apricot / 288 posts
Hi May Mamas-
Apologies again for not posting in a while, but I try to check in and catch up with the thread every few days.
I am right there with you all in the bizarre, new sleep issues. Lulu was going to sleep at 9 and waking up at 7 with one 4 or 5 am wake up to eat, but the last few days, she will not go back to sleep for more than an hour. I hope this passes soon.
Otherwise, I am sad to report I am officially a working mom. I went back to work two weeks ago. It wasn't as bad as I thought and I actually like getting out and getting dressed and getting away, but I miss the little sweet potato when I am gone. And I just feel so disorganized and busy. My friends all say it will become routine and it will get better as she starts to sleep longer but I hate feeling like I can't do anything right right now.
We also started our nanny share and that is going well. We love our nanny and feel very comfortable leaving LO in her care.
Lulu is also drooling like crazy and has her fingers and her hands and anything else she can get in her mouth. Her pediatrician said it is not teething, it is an oral development phase. She said most babies don't teeth until closer to 6 months and she also said teething doesn't necessarily hurt, it can feel weird for them and may be uncomfortable, but most crying and fussiness is more a growth spurt during that time frame which is why most people think teething hurts their LO's. I thought that was interesting.
I am still breastfeeding and now that I am back at work, I am pumping 2 or 3 times a day when we are apart. I recently dropped pumping at midnight which means I am not saving any more milk but hopefully just keeping up with her daily need. I am considering introducing formula at 4 months so we can share night feeding duties. Any other EBF mom's thinking about introducing formula any time soon?
In other exciting news, we are traveling to Germany next week for a ten day trip. I am nervous about flying with her and the time change, but excited to be on vacation for the time in a very long time. Has anyone else taken their LO on a 7+ hour flight? Any tips or suggestions?
As for a little update:
Lulu (Lucinda) is
- 15 weeks, 13 pounds, 24 inches
- wearing mostly 0-3 or 3 month clothes.
- we se gdiapers and she is in smalls, but soon to be mediums.
- 10 hours has been her longest sleep stretch but 6-7 is more common. She usually takes 2 or 3 naps during the day but one of them is usually short. She is very good about sleeping in her crib (has been since 4 weeks) and can nap anywhere.
-She's smiling, gurgling, high pitched squeeking, trying to roll over (she gets her arm stuck under her and starts to yell) and does something close to laughing.
- Reaches for toys, put everything in her mouth and drooling on everything.
- poops usually twice a day but some days doesn't poop at all. It is usually thin green or yellow pudding.
Great reading what is going on with all of you and seeing the pictures of your little loves!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@shortcake: welcome back and congrats on the big transition back to work. That is wonderful that you feel good about your care provider. There is a care provider that I am trying to hook up with and I told her that I will even go back to work at whatever month suits her (in Canada I have maternity benefits for 1 year, but I would feel comfortable going back earlier with this lady with LO). I have no tips re formula or plane rides, as we haven't done either and dont' have plans to.
I know I said I'd hold off on reporting about my new schedule (not EASY). Well, I started feeding before AND after naps and this has indeed cured Nico of the excessive spit-up. Now he just spits up like a normal baby, in my opinion. Based on what I've read, all the extra spitting up likely had to do with my forceful let-down, and by feeding more frequently, the force isn't as strong. Still trying to figure out if it is better for me to alternate breasts with feeds or do the same breast before and after the nap. (I have oversupply issues). Maybe I'll make a thread about that.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@shortcake: I'm SO Jealous!!! We were in Germany on our HM and absolutely LOVE it. Are you in NY?? It's more than a 7hr flight, isn't it?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@shortcake: Welcome back and congrats on returning to work! Lulu is so cute!! Interesting stuff re: teething. I assumed it hurt. I'm thinking of introducing formula at 4 months, too, or perhaps even sooner (LO is 14 wks on Thursday). I exclusively pump and am on a dairy free diet and I'm really over the diet. I have at least a month of dairy-free milk stored so am thinking of weaning pumping at 4 months and getting him to 5 months on my milk. I'll need to do a soy formula, though.
@duckduckkristen: That's great about the sleep!! I sometimes feel guilty for wanting alone time, but isn't it amazing???
@cvbee: Yikes your night sounds just awful. Hope you can squeeze in some downtime today....
@regberadaisy: OK, that's some progress!!
@cvbee: Interesting re: the spit up. I commented on your thread and I think that if you want to help tame your supply you are supposed to feed twice in a row on the same side if your LO feeds more than once every 3 hours. So in your case it would be left upon wakeup, left before nap, then right upon wakeup, and right before nap. I recently changed Tyler to a medium flow nipple (from the slow flow nipple) and his spitting up has increased. But it only takes him 10-15 mins to take his bottle now and before it would take like 40! And, he's pissed if I try to give him the slow flow nipple during the day., though I do give him slow flow overnight and since he is all business during those feeds it usually only takes him 20 minutes.
@mrsdaredevil: Love Willa's smiles. What a ham!!
@marriedandlovingit: What a long drive for you guys! I forget, is Cooper formula fed now? Congrats on the rolling over milestone!!
@LAGS: Naps are totally hit or miss with us. Today he napped 45 minutes in the car, another 45 minutes in the car, and I just put him down for a nap and there's just no telling how long he'll nap. It could be 30 minutes but it could be 2 hours. The *binge naps* as I like to call them are GREAT for getting stuff done and relaxing but sometimes I get concerned they interfere with his night sleep (like yesterday he slept from 315-545 and then didn't have a really long night stretch). Who knows. If I want a longer nap out of him, I need to put him in the swing.
Last night's sleep was just OK. He slept only 4.5 hours, then 4, then 3 (which is definitely his longest overnight stretch, period). It would have been fine but since I'd been counting on a 6 or so stretch I went to bed an hour and a half after him....so thee first feed was sort of brutal. But, I'm happy to report that he seems to have stopped his waking up after 15 minutes of being down. A few weeks ago he started this thing where he seemed asleep but would cry 15 minutes later and we'd go in and soothe. Then he would do it once more and then be out for the night. He hasn't done it since Friday. Phew.
Today I met my mom for some outlet shopping - Tyler had so much 0-3/3 month clothing and it is all summer stuff. He's just about out of the 0-3 stuff (though in Carters and some other stores he can still fit) so we got a bunch of fall stuff in 3-6/6 month sizes. Since he hasn't been weighed since his 2 month visit I really don't know how big he is, but I'm guessing about 11 lbs.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Totally unrelated: are you guys planning on taking LO trick or treating? I'm on the fence right now!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Poor Sawyer was so grumpy last night and this morning, I think from his immunizations, despite me doing tylenol every 4 hours from 1 hour prior to the immunizations until this afternoon. I think we are finally over the worst of it though!
I am distracted by a possible health issue for my husband today. I will possibly post about it later, once we know more about the problem. My distraction almost led to disaster. I put Sawyer on the couch for a second while I walked a few feet away to grab our nursing pillow, and Sawyer rolled off of the couch. I saw the movement out of the corner of my eye and luckily caught him about 3 inches from the floor. I never leave him on the couch anymore, but my distraction almost caused him to get hurt.
@marriedandlovingit: I really should try teething tablets. I hesitate to try anything without clinical trials on Sawyer though. I am opposite most Moms I would rather give him tested medication than untested herbal remedies (LOL).
@shortcake: Congratulations on getting back to work! I can't imagine what a tough transition it would be, but having a great caregiver makes all of the difference.
@winniebee: Baby clothes shopping is such a crap shoot, every brand has such different sizing. Your sleep last night sounds awesome to me! I did get a 5 hour stretch again last night, so maybe we are getting over the hump of crappy sleep!
@regberadaisy: I don't think we will go trick or treating, or if we do we will actually drive around and visit our friends in town.
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Yep and thank you! He's on the Similac Spit-up. Congrats on making it this long on breastfeeding amd pumping! That is a great accomplishment!
@cvbee: That's good to hear that the smaller, more frequency feeds are working! Gives me something to think about.
We've been on the road for 8ish hrs, and it has been a nightmare! Cooper is to that pt where he is sick of the car. We tried everything, then decided to dig out his sleep sheep, which worked until he woke up screaming for his bottle. I'm frazzled today! We are going to stay in stl tomorrow and drive at night while he sleeps.
We are using Pampers Baby Dry size 3s at night now, and they are fitting him so much better. My dad bought us 2 boxes of size 2 diapers. I hate that we won't get to use them, but at least we will have a bunch for the next baby!
clementine / 959 posts
@regberadaisy: not sure about trick or treating yet. If we do do it, we'd go with DH's sister and her kids, since I would feel weird taking just a 6 month old! It would be fun to dress him up though.
clementine / 959 posts
Oh and I just found these adorable DIY costumes!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Good luck with the rest of your drive! We had a hard enough time with a five hour drive; I can only imagine what you are going through. Hey, about the diapers, I bet you can take them and exchange them.
@regberadaisy: We won't trick or treat, but there is a baby party at our Early Years Centre where I do Mom Group, so we'll have a costume opportunity.
@MsMini: Nico has his immunizations tomorrow; thanks for the tips about the timing of the Tylenol and such....I was about to google it, but your expert advice came just in time! And, hey, thanks for mentioning about the off the couch issue.....it is something that we all really do need to become very aware of at this stage. We want to keep these babies safe! Wishes to your husband.
Sleep dust to all tonight! I'm going to bed now and hoping for the best, but in reality if wakings through the night is the worst I have to deal with, I've got it pretty good.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@MsMini: I hope everything is okay with your DH. Share when you're ready. Praying for you!
@shortcake: Welcome back! Glad you feel good about your nanny, that's awesome! You are SO brave for going on such a big trip with your LO! We go to our beach house a ferry ride away, and that is about as much of a trip I can handle right now!
@marriedandlovingit: Wow, I can't believe Cooper is in size 3's already! Willa is still in size 1s, but she is kind of a little peanut. Hope you're able to stay sane the rest of your trip... good luck!
@cvbee: It is crazy to me when I read these posts about spit-up because I realize that W has only spit up 4 or 5 times since she was born (maybe even less). I guess I totally forgot about spit up at all because she so rarely does it. What makes some babies spit up and some not at all?
I think W has some sort of tummy issues going on. The past 2 days when she has been screaming hysterically and I can't get her to sleep, I give her a tsp of gripe water and she has INSTANTLY fallen asleep. Like she was in pain and the gripe water cured her. I wonder if it's something I am eating? Gas?
@regberadaisy: I think we might take her trick or treating, but only if we go with another couple who has an older child. I would feel weird going with just a baby because it would be obvious that she can't eat the candy, so we would be! I would feel awkward! WE have some friends with a 6-year old though, so we might go with them. We did buy W an elephant costume though.
I am starting to really resent my DH. He doesn't realize how much work it is to stay home with a baby all day, and I think he just thinks I sit around and eat bon bons on the couch. Sometimes he comes home and asks me why stuff isn't done. Also, I feel that he feels little responsibility for W, so when he comes home from work, I am still the sole caretaker. He never feeds her, never changes her diaper. He just comes home and either gets online, works in the backyard, tinks on his car, or takes a nap. I never get a break, even when he is home. At the party I was telling you guys about, we were gone for almost 9 hours and DH never held her once the whole time. He drank beer, played horseshoes, and socialized, but never once relieved me of my duties. I am starting to feel exhausted.
None of this would be THAT BAD if we had a mutual understanding that he would work and provide an income and I would stay home with W and take care of her. However, he is constantly badgering me about bringing an income. Today he said "Have you developed paycheck fever yet?" It is so exhausting trying to take care of her on little sleep, getting not so much as a ten-minute break, and worrying about employment.
I am sorry to post such a long vent, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I am feeling really down.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
I have a question... and you all can say no if you wish.. lol
So my son was born two months before your may babies - but can I join your thread?! I've kind of always been jealous of it lol!!!
Back on WB I started the Spring Babies thread that many of you were on, and a lot of you branched off into May babies - which was great - but I was sad there was only 2-4 other bees who had Feb/March babies. lol
I've kind of been stalking you all haha!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@cvbee: Cobi would spit up after every feeding, everywhere, multiple times and I seriously would wonder how he managed to gain any weight at all.
It has finally let up. He 6 months and only spits up maybe once a week, and it's usually only the tiniest bit. I am so glad. I was honestly worried about it quite the bit and asked so many people and doctors if it was normal. I read this is the age it normally goes away.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Coco Bee: Welcome to May babies; thanks for starting the Spring Babies thread which started it all. You can be our 'older baby' friend and give us the expert advice! Isn't it funny how much difference 2 months makes?
@Coco Bee: That is great to hear that your spitter stopped spitting eventually. I was *okay* with Nico being a spitter, and someone in my Mom group had a spitter and the doc told her so long as she was gaining weight it was fine, so I never had serious issues about it, but as soon as Nico started sitting up and using his abs, it went from being messy, to literally soaking my outfit, and then ten minutes later, possibly making a huge spill on the floor. It was excessive. He was still having dirty diapers and seemed fine, but I think it may have been contributing to the extra night wake-ups (where he would lay down after and not spit up).
Last night Nico went from waking up every 1-2 hours to only every 3. The new feeding routine just might be helping that along. Now tonight if we could get the 6 hours stretch back in there I'd be peachy.
@Mrsdaredevil: It sound like you have to have a big chat with DH to let him know what you are feeling and noticing. Do you ever make him watch Willa while you go out for a while? I do once a week and that usually 'renews' DH's appreciation.
@Mrsdaredevil: I was wondering how things were going with your no-sleeper. It's great that you found something that worked with that gripe water.....don't you feel like a million bucks when you solve a baby problem? Now, to understand what the gripe water is actually fixing, I don't know anything about gripe water.
Gearing up for our immunizations trip and today it's also our 'prenatal class reunion' in the afternoon. Big day!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Coco Bee: I have a June baby and I joined. I think all are welcome. It will be fun for us to see what your lo is doing and what ours will be doing in a flash couple months! You're all going to be a wealth of knowledge for me, too.
Oh, I have a spitter-upper, too! I can't tell you how many times I have had to change my clothes over the past few weeks. Doesn't matter if I'm wearing burp cloths and if she is in a bib, somehow it goes down her outfit, my shirt, my shorts and the floor. Ooo weee... Can't wait for our flight on Saturday! Haha.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: oh, that's so tough. I'm sorry you're feeling like this. Have you talked to him about it? It might be time for a sit down with him. Sound like you both need to get some things off your chests. He obviously is thinking his role is different than you see it. It's definitely something I would want to get out in the open sooner rather than later.
clementine / 878 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm so sorry about DH. Have you told him you need more help? I was starting to get resentful when I was stuck at home too, and finally told DH that I needed him to wash the bottles and make a couple before he left for work each morning. That way, I could start the day "ahead". And maybe you could outline what you do each day and how long it takes so he can see how stressful it really is to be home?
Or, just snap at him one day and say "hey, you think it's so easy, here you go, I'll be home in 8 hours!"
@Coco Bee: Of course you're welcome to join our thread! And let us know what we can expect just around the corner
@regberadaisy: I don't know if we'll go trick or treating, but I did buy a ladybug costume last weekend for $5 (city-wide garage sales). It's a size 24 month, so I'm pretty sure Audrey will fit for the next two years. We might use Halloween as a way to meet the neighbors - "Trick or treat! We just moved in this summer".
persimmon / 1099 posts
Welp, Abbey has her first major major cold of course, my time off allowed is all screwed up. I have a job interview this evening and DH this AM so she went to daycare. I feel pretty terrible about it :(. Her eye was all Goopy and this morning the left one was sealed shut. Her eyes arent red though so Im thinking it's a cold in her eyes.
Being a working mom with little time off really sucks
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Goldilocks1107: that's exactly what I'm thinking! A way to meet the neighbors. My husband nixed the idea this morning, blegh!
@Mrsdaredevil: aww I'm so sorry! Maybe he does not realize he is making you feel this way? Have you told him how you feel?
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: You have done so well being on the dairy free diet for so long. I don't know how you have done it. Getting to 5 months with breastmilk is fantastic!! If you decide to wean and go to formula, he still has gotten quite a few good months from you. EPing is HARD. You've done so well!!
Last night I decided to nurse M all night. My boobs were all messed up. She nursed at 9pm, 2am and 5am. At 2am, I was leaking like crazy out of my left side...I was drenched. Then, of course, she only wanted the left side so at 5am, my right side was drenched. I gave her the right at 5am, fell asleep, fed her the left at 8am and then came down to pump. Maybe I should keep the pump upstairs at night...just in case of nights like that. I pumped almost 5oz this morning, so I was really happy about that! My supply has finally caught up a bit (woohoo)!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@shortcake: love your update and what a cute picture! Are those chew beads? I feel you about going back to work. I have to put M in daycare which KILLS me. I wish we had a daycare at work so I could go see her throughout the day. that would make it so much easier. I know I need to go back to work (for me and for our financial situation) but I hate that I won't get to see her for 9+ hours a day.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@shortcake: Welcome back! And Lulu is so cute!
Wow, so many are already back at work! Bummer. As much as I want to go back to work, I know I'll be sad to have so much time with the little guy.
Interesting info about drooling/teething. Some of the bloggers have tips on air travel with a baby. We have only done long car trips and no airplane trips.
@winniebee: 5 months on breastmilk is awesome! I'm impressed with your no-dairy-diet skills.
We had so much 0-3, too! We only had 2 3-6 outfits, so MIL bought him a set of 4 batman and spiderman onesies (no pants) that are almost too small already!
@regberadaisy: Probably no trick or treating for us--wouldn't know where to go in our area.
@MsMini: YIKES! So glad you caught him. I hope your husband is ok..
@marriedandlovingit: You're driving at night? How are you and your husband going to sleep? I hope your trip starts improving!
@Mrsdaredevil: My husband is acting the same way--I am looking for a job and trying to get my old job back (or maybe work 2 part time jobs). Vent away--it's tough to get everything done and then be unappreciated. My husband is getting a bit better at this and I really hope yours does, too! We had a very un-fun talk about it. And then I went to the store and purposefully took 2 hours with the baby NOT asleep (I used to only leave him if the baby was napping or happy alone in the swing). When he finally realized what it was like, he's been nicer (but still not quite the support I need him to be).
@Coco Bee: I would love if he spits up less soon.
@cvbee: Yeah Gabriel has about 4 major spit ups a day (not the little few drops here, but the "change your shirt and maybe your pants and underwear, too" kind). But he's also 16 pounds, so he's obviously gaining just fine.
@mediagirl: LOL! How many spare shirts are you bringing on the flight for you? Glad to know I'm not the only one changing my shorts for spit up.
@Goldilocks1107: Cute way to meet the neighbors. How do you like your new place? And... how are you feeling?
@Nskillet: Wish you had some more time to be with her. Taking care of baby with a cold is no fun at all! (Gabriel has one now)
clementine / 959 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: totally understand the whole resenting DH thing. Back when Liam was just eating and sleeping all day, DH felt like there was nothing he could do and that I didn't need any help, so eventually I got mad at him and had to explain that dammit, I just need you in the house sometimes to hand me a glass of water while I nurse or change his diaper. He also spends a lot of time outside in the garden or with our chickens and whatnot. The more active Liam gets, the more interested DH is in spending time with him. I have also made a point of leaving Liam with him while I go grocery shopping or whatever so he has to spend time with Liam and sees what I do all day! So now I think he gets that I'm not sitting around all day eating Bon bons, but we definitely had our struggles and even now sometimes he makes comments about how he does "everything". I think it's just hard when you have a SAHM for the man to understand what our days are like. Uhhgg. I would suggest having a talk with him and leaving him with the baby on a regular basis, especially when you know LO will be fussy!
Liam's night of good sleep was a fluke. I did a dream feed again last night but then he woke up at 4am to eat and wouldn't go back in his pnp, so he slept in our bed the rest of the night, which means I got no sleep. I'm going to go make some iced coffee... Btw, sweetened condensed milk in coffee instead of cream and sugar is the best!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@regberadaisy: I'm not sure if we will, but we'll definitely dress him up! DH wants to dress him as a devil....since he says T acts devlish sometimes ; )
@msmini: So sorry to hear about your husband's health scare - I really hope everything is OK. It is crazy how attentive we must be to our babies and the tiniest deviation from our attention can be disastrous.
@cvbee: sounds like your experiment is going well!
@pastemoo: who needs pants in summer?! I basically dress T in a onesie most days except if we have something special going on (lunch with a friend, seeing grandma, etc) then I dress him in a real outfit.
@mediagirl/@pastemoo: I would like to get to 6 months on breastmilk, but honestly the pumping 5x a day is wearing on me. I used to pump every 3 hours but now I kind of just pump when I feel like it during the day and then once overnight (but I never wake up just to pump). My supply is really good though and I pump about 15 oz more per day than he eats so I save a lot. Unfortunately the first 3 weeks of pumped milk is tainted with dairy. I'm storing that milk in my sister's deep freeze (yes, seriously) and maybe will use it when he is just a little older.
@cocobee: welcome welcome! you definitely DID start it all : ) The more the merrier here!
@nskillet: Poor girl. Being back at work (and interviewing!) with a sick baby has got to be so tough. I'm dreading going back to work for this reason....among others.
@mrsdaredevil: I'm sorry you are having a tough time with your hubs. I agree with what others have said - sit down and talk to him (or like @Goldilocks1107 said just blow up at him and leave him twisting in the wind!) I think DH thought taking care of him was easier and of course when he slept most of the day the first month, it was easier. But now we must entertain our babies so much and they are willful little things so it's more difficult. Also I'm not defending him but you always say how jokey you are together so maybe "paycheck fever" is a joke? Anyways, what helped me was spelling out for DH ways he could be helpful. One night he came home from work and announced he was "going to play tennis with X friend". I bit my tongue and thought ok that's fine.....I mean, he works crazy hours and has a stressful job, right? But then he didn't come home for TWO hours and when he walked in the door he knew I'd be pissed (and I was). When he asked if I was mad I told him yes, and that it would be nice if when he came home he asked if I needed a break. (Well, I didn't say it that nicely...I may or may not have screamed at him). I told him my job is 24/7 now and I need a break. He's so much better about giving me a break at night and on the weekends....he does most of Tyler's bottles and diapers at night and on the weekend (and feeds Tyler overnight on the weekend while I pump) and if he gets home early from work he asks me if there's anything I need to do (work out, etc). Also, I felt like letting him be the primary caregiver on our recent vacation made him feel much more confident about caring for Tyler and he sometimes now even tells ME how to do things (which is fine, I just laugh to myself). It's certainly easier for my husband to do more since we bottle feed Tyler, but know there are ways he CAN help and should help and don't feel bad about asking for the help. Wow that was long.
@mediagirl: so proud of you for getting back to BF - that's awesome!! But, your poor boobs!
We are not on the crazy sleep train anymore, but last weekend's glory (9 hours, 7.5 hours...) may have been a fluke. We are at least back to where we were before the craziness. Last night he did 5, 3, then 3.5 (however, I let him chirp in the morning....he would have gotten up after 2 hours but I let him bitch a little bit and he falls back asleep for awhile). Since I went to bed 1.5 hours after Tyler, sleep wasn't glorious for me, but my husband did feed him at the 1:30 time slot and I just pumped. Like @cvbee said, I'm becoming a little scientist to figure out what works best for him. I thought that his afternoon binge nap affected him the other day since he didn't sleep as much at night, but yesterday he just had short (45 min-1 hour) naps...so I don't think that's it. But, I allow him an evening catnap since he gets bitchy come 6:30....perhaps the catnap isn't good for him (however, he did have catnaps on the nights he slept really long....) Anyways, I think instead of doing that I'm just going to start the bedtime routine and get him in bed around 7:30 instead of 8:45/9 and see how he does. I have to get him on an earlier wakeup routine anyways (sometimes he doesn't get up til 8 or 9...) because when I go back to work I don't want to be waking HIM up in the morning.
On a side note since my mom was in charge the night Tyler slept 9 hours, she says "he needs to be doing more than 5 hours since he can do it." Um, gee thanks, can you explain that to him??
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Coco Bee: YAY MY BFF IS ON THIS THREAD! MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!!! AS @cvbee said, you can be the "been there, done that" member.
Thank you all for your advice. I had a talk with DH and pretty much his only reaction was "You're right. I will work on it." So he didn't have much to say, but maybe he sees that I have a point and he will change. Here's hoping things get better!
In other news, W woke up a ton last night, and she is usually a pretty good night sleeper once we get her down. When she was not sleeping, she was at least sleeping during the night okay and just refusing naps. I wonder what it is about this age that throws our babies off so much?
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: And yes, I am sure he was being facetious about the paycheck fever thing. But it still hurt my feelings. We are very jokey with each other (as you remembered) and sometimes it's hard to tell if you have crossed the line or not.
I have two questions for everyone:
a) what method of birth control are you using as of now, and until you want to get PG the next time (if at all)? and
b) when do you want your next bebe (if at all)?
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@mediagirl: yay for supply! Just when I thought I was catching up with the additional evening pump session she starts eating more! haha. I thought BF babies aren't suppose to increase their intake??
@duckduckkristen: M pretty much 9/10 times won't go back in her crib if she wakes up around 4am. It's like the "witching hour!"
@winniebee: is T going to daycare when you go back to work? Somehow, M started her own early routine when she started daycare.
@Mrsdaredevil: yay! Hope it continues to get better!
heeh we're the same way re:joking. I feel bad for my husband because sometimes if I'm tired the "jokes" make me feel bad. But when I'm normal I don't. It's a guessing game for him!
To answer your question 1) pull out method/condom. It's what we did for 12 years and worked amazingly (shockingly) well! haha 2) We don't want to actively TTC till M is 1. I want to be able to devote at least her whole first year to just her. That's the plan for now at least! Might be sooner...who knows! But the soonest would probably be NTNT at 9months.
M woke up literally almost every 1.5 hours last night. Which meant my sleep was in 45 minute pockets. Blegh. When will this end??? At least she was going back in her crib so that's a plus!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: Your DH's response to your complaint sounds like what I say....I don't say much, but I really do think about it over time.....it P's off my DH because he sees it as me 'not owning up' to my mistakes....he's really big on apologizing profusely.
From what I've read the wakefulness of 4 months/sleep regression is a combo of the following:
A) they switch to 'adult' sleep patterns....no more starting in REM....and it means they wake up more
B) they are moving more and that also makes them wake up when they 'practice' in their sleep
C) they are distracted eaters now, so they might not eat enough in the day, and then they wake up because they are hungry (and for my guy, it was possibly all the spitting up)
For your questions:
a) we are still using EBF and pull and pray....and I have a prescription in my purse from 2 months ago for the mini-pill, which I plan to use at some point....maybe at 1 year when I don't plan to do much breastfeeding anymore
b) I am on the fence of when for #2...maybe not for a while, like 4 years, so that I can just soak this guy up, and then he'll be in kindergarten so I can really devote that year with new baby to new baby while Nico is at school.............but I just love babies so much, so there is a good chance that I wont be able to wait that long....and with our sketchy birth control methods, it might be sooner than expected for sure
clementine / 959 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: we are using condoms and want to start trying for #2 in the next few months. I think once our kitchen is done (hopefully in about a month) we'll stop using condoms, but since AF still hasn't returned, who knows how long it will take to get pregnant. I'm hoping not until Liam starts solids because I've heard for some women their milk production slows down or dries up when they get pregnant and I'd like to BF until he is one.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: glad you got to talk to your husband. I hope you start getting more help!
Two answers:
1) using mini pill and still EBF but we aren't having much sex anyways. Story for another day.
2) probably will try to time them to be 2 years apart. I previously thought I wouldn't mind them closer in age but want time to let Tyler be my baby!
Tyler is not napping today. 30 min nap this morning and the. 15 min nap. Tried the swing too. I'm tired.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: a. None because my supply just covers what she needs. I don't want to risk it dropping. Also, abstinence. I am healed but we're both so tired at night that we never even think to do it. We have talked about doing it but he admits he is as tired as I am. We will... in time. I guess condoms. Blech. We'll see.
B. We can't afford another one so, never. I'll go back on the patch when I'm done nursing.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
yay! thanks for letting my join lol :):)
As to your questions:
I heavily researched birth control methods and I'm so disappointed at the lack of contraception available to BF moms. So sadly we're going the condom route. I never wanted to but I don't want to put my supply at risk - BF is too valuable to me!
We want to wait until Cobi is out of diapers, so definitely after 2, but more like 3. I didn't finish a lot of things I had wanted to before having Cobi - so I have some goals before #2.
IF we could afford it, I wouldn't have minded having two about 1.5 years apart. But it would be REALLY rough on us to have two kids.
@mediagirl: we didn't do it for the first time until Cobi was nearly 4 months old. I was so scared- not only because of potential pain, but I was petrified to get pg again. I also knew once I gave DH the go ahead, he'd be wanting it all. the. time.
Which has rang true.
@winniebee: I hear ya - Cobi just went down for his #2 nap, but he should still be sleeping from his first nap. Now his schedule will be so screwed up. Sometimes I think that being a SAHM is more tiring than working lol
persimmon / 1099 posts
@mrsdaredevil: 1) pull out method and natural family planning. This has worked for us for the 6 years we've been together with our only pregnancy being Abbey! I get migraines from hormonal birth control and quite frankly hate the way it makes me feel.
2) we are planning to begin trying fall of 2013 so Abbey and her sibling will be 2.5 years or more apart. I can't wait to experience pregnancy a second time but am really enjoying/still adjusting to the one right now! Hopefully our finances will be in a better place too.
Called Abbeys pediatrician! He said if she is still goopy/crusty tomorrow he will see her for 7:15am but to stick with the warm compress/saline for her right now. She has no fever so he said not to rush in.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Coco Bee: @winniebee: Wednesdays are daddy/daughter days and my husband has been trying to get her down for nap #2!
@Nskillet: when M was sick my ped was not concerned either due to lack of fever. Hope it clears up!
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: The new house is great! Lots of space and we're working on the yard now. Playset will be going up soon! I'm also feeling a lot better. Haven't cried in over a week (not that there weren't a few times I was close). Being back at work has made me feel a lot more normal, even though it does add other stresses. And I think I'm enjoying my time with Audrey more too. Or she's just getting more interesting :-). My next counseling appointment is in 3 weeks - we're going to see how I'm doing at that one, then decide if I need to keep up regular appointments, or just make them as I start to feel I need it.
@winniebee: Glad I'm not the only one who dresses her LO in onesies the majority of the time. Anything else just gets too complicated for diaper changing!
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm on Mirena (IUD), and whole lot of no sex (we've only done it once post-baby). And am still up in the air on if I want another one. Luckily, DH has gotten it through his head that now is not the time to joke about popping out another kid. And I have a good comeback for if/when people start asking if we're going to have more: "That's between DH and me." Short, simple and no room for nosiness. And I've noticed I'm a bit more sensitive to DH's "jokes" and will flat out say "That's not funny" when it crosses the line. He usually tries the "oh come on, yeah it was." And I'll say "not to me, not right now."
clementine / 916 posts
Last night was a horrendous sleep night. There are points through the night where she's up every hour. It just seems to be getting worse and we're over 3 weeks of this back and forth. Out of desperation, I was googling sleep regressions and found this: http://moxie.blogs.com/askmoxie/2006/02/qa_what_are_sle.html It was pretty interesting and even explains things like the random nights of great sleeps that come out of the blue. (like @winniebee: T's 9 hour stretch of awesomeness).
persimmon / 1099 posts
@regberadaisy: exactly. Her crusted closed eye alarmed me this AM but im glad I trusted my instincts. I hated dropping her to daycare today and am especially uninterested in tonight's job interview now. I just want to snuggle her back to health! I hate how I have little to no paid time off left due to my companies shitty policies
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@LAGS: yea, it's been a few weeks of rough sleep for us too. I mentioned to my husband it's because she's going through a growth spurt and a wonder week. So as much as it sucks I think I'm just going to ride it out...
@Nskillet: yeah I have like 2 days left.
clementine / 916 posts
@shortcake: How exciting! Enjoy your time in Germany Good luck with the flight.
@regberadaisy: We wont be doing trick or treating. We don't even have family near by to dress her up for I was actually hoping (while pregnant last year) that I could at least dress her up for answering our door, but found out we have zero trick or treaters.
@MsMini: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband!
@marriedandlovingit: I hope Cooper hangs in there for the rest of the trip! We have soo many extra diapers too. We're going to be well equipped for #2.
@Coco Bee: Welcome! I'm glad to hear your LO has decreased the amount of spit up. My LO has always spit up a lot and it seems like there's no end in sight... you give me hope hah
@Mrsdaredevil: Fingers crossed things are looking up for you and your husband. I think it's tough for everyone to adjust to these new roles and expectations let alone stay on the same page about it. Communication is key, I've found myself having to have "talks" with DH a lot lately... something that we hadn't needed to do for a long time.
1)We're using pull out and condoms. I had a really bad experience on the pill as a teen and have (whether its rational or not) hated the idea of any birth control ever since...
2)I think we'll start TTC for #2 once LO is a year or so.
@regberadaisy: omg I feel your pain, LO and I had a similar night last night. I've read this nonsense can carry on for 4 weeks or so... wth...
With all this contraceptive talk I have another question:
How is everyone's recovery of the lady bits coming along? I'm getting a little concerned and might have to talk to my Dr. about it. DH and I have been DTD since week 6 and all in all its going well. We've had a much better sex life than while I was pregnant, but things still don't feel 100%. Its not so much painful as it is uncomfortable at times. I have to remind him to take things slowly and some positions hurt. I even feel some discomfort when there's pressure/no support down there, like if I'm sitting on the toilet. Anyone else still not 100%?
I'm paranoid that I might have an issue with my scaring because the same thing happened to my Mom. She was actually going to have some kind of intervention but after giving birth again, it apparently stretched things out and finally felt normal.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@LAGS: we have been doing it since week 6 Too, about two or three times a week. And I still don't feel all the way normal. Some positions hurt (TMI: like when he is behind me) and when we first start we go really really slow. I don't know how long it will take to go back to normal!
I bought condoms yesterday and that is I guess our method of choice until next time. We will probably start NTNT when W is 1.
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