kiwi / 529 posts
@MamaBear87: YES! So achy this time around. Hurts to walk around a lot as well. I went to a few stores and walked a lot last Saturday and on Sunday my pelvic area hurt to walk with a lot of pressure. Phew! Not so fun.
pea / 9 posts
@magnolia: I've been having Braxton Hicks this time since about 17 weeks and my midwife said it was perfectly normal at my appointment today. Reassuring if still a little annoying!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Tilia: thank you! I guess it’s fine! They seem to have calmed down after I got some hydration and rest
persimmon / 1168 posts
@MamaBear87: sorry about your pain. I’m definitely having some sciatic issues in my legs/butt. I’m looking forward to yoga this weekend
clementine / 995 posts
I called my insurance today to see which breast pump they will cover, and my options weren't great. They only cover an Ameda manual pump or an Ameda Purely Yours double electric pump. Obviously, I went with the double electric pump. They do supply breast pump storage bags though, which is nice and I can get more every 90 days. The ordering process was super easy though, and they are going to go ahead and send it to me even though I am only 23 weeks.
The Ameda pumps don't seem to get great reviews so I am not super thrilled with my options, but we will pay very little for the birth so that is a trade-off.
I can always buy a second pump use at work if I don't like the Ameda.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: I've not heard great things about the ameda but I know a few ladies who like theirs. I should probably get on checking about my pump soon. And I'll trade you I'd rather pay for a pump and have decent coverage. 5k birth over here, plus 900 a month for insurance. Az is crazy
nectarine / 2641 posts
I don’t get a breast pump We have tricare (so really, it’s free coverage and I can’t at all complain) but they only cover one breast pump...ever. No matter how many pregnancies. Luckily I never used mine from previous pregnancies (I actually have always overproduced and use a hand pump if I need to pump) so it’s still in a box...somewhere.
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: Yes, I am super thankful we are getting great coverage for the birth. I can always buy a different pump if I want, and it will still be cheaper than what a lot of people have to pay for the birth.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Jess1483: I sah so I really debated getting another pump. But I really didn't like my Medela and hope to do a few small trips with hubby without the littles so would love something more comfortable.
@NCSUchick27: the cost of this birth sucks! I could make it a little cheaper by delivering at the hospital but I really don't want to. I'm thankful we have the income that I can birth at the center
Looks like my insurance does actually cover a pump so yay! But of course aeroflow doesn't have just the s2. I have to pay for a bag I don't really want 🙄
persimmon / 1095 posts
@Jess1483: I'm lurking from June. I have Tricare and they will pay for a breast pump. They paid for one with my second as well. These two kids will only be 29 months apart as well. I was told a breast pump with each birth.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Really? I'll have to look into it. I know that when I had my second, they said only one ever (I had different insurance with my first, or at least, different primary.) I'll have to check I ended up donating the one from my first pregnancy and would be glad to do that with another if I don't use it.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@Mrs. Toad: Haha, looks like they updated their coverage a month after my second was born (he's 3.5). Good to know! Thanks
persimmon / 1095 posts
@Jess1483: No problem. I didn't get one at all for my first. It wasn't required yet. He's an October 2014 baby.
cherry / 107 posts
I had my anatomy scan last week and things look good except my fluid levels look a little low. They made me drink 16oz of water beforehand which was torture. Luckily baby wasn't cooperating at first so they let me pee!
DH and I are currently trying to figure out names and we're all over the place.
Anyone have a name picked yet?
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Berly: yay for a good anatomy Scan! I had a full bladder also and it was terrible. They made me get up and pee to get her to move around also.
I’ve had a rough week. I had bad dizziness in Monday and Tuesday so I went into see the OB who works with my midwives on Wed. My blood pressure was too high so they sent me to the hospital. I have been diagnosed with chronic hypertension and I have to give in a 24 hour pee sample today to rule out preeclampsia. No more midwives or birth center for me. I’m back to work today which is a good distraction but I’m definitely a bit stressed. I’m going to see an ENT next week for my dizziness/vertigo. It feels like my whole life is doctors appointments now.
How’s everyone else doing ?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Berly: yay for a good anatomy scan!
We are pretty settled on a first name. My husband desperately wants his middle name to be Rock and Roll which I think is ridiculous so we'll see
@magnolia: oh no! Have you talked to your midwives? I know with mine well controlled with meds BP issues doesn't automatically risk you out but I know every birth center is different. Might be worth discussing with them further though. Hope the 24 hour urine comes back with normal numbers!
nectarine / 2288 posts
Created a May Mama's fb group.
It is HB May 2019 Mamas
Currently it is closed so everyone can jump in. I'll change it to secret once everyone interested has joined. Although with fbs new settings no one can see a closed group member list either. It will just keep random people from trying to join if I make it secret
clementine / 995 posts
@MamaBear87: I tried searching for the group, but I couldn't find it.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@NCSUchick27: are you spelling it mamas? If you're looking for the correct name you can friend me if you still can't find it. I'll wall you
cherry / 107 posts
@magnolia: I hope your sample comes back ok! I would occasionally feel dizzy during my first pregnancy and my doc told me to up my protein intake in the mornings. Hopefully theres a simple fix for you!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@MamaBear87: I love Rock and Roll as a middle name!!! 🤣 so amazing. Even if it’s not official in paper that should definitely be it!!!
I meet with the midwife on Thursday so I can find out more info. The head OB who saw me twice this past week seemed pretty sure I will be “high risk” and can’t do the birth center. He is very pro unmedicated birth though. He’s prescribing some medication in a low dose to start. I hope the medication helps because I’m so tired and just don’t feel like myself the last few days.
@Berly: thanks. I definitely struggle to eat enough, especially in the morning. I’m often rushing off to work and getting my son ready for preschool. DH got me some high protein yogurt which is really good. I go to see the ENT tomorrow so hopefully they can rule out or confirm an inner ear issue that could be causing the dizziness.
kiwi / 529 posts
@Berly: Glad your anatomy scan went well!! We are still struggling on girls names. We had one we loved and had a close family friend just name her baby the same thing.... we had to cross it off the list. @magnolia: I am so sorry to hear about the dizziness and that you aren't feeling so good! Prayers that you start feeling better soon!!! I too struggle with eating in the morning. I am in the same boat that I am constantly rushing out the door to work and getting our LO ready for the day as well. These last couple nights I have been sleeping awful. I keep waking up on my back and toss from side to side when I realize I am on my back. I always go to sleep starting on my left side as suggested. This AM I am so nauseous and it made me a little nervous because I tried eating and had my morning coffee and was still nauseous. Trying to up my fluid intake because I don't think I am drinking enough during the day.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@magnolia: I just feel like its so long and unweidly. Like how is that all going to fit when he has to put his middle name on something? I want to go with Fury which is different and fun without being a mile long
@paigeface: being on your back isn't actually a concern. Your body will wake you long before you hurt you or baby. Just sleep how you're comfortable and either side is fine too. I prefer right and this little guy is just fine. I also often wake up on my back (also join our fb group if you havent. It's listed back a page I think)
cherry / 107 posts
@paigeface: Do you use a pregnancy pillow while sleeping? I find mine helps me sleep better.
@MamaBear87: Fury is a cool name!
kiwi / 529 posts
@Berly: I have one from my first pregnancy that I didn't use much but will try it out again now that I am tossing and turning. It's worth a try!
pea / 10 posts
Hi everyone, I'm so glad there's a FB group! I just requested to join. I'm the worst about checking this board. Fun to read everyone's updates, too! So glad that everyone seems to be more or less doing ok.
I'm a week away from the third trimester over here, and feeling pretty good (if I eat well and take care of myself - small healthy meals, lots of stretching / yoga, plenty of water...easier said than done!).
I had my 20ish week ultrasound, which was really fun. He wasn't being cooperative so I had to go back in three weeks later. Everything is normal and at the time he was right in the middle, 50% percentile. He's super active, and is kicking and rolling around like crazy. My husband felt him for the first time on Christmas, which was pretty cool. Now it's super obvious and you can see him move through my clothes.
We're trying to get his room together, put together a registry (talk about overwhelming), and just try to be ready for whenever he comes. As a first-time mom, it's hard to keep this all in perspective but I've got to remember that when he comes home we really only need a few it's fine if everything isn't just so.
Looking forward to connecting with you all more here and on the FB group!
cherry / 107 posts
@ms_sc: I found really helpful when creating a registry last time around! I still use it, I was looking at their reviews of double strollers recently.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@ms_sc: glad you posted on here. I've had a couple randoms request to join the group and couldn't decide if you were from HB or not
Honestly as long as you have a carseat, brestmilk or formula, and clothes you're good. Everything else can be bought as you go along.
I got diagnosed with GD again on Friday so that was not so great, but so far all my numbers have been totally fine again. Fingers crossed it's as mild as it was last time. If I have good numbers until my next appointment then I can stop testing 4 times a day and just spot check which is so much better
Hope everyone else is feeling as well as possible! (I'm over not having ab muscles over here )
pea / 10 posts
@berly thank you! i just used lucie's list to pick out a soft-structured carrier
@mamabear87 i have that test in a week and a half...hoping your number stay normal! and i hear you on the lack of abs. sitting up is harder than it should be!
kiwi / 529 posts
Just checking in on everyone since its been a few weeks! I hope you all are feeling well! I am 28 weeks on Saturday and can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Even though I am so worn out being pregnant I am trying to soak up this last trimester as this will most likely be our last baby. I was just hit this week with the dreaded 3rd trimester insomnia so sleep has been whacky. My Braxton hick contractions have definitely been making more of an appearance as well but I had them a lot at the end of my first pregnancy with my son too. How's everyone else feeling?
P.S. We are trying for a VBAC this time around (my son was C-section because of failure to progress.) Did anyone else have successful VBAC after C-section with your other babies? Trying to stay positive that it can still happen.
clementine / 995 posts
I will be 29 weeks tomorrow. I had a growth ultrasound and my 1 hour glucose test on Monday. Baby Girl was head down and still measuring about 2 weeks ahead. The tech said she is in the 80th percentile.
I passed my glucose test, but my blood work came back as slightly anemic so they are starting me on iron supplements. I was a little surprised because I haven't been super tired, but my mom and grandma both had anemia issues during pregnancy so it seems to run in my family.
Here is a cute picture from our ultrasound. She has her hand under her chin.
pea / 15 posts
Hi all — I have been the worst lately at checking in on this group. Things are starting to slow down at work so I’m hoping to get better. I’ll request to join the FB group.
I’m 30 weeks tomorrow and the insomnia/exhaustion is starting to really hit. Hope everyone else is doing well!
@Berly: I totally second your recommendation for Lucie’s List! As a first time mom, I’ve been totally overwhelmed by the amount of baby gear. That website has been really helpful in explaining things and helping me narrow down what I really need.
@MamaBear87: Sorry to hear about the GD. Fingers crossed it’s mild. And yes, totally over not having ab muscles. It’s now starting to feel like a struggle just to turn over in bed — I can only imagine how I’ll feel in another couple of months
kiwi / 529 posts
@Kat5: I feel for you! 30 weeks on Saturday and the exhaustion and insomnia really hitting me hard. I am still working full time and I hit the bed as soon as I get home.
cherry / 105 posts
Hello fellow May Mamas! ️️ I am the worst about keeping up with HB I love hearing your updates!
As far as baby and me, we found out baby #5 is a girl! After three boys, the pink is a welcome surprise! We announced to out families at Christmas and had our baby shower two weeks ago. I'm 33 weeks today and will deliver at 36 weeks on April 5 by scheduled C-section due to my uterine complications!
Can I be added to the HB FB group? I am in a March 2015 group and we literally talk daily, so I'm excited to keep up better!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@nicollette1189: congrats on your !!! So exciting. April 5th is right around the corner!!! I wonder if you will be our first May mama to deliver?
. I’m also terrible at updating. I don’t really use Facebook either at the moment. I’ve been totally knocked out by a cold/virus this past week and I’m just getting back to feeling better
I had an appointment today, Baby is breech, but doctor was not concerned. Otherwise everything is “perfect” and she’s measuring about 3lbs
cherry / 105 posts
@magnolia: thanks! Three weeks from today and I'm not at all prepared
kiwi / 529 posts
@nicollette1189: Congrats! So exciting!
I also just found out last week that I will have a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks. My first was a emergency c-section after 28 hours of labor. I wanted to try for VBAC with this one (thought this whole time that is what we'd be doing) but I am happy as long as me and baby girl are safe. That's all that matters in the long run!
kiwi / 529 posts
how are all you mamas doing? It's getting so close now! I'm just 4 weeks and 5 days away from my scheduled c-section unless she decides to show up early (hoping not too early!) I didn't join the FB group because I no longer have FB just IG so i'll have to keep in touch on here!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@paigeface: I’m good! Counting down. Baby is head down at last appointment. Got my hair cut today and feeling cute. I’m trying to wrap everything up at work. I have the week after Easter off so I’m planning to set up all her stuff and do some serious nesting that week.
I’m not on fb group either but I hope to see some baby announcements rolling in soon! Hope everyone is well
ETA: still having tons of Braxton Hicks
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