hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Well folks this is for real! 5cm and getting officially admitted! Baby Winnie is officially on his way!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Yikes! Just made the packing list for all the baby stuff for our trip home on this coming weekend ... babies need a TON of stuff!
@cvbee: That's awesome, see, pumping isn't scary at all! I am trying to figure out how I will manage pumping on the long weekend when we go back to visit my hometown.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee so exciting! Can't wait to hear about baby winniebee!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@winniebee: go winnie go! so excited! babies are really coming in hot this week!!
posted my birth story in the birth stories section. it's super long. took me all day between feedings and naps!
eggplant / 11287 posts
@Goldilocks1107: I can tell you about the induction process if you would like. I got induced probably pretty similarly to the way you will as well. It wasn't what I thought it would be at all (in a good way). Heck, maybe I will get induced next time too!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: Awesome! Good luck! We all cannot wait to hear your birth story!
@Mrsdaredevil: Congrats again!
@cvbee: Way to break out that pump and use it! It's nice to have options!
@Blushink: Congrats to you too! I love hearing about all of these births! Sienna is a beautiful name!
persimmon / 1087 posts
My boy is 2 weeks and 2 days today, and I am in heaven! I fall in love with him more and more by the day. I have never in my life experienced a love quite like this. He is a great baby!
He is a very chill dude. He cries when he is hungry, needs changing, or a nap. He's been having a growth spurt the past few days, so he has been a bottomless pit! He still manages to sleep very well at night (fingers crossed!). He will sleep at 4 hour stretches until we usually have to wake him up to feed and change him. During the day, he will sleep for 2-3 hrs. Today has been more like 2 hours since he is eating so much.
I have had a rough couple of days emotionally. I had a nervous breakdown today bc I keep doubting every move I make as a parent. Also, my in-laws have been ever so slightly annoying. Since they are here visiting, I am pretty much stuck in the bedroom or the nursery bc I am pumping and nursing a lot. I guess you could say that I am going a bit stir crazy. I will be a happy girl when they decide to leave.
Here are a couple of pics of our lil mini cooper:
I had to include one with his infamous pout...
And for fun, my last bump pic the night before I delivered:
Weight wise, I had no clue what I was before I gave birth bc I was too scared to find out. I decided to step on the scale when I got home from the hospital. I was surprised that I didn't weigh as much as I thought I would. I still have ~20 lbs I would like to lose however. I'm looking forward to getting the green light to workout again. I would love to be back in my old size soon-ish. I want to be able to sport some shorts that don't have an elastic band this summer
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@winniebee: Yay! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!
@Mrsdaredevil: Congratulations again!
@marriedandlovingit: Your little guy is super cute! He seems to have a similar feeding schedule to Sawyer, I am so so thankful for the 4 hour stretches at night, as I am sure you are as well!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
No baby Winnie yet but all is well - pushing coming soon!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: I can't believe you're on your phone while pushing! Haha. Go you! Can't wait to hear about baby boy!! He's almost here!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: yeah, you are so cute for keeping us updated WHILE in labour!
@marriedandlovingit: I felt happy when the visitors finally all left too. I think it was around the 3 week mark when I was finally alone. And you are super lucky with the long stretches of sleep at night. If I get a 3 hour stretch I have a party.
@Mrsdaredevil: Haven't read your story yet but I am SO happy to hear that the whole induction thing was something that you were super happy with. I will have to read your story so I am not scared of inductions next time around. (But not planning on TTC until Nico is 2, I think).
@MsMini: Hmm, maybe I should start to make my baby packing list. This will be my first overnight away-trip this weekend too.
Well, time to start the day!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Sorry to hear the visitor situation is so difficult. Is there anything you can say to them to get a lttle more space?
I am afraid of this, too. Actually my parents are coming Saturday, and I don't have the baby by then (my dad REFUSES to push back the flights even though when he booked them so early he told me he would push them back if I didn't go into labor the week before) I might just go totally insane. My mom is pretty good about leaving a new momma with her baby (she has lots of sisters/grand nieces and grand nephews), so I think she may be able to stay out of the way as needed when baby finally arrives.
Glad to hear he's a chill baby.
@MsMini: 4 hours? I hope my baby is that chill!
Also... are you back to eating regular food again? How do you feel?
Where are you going? i hope you have a good visit!
@cvbee: where are you going? good luck!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: Hope he's here now! And can I claim "dibs" on being next?
@Mrsdaredevil: Thanks! I'll take a read through your birth story and will let you know if I have extra questions. Glad the induction was better than you expected!
apricot / 384 posts
@winniebee: Go Winnie!!!
@blushink: Congratulations on Sienna!
@marriedandlovingit: What a cutie and I LOVE that you call him Mini Cooper!
This isn't fair! I KNEW I'd be the last one hanging out on this board, waiting for my baby. I don't feel like I'm anywhere close even. /End complaining.
I'm crazy tired today. We walked 4 miles yesterday so that might have a little to do with it. So I didn't walk DD to daycare this morning but maybe this afternoon when its time to pick her up. 2nd day of maternity leave - I should do some cleaning and I still need to get DH something for our anniversary.
Congrats to all the mommas having their babies! I'm just jealous.
clementine / 878 posts
@volksgirl64: &@pastemoo: Let's make a pact - we'll all have our babies this weekend. That way no one gets left behind
I'm planning to do laundry tonight and tomorrow afternoon before going to the hospital so everything is done when we get home. And I even folded DH's clothes last night (they'd been sitting in the laundry hamper for a WEEK!) and put some of his shoes away. I just want things tidy so there's no need to clean anything!
And our Baby K'Tan carriers arrived the other day. I think the Small is the perfect size for me, so I threw it in the laundry. I need to get DH to try his on tonight so I can add that to the laundry pile for tomorrow.
Fingers crossed today's OB appointment shows good progress and the induction stays a "go" for this weekend!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Goldilocks1107: ha. You definitely get dibs on being next. And now that you got the cleaning urge bad enough to fold your DH's clothes you are DEFINITELY heading for labour. ha.
I was just thinking that we're only really halfway through May and almost all the May babies have arrived already. I was for sure thinking we'd be going into June. I totally assumed all first babies come late or something. We'll all be rooting for you Goldi, pastemoo and too June mediagirl!
@pastemoo: We're not going too far: just the cottage, which is about 1.5 hours drive away. Then our next trip will be to where most of my relatives are in the first weekend of June, and that is about 3.5 hours away.
I would like to report that I pumped for the 2nd time this morning. Other boob this time and got a little less than 2 ounces, but I may have stopped before it was done (still dripping after I took the pump off) because Nico was fussing. I should have waited: now he's napping!
I would also like to report that I have my easy baby back. We are officially over the growth spurt cluster-feeding and fussiness. Yay! I've had the BEST morning.
@marriedandlovingit: agree with @volksgirl64 that mini cooper is the cutest baby name ever!
Okay, on the topic of baby nicknames. First of all, I feel like a while back (maybe in the WB days) you were talking about nicknames that we call our SO's. At that time I said it was too embarrassing but now that we're talking baby nicknames I am going to share one of our names. Kay, I have no idea where this came from, but we've been calling eachother 'cho-bo's for a little while. And now we call Nico 'the littlest cho-bo' (get it, like the littlest hobo!). Okay. Now forget that I ever said that.
@volksgirl64: You are totally last for sure. Should have called dibs before Goldi! Ha. Your time will come and we'll all be so happy for you.
Let the best day ever continue! Nico and shall celebrate his awesomeness with an afternoon ice cream because I say so.
clementine / 878 posts
@cvbee: Congrats on the successful pumping! I have my pump all ready to take to the hospital so the LC can make sure I have the right size shields and can show me how to use it.
And if you can't tell that I'm uber ready to be done, yesterday I was researching exercises you can do right after the baby gets here and a recommended meal plan to get the right amount of nutrients while still losing the baby weight. In my head, the pregnancy phase is OVER, now it's time for phase 2 - get the body back!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Tyler John born this morning at 6:14 am after only 15 mins o pushing. He's a Little peanut at only 5 lbs 5 oz and 17.5 inches! We are doing just great...totally in love!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
That's awesome news! Congrats - so glad you and your LO are doing well!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@Goldilocks1107: Yay! That's exciting. I can't wait to lose the weight. You sound sooo ready. You're next! Good luck!
@winniebee: Ahhh! That is awesome--15 minutes? Congratulations! Love the name, too.
I had my appointment today--and requested the internal. Looks like I'll be going well past my due date. Also... last time I asked my NP said they induce before 41 weeks--today she said before 42. That pretty much ruined my day. My parents' wedding anniversary is today and they think they're going to get an anniversary grandbaby. Next appt is Wednesday, and then they'll schedule an NST and induction based on that. I'm grumpy today.
clementine / 861 posts
@winniebee: YAY!! There are some fast deliveries in this May baby group!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@winniebee: wow!!!! Congrats! You weren't too far behind. Not even 24 hours. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@pastemoo: aw, I'm sorry it sounds like you'll be pregnant longer. What do things look like in there? Is it possible to see a different doctor the next time you go in, someone who might be more willing to induce? {{Hugs}}
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: 15 minutes!! That is AWESOME! Congrats, Mama!
clementine / 878 posts
@winniebee: Yay! Love the name
@pastemoo: That stinks - I probably would have blurted out "But last time you said I wouldn't go past 41 weeks!" And then burst into tears.
Did she at least have some good dilation/effacement news?
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: oooh! tiny one!! And I see you got your way with the name. Big congratulations to you and your tiny baby....15 minutes of pushing--wow! Awe, he will fit the tiny little preemie clothes! Extra cute! (In my Mom and baby group there are 2 tiny babies 4 months old and almost the same size as my 1 month old Nico....they are extra extra cute. I will think of you and your tiny one when I see them from now on. )
@Goldilocks1107: Good for you for being all ready with your pump. Also love how ready you are for post-baby body. I know everyone's experience is different, but for me, I think I healed quick because right away the next day after birthing I was up and on my feet a lot. (OB recommended getting on my feet as much as possible). I was on my feet when visitors came in and just generally trying to do some plies and rises (some ballet easy stuff) to make my body feel happy. I know you are into 'real' workouts, but I found just doing long-ish walks as soon as I got home has really helped me to feel normal. I try to sit up extra tall and think about my core during walks (lift my posture like in ballet) and that has helped my transverse abs to get my belly back in shape (honestly almost totally back to normal). I also put on pop music every morning like they play in the clubs and I dance around while holding Nico or while doing house chores....puts me in a great mood and I'm sure burns some cals. I've continued to be about 6-7 pounds over pre-preg weight but I swear my boobs must weigh 10 pounds (okay, maybe not ten), so I'm not so worried. You will bounce right back, I'm sure!
persimmon / 1087 posts
@winniebee: CONGRATS!! and 15 minutes of pushing? I am slightly jealous of you! I would have much rather had that vs my 'fun' 3 hrs of pushing lol. Your little peanut sounds adorable!
@pastemoo: You never know. Maybe your little one will decide to make an appearance sooner? We will all keep holding out hope! The waiting game sucks. No doubt.
@Goldilocks1107: I'm right there with you on getting the pre-pregnancy body back. Do you know how much you weigh now? I wish I weighed myself before I went to the hospital. I was so scared to find out. Seeing the weight fall off post-pregnancy is encouraging. I personally have a ways to go, but I am happy with the results so far. I imagine I will be happier once I can workout more.
@cvbee: So the walks made you feel better? Here I was trying to not overdo it. Not to be so tmi, but I seemed to bleed way more (gross) when I walked too much and cleaned too much (too much lifting, and bending over etc). I was bed-ridden for about 5 days until I wasn't in crazy pain. Now I wonder if I should've just said screw it and went on a bunch of walks in hopes of recovering quicker.
@MsMini: I totally jinxed myself! He slept for 3 hour stretches last night, and had a hard time going back to sleep after his feeds. Oh well. I hope it was only a one night deal.
Has anyone been able to leave the house without there LO's yet? My mom is encouraging (more like ordering) me to do so bc of my stress level of being cooped up in our room pumping and nursing (I'm not about to do either around the in-laws). I don't have it in me to leave him yet, though I know it would be nice to have some 'me' time.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@marriedandlovingit: Maybe walking made me bleed more? I have no idea what is 'normal' bleeding vs not normal. They just told me to tell them if I have a blood clot as big as an apricot. They had also said 'red heads bleed more'. No idea what is normal. I would change my adult diaper/pad every time I went pee to try to keep things clean. Plus I would try and rinse out as much of the blood with the peri bottle at every pee too. I stopped wearing pads around 3 weeks PP. Honestly, I thought I'd bleed for longer. I bought 3 packs of pads, but I only went through about one and a half, plus one pack of adult diapers, plus I used the hospital's pads (with the weird white net undies---sexy) when I was in the hospital.
@marriedandlovingit: I totally do that: tell people that my baby 'sleeps x hours' or eats x times and then the next day it changes. I think it takes a while for a baby to truly fall into a routine.
@marriedandlovingit: leave the house without LO? No way. He sometimes wants to eat after I just fed him an hour ago or even 30 minutes. I'm the breast, so we stick together. My DH does take Nico out for stroller walks for maybe up to an hour. For me, 'me' time is with the baby out and about. Usually he is sleeping, so when I go out into town for an ice cream date with a girlfriend, or to the Mom and baby sessions where I can chit chat with my Mom friends, that's when I feel like I get the 'me' time, even though I'm with baby. Even just going to the grocery store and interacting with other adults (even though it's because they are asking me about the baby) seems to make a big difference in me not being 'cooped up'. Moving forward, I'd like to make a date with a friend for almost every day of the week. But I think it will be a while before I leave without Nico.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@mediagirl: No, I don't get to see a doctor on my insurance, just an NP. I only see a doctor in the hospital (and for my NST it would be at the hospital).
Also, my NP doesn't strip membranes.
@Goldilocks1107: I DID burst out in tears. Are you excited? 24.5 hours to go!
@cvbee: Thanks for the recovery/workout tips--I will definitely do them!
I like your new definition of "me time."
@marriedandlovingit: I know. I remember how much it sucked for you, too. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it. My parents get here Saturday. I feel guilty even though I "know" it's not my fault.
@volksgirl: so how are you feeling?
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@pastemoo: We are heading to my hometown for the weekend, to see family who haven't had a chance to meet Sawyer yet. He is a pretty good sleeper at night, but he has been gassy and fussy during the day for the past few days, so it all evens out. I am back on my normal diet and off of BP meds, and all has stabilized with my sugars and blood pressures (YAY!). I feel really great.
@cvbee: Yay for being through the first growth spurt! We don't really have any nicknames for Sawyer yet, other than both referring to him as Ziggy still!
@winniebee: Congratulations!
@pastemoo: Sorry for your grumpy day! I hope your LO decides to come earlier than anticipated.
clementine / 826 posts
@winniebee: Congrats! Welcome to the mommy club!!! Hope your recovery goes well.
clementine / 878 posts
@marriedandlovingit: According to the OB scale, I've officially packed on 49lbs. Ugh. I'm really hoping 10 of that is in my feet and cankles . . .
@cvbee: Good call on the staying active. I'm hoping to start with mini-walks with the stroller shortly after getting home and building my endurance back up. Just to stay active until I get the "workout" green light.
@pastemoo: I'm excited . . . and nervous. Apparently you CAN leave the hospital without a baby after an induction. I was not aware of that. And I'm particularly nervous because I've had my 3rd straight week of no progress. Still at 1cm, 70-80% effacement. The plan of attack is the cervical pill/gel every 4 hours for 12 hours. If that doesn't do anything, then we move to pitocin to see if that helps. If I'm not in true labor after 24 hours, we chat with the OB on next steps, which would most likely be me getting sent home to wait and start labor on my own. I really, really hope it doesn't come to that.
@MsMini: Way to go getting off all the meds and back on normal food!
Well, 12 hours until the induction starts - send good thoughts my way that it will work and I'll have a (giant) baby by the end of the weekend! I think I'll need all the positive thoughts I can get.
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