Hellobee Boards


May 2017 moms!

  1. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @lilteacherbee: are you doing a blood test? Is that how you'll find out so early?

  2. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Emsmems: Yes, my first pregnancy was miscarried due to a chromosomal abnormality, so I get the MaterniT21 test done. I'm going for the blood draw next Friday. My miscarriage experience (and the months afterwards) was terrible, so I think of this as the silver lining. It gives me peace of mind that baby is healthy and as an added bonus, I know gender by 12-13 weeks. Major props to all those who are team green- I totally don't have the patience!

  3. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Can't wait to hear what you're having! As people start finding out it will make it all feel so much more real. We are team green likely (we were last time), but I still like finding out what others are having!

  4. ladymarley

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Hi ladies!

    Location: Centreville, VA

    EDD: 5/24/17

    How far along: 8 weeks

    First child? Second

    First doctor appointment: 10/13

    Any symptoms so far? SO.TIRED, headaches

    Who have you told? parents/in-laws and siblings

  5. Clementine12

    apricot / 322 posts

    @ladymarley: Welcome! Congratulations!

    @lilteacherbee: I need to call my insurance to see how much of this test would be covered to decide if I want to do it. Also checking on if a 12 week Nuchal Translucency ultrasound would be covered. If the amount we would owe is high, then I will have a regular 12 week check-up. I really want the ultrasound, just to see the baby again

    I see that the vast majority of you all are second + time moms. Is there anything you're doing differently in this pregnancy vs your previous pregnancies? Any advice for a first-timer?

  6. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ladymarley: Welcome and congrats!

    @Clementine12: Even with my history, my insurance didn't cover MaterniT21, but both times, I only paid around $200 (which my doctors office told me would be the max no matter what). The lab sent me a bill for the full amount (freaked me out!), but I called and they reduced it.

  7. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    Had my first doctors appointment today and there was no heartbeat.
    You can go ahead and take my name of the list. Going to be having a D&C

  8. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Oh no, I'm so sorry. The same thing happened to me (no heartbeat at 9 week ultrasound, D&C the next day). Take care of yourself and I'll be thinking of you

  9. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I'm so sorry for your loss

    I've been having spotting/light bleeding all afternoon so I'm waiting to see what happens. I know it doesn't have to mean something bad, but hard to not think that way since I had none of this with DD.

  10. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @peachykeen: I know it's hard, but try not to worry. FWIW, I didn't have any bleeding/spotting during my first three pregnancies (including my miscarriage), but with this one, I spotted for a few days around 6 weeks (currently 10 weeks, we've seen the heartbeat twice). When is your first ultrasound? If you're really worried, I would call your OB and see if they can get you in for a quick scan. Hang in there!

  11. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    I've been terrible at keeping up with posts, I'm so sorry! I've started this a few times now, but work and the nausea (oh, the nausea!) keep on getting in the way.

    First, to our two mommas: I'm so sorry for your losses. I won't tag in case you'd rather not get a popup email reminder from HB right now, but I'm thinking of you both

    To all the new May 17 mommas, welcome.

    @Clementine12: I'm not stressing as much, if that makes sense? Like, sometimes I'll still eat a deli meat sandwich (I feel like I have as much chance getting salmonella from fruit and frozen veggies as I do from sliced turkey). I've told a lot more people this go around because I just can't hide the constant nausea from all my coworkers. I'm still resting just as much, and making DH watch E almost constantly ;). I hope that I take the time to just enjoy being pregnant, instead of worrying about what could be happening. Looking forward to feeling flutters and kicks again . Not as scared of the birthing process as I was before, though I'm sure some of that will change as I get closer to May.

    My next dr appointment is a week from today. Looking forward to my NT ultrasound on Nov 1st, and the MaterniT21 bloodwork.

  12. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Thanks for your support

    I went in this morning and they confirmed the miscarriage by ultrasound. I'm just glad it's happening quickly so we can try again soon.

  13. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    Convinced my OB to let me do my NT at 11 wks instead of 12 (we have family pics tomorrow and I really want one with an ultrasound pic to announce to family! And to be honest my paranoid self really wants to see the baby) so I have my next ultrasound tomorrow! I am so nervous. I thought with a successful pregnancy under my belt Id be less paranoid this time but apparently not!

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @peachykeen: I'm so sorry

  15. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    @peachykeen: Sorry I missed your post when I posted. I'm so sorry. It's crap. I've been there. Sending you a virtual hug. You'll get your rainbow!!

  16. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I'm the same way- I'm still nervous in general because of my miscarriage before my first LO, but I'm way less stressed over the little things.

    @MenagerieMama: How exciting! Good luck! My NT scan is next week at 11w2d and I can't wait to see the baby again since my last ultrasound was at 7 weeks. FWIW, I've had 2 successful pregnancies plus this one (fingers crossed) since my m/c and I'm still nervous before every single ultrasound. I don't think it ever goes away.

  17. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    Ultrasound looked perfect! Baby was cooperative, saw the nasal bone and NT was nice and narrow. Just waiting on my blood draw now. I'll try to put up a photo later.

  18. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @MenagerieMama: Great news!!

  19. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    Waving at everyone!

  20. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MenagerieMama: Aww, yay!! Now I can't wait for mine!

  21. franconia1113

    pea / 5 posts

    Location: Connecticut

    EDD: May 21, 2017

    How far along: 8 weeks, 4 days

    First child? Yes

    First doctor appointment: 9/27/16

    Any symptoms so far? Nausea and some stomach cramping/muscle aches

    Who have you told? Our parents and and a few close friends and some family that I couldn't keep it from

  22. franconia1113

    pea / 5 posts

    @MenagerieMama: what an awesome photo! when is your due date?

  23. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    @franconia1113: thanks! 5/3

  24. franconia1113

    pea / 5 posts

    @MenagerieMama: very cool! Congrats! I'm a few weeks behind you, due 5/21, looking forward to our next ultrasound!

  25. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    Not the best at keeping up but here goes...

    Welcome to our May 2017 moms.

    Location: Seattle, WA

    EDD: May 29th, 2016

    How far along: 7+3 weeks

    First child? Third!

    First doctor appointment: This coming Monday

    Any symptoms so far? So much nausea, just like my first two.

    Who have you told? Family, close friends, and CrossFit coaches and friends

  26. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    Trying to catch up...

    @peachykeen: and @whenoceansrise: I'm so sorry for both of your losses.

  27. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @franconia1113: Welcome and congrats!

    @Mrs. Deer: Yay, another third time mama! Congrats!!

  28. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    May 2017 Mamas
    May 1: Astro Bee (#2), BrandNewMom (#2)
    May 3: MenagerieMama (#2)
    May 10: lilteacherbee (#3)
    May 11: Clementine12 (#1), schubr03 (#2)
    May 13: StrawberryBee (#2)
    May 14: JessyMess (#2)
    May 17: Emsmems (#2)
    May 19: adiamond (#1)
    May 21: franconia1113 (#1)
    May 22: combatlibby (#2)
    May 24: ladymarley (#2)
    May 29: Mrs. Deer (#3)
    May 30: LemonJack (#2)
    May 31: Onyx81 (#2)

  29. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    I havent posted in a while but you can take me off the list too... I had a miscarriage this weekened. Got a heads up it was coming from the doc last wednesday then started bleeding friday. Really wish i could join you all

  30. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @LaughLines: I'm so sorry

    Lots of sad news this week

  31. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    I'm so sorry to the mamas who lost their babies

    I had my first midwife appointment today at 9 weeks. She said she'd *try* to doppler a heartbeat but no guarantees this early. Well, she found it!!! 168 heart rate! Hooray! She also gave me some samples of Diclegis (so apparently it's back in the USA!) to help with my nausea. So great appointment overall! Nov 1st I'll do the NT scan and get to see the babe!

  32. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    @Emsmems: curious what you end up thinking of the diclegis?

  33. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Emsmems: Yay, so exciting to hear the heartbeat! We told my oldest recently and this morning, he watched while I used my doppler. He was really young when I was pregnant with his brother, so it's fun to watch him understand this time (he'll be 3 next month). I asked him for a hug a few hours later and he said "okay, but I don't wanna squish the baby!"

    Hope the meds help your nausea!

  34. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Mrs. Deer: I think it's helped but I'm not sure yet. I've been on vacation so I've slept in a little bit in the mornings. You take it at night and it seems like my nausea in the morning is better but I'm still getting nauseous in the evening. I can add another tablet on day 3 so I might do that tomorrow and see if it helps the evening nausea.

    @lilteacherbee: aww. That is so sweet! My son is 3 in January but he doesn't really get it! He knows there's a baby in my tummy but it's really not a concrete idea to him.

  35. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Emsmems: Well, he didn't really believe me for awhile. He kept saying "No, your baby is right there!" (pointing to my 14 month old). My NT scan is Friday and I'm hoping we get a good picture so I can show him.

  36. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs. Deer: I was given a sample pack of Diclegis from my dr. At first it didn't seem to do anything (but I was also given no instructions for its use, so I was just taking one pill as I felt super horrible because my nausea was hitting later in the day and I only had the sample pack). Now I think it's finally starting to have an effect, so I think I'll ask for an rx so I can continue taking it regularly. For the first time in a long time I feel normal today.

  37. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    @StrawberryBee: @Emsmems: thanks ladies! Just picked some up today.

    Good first appointment today! Got to see the little bean and see that sweet heart beating.

  38. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @MenagerieMama: Love the ultrasound!

    @Mrs. Deer: so cool! I want an ultrasound so badly to confirm things. Waiting is not my strong suite ;).

  39. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I know, me neither! Just as the appointment ended she asked, "Want to take a quick peek?" I couldn't say no

  40. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    So sorry to the mamas who have lost their babies. Its heart wrenching! Just know we are all thinking of you, and wishing you healing.

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