 min so far). the suction is the worst!
    @marriedandlovingit: YAY road trip! I know.... drool poop and drool puke is the worst! I hope it gets better soon. Yuck,.
    @regberadaisy: Crib sleep is the best sleep.
    @cvbee: Break out the lanolin again... Mine is out again.

    I need a haircut! DH is working till 10PM, so not today...

  40. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cvbee: I had tried dream feeds before, but he would never take them. When he's out for the night, it's really hard to wake him up. I found that if I change his diaper (which he sleeps through) then he will wake up just enough for me to get the boob in his mouth. I think I will try it again tonight.

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