GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@cvbee: OH no! Were you able to get the clogged duct out? Yay for Nico getting back to 1 wake up!!!
@winniebee: Oh how fabulous!!!!! SO happy to hear Tyler is doing great. Funny how that is though, how they can drastically change their ways and go from crying all the time to calm baby. Clearly we like the calm baby option more! haha! you pump/breastfeed whereever you can!
@Goldilocks1107: She is beautiful (And so are you!) So glad to hear the trip went well... and so happy you are happy to go back to work. (I couldn't wait!) I love my kids don't get me wrong but I need to work and then have family time.
@marriedandlovingit: Oh no! ingrown toenail, he's so young, I didn't even think that was possible. I can confirm that the solids will reduce the reflux. It did so for my son. It won't stop it completely but it will help.
@duckduckkristen: @Goldilocks1107: I should take pictures of Sienna, I swaddle her (arms out) and come 6 in the morning, she is doing the star in her crib. it's hilarious!
Things how gone great on our end. Sienna is now 12 weeks old and slept a whole 8 hours 2 days ago and IN HER CRIB!!! whoot whoot! I do blame her 8 hours straight on her lack of naps, but honestly I would prefer that than more naps and night wakings. Last night, she was in her bassinette and woke up at 4:30 am but I gave her her pacifier and she went back to bed. I only nursed her at 7! Yay!!!!!! I think we will soon skip the night feeding. which would be awesome. Now, my shirt was soaking wet this morning, but alas, hopefully it will calm down.
It's Sienna's christening in less than 1 month, so I'm planning that right now, While fully being a SAHM with Mavrick and Sienna for the next 3 weeks (daycare is closed) Oh how I love daycare! We are planning a 3 day trip to Plattsburg next week so getting everyone's passport has been fun! ha. We are going there to buy a double stroller and some other stuff that is almost 50% cheaper than in Canada.
Mavrick has been peeing in the potty more and more each day. I am so hopeful!!!
Here are 3 recent pictures!
clementine / 878 posts
So, I purchased the Columbia diaper back pack from Babies R Us last week, and it already tore along one seam. So it's going back and I'm hunting for a new one.
And today is my first day on Prozac. I called the doctor yesterday (after a particularly rough day or two) and it's amazing how much they work to get you in to see your doc if you call about being evaluated for post-partum depression. We're mixing meds with some counseling to make the most improvement in the least amount of time.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Oh I hope the meds help you. I know a few mamas who had PPD and they said the meds were a life saver. hang in there. xox
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Audrey is so pretty - I love your vaca pics. I'm sorry you are having a rough go at it. I really hope be meds help. You arent alone and know that many new moms struggle with this. I had a really difficult first 6 weeks.
@Mrs. Sunglasses: I just live Sienas outfits! She is cute as a button. We have been on vaca with my sister and her 3 kids (3.5, 2, and 6 wks) and it has been eye opening. Not sure hoe you do it!!
We are heading home today and T did really well. However pretty sure we started he 12w growth spurt on Wed. He's eating more and sleeps a ton in the morning (3 hr nap or 2 two hour naps) then basically won't nap after 2 and freaks out when you try to get him to nap. Like big time. He won't fuss he just wants to be awake. And until 8 pm won't go to bed and/or
wakes up 30 mins after being put down. And lat night was up every 3 hours to feed....tried paci and everything hoping he would stop but no such luck. Anyone else with me??
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: going through the exact same thing. Three months is another really big developmental growth spurt I have read so they kind of freak out sometimes. Willa has been very hungry and very fussy. She loves being awake too. If I don't take her into a silent room and basically give her the silent treatment, she wont go down for hours and hours.
Isn't it crazy how fast our babies change.
Oh, willa rolled over from her tummy to her back yesterday! Yay!
Teething has been really hard. She has been running a fever the past two nights, and I can just tell she is miserable. Borderline weepy and clingy. The Tylenol helps, but she is still a drooling mess and chews/sucks on whatever she can get her hands on. How long will this last?
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Goldilocks1107: keeping you in my thoughts. Good for you for seeking help asap. I am sure you are going to get over this hump quickly and come over on the other side feeling much better. Like a new woman! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers girly!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
Amazed with all the sleeping and all the growing and the adorable photos!
Love the photos!
OMG Rolling and teething already. I can't believe how fast they grow!
I've been not posting here for... a week! Because I didn't want to procrastinate on the essays I needed to write. Still have a few more to go, but did a whole bunch of work on them, so I'm getting there.
Gabriel is drooling, but fun. Still very awake/alert.
@goldilocks: I hope it kicks in quickly, and I hope you're feeling good really soon.
clementine / 959 posts
@winniebee: same here! No naps and wants to play constantly! Also has been waking up more at night to eat and eating almost every hour during the day!
Liam's new favorite thing is standing in front of the mirror (we old him up) and stomping his feet while laughing hysterically.
My whole family is coming later this afternoon to visit for a few days so I better get cleaning and cooking!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Hi all! Still without internet at home, but hoping to make it to the library this week to reply to everyone. Penny is not feeling great today or yesteday and neither am I. We are both congested and she has a slight dry cough. This heat and humidity is not helping. We were supposed to go to a cook out with many of my college friends today, but it's at least 2 hours away (without nursing stops) and I don't think either one of us is up to it.
Lately, she is such a "singer". I have been doing some MAJOR organizing and I always have music to sing to while I am doing that. She will lay on the bed or in her rock and play and jyst coo right along with me. It's adorable. I still am amazed by her everyday. I have been feeling a little isolated lately, so I am trying to make sure I get out of the house with other Mom's. I also signed up for a lap babies story time at the library starting in September. I hope to meet some other mom's that way and get Penny interested in reading early! DH had only 1 day off of work the whole month of July. Needless to say, we are in serious need of some quality time. Unfortunately, since fishing is a seasonal business, he won't have a lot of free time unt @Mrsdaredevil: il October. He's working so hard to provide for us, so I am certainly thankful! He's been doing great white shark research on top of his regular work, but it's worth it as he'll be on shark week again next year! Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend! So glad to have hellobee to vent a little and just chat!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I did not mean to tag mrs.daredevil in the middle of my post! I'm on my phone and must have hit paste by accident and that was what was last copied! Hahaha
pomegranate / 3729 posts
And here's a picture of her! 3 months this week and her legs hang way off the end of her carseat. She's going to be really tall like her Momma!
clementine / 916 posts
I'm resurfacing after a couple crazy weeks. My SIL got married and I was part of the wedding so we were away visiting all sorts of family, had all sorts of family visit and stay with us and finished it off with Addie's first cold as she was hitting her 3 month growth spurt. I'm beyond exhausted and sick, but thankfully Addie wasn't too down and out with her cold. It seems to be clearing up now, but she has been an absolute fussy, non-sleeping handful for the better part of two weeks. Life is slowly getting back to normal and I'm feeling less homicidal as I get caught back up with life. Although I still might have to kill my husband if I hear him whine about his allergies one more time.
@winniebee: Good God me.... my LO has been eating non-stop day and night lately... she was such a good sleeper and the past week and a half she's been sleeping worse than our newborn days. I'm lucky if I get three hours out of her at night. We're dealing with 1.5hr stretches here.
@duckduckkristen: Laughing, so exciting!!! Addie loooves the mirror too, but no laughing yet.
Everyone's LOs are looking beautiful as always. I'm behind and have to cheat and take Addie's 3 month pics a little late.
kiwi / 515 posts
Oh my, I just love coming on here and seeing the adorable pics of all of the May babies! This is such a fun age! I think Lily just got over her 3 month growth spurt, I swear it was like 2 weeks long, blah! She was fussy and sleeping horribly, and then like magic last night she slept 7 hours ate and then slept another 3 1/2 hours! So it was worth was so it, because she also has been so sweet and fun since! Smiling, lots of talking and cooing and so very very curious grabbing toys and grabbing mine and DHs faces! I absolutely love how much more social Lily is becoming! Is anyone else experiencing this?
clementine / 959 posts
@Mrs.M57: omg I am shocked at how social Liam has become this weekend! My family is visiting and last night after dinner we were at the table talking and laughing and every time the noise would get to a certain level he would yell "oooohhhhhhh!!!!" and flail his arms around, then we would all stop talking and ooooh back at him and he would oooooh back at us and then we'd go back to talking and the cycle would start over. It was so adorable!
We've decided that we need to have him around more people - since we dont have much family around he doesn't see a whole lot of people. Plus I need some more socializing too!
Here's a photo of him!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Mrs. Sunglasses: The duct cleared during a feeding after I had a hot water bottle on my breast for an hour and olive oil on a breastpad on my nipple. No clogged duct since then, and if it does happen I won't freak out like last time because I'll know what to do to get it clear.
Quick post as I'm afraid my typing will wake Nico. He loves his feet these days. He does baby crunches to look at them all day, and in the tub he sticks his little toe out of the water and looks at it and grabs it. So cute! And his night wake-ups are all over the place and I'm calming down about that. At first I wanted to read a million sleep books and sleep train him. Then I realized it's not the end of the world, and if he needs to wake up more in the night, then I should just go to bed earlier to get enough sleep. And on that note, goodnight!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@duckduckkristen: Oh how cute! I can't wait until Gabriel laughs for me (he laughed for daddy twice, but I missed it!) I bet the mirror is the place to do it.
@bpcmarj: LOL, I love when he just sings--or talks back to the radio or TV, or to the air when DH and I are chatting.
Great white shark research? COol!
What a cutie! How long is your car seat?
@LAGS: CONGRATS! Ugh, cold and growth spurt together? No fun.
Gabriel's in his growth spurt, too. Poor poor nipples!
@Mrs.M57: Oh, that is awesome! Thanks for sharing the light at the end of the mini tunnel.
@duckduckkristen: CUTE! (photo and oooohing)
@cvbee: Goodnight!
And we got chiggers on a hike today.
But here he is at tummy time before he realized it was tummy time
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@duckduckkristen: Liam seems like such a happy baby!
@pastemoo: I have the graco snugride 30. So 30lbs or 30 inches I guess. She was 24 inches at 2 months so no telling what she is now a little over 3.
And DH has been tagging sharks with his Dad (and the state) for the last 4 summers. MA has seen them come back in very high numbers and the first great white attack since the thirties just happened in Truro. There will br a show on shark week this week that they filmed in 2010 called Jaws Comes Home. It was on last year, too. I think it's airing on the 14th or 15th this year:)
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@bpcmarj: OH WOW!
And... Gabriel was 24" at 2 months (or maybe 1/4 or 1/8 inch shy of it), it seems like he'll be out of his seat any day now. We also have a Graco SnugRide
eggplant / 11287 posts
@pastemoo: @bpcmarj: your babies are tall! W was only 21.5 inches at 2 months!...haha! She is a shrimp.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm not surprised that she's tall; I am 6 feet tall and DH is 6'3ish! My sisters are both nearly 6 feet, too. So, I think she'll be pretty big!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: lol at "before he realized it was tummy time". I know what you mean! Isn't that interesting how well they do at tummy time when they don't know they are doing it?!
@bpcmarj: wow you people ARE tall
I had a great sleep. I swear it's all about the 4 hour stretch. If I don't sleep a 4 hour stretch some time in the night, then I'm feeling unrested even if the total is 8 hours. I will try to keep remembering to go to sleep early so that I catch most of Nico's first stretch of sleep.
@duckduckkristen: I love your description of the 'ooooooh' game Liam played at the restaurant. Even in the picture it looks like he's having so much fun. That's one of my goals lately: to figure out things that Nico finds to be fun. Most recently it is pulling him up to standing by holding his hands and then letting him fall down on the bed. He likes both parts. He also laughs when I kiss his cheeks repeatedly.
oh! I hear a baby waking up! ciao for now
PS. I am sad that the Olympics are over, but it's probably good for Nico....we were watching a little too much tv!
nectarine / 2039 posts
He stopped making noise so I think it's a false alarm.
@Goldilocks1107: let us know how you are doing with the prozac. I'm so sorry that you got PPD, but I'm glad to know that your doc is now finally on top of things with you. I only know you through these tiny words on a screen, but I was worried about you all this time that you didn't seem like 'yourself'. Cheering for you.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@bpcmarj: Crazy I didn't realize your hubby's profession! My husband is obsessed with sharks and was in heaven being in the Cape with all the sightings....and yes, shark week will be on in our house for the next week.
@bpcmarj: @pastemoo: WOW you have tall babes! Tyler was 21 in and 1/4 at his 2 month checkup....such a peanut! But me and DH are shorties so no surprise there.
@pastemoo: Gabriel is super cute. LOL re: before he realized it was tummy time. Tummy time results in screaming within 30 seconds in our household these days.
@duckduckkristen: That's awesome you got some family time. The mimicking is just too cute. Tyler LOVES to mimic his dad's noises. It's lots of fun.
@LAGS: hi there! Oh god I thought we had it bad - last night was every 3 hours (plus some pumping in there fore me : ( ) JUst when things started to get easy!
@Mrs.M57: Ok, so light at the end of the tunnel COULD be a 7 hour stretch. In the meantime I need to just accept it! Yes, Tyler is so social and jsut loves to smile and make noises and sing and laugh (well, chuckle). We spent the week with my sis and her 6 week old and the differences between them is just shocking.
@cvbee: TOTALLY agree re: the 4 hour stretch being the magic number for not feeling like poo. I didn't get one last night - reminds me of the early days. I feel like crap! I'm sad the Olympics are over, too, but agree the TV has been on way too much in our house.
Vacation was great and it was SO nice for DH to have so much time with Tyler. He did most of the feedings during the whole vacation and generally took care of him more than I did, which now means that Tyler really lights up when he sees dad. It's great b/c I think DH was getting a little sad that Tyler showed so much of a preference for me before. He's just such a different baby than even a few weeks ago. Wants to be sitting up and facing the world constantly (and unfortunately LOVES the TV so at night loves to sit on dad's lap and watch....) Also loves being on his back and playing with his hands (sucking mostly), making lots of noises, mimicking noises, smiling, and taking in the world. The 3 month spurt is kicking my butt, but he really isn't fussy, just AWAKE a lot more during the day and up more at night.
Who else is facing a return to work? I have 6 months approved off, but am likely going back Oct. 1 when Ty is 4.5 months. Not looking forward to it.
Here are some pics from vaca!
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@winniebee: yup, DH is a commercial fisherman/"shark hunter". This summer has been crazy with the sharks, for sure. I am glad you guys had a great vacation! I love the pictures, and your bathing suit looks great on you! Penny has been lighting up when she sees her dad now, too. It's awesome and he loves it. I think she is starting to see that there are others but me!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I know! And he is still in 0-3 pants! WHAT? @bpcmarj: I'm only 5' and DH is 5'8", so his height is a big surprise! Yay for Penny recognizing Daddy. Gabriel does now, too, and it is wonderful!
@cvbee: Glad you understand.
I hear you on the 4 hour stretch. LOVE the 4 hours stretch.
@winniebee: Yeah, I took 3 photos in a row, and by the time I was getting ready for the 4th he was screaming. That photo was #1.
Yay for your husband feeding T on vacation. What adorable photos, and you look amazing! Good work! Love T's beach outfits, too.
Anyone having trouble figuring out what LO wants anymore? He used to have a separate "hungry" cry, but now he doesn't cry differently for anything it's all just one AHHHHHHHHhhhhhh for being wet, for being cold, for being hungry, for being lonely--it's like he's brand new all over again. So confusing!
RE: work, my job has nothing for me--it's going to be a rough year... DH gets out the military in January and we're moving and then we will have NO income, so we have to be very very careful.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Just popping in to say hi!
We are back from vacation, and we are glad to be home! Sawyer had crappy sleep the whole time we were gone because the vacation house didn't have AC, and it was HOT. He slept well as soon as we got home, and we are transitioning to the crib right now. He did enjoy the pool and the lake (I will post a pic of him in his swim gear).
I am busy unpacking and doing laundry/cleaning, so I will pop on to catch up and reply when I am not so busy.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pastemoo: Thanks! I still have about 7 more lbs to go, I think. My boobs still feel out of control, but whatever. I'm having trouble figuring out what T wants for the past week - we used to follow EASY (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You) where he would eat, then we would do stuff for an hour, then he would sleep for 1-2 hours. But that has pretty much fallen apart lately. Now he wakes up and eats a little (or sometimes isn't ready to eat depending on if/how long he slept) and then he is up for much longer and then maybe wants to eat, but then definitely wants to eat right before he goes to sleep. But then he doesn't nap for very long - today haven't gotten more than a 30 minute nap despite all of my efforts including trying to let him sleep on me. So, when he sqwaks I'm not sure what the heck he is looking for now.
@MsMini: Cool dude in those shades! I was hoping we would resume normal sleeping at home, but alas we have not.
I'm ready for a glass of wine - it's 5:15 and since 8:45 Tyler has had a one hour nap, a 15 minute nap, and a 30 min nap....and he dozed a little during our stroller walk. So, literally have had no time to myself today and am wondering if he is spurting why won't he sleep!!!!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@MsMini: so cute!! Glad the trip was fun--and super glad he's getting back to his regular sleep now that he's home again. Losing sleep while traveling is horrible.
@winniebee: Exactly! Us, too. And he doesn't really nap like he used to--there is NO schedule at our house anymore.
Maybe he isn't sleeping because he needs you to drink some wine?
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: I think Audrey's hitting her next growth spurt - yesterday involved lots of napping. And I had to wake her up this morning to get her ready for the first day of daycare.
So far, I'm not a huge fan of the meds, but the doc says it can take a month to get the full effect. But today's my first counseling appt.
clementine / 878 posts
@cvbee: Thanks for the kind words! It's a lot easier to talk about it online than with folks in real life. Although I did share with my friend yesterday who had a baby 3 weeks before me. I had kind of been putting off calling the doctor for a few weeks, but knew it was time when I sat in the bathroom crying and wasn't able to stop. Because I wasn't "down" all the time, I thought maybe it wasn't PPD. But you can have good days and bad days, and if the bad days are really bad - it doesn't need to be bad all the time for it to be PPD.
Yesterday was my first day back at work. It was awesome! I was definitely missed while I was out and felt more refreshed when I was with Audrey in the evening. My dad watched her yesterday and today is her first day at daycare. I loaded up DH's vehicle with all her supplies and he's dropping her off. I handle the pick up. Tomorrow I have off - my work provides one paid day-off your first week back after maternity leave. A nice perk to help you ease back into "real life".
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: That is really good to know.
I'm glad going back to work is going well for you.
persimmon / 1099 posts
Hi all! Been great reading all the updates!
@Msmini Abbey hates being without AC too! She is a hot baby and fusses and won't sleep without it being cool.
@winniebee it could be a growth spurt, or him just entering this new alert phase! Abbey now requires a lot more activity than before and has never been a long napper. She sleeps through the night now though so I can't complain!
@Goldilocks how has your transition back to work been? Def give the meds time. They can take weeks/months to have full effect. Looks like we are the formula feeding mamas of this thread. What do you use and how has Audrey been doing?
Abbey has been recently spitting up a TON! I made the mistake of mixing formulas at the advice of a friend and since going back to her original brand her little tummy isn happy! She isn't sad or fussy she is smiling and then just spits up a ton! She also is a drool factory, very demanding with wanting to be entertained! She can clasp her hands, regularly squeals, smiles, but no rolling over or laughing just yet! Our new daycare is just wonderful and DH and I love it. Last week I forced myself to drop off all week and feel so much better. I still miss her like crazy during the work days but she makes my mornings,nights, and weekends so much more special!
On the mommy-front I have 2 job interviews this week with another insurance company. My current company is selling the division I work in so I've been proactive in job seeking. I'm pretty excited for these interviews though. DH also has job interviews this week! We are both trying to get out of the current company we work for. I also have been presented with a couple nannying jobs but don't think I'll do it. The stability just isn't there, and while I'd love more time with my daughter I need to maintain a certain lifestyle that makes sense.
How else are all you ladies doing? We hear a lot about the kids, how are YOU?
clementine / 916 posts
@pastemoo: lol before he realized what's going on, so true!
@MsMini: We have sunglasses like that for Addie too, but she hates absolutely anything on her head. Did it take him long to get used to them?
@winniebee: Our days have been the same... its a marathon of awake time. I wont lie, I've had days lately where I've relaxed with a beer well before 5:15 haha I love your beach photos. We had our first beach days with Addie but didn't get a family pic
@Goldilocks1107: I'm glad you enjoyed your day back at work! I bet restoring the balance of "you" time will be a big help!
@Nskillet: Best of luck with your interviews! Let us know how it goes.
Yesterday I spent a day working onsite with my employer... it was blissful! With the couple weeks I've been having with baby it was the perfect break. I feel refreshed as if I got a full nights sleep (which definitely didn't happen). I feel like my patience and appreciation for LO is back and of course now I'm feeling guilty that I was loosing it in the first place I've realized I need to get out and do something for myself more often... it just helps to ground me and refresh my spirits so I need to make it a bigger priority so I can be a better mom.
For those who bottle feed, how many oz are your little one's taking? The last bottles I'd fed Addie (a few weeks ago) she was doing okay with 4oz but yesterday she took 6.5oz in one sitting with DH. I was shocked, is this anywhere near what you guys are giving or was this a fluke?
clementine / 916 posts
Can everyone post a little update on their LO? I'm curious to see what milestones they've reached and how old, big etc. everyone is getting!
Addie is:
- 14 weeks on Thursday
- in 0-3 onesies, 3 month sleepers, some newborn and mostly 0-3 outfits.
-Size 2 diapers
-8hrs has been our biggest sleep stretch although decent naps and long stretches at night are a thing of the past On the bright side, she's really good at soothing herself to sleep. She chats away until she drifts off.
-She's smiling, cooing, kicking/wiggling with excitement but no laughing yet
-Can roll tummy to back, has rolled back to tummy but only a couple times.
-Starting to pull herself into a sitting position
-reaching for and batting toys, bringing everything to her mouth... she's a slobber monster!
Okay and my proud Mommy rambling is over. How are your LOs doing?
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: How was counseling? I can't wait to go back to work--I think I need some space from the baby (and less money stress!), too.
@Nskillet: Gabriel is a spit up and drool factory today--we finally went through so many outfits I stopped changing (and this shirt has 5 different baby pukes on it). Don't feel guilty--I get frustrated with LO and forget what a miracle he is, too.
Addie is so cute!
Gabriel is:
- 12 weeks yesterday
- in 3-6 everything... and they seem a little snug even though we *just* switched like this week out of the rest of our 0-3.
-Size 2 diapers/ Size M gDiapers
-7hrs 45 is our longest stretch but that was once at 6 weeks. Since then the longest is 6 ish, and we get 5 fairly regularly now. Sometimes he sleeps 5 hours only, sometimes he gets more sleep--never more than 8 hours at night. Naps are hit or miss--some days he naps "real" naps, and others he naps for 10 minutes and gets up.
-he laughed TODAY! I think...
-he cannot roll at all, but he does funny baby crunches and can rotate himself in a circle (all while staying on his back). it's hilarious!
-very very slippery and covered in drool
-a spit up factory
-nursing a LOT
AND I may be going back to work soon. Cross your fingers for me! (We are moving in January when DH gets out of the military, but we don't know where we will move--possibly Colorado--because we are applying to schools. It is a mess and terrible timing since we have to move when he gets out, and won't know what schools we can go to yet. That means potentially 3+ months of NO income.)
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Nskillet: Hi! Thanks for starting that other thread! Congrats on your potential new position! Other than being tired, I'm good!
@LAGS: That's awesome that you are feeling so refreshed - I think that's why so many women do like going back to work!
Tyler had some weirdness last night. After eating 10 oz more than normal, he finally went to bed at 9:30 and then woke up SCREAMING an hour later. As if he was in pain. Then chugged 2 more oz, passed out and slept til 4. So weird. Today we visited my office and it was great seeing people, but made me dread going back even more, LOL. And when we were in the office, I changed him on my desk and he peed all over it. Hilarious because he hadn't had an open air accident in like a month! WHen we got home I put T down for a nap and he has been sleeping for 2 hours and 5 minutes. AMEN! I decided I needed a break and instead of doing housework during the nap....I'm laying on the couch watching Bachelor Pad. Amazing.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Tyler is:
- 13 weeks on Thursday
- in 0-3 onesies, 3 month sleepers, mostly 0-3 outfits. My best guess is he is 11 lbs and maybe 23 inches. Seems like some of the 0-3 onesies are getting short in the crotch.
-Size 1 diapers
- 8.5 hrs has been our biggest sleep stretch but that was when he was 10 weeks. Pre 3 month growth spurt, he was sleeping consistently 6 hrs, then 3. Now it's all over the map but last night was 5.5 then 3.5 :His naps have been terrible lately but today is good. We also still swaddle for all sleep.
- He's smiling, cooing, screeching, mimicking, kicking/wiggling, and has giggled a bunch in the last week
- Not very good at rolling but he did roll front to back during tummy time a few times. I hate making him do tummy time because he screams and then is in a bad mood after.
- If I let him grab my hands he pulls himself up to sitting (with assistance of course) and now loves to go all the way from laying to sitting to standing.
- Reaching for and batting toys, bringing everything to his mouth. Loves to suck on both fists at once. Likes to blow bubbles!
clementine / 959 posts
Liam is 14.5 weeks
- just put away all the 3 month clothes and are on to 3-6 and 6 months, although they are a tad big
- 12 hours was his longest sleep stretch, but usually he sleeps 7-8 hours, then another 3-4. Sill not napping much though. I swaddle him with his arms out, so not technically swaddling, I guess?
- he loves to flail his arms around, reaches for, bats at, and grabs onto the toys hanging from his activity mat and bouncer mobile. Loves pushing on things with his feet. Smiling lots, cooing, has laughed a few times.
- he can roll from back to side and tries so hard to get to his tummy (which is odd since he hates tummy time!) but his bottom arm is always in the way
- he is drooling a ton! We go through 4-5 bibs a day!
- he wants us to hold him up so he can stand constantly. he flails his arms and bounces all around like he is dancing and smiles like crazy!
I'm starting to think maybe he is teething? He has been fussy and chewing on his fists.
As for *me* I'm doing pretty well over all. Just some weird anxiety. A lot of the time I'm afraid something bad will happen, like somebody will break in the house or there will be a tornado or I'll get into a car accident. It's all totally irrational and I'm hoping I get over it!
My family left this morning. We had so much fun and it was so great to see them. I'm kind of sad they are gone though. The house is back to being so quiet again. it was also nice having so many people to entertain Liam!
@LAGS: Yesterday I gave him a 5 oz bottle of breastmilk and he sucked it down then wanted more, but I didn't have another bottle for him. He probably would have taken another oz or two.
@pastemoo: I have a hard time figuring out what he wants now too. I just have to go by how long it has been since he ate or slept and go from there. Hands in the mouth used to be his hungry cue, but now he does that all of the time!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@LAGS: oh meant to say that Tyler bottle feeds breastmilk only and just Atatted taking 4 oz thi week. Hea eating about 28-30 oz a day but he is spurting. Usually it's mire like 20-23 oz. But he's ambler probably 11 lb and not 23 in. At his 2 month he was taking 3 oz and the ped said that was normal an he was then 9 lbs.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: It makes sense that the cries are not distinct anymore. A couple months ago I watched something about the universal language of newborns. There was a lady on Oprah who studied the sounds that newborns make and found that all newborns who are hungry make a certain sound, tired another, etc. But she also said that it is only true for the first 3 months.
Here it is explained on wikipedia:
Here is the video from Oprah:
I am still doing EASY scheduling, so I know when he is fussy that he is definitely tired, and that helps so much. I know @winniebee was asking about how to handle EASY when baby is more hungry or less tired and I said to try to stick to it, and I said that because I have seen how easy it makes it to know what baby needs. If he's fussy it's sleepy time.
Even if I try to put Nico to sleep for a nap and it ends up being a failure, or if he takes a 20 minute cat nap in the car, I still 'count' it as a nap and feed him after. I freaked out a couple weeks ago when I thought he was about to switch to 2 naps a day instead of 3, thinking I needed to add another feeding in there, but the expert moms of the boards here responded that they did EASY and when they dropped the 3rd nap, they dropped that feeding and it was fine. Nico went back to 3 naps (4 yesterday!), but it did make me feel better. For me, the only exception is, I have learned, when we are travelling. Being in the car for a long time in a day can really throw the naps off, so on those days, I feed him every 3 hours regardless (which is similar to his usual awake for 2 and asleep for 1 hour pattern).
@winniebee: having said all that, at the times when I wonder if I'm doing the 'wrong' thing by making Nico have a nap when I wonder if he's maybe hungry, I do have the benefit of having a large baby, so I just think 'oh well, he's got a good reserve'.....and I have often thought that if I had a lightweight baby that I might not feel comfortable just putting him to sleep without feeding. With a peanut, I might do what you've been doing and get off EASY during growth spurts.
@duckduckkristen: I swaddle with arms out too now, and I do think it's still considered swaddling, since they get a nice 'hug' feeling around their body. I'll probably swaddle this way for a long time. I think my husband still likes to be swaddled, as he rolls himself in the blanket while sleeping---we even need to sleep with TWO duvets because of this, so there will be one left for me in the middle of the night when he has self-swaddled.
@duckduckkristen: my guy is a drool machine with fists in his mouth all day too. A couple days ago I noticed a rash on his chin from all the drooling, so now I keep wiping the drool off his chin all day so that doesn't get worse.
@duckduckkristen: hey, I want to 'us too' everything you say.....Nico is in love with sitting and standing with assistance and I totally think the standing thing looks like dancing.....hula dancing!
I have more to say all, but it is 8am on the dot and Nico woke up. I swear he is connected to some kind of alarm clock.
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