clementine / 916 posts
@Mrsdaredevil: I second MissMini about the growth spurt thing. Right now Addie has been sooo fussy and high maintenance lately. I'm sure she's hitting her growth spurt because she rarely sleeps and needs constant soothing or feeding when awake. Its been exhausting, but supposed to only last a few days. Hang in there!
@cvbee: I think letting baby lead the way is the best bet for these early weeks too. I almost felt guilty because I've never kept a diaper count and generally let her initiate feedings (within reason) but I know she's doing well and its kept our stress levels super low! I've surprised myself with how laid back I've been with certain things. Oh and since reading your first post about Nico's projectile poop... Addie has been pooping mid-diaper change constantly, yuck!
@winniebee: Tyler is doing great with his weight gain! Yay! And good for you with your weight loss too. Its amazing how quickly that first bit comes off.
@Magilnyc: Good luck!! I hope you're enjoying your sweet little babe by now!
@blushink: I most often put her down when she's asleep. The odd time she'll wake back up and then its 50/50 whether or not she'll soothe herself back to sleep or I'll have to pick her back up and try again.
I'm so behind. We had more family up for the long weekend... it was tiring. I think Addie got overstimulated with everything going on. We went from newborn photos (which she refused to fall asleep for, even after going back for a second shoot) had family up who obviously wanted to snuggle her, had outdoor time and her own little eat/sleep rhythm thrown off because of it all. Now she's hitting her 2-3 week growth spurt, isn't sleeping well and wants to eat and fuss constantly. DH just went back to work yesterday too so its been quite a reality check dealing with that on my own. No more easy baby here!
I think these past few busy days and cluster feeding has helped speed up my weight-loss. I had plateaued with 8lbs left to loose of 30, but woke up this morning with only 6lbs to go! I can get into my old clothes, but hate the look of my stomach. Its not saggy or anything, but my belly button looks ridiculous and I now notice my linea nigra even though it wasn't very pronounced during pregnancy. Does anyone know when that will fade?
Speaking of baby weight, when has everyone started, or plan to start working out again? Tomorrow I'll be 3 weeks pp, and I'm feeling like I could probably start back into something... that is if I can get enough sleep tonight!
coffee bean / 47 posts
Just a quick update, even though there is nothing quick about it. I have been at the hospital for almost 24 hours. I am still on pitocin and am only 2 cm dilated. Having very minor contractions only. This baby really doesn't want to come out. I haven't eaten in what seems like forever and I am starving! Currently watching dr Phil as my husband snores next to me.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@LAGS: I wouldn't start working out until you have the okay from the doctor. Because your insides are not full back to their original place.
Yay on the weight loss! 6lbs left is awesome! Especially that it's so early on. I never lost the last 5 lbs with Mavrick, but happy to report 14 days after giving birth I'm smaller then when I got pregnant with my first
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@Magilnyc: Sorry to hear things aren't moving along quickly. Did your water break?
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I am so behind on this thread! I literally had to type this in word to be able to reply to everyone right!
@MsMini: Thanks for the advice. I’ve been getting better about letting her cry a little, but he gets frustrated when he tries everything and she still won’t calm down. I think she’s going through a growth spurt though because she’s been eating almost non-stop the last couple of days. That’s the ONLY thing that will get her calm at this point.
@pastemoo: breastfeeding Penny on demand is so hard. Basically, I don’t leave the house, and if I do, it’s somewhere that I know I can just drop everything and breastfeed. Basically, my trips have been limited to my in-laws, a friend who has a BFing daughter 2 weeks older than Penny, and a quick run to target (when I know EXACTLY what I need to get and can bf in the car again before we head home). I did get a hooter hider from my sisters, and I think as I’m getting more comfortable and aware of her schedule, it will be easier to get out. A friend of my Mom’s is taking me out to lunch on Friday and I am thrilled to get out of the house and talk to an adult. As for DH, thank you for that link. I’m going to see what we can do to try some of those things. It’s hard because he works out of the house almost all day (he’s a fisherman and his season just started). So when he’s home, he only has about an hour or two to eat, shower and spend time with the baby. It’s a little tough, but we’re working on it! As for the baby blues, I know they are common and I hope that everything settles down for you soon. It’s an adjustment, there are bound to be new feelings that go along with that! Thinking of you!
@goldilocks1107: I wish I had your sleeping thing down. If I were to try and swaddle Penny while she was sleeping, she would wake right up!
@Mrsdaredevil: I totally know what you’re going through. Penny has been going through a growth spurt and I have had a couple of tough days in the last week. She will eat all day long and then not sleep like normal and I am tired and upset by the time DH gets home. I hope it gets better for you soon!
@WINNIEBEE: Don't worry about spoiling Tyler. All of the people at our hospital and our birth class teacher said that you just can't spoil a newborn. I'm sure you're worried about plenty of other things, that shouldn't be one of them!
@MAGILNYC: I’m sorry that things are progressing slowly for you! Hopefully, the pitocin will do it’s job and kickstart things for you soon!
This past weekend I finally got out of the house. It was hot here in MA and I (and Penny) were overdressed for the outdoors. I just have no summer clothes out, and I doubt any of them would fit me anyway. I need to go to TJ Maxx or Target and get some cheap cotton skirts and tops that I can still nurse in until I am back to pre-preg clothes. It was great to get out of the house though, and Penny was ooohed and aaaahed over the whole time!
She’s been going through a growth spurt, so eating all the time and hardly sleeping. We are still struggling with her sleeping anywhere other than in my arms. I tried putting a tshirt that I had worn of DH’s as the pack and play sheet (to trick her). That did nothing. I’ve tried her seat again, and even just laying on our bed for naps. She’s not having any of it. Honestly, I was sleeping sitting up due to heartburn and reflux for like the last half of my pregnancy and couldn’t wait to lay down again. Now I have a baby who will only sleep in my arms, so I am STILL sleeping sitting up. Ugh. A friend sent me a Moby wrap, so I am hoping that I will get the hang of putting her in there so that I can at least get some things done around the house. There is a babywearing class that I’m going to go to on the 5th. I am hopeful that they can tell me how to feed her while in her wrap. Anyone here do that successfully? I can’t see how it would work easily, or which hold in the Moby she should be in for that.
On a random side note, since Penny won’t let me put her down, I am watching a LOT of Dawson’s Creek which is finally on instant Netflix. It’s been pretty much my sole entertainment for the last week and a half. I love it, and today I was laughing at how much body glitter some of the girls had on. Oh 1999, what were we thinking?!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@bpcmarj: I breastfeed Nico in the wrap sometimes. I have done a position where his feet are near my belly button and he is upright on me and I lean back a bit. I have more often put him in a cradle position. I say give it a try sometime at home. Once baby is in the wrap and he gets hungry, just try to get your shirt/bra out of the way without taking off the wrap and move baby's head to the right place. It is tricky if baby hasnt learned a good latch yet, but if that is cool it should be no problem. I don't have a nursing cover yet, so I actually put him into the wrap to bf in public.
clementine / 959 posts
I was away all weekend but I followed along on my phone while nursing. So much to catch up on, but I just wanted to check in while Liam is napping.
So, we survived the drive from MD to MA and back! It actually wasn't too bad. It took about 9 hours with all the stops to feed the baby. Nursing in the car at rest stops was really uncomfortable so halfway through the ride up I just started pumping while DH drove and then gave Liam bottles when we stopped. I have a manual Lansinoh pump and it worked great. I Wish I had started doing that earlier because the awkward nursing position in the car made Liam latch weird so my nipples hurt all weekend. I also sat in the backseat so I could sooth Liam if he cried (which he really only did when he was hungry or gassy). Anyways, it was great to visit with my family and have them all meet Liam. Everybody was so happy to see him and it was great to have so many people to hand him off to.
Yesterday was our first anniversary!! We were still in MA so my mom and sisters took care of Liam while DH and I went to a fancy dinner. I had my first glass of wine since before I got pregnant and it made me so happy! I really missed relaxing with a glass of wine and so I think I'll start indulging more often.
The whole time we were away, Liam was eating so often and seemed like he was sucking down so much! Now my boobs are so engorged for the first time since I had him. Guess he's having that 3 week growth spurt. I still can't get him to sleep more than about 2 hours at night, but other than that he's still an easy baby. So far we haven't even had one time where his crying wasn't easily fixed by a boob. He is super gassy though and I can't figure out why. He's always grunting and turning bright red, then letting out huge farts. It does't seem to upset him though - he doesn't even wake up from it. Anyone else have a gassy baby and know anything to help make him less gassy?
@bpcmarj: hahaha omg Dawson's Creek! I used to looove that show. Have you seen the new show Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23? James Van Der Beek plays himself on it and he gets all sad about how he'll always be Dawson and no one will ever see him as anything else.
@LAGS: I was told not to do any actual "working out" until I get the ok at my 6 week follow up appointment. I have been doing a good amount of walking though, but if I do too much I start to get crampy or just have general pain in my pelvic area. My abs have also started getting sore - I'm guessing it's just because they weren't used for so long and now I'm using them all the time when I sit up in bed a million times a night!
@cvbee: I recorded feedings and diapers for maybe 5 days then gave up on it. I figured I'd notice if he wasn't eating enough or not making enough dirty diapers and it was driving me crazy having to record everything. I would always forget and then get confused about when I last fed him. Now I just feed him when he cries and change his diaper every time he eats. So much easier that way!
@blushink: Liam almost always falls asleep when I feed him, so I just put him in the pack 'n' play after he's done eating and is passed out.
@Nskillet: Sometimes when Liam is pretty much finished eating he will kind of just chew on my nipple. Luckily he doesn't have teeth yet! Hopefully I'll break him of that habit before they come in.
Welp, he's waking up now and ready to eat again!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@bpcmarj: lol dawsons creek! I have been watching a lot of hgtv and DVR this week - including teen mom. I'm a terrible person but watching that show makes ne feel like I can do this!!!
Tyler has been nursing every hour and a half since yesterday - for longer stretches than normally too. And he has stopped boycotting right boob. I feel like all I have done today is feed him an man my nipples are sore. BUT i know it means a growing boy and that makes me very happy!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@duckduckkristen: happy anniversary and good for you for making that trip!!!! Impressive.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@duckduckkristen: Nico used to pass a lot of gas too but doesn't anymore. I didn't do anything to change it, it just stopped.
@winniebee: ha! teen Mom makes me feel good too!!
So it turns out Nico was actually a bit sick. He slept a ton today and when he was awake he was all upset and then would spit up, and he had diarrhea too (another projectile poop, and I noted that it was extremely watery, more than normal baby poop...and he spat up at the same time). When we got home from Mom and Baby group I took his temperature and it was a little bit up. So since then, he's been on my chest sleeping and eating. I'm not taking him to the doc unless he seems to get worse or doesn't improve tomorrow. It made me sad to see him in pain with his tummy ache. (He would cry and look distressed). He's not getting dehydrated so I'm not too concerned, and the temp isn't very elevated (though I'm not confident about my infant temp-taking technique).
@Ms.Mini: maybe you can tell me I'm doing the right thing?
I've been up all night even though he's sleeping; I just feel like I want to watch him to take care of him, but I should get some sleep too. I'll give it a try. Goodnight all.
clementine / 959 posts
Liam slept more than 2 hours at a time last night! Yay! He actually only woke up twice and ate pretty fast so I got a nice amount of sleep and feel so much better now. Let's hope he keeps this up and it wasn't just a one night thing.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
10 days old today.
Today Gabriel is cluster feeding, but I think my forcible waking/feeding him yesterday all afternoon was really helpful--he slept from 4am to 7am this morning! WIN!
My poor boobs are sooooo sore today. I'm afraid I'm going to dry up because he is eating EVERYTHING in sight--I even had to feed him some bottled milk. I guess I need to drink more water!
@msmini: Glad little Sawyer is finally getting better!
@mrsdaredevil: I have my first psych appt tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. I've been all over the place. AND I have a history of bipolar disorder, so I'm already on all their watch lists. All considering, I think I'm doing really well, but I know that compared to normal I do cry more than the average person. How are you handling the emotions--is anyone helping you?
And for the cluster feedings, do you have a chance to eat and drink for yourself?
I think you should try to change it--I used a cold cold washcloth and it took 30 minutes to wake him by running the cold washcloth over his whole body (no onesie, just a diaper). Then he woke up and fed IMMEDIATELY. I had to do it 3 times, but last night I got to sleep from 4am to 7am. Awesome.
It sucks Willa has no "schedule" and is probably contributing to your emotional fragility. We're still trying to figure out how to get Gabriel on more of a schedule.
@volksgirl64: Congrats on the weight loss!! I am down 25 pounds, and have 19 to go. I'm a little worried that I have 19 to go, because I think all the water weight and weight of the actual baby/water/placenta is gone, so the rest will go much slower. Nothing fits and I can't wear pants BUT I have nice little ankles and feet again! I should talk to a lactation consultant again, too--pretty sore again.
@cvbee: Glad you and Nico are well. Thanks for the tips about foremilk/hindmilk. Love the burping tip. Gabriel has the hardest time burping!
I have got to get some yoga!
@Magilnyc: Good luck! I hope you and baby are doing well!
@blushink: I ALWAYS put Gabriel down in his travel bassinet if we;re in the front room, or the crib if we're wandering around/busy/not just in the front room. I only let him fall asleep in my arms if I am feeling bummed out, or if he wakes up and refuses a diaper change, and doesn't have gas, and isn't cold, and won't eat. It works because when we had so much company, people would play with him while he was lying in the bassinet, so he got used to it as a place to "hang out" even if he isn't tired.
I tried to take my own newborn pics today, but he was NOT SLEEPY. I will try again tomorrow, probably.
@winniebee: he's a newborn and you're an AWESOME mom. His schedule has no bearing on how good of a mom you are (otherwise we're all bad moms seeing as how all our babies are pretty much the boss of us right now).
Congrats on Tyler gaining so much! What a relief!!
You can walk for an hour? I can make it 30-45 minutes (walking pretty slowly, too) before my scar aches. And... a few more days and my steristrips will fall off. I can't wait to see the darn scar.
@winniebee/bcpmarj: I agree--dad is better with the bottle. When Gabriel looks at me with the bottle, he looks at my boob and purses his lips to the bottle nipple. He loves when daddy feeds him.
@nskillet: Gabriel used to do that--drink for 2 minutes. We now undress him to feed him and keep a wet washcloth nearby. Whenever he stops sucks, I rub his cheek. If that doesn't get him sucking again, I tickle his feet. If that doesn't work, I use the wet washcloth on his feet. If that doesn't work, I use it on his body. I also am concerned my supply is too small, but all my books say that baby can suck better than a pump or manual expressing, so even if you think nothing is there, baby sucking can stimulate more milk. I really hope this is true!
Initially I was topping off with formula, and now I have a little pumped milk in the fridge, but haven't pumped today because he keeps draining me and I don't think it would be worth it.
Yes, Gabriel nurses like he's chewing gum. And I ALWAY squish the boob to try for a deeper latch--still have issues with latch some days.
@LAGS: we're exhausted, too. 10 days of family, and my FIL left today--we're alone! AND.... DH and I are getting a cold. Ick. MIL comes tomorrow--but then it's just her (and her boyfriend, but he'll sightsee in DC during the day and DH will be at work, so it will be just me and MIL and Gabriel. A little more relaxing than before! Sweet silence (except for baby)!
Sorry Addie is getting more difficult! YAY more weight loss! I hope my LO cluster feeding helps with my weight loss--that would be AWESOME..
I did finish my mother's day gift for my mom and MIL. I'll see if I can post it.
Is everyone leaking? I'm not. And I never felt "engorged" -- I'm a little afraid I don't have enough supply.
And, anyone else getting night sweats? I'm about to start sleeping on a towel...
How long does your baby feed? If baby feeds for an hour, every 2 hours, how do you get any sleep?
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@blushink: Eeee congrats on the weight loss! wonderful!
@bcpmarj: I am afraid to leave the house, too. I have a dr appt tomorrow (I asked if I could bring baby)--I'm going to have to feed him there. Not excited... Also they never told me when I can drive, and I have to drive to my appt tomorrow--11 days pp. It's 3 or 4 miles away.
@magilnyc: No matter how your labor goes, I promise, it's worth it!
@duckduckkristen: Happy anniversary! Glad the trip went so well. Did you bring a cooler for milk, or just pump and feed pretty quickly? Can you burp Liam in the carseat?
@winniebee: Hope he gets well soon!!
persimmon / 1099 posts
@pastemoo: im officially paranoid about supply or ending our nursing sessions too soon for DD. She is sleeping awesome stretches so it must mean she has a full tummy right? Baby girl is such a peanut and Im paranoid she isnt gaining weight!! I definitely dont drink a lot of water its a struggle of mine....
Ugh who is ready to be oaranoid for the next 18 years?
eggplant / 11287 posts
I put one of my nursing tank tops (covered in milk) in willa's bassinet last night and she slept from 3:20 am until 7:40 am. I think that is her longest stretch yet! Of course after that she was screaming like a banshee non stop so she just was brought into bed with us.
Last night DH and I soaked in the hot tub and it was so relaxing and felt amazing on my sore body. My nipples were leaking like crazy afterwards though!
Will reply to everyone in a bit...I have my 2 week PP visit with my OB.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Well, shockingly I'm a may mom. My son, Brennan was
born this morning at 6:35 am at 34 weeks. My water
unexpectedly broke wendesday and the attempts
to delay labor failed. But he's doing great! He's been in NICU one day and already breathing on his own without any machine help and they are looking to feed him formula tonight.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@krsmall: Oh my!!! Welcome to the May babies.... and glad to hear he's doing fine! Keep us updated!
persimmon / 1087 posts
We had Cooper's 1 month visit to the ped yesterday. He is doing fantastic and has gone from 7lbs 9oz to 9 lbs 6oz. He has been spitting up so much, so the Dr told us to add some rice to the milk. We did that with his bottle feeds today, and he didn't spit up once! I dread nursing him. I love the closeness, but he screams every time he is finished. It's like he can never be satisfied from it. I still nurse him, but I expect to give him another ounce or so in a bottle afterwards. It sucks.
I'll reply to everyone soon since I am on here using my phone atm.
apricot / 384 posts
@lags: I keep meaning to tell you that I love your LO's name! It's our first DD's name (we call her Addy).
@magilnyc: Hoping you have a baby by now!
@duckduckkristen: Glad to hear you survived the drive! I think traveling with an infant is probably the easiest (and scariest) since they sleep so much. And Happy Anniversary! We had our first anniversary the day that Reese was born!
@pastemoo: I hope you got some good news at your psych appt. and I'm glad to hear that Gabriel is getting a little bit more sleep. That's good for both of you!
@cvbee: I hope little Nico is feeling better!
Reese is 11 days old today and its been... interesting. 2 nights ago she was up from 3:30 to 5:30 just screaming and wanting to nurse. She woke up Addy and DH and poor DH never got back to sleep before having to get ready for work. Addy was a mess at daycare but seems to be back on track. Reese slept most of yesterday but we kept her up for a big chunk before bedtime and that seemed to help because she slept for 3 3-4 hour chunks and never really fussed.
Side note: I should confess that Addy still goes to daycare right now so its just me and Reese at home during the day. I'm not entirely sure how I'd survive on my own with both of them at home!
I think she has clogged tear ducts because her eyes are SO goopy. We have a newborn shoot this weekend so we'll just have to make sure we keep them clean. Speaking of clean, I have some work to do around the house today to get ready for the shoot.
@blushink: how is Maverick adjusting to Sienna? I feel like all I do is tell Addy "No". I know she's testing her boundaries because she just wants to make sure that not much has changed and that the rules are still in place but its frustrating. Addy's 3, I'm not sure how old Maverick is, but I was wondering if you're going through the same thing.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: My yoga routine just came to a hault. To cut back on our budget DH got our tv boxes replaced and now I can't record TV anymore (until we buy an external hard-drive), so my yoga is not taping. I can try to do it at the right time on tv, but as we all know, with an infant, Mommy's breaks cannot really be scheduled. I'm feeling uncomfortable in my back already, so I think I'm going to try to just lead myself through some sun salutations. (Would follow something on the net, but I try not to watch videos so that we don't go over on the bandwidth).
@pastemoo: Your description of waking up Gabriel is bringing back memories of Nico's first couple of weeks. I totally had to do the cold washcloth thing. I would have it in one hand and touch his back, he would take 10 more seconds of eating and then stop, then I'd touch him again, he'd eat for 10 seconds, and it would go on and on like that. And yes, trust that so long as Gabriel is gaining weight that you do have enough milk, and the more he feeds, the more you'll produce. Trust the mammary gland's perfect system, which has been feeding all mammals perfectly since the start of time.
@pastemoo: The night sweats will go away. I remember those first couple weeks where I would have to change my pajamas several times a night and always felt so gross in the morning. IT was cold in the house, but I was sweating, so I'd feel all clammy. It does go away as the hormones even out. Speaking of hormones, first of all I love that they have you on 'watch' to support your emotional health. Glad you are in good hands.
@pastemoo: Sleep when baby sleeps, even if it's just for one hour stretches. In the beginning I would 'sleep' from 8pm to 10am, and with all the feedings in between (and yes, my guy would feed for like an hour too) I would at least get 7/8 hours of sleep. Now these days (at 6 weeks) he sleeps for much longer stretches and I am able to get up super early. Those early weeks will make the later weeks seem like a piece of cake!
@Nskillet: ha! love your 'paranoid for the next 18 years' question. It's so true.
Oh! Nico is waking up. 10am just like yesterday. Cool. Oh, maybe he's sleeping again. Even though the crib is right beside my bed, I like to put Nico into my bed starting whenever I wake up for the day. I love how tiny he looks in there. I put his head on the pillow and tuck him in like a big person. (Don't worry, I'm watching him like a hawk, sitting right beside him, watching tv and doing my internet thing).
he's up. one hand typing now.
oh, pastemoo, also don't worry about 'not leaking'. doesn't mean you don't have enough milk. i research about this because i have the worst leaking problem, and apparently it has to do with tiny muscles that open/close the nipple openings. yours might just be really good. i've been trying to 'train' mine by pressing on the one that's not supposed to leak, but i kindof gave up and decided to just get good at remembering to keep thick pads in my bra.
@Mrsdaredevil: I'm loving the hot jacuzzi time too (mine is just my bathtub for 1). this may sound strange but i love watching my boobs leak underwater...i can see it well if i put them 'just' under the surface (jets off). i leak when i get out too. tell us how yor 2 week pp goes. I haven't had anyone professional look at my va-j-j since my first hospital stay, and won't til my 8 week pp appointment. I was surprised about that.
@krsmall: oh! wow! at 34 weeks?! so glad that Brennan (cute name!) is doing well. How much did he weigh? Congrats! How are you doing?
@marriedandlovingit: maybe he is screaming after feeding because of gas? Nico cries when he cant get his burp out, which is problematic because you have to relax to burp. feeding him more upright helps somewhat as he often burps while feeding that way. spitting up is my battle of the week.....burping and keeping him upright after feedings helps, but it is still an issue. In my opinion, you shouldn't need to give him another ounce from a bottle, just give him the other breast or back on the same one: there's always more getting made, and as pastemoo said, babies get the milk out better than a pump. Of course, do what makes you feel good, Mommy knows best, but I just wanted to state my opinion based on what they teach us in my town.
Tomorrow is a Welcome Nico shower at my aunt's house. (Was going to be a baby shower in March, but my grandma died so my aunt cancelled the shower as everyone was dealing with that). It is about a 3 hour drive for us: our furthest trip yet (so far just trips of about an hour or a bit more). I'm feeling more relaxed about packing for this, our 2nd overnight trip. I hope Nico isn't fussy: it will be everyone's first impression (other than my zillions of facebook photos).
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
I tried to do my own newborn shoot. The second photo is so funny I had to share.
@Nskillet: I hope I can stop being paranoid soon! I am worried about it, but I stepped on my scale w LO and he may be 8.8 pounds now. Still, he's so hard to feed!
I went to the psychiatrist today (hospital referred me, and on my health plan, that means I have to go). WAY too early to diagnose post partum depression, but it was good to check in. I have a follow up to talk to someone about my labor experience and I think that will be good for me.
@Mrsdaredevil: Yay for slightly ore sleep! I hope that trick works again tonight.
@krsmall: Oh my goodness! Congratulations and welcome little Brennan! Good luck and I hope for a speedy recovery for you both.
@marriedandlovingit: Those screams are the worst! How long does he eat for? Glad the rice helps with the spit up.
@volksgirl64: Can't wait to see Reese's newborn shoot!
@cvbee: So much good advice for me. Thank you tons!
Last night I got 2 full 2 hour naps before he decided to just eat, cry, poop, cry, eat, etc. Yay for more sleep!
Good luck on the drive and enjoy the baby party
clementine / 959 posts
@pastemoo: Occasionally I leak from the right side while I'm feeding Liam from the left, but it's not much and doesn't happen often. For the first 3 weeks I would wake up multiple times a night completely drenched in sweat! It finally stopped, so I guess that means my hormones are finally chilling out.
Liam feeds for 30-45 minutes then sleeps for 2 or 3 hours. Sometimes during the day he'll cluster feed and then take a 4 hour nap.
My diaper bag has two insulated zipper pockets for bottles, so I used those with an ice pack, but he usually drank the milk within a couple hours anyways. I actually didn't feed him the pumped milk in the car because I felt like he was too upright in the carseat, so we'd stop at a rest stop and I'd take him out to give him a bottle there, burp him, change him, and we'd be on our way again.
@krsmall: Wow, congrats! I hope your LO continues to do well.
How do you post pictures on here? Gabriel is adorable! Love his faces!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@duckduckkristen: Good to know. I need something for ice for our trip. And... I pasted the html share link from flickr apparently photobucket works, too.
clementine / 916 posts
@blushink: Woo hoo! That's a great job with your weight loss. You must be excited. Very true, my Dr. said if I feel up to it, to be active but I doubt he meant full out workouts. I'm getting impatient!
@bpcmarj: The whole wrap/carrier thing has me totally intimidated. I have one of each and haven't used them yet. I attempted the wrap once, didn't have it on right and just haven't tried again since... so I'm no help at all with the feeding while wearing thing!
@duckduckkristen: I'm so happy to hear your trip went well. You've given me confidence! I think I'll go equipped with expressed milk and my pump too now. Happy belated anniversary!
@pastemoo: I don't usually leak and never felt engorged either, just uncomfortably full a couple times leading up to a feeding. I was worried about my supply when she started feeding non-stop, but the diapers reassured me. Ugh and I was totally sweating a ton after I got home from the hospital too... it was so gross. I'd get so hot too during feedings even my boobs were sweating... so attractive!
@krsmall: Oh goodness, so glad your little one is doing so well! Congratulations!
@volksgirl64: Oh I had no idea you had an Addison too! The short form was one of the big reasons we loved that name. I have to admit, if my LO already had a daycare routine established, I'd probably keep them going for the first weeks too. I don't know how women find the energy!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@duckduckkristen: I am super impressed that you tackled that long drive, and that you were able to leave Liam to go out for dinner. I did a quick grocery store run, but I can't handle leaving Sawyer for any length of time yet.
@winniebee: I hope you get Tyler nursing on both sides again soon! Growth spurt plus boycotting one boob would lead to a very sore nipple!
@cvbee: It sounds like you are doing the right thing, just watch and if his mouth looks dry, or he slow down in feeding, or anything like that get him in sooner. Babies get dehydrated easily!
@Mrsdaredevil: Yay for a long sleep stretch! Maybe if you keep putting "Mommy scented" items with her, you will get more and more sleeping in the bassinet out of her!
@krsmall: Welcome to the May babies! I hope your little one continues to do well and can come home soon!
@marriedandlovingit: I'm sorry that Cooper isn't feeling well, I know that reflux does resolve a lot with time, so hopefully as he gets bigger things get better. Maybe you could ask your doctor for Zantac drops for him to make the reflux less uncomfortable?
@volksgirl64: I know a lot of paediatricians suggest putting drops of breast milk in the eye to resolve goopy eye ... I have actually seen it work - might be worth asking your doctor about!
@cvbee: Enjoy your "meet the baby" shower!
@pastemoo: I hope talking to someone about your labour experience helps! Gabriel is adorable! Thanks for the photo sharing heads up!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@MsMini: thanks! Nico definitely got better: phew. Just in time for the party! How are you doing?
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: I love those 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom shows as well. Now I like them because I feel so much better about my parenting. Before I liked it because it was such a trainwreck.
@MsMini: The Dr did say to call the office if the reflux did not resolve itself after the added rice to his milk. He spit up a few times today which is discouraging. It wasn't bad, but still. My husband and I are both thinking that we should call them on Monday so they can call in a prescription.
@pastemoo: Beautiful baby! Those are the sweetest pics! The second pic is definitely my fave of the two lol
The screams last until there is a bottle in his mouth. Though, yesterday after I nursed him, he was having gas pains. My mom did a few things to settle him down and he fell fast asleep.
@cvbee: That is probably some of the issue when he finishes up a feeding. It was yesterday.
Cooper has been getting mostly pumped milk these days. I am so intimidated with nursing him. I decided to say 'screw it' and nurse him and just keep a bottle of milk or formula ready to go just in case it isn't gas pains.
I think this insane month is catching up with me. My mom is here visiting us this week, and she has been a lifesaver! She's a mother/baby nurse at a hospital and has been helping us out so much with her expertise. I felt lightheaded and nauseous while I was nursing him, so she made him a bottle and ordered me to go rest. So I am laying down and about to take a nap.
I am feeling some incredible mommy guilt getting away and taking a nap. I have been crying so much about it. My husband and mom swears that it is normal to feel this way, but to not as I need a break. The weird thing is that I know this, but I cannot shake the guilt. I feel like a slacker in a way when I am given a 'mommy break'.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: awe! you are not a slacker you are a good mommy! Hugs! Hey, that is amazing that your Mom is one of those nurses from the maternity ward; wow, I totally wish I could have one of those nurses at my house. Sounds like things are getting super intense over there.......wishing you the best! For the reflux, for us, keeping Nico upright for as long as possible after every feeding has really helped combat reflux. I'm holding him up right now actually....a bit annoying at night, as I need to stay up longer each feeding, but I really think it has helped. He only spat up a tiny bit yesterday. When I think back to reflux during pregnancy, sleeping with my head elevated helped, so I can see how it helps baby. Actually, that makes me want to share a theory of mine:
All the randomly painful and annoying symptoms of pregnancy help us to understand how baby is feeling PP. I am way more sympathetic to things my baby has had like reflux, gas, etc, because of my experiences of these things a few months ago!
coffee bean / 47 posts
Michael Christopher was born at 7:51 pm on May 30. He was a healthy 8 lbs 11oz. After a very long induction with no luck, and a lot of crying on my part, we had the baby by way of a c section. The recovery has been really hard, but we are doing ok. Will give a full update when we get home and settled, but wanted to let you guys know the good news. Thanks for all of the positive thoughts! Michael is perfect in every way
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@Magilnyc: Congratulations!
@cvbee: Brennan weighed 4 pds 8 ozs and was 18 1/2 inches long
thank you for all the welcome and congratulations! Our baby boy is doing well but still in the NICU. He's off the breathing monitors but currently being treated for jaundice and is having some slight issues with his feedings. But he's very alert but just wants to do everything on his own timeline. Such a boy! It's been the most stressful time of my life but fingers crossed he keeps up his current progress and will be home with us soon.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Quckly updating from my phone. Penny will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and we had two small victories yesterday! Up until yesterday, she would only sleep in my arms. We wound up unexpectedly going out to dinner. I nursed her, she fell asleep, and didn't wake up when I layed her in her carseat! I got to eat without holding her! Then at bedtime, I layed her in the pack and play bassinet to try to see how long she would sleep. Previous record was 7 minutes, she stayed down for almost 2 hours! I got to cuddle with my husband for the first time in weeks. It was really great!
Hope you're all having a good weekend!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Does anyone have any recommendations for nursing tanks? I bought 2 Old Navy tanks and they are not supportive enough.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
@krsmall: I haven't found any that are supportive. I just wear them at home and wear nursing bras when I go out. I tend to hate the weird sling that's in most nursing tanks.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@duckduckkristen: Cool. Gabriel eats for 30-45 minutes usually, too.
My family left and now my MIL is here. I have a couple big things to do, and I feel like I can't do them. She's here to "help me" but really only wants to hold the baby. The only "help" I need is for someone to bottle feed Gabriel for one of his night feedings so I can get a little sleep. I swear he NEVER SLEEPS. He can lay quietly for an hour or two, but he looks around. He is way too alert for a newborn. He's awake all day except that one afternoon nap that I'm still forcing him awake from every 2 hours (to eat)--he doesn't seem to ever close his eyes at night, but generally will let me sleep a little while. Last night I got 5 hours of sleep over the time span of 8pm to 9 am. Yuck.
I read him a book today (The Jolly Postman) and he was quiet for the whole book.
@krsmall: I wear a bra with all my nursing tops. How are you and Brennan doing?
@bpcmarj: ditto. Sometimes I wear a regular bra and just slide the strap down my shoulder to nurse.
Yay for carseat napping and dinner out with DH!!
@Magilnyc: I feel the same way about my c-section and still haven't "come to terms" with it yet. Glad you and Michael are OK, and I hope you recovery quickly.
cherry / 216 posts
I loved reading about all the May babies and following your experiences. Here's mine!
Estimated Due Date: May 20, 2012
LO Birth Date: May 24, 2012 @ 6:48am
Delivery via: Vaginal with epidural and episiotomy. 9 hours labour, 45 minutes of pushing
Birth stats: 7lbs 8oz, 20 1/2 inches long and a full head of hair!!
Breastfeeding or Formula (no judgement): Breastfeeding, though we did supplement with formula for a day because of baby lost 13% of birth weight within the first three days
Baby Name: Lucas Alexander
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: I'm only pumping. We're feeding her breast milk from the bottle and also storing it for later. And we're mixing in some formula each day to make sure she gets all the vitamins she needs. I've already built up over 125 ounces of frozen milk to use later. My goal is to fill up the 60 6-oz bags I bought yesterday, in addition to bottle feeding her breast milk each day, then evaluate how much longer I'll continue to pump. I have a feeling I'll be done once those bags are filled, and will start to reduce my pumping time to slowly scale back my production (and get these DDs back to the lovely B/C cups I'm intended to have!).
The past few days have been pretty rough - bad baby blues - I was a little concerned it was morphing into PPD. Today is better. But I definitely had the thoughts of "why the hell did we think this was a good idea?!?" and "when do we hit the point where it becomes fun and you bond with the baby?!?"
I went for a facial yesterday - cried most of the way there, and then part of the way home because I just wasn't looking forward to going back to the house. Luckily, DH had taken Audrey to visit his parents and was gone most of the afternoon, so I took a walk, showered and geared up for the night.
We had a tough night last night - Audrey woke up every 2 hours to eat. Half way through, we realized she's probably going through a growth spurt and we need to up her bottle amounts. So we're trying that today, and hopefully tonight will go better (especially since DH goes back to work tomorrow). I'm definitely not looking forward to being on my own this week.
How does everyone handle the shower situation? I was planning to put her in her car seat so she could be in the bathroom with me.
Now, time to catch up on all the posts.
clementine / 878 posts
@pastemoo: How did you post photos?!?
Weight update: I now have 10 lbs left to go (as of 2 days ago). And I forced myself into a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. Muffin top? Yes. But I can get them buttoned! Maternity jeans are now being retired!
And I had to buy a few new tops. With my giganto boobs, my other t-shirts are not long enough because too much fabric is being used up to cover the girls.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Magilnyc: I just found this out (still on the phone with my cousin who had 3 c-sections, and then 2 vaginal deliveries): Check out ICAN from whatever state you're living in. Apparently they will help with emotional recovery from c-sections.
Here's my northern Virginia link:
@emahlee: Welcome baby Lucas and congratulations mama!!
@Goldilocks1107: copy the html link from flickr Congrats on the weight loss! I still have 18 lbs to go and I'm too scared to try on my prepreg pants.
That is a lot of stored milk!! I am impressed. I must have stored only 20oz or so--mostly I only get 2-3 oz, and we use 2-3oz/day. My boobs have actually shrunk an inch since pregnancy...
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