Hellobee Boards


May 2016 moms!

  1. rockinghorse

    cherry / 215 posts

    @Autumnmama79: My thoughts are with you I understand wanting the baby here, but then when things start going wonky and they induce you it gets scary. I feel you, sister! Can't wait to hear about it!!!

  2. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @sslm: Oh yay...he should hurry his little butt up😁 and then reality sinks in and I start to cherish these last few nights of sleep lol!

  3. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: thinking of you! Are they inducing? My fluid was 3.7 and I got induced that afternoon. You'll do great!

  4. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @fitfigure87: I dont know bc I never lost mine, but I hope it means baby is coming soon for you!!

  5. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Autumnmama79: thinking of you!!! Hope all is well!

  6. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Hope all is well!

  7. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    Thanks so much for all your support and good wishes ladies! I teared up reading them - so sweet!

    Baby Noah was born via rcs yesterday we are both so happy and healthy and I can't believe how much I'm in love with him and the newborn snuggles are just scrumptious.

    Will come and post the full story soon - look forward to hearing about all the May babies to come!

  8. tinyperson

    pomegranate / 3858 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congratulations!

  9. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congrats!!!!!

  10. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congrats

  11. iheartleopardprint

    apricot / 343 posts

    @Autumnmama79: yayyyy!!! Congrats!!!

  12. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Congrats!! Love his name.

    Happy Mothers Day mamas!

  13. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congrats!!!

  14. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    Update- lost my plug and seems like contractions starting up, still pretty spaced apart but would appreciate any positive vibes you can send my way.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  15. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congrats!!!

    @Baby Boy Mom: good luck!! Maybe you will have a Mother's Day baby!!

  16. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: good luck!!! Sounds promising!!!

  17. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: congrats momma and welcome Baby Noah!!! Happy Mothers Day!

  18. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Yay! Congrats mama and welcome Baby Noah! Come join us on the postpartum thread!

  19. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    Baby girl is here! Will update with our totally crazy story in a little bit.

  20. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: congrats!!!

  21. tinyperson

    pomegranate / 3858 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: congratulations!

  22. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: congrats!!!!

  23. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @TrailRunner: @tinyperson: @sslm: thanks ladies!

    Ok Here's the short version- totally short and erratic contractions from 4-9 am become timeable contractions around 30 seconds long every 10 minutes. Then 10 am they are more painful but still only 45 seconds every 3-5 minutes. We decide to go to the hospital "early" (not yet 5-1-1). Suddenly I have an incredible urge to push. Call 911. Three pushes and the baby is out (still talking to operator). It's 11:15! Wait another 10 minutes before EMS arrives. They take good care of baby but botch the placenta delivery. Ride to hospital and spend hours getting out placenta pieces. Big kids were able to come visit for a bit but now I'm on my own for the night. Lots to process!

  24. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: OMG! That is insane!! How are you feeling?!?

  25. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @TrailRunner: I guess I'm happy-tired. Mostly I'm just tired but I actually feel fine, normal even, all things considered. At this point I want nothing more than to leave the hospital and be in my own bed. It's been a roller coaster of emotions today!

  26. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    Well...started having crazy intense contractions at 6! 4 min apart and 1 min each...currently in ON triage waiting to be moved. Went from a 2cm to 4 in one hour. I pray this is an easy labor! There's a story to this labor btw! Tell you all soon! It's not as good as Baby Boy Mom's story!

  27. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @fitfigure87: good luck!!

  28. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: Ahhh that is a crazy story!! Glad you and baby are well.

    @fitfigure87: Good luck!

    5 days until my RCS. So ready to meet this little man!

  29. iheartleopardprint

    apricot / 343 posts

    All the May babies are coming!

    Get out, get out, get out little girl!!

  30. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: oh my goodness co grata! You are amazing!! Glad everyone is doing well.

  31. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: wow! Congrats!

  32. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I'm totally joining this board at the 11th hour, but I'm 38w1d and have an RCS scheduled for Sunday, May 15th when I will be 39 weeks exactly. We have a 20 month old toddler to arrange care for (no local family and my mom is flying in on Saturday) and my husband has a 150 mile commute one more day this week on Wednesday, so we're trying to do everything we can to keep LO cooking until D-day! Had my last prenatal appointment today and my doctor did not even want to touch me with a 10 foot pole (i.e. no internal checks) lest she set something off. I just need to go get my pre-op labs done on Thursday and hopefully Thundercats are GO!

  33. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @gingerbebe: good luck! I hope baby stays in until you need him/her to!

  34. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @gingerbebe: fingers crossed baby stays put for you!!!! And welcome

    @fitfigure87: hope all is well!!!!

  35. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    Just a day and a half of work to get through before I'm on maternity leave! I cannot wait.

    @gingerbebe: Fingers crossed for you! My repeat c-section is scheduled for Saturday the 18th and I'm hoping little one stays put for a few more days too! My parents are driving up from Florida so a surprise early arrival is not ideal.

  36. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Congrats!

    @Baby Boy Mom: Yikes!!! That's crazy! Glad you all are safe and well!

    @gingerbebe: Welcome Just a few more days to hang on!!

    I just spent the last day in bed, because, you know what is AWESOME when you're 37 weeks pregnant? A GI bug! Ugggggh. Terrible. I couldn't get comfortable in bed (obviously, with this huge belly) and nasty cramping and bathroom runs all day. AND I had to use a sick day! Feeling better today. At work, armed with chicken soup, ginger ale and bread. Must get fluids back up....

  37. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: congrats mama!! What an amazing story you have to tell.

    Love how busy this board is now that all the babes are arriving

    Last Friday we went to hosp for a routine post due date ultrasound and nst. When I woke up that morning there was s trickle down my leg and I was hopeful that maybe my waters had broken! We brought DD with us since the scan was so early and we'd have time to take her to school before the nst. Cue the curveball.
    At the ultrasound the tech told us there was no fluids at all around baby so we needed to go to up to maternity immediately. The nst nurse looked at the ultrasound report and said " I don't even need to see you , you must be admitted immediately." We call my mum to come be with DD. Then comes the flurry of concerned doctors and nurses. It is determined that baby needs to
    come now. 2 options: rcs or I can try for the vbac I wanted but they would only do a trial of labour with minimal drugs to see if baby would tolerate a labour without any surrounding fluid. I was told that chances were highly unlikely and since I was still not dilated and cervix unfavourable it would prove a long, uphill battle. I cried and cried about having to make a decision. In my mind I was having a vbac with this baby not another section. But all of a sudden I had to think about what would be best for baby, what would be the least riskiest? After much thought and discussion with the dr I agreed to a c-section. Within the hour I was being wheeled down to the OR and and hour after that, our beautiful baby boy was born! And as soon as he was nothing else mattered about how he got there. I was worried that I'd feel the same way I did after DDs c section, sad, disappointed and like a failure - but I didn't at all. I felt like an experienced mum making a selfless decision for my baby. I felt wonderful! It ended up being so amazing that DD was with us for the whole day at the hospital on birth day, a dream coming true for me actually. We've easily settled in as a family of four, somehow it's like Noah's been here all along. DD is the ultimate big sister and DH and I are smitten as can be.

    Going home from the hospital on Mother's Day, of all days

  38. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: thank you for sharing your story! They really don't mess around when it comes to fluid levels. So thrilled it was an easy c section and you've got your little man. He is ADORABLE by the way. I love the scrunched up brow look of newborns 😍

  39. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I"m glad you are home, happy and healthy! And what a great attitude to have about the unexpected--you allowed yourself to grieve a bit, but ultimately you did the right thing for your family.

  40. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    Well baby Kameron arrived at 1:09pm yesterday! He was 7lbs exactly and 20.25" long. I had a successful VBAC after 19 hours. Only pushed for 15 min🙏 thank you to everyone for your thoughts and well wishes!

    @Autumnmama79: what a great story! Made me want to cry! It's so amazing how all of sudden the only thing that matters are our children and the sacrifices are so worth it.

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