persimmon / 1130 posts
I wasn't on the POAS boards, but we have been TTC and I'm happy to be joining this board!
Location: Midwest
EDD: May 30
How far along: 4w 2D
First child? 2nd
First doctor appointment: next week
Any symptoms so far? Not many, just a really full/heavy feeling in my stomach/lower abdomen, which was a sign last time. Last time morning sickness hit just before six weeks.
Who have you told? Just DH...we'll keep it between us for awhile
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
May 2017 Mamas
May 1: Astro Bee (#2), BrandNewMom (#2)
May 2: MsInformation (#2)
May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: LaughLines (#2)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
May 27: peachykeen (#2)
May 30: LemonJack (#2)
May 31: Onyx81 (#2)
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@BrandNewMom: I bet a few more will join us as they get further along It is quiet in here, though!
apricot / 263 posts
I woke up with bleeding this morning, so I went to the doctor's for bloodwork and an ultrasound. It's not looking very promising. The HCG levels in my blood look low and the fetal heartbeat is also lower than what they like to see at this stage.
Initially, I was scheduled to return for more bloodwork on Wednesday, but my midwife called me back and said she didn't think that would be very conclusive, so I'm going to get another ultrasound in a week and see if the heartbeat has gotten stronger and faster.
It's going to be a long week. I think we're also going to tell DD about the situation tonight (she's 3.5) because I won't be able to make up stories about why I'm crying all the time if this goes on for another week. She thought I was seeing the eye doctor this morning (you know, for five hours, because eye appointments always take five hours!) and I was exhausted just keeping up that ruse.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MsInformation: Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hopefully, it's just a slow start and everything will be okay. Is there any way you're not as far along as you thought? Either way, if the worst ends up happening, I'm happy to listen if you need support (I lost my first pregnancy and I know how hard it is). *Hugs*
pear / 1648 posts
@MsInformation: I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. Hopefully your dates are just a little off, but sending either way.
apricot / 263 posts
@LilTeacherBee @PeachyKeen: Thanks so much! There's an outside chance I'm not yet 8 weeks because my cycles were a little wacky during our TTC period. I'm still bleeding, though, so it's hard for me to feel hopeful. I really appreciate your support and encouragement.
nectarine / 2053 posts
Ok, I guess it's time for me to join in! I was going to wait for my doctor's appointment but it feels like it's forever away sooo
Location: Arkansas
EDD: May 1
How far along: 9 weeks, 3 days
First child? Second- I have a 21 month old son
First doctor appointment: October 11th. FOREVER AWAY.
Any symptoms so far? Constant nausea. Exhaustion.
Who have you told? DH and way too many of our friends/family.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
May 2017 Mamas
May 1: Astro Bee (#2), BrandNewMom (#2), whenoceansrise (#2)
May 2: MsInformation (#2)
May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
May 14: JessyMess (#2)
May 17: Emsmems (#2)
May 19: adiamond (#1)
May 21: LaughLines (#2)
May 22: combatlibby (#2)
May 27: peachykeen (#2)
May 30: LemonJack (#2)
May 31: Onyx81 (#2)
apricot / 322 posts
@MsInformation: I hope you get the very best news soon. Thinking of you.
pear / 1503 posts
@whenoceansrise: Welcome to the board. EDD triplet with me and @BrandNewMom!
I've been pretty quiet lately. I posted a thread about my car accident last week, and I'm happy to say all is well. It was two days before my first doctor's appt, and DH was out of town, so I waited until the next day to go to the clinic. They couldn't find the heart beat, not surprisingly, since I was just over 9 weeks, so they sent me for an ultrasound. Baby/fetus was just fine, HR was 164 bpm, and there were no issues with the placenta. I had my scheduled appt with my doctor the next day and got all the paperwork for screenings/ultrasounds and bloodwork. I'll see him again before he refers me to the OB who will monitor me throughout the remainder of the pregnancy and deliver the baby. Both doctors are great, and I'm excited to see my OB again; she was also my newborn photographer (a side hobby/business). Actually, my family doctor predicted back in May that he would be seeing me in September and would be offering his congratulations!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Astro Bee: So glad everything is okay! I would have been super nervous after that, too.
I heard the heartbeat on my doppler at home for the first time last night (8w2d), so that was exciting. I'm exhausted all the time, but thankfully, my nausea is pretty mild. My next appointment is 10/21 for the NT scan and MaterniT21 blood draw!
apricot / 322 posts
How is everyone doing? How did your first appointments go, if you've already been to them? How are you feeling lately?
My first appointment is later today - an ultrasound followed by a midwife appointment. I'm spotting (again) which I am extremely anxious about.
Other than that, my main symptom is exhaustion lately. I'm so tired during the week but fitting everything I need to do into the weekends is the opposite of helpful.
pear / 1648 posts
@Clementine12: I bet you can't wait to finally see baby! I hope your midwife can reassure you about the spotting!
I had an appointment 1.5 weeks ago at 4w5d but it was really just bloodwork/information. My next appointment isn't for nearly 3 weeks - it seems so far away! Last pregnancy we had a dating ultrasound around 7.5 weeks so 9 weeks seems so late to me (though I know it's not!) And then I assume I go back 1 week later for the screening blood test.
So far I'm feeling pretty good compared to my first pregnancy. My appetite has been a little less but I'm eating 3 meals a day (plus ice cream) with only mild food aversions. I'm trying to enjoy it because I was so sick last pregnancy, but also a little paranoid. I'm starting to think this babe will be a boy though because I feel so differently this time
I think 7 weeks was the turning point (for the worse) for me last time though...
apricot / 263 posts
I just got back from the midwives' office. They confirmed the miscarriage. The ultrasound showed an empty uterus. I would have passed it last week, when I was bleeding. I didn't have any cramping so the whole thing was completely painless, which I'm grateful for.
I really appreciate all of the support from everyone here. It made me feel a lot better to have these boards and you ladies thinking of me. I didn't tell anyone besides my parents, my sister-in-law and one friend, so this was a valuable outlet for me.
Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies! Hopefully I'll be back on the due date boards under a different month soon. ️
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MsInformation: I'm so sorry for your loss A lot of us here on HB have unfortunately been in your shoes so don't hesitate to reach out if you need it. Hang in there
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Anyone have any thoughts on girl/boy yet? With LO1, I had no idea or feelings at all (boy) and with LO2, I KNEW he was a boy from the beginning. With this one, I'm expecting boy and I'll be shocked if it's a girl, but mainly because I have two boys already. I even dreamed last night that it was a boy. I miscarried my first pregnancy (girl), so I'm irrationally nervous that if it's a girl, the same thing will happen again (it was a sex chromosome issue that caused the m/c).
I will say that I'm already annoyed by the comments of people who don't even know I'm pregnant- "Will you try for a girl?" etc... I would love to have a girl and experience a daughter, but honestly, I would be thrilled to have a family of 3 boys! We're planning on announcing at 12/13 weeks once we know gender and I'm prepared for the comments either way.
clementine / 880 posts
@MsInformation: so sorry! thinking about you!
@Onyx81: I'm from stl too!
pear / 1648 posts
@lilteacherbee: I'm leaning towards boy so far mainly since this pregnancy has felt so different than my first one. I'm 6.5 weeks and still haven't really felt any nausea, have had very few symptoms in general, and have generally been losing weight while I gained a lot very quickly with my daughter (even with terrible morning sickness). We should find out in another 6 weeks so we'll see....
I wouldn't mind either gender and we have mostly gender-neutral stuff, but it would be nice to reuse a lot of DD's dresses and outfits.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@peachykeen: Yes to reusing clothes! I have a ton of clothes from my first son and when my youngest is ready for another size, I just pull out the huge container of that size. Super easy! They're 20 months apart, so some stuff is off for the seasons, but we've been able to reuse a lot! I have a problem buying PJs (so darn cute!) and I feel less bad about buying 20+ pairs in each size when I know they'll go through at least two kids
apricot / 322 posts
I had my first appointment with my midwife and first ultrasound on Monday - still spotting at the time. She found the baby and it's heartbeat right away - I cried
It's so interesting to hear about your feelings towards gender, @peachykeen and @lilteacherbee ! It sounds like you didn't have an idea with your first? We're still debating whether or not to find out.
I'm still feeling exhausted every day, and the nausea is ramping up. And my skin is worse than it ever was in high school - I have no idea what do with this acne! I know symptoms could be much, much worse though.
nectarine / 2053 posts
@peachykeen: @lilteacherbee: @Astro Bee: Thanks for the welcome!
@lilteacherbee: I'm trying not to think about gender too much. I'm considering being team green, but I'm not sure if I have the patience!
pear / 1648 posts
@Clementine12: I had a pretty good feeling with my daughter just based on timing (I knew the only time we could have made her was 4 days before ovulation, which often results in a girl). This one I have no idea and I know symptoms don't really mean anything, so we'll see - I'm just leaning towards boy for now.
I'm expecting the nausea to start this weekend (7 weeks) if it's similar to my last pregnancy, but I feel like I was already feeling mildly sick before 7 weeks last time. I wouldn't complain if I escaped morning sickness this time around! The exhaustion is definitely getting me though - I'm somewhat managing it so far with early bedtimes most days but I know it will get worse.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Clementine12: Yay, so glad you had a good appointment! And I hear you on the skin- mine cleared up perfectly when I was pregnant with my boys, but this time, it's terrible, like I'm a teenager again!
@whenoceansrise: I definitely don't have the patience for team green, but I think it's exciting for those that do! I always find out at 12/13 weeks via the blood test, so I clearly can't make it the whole 9 months
cherry / 193 posts
Convinced it's a boy. This couldn't be any more night and day different than my pregnancy with DD!
persimmon / 1130 posts
How is everyone feeling? I'm having nausea and food aversions, along with major exhaustion. The exhaustion is much worse than I remember it being last time, and everything started sooner!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@LemonJack: The exhaustion is AWFUL. I know I have two kids to chase around (almost 3 and 14 months), but I have zero energy. I literally slept 9 hours straight last night and woke up tired. I had some nausea a few weeks ago, but it seems to have died down (9.5 weeks now).
persimmon / 1331 posts
Ack, I stopped getting post notifications... so behind!
@LemonJack: yes, the exhaustion! That's the main thing I've noticed. Maybe because last time I was pregnant (with my first) I could do absolutely nothing but sleep on my days off, so maybe I just don't remember how tired I was! Now keeping up with a toddler on my days off, I just want to crawl into bed or lay on the couch all day!
My nausea waxes and wanes. I haven't had many food aversions but I definitely get cravings. Because my nausea and food aversions were SO much worse last pregnancy (with a boy), I'm kinda thinking this could be a girl! But I had a coworker who had 2 very different pregnancies with both being boys, so who knows?
persimmon / 1130 posts
@lilteacherbee: Yes! I know it's harder with a toddler to chase, but I wonder if it can possibly make me feel this much more exhausted! I was yawning at work today and a coworker noticed and asked straight out if there was anything she should know. She's sweet and I adore her, but I had to try really hard to stifle my yawns after that because I didn't want to say anything!
@Emsmems: I've wondered if different genders can cause such a difference in symptoms. Will you be finding out the sex of the baby? My symptoms are exactly the same as last time, they just started earlier and the exhaustion is worse.
persimmon / 1331 posts
@LemonJack: yes, we will find out! Who knows what really "means" what... it's all guessing and 50% of the time you'll be right. Haha!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Emsmems: @LemonJack: This pregnancy has been similar to my last two (both boys) except that my skin is way worse. I'm pretty much expecting to have another boy, which is fine with me, but I'd also love a girl since this is our last baby. I'll find out in about 3 weeks
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