cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I started a list (so many second-time moms!). Feel free to update whenever
May 1: Astro Bee (#2)
May 2: MsInformation (#2)
May 9: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 21: LaughLines (#2)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
apple seed / 1 posts
Location: NJ
EDD: May 19, 2017
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? Yes, still in shock.
First doctor appointment: October 11th
Any symptoms so far? cramps, light headed
Who have you told? husband
cherry / 193 posts
Location: Cherry Hill New Jersey
EDD: 5/1/17
How far along: 6+5
First child? Nope! I have a 2.5 yo
First doctor appointment: 9/19
Any symptoms so far? Uncontrollable nausea and dry heaving
Who have you told? Husband, Mom, everyone at the gym
grape / 99 posts
EDD: May 14, 2017
How far along: 5.5 weeks
First child? Nope, we have a 4 year old
First doctor appointment: I haven't called yet
Any symptoms so far? fatigue, my boobs hurt, gagging
Who have you told? my parents who thought they were allowed to tell everyone arrggh
persimmon / 1331 posts
@adiamond: @BrandNewMom: @JessyMess: welcome and congratulations!!
Does anyone else NOT have very many symptoms? My boobs are sore and I have some cramping/twinges from my uterus but that's it. I was so sick so immediately after my BFP last time that I'm nervous I'm NOT sick yet. Haha. Weird to wish that upon myself because I was miserable!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@adiamond: @BrandNewMom: @JessyMess: Congrats!!
@Emsmems: I had no symptoms other than a couple headaches until yesterday (5w5d) when the nausea came in full force. I had kinda hoped I would feel something too and then I regretted it
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
May 1: Astro Bee (#2), BrandNewMom (#2)
May 2: MsInformation (#2)
May 9: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: LaughLines (#2)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
persimmon / 1331 posts
@lilteacherbee: that's reassuring! Thanks! I'll be 5 weeks on Wednesday. I know it's still early, symptoms are just reassuring!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Astro Bee: @combatlibby: @adiamond: @BrandNewMom: @JessyMess: Congrats!
So I've been so freaking painfully gassy since last Thursday I haven't been able to do much of anything. Finally back to work and just trying to make it through the day. Popping tums and gas-x (trying to take the latter sparingly). Dr prescribed me Diclegis but I don't think this is true ms yet, it's more my entire digestive system grinding to a halt. I turned on the back massager at my office chair this morning without thinking about it. Sat there for a good hour before it occurred to me that it was maybe not a good idea :(. I feel like this is all way worse than with #1. Ugghh.
persimmon / 1331 posts
@StrawberryBee: I am much more crampy this pregnancy than my last. Makes me nervous but I guess it's normal.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
So I had brown spotting Monday morning, then nothing until last night before bed and I found a little red blood. Cue freak out. I had a miscarriage before my first son, but I didn't find out until my first ultrasound and I never had any bleeding. I've never seen blood during any of my pregnancies, so I was terrified. I called and got in for an ultrasound this morning and we saw a 6 week baby with a heartrate of 119 (official due date is May 10). They saw a small bleed that could have accounted for the spotting, but she said its nothing to worry about. I already had an ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday, so they told me to come back then so we can be sure everything is progressing.
I'm so relieved, but still a little nervous. I'm just trying to stay positive and hopefully, the little bean will keep growing!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Emsmems: after sleeping the evening and night away dealing with terrible gas again, I've actually felt normal and been able to eat something more than a bite today. So now I get to enjoy feeling better and worry that I'm feeling better. Can't win!
@lilteacherbee: that's amazing that you got a heartbeat on the ultrasound already, so glad everything looks fine.
apricot / 263 posts
Great to see so many May 2017 moms already!
My only symptom right now is bloat, which I don't remember struggling with this early during my first pregnancy. All of my jeans feel SO uncomfortable and I feel like everyone can tell I'm pregnant already. Should I just start wearing maternity pants? But it's so early! Ack. What is everyone else wearing these days?
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@StrawberryBee: Thank you!
@MsInformation: Ummm I may have worn maternity pants yesterday and I'm 6 weeks This is my third baby, so I feel huge already!
pear / 1648 posts
I guess I'll join - still seems so early!!
Location: Atlanta suburbs
EDD: May 27 (I think? based on ovulation)
How far along: 3 weeks, 4 days
First child? Second - I have a 2 year old
First doctor appointment: Not schedule yet - may call tomorrow
Any symptoms so far? Acid reflux (yuck) and I started crying at the Target customer service desk when they were giving me a hard time - that's what tipped me off
Who have you told? Just DH - hoping to hold out until 8-12 weeks to tell even family this time
persimmon / 1331 posts
@lilteacherbee: fingers crossed for you! I hope your next ultrasound can calm your worries!
@StrawberryBee: so true. Feeling bad is kinda reassuring! Glad you feel better though! I've noticed I feel better when I drink a lot of water, so I'm really focusing on that!
@MsInformation: lularoe leggings. It's all I wear! Haha. If you don't know what lularoe is, just ask around on Facebook and you'll be pointed in the right direction, I'm sure! It's addictive though! Careful
@peachykeen: welcome and congratulations!
apricot / 322 posts
@adiamond: @BrandNewMom: @peachykeen: @JessyMess: welcome and congrats!
@lilteacherbee: I had some spotting start last Friday - a few spots of red then the brown spotting the whole weekend (cue freak-out). I would feel so much better if I could get an earlier ultrasound! Still waiting for Oct 3 though.
I definitely got symptoms this week, including some minor nausea and major dizziness. I've fainted twice (once at work!) but the midwife tells me this is common. I'm trying to eat more frequently and so far I've remained conscious this week.
I'm so anxious for the ultrasound. I think knowing where the baby is and that it is ok will get me out of my own head.
How is everyone else feeling so far? How did you tell your SO/family about your pregnancy?
cherry / 193 posts
Yesterday was the first day in two weeks where I could sit upright without starting to dry heave. So that was pathetically amazing.
@Clementine12: So far only my Mom and one set of my grandparents know, my. Mom guessed (at 3+4, from four hundred miles away, she's pretty magical like that) and we told my grandparents when we saw them by the shore.
I told my husband in the worst way. So my pregnancy tests got lighter on 3+5 than they were on 3+4. I was convinced I was going to have a CP and cried my eyes out and told my husband I was pregnant but it probably wouldn't stick, etc, super depressing. Then 3+6 I started getting amazing lines and a positive digital and baby is fine and I totally blew telling him.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@peachykeen: Congrats!
@Emsmems: Thank you!
@Clementine12: I know, it's so stressful! Glad yours has stopped!
DH's parents know because his mom watched our boys while we went to the OB yesterday. We wanted to wait at least a few weeks later, but I was panicking Tuesday night. My parents don't know and for several reasons, I still don't want to announce to them just yet. My sister knows and a couple close friends.
pear / 1547 posts
My due date was adjusted (due to late O) on my ultrasound, so now I'm May!
Location: VA
EDD: May 3
How far along: 7+4
First child? nope, second
First doctor appointment: last week, saw ultrasound and heartbeat!
Any symptoms so far? Nausea and food aversions, fatigue
Who have you told? just DH, my BFF and then my OB obviously, I had a loss before LO1 so we wait a little while to tell people, after my NT u/s we'll tell immediate family and then my boss (for scheduling) and then wait to tell the rest of family/friends over Thanksgiving I think.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
May 2017 Mamas
May 1: Astro Bee (#2), BrandNewMom (#2)
May 2: MsInformation (#2)
May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: LaughLines (#2)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
May 27: peachykeen (#2)
clementine / 849 posts
Lurking as a May 2016 momma and just wanted to say congrats! I can't believe it was just over a year ago that I found out I was pregnant.
@MenagerieMama: my lil babe was born on May 3rd
pear / 1648 posts
Is anyone else experiencing a constant metallic taste in your mouth? I don't remember having this with LO1 but it started midday yesterday and won't go away. Annoying, but I guess I should be grateful it's my worst symptom so far...
coffee bean / 25 posts
I hope it is ok if I tentatively join you ladies. I am (im)patiently waiting for the results of my Betas.
Location: St. Louis
EDD: May 31
How far along: 4 Weeks
First child? Second - I have a 2.5 year old
First doctor appointment: Not schedule yet. Once I get the results from my blood test, I will call.
Any symptoms so far? Bloat, bloat and more bloat. I think because I didn't regain my stomach muscles after my first pregnancy, the bloat makes me look super pregnant. I am also very, very constipated. I didn't have this with my first one, but it is bad.
Who have you told? Just DH and my sister. I may tell a few immediate family members in the next day or so.
apricot / 322 posts
@Onyx81: Welcome! Congratulations! When do you get your results?
I've started up with the nausea/morning sickness - I feel better once I've eaten something but I feel like I'm eating all.the.time. I keep waking up several times at night to use the restroom and going back to bed, realizing I'm nauseous, then hunting up a snack. I told my husband he needs to start packing me emergency snacks for the night!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Onyx81: Congrats!
@peachykeen: I remember having that with my second, but not yet with this one.
@Clementine12: Yes to the snacking! I have to eat something every 1-2 hours or the nausea starts back up.
persimmon / 1331 posts
@Onyx81: I'm the same way with being bloated! I look way more pregnant but it's just my stomach pooch. Haha. It sucks because clothes are tight and uncomfortable but I've only gained a pound! And I think that pound is pure water weight because I have been drinking SO much water!! I'm always thirsty!!!!
The last few days the nausea is starting. I get super super hungry, like have to eat RIGHT NOW, but then I eat and I get super nauseous. Also early morning and late evening I seem to be more nauseous.
Other than that the fatigue has hit me. I've been going to bed by 9pm the last few nights! I'm happy to be having the symptoms though and feeling pregnant. It's reassuring that baby is growing and hopefully doing well! Trying to stay positive
coffee bean / 25 posts
@Clementine12: Thank you! I got them yesterday (about 24 hours after the draw), and I am right on track for 4 weeks! I had a chemical pregnancy last month, so I was really nervous, but all seems to be good at this point!
@lilteacherbee: Thank you!
@Emsmems: I have been drinking a lot of water too, so that could be the cause. I look normal in the morning, but my first bite of food, my stomach sticks out. I really should have worked out after my 1st pregnancy.... Oh, the fatigue is rough. I haven't gotten hit with it yet, but I am nervous for when it hits!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Emsmems: oh my gosh, the exhaustion is so bad! Of course, I'm also chasing 2 kids around, but I feel like I could take a couple naps a day.
My follow up ultrasound is tomorrow morning and I'm trying to stay calm. I wasn't thinking and scheduled a newborn session (I'm a photog) directly after it since my mom would already be watching my boys. Now, I'm terrified I'm going to get bad news Trying to keep my mind off it and remind myself that everything is probably okay.
apricot / 322 posts
@Onyx81: Yay! Congrats!
@lilteacherbee: fingers crossed for good news and a smooth newborn session
apricot / 263 posts
@emsmems I participated in my first LuLaRoe sale last night, and I'm picking up my leggings and shirt tonight. I can already tell this is going to be QUITE the shopping black hole for me.
After 7 weeks of no symptoms, I am now super sensitive to smells. I think this happened the first time around too. I was convinced I smelled like stinky feet all day yesterday, and every time I pass our kitchen sink I smell rotten eggs. DH of course smells nothing, but I should probably clean the garbage disposal just to be safe.
I also ate a prosciutto sandwich by accident because I forgot I wasn't supposed to eat deli meats unless they're heated to steaming. Oops!
coffee bean / 25 posts
@Clementine12: Thank you !
@MsInformation: I have not jumped on the LuLaRoe bandwagon because I know it will be so dangerous.... I have heard such great things!
nectarine / 2530 posts
Ack, why haven't I been getting new post notifications? @peachykeen: @MenagerieMama: @Onyx81: congrats and welcome!
First dr appointment today and all went well, but they don't really do much (my office is really laid back and the ultrasounds are all done by an outside company, so no "just checking"). I have an rx for regular prenatal bloodwork. My next appointment is scheduled for 10 weeks (at which point they'll give me the rx for genetic testing, since I'm old lol), and I can get my NT ultrasound the first of November. So a long time to wait! I did get a hairy eyeball when I mentioned I was going to Disney in FL next week. Nothing is keeping me from that, not even zika mosquitoes. My symptoms have really settled down now. I got another sample bottle of the morning sickness meds just in case it hits me while we're away.
@lilteacherbee: thinking good thoughts for your appointment today
pear / 1648 posts
Has anyone started thinking about screenings yet? We didn't do any with LO1 but I'm considering doing it this time around. I had my first appointment today and the OB said they offer either the "first screen" (nuchal translucency + blood work) or the MaterniT21. She recommended the MaterniT but I hate to do extra screening for no reason.
What are you all thinking about it?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@peachykeen: As far as I know, MaterniT21 is noninvasive/just a blood test, but much more expensive and not usually covered by insurance unless necessary. I'm pretty sure it'll be covered by mine since I'm over 35, and if so I'm planning on getting it. They said they would give me the prescription on my next visit when I'm at 10 weeks. I'm the sort of person who likes as much info as possible.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@StrawberryBee: Thank you! It went well Baby measured 7+1 (I was 6 weeks exactly last Wednesday, so growth is perfect), heartrate of 150. The small bleed is still there but hopefully will resolve itself soon.
@peachykeen: I did MaterniT21 with my boys and will do it again this time. My first pregnancy was miscarried due to a chromosomal abnormality (Turner Syndrome), so I'm always referred to MFM where they do the blood draw (and NT scan). Even with my history, insurance doesn't cover MaterniT21, but I've only had to pay $200 in the past. Well worth it to me for the peace of mind. I'm waiting for the call to schedule it now.
pear / 1648 posts
@lilteacherbee: So glad your appointment went well!
@StrawberryBee: @lilteacherbee: We declined all screenings last time but the tech found a choroid plexus cyst during our anatomy scan (can be indicative of trisomies 13 and 18 but not a strong indicator). The MFM doc told us if we had done screening they wouldn't have even worried us, so I'm thinking I will do one or the other.
Apparently the MaterniT21 or Harmony (not sure which one they offer) is only $135 at my practice, so I think we'll just do that one.
persimmon / 1331 posts
@MsInformation: you'll love Lularoe! It's all I wear on my days off work!!
Member | Posts |
Anya | 4 |
lilteacherbee | 2 |
JessyMess | 1 |
MenagerieMama | 1 |
Clementine12 | 1 |
Mrs. Oreo | 1 |
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